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Leucos May 12th, 2020 08:09 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Grumbling like a grumpy child ( yes another switch ) "no fair! It was my ears fault ...stupid ...stupid .." mumbling the last part as he slid down. Pouting with a tail slash "your turn " he huffed. He felt like throwing a temper tantrum right then and there. Closing his eyes , his tail twitched with irritation all the while.

dionysus May 12th, 2020 08:57 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Fleetwind merely chuckled and dashed off to find his hiding spot. He needed one just as good as Elmspark’s had been. Yet... he barely had any time to think! Nor did he feel like coating himself in mud... In the end, Fleetwind decided to scurry up the small incline of the creek, drowning his scent in the water, and curl up behind a boulder, going so far as to cover himself in the pebbles by the water as best as he could in the short time frame.

Leucos May 12th, 2020 09:08 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Opening his eyes , Elmspark padded off . A serious gaze on his gentle features, the warrior prowled the grounds , not missing in anything ..or trying not to. Placing his paws on a base of a different tree, hoping that Fleetwind would go for the same place. Huffing in disappointment , the warrior hopped off and padded closer to the creek itself . "come out ~" he sing songed. Seeing a shadow in the creek he pounced into the water only to turn up with nothing. Grumbling once more he slashed at the water and searched further. That's when he just decided to sniff him out.

dionysus May 13th, 2020 10:53 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Fleetwind poked his head up above the boulder and snickered, watching Elmspark root around the creek looking for him. The movement sent a few of the pebbles he’d cast over his body tumbling down to clatter on the other stones. Fleetwind cursed quietly and ducked back down, hoping that Elmspark hadn’t heard.

Terrestrial May 15th, 2020 09:08 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Silent paws were approaching Sageflurry. The toms tail flicked as he emerged from the bushes, "Well hello, Sageflurry was it?" Hollowedaster mewed taking a sit nest to the molly. His white flecked coat was fluffed up in a mess as he hadn't any time to groom.

"Peaceful day is it? It'd be only better if Flamepelt were here...." The last sentence was a low mumble as he stared off into the sky. @Starbot

Starfall May 15th, 2020 09:19 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Wolfie (Post 699361)
Silent paws were approaching Sageflurry. The toms tail flicked as he emerged from the bushes, "Well hello, Sageflurry was it?" Hollowedaster mewed taking a sit nest to the molly. His white flecked coat was fluffed up in a mess as he hadn't any time to groom.

"Peaceful day is it? It'd be only better if Flamepelt were here...." The last sentence was a low mumble as he stared off into the sky. @Starbot

Her ears twitched as she heard a pair of pawsteps approaching, cracking open an eye she saw a familiar face. Turning her head she gave the tom a soft smile. "Hello Hollwedaster. You're absolutely correct, it's gorgeous out today, The creek feels wonderful on my paws." she hummed, sinking further into her front legs, almost to the point where the bottom part of her cheek was touching the ground.

However a confused expression overtook her peaceful one. Lifting her head Sageflurry gave the tom a judging look. "Flamepelt? Doesn't sound too familiar." she stated.

Elementals May 17th, 2020 09:22 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Seedcrush growled in his head and invited the apprentice to follow him. He lead them down the creek to the Windclan territory. "Here is where Windclan lives, take a good look and do not cross the borders."

~dust~ May 18th, 2020 06:18 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Elementals (Post 701021)

Seedcrush growled in his head and invited the apprentice to follow him. He lead them down the creek to the Windclan territory. "Here is where Windclan lives, take a good look and do not cross the borders."

“Okay” she said she sniffed the border then mumbles to herself “I might be half wind clan but I’m loyal to thunderclan”.She turns to her mentor and says wear “next”

Elementals May 18th, 2020 01:33 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Quailsong (Post 701261)
“Okay” she said she sniffed the border then mumbles to herself “I might be half wind clan but I’m loyal to thunderclan”.She turns to her mentor and says wear “next”

Seedcrush glanced at her with dark slits in his eyes, "I hope you keep that promise young one. I am pretty sure you know how to identify a Windclan cat so we can move on." He huffed and told her to follow him to the border of Riverclan. After what happened with that stupid warrior, Riverclan's friendship with Thunderclan was half ruined. He showed her where Riverclan lived with their strong scent of fish and strange shiny dens. "Here lies that home of Riverclan, how you can identify any Riverclan cat is by their glossy fur and rounded bellies. Plus maybe their fishy scent." Seedcrush paused and continued, "Skyclan merged with Riverclan like 11 moons ago, you can identify a Skyclan cat. They tend to have strong hind-leg so they can hunt above grounds." He let her explore the border and trusted that she wouldn't dare cross the line.

~dust~ May 18th, 2020 01:37 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
She sniffed the border and asked curiously “Why did SkyClan merge with a Riverclan how come they don’t just have there own clan”she looked across the border curiously @Elementals

Cobra May 18th, 2020 01:40 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Thornclaw paced back and forth nervously. Would Bubblepudge live? [OPEN]

Elementals May 18th, 2020 01:54 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Quailsong (Post 701627)
She sniffed the border and asked curiously “Why did SkyClan merge with a Riverclan how come they don’t just have there own clan”she looked across the border curiously @Elementals

Seedcrush looked at Dustpaw with disappointment in his eyes. He guessed since she was half Windclan, she wouldn't know much about Riverclan and Skyclan since she already had stuff to worry about. "Skyclan didn't have enough cats to support their clan. They were easily invaded and all so Riverclan and Skyclan agreed to merge. That is probably why one of the reasons why Riverclan has the most cats is because of the merge. Now, are you done exploring?"He didn't wait for an answer and turn towards the Shadowclan border to let her see it.

~dust~ May 18th, 2020 02:27 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Elementals (Post 701657)
Seedcrush looked at Dustpaw with disappointment in his eyes. He guessed since she was half Windclan, she wouldn't know much about Riverclan and Skyclan since she already had stuff to worry about. "Skyclan didn't have enough cats to support their clan. They were easily invaded and all so Riverclan and Skyclan agreed to merge. That is probably why one of the reasons why Riverclan has the most cats is because of the merge. Now, are you done exploring?"He didn't wait for an answer and turn towards the Shadowclan border to let her see it.

She pads after her mentor and says “yes I’m ready” she looks at riverclan on more time then pads away.

Puddle~ May 25th, 2020 09:33 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Sycamorerain made sure Snowmist was following him as they approached the creek. He could tell they were getting close as the gentle trickling of the shallow water increased slightly in volume. Then, he could see it coming up a couple of fox-lengths ahead. Emerging from the trees, the warrior let a bright smile appear on his face. He hadn't been to this place for quite a significant length of time, but it was exactly how he had remembered it. As quaint and peaceful as ever. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the tree canopy, creating mesmerizing and sparkly reflections on the water's surface. And the way that the clear water flowed along through the forest, with tiny fish occasionally darting by. He smirked a little. Snowmist would probably have some fun chasing those. And if she did, he might join her. It was a hot day, so splashing his paws around in the water sounded nice and refreshing. "Alright, now that we're here, what do ya say we maybe splash around in the creek a little bit?"

cloudii May 25th, 2020 09:39 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 709524)

Sycamorerain made sure Snowmist was following him as they approached the creek. He could tell they were getting close as the gentle trickling of the shallow water increased slightly in volume. Then, he could see it coming up a couple of fox-lengths ahead. Emerging from the trees, the warrior let a bright smile appear on his face. He hadn't been to this place for quite a significant length of time, but it was exactly how he had remembered it. As quaint and peaceful as ever. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the tree canopy, creating mesmerizing and sparkly reflections on the water's surface. And the way that the clear water flowed along through the forest, with tiny fish occasionally darting by. He smirked a little. Snowmist would probably have some fun chasing those. And if she did, he might join her. It was a hot day, so splashing his paws around in the water sounded nice and refreshing. "Alright, now that we're here, what do ya say we maybe splash around in the creek a little bit?"

Her eyes lit up. "YES!" She splashed in, her whole face lit up. "Wow! This place is the BEST!" She clawed at one of the fish, then jumped as one bumped her paw. She quickly sent a wave with her tail, driving it away from her. "Haha you LOSE!" She said, licking her paws.

Puddle~ May 25th, 2020 09:47 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by -Cloud- (Post 709530)
Her eyes lit up. "YES!" She splashed in, her whole face lit up. "Wow! This place is the BEST!" She clawed at one of the fish, then jumped as one bumped her paw. She quickly sent a wave with her tail, driving it away from her. "Haha you LOSE!" She said, licking her paws.

Sycamorerain was a little surprised at how quickly Snowmist zoomed into the creek, trying to catch a few fish, and in turn, sending a misty spray of water towards the land where he was still standing. "I lose??" He hadn't originally intended for them to make this into a competition, but since they were already there and didn't exactly have anything else to do, then why not? "Alright, you're on!" Smirking he waded into the creek and waited for one of the tiny minnows to zoom by. Spotting one coming down the flow of the stream, he quickly scooped it up with his paw, making sure to also send a large shower of droplets raining down on Snowmist. "Haha! You sure about me being the loser?!"

cloudii May 25th, 2020 09:55 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 709539)
Sycamorerain was a little surprised at how quickly Snowmist zoomed into the creek, trying to catch a few fish, and in turn, sending a misty spray of water towards the land where he was still standing. "I lose??" He hadn't originally intended for them to make this into a competition, but since they were already there and didn't exactly have anything else to do, then why not? "Alright, you're on!" Smirking he waded into the creek and waited for one of the tiny minnows to zoom by. Spotting one coming down the flow of the stream, he quickly scooped it up with his paw, making sure to also send a large shower of droplets raining down on Snowmist. "Haha! You sure about me being the loser?!"

She had a playful, but outraged look on her face, and she put a paw on her chest. She flicked water at him, then pounced on him playfully, since the stream wan't too deep. "No! I'm gonna win!" She growled, trying to bowl him over. She touched her nose to his accidentally, but didnt notice.

Puddle~ May 26th, 2020 10:37 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by -Cloud- (Post 709544)
She had a playful, but outraged look on her face, and she put a paw on her chest. She flicked water at him, then pounced on him playfully, since the stream wan't too deep. "No! I'm gonna win!" She growled, trying to bowl him over. She touched her nose to his accidentally, but didnt notice.

"Whoa!" Not expecting the molly to attempt to knock him over, Sycamorerain hadn't gotten a chance to get a good grip on the bed of the creek. Before he could even react, he felt a light wham in his side, but combined with his lackluster grip, it was enough to send him toppling over. Squinting he got back up, one side of his pelt now dripping with water. It was refreshing, he had to admit, but he would've preferred keeping his pelt dry for the most part. Letting out a playful growl, he turned around so the wet side of his body faced Snowmist, before violently shaking it out, aiming to send a spray of water in the other warrior's direction.

cloudii May 26th, 2020 10:52 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 709937)
"Whoa!" Not expecting the molly to attempt to knock him over, Sycamorerain hadn't gotten a chance to get a good grip on the bed of the creek. Before he could even react, he felt a light wham in his side, but combined with his lackluster grip, it was enough to send him toppling over. Squinting he got back up, one side of his pelt now dripping with water. It was refreshing, he had to admit, but he would've preferred keeping his pelt dry for the most part. Letting out a playful growl, he turned around so the wet side of his body faced Snowmist, before violently shaking it out, aiming to send a spray of water in the other warrior's direction.

She giggled, and nuzzled him. Her pelt sparkled with beads of water, and she dunked her head into the stream, lapping water. "Mmm!" She said, a bright smile on her face. The small molly hopped out of the water. "That was fun!" She said, her tail waving happily.

Puddle~ May 26th, 2020 12:43 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by -Cloud- (Post 709951)

She giggled, and nuzzled him. Her pelt sparkled with beads of water, and she dunked her head into the stream, lapping water. "Mmm!" She said, a bright smile on her face. The small molly hopped out of the water. "That was fun!" She said, her tail waving happily.

Pulling himself out of the shallow creek, Sycamorerain shook the remaining beads of water from his pelt, before plopping down in a sunny spot on the bank. "Yes, yes it was." The sun felt nice on his still damp pelt, its warm rays drying off the last few wet bits of fur. Smiling, the warrior stretched himself to enjoy the sun and the serenity of the location.

cloudii May 26th, 2020 12:49 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 710076)
Pulling himself out of the shallow creek, Sycamorerain shook the remaining beads of water from his pelt, before plopping down in a sunny spot on the bank. "Yes, yes it was." The sun felt nice on his still damp pelt, its warm rays drying off the last few wet bits of fur. Smiling, the warrior stretched himself to enjoy the sun and the serenity of the location.

Snowmist sat next to him, her fur brushing his. She purred loudly, then curled up next to him, looking up at the sky, her tail waving slowly. "He's a good cat!" She thought, smiling. She purred louder as the sun hit her pelt.

Puddle~ May 26th, 2020 01:50 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by -Cloud- (Post 710083)

Snowmist sat next to him, her fur brushing his. She purred loudly, then curled up next to him, looking up at the sky, her tail waving slowly. "He's a good cat!" She thought, smiling. She purred louder as the sun hit her pelt.

Yawning, Sycamorerain realized that he must be tired from trying to keep up with Snowmist's abundance of energy. A little nap in the sun wouldn't hurt, right? Napping out here in the peaceful setting wasn't a whole lot different than napping in the clearing or the warriors' den back at camp. So, he supposed this would be fine. Closing his eyes, he smiled and dozed off under the warm soothing rays of the sun.

cloudii May 26th, 2020 02:16 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 710175)
Yawning, Sycamorerain realized that he must be tired from trying to keep up with Snowmist's abundance of energy. A little nap in the sun wouldn't hurt, right? Napping out here in the peaceful setting wasn't a whole lot different than napping in the clearing or the warriors' den back at camp. So, he supposed this would be fine. Closing his eyes, he smiled and dozed off under the warm soothing rays of the sun.

Snowmist looked at the sleeping cat. "Cute." She mewed, then curled up tighter, purring. She then needed water, so she lapped at the stream. "Maybe I should hunt?" She came back with a tiny mouse, and a squirrel.

Puddle~ May 26th, 2020 04:31 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by -Cloud- (Post 710193)

Snowmist looked at the sleeping cat. "Cute." She mewed, then curled up tighter, purring. She then needed water, so she lapped at the stream. "Maybe I should hunt?" She came back with a tiny mouse, and a squirrel.

The delicious aroma of plump juicy prey caused Sycamorerain to begin to stir. Fluttering his eyelids open, he saw Snowmist approaching, a mouse and a squirrel carried in her jaws. By the time he had gotten up, he realized that the sky had lost some of its brightness. How long had he napped for? It didn't really matter. They should probably get heading to camp nonetheless. "Hey, uhh. Do ya think we should start heading back to camp? It looks like the sky is slowly getting a little darker. We've been out here for a while I think."

cloudii May 26th, 2020 05:55 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 710310)
The delicious aroma of plump juicy prey caused Sycamorerain to begin to stir. Fluttering his eyelids open, he saw Snowmist approaching, a mouse and a squirrel carried in her jaws. By the time he had gotten up, he realized that the sky had lost some of its brightness. How long had he napped for? It didn't really matter. They should probably get heading to camp nonetheless. "Hey, uhh. Do ya think we should start heading back to camp? It looks like the sky is slowly getting a little darker. We've been out here for a while I think."

[SO sorry for the late reply! ]
"Oh...yeah! Sure!" Snowmist mewed happily, picking up the prey. "D-do you wanna share one of these when we get back?" She said, tilting her head, while slowly padding towards the camp. The last rays of sunlight hit the dew on her pelt, making it look like she was sparkling.

Puddle~ May 26th, 2020 06:45 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by -Cloud- (Post 710370)

[SO sorry for the late reply! ]
"Oh...yeah! Sure!" Snowmist mewed happily, picking up the prey. "D-do you wanna share one of these when we get back?" She said, tilting her head, while slowly padding towards the camp. The last rays of sunlight hit the dew on her pelt, making it look like she was sparkling.

[you're fine, it really wasn't even late]

Sycamorerain sat up and gave himself a quick groom to get the last few droplets of water out of the pesky thick clumps of fur. "Sure. Maybe we'll share the squirrel and put the mouse on the fresh-kill pile." Smiling, he got to his feet and began walking back to camp.

cloudii May 26th, 2020 06:55 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 710400)
[you're fine, it really wasn't even late]

Sycamorerain sat up and gave himself a quick groom to get the last few droplets of water out of the pesky thick clumps of fur. "Sure. Maybe we'll share the squirrel and put the mouse on the fresh-kill pile." Smiling, he got to his feet and began walking back to camp.

"Okay!" Snowmist meowed, arriving in camp. She sat the mouse down, and dragged the squirrel to a nice shady spot under a rock.
[I guess mention me in the camp?]

Sorrow May 29th, 2020 10:45 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Emberheart bounded up to the creek, chasing a vole. Get back here! she hissed playfully, putting her paw down it and killing it with a swift blow. Emberheart picked it up in her jaws and turned to Fawnfrost.
@~Lucid Dreams~

lucidense May 29th, 2020 10:57 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
"Good catch!" She called, and she spotted a vole scuffling about. She crept up on it, pouncing and swiftly killing it. She dug a hole into the ground, burying the vole for later. She would look about for some more prey. @~Splash~

Sorrow May 29th, 2020 11:12 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[ @~Lucid Dreams~ ]
Emberheart set down her vole and scraped earth over it, returning to the hunt. Hoping to catch another vole, she crept closer to the creek, suddenly freezing. The ginger warrior lifted her muzzle to taste the air. Fox. Somewhat fresh. She stared into the stream, and caught a glimpse of orange fur. Fox fur? Fawnfrost, she whispered, You might want to come and look at this.

lucidense May 29th, 2020 11:17 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Fawnfrost trotted over, scenting the fox. "Fox fur.." She murmured. "We better keep an eye out- for now, let's just keep hunting." She mewed. @~Splash~

Sorrow May 29th, 2020 05:16 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[ @~Lucid Dreams~ ]
Emberheart nodded and turned away to find a water vole. She crept up on it silently and pounced, killing it with a swift bite. The ginger warrior kept looking over her shoulder as she kept hunting, ready to fight if she needed to.

lucidense May 29th, 2020 05:44 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
She sniffed the air, detecting a mouse. She'd silent nip its neck, picking it up. "Think we should go back now?" She mewed, a bit muffled from the mouse. @~Splash~

Sorrow May 29th, 2020 05:51 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[ @~Lucid Dreams~ ]
Emberheart turned to Fawnfrost and nodded, her forepaw rushing over the earth to uncover the other vole. She picked one of the voles up in her jaws and mewed, her voice muffled, Lets go. I'll come back for the other vole.

lucidense May 29th, 2020 06:23 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
(Timeskip to where we put away the prey)

"Let's go tell Softbriar." She mewed, padding back to camp. (Move rp to Patrol Reports) @~Splash~

a1axis June 6th, 2020 10:16 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Twigleg walked along the bubbling creek, the quiet serenity of the water, along with the sun dappling the ground made the she-cat grateful for Thunderclan to have this on their territory, It wasn't often she spent her time here either, but the tabby she-cat wanted a break away from the bustle of camp, especially after such a sporadic meeting called by Duskstar. With a deep breath, the molly sat in the warm grass, the sun-warming her fur, nearly making her doze off.

//Open for anyone to hop in and chat with Twigleg!

Madelaine June 6th, 2020 10:35 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by a1axis (Post 720659)
Twigleg walked along the bubbling creek, the quiet serenity of the water, along with the sun dappling the ground made the she-cat grateful for Thunderclan to have this on their territory, It wasn't often she spent her time here either, but the tabby she-cat wanted a break away from the bustle of camp, especially after such a sporadic meeting called by Duskstar. With a deep breath, the molly sat in the warm grass, the sun-warming her fur, nearly making her doze off.

//Open for anyone to hop in and chat with Twigleg!

Linnetwing was walking when she saw a cat sitting by herself. It had been a while since she had talked to a warrior of her clan, since the whole being dead before. The silver tabby cat padded up to her. "Hello Twigleg. How is everything?", she asked. Linnetwing looked down at the water, seeing her reflection, but that wasn't what amazed her. The water was just so beautiful.

a1axis June 6th, 2020 10:41 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by Sparkling Bliss (Post 720672)
Linnetwing was walking when she saw a cat sitting by herself. It had been a while since she had talked to a warrior of her clan, since the whole being dead before. The silver tabby cat padded up to her. "Hello Twigleg. How is everything?", she asked. Linnetwing looked down at the water, seeing her reflection, but that wasn't what amazed her. The water was just so beautiful.

Twigleg jumped at the sudden voice, turning to face Linnetwing and giving them a small smile as they approached. "Oh- Hello. Sorry, I didn't hear you walking up Linnetwing, you gave me a spook alright." She mewed, her tail swaying happily. She joined the silver tabby in looking down the the creek, the shining water bubbling along. "It really is beautiful today isn't it? You can join me in relaxing here if you'd like."

Madelaine June 7th, 2020 09:59 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[ @a1axis; ]

Linnetwing hadn't tried to scare her, but she did. She would let it go now that the matter seemed to have been forgotten. The molly settled down beside the other. "I missed the creek quite a bit while I was uh gone, so I guess I forgot how beautiful it was.", Linnetwing meowed. She left out the fact that she had just come back from starclan.

a1axis June 8th, 2020 09:20 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
[@sparkling bliss]

"Indeed, it really is something to admire..." Twigleg mewed, a purr rumbling in her throat. She always enjoyed the beauty of nature, really, and loved being a warrior as well. She could never quite understand the life of being indoors like a kittypet. Twigleg was curious of their 'disappearance' but didn't want to pry, maybe she would ask when she's more comfortable... "Did you visit the creek often before then? I know that my mother would come out here with me in my early warrior days, she always talked about it while I was in the nursery too."

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