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Leucos July 28th, 2018 09:29 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 528536)

It was easily becoming a more stressful time for Grousestar, he felt the tides of war wishing to pull every clan in its inevitable current. Sometimes it was hard for him to keep up that facade of happiness and optimism for the sake of keeping his clans morale high and happy. At times, some cats could even spot him out in the territory, looking like a much different cat, deep in contemplation and completely unaware of his own surroundings. He tried to hide this, but sometimes, these things couldn't be hidden. Regardless, there was always something that would cheer him up, even with the impending danger he could feel. And that was being able to personally see his clan grow by conducting ceremonies.
There was one today, an apprentice to made to a warrior. Climbing to the top of the Skyboulder, he would clear his throat before yowling out for all of the clan to hear.
"Cats of Skyclan will you please meet beneath the Skyboulder for a clan meeting!"

Silently he would wait for the cats of Skyclan to gather beneath him, a light and pleasant smile on his muzzle and a sparkle in his eyes. Once there seemed to be a sufficient amount of cats gathered, he would continue.
"Cardinalpaw, will you please step forward? I believe it is time for you to be granted your warrior name."

The Orange and white tabby smiled wide her brown eyes shined with pride and excitement . She thought it would be for ever until she was an apprentice . It felt like an eternity to be a warrior . Now that she's finally made it to this moment she was elated . But she can't act like a kit anymore . she bottled the excitement down once she stood up , she still couldn't shake away how tingly her paws are , just wanting to prance around like a mouse brained happy kit. No. She won't embarrass herself in front of her leader in front of everyone . She held her head high but not higher then grousestars her fur was shiny and well kept for this moment . She did naturally clean her fur but this time she took extra care . Cardinalpaw padded forward with her tail in the air swaying gently . I wonder what my warrior name is gonna be! Oh this is so exciting ! I hope my mentor is proud of me! some pride glowed from cardinalpaw once she made it up to the skyboulder her brown eyes looking up at her leader .

The Cannibal July 28th, 2018 10:20 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

Originally Posted by Checkmate (Post 528537)
The Orange and white tabby smiled wide her brown eyes shined with pride and excitement . She thought it would be for ever until she was an apprentice . It felt like an eternity to be a warrior . Now that she's finally made it to this moment she was elated . But she can't act like a kit anymore . she bottled the excitement down once she stood up , she still couldn't shake away how tingly her paws are , just wanting to prance around like a mouse brained happy kit. No. She won't embarrass herself in front of her leader in front of everyone . She held her head high but not higher then grousestars her fur was shiny and well kept for this moment . She did naturally clean her fur but this time she took extra care . Cardinalpaw padded forward with her tail in the air swaying gently . I wonder what my warrior name is gonna be! Oh this is so exciting ! I hope my mentor is proud of me! some pride glowed from cardinalpaw once she made it up to the skyboulder her brown eyes looking up at her leader .

It didn't take long for the brown tabby to spot the she-cat as she stood from her original sitting position. Without any further hesitation or distractions, he would happily continue her ceremony, angling his head towards the canopy and the sky beyond it.
"I, Grousestar, leader of Skyclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Cardinalpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Naturally he would pause long enough to give the young molly enough time to respond with the appropriate 'I do', before continuing on to grant her her warrior name.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Cardinalpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Cardinalcry. StarClan honors your respect and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."
Giving the clan long enough time to cheer the new warriors name to Starclan itself, he would then bring the clan meeting to a close.
"That will conclude this clan meeting!" And with that, Grousestar leaped from the boulder and disappeared into the crowd, perhaps heading for the territory to go back to his own pondering.

The Cannibal August 4th, 2018 08:57 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

With a small shake of his head, the brown tabby would make his way up the Skyboulder with his usual grace and smile, even if his thoughts were as wild and unorganized as they were the last time he held ceremonies. He could clear it long enough to give this kit their apprentice name and mentor.
Clearing his throat, he would call the familiar words to the clan.

"Cats of Skyclan will you please meet beneath the Skyboulder for a clan meeting!"

Waiting with unbound patience, the tabby would look down upon the crowd before it seemed that all of Skyclan were down there waiting for him to continue.
"We have a kit who has reached the age of 6 moons and is ready to begin their apprentice training. So Gorsekit, will you please step forward?" With brightness in his emerald eyes, he would search the crowd for the young she-cat so that he could begin with her ceremony.

NightWarrior4Life August 5th, 2018 03:33 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 531368)

With a small shake of his head, the brown tabby would make his way up the Skyboulder with his usual grace and smile, even if his thoughts were as wild and unorganized as they were the last time he held ceremonies. He could clear it long enough to give this kit their apprentice name and mentor.
Clearing his throat, he would call the familiar words to the clan.

"Cats of Skyclan will you please meet beneath the Skyboulder for a clan meeting!"

Waiting with unbound patience, the tabby would look down upon the crowd before it seemed that all of Skyclan were down there waiting for him to continue.
"We have a kit who has reached the age of 6 moons and is ready to begin their apprentice training. So Gorsekit, will you please step?" With brightness in his emerald eyes, he would search the crowd for the young she-cat so that he could begin with her ceremony.

The brown tabby stepped forward, speechless with excitement. She had been waiting for this day for seasons. since Neverfalter left...I never thought I'd become an apprentice...or a warrior. I'm just glad that CloverWhisker stepped in. She was kneading the ground anxiously with her paws, her stump tail twitching.

The Cannibal August 5th, 2018 04:02 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 531510)
The brown tabby stepped forward, speechless with excitement. She had been waiting for this day for seasons. since Neverfalter left...I never thought I'd become an apprentice...or a warrior. I'm just glad that CloverWhisker stepped in. She was kneading the ground anxiously with her paws, her stump tail twitching.

"I will be assigning you a new mentor today." He said, once he had spotted the young cat stepping forward. Grousestar would admit that he felt bad that she had gone for so long without a replacement mentor. It was finally time to fix that problem, he only hoped that his choice for her would stick.
"Gorsepaw, your new mentor will be Cloverwhisker. Cloverwhisker, you are ready to take on an apprentice of your own. You will be the mentor of Gorsepaw and I hope that you pass down all of your knowledge onto her." With a smile, he would allow for the clan to congratulate and cheer the new mentor for the apprentice before drawing the meeting to a close.
"That will conclude this clan meeting!" And with that, would leap from the boulder to return to his den.

NightWarrior4Life August 6th, 2018 03:30 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder
GorsePaw gave CloverWhisker a grateful lick on the cheek. A purr erupting from her throat. "Thank you so much CloverWhisker." The tabby smiled. GorsePaw waited a few moments before speaking again. "So when do you want to start training? I know a couple of fighting moves already." She bounced back to her usual exciteable self.

North August 6th, 2018 03:40 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder
Cloverwhisker's ocean gaze focused primarily on the excited form of Gorsepaw, now her apprentice and how honouring it felt to finally be a mentor. Despite the nervousness she felt, Cloverwhisker was almost as excited as Gorsepaw was, though her calm and relaxed expression failed to show it. She smiled softly at brown tabby she-cat, ocean gaze amiable and gentle as she spoke, "It's quite alright, Gorsepaw, I'm happy to be your mentor," She assured her, ears standing high upon her head as they half listened to the ambient sounds of the busy clearing. She was a little taken aback at the mention of training, and so soon. But she was pleased to know Gorsepaw was eager to learn, as she assumed it would make training her a lot easier. "Well, I am free as of right now if you would like to practice some training? Do you have a preference as to what we do?" She was a little lost for ideas, given how soon the two of them were beginning their training lessons. The cream she-cat looked at Gorsepaw with peaked interest, an odd sense of calm emitting from the usually nervous she-cat.

NightWarrior4Life August 6th, 2018 03:50 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

Originally Posted by ~Northern_Lights~ (Post 532095)
Cloverwhisker's ocean gaze focused primarily on the excited form of Gorsepaw, now her apprentice and how honouring it felt to finally be a mentor. Despite the nervousness she felt, Cloverwhisker was almost as excited as Gorsepaw was, though her calm and relaxed expression failed to show it. She smiled softly at brown tabby she-cat, ocean gaze amiable and gentle as she spoke, "It's quite alright, Gorsepaw, I'm happy to be your mentor," She assured her, ears standing high upon her head as they half listened to the ambient sounds of the busy clearing. She was a little taken aback at the mention of training, and so soon. But she was pleased to know Gorsepaw was eager to learn, as she assumed it would make training her a lot easier. "Well, I am free as of right now if you would like to practice some training? Do you have a preference as to what we do?" She was a little lost for ideas, given how soon the two of them were beginning their training lessons. The cream she-cat looked at Gorsepaw with peaked interest, an odd sense of calm emitting from the usually nervous she-cat.

"I really want to show you my fighting moves, then you can tell me if they're right or not. Until now, I've been picking things up from the other apprentices and training myself. I've been helping ShineFang out a lot as well. See my tail?" GorsePaw shook her bum in her mentor's face "I had an accident and I lost my tail. ShineFang really helped me during that time and I see him as a close friend. He'll be so happy when I tell him the news! My balance can be a little iffy at times but apart from that, I'm still same old me." GorsePaw finally finished and took a breath. "Come on! Let's go to the training area! I can't wait!" and with that, she darted away without waiting for a response from CloverWhisker.

The Cannibal October 21st, 2018 09:24 PM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder

There was a dark, haunted look in the brown tabby's eyes as he made his way to the Skyboulder, his gut heavy with the truth that had unfolded upon him. It was time to announce to the clan about Auroraflame's demotion, and the appointment of a new deputy in her place. The fact that she would just.. Throw out his trust like that. So many moons of trust, of friendship... He thought they could talk about anything and yet.
Gritting his teeth together as he reached the peak of the boulder, he took a moment before yowling out loudly enough for all to hear his voice.
"Cats of Skyclan, meet beneath the Skyboulder for a clan meeting!" His voice was somewhat harsher than normal, edged with slight anger. Why did Auroraflame have to do this to him? Why did she have to cut him so deeply? Didn't she know what he was going through? Didn't she know the stress, the uncertainty of his own thoughts that plagued him? And she thought she could make it better by going behind his back, and that he would be happy that she did it? She had the audacity to be angry at him for it?
Grousestar's chest heaved. He needed to get his thoughts together, bury them for now. The clan was gathering. He needed to be levelheaded, at least in front of them.
"I have some unfortunate news to share with you all today. Auroraflame will no longer be the deputy of Skyclan. She has proved to be untrustworthy by going behind my back to speak to other clans and trying to hide it. I have ordered her to remain in camp, and should any individual see her trying to leave, you will report to me immediately. Until she proves that I can trust her again, she will be treated as a traitor and incapable of being in the territory."
Flicking his tail back and forth, the tom would have to admit that it felt good to get it off his chest, to yowl it out for all of the clan to hear. Regardless, the next form of business was announcing the new deputy.
"So without further hesitation I will name Skyclan's new deputy. I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Skyclan is Doveflight!"
Grousestar's emerald eyes idly searched the crowd for the white-furred tom he had chosen. Doveflight was a loyal, trustworthy cat with a strong head. He could offer good insight into his opinions without being swayed. Hopefully he would prove more trustworthy than Auroraflame.

North October 22nd, 2018 02:45 AM

Re: SkyClan Skyboulder
| @Duskflight @Empress Of Evil |
Doveflight's cloudy form ambled toward the Skyboulder at the call of his leader, olive eyes ever attentive and inquisitive. Concern outweighed his curiosity as the pale tom pondered why Grousestar had decided to hold a clan meeting; there were no kits to be apprentices, or apprentices to become warriors, were there? Doveflight took pride in knowing the goings on of his clan, and guilt began to rise up within him at the thought of not knowing such important matters. The large tom took a seat, his pale fur standing out against the otherwise colourful sea of pelts as he centred all of his attention on Grousestar. As the leader began speaking, Doveflight couldn't help but gasp quietly at the news of Auroraflame's demotion and the reasoning behind it. She had gone behind Grousestars back? Doveflight couldn't bring himself to even imagine it, having thought so highly of the charcoal feline all throughout her time as Skyclan's deputy; it was impossible to think that time had come to such an abrupt end. The cloudy tom had been truly convinced Auroraflame would go on to one day be Aurorastar, how had his assumptions been so incorrect? Although Grousestar's words felt somewhat harsh to Doveflight, he reminded himself his leader had every right to be angry with his ex-deputy. She had mistreated his trust of her, and what a dishonourable thing to do that was. Still, it was hard to imagine anyone taking Auroraflame's place as deputy when she had maintained it to such a high standard prior to her neglectful demise. His olive eyes searched the crowd of cats, silently wondering which one, if any, Grousestar would declare as Skyclan's new deputy.

As if on cue, his leader spoke up again and began to shed light on Doveflight's irresistible curiosity; who would be Skyclan's new deputy? Skyclan would need a strong deputy, one who could help carry them through these rather hard times in regards to the issues with Riverclan (And Thunderclan, too). All murmuring dissipated into silence as everyone's attention rested on Grousestar, the tension within the clearing so intense it made the air itself feel thick and heavy. Suddenly, as Grousestar finished his announcement, all eyes within the clearing shifted toward Doveflight. The new deputy of Skyclan was to be...him? No, that cannot be right. He was more than willing to serve his clan, but was he really the right choice for a deputy? Part of him wanted to question Grousestar's choice, but the majority of his thoughts instructed him to trust his leader. He hesitated, before rising to his paws slowly. He tried to appear as confident as he could, chest puffed out and his head held high, as he made his way toward the very front of the crowd. The Turkish Angora eyed up his leader, olive eyes ablaze with a sea of emotions he'd never felt before. "I will serve Skyclan to the very best of my abilities, Grousestar." He couldn't think of much more to say as his mind ran on overdrive, thoughts shifting from one place to another at a rate that would have alarmed him had he given it a second thought. This was his chance to prove his absolute loyalty to Skyclan, he would be foolish to turn it down. A small part of him felt disappointed at the fact that he had to be the one to replace Auroraflame - in those few past times when he imagined himself as deputy, he imagined himself as her deputy, not her replacement. But Skyclan needed a confident and strong-willed deputy, not one who was too disappointed to serve his clan. His sole focus needed to be proving his utmost loyalty to Skyclan, and it started with siding with Grousestar's decision on Auroraflame. He reminded himself not to question whether his leader was too harsh regarding his decision, but to trust Grousestar to do only the best for his clan. Doveflight would ensure he tried his absolute best, for Skyclan he would ensure to make a good deputy.

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