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MockingRabbit October 28th, 2023 02:52 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Katiethewolfchild (Post 1494290)
Sunleap led Dreampaw to the haggard ruins. Smelling a mouse the 67 moon old tom meowed what do you smell, remembering that his apprentice had said that he wanted to hunt a mouse. @GhostCop

//I forgot about this;-; I'll just get my whole post done now, then you make a post and report the patrol!
Dreampaw padded behind his mentor, happy to be out of camp again. His paw, which he hurt in the battle at cattail pond after he had fallen in it, was mostly healed now, though the wound was still pink and hairless. It didn't hurt when he put his weight on it.

Haggard Ruins. This was the spot where the old camp used to be, right? He just had to be careful not to fall in it. He stopped beside his mentor, listened and sniffed the air. Well, what could he smell? He could taste the moisture in the air, the garlic in his fur, the tangy plants, earth... He opened his mouth to start listing, then remembered that they were actually on a hunting patrol. So that meant they were looking for prey, and Sunleap wanted him to smell for prey, not dandy lions. Yeah... That makes sense.
He realised he was taking forever, that Sunleap was still waiting for him to answer. He tasted the air again, searching for the scents he would usually find in the preypile. "Ummmm. Prey?" He needed to be more specific. "Err, mouse, maybe?" Hey, hadn't he been talking about mouse earlier? Yeah, that was right, he wanted to catch one! "Should I go catch it?" He asked, then promptly forgot to wait for an answer and set off anyway.

He had done this in his dreams, and it wasn't too hard! He set off at a run to where he smelled it, expecting it to just bee there and he could pounce on it. That wasn't the case. He heard a rustle and it was gone. He chased after it, heedless to any of his mentor's calls should he had tried. Time skip, and a panting Dreampaw finally padded back, proudly holding a dead mouse in his jaws, having exhausted it out. "Go' i'!" He yowled through the mouse fur. He set it down. "Should I get another one?" But he was in no state to do that, for he had exhausted himself too.
//... What? Did I write all of this? Nonono, he did. *Points at empty air, then flees*

Katiethewolfchild October 28th, 2023 03:06 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Sunleao was about to meow yes when his apprentice headed off after the mouse. When the mouuse ran off and his apprentice ran off after the mouse he called out Dreampaw, scared that the apprentice would get lost. When the apprentice didn't respond to his call he sniffed for some prey. By the time the apprentice finally came back he had managed to catch two moles and one mouse. He was relieved when his apprentice returned safe and sound, with a mouse in his jaw. He meowed no, that's enough, noticing that his apprentice looked tired after chasing the mouse. @GhostCop

Goopysharkboi October 28th, 2023 03:37 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Rateye and Brokenheart had simply been on a walk. Brokenheart had almost fallen in the pit twice now and Rateye was worrying.

Apollo. November 3rd, 2023 04:30 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by spookywynds (Post 1492814)

yarrowcrest // he/him // 19 moons
purrks: mind reader [INACTIVE], flock together tier 1 [ACTIVE]


A bit bossy but he didn't mind the instruction. For what feels like the 100th time this morning, he nods to her in understanding and slowly begins creeping off toward the right. Ears are perked in high alert and his jaw hangs open as he scents for prey in the grasses around the silent pit, bright blue hues scanning the underbrush for any sign of movement. This time of year squirrels were getting nice and fat for the winter... Not many birds, as they were beginning to fly somewhere far away to escape the cold. When the scent of squirrel hits him, it has his fur standing on edge. First sign of prey. Not too far off. Scenting the wind, he turns his head in the direction of the small animal and begins to creep silently.

Hunkered amongst the grasses, he watches the fat squirrel nibble on it's acorn in an attempt to get to it's delicious center. He creeps forward, a paw clumsily stepping onto a fallen leaf that causes him to freeze... But even though the squirrel stares him dead in the eye, it doesn't move. So he takes the opportunity to pounce at it, catching it in between both paws and delivering a swift bite to end it's life.

| Larchflame |
Warrior - ThC - She/her
( Very very sorry! I'll extend the patrol by three days, and need be we can extend it further!! )

Wet leaves tangled themselves throughout her pelt as she pushed herself through the bushes and brush, the undergrowth on the right side was far denser than what she had expected, yet even as a stick drove itself into her side she refused to back out and find an easier route. Her pride was already beaten up enough.

She managed to get through unscathed, well- relatively unscathed, there was a small nick on her leg, but it wasn't bleeding. Now searching for prey scent lines or any sound that might help her find a morsel or two, Larchflame padded about three tail lengths away from the pit of death's edge, her mind wondering as she went. It was mostly about her missing brother, about her parents, you know, normal stuff to be worrying about, but there was also regret about not being more diligent about her apprentice Treepaws training. She had been entrusted to help create a new warrior, yet she had well and truely been falling behind where she should be with her mentorship. Larchflame sighed, if she was her own mentor she would be complaining to Bumblestar the day after she got her mentor reassignment.

Larchflame was so stuck in her own thoughts she barely noticed when a shrew pretty much collided into her face first, yet thanks to her subconscious reflexes she managed to slam her paw down on it. It wriggled and writhed frantically under her weight, she watched it for a moment, still trying to process what had happened, before reaching down and killing it swiftly. That was weird. She poked the fresh kill, puzzled, and then flipped it over with one outstretched claw. Its not sick, is it? Sniffing it gingerly had proven that it didn't carry any kind of scent similar to that of the poison she had helped Springpaw gather the other day. Really weird.. She picked it up carefully by its tail and moved on, her eyes drifting over the heather bush it had run out of as she passed it.

[ +1 'weird' shrew ]

Beaan November 5th, 2023 10:44 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
(Herb patrol - @Leafy @peach )

Wildtwist nodded as his patrolmates gathered before leading them out of camp. Leaf never liked Haggard Ruins, ever since it caused the clan to leave their home. “So, best get lookin. And remember, keep your distance. I don’t care if you think you can stand by the edge just fine, I don’t want to risk any injuries or accidents,” he growled, glancing at leafpaw. After loosing her tail, leaf was definitely going to stick close to her.

(Im soo sorry I thought I posted this :sob: )

Kix November 5th, 2023 02:17 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Dark brown Siamese-Abyssinian-Turkish Angora mix ▵ She/Her

Leafpaw trailed after her mentor once in a while looking behind her to see where Chikadeesong was. After the fox incident, she had been iffy about anything behind her. That was how the fox had gotten to her in the first place, too focused on what was in front of her to notice her backside. Well, now she wouldn't make that mistake again she had learned it the hard way. "I don't go looking for trouble!" she stared at Wildtwist, seeing the look that he had sent her. She did not look for trouble when it came to those foxes, she would have avoided it if it were up to her. With a sigh, she nosed around the brushes looking for the herbs that Springpaw had described.

@peach @Bean_The_Transformer
══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══

Swiftheart <3 November 8th, 2023 08:27 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Rainkit ran straight into the haggard ruins,she was about to run straight into the pit though, she could be hurt. Luckily she saw the pit and avoided it, running farther away, but still within old camp. She was panting and ploped down RIGHT NEXT to the pit.

Starphobia November 9th, 2023 07:11 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 (Post 1500898)
Rainkit ran straight into the haggard ruins,she was about to run straight into the pit though, she could be hurt. Luckily she saw the pit and avoided it, running farther away, but still within old camp. She was panting and ploped down RIGHT NEXT to the pit.

"Rainkit!" Flaxkit yowled. "Rainkit, where are you?"
He knew such place was too dangerous for a little kit like her, and he couldn't bare to see Rainkit get hurt.
He turned to Moonheart, as if asking for advice.

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 08:32 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Starphobia (Post 1501055)
"Rainkit!" Flaxkit yowled. "Rainkit, where are you?"
He knew such place was too dangerous for a little kit like her, and he couldn't bare to see Rainkit get hurt.
He turned to Moonheart, as if asking for advice.

Moonheart’s eyes were wide with fear. “Rainkit. Rainkit! Get away from there it’s dangerous!” Moonheart called. Rainkit looked up, her fur brushed up. She hissed at Moonheart “leave me alone!” Rainkit hissed. “Rainkit…” Moonheart said. Rainkit unsheathed her claws.

Starphobia November 9th, 2023 08:45 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 (Post 1501105)
Moonheart’s eyes were wide with fear. “Rainkit. Rainkit! Get away from there it’s dangerous!” Moonheart called. Rainkit looked up, her fur brushed up. She hissed at Moonheart “leave me alone!” Rainkit hissed. “Rainkit…” Moonheart said. Rainkit unsheathed her claws.

Flaxkit stared at Rainkit with fear and concern in his eyes, and his shifted his paws on the ground.
"Rainkit, please..." He murmured. "It's going to be fine..."
He stepped closer to the white furred kit, his claws where still sheathed and his tail hovered above the ground.

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 08:48 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Starphobia (Post 1501115)

Flaxkit stared at Rainkit with fear and concern in his eyes, and his shifted his paws on the ground.
"Rainkit, please..." He murmured. "It's going to be fine..."
He stepped closer to the white furred kit, his claws where still sheathed and his tail hovered above the ground.

"Flaxkit, just leave me alone! It's not gonna be fine! What if my brother dies? What if he's mentally ill? You're telling me it's gonna be fine but It WON'T. Nobody knows if it will! You don't know what it feels like to know you could lose your sibling!" Rainkit snapped.
(Ooc: Rainkit can't handle this right now and she's taking her anger out on others poor girl </3 )

Omari November 9th, 2023 09:10 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Drizzlecloud had been passing by, searching for herbs–it was always nice to step outside for a little while by herself, and that's exactly what she was doing right now. As she passed by the remains of Thunderclan's previous camp, she heard... Voices. It wouldn't be so odd, sometimes clanmates liked to visit she supposed, reminisce and what-not... But those voices sounded young, and the scent that she caught was similar to that of the nursery. Milky.

Nosing her way through the entrance of the ruins–if you could call it an entrance, that is, her eyes went wide at the sight of two kits and a warrior. Moonheart, Rainkit and Flaxkit.

"Flaxkit, Rainkit, take a step away from the pit, please." She spoke gently to the kits as she approached, nosing them closer to her sides before she sent Moonheart a harsh stare. "Moonheart, we are taking these kits home. You know not to take kits out of camp, or at least, you should know better. Back to camp–now."

@Swiftheart<3 @Starphobia

Starphobia November 9th, 2023 09:12 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 (Post 1501117)
"Flaxkit, just leave me alone! It's not gonna be fine! What if my brother dies? What if he's mentally ill? You're telling me it's gonna be fine but It WON'T. Nobody knows if it will! You don't know what it feels like to know you could lose your sibling!" Rainkit snapped.
(Ooc: Rainkit can't handle this right now and she's taking her anger out on others poor girl </3 )

Flaxkit flinched. His mind flashed back to Sparkpaw and Twistedkit, his siblings.
"..." He didn't say anything. He stepped back, lowering his head. Sparkpaw and Twistedkit were so young... And now he was the only one left.
"You're right, I'll never understand." He said.

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 09:19 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Starphobia (Post 1501141)
Flaxkit flinched. His mind flashed back to Sparkpaw and Twistedkit, his siblings.
"..." He didn't say anything. He stepped back, lowering his head. Sparkpaw and Twistedkit were so young... And now he was the only one left.
"You're right, I'll never understand." He said.

Rainkit collapsed on the ground and started to sob.

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 09:21 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1501138)

Drizzlecloud had been passing by, searching for herbs–it was always nice to step outside for a little while by herself, and that's exactly what she was doing right now. As she passed by the remains of Thunderclan's previous camp, she heard... Voices. It wouldn't be so odd, sometimes clanmates liked to visit she supposed, reminisce and what-not... But those voices sounded young, and the scent that she caught was similar to that of the nursery. Milky.

Nosing her way through the entrance of the ruins–if you could call it an entrance, that is, her eyes went wide at the sight of two kits and a warrior. Moonheart, Rainkit and Flaxkit.

"Flaxkit, Rainkit, take a step away from the pit, please." She spoke gently to the kits as she approached, nosing them closer to her sides before she sent Moonheart a harsh stare. "Moonheart, we are taking these kits home. You know not to take kits out of camp, or at least, you should know better. Back to camp–now."

@Swiftheart<3 @Starphobia

"Hello Drizzlecloud. Me and Flaxkit were actually chasing after Rainkit because she.. ran off... but we probably should get to the medicine den and check on cloudkit.." Moonheart said.

Starphobia November 9th, 2023 09:22 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 (Post 1501147)
Rainkit collapsed on the ground and started to sob.

Flaxkit completely ignored Drizzlecloud. His mind was only on Rainkit. He wanted to do anything he could to help her, but he couldn't. Whatever he did just made her feel even worse. He was better off not saying anything.
Flaxkit just stood there, staring down at Rainkit, with concern and worry in his eyes.

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 09:25 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Starphobia (Post 1501152)

Flaxkit completely ignored Drizzlecloud. His mind was only on Rainkit. He wanted to do anything he could to help her, but he couldn't. Whatever he did just made her feel even worse. He was better off not saying anything.
Flaxkit just stood there, staring down at Rainkit, with concern and worry in his eyes.

Rainkit let her claws dig into the ground. She ignored Drizzlecloud as well. She cursed the stars for her luck, she didn't even know if Cloudkit was ok let alone if SHE was ok! She couldn't take care of herself anymore, not if Cloudkit wasn't ok! She let herself shut down completely.

Omari November 9th, 2023 09:47 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Drizzlecloud sighed, addressing the warrior again. "Whatever did happen, you should not have allowed Flaxkit to follow. It's not safe out here for them. We can discuss this more at home, it's safer."

She glanced down at the kits. Two crying kits. "C'mon, you two. You can talk more about–whatever is going on here–at home. It's safer there. This place is very dangerous."

@Swiftheart<3 @Starphobia

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 09:51 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1501168)

Drizzlecloud sighed, addressing the warrior again. "Whatever did happen, you should not have allowed Flaxkit to follow. It's not safe out here for them. We can discuss this more at home, it's safer."

She glanced down at the kits. Two crying kits. "C'mon, you two. You can talk more about–whatever is going on here–at home. It's safer there. This place is very dangerous."

@Swiftheart<3 @Starphobia

"C'mon, rainkit, flaxkit" Moonheart said, using her tail to guide the kits away from the pit and back to camp.
@Starphobia @Omari

Starphobia November 9th, 2023 10:07 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 (Post 1501171)
"C'mon, rainkit, flaxkit" Moonheart said, using her tail to guide the kits away from the pit and back to camp.
@Starphobia @Omari

Flaxkit shut his eyes and thought
StarClan, forgive me for what I am about to do...

He hissed and swat Moonheart's tail away, walking over to where Rainkit was and shielded her with his body. His tail swayed from side to side, his ears were pinned and his eyes were slit.

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 10:35 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Starphobia (Post 1501184)
Flaxkit shut his eyes and thought
StarClan, forgive me for what I am about to do...

He hissed and swat Moonheart's tail away, walking over to where Rainkit was and shielded her with his body. His tail swayed from side to side, his ears were pinned and his eyes were slit.

Moonheart whipped around and narrowed her eyes.

Starphobia November 9th, 2023 11:19 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 (Post 1501203)
Moonheart whipped around and narrowed her eyes.

Flaxkit just... Stood there, his tail lashing. He knew he was acting stubborn, he knew he would have consequences to his actions. But that didn't matter currently.

Omari November 9th, 2023 11:21 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Drizzlecloud sighed yet again. Alright, they left her with no choice. She stepped closer to the kits, plucking Flackit up by the scruff and scooping Rainkit up and onto her back afterwards.

Without a word, she lashed her tail behind her before she practically stormed out of the ruins, heading home. She assumed that Moonheart would follow.

@Swiftheart<3 @Starphobia power play perms given by staff to pick up the kits. This rp will continue in thunderclan clearing after I post arriving there!

Swiftheart <3 November 9th, 2023 11:39 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1501232)

Drizzlecloud sighed yet again. Alright, they left her with no choice. She stepped closer to the kits, plucking Flackit up by the scruff and scooping Rainkit up and onto her back afterwards.

Without a word, she lashed her tail behind her before she practically stormed out of the ruins, heading home. She assumed that Moonheart would follow.

@Swiftheart<3 @Starphobia power play perms given by staff to pick up the kits. This rp will continue in thunderclan clearing after I post arriving there!

(ok thanks <3)
Moonheart did follow.

Beaan November 9th, 2023 03:33 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Wildtwist looked for a minute before spotting cobwebs and moss near a tree. They padded over and dug up the moss before carefully grabbing a stick and collecting the cobwebs on it. They bundled the moss under their chin. "Wealfaw! Wanlmyim fou fimb farry bafp," he mewed to the apprentice, muffled bythe stick and koss he was carrying. Where had chickadeesong gone off to?

[+2 moss, +3 cobweb]
( @Leafy - Leafpaw)

Kix November 9th, 2023 03:55 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Dark brown Siamese-Abyssinian-Turkish Angora mix ▵ She/Her

It took her a while as she continued to search among the brush for the first set of herbs. Yet she still found it as she smacked her face right into one that fits the description, damn that tickled. No longer wanting to wait she grabbed what she assumed was the celandine now she had at least two of them for sure. Moving on she looked further till she ran into a bush with blue little berries obviously, this was that juniper berry thing that got mentioned too. She didn't waste time once more to break off a small branch from the bush that had the most berries on it. Turning around she came back to meet up with her mentor, she wasn't sure what to do about the missing chickadeesong.

@Bean_The_Transformer [2 Celandine, 3 juniper berries]

══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══

BEAR. November 22nd, 2023 06:24 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
ThunderClan's scent here was faint.

It was odd, to Wolfpaw. To have a landmark they seemed to barely use. Maybe it was sentimental? He didn't remember the old camp well-- only Bumba, and as he entered the ruined clearing he got the impression he hadn't missed much. It remained in shambles, a combination of dirt mounds and twisted brambles, broken and unusable. The pit in the center was a gaping chasm, threatening to devour the sky itself.

He lingered near the edge of the old camp a bit, before making his way toward the center. The camp seemed eerily quiet, saved for the occasional scuffling of rodents. He didn't like it.

[ open ]

Pumpkin Latte November 22nd, 2023 08:50 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by BEAR. (Post 1507802)
ThunderClan's scent here was faint.

It was odd, to Wolfpaw. To have a landmark they seemed to barely use. Maybe it was sentimental? He didn't remember the old camp well-- only Bumba, and as he entered the ruined clearing he got the impression he hadn't missed much. It remained in shambles, a combination of dirt mounds and twisted brambles, broken and unusable. The pit in the center was a gaping chasm, threatening to devour the sky itself.

He lingered near the edge of the old camp a bit, before making his way toward the center. The camp seemed eerily quiet, saved for the occasional scuffling of rodents. He didn't like it.

[ open ]

Bonefire appeared from behind out of the shadows “ Hello child. Have you come for my training?” He purred slyly

BEAR. November 22nd, 2023 05:09 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Wolfpaw immediately did not care for the vibes this cat was giving. His hackles rose. "Speak normally or buzz off. I ain't interested in creeps."

[ @Pumpkin Latte ]

Pumpkin Latte November 22nd, 2023 05:16 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
“There’s nothing to fear. I’m just interested in trying to make apprentices better fighters isn’t that simple?” He purred @Bear

BEAR. November 23rd, 2023 07:10 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
[ Make sure you mention me !!! I have a . at the end of my name ]

Yeaaah, nah this was way too weird for Wolfpaw. It'd be one thing if they were in camp, but Bonefire was randomly approaching him in the middle of the territory, assuming he wanted to train with him specifically. Wolfpaw hardly knew this dude, just faint glimpses around camp.

But before he had a chance to speak, Goatscrunch made an appearance. "YOOUU!" The old tom bleated at Bonefire. "This ain't where the mouse-bile is!!! Didja think ya could get away, bein' a slacker??"

[ @Pumpkin Latte ]

Pumpkin Latte November 23rd, 2023 07:18 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
“Come back anytime.” He whispered to Wolfpaw so Goatscrunch couldn’t hear.

“No.I went for a walk and found this Big Bad Wolf out here.I don’t think you need any mouse bile I can smell you from here! Give it some time and that tick will just fall of from your stench!” Bonefire hissed

BEAR. November 23rd, 2023 07:47 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
??? Wolfpaw was confused and made a point to back away from Bonefire. If one wanted to scare an apprentice from a territory spot, this was probably the way to do it. He quickly left, heading back to the current camp. Maybe Bonefire could try again later, leaving out the purrs and conclusions.

Goatscrunch snorted loudly. "Are ya daft, boyo? The only reek 'round 'ere is ya, it's how I found ya. 'Sides, bile's for fleas, ain't no ticks. Ya ripped that one out." He bared his teeth at the youngster. "Now why dontcha make yerself useful and go get me some! Would've been done wit ya ages ago if ya used ya ears."

[ @Pumpkin Latte ]

Pumpkin Latte November 23rd, 2023 07:52 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
“Fine!” He growled and he stalked off into the direction of the camp. @BEAR.

BEAR. November 23rd, 2023 07:54 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
"Yeh, FINE!" Goatscrunch stalked after him, tail swishing. "I ain't leavin' ya 'til this be done!"

[ @Pumpkin Latte ]

Beaan November 26th, 2023 03:07 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
ThunderClan Hornet
Ultimate Predator Purrk: Active

The longhaired stalked over to Haggard Ruins. The former sinkhole-infested camp sent shivers up his spine. He crouched low, his one ear turning to try and pick up the sound of prey. Leafbare was approaching, ThunderClan needed all the prey it could get.

[ Wheel spun - Encountered a nest of small mice ! ]

He stalked over and spotted a puny mouse searching the undergrowth. He was about to go in for the kill when he heard more scurrying. As the mouse retreated into the undergrowth, the hornet crept over, careful not to startle the mice. When the sound grew louder, He pounced into the undergrowth, Four mice scattering. Leaf had caught two with his landing.

They left the two and pounced on a third one that rushed in front of him. The last one had gotten away, but he didn't care. Leaf had caught three mice. Puny they were, but they were prey. Satisfied, they carried their fresh kill back to camp to show spiderthroat.

[ +3 mice]
[ Punishment post - Closed ]

taillow November 26th, 2023 03:29 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
She/they | 27 moons | No purrks
It was the eventual guilt that drove her out into ThunderClan's territory, red-brown paws moving swiftly over cold ground. Redhawk kept her ears perked and eyes darting side to side just incase any predators happened to feel like sneaking up on her. Leaf-bare was inching closer and closer if the bare branches that spiraled above her were any sign. A chilling breeze ruffled her fur and quickened her stride. It had to be around here somewhere, right? Most of the territory still looked the same, so unless they had moved the borders it should be right-


Paws cresting the edge of the destruction, Redhawk nearly choked back a sob as green eyes finally rested on the sight of the former camp. Debris was everywhere - twisted roots and decaying brambles, a cluster of ground that had been torn up and discarded. In the center of it all was a gaping hole, shrouded mostly from sight by the willow branches that hung in front of it. Red had heard rumors about the destruction since she'd returned, but seeing it... her heart ached at all the memories lost.

This was the camp where she had been raised alongside her sister. This was the camp where they had finally shoved ShadowClan out of their fur, where they had returned after reclaiming Firefly Cove. This was where her whole life had been and now it was just... gone. Gone, gone, gone.

Eventually the pain of looking became to great and Redhawk turned away, rushing forward quickly and retching into the nearby undergrowth. Her whole body shook and for the first time she wondered if this destruction had harmed her sister. Because if Gentledoe was gone, too... she wasn't sure if she would be able to handle that. It would be too much. She didn't have any other family in ThunderClan, her sister had been it. She had been the one that Red could turn to and lean on. Without her, there was no one...

Shaking her head to reorient herself, Redhawk looked back at the wreckage and took a seat. Tears were already falling freely from her eyes, a dull ache settling into her chest. She knew that she should perhaps hunt, or do something to contribute to the Clan she had returned to. But the anguish of not knowing her sister's face kept her rooted in place like a tree, eyes staring blankly at what was left of the old camp.

[ semi-closed ]

Kix November 26th, 2023 04:25 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Dark brown Siamese-Abyssinian-Turkish Angora mix ▵ She/Her

Was she supposed to be here? No, at least not by herself for the most part but she had no choice it appeared to her. Dawn whatever her name was had led the way to the entrance of camp but afterward, they seemed to have poofed. She could no longer find the stupid warrior and was left behind out of camp. That's what she gets for putting a bit of trust in the older cats around here, just let her down time and time again. Though she was sure she could at least trust Mudhound so far at least, maybe even Wildtwist. Leafpaw let out a quiet huff as she trekked over to Haggard ruins, she had been here before with Wildtwist so she got lucky.

Hopefully, she can get the hang of hunting without her tail now, it had felt weird without it after waking up. Sky blues glided over the area as she looked for the first signs of prey while watching where she stepped. It was barely there but she caught the whiff of something, like a vole. Dropping down into a crouch quickly she slinked after the scent trail leading her to her victim. Lo and behold is hopefully her first kill to bring back to camp for that stupid punishment. Recalling the lesson her mentor had given her moons ago she crept closer till she was close enough. Albeit she was a bit wobbly since she didn't have her tail for balance anymore, she launched herself. The instant she felt a claw snag a part of the small creature, she clasped her paw around it and landed on top of the poor thing in her haste to not let it go. At least she didn't have to bite it to kill it since her weight did the job of squishing it into the ground.

Ok, that was one down did she have enough luck in her to nab another one, hopefully? Leafpaw wasn't about to go back with just one measly little vole that looked like it got flattened by a rock. Stashing the kill in a nearby brush she went on to finish this task. Dark brown ears perked when she heard the sound of light crunching up ahead of her. Slowly following after the noise she zero'd in on a little sparrow pecking at the ground. This time she was a little more prepared, creeping closer she kept her eyes on the bird. Seconds later she jumped for it, claws flung out as she brought them down hard on the bird right as it tried to fly off. Leafpaw had gotten lucky and snagged it by the wing but she was quick to bite its neck to kill it quickly. With the bird in her grasp, she decided to call it quits and go back for the vole she killed earlier. Giving one last look around to see if there was anything else, she briskly made her way back to camp with the prey.

[+ 1 vole + 1 house sparrow ]

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BEAR. December 14th, 2023 08:39 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Last time Wolfpaw was here, a creep came outta nowhere and offered him training. Fortunately, Sagefern was with him this time - he didn't think he could handle another strange interaction without a semblance of security.

"I want to practice hunting first," he mentioned as they neared the ruins. "Nightgaze showed me some fighting stuff, and I want to make sure I got the huntin' down since I haven't done so much with that."

If they had time, they could go from there - but hunting was his priority in the moment.
[ @Galaxy_ ]

Galaxy_ December 15th, 2023 11:36 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by BEAR. (Post 1520569)
Last time Wolfpaw was here, a creep came outta nowhere and offered him training. Fortunately, Sagefern was with him this time - he didn't think he could handle another strange interaction without a semblance of security.

"I want to practice hunting first," he mentioned as they neared the ruins. "Nightgaze showed me some fighting stuff, and I want to make sure I got the huntin' down since I haven't done so much with that."

If they had time, they could go from there - but hunting was his priority in the moment.
[ @Galaxy_ ]

Sagefern nodded towards Wolfpaw. "Lets me see your hunting stance" he asked so he could see what he had to work with.

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