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Arie October 9th, 2020 10:58 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island

Originally Posted by Supernatural Slushie (Post 819147)

[ @Arie ]

Gosefury watched anxiously as she slipped into the water and made her way to the island. Then, with a deep breath, he followed suit. The water closed around his legs and then his chest and then then the base of his neck, and his eyes were narrowed as he tried not to freak. Maybe his fear of the river wasn't as bad as it used to be, but it was still there. Under the surface. Haha. Under the surface. I'm so funny. Maybe it was a good thing Eelpaw hadn't asked to be carried across. Goosefury was pretty sure he would have drowned.

When he finally emerged on the other side he shook himself off, sending water droplets flying. "Okay, now that that's out of the way," he muttered to himself before looking up at Eelpaw. "What were you thinking about starting with, offense or defense? I'll let you pick."

Goosefury didn't leave them. That was good. And when he finally made it over she frowned somewhat, as the droplets sprayed all over her and proceeded to soak her in return. Shaking out her fur in... a mild act of... revenge? no. Eelpaw didn't do revenge. It was just from observing, Goosefury had shaken out his fur and that surely meant she was supposed to do the same thing did it not? Yes. Eelpaw liked to believe that. It was logical and it made sense, to her at least. And then she stood up properly too, listening to his question with a face full of indifference outside of the no blinking that was starting to make her eyes hurt. But... but if she blinked he would disappear would he not? That was what Eelpaw believed and they didn't want Goosefury to disappear, another one could not disappear. NOt again, not again, again, again, again. Not. AGAIN. Just the thought made the young apprentice shake but she shook her head and then nodded in regards to his question. "Defense?" it was filled with hesitancy but she didn't know. How well would she do? Would she fail? Eelpaw didn't like failing.

Shade. October 10th, 2020 02:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island
(Decided to cut this short a bit. Generally a good training session)

Lotusheart pulled away from the three.
"You all did a good job. It was impressive. Badgerpaw, If you need any other training, just ask." she mewed. The massive white cat looked at Brightpaw.
"Brightpaw, you have passed your final combat assessment. Take a breath and we'll go hunting. I noticed you knew the moves. You could execute them on your own. But you're really talented when it comes to group combat. Great job." she said, smiling encouragingly.

ChillCat October 10th, 2020 05:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island
Wow! Lotusheart was praising her! "I do know the moves!its because you're a great teacher though." @Shadeleaf

ciitrus--fruitz October 12th, 2020 10:44 AM

Re: RiverClan Training Island

Originally Posted by Zero (Post 815378)

Coastbreeze hopped off of Mosspaw, turning around toward him once more. "Okay, quick break!" He meowed, offering a paw to help the younger tom to get up. "That first attack was very good! Attacking from behind is a good tactic, as is landing on an opponent's back. That is really good for facing an opponent bigger than you, and even better if your fighting with some other apprentices. However, if you aren't heavy enough to get them down right when you land on them, you need to be on the watch for them to do what I did or even to try to buck you off, okay? And be sure to keep in mind what to do if anyone else gets on your back!"

Mosspaw nods, taking the older tom's paw and heaving himself up. He shakes out his fur, head spinning not just from his fall but also from the sheer amount of information he was just given. He stands still a moment, taking in everything his mentor told him and filing it away. After a minute or so, he shakes himself out again and flops down onto the hard-packed dirt with a huff. "This is hard," he complains, tail-tip ticking.

Zero October 12th, 2020 05:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island

Originally Posted by mellifluentCurator (Post 823215)
Mosspaw nods, taking the older tom's paw and heaving himself up. He shakes out his fur, head spinning not just from his fall but also from the sheer amount of information he was just given. He stands still a moment, taking in everything his mentor told him and filing it away. After a minute or so, he shakes himself out again and flops down onto the hard-packed dirt with a huff. "This is hard," he complains, tail-tip ticking.

Coastbreeze settled back and let Mosspaw absorb what he'd said, letting out a breathless chuckle at his complaint. "Of course!" He meowed. "It's meant to toughen you up. But, we're also having fun, aren't we?" The warrior looked at Mosspaw with a smile. He watched with amusement as his apprentice laid there, but did take in his ruffled (annoyed?) appearance and re-thought his training plan. "Are you tired? Do you wanna be done for the day?"

ciitrus--fruitz October 12th, 2020 07:40 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island

Originally Posted by Zero (Post 823612)

Coastbreeze settled back and let Mosspaw absorb what he'd said, letting out a breathless chuckle at his complaint. "Of course!" He meowed. "It's meant to toughen you up. But, we're also having fun, aren't we?" The warrior looked at Mosspaw with a smile. He watched with amusement as his apprentice laid there, but did take in his ruffled (annoyed?) appearance and re-thought his training plan. "Are you tired? Do you wanna be done for the day?"

"Hm?" Mosspaw breathes on the ground for a moment more before standing up again, shaking himself one last time. "I am having fun! We don't have to stop, I just need a second," he says, sitting down. His tail-tip continues twitching, which he would stop, but he can't be bothered. He's a bit overstimulated and needs a break and an outlet to get it out.

Leopardblaze October 12th, 2020 08:56 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 820866)
Um, yeah, I'm good. Rushpaw mewed, by now quite embarrassed by her bush problems. What WAS it with everything trying to get her? She didn't like it, not at all. She was going to have to learn to fight REALLY good now, if bushes wanted to get her too! She didn't want to be got! Not to mention all the warriors from OTHER clans that would squash her if she got the chance! She wanted to squash them, not the other way around! Trying to be serious for once, she asked somewhat politely Could we..........try something else?

Leopardblaze let out a little relieved sigh that Rushpaw was fine. Nodding she meowed, "Yes, we can try something else. Would you like to learn a defensive move instead or even some water fighting moves?"

gs29513 October 13th, 2020 08:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Training Island
Ooh! She got to CHOOSE how she beat people up! That was cool! And she was not mauled! That was also good! Now, did she want to beat people up in the water or......practice not getting beaten up. Hmmmmm. Maybe she should learn how to not get beaten up, since the BUSH got her! She couldn't fight and get beat by a bush, and expect to beat a warrior! Maybe she should work on not getting squashed. I would like to learn how not to get squished please! Rushpaw chirped, her tail flicking to and fro excitedly. Fun fun fun fun fun. Until you got sat on. @Leopardblaze

duckie October 13th, 2020 07:36 PM

Re: RiverClan Training Island

Originally Posted by Rainquail (Post 819563)
Cricketchirp had barely been getting better and starting to manage to move foward when Sootflare came by and plucked him up and out of the water. Well, mostly out. He was still in the water, the water lapping at his belly, nearly reaching his elbows, where Sootflare was.... less stuck in the water.
"I would hope I would have done better if it hadn't been such a surprise, but I really doubt it."
He coughed a few times, painfully.


"What we're going to do," he meowed, wors still half muffled by the scruff in his mouth, "Is I'm going to set you back down. And you're going to paddle back to the training island. No panicking. Understood?"

Sootflare really had no idea how cats managed to get to adulthood without learning to swim at some point in their life. He truly had reached the end of his string when it came to swim training and, without waiting for a response, unceremoniously released his grip on Cricketchirp and let him splash down into the water. He was going to learn right here, right now, whether he liked it or not. He would have to. It would be rather embarrassing to drown just a few tail-lengths from dry land.

Sootflare wouldn't actually let that happen, of course. But Cricketchirp didn't need to know that.

[ we can probably wrap this up once he swims back to shore. after this all cricket will need is fishing, yeah? ]

Abyssopelagic October 14th, 2020 01:36 AM

Re: RiverClan Training Island
[Yes, yes. Then his official training will be done]

Cricketchirp was honestly started more than scared, amd as he opened his mouth to say 'yes, sir', Sootflare had already dropped him back in, getting yet another lung full of water.
Ohhhhh, great.
He had no idea how this worked, but he needed to try or Sootflare would have to save him again. As much of an ass as he's seen Sootflare be to some other cats (rightfully so, he would say about some of them), he doubted the deputy had it in him to just let a clanmate drown in the name of training.
His legs kicked out, but directed downward so he could finally bob to the surface, sputtering and spitting the water out, mouth and nose just barely staying above water.
He groan as he glanced back to the training island. It seemed so far away and his legs felt like led.
He began paddling slowly, annoyed he couldn't quite get his head up without splashing more water into his face and very slowly, he swam over. It way too long, but he finally managed.
Once he could touch the ground, he dipped under and shot out, not bothering to swim the last tail length until he could run without dunking under.
He looked back to Sootflare, shivering slightly and all around looking pitifully like a drowned rat, showing that most of his size was his wiry fur and he was pretty thin everywhere.
"Are we done trying to drown me?"


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