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Jingle January 16th, 2017 11:18 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 133567)
Ivymask padded twords the new leader, nothing but honor and respect gleamed in his blue hues, his paws tingled wit his excitement knowing that he was helping his clan, even in his after life "You may not remember me, we only crossed paths once or twice,but my name is Ivymask." he stated, a soft smile plastered on his face, he took one step closer to the molly so they were only a mouse length apart "Some consider the Truth an awful thing, hurting others in it wake, but it is more than that, as I am sure you will find out as you lead. The pain of Truth will only last a moment, but the wisdom and experience it gives you will last a life's time, use that experience to lead Shadowclan forward." he said gently, he lifted his head slightly to touch noses with the new leader, "With this life I give you Truth, never be dishonest with your clan, for the truth will always prevail." he said, pulling back a few moments later, he dipped his head and gave her one last smile before he turned to go join his comerads, joy blossomed in his heart, happy for the fact he was able to help his clan, that he was able to give it a little push forward, even if it was a little push, it meant the world to the Siamese.

Halestar nodded and smiled faintly at the Siamese, her floofy tail flicking as she listened. 'Truth...' she thought to herself. 'I need to keep that with me and hold anyone accountable, including myself, to the truth.' She took a small breath and let the life sink into her. The new leader smiled faintly and looked at the remaining cats.

Mango January 16th, 2017 12:12 PM

Re: The Starcave
Hollyflower stepped up a feeling of duty filling her chest," I am Hollyflower, you may not know me though. I give you a life of duty, use it wisely to guide your clanmates and help them know there duty in the clan." she placed her nose on Halestar's nose knowing she'd see her sisters death quietly she murmured," Keep an eye on my grandkid, Elmkit, he doesn't know where his duty lies."

Jingle January 16th, 2017 12:31 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by # Hashtag (Post 133763)
Hollyflower stepped up a feeling of duty filling her chest," I am Hollyflower, you may not know me though. I give you a life of duty, use it wisely to guide your clanmates and help them know there duty in the clan." she placed her nose on Halestar's nose knowing she'd see her sisters death quietly she murmured," Keep an eye on my grandkid, Elmkit, he doesn't know where his duty lies."

Halestorm nodded and smiled faintly, "I will. Thank you." she mewed, green eyes watching the other cat as she let the life sink into her. She glanced at the other cats, waiting for one of them to step forward. The leader wanted this so badly, and she promised herself she would keep her duty strong until the day she must pass. Her tail stood still for a moment before flicking softly again and curling at the tip.

Spirit January 16th, 2017 12:46 PM

Re: The Starcave
A quite small apprentice, perhaps even the smallest of the nine cats gathered, stood slightly behind the others. Her fur shined of the stars she had joined at nine moons, and yet she still looked like a tiny wolfcub. As she peered at the others, she guessed it was her turn to give a life. It was so odd to her. She had always thought she would live to become a great warrior and do lots of good for her clan. But instead, she had died in a bloody border skirmish.
And now, she was doing good for her clan anyway. Giving a life to a new leader was something she’d never thought she’d end up doing. A great honor. Something that made her feel slightly okay with having died for her clan the way she had.
Stepping forward, she walked to stand in front of the soon-to-be leader. The young cat still had her many markings of battle, the bite marks in her throat clearly visible even though she tried to keep her neck so that they did not show. It was simply impossible.
Greetings. I am Wolfpaw, and as an apprentice of ShadowClan I was known for working the hardest and following the warrior code to my last breath.” She began, trying to look as confident as she could, when in truth she was nervous.
With this life I give you the ability to live by the warrior code with no flaws. Use it well, and it might save many conflicts with the other clans, and unloyal clanmates
She said, reaching up to touch noses with the maine coon, having to stretch her legs, and showing all her scars as she did so, to reach the nose of Halestorm. She silently begged to the higher authorities in StarClan that she would not look like a complete fool with her tiny size, trying to reach up to the much bigger cat.

Jingle January 16th, 2017 05:07 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 133892)
A quite small apprentice, perhaps even the smallest of the nine cats gathered, stood slightly behind the others. Her fur shined of the stars she had joined at nine moons, and yet she still looked like a tiny wolfcub. As she peered at the others, she guessed it was her turn to give a life. It was so odd to her. She had always thought she would live to become a great warrior and do lots of good for her clan. But instead, she had died in a bloody border skirmish.
And now, she was doing good for her clan anyway. Giving a life to a new leader was something she’d never thought she’d end up doing. A great honor. Something that made her feel slightly okay with having died for her clan the way she had.
Stepping forward, she walked to stand in front of the soon-to-be leader. The young cat still had her many markings of battle, the bite marks in her throat clearly visible even though she tried to keep her neck so that they did not show. It was simply impossible.
Greetings. I am Wolfpaw, and as an apprentice of ShadowClan I was known for working the hardest and following the warrior code to my last breath.” She began, trying to look as confident as she could, when in truth she was nervous.
With this life I give you the ability to live by the warrior code with no flaws. Use it well, and it might save many conflicts with the other clans, and unloyal clanmates
She said, reaching up to touch noses with the maine coon, having to stretch her legs, and showing all her scars as she did so, to reach the nose of Halestorm. She silently begged to the higher authorities in StarClan that she would not look like a complete fool with her tiny size, trying to reach up to the much bigger cat.

The new leader looked at the young apprentice, a small frown on her face. This apprentice had seen too much and was taken to StarClan far too early... Though the thoughts that made her pity the small cat were great, she brushed them away and gave a slight smile to Wolfpaw. "Thank you." She mewed gently, like a queen talking to her kits. Halestar leaned down and touched noses with the apprentice, feeling the life flow through her.

seasalt January 16th, 2017 05:36 PM

Re: The Starcave

A cream pine brown, and mottled starry tabby watched the cats give their lives, while thinking about was about to happen. He was going to give the new leader a new life. Indeed, a very, exciting thing, in his extended life. Eyes warm, he nodded to Wolfpaw, before stepping up, chin held high, proud look in his optics, but a kind one, nonetheless. It's time... "Hello, Halestar..." Blizzardpaw mewed, bounding out of the shadows, like a Dark Forest cat, leaping out to kill.

But, his eyes show with a purpose, kindness, and a great amount of compassion. "I, am Blizzardpaw, a former ee supporter, from not so long ago, ambitious, and full of hate." The apprentice paused for a moment, before continuing, eyes filled with warmth. So nervous... "But, my honor to my clan, and realization, changed that, and I became a better cat in my last days. And, with this life, I give you honor, always sacrifice yourself for your family, and your clan, no matter the cost. Some sacrifices are harder than others, but always pull through." He touched noses with Halestar, before stepping back, sorrow filling in his voice as he gave him the life. Memories of his past self, went through his mind as he spoke again. "It was something I only had at the last moment.." Blizzardpaw mewed, quite calmly, sadness dripping from his mouth, before leaping back into the shadows quite swiftly, filled with energy, and success. Oh how far I've gone... The starry filled tom thought, he had already accepted his death, and he would stay in peace for eternity, for now.

Empress Of Evil January 17th, 2017 05:17 AM

Re: The Starcave
(Just gonna post this now so i'm not late due to the lack of wifi I have)
Crimsontiger sat amongst the other seven cats beside her. She would be the one to give the last life. She waited patiently, her tail curled neatly around her paws. She had already given a life to another leader (Russetstar). This was going to be her second one. The former warrior had given RiverClan's leader the life of forgiveness, though this time, she had something different in mind. Crimsontiger watched as Blizzardpaw stepped back to join the ranks of StarClan cats again and then she stepped forward.

"Greetings Halestar", Crimsontiger said with a warm tone of voice, giving Halestar a small smile. "I don't know if you'd know me, but I was part of ShadowClan before my death in the liberation", Crimsontiger continued. The ShadowClan liberation was the thing that had killed her and her best friend at the young age of 13 moons. They had fallen at the paws of each other. Although, the she cat didn't blame Grousestar, she didn't blame Blazingnight, she blamed no one but herself. Still, the past was in the past, all she could do was hope her friend would forgive her. "Through your journey as a leader, you'll be faced with difficult decisions, problems, the truth, and many other bumps along the way. You'll need to have the strength to pull you and your clan through all these problems, you must stay strong even if sacrifices need to be made for your clan" , Crimsontiger said. She paused for a moment before continuing. "With this life, I give you strength. No matter how hard things may get, you must stay strong for your clan", The starry pelted cat said in a quiet voice. She reached forward and pressed her nose gently to Halestar's. "You'll make ShadowClan great again. I believe in you. We all do", she whispered into her ear before pulling back to join everyone else.

Jingle January 17th, 2017 08:49 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Stormiiix (Post 134447)

A cream pine brown, and mottled starry tabby watched the cats give their lives, while thinking about was about to happen. He was going to give the new leader a new life. Indeed, a very, exciting thing, in his extended life. Eyes warm, he nodded to Wolfpaw, before stepping up, chin held high, proud look in his optics, but a kind one, nonetheless. It's time... "Hello, Halestar..." Blizzardpaw mewed, bounding out of the shadows, like a Dark Forest cat, leaping out to kill.

But, his eyes show with a purpose, kindness, and a great amount of compassion. "I, am Blizzardpaw, a former ee supporter, from not so long ago, ambitious, and full of hate." The apprentice paused for a moment, before continuing, eyes filled with warmth. So nervous... "But, my honor to my clan, and realization, changed that, and I became a better cat in my last days. And, with this life, I give you honor, always sacrifice yourself for your family, and your clan, no matter the cost. Some sacrifices are harder than others, but always pull through." He touched noses with Halestar, before stepping back, sorrow filling in his voice as he gave him the life. Memories of his past self, went through his mind as he spoke again. "It was something I only had at the last moment.." Blizzardpaw mewed, quite calmly, sadness dripping from his mouth, before leaping back into the shadows quite swiftly, filled with energy, and success. Oh how far I've gone... The starry filled tom thought, he had already accepted his death, and he would stay in peace for eternity, for now.

Halestorm nodded, looking at the former supporter of the evil cats and their ways. She shifted and nodded, "Yes, I'll keep that with me." she mewed softly, a small frown on her face. "Thank you, Blizzardpaw." The leader gave a small smile to the dead apprentice, he was born into a time where many stopped believing StarClan and all the beauty it did for the clans, she felt bad for the young apprentice. However, she would never forget him.

Jingle January 17th, 2017 08:52 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 135314)
(Just gonna post this now so i'm not late due to the lack of wifi I have)
Crimsontiger sat amongst the other seven cats beside her. She would be the one to give the last life. She waited patiently, her tail curled neatly around her paws. She had already given a life to another leader (Russetstar). This was going to be her second one. The former warrior had given RiverClan's leader the life of forgiveness, though this time, she had something different in mind. Crimsontiger watched as Blizzardpaw stepped back to join the ranks of StarClan cats again and then she stepped forward.

"Greetings Halestar", Crimsontiger said with a warm tone of voice, giving Halestar a small smile. "I don't know if you'd know me, but I was part of ShadowClan before my death in the liberation", Crimsontiger continued. The ShadowClan liberation was the thing that had killed her and her best friend at the young age of 13 moons. They had fallen at the paws of each other. Although, the she cat didn't blame Grousestar, she didn't blame Blazingnight, she blamed no one but herself. Still, the past was in the past, all she could do was hope her friend would forgive her. "Through your journey as a leader, you'll be faced with difficult decisions, problems, the truth, and many other bumps along the way. You'll need to have the strength to pull you and your clan through all these problems, you must stay strong even if sacrifices need to be made for your clan" , Crimsontiger said. She paused for a moment before continuing. "With this life, I give you strength. No matter how hard things may get, you must stay strong for your clan", The starry pelted cat said in a quiet voice. She reached forward and pressed her nose gently to Halestar's. "You'll make ShadowClan great again. I believe in you. We all do", she whispered into her ear before pulling back to join everyone else.

Halestar listened to the wise words of the warrior standing before her and she nodded. Strength would be an important part of being a leader and being someone the whole clan could look up to. "Thank you." she mewed softly, green eyes focusing on the other cat. She blinked as the other cat leaned forward and whispered something to her. The new leader nodded and looked the other cat in the eye. "I will make it great again, thank you." she mewed softly, tail curling at the tip.

goddess of ducks January 17th, 2017 04:35 PM

Re: The Starcave
A young, long furred gray tom cat stepped forwards, his pelt laced with stars. He was beaming kindly as he approached the soon to be new leader of his former Clan. He remembered in his time spent in Shadowclan when he would watch Halestorm as she led the clan in Timberstar's absence. He had always admired her courage and bravery, and was delighted to hear that he could deliver a life to her. She had always been like a role model to him, but here he was, giving a life to her, something he had never imagined he would do. As Graypaw reached her he smiled kindly at her. "Hello Halestar." He greeted kindly. "I'm not entirely sure you recognize me, but I was an apprentice in your Clan, not oo long ago. My name is Graypaw." He said, his voice growing serious and loosing its normal cheerful tone. The tom cat wanted to be friendly, but settled his eagerness, knowing this was a serious Clan ritual and it needed to be performed with accuracy. Graypaw took another step closer, his long starry gray fur almost close enough to touch hers. "With this life I give you a love for your kin." He stretched forwards, his nose bumping hers, probably a little too roughly because of his excitement, but he didn't care.

He could feel the nervous excitement the new leader held within her. He couldn't blame her for that. He was just glad that he could give her something he never experience before. With his mother in one clan and father in another who hated him, he had felt he never truly belonged to either of them. He had never really felt their love for him and his brothers, and he wanted to make sure no cat felt that way again. "May you have a love so strong and deep that it emanates from you. May you love your family and friends with a love so strong it's like a forest fire that cannot be contained. And may your love be also for your Clan, love them like your family, and protect them in the same way. They follow you and desire your love, may you have enough love to share with them." He meowed firmly. He stepped back, still beaming at the cat before him. Never in a million years had he dreamt that he would give a life to a leader, much less as an apprentice. "Good luck, Halestar." He purred with pride before he stepped back wards into the ranks of the others.

Reverie January 17th, 2017 04:38 PM

Re: The Starcave
Arrowchaser padded up to the leader, "I'm Arrowchaser, you may have heard stories about me." She meowed, before touching her nose to the head of the leader. "I give you the life of courage, like I once had, be sure to use it wisely."

BEAR. January 17th, 2017 09:06 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by xxJaggededgexx (Post 135771)
Arrowchaser padded up to the leader, "I'm Arrowchaser, you may have heard stories about me." She meowed, before touching her nose to the head of the leader. "I give you the life of courage, like I once had, be sure to use it wisely."


this is a closed roleplay, and seeing as you were not chosen from the applications, we ask you don't intrude.]

Jingle January 17th, 2017 09:38 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 135766)
A young, long furred gray tom cat stepped forwards, his pelt laced with stars. He was beaming kindly as he approached the soon to be new leader of his former Clan. He remembered in his time spent in Shadowclan when he would watch Halestorm as she led the clan in Timberstar's absence. He had always admired her courage and bravery, and was delighted to hear that he could deliver a life to her. She had always been like a role model to him, but here he was, giving a life to her, something he had never imagined he would do. As Graypaw reached her he smiled kindly at her. "Hello Halestar." He greeted kindly. "I'm not entirely sure you recognize me, but I was an apprentice in your Clan, not oo long ago. My name is Graypaw." He said, his voice growing serious and loosing its normal cheerful tone. The tom cat wanted to be friendly, but settled his eagerness, knowing this was a serious Clan ritual and it needed to be performed with accuracy. Graypaw took another step closer, his long starry gray fur almost close enough to touch hers. "With this life I give you a love for your kin." He stretched forwards, his nose bumping hers, probably a little too roughly because of his excitement, but he didn't care.

He could feel the nervous excitement the new leader held within her. He couldn't blame her for that. He was just glad that he could give her something he never experience before. With his mother in one clan and father in another who hated him, he had felt he never truly belonged to either of them. He had never really felt their love for him and his brothers, and he wanted to make sure no cat felt that way again. "May you have a love so strong and deep that it emanates from you. May you love your family and friends with a love so strong it's like a forest fire that cannot be contained. And may your love be also for your Clan, love them like your family, and protect them in the same way. They follow you and desire your love, may you have enough love to share with them." He meowed firmly. He stepped back, still beaming at the cat before him. Never in a million years had he dreamt that he would give a life to a leader, much less as an apprentice. "Good luck, Halestar." He purred with pride before he stepped back wards into the ranks of the others.

The new leader smiled warmly at the young cat, looking down at him. She remembered this apprentice and how he would do all he could- even though his parents were from different clans. He was a great apprentice, and she felt bad that he had to leave the world so soon. Halestar felt the last life soak into her pelt as she looked down at Greypaw, "Thank you. I will remember that." she mewed softly.

And with saying that- the leader woke up in the Star Cave, standing up and shaking her pelt gently to remove the dust that had fallen from the stony overhand above her. She was now officially leader of ShadowClan and she would lead it to success.

Clover January 18th, 2017 05:29 PM

Re: The Starcave
With a limb bound tightly to her body by cobwebs and moss, Geckoleaf had a hard time navigating the steep slopes of the edges of the cave, down a winding path worn down by many seasons of medicine cats, leaders, deputies, and apprentices, all come for the same reason; to meet their ancestors in sleep, for many reasons. But this time it was not for a leader, or a deputy, come to receive guidance or lives. It was instead for a medicine cat apprentice to be accepted and initiated as a healer by the warriors of old, a point of pride in the lives of all medicine cats. Geckoleaf descended the declivity carefully, her paws treading the fine dirt with a sort of cautious nature that foretold of the strange treachery these slopes offered, as a fall would damage her limb beyond repair. The soft light that seemed to emanate from the pale, white crystals that dotted the gave illuminated her face with a strange light, washing her deep flame-colored fur a light peach. Her eyes glowed with an ethereal light, as she approached the Moonstone on light paws, despite her disability. She swiveled her head around to look at Arcticpaw, as she paused in front of the large clear-cut stone, her blue eyes light with joy as she surveyed the ghostly apprentice behind her. Tail twitching with anticipation of what was about to happen, she quietly asked; "Are you ready?" It was not a long phrase, or anything special, but it was still significant. She was asking Arcticpaw so much more than just if he was ready to be seen by StarClan, but if he was ready to give up being a warrior. Ready to give up kits and mate, ready to always be stuck in a den treating others, and laboring intensively to memorize herbs and treatments and illnesses. It was much to give up, but he still had much to gain. To be able to bring a cat back from near death, to see life be gained, and yet still see others pass to StarClan. To be able to commune with other in a way not including war and fighting, but healing and treating. She was proud of him and knew he was ready. Arcticpaw was to be, without a doubt, the next medicine cat of RiverClan

Brunch January 18th, 2017 06:16 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 137173)
With a limb bound tightly to her body by cobwebs and moss, Geckoleaf had a hard time navigating the steep slopes of the edges of the cave, down a winding path worn down by many seasons of medicine cats, leaders, deputies, and apprentices, all come for the same reason; to meet their ancestors in sleep, for many reasons. But this time it was not for a leader, or a deputy, come to receive guidance or lives. It was instead for a medicine cat apprentice to be accepted and initiated as a healer by the warriors of old, a point of pride in the lives of all medicine cats. Geckoleaf descended the declivity carefully, her paws treading the fine dirt with a sort of cautious nature that foretold of the strange treachery these slopes offered, as a fall would damage her limb beyond repair. The soft light that seemed to emanate from the pale, white crystals that dotted the gave illuminated her face with a strange light, washing her deep flame-colored fur a light peach. Her eyes glowed with an ethereal light, as she approached the Moonstone on light paws, despite her disability. She swiveled her head around to look at Arcticpaw, as she paused in front of the large clear-cut stone, her blue eyes light with joy as she surveyed the ghostly apprentice behind her. Tail twitching with anticipation of what was about to happen, she quietly asked; "Are you ready?" It was not a long phrase, or anything special, but it was still significant. She was asking Arcticpaw so much more than just if he was ready to be seen by StarClan, but if he was ready to give up being a warrior. Ready to give up kits and mate, ready to always be stuck in a den treating others, and laboring intensively to memorize herbs and treatments and illnesses. It was much to give up, but he still had much to gain. To be able to bring a cat back from near death, to see life be gained, and yet still see others pass to StarClan. To be able to commune with other in a way not including war and fighting, but healing and treating. She was proud of him and knew he was ready. Arcticpaw was to be, without a doubt, the next medicine cat of RiverClan

Though it was not as treacherous for Arcticpaw as he walked down, he still yielded almost every second. Though anticipation curled in a deep knot in his chest, the small white tom carefully strode down the soft slope. Arcticpaw tried to rush down the hill into the depths of the cave every now and then, but ultimately stumbled to a hault, knowing that he had to wait for his mentor to follow.
As they approached a soft light, Arcticpaw stood in awe next to the pool; the cave was nothing like he had pictured. The tom had expected it to be dark, and less eery; he had thought it wouldn't have the glow and sparkle of the dancing lights in the crystals. It still felt fantisysing to be in the cave, though, as if he were in a dream.
Arcticpaw's tri-colored tail flicked gently as he gazed sideways at Geckoleaf; the cave with its irredesent glow made the she-cat look different, and he guessed that he looked the same in the strange light.
The gray walls seemingly stared at Arcticpaw with interest as he settled in a low crouch where his mentor stood, squinting at the pool; it was quite different from the raging river, it almost seemed like glass.
Arcticpaw was knocked from his state of staring at the pool as Geckoleaf questioned him. It seemed quite odd to Arcticpaw why the she-cat had asked him the for longed question when they had reached the pool; the trek that they had made up there was difficult, especially for the gimp Geckoleaf. Arcticpaw could only guess what would have happened had he said no as he nodded quietly to Geckoleaf.

Clover January 18th, 2017 06:42 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 137241)
Though it was not as treacherous for Arcticpaw as he walked down, he still yielded almost every second. Though anticipation curled in a deep knot in his chest, the small white tom carefully strode down the soft slope. Arcticpaw tried to rush down the hill into the depths of the cave every now and then, but ultimately stumbled to a hault, knowing that he had to wait for his mentor to follow.
As they approached a soft light, Arcticpaw stood in awe next to the pool; the cave was nothing like he had pictured. The tom had expected it to be dark, and less eery; he had thought it wouldn't have the glow and sparkle of the dancing lights in the crystals. It still felt fantisysing to be in the cave, though, as if he were in a dream.
Arcticpaw's tri-colored tail flicked gently as he gazed sideways at Geckoleaf; the cave with its irredesent glow made the she-cat look different, and he guessed that he looked the same in the strange light.
The gray walls seemingly stared at Arcticpaw with interest as he settled in a low crouch where his mentor stood, squinting at the pool; it was quite different from the raging river, it almost seemed like glass.
Arcticpaw was knocked from his state of staring at the pool as Geckoleaf questioned him. It seemed quite odd to Arcticpaw why the she-cat had asked him the for longed question when they had reached the pool; the trek that they had made up there was difficult, especially for the gimp Geckoleaf. Arcticpaw could only guess what would have happened had he said no as he nodded quietly to Geckoleaf.

Looking down at him with pride, a small smile flitted across her muzzle, and there it stayed. Eyes glittering with excitement and anticipation, she raised her chin and took a moment to remember the ceremony, the words that would officially pronounce Arcticpaw her apprentice, her legacy, the one to follow in her stead and heal warriors and kits alike for moons to come. Looking down at him, she swished her tail to signal they were beginning. "Arcticpaw, I have chosen you to be my predecessor and to learn the ways of the medicine cat. This is an honor unique to healing, and one you would not find anywhere else." She paused for a moment, and drew in a deep breath of the damp, cold air. "Arcticpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as an apprentice? [it is]. Then come forward." Drawing herself up to her full, yet still short height, she looked towards the pool of water with a calm, composed gaze, a level removed from her excitement of earlier. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. He has chosen to pursue the path of a medicine cat. Grant Arcticpaw wisdom and insight, so that he may understand your ways and heal his clan with skill and grace." She turned to Arcticpaw and smiled again. "If you would, to the Moonstone. Your about to have your first dream,"she mewed softly, her voice gentle and encouraging.

Brunch January 18th, 2017 06:55 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 137307)

Looking down at him with pride, a small smile flitted across her muzzle, and there it stayed. Eyes glittering with excitement and anticipation, she raised her chin and took a moment to remember the ceremony, the words that would officially pronounce Arcticpaw her apprentice, her legacy, the one to follow in her stead and heal warriors and kits alike for moons to come. Looking down at him, she swished her tail to signal they were beginning. "Arcticpaw, I have chosen you to be my predecessor and to learn the ways of the medicine cat. This is an honor unique to healing, and one you would not find anywhere else." She paused for a moment, and drew in a deep breath of the damp, cold air. "Arcticpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as an apprentice? [it is]. Then come forward." Drawing herself up to her full, yet still short height, she looked towards the pool of water with a calm, composed gaze, a level removed from her excitement of earlier. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. He has chosen to pursue the path of a medicine cat. Grant Arcticpaw wisdom and insight, so that he may understand your ways and heal his clan with skill and grace." She turned to Arcticpaw and smiled again. "If you would, to the Moonstone. Your about to have your first dream,"she mewed softly, her voice gentle and encouraging.

The words Geckoleaf spoke seemed forgieng to Arcticpaw; out of all of the ceremonies he had witnessed, none had had words so intricately woven together. It was hard for his mind to wrap around what the sentences meant, everything was going so quickly it seemed as though it were a blur. Arcticpaw stepped forward, his eyes interested in the moon stone standing in front of him; it illuminated the cave more than any if the other small cristalites that dotted the ground. Though he said nothing as he advanced, his eyes bright blue eyes gave Geckoleaf a worried glance before he crouched down before it, pelt almost pressed to the dirt floor. Arcticpaw crammed his neck to touch his nose to the moon stone. As he did so, a cold, jutting feeling struck through him; StarClan was approaching him.

Clover January 18th, 2017 10:28 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 137332)
The words Geckoleaf spoke seemed forgiving to Arcticpaw; out of all of the ceremonies he had witnessed, none had had words so intricately woven together. It was hard for his mind to wrap around what the sentences meant, everything was going so quickly it seemed as though it were a blur. Arcticpaw stepped forward, his eyes interested in the moonstone standing in front of him; it illuminated the cave more than any if the other small crystallites that dotted the ground. Though he said nothing as he advanced, his eyes bright blue eyes gave Geckoleaf a worried glance before he crouched down before it, pelt almost pressed to the dirt floor. Arcticpaw crammed his neck to touch his nose to the moonstone. As he did so, a cold, jutting feeling struck through him; StarClan was approaching him.

Geckoleaf smiled as he came forward and touch the moon stone, his body slumping as he fell into sleep. Following suit, she pressed her petite pink nose to the large stone, feeling a small dip where many cats had touched it. The chilly feeling spread through her body, and she felt herself being pulled into a dream. She relaxed and hoped that Arcticpaw would do so too. It was a hard feeling to get used to, ceasing control to beings higher than you, to simply trust them with your mind and body. Of course, he would eventually realize they meant him no harm and all the best. StarClan never wanted to hurt warriors or high ranks alike. As she awoke from the dream, her ghostlike body stood of its own accord, and her pale blue eyes of the dream opened to a small group of cats standing in front of her. To her side, Arcticpaw was there, and she wondered if he was dazed and bewildered, as she was. Looking around the throng of starry warriors, her whiskers flicked with surprise, and she straightened up. Her father was there, towards the back, looking at her and her new apprentice. She had never seen most of her deceased family members in dreams; her mother had never cared much for her kits, and she had only seen her father once before he drowned in the river. She could see so much of herself in him; the deep blue eyes, orange tabby fur and light markings. The way he held himself tall, with a quiet yet strong presence. She smiled at him but forced herself not to cry. This was for Arcticpaw, not her. Geckoleaf tried to bite back the tears, but a few drops fell from her cheeks, like crystal starlight as they glimmered in the strange glow of StarClan. Ears flattening, she looked away, back towards her apprentice.

Brunch January 20th, 2017 10:46 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Clover (Post 137711)

Geckoleaf smiled as he came forward and touch the moon stone, his body slumping as he fell into sleep. Following suit, she pressed her petite pink nose to the large stone, feeling a small dip where many cats had touched it. The chilly feeling spread through her body, and she felt herself being pulled into a dream. She relaxed and hoped that Arcticpaw would do so too. It was a hard feeling to get used to, ceasing control to beings higher than you, to simply trust them with your mind and body. Of course, he would eventually realize they meant him no harm and all the best. StarClan never wanted to hurt warriors or high ranks alike. As she awoke from the dream, her ghostlike body stood of its own accord, and her pale blue eyes of the dream opened to a small group of cats standing in front of her. To her side, Arcticpaw was there, and she wondered if he was dazed and bewildered, as she was. Looking around the throng of starry warriors, her whiskers flicked with surprise, and she straightened up. Her father was there, towards the back, looking at her and her new apprentice. She had never seen most of her deceased family members in dreams; her mother had never cared much for her kits, and she had only seen her father once before he drowned in the river. She could see so much of herself in him; the deep blue eyes, orange tabby fur and light markings. The way he held himself tall, with a quiet yet strong presence. She smiled at him but forced herself not to cry. This was for Arcticpaw, not her. Geckoleaf tried to bite back the tears, but a few drops fell from her cheeks, like crystal starlight as they glimmered in the strange glow of StarClan. Ears flattening, she looked away, back towards her apprentice.

The dream was strange, but it still felt as though Arcticpaw was safe. For a moment, the tom thought that it wasn't a dream, since the territory was almost exact to what he had seen of it. Arcticpaw glanced over at Geckoleaf with a slight glimmer in his eyes, the tom knew that if he was caught up in the dream, he was meant to be a medicine cat. Arcticpaw's eyes wandered silently through the territory, finally realized that there were many cats standing before him, staring at with such intensity, it made the young apprentice blush under his white fur. His ring tail twitched as he glanced back at Geckoleaf, "What's going to happen?" he whispered quietly.
Most of the cats who were in the sea of starry warriors, Arcticpaw didn't know; some of them seemed so ancient that he guessed they died long before he had been born. Arcticpaw searched the group again, trying to find a cat who he may have known. The small tom was about to give up when he finally found a starry she-cat, who looked as though she was made of the night sky, more so than the others. Her emerald eyes blinked at Arcticpaw with such love that the tom almost cried; the cat was his grandmother, Nightpelt.
The apprentice bit back his tears as he glanced back at Geckoleaf again, awaiting his answer.

Clover January 20th, 2017 01:07 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 139165)
The dream was strange, but it still felt as though Arcticpaw was safe. For a moment, the tom thought that it wasn't a dream since the territory was almost exact to what he had seen of it. Arcticpaw glanced over at Geckoleaf with a slight glimmer in his eyes, the tom knew that if he was caught up in the dream, he was meant to be a medicine cat. Arcticpaw's eyes wandered silently through the territory, finally realized that there were many cats standing before him, staring at with such intensity, it made the young apprentice blush under his white fur. His ringtail twitched as he glanced back at Geckoleaf, "What's going to happen?" he whispered quietly.
Most of the cats who were in the sea of starry warriors, Arcticpaw didn't know; some of them seemed so ancient that he guessed they died long before he had been born. Arcticpaw searched the group again, trying to find a cat who he may have known. The small tom was about to give up when he finally found a starry she-cat, who looked as though she was made of the night sky, more so than the others. Her emerald eyes blinked at Arcticpaw with such love that the tom almost cried; the cat was his grandmother, Nightpelt.
The apprentice bit back his tears as he glanced back at Geckoleaf again, awaiting his answer.

Clearing the salty tears from her own eyes, she managed a watery smile to Arcticpaw. "Maybe something, maybe nothing. This is really just for you to experience a dream. Go ahead and talk to whomever you want. They're all here for you," she mewed softly in response, gently nudging Arcticpaw's flank with her nose, urging him towards the small cluster of cats gathered in front of him. Seeing his expression, she realized her apprentice had his eyes locked on one cat. Following his gaze, the medicine cat saw the dark black she-cat with the green eyes he seemed so keen on. Though she had no idea who it was, she assumed it was someone important to the tom. "Go see her. If she means something to you, then act upon it," she whispered quietly, nuzzling the tuft of fur behind his ear before she pushed him forward, with no force but a gentle assurance that he'd be alright. Watching him for a moment longer, Geckoleaf shifted her gaze towards the crowd, searching for her father. But she didn't see any flash of bright orange, or a glint of sea blue. He was gone, but she could still feel the warmth of his love around her, the pride for what she had become. Sighing, the medicine cat sat on the soft dirt, and waited for Arcticpaw.

SuspiciousMindz January 23rd, 2017 05:08 PM

Re: The Starcave

Blazingstorm stared, his golden hues taking in the gaping mouth of the cave and he allowed his fur to prickle along his spine as he awaited the medicine cat to speak or tell him what to do. The cave opened to blackness that appeared almost threatening to those who didn't know what lay beyond... like he, himself. The deputy looked towards Surgestorm, blinking. "So what am I supposed to do when we go inside? Do you know what to expect? What if Starclan doesn't accept me?" the questions flowed from his mouth as his widened hues rested on Surgestorm. Quickly the ginger tom shook his head and lifted his paws off the ground and shifted, almost like he were running in place. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous," he spoke realizing how unprepared and anxious he seemed. Blazingstorm happened to be one to voice things when he got scared or anxious and this was one of those moments. He was questioning Dapplestar's choice of deputy, would he really be able to live up to her pawsteps and lead Windclan already? The weight of leadership weighed down on his shoulders. He wasn't even 30 moons old yet, would his clan even take him seriously? Of course they would, he had their support before all this, now he just needed Starclan's approval to make everything official. Suddenly something dawned on him. He paused in place and stared at the cave once more, would he see his long lost friend and mentor?
@Zero to Hero

Zero January 25th, 2017 05:36 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 144723)

Blazingstorm stared, his golden hues taking in the gaping mouth of the cave and he allowed his fur to prickle along his spine as he awaited the medicine cat to speak or tell him what to do. The cave opened to blackness that appeared almost threatening to those who didn't know what lay beyond... like he, himself. The deputy looked towards Surgestorm, blinking. "So what am I supposed to do when we go inside? Do you know what to expect? What if Starclan doesn't accept me?" the questions flowed from his mouth as his widened hues rested on Surgestorm. Quickly the ginger tom shook his head and lifted his paws off the ground and shifted, almost like he were running in place. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous," he spoke realizing how unprepared and anxious he seemed. Blazingstorm happened to be one to voice things when he got scared or anxious and this was one of those moments. He was questioning Dapplestar's choice of deputy, would he really be able to live up to her pawsteps and lead Windclan already? The weight of leadership weighed down on his shoulders. He wasn't even 30 moons old yet, would his clan even take him seriously? Of course they would, he had their support before all this, now he just needed Starclan's approval to make everything official. Suddenly something dawned on him. He paused in place and stared at the cave once more, would he see his long lost friend and mentor?
@Zero to Hero

Surgestorm padded up the slope to stand beside Blazingstorm at the opening of the tunnel that led into the StarCave, blinking as he took in the sight of the sacrid area for the first time in moons. He felt a bit of apprehension, as if he would still get in trouble for venturing out to this religious site. It's alright, it's over. He had to keep reminding himself that the evil era had ended, and that this was the start of something that was normal. At that thought, he turned his pale yellow gaze to look at WindClan's deputy, his soon-to-be leader, just as the other tom voiced his questions. "It's going to be alright," He meowed at first, offering a smile in the other cat's direction. The medicine cat could understand how the deputy felt, having felt just as nervous as a new medicine cat apprentice when he ventured into the StarCave for the first time. "It's a quick walk through a tunnel before we get to the Mooncyrstal. It'll probably be completely dark as we walk, so just follow the wall. You aren't claustrophobic, I hope?" He chuckled halfheartedly at that. "Once we're inside, you just touch your nose to the crystal, and you'll be pulled into a dream." The tom looked toward the gaping mouth of the cave once again, grinning. "And don't worry. You're ready, Blazingstorm. StarClan will approve of you."

SuspiciousMindz January 25th, 2017 05:44 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 146904)

Surgestorm padded up the slope to stand beside Blazingstorm at the opening of the tunnel that led into the StarCave, blinking as he took in the sight of the sacrid area for the first time in moons. He felt a bit of apprehension, as if he would still get in trouble for venturing out to this religious site. It's alright, it's over. He had to keep reminding himself that the evil era had ended, and that this was the start of something that was normal. At that thought, he turned his pale yellow gaze to look at WindClan's deputy, his soon-to-be leader, just as the other tom voiced his questions. "It's going to be alright," He meowed at first, offering a smile in the other cat's direction. The medicine cat could understand how the deputy felt, having felt just as nervous as a new medicine cat apprentice when he ventured into the StarCave for the first time. "It's a quick walk through a tunnel before we get to the Mooncyrstal. It'll probably be completely dark as we walk, so just follow the wall. You aren't claustrophobic, I hope?" He chuckled halfheartedly at that. "Once we're inside, you just touch your nose to the crystal, and you'll be pulled into a dream." The tom looked toward the gaping mouth of the cave once again, grinning. "And don't worry. You're ready, Blazingstorm. StarClan will approve of you."

Blazingstorm stopped his nervous tick and looked towards the medicine cat. He could trust Surgestorm, after all he'd done this before and he was the clans medicine cat. How could Blazingstorm not? Nodding a little towards him, he gave a small smile at what he assumed to be an attempt at a small joke. "Alright," he spoke, nodding once more and looking at the mouth of the cave. His golden hues widened at the thought of walking through a tunnel. Soon, he'd understand the eerie stillness of air and the scent of damp stone, something Windclan cats had little to no experience with out on the moors. "Lead the way," Blazingstorm spoke, gesturing for the stormy colored tom to lead him. With his nerves mostly calm and his fur flat, and with the assumption Surgestorm had already started into the mouth of the cave, Blazingstorm followed. His whiskers touched the cave walls as he followed the tunnel, sticking close to Surgestorm's tail tip.

Zero January 25th, 2017 05:59 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 146917)

Blazingstorm stopped his nervous tick and looked towards the medicine cat. He could trust Surgestorm, after all he'd done this before and he was the clans medicine cat. How could Blazingstorm not? Nodding a little towards him, he gave a small smile at what he assumed to be an attempt at a small joke. "Alright," he spoke, nodding once more and looking at the mouth of the cave. His golden hues widened at the thought of walking through a tunnel. Soon, he'd understand the eerie stillness of air and the scent of damp stone, something Windclan cats had little to no experience with out on the moors. "Lead the way," Blazingstorm spoke, gesturing for the stormy colored tom to lead him. With his nerves mostly calm and his fur flat, and with the assumption Surgestorm had already started into the mouth of the cave, Blazingstorm followed. His whiskers touched the cave walls as he followed the tunnel, sticking close to Surgestorm's tail tip.

Surgestorm's smile broke out into a wide grin when Blazingstorm responded well to his pep talk, assuming it had done the trick at giving the deputy some confidence. He gave his dark pelt a quick shake and then followed the other cat's command to take the lead toward and through the tunnel. The medicine cat was familiar with the damp, earthy smell of this cave, even if he was a WindClan cat; the StarCave was basically his second home afterall. However, he walked slowly, knowing that it would be difficult for Blazingstorm to move quickly through complete darkness without feeling as if he was going to run into something. He heading silently toward the echoing dripping noise that came from deeper within the tunnel, letting his fur brush softly against the right wall of the cave.
However, he sped up a bit when the tunnel began to widen into the cave that held the moon crystal, becoming a bit antsy with excitement. The medicine cat could barely wait to see his warrior ancestors once again. The large crystal clear stone glowed softly in the middle of the large cavern, lighting up his yellow orbs. However, he turned away to look at his companion, wanting to see his reaction.

SuspiciousMindz January 25th, 2017 06:06 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 146937)
Surgestorm's smile broke out into a wide grin when Blazingstorm responded well to his pep talk, assuming it had done the trick at giving the deputy some confidence. He gave his dark pelt a quick shake and then followed the other cat's command to take the lead toward and through the tunnel. The medicine cat was familiar with the damp, earthy smell of this cave, even if he was a WindClan cat; the StarCave was basically his second home afterall. However, he walked slowly, knowing that it would be difficult for Blazingstorm to move quickly through complete darkness without feeling as if he was going to run into something. He heading silently toward the echoing dripping noise that came from deeper within the tunnel, letting his fur brush softly against the right wall of the cave.
However, he sped up a bit when the tunnel began to widen into the cave that held the moon crystal, becoming a bit antsy with excitement. The medicine cat could barely wait to see his warrior ancestors once again. The large crystal clear stone glowed softly in the middle of the large cavern, lighting up his yellow orbs. However, he turned away to look at his companion, wanting to see his reaction.

Blazingstorm felt fear prickle through his pelt as he walked through the utter darkness. His breaths came short until he thought he was going to turn and flee. No! You're better than this, it's just a cave, he scolded himself and continued following. The earthy smells were unfamiliar and the stillness in the air made him feel uncomfortable, but he kept pushing, knowing that Surgestorm was confident in what he was doing. Finally, however, the tunnel widened and Surgestorms shadowy figure moved for his golden hues to rest on a glowing object. "Is that it?" he gasped. Even though his voice was low, in the cave it seemed to be like he were talking. Taken aback by the glowing crystal, his gaze couldn't seem to tear away from it. Blazingstorm had never seen such a thing before, how lucky the medicine cats were to see this so often. Suddenly the fear that had threatened to make him turn around and flee was gone as the Starcrystal seemed comforting. Must be the ancestors around it, he thought to himself, finally able to tear his gaze away to look almost excitedly at Surgestorm. Although he was still a little lost on what to do and hope his -- what he assumed -- friend would tell him when it was time to touch his nose to it or if that moment needed to be now.

Assuming Surgestorm gave him the okay, the deputy stepped forward and gently place his nose to the Mooncrystal. Almost immediately, Blazingstorm was swept into a world of darkness and when his golden hues finally opened, he was peering around at a starry territory. He blinked in awe and the stars above him seemed to swirl downwards until he could see outlines of cats, some fainter than others, standing around him. Blazingstorm wanted to move, but his paws seemed stuck to the ground and when he tried to say anything, he seemed at a loss for words. The ginger tom simply awaited something to happen now.

zinfranny January 27th, 2017 11:35 PM

Re: The Starcave
An eruption of numbing wind split through Gyrewind. The feline shot into consciousness, and for one single heartbeat, his body was nothing but engulfed by the bellow of the storm. But it stopped. In the blink of an eye, the wind had been killed to all but a soothing breeze, licking his face with comforting coolness. His eyes were wider then a pair of silver moons, jaw agape with a face ridden by terror. The cat had exploded onto his feet from when he was once sleeping. His coiled spine relaxed as the tongue of the breeze sunk in, as if brushing away the impetuous gale. He felt it on his fur that had been blasted to one direction. It was soothing as it climbed over the rolling hills. Gyrewind blinked, making an uneasy sound as he swallowed down his fear.
What... What is this?
Gyrewind was faced against verdant hills that stretched far and above his head. The faces of the great masses were swept by stars- brilliant specks and a climbing fog that carried a grey-blue haze that made an ominous radiance. His lungs were filled with such pure, crisp air that his breaths were forced shallow. Gyrewind blinked in awe, but at the same time, he didn't want to miss what his eyes saw. His paws creaked, but he turned around. Magnificent oak trees stared down at him, forming a forest that had been behind him the whole time. Among the trunks was the same dazzling, white glow, bathing the bark and the brush. Behind them, he was sure he saw an unnatural shimmer. Curiosity drew him to enter the oak trees. Rearing around the trunks revealed a vast lake. The waves that slapped upon the shore a ways from his paws were nothing of what he had ever seen in his life. The water was pristine- divine. The shimmer upon its surface flushed his face with its light, and he looked to the sky. To his amazement, a strip of stars drifted what seemed like just above the oak trees. The luminosity was purple, green, blue. Gyrewind could hardly process the glory, the brilliancy. His jaw was hanging with a twinge of a bewildered smile. He... He surely was walking among the divine.

wren January 27th, 2017 11:48 PM

Re: The Starcave
@Empress Of Evil

Empress Of Evil January 28th, 2017 05:04 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 146948)

Blazingstorm felt fear prickle through his pelt as he walked through the utter darkness. His breaths came short until he thought he was going to turn and flee. No! You're better than this, it's just a cave, he scolded himself and continued following. The earthy smells were unfamiliar and the stillness in the air made him feel uncomfortable, but he kept pushing, knowing that Surgestorm was confident in what he was doing. Finally, however, the tunnel widened and Surgestorms shadowy figure moved for his golden hues to rest on a glowing object. "Is that it?" he gasped. Even though his voice was low, in the cave it seemed to be like he were talking. Taken aback by the glowing crystal, his gaze couldn't seem to tear away from it. Blazingstorm had never seen such a thing before, how lucky the medicine cats were to see this so often. Suddenly the fear that had threatened to make him turn around and flee was gone as the Starcrystal seemed comforting. Must be the ancestors around it, he thought to himself, finally able to tear his gaze away to look almost excitedly at Surgestorm. Although he was still a little lost on what to do and hope his -- what he assumed -- friend would tell him when it was time to touch his nose to it or if that moment needed to be now.

Assuming Surgestorm gave him the okay, the deputy stepped forward and gently place his nose to the Mooncrystal. Almost immediately, Blazingstorm was swept into a world of darkness and when his golden hues finally opened, he was peering around at a starry territory. He blinked in awe and the stars above him seemed to swirl downwards until he could see outlines of cats, some fainter than others, standing around him. Blazingstorm wanted to move, but his paws seemed stuck to the ground and when he tried to say anything, he seemed at a loss for words. The ginger tom simply awaited something to happen now.

Crimsontiger stood behind a tree, concealed by the mist. Another one had comes to recieve their lives. 4 new leaders, all so recent, she thought. It was quite sad that the clans had lost 4 leaders in such recent time, not exactly including RiverClan. Ah well, i'm sure they will all do great for their clan. Stepping forward, the young warrior revealed herself from the mist. "Greetings Blazingstorm", she said, dipping her head in a respective greeting. This was the 3 life she would give to a cat, and the fourth was to be given soon as well.

She glanced around her, seeing the figures of the other cats who would give him his other lives. Although, she doubted Blazingstorm could see them. "I am Crimsontiger. A former ShadowClan warrior", she introduced, giving the tom a small but warm smile. Not wanting to waste another moment, Crimsontiger continued. "With this life, I give you respect. Respect, the ones near you, old or new. Respect leads to trust, loyalty and friendship. There may be a time where you'll need the loyalty of your clan to help you. No matter who the cat, and what they've done", Crimsontiger said. The warrior reached forward to tap her nose to his, afterwards drawing back slowly. "You'll do good for WindClan, just believe....", she whispered before padding back slowly, her black pelt slowly fading into the mist, as the next cat stepped forward.

monfang January 28th, 2017 09:52 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 146948)

Blazingstorm felt fear prickle through his pelt as he walked through the utter darkness. His breaths came short until he thought he was going to turn and flee. No! You're better than this, it's just a cave, he scolded himself and continued following. The earthy smells were unfamiliar and the stillness in the air made him feel uncomfortable, but he kept pushing, knowing that Surgestorm was confident in what he was doing. Finally, however, the tunnel widened and Surgestorms shadowy figure moved for his golden hues to rest on a glowing object. "Is that it?" he gasped. Even though his voice was low, in the cave it seemed to be like he were talking. Taken aback by the glowing crystal, his gaze couldn't seem to tear away from it. Blazingstorm had never seen such a thing before, how lucky the medicine cats were to see this so often. Suddenly the fear that had threatened to make him turn around and flee was gone as the Starcrystal seemed comforting. Must be the ancestors around it, he thought to himself, finally able to tear his gaze away to look almost excitedly at Surgestorm. Although he was still a little lost on what to do and hope his -- what he assumed -- friend would tell him when it was time to touch his nose to it or if that moment needed to be now.

Assuming Surgestorm gave him the okay, the deputy stepped forward and gently place his nose to the Mooncrystal. Almost immediately, Blazingstorm was swept into a world of darkness and when his golden hues finally opened, he was peering around at a starry territory. He blinked in awe and the stars above him seemed to swirl downwards until he could see outlines of cats, some fainter than others, standing around him. Blazingstorm wanted to move, but his paws seemed stuck to the ground and when he tried to say anything, he seemed at a loss for words. The ginger tom simply awaited something to happen now.

Moonfang appeared and smiled, looking at the deputy. She had watched him, and she was happy to be here to give him his life. Her once black pelt was filled with stars, giving her a star-sky look. Her orange eyes shone with an old loving wisdom. With a rise of her head, and padded forward. "I am Moonfang. Former warrior of ShadowClan." she purred and her orange eyes beamed. "With this life, I give you wisdom. Use it to know the difference between right and wrong, so that you may make the right choices, sacrifices, and plans for your clan." she purred, and touched her nose to his, then looked back at him. She couldn't help but to purr, looking at the once deputy, so young, and he was becoming a leader. Something most could only dream of. She felt good in this tom, and truly believed he would be the greatest for his clan. "We will be here to guide you all of the way. Never look away from us, for it could lead to you downfall." she said, and stepped back, a calm smile on her maw. "You'll do fine, Blazing."

Zero January 28th, 2017 09:53 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 146948)

Blazingstorm felt fear prickle through his pelt as he walked through the utter darkness. His breaths came short until he thought he was going to turn and flee. No! You're better than this, it's just a cave, he scolded himself and continued following. The earthy smells were unfamiliar and the stillness in the air made him feel uncomfortable, but he kept pushing, knowing that Surgestorm was confident in what he was doing. Finally, however, the tunnel widened and Surgestorms shadowy figure moved for his golden hues to rest on a glowing object. "Is that it?" he gasped. Even though his voice was low, in the cave it seemed to be like he were talking. Taken aback by the glowing crystal, his gaze couldn't seem to tear away from it. Blazingstorm had never seen such a thing before, how lucky the medicine cats were to see this so often. Suddenly the fear that had threatened to make him turn around and flee was gone as the Starcrystal seemed comforting. Must be the ancestors around it, he thought to himself, finally able to tear his gaze away to look almost excitedly at Surgestorm. Although he was still a little lost on what to do and hope his -- what he assumed -- friend would tell him when it was time to touch his nose to it or if that moment needed to be now.

Assuming Surgestorm gave him the okay, the deputy stepped forward and gently place his nose to the Mooncrystal. Almost immediately, Blazingstorm was swept into a world of darkness and when his golden hues finally opened, he was peering around at a starry territory. He blinked in awe and the stars above him seemed to swirl downwards until he could see outlines of cats, some fainter than others, standing around him. Blazingstorm wanted to move, but his paws seemed stuck to the ground and when he tried to say anything, he seemed at a loss for words. The ginger tom simply awaited something to happen now.

(Sorry, writers block)
The medicine cat smiled at the other tom's reaction, nodding eagarly. "Yup, that's it," He responded, turning to admire the glowing crystal once more.
Surgestorm nodded as the deputy stepped forward and touched his nose to the stone, waiting for a moment before joining him. He jumped a bit from the cold of the stone against his nose, but quickly got used to it and relaxed once more. The tom lowered himself to lay down, and closed his eyes, sinking into the darkness. There was a moment of weightlessness, a moment where he hung between worlds, and then his paws touched solid ground once more. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by stars.
The medicine cat stood close by as the sacrid ceremony began, interested since this was his first time actually seeing the ceremony and not just hearing about it.

SuspiciousMindz January 28th, 2017 11:29 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 149977)
Crimsontiger stood behind a tree, concealed by the mist. Another one had comes to recieve their lives. 4 new leaders, all so recent, she thought. It was quite sad that the clans had lost 4 leaders in such recent time, not exactly including RiverClan. Ah well, i'm sure they will all do great for their clan. Stepping forward, the young warrior revealed herself from the mist. "Greetings Blazingstorm", she said, dipping her head in a respective greeting. This was the 3 life she would give to a cat, and the fourth was to be given soon as well.

She glanced around her, seeing the figures of the other cats who would give him his other lives. Although, she doubted Blazingstorm could see them. "I am Crimsontiger. A former ShadowClan warrior", she introduced, giving the tom a small but warm smile. Not wanting to waste another moment, Crimsontiger continued. "With this life, I give you respect. Respect, the ones near you, old or new. Respect leads to trust, loyalty and friendship. There may be a time where you'll need the loyalty of your clan to help you. No matter who the cat, and what they've done", Crimsontiger said. "You'll do good for WindClan, just believe....", she whispered before padding back slowly, her black pelt slowly fading into the mist, as the next cat stepped forward.


Originally Posted by Moonfang (Post 150299)

Moonfang appeared and smiled, looking at the deputy. She had watched him, and she was happy to be here to give him his life. Her once black pelt was filled with stars, giving her a star-sky look. Her orange eyes shone with an old loving wisdom. With a rise of her head, and padded forward. "I am Moonfang. Former warrior of ShadowClan." she purred and her orange eyes beamed. "With this life, I give you wisdom. Use it to know the difference between right and wrong, so that you may make the right choices, sacrifices, and plans for your clan." she purred, and touched her nose to his, then looked back at him. She couldn't help but to purr, looking at the once deputy, so young, and he was becoming a leader. Something most could only dream of. She felt good in this tom, and truly believed he would be the greatest for his clan. "We will be here to guide you all of the way. Never look away from us, for it could lead to you downfall." she said, and stepped back, a calm smile on her maw. "You'll do fine, Blazing."

Blazingstorm was first greeted by a very bright warrior. He assumed this meant she was newer to Starclan, however he still didn't recognize her from the past. As his golden hues watched the starry cat appear, he was soon listening to the life she was giving him. The tap to the forehead with her nose sent a calm wave washing over him. Blazingstorm could picture his elders and the other leaders soon followed by his clan mates whom have shown him nothing but respect. When the calming wave dissipated, he opened his hues to see the she-cat walking away.

Blazingstorm casted a glance towards Surgestorm, wondering if he'd witnessed anything like this before. His gaze gave nothing away but the awe he felt. The ginger deputy wasn't aware that were a few lives he'd receive that wouldn't be as pleasant as the one Crimsontiger gave him.

Next a black and white she-cat appeared. Her orange gaze locked with his golden and he awaited another surge of energy. As Moonfang spoke, he awaited her nose to tap his forehead, however when it did this surge of energy was different from the last. Something he wasn't expecting. Suddenly Blazingstorm could picture all the best places in the moors. He felt as though he knew what choices to make and with confidence. It was almost as if he could feel Starclan's wisdom wrapping around his head, showing him the way. The life's energy didn't last too long however and when his eyes opened again, he was watching Moonfang walk away.

~Breadsticks~ January 28th, 2017 11:40 AM

Re: The Starcave
A short tabby Starclan warrior padded toward the ginger tom, a small smile on her face, "Hello Blazingstorm, I am Alderberry, former warrior of Windclan." She stopped just in front of him and purred, "Make us proud young one." Her paws swirled with stars as she took another step forward, her tail flicking behind her as her eyes twinkled with joy. "With this life I give you courage, use it to stand up for your clan and give them the courage they need in a strong leader." She pressed her nose against his forehead before stepping back and padding back to the other Starclan cats around her.

SuspiciousMindz January 28th, 2017 11:58 AM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by TheBread (Post 150436)
A short tabby Starclan warrior padded toward the ginger tom, a small smile on her face, "Hello Blazingstorm, I am Alderberry, former warrior of Windclan." She stopped just in front of him and purred, "Make us proud young one." Her paws swirled with stars as she took another step forward, her tail flicking behind her as her eyes twinkled with joy. "With this life I give you courage, use it to stand up for your clan and give them the courage they need in a strong leader." She pressed her nose against his forehead before stepping back and padding back to the other Starclan cats around her.

Blazingstorm felt power behind this surge of energy. As the former Windclan warrior pulled away, the energy from the life she gave him still lingered. He didn't feel fear for that moment of time, everything was clear and his urge to defend and provide were heightened in this moment. His golden hues remained shut for a moment longer, opening to gaze at the tabby he never knew. As the energy faded, so did she. 3 lives down, he thought to himself. However, out of all the lives so far, the power behind this last one was his favorite. He enjoyed the feelings it gave him and the tingling sensation that did linger.
Blazingstorm awaited another Starclan cat to appear, wondering if there would be anyone he knew. His gaze drifted around the star filled clearing. This was something he'd never forget, that was for certain.

seasalt January 28th, 2017 12:06 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 150470)

Blazingstorm felt power behind this surge of energy. As the former Windclan warrior pulled away, the energy from the life she gave him still lingered. He didn't feel fear for that moment of time, everything was clear and his urge to defend and provide were heightened in this moment. His golden hues remained shut for a moment longer, opening to gaze at the tabby he never knew. As the energy faded, so did she. 3 lives down, he thought to himself. However, out of all the lives so far, the power behind this last one was his favorite. He enjoyed the feelings it gave him and the tingling sensation that did linger.
Blazingstorm awaited another Starclan cat to appear, wondering if there would be anyone he knew. His gaze drifted around the star filled clearing. This was something he'd never forget, that was for certain.

So much had happened in the years, two evil eras, and he had been in only one of them, killed, defying the evil leader that had once stood their. Mousetracker thought about his life before death, it had been so long ago, and he missed it so much, his family, his friends, they still lived on, without him. Now, coming back to the present, the old Starclan Cat gave a nod to himself, waiting to be next. This was it, a new leader, a new legacy for him to watch, forever following in the land of time. He would try to guide this generation, and this time, stop evil eras from beginning again, if he could. Mousetracker slinked out of the crowded mist, toward the new leader, his rusty storm gray pelt shining with starlight, amber hues filled with warmth, and elegant calmness. He hoped, their would not be a third evil era, he hoped with all his heart.
"Hello Blazingstorm, I...am Mousetracker, a former Windclan Cat, killed in the fire during the second evil era." The tall, rough furred tom introduced himself smoothly and quickly, his long, thin winding tail low to the ground, slinking with a great confidence, optics bright. "And...With this life, I give you forgiveness..always give another chance not just to others, but to yourself. Forgiving yourself is a great gift you make upon yourself, never forget that, Blazingstorm." The tall tom cat spoke, amber eyes bright with meaning, head dipped in respect, before lifting his head to touch the leaders head, and give him the life, eyes burning brightly, like a flame. He knew the pain, and trials the young tom went through, which was why he gave this life to him, to remember, forgiveness is an important factor of life. He also knew, this life would hurt, but, that was a tough disadvantage of this. Backing away, the tom flicked his tail in a friendly goodbye, and, with a nod, slinked slowly into the mist behind him, tail trailing right behind him, disappearing into the mist beyond.

Fel January 28th, 2017 12:23 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks (Post 149885)
An eruption of numbing wind split through Gyrewind. The feline shot into consciousness, and for one single heartbeat, his body was nothing but engulfed by the bellow of the storm. But it stopped. In the blink of an eye, the wind had been killed to all but a soothing breeze, licking his face with comforting coolness. His eyes were wider then a pair of silver moons, jaw agape with a face ridden by terror. The cat had exploded onto his feet from when he was once sleeping. His coiled spine relaxed as the tongue of the breeze sunk in, as if brushing away the impetuous gale. He felt it on his fur that had been blasted to one direction. It was soothing as it climbed over the rolling hills. Gyrewind blinked, making an uneasy sound as he swallowed down his fear.
What... What is this?
Gyrewind was faced against verdant hills that stretched far and above his head. The faces of the great masses were swept by stars- brilliant specks and a climbing fog that carried a grey-blue haze that made an ominous radiance. His lungs were filled with such pure, crisp air that his breaths were forced shallow. Gyrewind blinked in awe, but at the same time, he didn't want to miss what his eyes saw. His paws creaked, but he turned around. Magnificent oak trees stared down at him, forming a forest that had been behind him the whole time. Among the trunks was the same dazzling, white glow, bathing the bark and the brush. Behind them, he was sure he saw an unnatural shimmer. Curiosity drew him to enter the oak trees. Rearing around the trunks revealed a vast lake. The waves that slapped upon the shore a ways from his paws were nothing of what he had ever seen in his life. The water was pristine- divine. The shimmer upon its surface flushed his face with its light, and he looked to the sky. To his amazement, a strip of stars drifted what seemed like just above the oak trees. The luminosity was purple, green, blue. Gyrewind could hardly process the glory, the brilliancy. His jaw was hanging with a twinge of a bewildered smile. He... He surely was walking among the divine.

It had taken a bit of time for her to get used to walking in Starclan. Indeed, Twitefall's pelt glittered with stars now- it was what happened after you'd made enemies. She was killed after her kits had been born, and it wasn't something not to be expected, despite her having been a queen at the time. She was a supporter of Ratnight, and his rather cruel ways- it was for survival, though she'd started to feel guilty about it after being sent up here- this place was for good cats. I... I shouldn't be here, y'know? She'd taken it upon herself to try an understand that fact- but maybe it was clear that the cats up here had forgiven her. It was a fate far easier than that of life in the dark forest, and so she was glad about it. Besides, there was something more important to worry about today- giving Gyrewind his nine lives, and ensuring that Thunderclan goes on. It's my clan- I can't let it end with Ashstar's death. Looking around, the tom had appeared right on time- and it looked like she would have to greet him. Stepping out of the forest which shone bright with starlight, Twitefall looked into Gyrewind's eyes as she walked over towards the deputy- "Welcome to Starclan- are you ready to get your nine lives?"

SuspiciousMindz January 28th, 2017 12:39 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by tawny~ (Post 150487)

So much had happened in the years, two evil eras, and he had been in only one of them, killed, defying the evil leader that had once stood their. Mousetracker thought about his life before death, it had been so long ago, and he missed it so much, his family, his friends, they still lived on, without him. Now, coming back to the present, the old Starclan Cat gave a nod to himself, waiting to be next. This was it, a new leader, a new legacy for him to watch, forever following in the land of time. He would try to guide this generation, and this time, stop evil eras from beginning again, if he could. Mousetracker slinked out of the crowded mist, toward the new leader, his rusty storm gray pelt shining with starlight, amber hues filled with warmth, and elegant calmness. He hoped, their would not be a third evil era, he hoped with all his heart.
"Hello Blazingstorm, I...am Mousetracker, a former Windclan Cat, killed in the fire during the second evil era." The tall, rough furred tom introduced himself smoothly and quickly, his long, thin winding tail low to the ground, slinking with a great confidence, optics bright. "And...With this life, I give you forgiveness..always give another chance not just to others, but to yourself. Forgiving yourself is a great gift you make upon yourself, never forget that, Blazingstorm." The tall tom cat spoke, amber eyes bright with meaning, head dipped in respect, before lifting his head to touch the leaders head, and give him the life, eyes burning brightly, like a flame. He knew the pain, and trials the young tom went through, which was why he gave this life to him, to remember, forgiveness is an important factor of life. He also knew, this life would hurt, but, that was a tough disadvantage of this. Backing away, the tom flicked his tail in a friendly goodbye, and, with a nod, slinked slowly into the mist behind him, tail trailing right behind him, disappearing into the mist beyond.

As Mousetracker introduced himself, part of him felt bad for the feline. Another soul lost the Evil Era, he began to wonder just how many there were in Starclan due to this. Many by the looks of it. Blazingstorm listened to Mousetracker's words, his golden hues seemed to gaze in something unknown, there was a meaning behind this life. He was ready for something calming again, but this life was unexpected. Blazingstorm was almost brought to the ground as he witnessed a scenario he never wanted to relive. This led to present day, he was standing proudly gazing at his clan mates. It was wonderful for the moment, but the powerful jaws snapped again which led him to a few familiar faces in which he thought he could never forgive. Wincing at the energy, Blazingstorm managed to stay on his paws and as he opened his hues once more, he was rigid. Mousetracker was already gone. I don't want to go through that again, he spoke silently, hoping that no other life would be something like that.

wren January 28th, 2017 06:54 PM

Re: The Starcave
Sandpaw. Where are uuu?!?! Thunder can't just be thinking strange thoughts the whole time XD. Was that interrupting or was that post placed correctly? )

A large Tom sat in the corner of the cavern. His pelt shone like the others, millions of small stars twinkling within him. His golden eyes the same as if he lived again. He watched the deputy with a catious glance. Rarely was it that an outsider made his way up the ranks, not to leader most of all. He was skeptical about him. Curling his lip over his teeth he gently swallowed down his worry. Curling his large bushy tail around his paws providing little to no comfort in giving this life. He planned on going last, it wasn't a bad thing to wish him luck and give him a little talk? Was it? The stormy coloured Tom released a heavy sigh scanning the array of starry cats assembled to give lives to the new thunderclan leader.
Some he had seen around. The two Shadowclan cats. Others where clanmates he knew in his life. He then rested his gaze back on the Tom cantered within the small cavernous cave. The loss of the previous leader was a hard hit. For all the cats lost in the EE. They strived to see the day a new leader came to uphold starclans rules. Though he was already long gone by that point he had watched in horror as clan mates ripped each other to shreds. He had wished he been down there. To have been there and fought alongside his descendants.
Fortunetly for him he wasn't needed. Slatestorm Stormrunner and Sorreltree had made it out alive. His three daughters. As his mind drifted the lives where continually given. He then caught the tail end of the last one and nodded slightly as if he had been listening the whole time and agreed.

Hexict January 28th, 2017 07:48 PM

Re: The Starcave

A dark grey tabby stood back and watched as everyone gave the new Windclan leader lives. Even though this was the second life he'd give to a leader, Northpath still felt extremely nervous. He feared that he would say the wrong thing - though he had the same fear when during Russetstar's ceremony, and he hadn't messed up. Or at least he hadn't thought he had. He shook out his star cover pelt before moving towards the orange tom.

The young tom stepped forward and approached Blazingstorm as Mousetracker retreated among the stars in the same manner as the others had done after finishing with giving the flame colored tom a life. He never knew Blazingstorm. The medicine cat assistant had died during the Thunderclan liberation battle, so he wasn't around for the announcement of the new deputy for Windclan. He wondered if Blazingstorm feared being leader. It wasn't too long after he became deputy that he was now receiving his nine lives. I don't think i could have ever succeeded Zerosight, he thought.

"Blazingstorm, we never met though in Starclan I have heard of you," he began, steadying himself though he still could feel the butterflies. "And with this life, I give you Determination. Use it when you feel lost, make sure to keep pushing yourself forward - if not for yourself, than for those who can't continue anymore," he stretched out his neck in order to touch his nose to the new leader's forehead. Northpath struggled with this during Rusststar's ceremony as well. "I'm sure you will use this life in the future, you seem to be a string cat," he flicked his tabby tail towards Blazingstorm's chest, pointing out his heart.

After doing so, Northpath turned and padded back towards the other Starclan cats, and awaited to watch the ceremony officially come to a close. He let his autumn gaze watch Blazingstorm. He knew that the lives must hurt the leaders and wished that it wasn't so. Even thought some time had passe since his death, he still had his medicine cat instincts and hated seeing others in pain, especially being the cause of such pain. But he knew that this must happen for Blazingstorm to receive these lives, and the pain should be quick.

SuspiciousMindz January 28th, 2017 11:44 PM

Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 151213)

A dark grey tabby stood back and watched as everyone gave the new Windclan leader lives. Even though this was the second life he'd give to a leader, Northpath still felt extremely nervous. He feared that he would say the wrong thing - though he had the same fear when during Russetstar's ceremony, and he hadn't messed up. Or at least he hadn't thought he had. He shook out his star cover pelt before moving towards the orange tom.

The young tom stepped forward and approached Blazingstorm as Mousetracker retreated among the stars in the same manner as the others had done after finishing with giving the flame colored tom a life. He never knew Blazingstorm. The medicine cat assistant had died during the Thunderclan liberation battle, so he wasn't around for the announcement of the new deputy for Windclan. He wondered if Blazingstorm feared being leader. It wasn't too long after he became deputy that he was now receiving his nine lives. I don't think i could have ever succeeded Zerosight, he thought.

"Blazingstorm, we never met though in Starclan I have heard of you," he began, steadying himself though he still could feel the butterflies. "And with this life, I give you Determination. Use it when you feel lost, make sure to keep pushing yourself forward - if not for yourself, than for those who can't continue anymore," he stretched out his neck in order to touch his nose to the new leader's forehead. Northpath struggled with this during Rusststar's ceremony as well. "I'm sure you will use this life in the future, you seem to be a strong cat," he flicked his tabby tail towards Blazingstorm's chest, pointing out his heart.

After doing so, Northpath turned and padded back towards the other Starclan cats, and awaited to watch the ceremony officially come to a close. He let his autumn gaze watch Blazingstorm. He knew that the lives must hurt the leaders and wished that it wasn't so. Even thought some time had passe since his death, he still had his medicine cat instincts and hated seeing others in pain, especially being the cause of such pain. But he knew that this must happen for Blazingstorm to receive these lives, and the pain should be quick.

Blazingstorm recognized this feline. Only by name. He knew Northpath was Zerosight's apprentice, but they had associated due to the clan rivalries. The ginger tom-cat blinked a greeting and braced himself for something painful. Although this rush of energy was similar to the first. Blazingstorm felt the sudden urge to defend and provide for his clan mates. He could feel the desperation for survival, and not just that, but to thrive. It started out powerful, but the life quickly faded into something painful. The determination to keep pushing even when things go horribly wrong and cats lose lives to each other. Blazingstorm suddenly understood what Dapplestar must've felt when the Evil Era occurred. Once he was sure the life was given, he let out a small gasp, releasing the breath he hadn't known he was holding. He blinked open his eyes to gaze around the clearing. Four lives to go, he tried to encourage himself. Blazingstorm didn't realize that by receiving these lives, he was suddenly feeling weak and the weight of leadership was really beginning to weigh down on his shoulders. Although like he always did, the ginger warrior straightened himself up and stood proud and tall, facing the Starclan warriors, ready for his next life.

doghouse January 29th, 2017 03:36 AM

Re: The Starcave

They stood by, watching as each cat, in turn, and they were almost unaware that it was their turn, and looked somewhat embarrassed at first, but quickly, they shook off their embarrassment and cast a quick look around, waiting until Northpath had moved away, then Ravenpaw stepped forwards, their head lowered slightly once. As they approached Blazingstorm, and as they got a bit closer, Ravenpaw wondered if they'd seen this cat before, during their time alive, but highly doubted it. The only time they had ever been in WindClan was when the battles were taking place. Ravenpaw was uncertain exactly what to do, but they knew the words, just not how to say them, and that made them nervous. They didn't want to mess up, as the black apprentice, with their silver points tended to mess up with a lot of things. Stepping closer they raised their head so they were nearly eye level with the ginger tom, their pale yellow eyes bright as they waited a few heartbeats. The young apprentice, hardly six moons when they'd died. When Hannibal and Onyx had killed them, or more, Hannibal had killed them. Onyx had merely sat aack and watched. But Ravenpaw was proud to have died in the service of SkyClan, not the other Clans. “Hello, Blazingstar.” they said in a friendly but serious tone, careful not to stumble over their words, as they sometimes did. “I am Ravenpaw. I was an apprentice of SkyClan.” they added, closing their eyes for a moment and then looking back at Blazingstorm, preparing to give him the life. “With this life, I give you humor. Use it to find amusement to break tension and give laughter to those who need it.” they meowed quietly, reaching their head forwards to touch it with Blazingstorm's, closing their eyes as they did, unwilling to see whether or not the life caused the WindClan deputy any pain. They didn't want to cause anybody pain, but Ravenpaw knew things how things were meant to be. The pain was the wayway it simply was supposed to go. Quietly, Ravenpaw stepped backwards, backing away from the ginger tom in order to let the next cat take their place, assuming that he wasn't the last. They'd last track of how many of them had already given Blazingstorm a life.

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