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AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 03:27 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Sweet Skies (Post 62383)
Pumpkinkit was snoozing off in a corner, her fluffy orange tail flipping up and down, side to side

(I'm so so sorry, I forgot.) Batwhisker watched Pumpkinkit sleep, hearing fighting outside. She looked at the entrance to the nursery. I wonder what is happening. She thought, then looked back at Pumkinkit, hoping she wasn't awaken by the fighting.

judas December 3rd, 2016 04:24 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
Blackice walked in the nursery, looking around. "Featherheart?" He called. The tom walked over to her nest, the sent was stale. He sighed, She's probably with Surgestorm.. He thought. He began to clean out the moss, most of it was cold and wet. How could she sleep in this? He thought.

AbsurdJinx December 3rd, 2016 05:15 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

MumbleNose trotted into the Training Moor, his long legs supporting his wide strides. He had just recently become aware that he was mentoring a young molly. All he knew about her was that her name is HeatherPaw. He figured she'd join him for training, as most mentors and apprentices do daily. However, he was struggling to focus on their training session after what he'd just experienced. He witnessed his own son murder several of his clanmates in cold blood. SingeNight didn't even deserve the title of `Leader` and `MumbleNose's son`. Perhaps he had been wrong to neglect his son all those moons ago. He felt it was his own fault SingeNight became so evil. Maybe he should've realized it wasn't Singe's fault Bliss left.

MumbleNose also recently discovered that he was a grandfather as well. He had no clue. He did have urges to visit SorrelSkip in the Nursery, but he figured SingeNight wouldn't approve. He wondered about his grand-kits all the time, and if they'd grow up to be better than their father. He did hope SingeNight would be there for his kits, at least, unlike himself. He did regret his past, but he didn't wish to step into Singe's life now.

He came to a halt in the center of the Training Moor, his stumpy tail lying limply beside him. He sat with an impressive posture, his spine straightened and his head raised. He was a massive tomcat, a dangerous opponent to most. He often towered over his clanmates, but he never felt that they were intimidated by him.

Derpple and Ashie December 3rd, 2016 05:57 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 61522)
Singenight was overwhelmed at first from both attacking cats working together against him. True it was an uneven match, but he held the strength above the other two cats. As Rainsplash tried to fight him again, he was forced over once again by Swiftbreeze. In anger he lashed out, kicking his claws through fur, feeling blood over him, unsure whether it was his or the other cats. He lashed out again at Swiftbreeze, biting this time near the vital arteries in the neck, hoping to break them, he knew his strength would fail at some point, he couldn't fight forever.

He wiggled out from under the cats frame and slashed out again at Rainsplash. Singenight fought best face to face, no running just straight on fighting. He flexed his claws once more and leaped onto Rainsplash pulling her to the ground. The menacing Savannah stood over her and hissed in her ear. "I have admired your bravery Rainsplash, your beloved Starclan aphad not saved you though." He said as he lunged down, biting into the she cats neck.

The silver she-cat was moving as fast as her aged bones and muscles could take her, but unfortunately in such an interlocked combat with Singenight, trying her best to assist her mate to make up for their rusty skills. However, by trying to keep close, she opened herself up for Singenight's fangs that came directly into her throat with killer intent. The she-cat produced a gargling noise of alarm, paws scrabbling at his face desperately, claws trying to gouge out his pale yellow eyes as blood further stained her beautiful silver coat. Rainsplash cried in terror as he saw such a fatal blow land upon his mate, best friend and true love, and with a fierce yowl he rushed forward to try and rip Singenight from her, so blinded in his desperate fury that he did not consider the possibility that he would only make it worse if Singenight resisted.

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 06:43 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Heatherpaw walked toward the training moor, her paws silent. She had just found out that she was given a new mentor, and she was excited. All she knew was that he was a massive tom named Mumblenose. She wondered if he was a supporter of Singenight, like she was. The brown tabby didn't know what to expect when she saw Mumblenose. She walked quietly into the training moor, and she spotted Mumblenose sitting in the middle. She padded up to him, curiosity dancing in her blue eyes. "Mumblenose?" She asked, making sure that the large tom sitting in front of her was actually her mentor.

AbsurdJinx December 3rd, 2016 07:02 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by AshtonTheRavenclaw (Post 62806)

Heatherpaw walked toward the training moor, her paws silent. She had just found out that she was given a new mentor, and she was excited. All she knew was that he was a massive tom named Mumblenose. She wondered if he was a supporter of Singenight, like she was. The brown tabby didn't know what to expect when she saw Mumblenose. She walked quietly into the training moor, and she spotted Mumblenose sitting in the middle. She padded up to him, curiosity dancing in her blue eyes. "Mumblenose?" She asked, making sure that the large tom sitting in front of her was actually her mentor.

MumbleNose watched a young she-cat approach him, her curiosity and excitement rather obvious. He would've released a mrrow of amusement at her display of emotions, but he held it back. It was HeatherPaw's first meeting of him, and he wasn't looking to embarrass her. He wished to make an acceptable first impression, and laughing at her didn't seem to be a good start. ``Mm, that's me,`` He advised, his eyes shimmering with joy. His first apprentice! How exciting! It would be rather hypocritical of him to laugh at her when he himself could also be laughed at for the same reason.

``You must be HeatherPaw,`` He determined, taking to moment to study her. She was a brown-gray tabby, her belly and chest the most noticeable white on her pelt. She owned striking blue eyes, and even the most stubborn of cats would admit them to be charming. He found it funny that his chin was nearly pressed against his chest when he looked down on her. He never really acknowledged his own height, but he did know that when compared to others, his height was ridiculous.

``Let's not waste the day away, chit-chatting, hm?`` He sent her a bright smile. ``I think we will start today with, well, you showing me what you know. Perhaps we shall start with running?`` MumbleNose rose to his paws, his stumpy tail dangling behind him limply. ``All you need to do is run around the Training Moor as if it's a track. Go around until you need to catch your breath, or until I tell you to stop.`` MumbleNose had an easy time adjusting to this mentor thing. ``Ready? Go!``

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 07:32 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 62825)

MumbleNose watched a young she-cat approach him, her curiosity and excitement rather obvious. He would've released a mrrow of amusement at her display of emotions, but he held it back. It was HeatherPaw's first meeting of him, and he wasn't looking to embarrass her. He wished to make an acceptable first impression, and laughing at her didn't seem to be a good start. ``Mm, that's me,`` He advised, his eyes shimmering with joy. His first apprentice! How exciting! It would be rather hypocritical of him to laugh at her when he himself could also be laughed at for the same reason.

``You must be HeatherPaw,`` He determined, taking to moment to study her. She was a brown-gray tabby, her belly and chest the most noticeable white on her pelt. She owned striking blue eyes, and even the most stubborn of cats would admit them to be charming. He found it funny that his chin was nearly pressed against his chest when he looked down on her. He never really acknowledged his own height, but he did know that when compared to others, his height was ridiculous.

``Let's not waste the day away, chit-chatting, hm?`` He sent her a bright smile. ``I think we will start today with, well, you showing me what you know. Perhaps we shall start with running?`` MumbleNose rose to his paws, his stumpy tail dangling behind him limply. ``All you need to do is run around the Training Moor as if it's a track. Go around until you need to catch your breath, or until I tell you to stop.`` MumbleNose had an easy time adjusting to this mentor thing. ``Ready? Go!``

Heatherpaw noticed how excited the large savannah cat looked. She almost laughed, but knew that she had to focus on her training. Her blue eyes reflected the sun, making them sparkle, although she had a rather serious expression on her face. The brown tabby got ready to run, knowing that she was fast, but knew she was probably as slow as a turtle compared to Mumblenose. As soon as she heard him tell her to start, she sprinted off at a good pace so she could prove how fast she was while being able to run for a long time. She ran around the training moor, kicking up a bit of dirt as she went. Her fluffy fur caught some of the dirt from the ground. She ran around, not stopping. Determination glowed in her eyes as she went. She knew she had to prove to Mumblenose that she could run fast.

AbsurdJinx December 3rd, 2016 07:49 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by AshtonTheRavenclaw (Post 62854)
Heatherpaw noticed how excited the large savannah cat looked. She almost laughed, but knew that she had to focus on her training. Her blue eyes reflected the sun, making them sparkle, although she had a rather serious expression on her face. The brown tabby got ready to run, knowing that she was fast, but knew she was probably as slow as a turtle compared to Mumblenose. As soon as she heard him tell her to start, she sprinted off at a good pace so she could prove how fast she was while being able to run for a long time. She ran around the training moor, kicking up a bit of dirt as she went. Her fluffy fur caught some of the dirt from the ground. She ran around, not stopping. Determination glowed in her eyes as she went. She knew she had to prove to Mumblenose that she could run fast.

MumbleNose spun in circles in order to properly observe HeatherPaw race around the Training Moor. His gaze followed the clumps of earth she threw up behind herself, and he spotted the dark dirt that got stuck in her thick fur. After she went around a few times, he decided he's seen enough. ``Great job, HeatherPaw! You can stop now,`` He called out, a proud gleam in his dull green eyes. His apprentice would make an amazing warrior, and with his help, she'd be even better.

``I'm proud of your speed, and I see you can run non-stop without the need to stop for a breath. Those are respectable traits in a WindClan warrior. However, I can make you faster, and your steps lighter. See, if you lower yourself close to the ground - to the point where your belly fur brushes against the ground - then you'll pick up speed. Flatten your ears back in order to fight the wind from getting inside your ears. Stretch your forepaws out further, and made sure that when you press off the ground with your hind paws, they're strong as if you're jumping. Use your paw pads, too, instead of your claws, in order to avoid leaving a track. Your pads are soft, and make no sound. Oh, and narrow your eyes against the wind. The winds get awfully strong out here. If you want to be a WindClan cat, you must be both strong and swift. Your strength makes you swift when it comes to your strides. Here, watch me go around once, and then we'll run together - side by side.`` He didn't await a response before bounding to the border of the Training Moor.

With a brief intake of breath, MumbleNose kicked off the ground with his powerful hind legs, his paw pads pressing against the surface. He started his run with a leap, but the second he hit the ground, he lowered his torso close to the grass, until he felt the stalks tickling his belly. This gave his forearms the ability to reach further than they'd be able to if he were standing. He barely made a sound as he circled the track, the only noises available behind the faint rustle of the grasses. His ears were flattened against his head, and his eyes were narrowed into slits. He released even breaths. He came to a sudden halt by HeatherPaw, his breath even as if he hadn't even been running. ``If you want to keep your breath while running, and after, be sure to focus on your breathing. You must breathe evenly as if you were simply standing there. Don't tense your muscles, because that takes away the energy you can use to breathe. Alright. Any questions before we go for a run around the Training Moor?``

Serendipity December 3rd, 2016 07:51 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by AshtonTheRavenclaw (Post 62527)
(I'm so so sorry, I forgot.) Batwhisker watched Pumpkinkit sleep, hearing fighting outside. She looked at the entrance to the nursery. I wonder what is happening. She thought, then looked back at Pumkinkit, hoping she wasn't awaken by the fighting.

Pumpkinkit jumped up, scenting Batwhisker near her. She squealed and jumped on Batwhisker, softly chewing her ear. (No actual teeth, just like, idk, play war) "Pumpkinstar shall rule the worlldddd" She mewed, as she slid down Batwhisker's back and landed on the floor with a thump. She jumped back up again, and hoisted herself of Battie's shoulders

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 08:04 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Sweet Skies (Post 62877)
Pumpkinkit jumped up, scenting Batwhisker near her. She squealed and jumped on Batwhisker, softly chewing her ear. (No actual teeth, just like, idk, play war) "Pumpkinstar shall rule the worlldddd" She mewed, as she slid down Batwhisker's back and landed on the floor with a thump. She jumped back up again, and hoisted herself of Battie's shoulders

Batwhisker smiled softly at Pumpkinkit. "Having fun being leader?" She asked, laughing a bit as pumpkinkit slid down her back. She felt Pumpkinkit get back up on her shoulders. "What are you doing now?" She asked, smiling at her.

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 08:20 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 62875)

MumbleNose spun in circles in order to properly observe HeatherPaw race around the Training Moor. His gaze followed the clumps of earth she threw up behind herself, and he spotted the dark dirt that got stuck in her thick fur. After she went around a few times, he decided he's seen enough. ``Great job, HeatherPaw! You can stop now,`` He called out, a proud gleam in his dull green eyes. His apprentice would make an amazing warrior, and with his help, she'd be even better.

``I'm proud of your speed, and I see you can run non-stop without the need to stop for a breath. Those are respectable traits in a WindClan warrior. However, I can make you faster, and your steps lighter. See, if you lower yourself close to the ground - to the point where your belly fur brushes against the ground - then you'll pick up speed. Flatten your ears back in order to fight the wind from getting inside your ears. Stretch your forepaws out further, and made sure that when you press off the ground with your hind paws, they're strong as if you're jumping. Use your paw pads, too, instead of your claws, in order to avoid leaving a track. Your pads are soft, and make no sound. Oh, and narrow your eyes against the wind. The winds get awfully strong out here. If you want to be a WindClan cat, you must be both strong and swift. Your strength makes you swift when it comes to your strides. Here, watch me go around once, and then we'll run together - side by side.`` He didn't await a response before bounding to the border of the Training Moor.

With a brief intake of breath, MumbleNose kicked off the ground with his powerful hind legs, his paw pads pressing against the surface. He started his run with a leap, but the second he hit the ground, he lowered his torso close to the grass, until he felt the stalks tickling his belly. This gave his forearms the ability to reach further than they'd be able to if he were standing. He barely made a sound as he circled the track, the only noises available behind the faint rustle of the grasses. His ears were flattened against his head, and his eyes were narrowed into slits. He released even breaths. He came to a sudden halt by HeatherPaw, his breath even as if he hadn't even been running. ``If you want to keep your breath while running, and after, be sure to focus on your breathing. You must breathe evenly as if you were simply standing there. Don't tense your muscles, because that takes away the energy you can use to breathe. Alright. Any questions before we go for a run around the Training Moor?``

Heatherpaw slowly came to a halt and faced Mumblenose. She payed attention at every word he was saying, noting it in her head. She knew she had to be better. She nodded after he gave her the corrections, to show she understood what she had to do. She watched the long legged warrior start running around the track. Heatherpaw noticed that he was so much faster than she was. She noticed that his claws weren't out, and that his ears were flat against his head. As she watched him run, she saw that his eyes were narrowed into slits and that his torso was close to the grass. When her mentor came to a halt in front of her, Heatherpaw focused on what he was saying. She noted in her head that she had to remember to focus on her breathing as well as her running. "Alright." She replied, ready to start running. "Nope." She replied to his question, then padded over to the edge of the training moor. She reviewed everything in her head as she waited for Mumblenose to start them. She was ready to push off with her hind legs. Before her mentor told her to start, she took a brief intake of breath. Heatherpaw was ready to use what Mumblenose had taught her and prove to her mentor that she could be even faster.

AbsurdJinx December 3rd, 2016 08:43 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor
MumbleNose admired HeatherPaw's persistence and confidence in perfecting her running. He followed her to the so-called `starting line`. He saw this piece of training as a race, and he was itching to start. He would give this race his all, though, and certainly would not go easy on the she-cat beside him. After the race, he'd order her to go 'round once more simply to better observe her movements. Then they'd move onto something else. A bit of hunting, perhaps. Then if HeatherPaw was still up for it, they'd end the training session with the practice of a single fighting technique.

``Go!`` He shouted, kicking off the earth with his strong hind legs. His paw pads pressed against the surface as he did so, careful not to dig his toes into the ground. Once more, he began his run with a leap, but he lowered himself to the ground the second he felt a solid surface beneath him. He used his paw pads for traction. His ears were folded back, and his eyes were narrowed against the rushing winds that came with the speed. His paws reached out before him, launching him forward every time they hit the ground. His thick stump of a tail whisked behind him. He felt the tips of the grass stalks tickling his belly. He didn't cast a look over his shoulder to study HeatherPaw, knowing it would only slow him down. He could study her position later. The purpose of this race was to study her speed. The purpose of watching her after was to study her position.

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 09:08 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 62943)
MumbleNose admired HeatherPaw's persistence and confidence in perfecting her running. He followed her to the so-called `starting line`. He saw this piece of training as a race, and he was itching to start. He would give this race his all, though, and certainly would not go easy on the she-cat beside him. After the race, he'd order her to go 'round once more simply to better observe her movements. Then they'd move onto something else. A bit of hunting, perhaps. Then if HeatherPaw was still up for it, they'd end the training session with the practice of a single fighting technique.

``Go!`` He shouted, kicking off the earth with his strong hind legs. His paw pads pressed against the surface as he did so, careful not to dig his toes into the ground. Once more, he began his run with a leap, but he lowered himself to the ground the second he felt a solid surface beneath him. He used his paw pads for traction. His ears were folded back, and his eyes were narrowed against the rushing winds that came with the speed. His paws reached out before him, launching him forward every time they hit the ground. His thick stump of a tail whisked behind him. He felt the tips of the grass stalks tickling his belly. He didn't cast a look over his shoulder to study HeatherPaw, knowing it would only slow him down. He could study her position later. The purpose of this race was to study her speed. The purpose of watching her after was to study her position.

Heatherpaw heard Mumblenose tell her to start. She used her hind legs to push off, she was careful to keep her claws in. Like Mumblenose, her run started with a leap, but as soon as felt the grass underneath her paws, she lowered herself to the ground. Her eyes were slits and her ears were flat against her head. Her paws were reaching forward, moving her forward when they reached the ground. At first, she was keeping up with him, but then she noticed him ahead of her. She remembered to keep her breaths even. Her fluffy tabby fur was touching the grass blades. Her long fluffy tail was following behind her. She started catching up to him, but wasn't next to him yet. Heatherpaw knew that because Mumblenose had longer legs than her that he would be faster. She pushed with all her strength to catch up, but knew that her mentor was much faster than her. She didn't give up though, and continued to try and be as fast as him. She used the strength of both her front legs and her back legs to run faster. She was so focused on trying to be faster, that she wasn't focused on her breathing and her breaths started to become uneven.

AbsurdJinx December 3rd, 2016 09:21 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by AshtonTheRavenclaw (Post 62983)
Heatherpaw heard Mumblenose tell her to start. She used her hind legs to push off, she was careful to keep her claws in. Like Mumblenose, her run started with a leap, but as soon as felt the grass underneath her paws, she lowered herself to the ground. Her eyes were slits and her ears were flat against her head. Her paws were reaching forward, moving her forward when they reached the ground. At first, she was keeping up with him, but then she noticed him ahead of her. She remembered to keep her breaths even. Her fluffy tabby fur was touching the grass blades. Her long fluffy tail was following behind her. She started catching up to him, but wasn't next to him yet. Heatherpaw knew that because Mumblenose had longer legs than her that he would be faster. She pushed with all her strength to catch up, but knew that her mentor was much faster than her. She didn't give up though, and continued to try and be as fast as him. She used the strength of both her front legs and her back legs to run faster. She was so focused on trying to be faster, that she wasn't focused on her breathing and her breaths started to become uneven.

MumbleNose could hear HeatherPaw's labored breathing behind him, and he decided to slow. He slowed to a trot, his torso rising away from the surface. He then stopped completely, spinning on his heel to face his apprentice. ``Okay, that's enough,`` He meowed, a slight smile on his face. He knew HeatherPaw could be a fantastic runner, and it did take longer than a day to get there. They'd practice running - every time at the beginning of training.

``Hmm, your speed is acceptable, but your breathing could use some work. Now, I want you to run the track once more, and then we'll try hunting.``

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 3rd, 2016 09:25 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor
(Sorry, I gtg. I'll continue when I get back)

goddess of ducks December 3rd, 2016 10:33 PM

Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by narwhalgirliv (Post 62213)
Woodpecker... Woodpeckerkit now, nodded her head and smiled. "Okay! I am kinda tired." She yawned, "Can I go to bed in the nursery?"
(I'll open up a finder for foster parents)

Singenight dipped his head politely. "Of course. It will be the one straight ahead once you exit." He mewed standing and escorting Woodpeckerkit to the entrance to his den. "I will actually be accompanying you there, Sorrelskip is waiting for me." He said leading the way to the nursery.

Brunch December 3rd, 2016 10:43 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
@Nighty @fenic! @Derpple and Ashie @Hexict

Small and fragile, yet lively; the second youngest wasn't the smallest, though not the biggest either. The small newborn tomkit squealed as his mothers tongue gasped over his small form. The younger kit-perhaps the youngest in the nursery now- flailed his paws wildly in the air, his paws hitting his siblings softly. The small kit was one of he three of the litter that looked much like his father; a small Savannah with longer legs. His tan pelt was dappled with black spots that dotted all of his small form. Before so doing up closer to his mother in the warmth of her fur, he gave out one last pitiful new. The young kit found himself in a peaceful sleep, blind and senseless to the world.

goddess of ducks December 3rd, 2016 10:48 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Derpple and Ashie (Post 62744)
The silver she-cat was moving as fast as her aged bones and muscles could take her, but unfortunately in such an interlocked combat with Singenight, trying her best to assist her mate to make up for their rusty skills. However, by trying to keep close, she opened herself up for Singenight's fangs that came directly into her throat with killer intent. The she-cat produced a gargling noise of alarm, paws scrabbling at his face desperately, claws trying to gouge out his pale yellow eyes as blood further stained her beautiful silver coat. Rainsplash cried in terror as he saw such a fatal blow land upon his mate, best friend and true love, and with a fierce yowl he rushed forward to try and rip Singenight from her, so blinded in his desperate fury that he did not consider the possibility that he would only make it worse if Singenight resisted.

Singenight allowed himself to be pulled off the dead cat. He moved quickly though, his youth and strength clearly shown against the older cat. He kicked out behind him, letting his foot knock the wind out of him. He whirled around, clawing at Rainsplash's face. He then took several steps backwards, licking the blood off his lips, and ran forwards, taking a dive under the old cat. He twisted skillfully, and raked his claws through the cats belly, blood pouring from the open wound. As he stood up in the other side, blood, a mix of both his own and the two elders, staining his normally tan and black spotted fur. He looked like a mess at the moment, like he should be dead due to the amount of blood on his pelt. Although he had come out victorious, he felt felt exhausted and tired, only wanting to go rest with his mate.

goddess of ducks December 3rd, 2016 10:56 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
@Derpple and Ashie @fenic! @Hexict @Cloudy
The small Black and Tan kit, wiggled in a shift to get more comfortable and warm. The cold air that still seeped in through the cracks lapped at her nearly bare skin. Her skin was colored though, and indication of her future pelt color. She looked nearly the exact opposite of her father. A black main coat, with tan highlights, stripes and splotches. Her ears and eyes remained closed, sealing out some of the leaf bare wind, thankfully. She squirmed again, this time her front paws hitting something warm and solid. She stretched out her other tiny paw and began kneading, not aware that it was the brindled sibling kit beside her.
(Btw, that would be Brindlekit she's currently kneading)

Derpple and Ashie December 3rd, 2016 11:22 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 63100)
Singenight allowed himself to be pulled off the dead cat. He moved quickly though, his youth and strength clearly shown against the older cat. He kicked out behind him, letting his foot knock the wind out of him. He whirled around, clawing at Rainsplash's face. He then took several steps backwards, licking the blood off his lips, and ran forwards, taking a dive under the old cat. He twisted skillfully, and raked his claws through the cats belly, blood pouring from the open wound. As he stood up in the other side, blood, a mix of both his own and the two elders, staining his normally tan and black spotted fur. He looked like a mess at the moment, like he should be dead due to the amount of blood on his pelt. Although he had come out victorious, he felt felt exhausted and tired, only wanting to go rest with his mate.

"Swiftbreeze!" Yowled Rainsplash, so focused on his mate as she faded from life, that he did not see Singenight's attack. The pain of his belly being torn asunder was nothing compared to watching his mate die, Swiftbreeze reaching so softly out towards him as her final breaths escaped her. He collapsed forward, and crawled along his bleeding belly towards her. "Swiftbreeze..." He gasped raggedly, struggling to stay in the land of the living any further. "I'm so sorry," he hissed through clenched teeth, blood trickling out between his fangs as he at last reached her. "I'm so sorry. I failed you again."

She smiled at him with cloudy eyes, and a death rattle escaped her. Infernostrike's cry rose through the camp as Rainsplash grew still as well, and the russet she-cat rushed forward to embrace her slain friends, her heart aching with fire.

goddess of ducks December 3rd, 2016 11:55 PM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Singenight paid no attention to the two lovers that lay dieing together. He honestly didn't care about them. He released a heavy sigh and called out to the horrified, watchful Clan. "Clan dismissed. I need a group of cats to bury the bodies." He called out, his voice ringing over the gathered Clan. The large Savannah stalked away and disappeared into his den, hoping for a rest.


Singenight, refreshed and cleaned form the executions that occurred earlier padded out of his den feeling lovely again. He quietly noted the stench of blood that lingered Ipoh the ground, or maybe his tan fur. He shrugged the thought away and mounted the Breezerock again. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Breezerock for a Clan meeting!" He called, his voice surging out with a replenished power. As he stood tall waiting for the cats to assemble he let his half tail wave absent mindedly behind him. Once a considerable amount of cats had gathered, he began. "Cats of Windclan! Since Dapplestar was overcome by her grief from Starlingstep's disappearance, she neglected to do ceremonies for our young cats." He paused taking a breath. He definitely felt better standing here now, than earlier when chaos had broke out. "To start, I call Ebonykit. Come forth please." He said as his pale yellow orbs searched the crowd for the kit.

~Breadsticks~ December 4th, 2016 12:00 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 63150)
Singenight paid no attention to the two lovers that lay dieing together. He honestly didn't care about them. He released a heavy sigh and called out to the horrified, watchful Clan. "Clan dismissed. I need a group of cats to bury the bodies." He called out, his voice ringing over the gathered Clan. The large Savannah stalked away and disappeared into his den, hoping for a rest.


Singenight, refreshed and cleaned form the executions that occurred earlier padded out of his den feeling lovely again. He quietly noted the stench of blood that lingered Ipoh the ground, or maybe his tan fur. He shrugged the thought away and mounted the Breezerock again. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Breezerock for a Clan meeting!" He called, his voice surging out with a replenished power. As he stood tall waiting for the cats to assemble he let his half tail wave absent mindedly behind him. Once a considerable amount of cats had gathered, he began. "Cats of Windclan! Since Dapplestar was overcome by her grief from Starlingstep's disappearance, she neglected to do ceremonies for our young cats." He paused taking a breath. He definitely felt better standing here now, than earlier when chaos had broke out. "To start, I call Ebonykit. Come forth please." He said as his pale yellow orbs searched the crowd for the kit.

Ebonykit rose to his paws, eyes wide in horror as he padded slowly up to the leader. The kit whispered out, "Am I in trouble?" The little tom looked around and turned back to Singenight, I support him, he wouldn't hurt me.. Right? He thought, gaining more confidence as he gave himself a small pep talk. He rose his head and met the gaze of the leader, a small glint of fear shining in his eyes but it was soon overcome with his respect for the large Savannah cat that stood in front of him.

goddess of ducks December 4th, 2016 12:05 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by TheBread (Post 63151)
Ebonykit rose to his paws, eyes wide in horror as he padded slowly up to the leader. The kit whispered out, "Am I in trouble?" The little tom looked around and turned back to Singenight, I support him, he wouldn't hurt me.. Right? He thought, gaining more confidence as he gave himself a small pep talk. He rose his head and met the gaze of the leader, a small glint of fear shining in his eyes but it was soon overcome with his respect for the large Savannah cat that stood in front of him.

Singenight tried to offer his friendliest smile to the soon-to-be-apprentice. "No young lad, you are to become an apprentice." He said quietly. Then purposefully ignoring the Starclan sayings, he continued. "Ebonykit, you have reached the age of six moons. Therefore, you are old enough to become an apprentice. Do you promise to train as hard as you can, to put all your effort into serving your Clan?" He asked, projecting his voice again to be heard.

Officer Wolf December 4th, 2016 12:08 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Little Song perks her ears, foreign to the leader's call. She stands tall, trying not to be unnoticed in the large clan of cats. She holds her head high, wrapping her tail around her paws as she sits on the ground. I'm brave. I'm braver than all of these cats!

~Breadsticks~ December 4th, 2016 12:15 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 63154)
Singenight tried to offer his friendliest smile to the soon-to-be-apprentice. "No young lad, you are to become an apprentice." He said quietly. Then purposefully ignoring the Starclan sayings, he continued. "Ebonykit, you have reached the age of six moons. Therefore, you are old enough to become an apprentice. Do you promise to train as hard as you can, to put all your effort into serving your Clan?" He asked, projecting his voice again to be heard.

Ebonykit's eyes widened once again and he gave a wide smile, his ears perked and his tail waving. The tom gave Singenight a nod, "I do." When he spoke his voice was filled with confidence that surprised himself but he shook it off, trying to look as brave as he could in front of the gathered cats. The kit glanced around the clan, Who is going to be my mentor? He thought as his gaze returned to Singenight.

goddess of ducks December 4th, 2016 12:22 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by TheBread (Post 63159)
Ebonykit's eyes widened once again and he gave a wide smile, his ears perked and his tail waving. The tom gave Singenight a nod, "I do." When he spoke his voice was filled with confidence that surprised himself but he shook it off, trying to look as brave as he could in front of the gathered cats. The kit glanced around the clan, Who is going to be my mentor? He thought as his gaze returned to Singenight.

Singenight nodded at the response. Now for him to continue. He quite honestly enjoyed this part of being leader, something he didn't expect from himself. "Then, Ebonykit, until you receive your warrior name at a later time, I now name you Ebonypaw." He said his voice loud and clear. "Your mentor will be, none other than me. I will take you under my law and guide you in the ways of being a strong and loyal warrior to your clan." He said flashing a sly smile to the apprentice. He bent down and rested his chin on the smaller cats head, and whispered. "Go and sit with Gorsefeather for now." He said. Then standing back straight again he moved on. "Since I became leader, several rogues and loners have joined, willing to be loyal Clanmates to Windclan. Some of them will prove their loyalty through their skills they show, others will take the course of apprenticeship." He said, eyes landing briefly on some of the new cats. His yellow orbs landed on Ichigo's. "Ichigo, come forth please." He said with a powerful tone.

Fallpotato December 4th, 2016 12:23 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 63164)
Singenight nodded at the response. Now for him to continue. He quite honestly enjoyed this part of being leader, something he didn't expect from himself. "Then, Ebonykit, until you receive your warrior name at a later time, I now name you Ebonypaw." He said his voice loud and clear. "Your mentor will be, none other than me. I will take you under my law and guide you in the ways of being a strong and loyal warrior to your clan." He said flashing a sly smile to the apprentice. He bent down and rested his chin on the smaller cats head, and whispered. "Go and sit with Gorsefeather for now." He said. Then standing back straight again he moved on. "Since I became leader, several rogues and loners have joined, willing to be loyal Clanmates to Windclan. Some of them will prove their loyalty through their skills they show, others will take the course of apprenticeship." He said, eyes landing briefly on some of the new cats. His yellow orbs landed on Ichigo's. "Ichigo, come forth please." He said with a powerful tone.

Ichigo nods and steps towards the breezerock.

~Breadsticks~ December 4th, 2016 12:26 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 63164)
Singenight nodded at the response. Now for him to continue. He quite honestly enjoyed this part of being leader, something he didn't expect from himself. "Then, Ebonykit, until you receive your warrior name at a later time, I now name you Ebonypaw." He said his voice loud and clear. "Your mentor will be, none other than me. I will take you under my law and guide you in the ways of being a strong and loyal warrior to your clan." He said flashing a sly smile to the apprentice. He bent down and rested his chin on the smaller cats head, and whispered. "Go and sit with Gorsefeather for now." He said. Then standing back straight again he moved on. "Since I became leader, several rogues and loners have joined, willing to be loyal Clanmates to Windclan. Some of them will prove their loyalty through their skills they show, others will take the course of apprenticeship." He said, eyes landing briefly on some of the new cats. His yellow orbs landed on Ichigo's. "Ichigo, come forth please." He said with a powerful tone.

Ebonypaw gave the leader a respectful nod and turned away, his gaze searching for Gorsefeather. When he found the deputy he padded over to him, sitting down and watching the next ceremony take place. He shuffled his paws, a small grin making it's way onto his muzzle.

goddess of ducks December 4th, 2016 12:27 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Yellowpotatoes (Post 63166)
Ichigo nods and steps towards the breezerock.

Singenight nodded to the cats presence. "Ichigo, I have allowed you to join Windclan. Now you in turn must show your gratitude towards us. You will prove your loyalty to is through your actions and how you treat your fellow Clanmates. Since you are over the age of being an apprentice, you will join the ranks of our warriors. Ichigo, do you promise to protect and serve Windclan, even at the cost of your life?" He asked looking directly at the outsider, his gaze locking with that of the other.

Fallpotato December 4th, 2016 12:28 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 63169)
Singenight nodded to the cats presence. "Ichigo, I have allowed you to join Windclan. Now you in turn must show your gratitude towards us. You will prove your loyalty to is through your actions and how you treat your fellow Clanmates. Since you are over the age of being an apprentice, you will join the ranks of our warriors. Ichigo, do you promise to protect and serve Windclan, even at the cost of your life?" He asked looking directly at the outsider, his gaze locking with that of the other.

Ichigo nods and mews "Yes I do"

goddess of ducks December 4th, 2016 12:33 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Yellowpotatoes (Post 63170)
Ichigo nods and mews "Yes I do"

Singenight nodded approvingly. "Then Ichigo, since your name represents your past life, with no clan, it must be discarded. Until the day you die, you shall be known as Frostwing. The Clan will welcome you as a warrior in their ranks." Said dipping his head to the new warrior and member of the Clan. Then as he waited for Frostwing to leave, his gaze landed on yet another loner wishing to join. "Song, come forth." He said his voice rather flat. "Here we now have a young cat who is willing to learn our ways and uphold the code. Song, do you promise to uphold the code, train as hard as you can and remain loyal to us all?" He asked eyeing the cat with a seriousness.

Fallpotato December 4th, 2016 12:35 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Frostwing pads off the rock.

Officer Wolf December 4th, 2016 12:36 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Song swallows hard, then dips her head, she quickly rises to her paws, padding up to the large stone just as the others have done. Brave...brave... Song nods, "I do." Her voice was very song-like and soft-spoken.

goddess of ducks December 4th, 2016 12:43 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Officer Wolf (Post 63174)
Song swallows hard, then dips her head, she quickly rises to her paws, padding up to the large stone just as the others have done. Brave...brave... Song nods, "I do." Her voice was very song-like and soft-spoken.

Singenight dipped his head once again and gave a flick of his severed tail tip. "Song, you will now join the ranks of Windclan as a full apprentice. Your name, until you become a warrior, will be known as Songpaw. Your mentor will be Fawnleap. Listen well and train hard in the ways of the Clan." He said bending forwards as resting his head lightly on the apprentice's before backing away again.

Officer Wolf December 4th, 2016 12:46 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Her light green eyes glimmer with pride, "Th-thank you so much!" She rushes off to her new mentor, moving to touch noses. Her silvery pelt glimmered in the sunlight and tail waved happily behind her.
(( @kozui-chan ))

goddess of ducks December 4th, 2016 01:22 AM

Re: WindClan Breezerock
Singenight watched as the new apprentice went back to meet her leader. With another flick of his half tail he continued, slightly relieved that it was almost over with. "Now, we have another cat that wishes to join our ranks. Timber, come forth." He said jest urging to the cat. "Timber, you also wish to join as a Windclan warrior. Therefore, you will have to prove your loyalty to us. Do you swear to uphold the Warrior Code and work to serve the clan?"

{I do.}

"Then, until the day you die, you shall be known as Timbergrowl. May you serve your Clan faithfully." He said dipping his head to the new warrior. Then as he moved in he glanced at the kits. "We now have a few more kits who are in need of their apprentice ceremony as well. Dovekit, Greenkit, Sootkit, and Bramblekit, come forwards please.' He said gently to the kits, remembering Ebonyoaw's reaction to the summoning. "I understand that all of you are ready to become apprentices. Now, do all of you promise to train hard in order to become a full warrior of Windclan?"

{I do.}

"Then, by the power bestowed into me, I now name you Dovepaw, Greenpaw, Sootpaw, and Bramblepaw. You all with hopefully train in the way of the code. Dovepaw, your mentor is Dovecloud. Greenpaw, your mentor will be Hareleap. Sootpaw, your mentor is Flashbriar, and finally, Bramblepaw, your mentor will be Gorseleap." He said dipping his head to all and sending them in their way. "That should conclude all of our ceremonies for now. Clan dismissed!" He called, leaping down off the Rock and padding back to meet Sorrelskip.

Blackout December 4th, 2016 01:23 AM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 61505)
"Alright then, the camp is this way. As for the territory, stay in the moors, don't cross any weird smelling lines." He mewed curtly as he led the way back to camp, hoping this time to get so personal time with Sorrelskip.

The kit wandered around the territory silently mewing to himself as he approached Windclan unknowingly. The kit was only 4-5 months old "help!" He cried out, his speech hindered by his abnormally large canines. Of course the kit received no immediate help so he rapped his bushy red tail around himself and layed down, frightened and lonely.

emmettjaxxon December 4th, 2016 01:52 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Every once in a while, Galaxy would see a cat in the distance but they always ran so fast that they would be gone in seconds. He trekked across the unfamiliar territory with heavy legs and sighed as he realized he would probably never see his parents or sister again. Galaxy wished he at least had a friend to be with since wandering around on his own was lonely. Finally slumping to the ground from exhaustion, the kit heard his stomach rumble. He couldn't remember the last time he ate and he was no good at hunting yet. He sighed again and wrapped his long silver and black tail around himself.

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 4th, 2016 09:56 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 60054)
"Wow!" Hareleap gasped, not expecting the sudden athleticism from such a young kit. "Look at you, you little showoff." he purred teasingly.

Greenkit now Greenpaw heard his ceremony and he was surprised to hear that hareleap was his mentor he looked back at hareleap with a smile "I've been practicing i guess im your apprentice now" he said pelt fluffed with excitement making him look like a ball if golden fluff

Fallpotato December 4th, 2016 11:14 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Frostwing padded into the camp. He looked at his new clan "Better then being a loner."

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