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Exis August 1st, 2020 01:18 AM

Re: ShadowClan Training Ground

Originally Posted by Shiverr the Flurf (Post 770455)

"It did? Are you okay?"

“I’m fine but that’s what you should do.”

Abyssopelagic August 1st, 2020 05:28 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Goldenmask (Post 766763)

He sat down next to her.
"I'm finally 5 moons old! Only one more moon until i'm an apprentice! I bet it's gonna be so fun! Say, how was your apprenticehood? Did anything cool happen?"

Crowskip took a teeny bite out of the prey he brought her and thought about it.
"A bit unrelated..... it was during my apprenticeship I discovered my love for nature. It just.... called to me, I suppose. After a two leg let loose their dog, I was caught outside of camp when it came. I couldn't run home, I'd have brought it to them, but I couldn't fight it alone. I ended up in a tree with a blood thirsty dog at the base of the tree. The dog, trying to get me, disturbed a wasp nest. Wasps arevery vindictive bugs. The nest of wasps ended up chasing the dog away."
She blinked a bit. She hadn't really ever told this story to anyone. There were few. She hadn't supposed to have been out alone, so she kept quiet to avoid getting in trouble and then it just...... never crossed her mind.
She shook her head.
"Other than that, it was more or less normal."
Mostly because she learned not to leave without a warrior.

Caramel August 1st, 2020 05:42 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Rainquail (Post 770470)

Crowskip took a teeny bite out of the prey he brought her and thought about it.
"A bit unrelated..... it was during my apprenticeship I discovered my love for nature. It just.... called to me, I suppose. After a two leg let loose their dog, I was caught outside of camp when it came. I couldn't run home, I'd have brought it to them, but I couldn't fight it alone. I ended up in a tree with a blood thirsty dog at the base of the tree. The dog, trying to get me, disturbed a wasp nest. Wasps arevery vindictive bugs. The nest of wasps ended up chasing the dog away."
She blinked a bit. She hadn't really ever told this story to anyone. There were few. She hadn't supposed to have been out alone, so she kept quiet to avoid getting in trouble and then it just...... never crossed her mind.
She shook her head.
"Other than that, it was more or less normal."
Mostly because she learned not to leave without a warrior.

"If it were me, i would have probably been able to defeat all alone! he said Though i guess i should probably thank the wasps for saving you"
Sparrowkit thought very highly of himself, despite only being a kit. He probably really should thank those waps, if it weren't for her then well he wouldn't have a mother
He looked at the Crowskip's kits, suddenly being reminded again that he isn't her actual kit...
"So they're my siblings? I'm probably a bad older brother for not knowing this but what are their actual names? I didn't catch you ever mentioning that because well i was sleeping" he asked

Abyssopelagic August 1st, 2020 05:49 AM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den
News of Echopaw being taken reached Whiskernose's ears after far too long and after grilling cats to no end to tell him.
He padded to the Medicine Den, head struggling to stay upright, paws almost dragging. After his conversation with Stormlily, he needed something to take his mind off the deep, panging sorrow he felt.
At least..... he still had her. His last line to the clan, the last of his family, now, with Echopaw gone.
He hadn't seen Mirepaw in a while and really, didn't want to drag the passively smiling, ever calm, agreeable apprentice into his troubles. So he came to Irisflame.
He came to her to help her. With her apprentice gone, it only seemed right. It was the only way he could be of use, could be helpful right now. And more than anything, he just wanted to stop the hurt he felt, hoping that healing his clanmates would fill the void he felt in his chest, gaping and voracious, eating whatever of him it could.
As he entered the den, he lifted his head and blinked the glazed over, bleary look in his eyes. He straightened his posture and proceeded carefully to Irisflame.
"You feeling up for some help?"

@Moon Lily
(All that lesdnup to a lacking, single sentence, oops)

Abyssopelagic August 1st, 2020 07:32 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
She nosed his cheek briefly.
"Perhaps you could have. I hope that isn't a situation you will ever face unprepared."
Because Crowskip knew Sparrowkit and every last one of her other children would one day be faced with hardships, with pain. There was no avoiding it, but she could hope they had the resources to prepare themselves for them.
"I wouldn't say bad."
She murmered, purring a bit.
"Vulturekit is my only son, and he even looks like me."
He would always be her pride and joy. Her only boy. Her mini me..... even if he wasn't her son by blood. Even if he was just her nephew. But they didn't have to know that Stormfly was their mother by birth.
"My daughters are Dewkit, Aspenkit, Ivykit, and Spiderkit."
Aspenkit and Spiderkit looked very much like their father, and Aspen a little of Stormfly. Dewkit and Ivykit were simple, pretty shades of silvery grey, with Ivy having a tabby pattern to her.
She loved them all and they were all her children. Just as Sparrowkit was her son. The relation didn't matter and any cat who said otherwise would get a paw to the face.


plum August 1st, 2020 07:37 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Days melted away in the greenleaf heat, and while the pines towering over ShadowClan protected them from the blazing sunlight, they trapped the humidity. It was a sticky, warm season. Which was... Tolerable, in exchange for plentiful prey. Nettlespark crouches over a vole, having been out hunting earlier in the day. This wasn't his catch, no. He'd left that on the pile and taken this. Quite nice. Quite good.
Green eyes graze over the clearing lazily as he munches. It'd been a while since the tom would have taken notice of his surroundings. Something had just kind of fallen off-track for him. He didn't know why. He... Never went to visit Deadpool after all, and then he'd not gone to the last Gathering. The next one would be soon, he would remind himself. The next one would be soon... But he would never really feel any better. Echopaw had gone missing, he hadn't even been seeing Cowpaw. There was suddenly too much noise in the young warrior's head for him to focus on his life anymore. His eyes land on Irisflame's den, and they linger there. Maybe he was willing the she-cat to emerge. He couldn't look away.
[ @Moon Lily ]

Caramel August 1st, 2020 07:44 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Rainquail (Post 770498)
She nosed his cheek briefly.
"Perhaps you could have. I hope that isn't a situation you will ever face unprepared."
Because Crowskip knew Sparrowkit and every last one of her other children would one day be faced with hardships, with pain. There was no avoiding it, but she could hope they had the resources to prepare themselves for them.
"I wouldn't say bad."
She murmered, purring a bit.
"Vulturekit is my only son, and he even looks like me."
He would always be her pride and joy. Her only boy. Her mini me..... even if he wasn't her son by blood. Even if he was just her nephew. But they didn't have to know that Stormfly was their mother by birth.
"My daughters are Dewkit, Aspenkit, Ivykit, and Spiderkit."
Aspenkit and Spiderkit looked very much like their father, and Aspen a little of Stormfly. Dewkit and Ivykit were simple, pretty shades of silvery grey, with Ivy having a tabby pattern to her.
She loved them all and they were all her children. Just as Sparrowkit was her son. The relation didn't matter and any cat who said otherwise would get a paw to the face.


Sparrowkit sniffed the kits before raising his head and tail
"Well then i'm gonna try to be the best older brother i can be! Though for now i can't do much"
He suddenly felt at peace again, maybe it doesn't matter if Crowskip isn't his real mom, he can't even remember a time without her. The clan still treats him like any other kit so who cares?
"Who is their father?" he asked, oblivious to well the truth

Abyssopelagic August 1st, 2020 09:13 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
"There used to be a tom in the clan named Storkfoot. He disappeared before they were born."
Crowskip tried to keep her tone from turning bitter, but she she never liked or approved of him as her sister's mate, even if she hated her sister. What really set her off is when Crowskip offered to raise the kits for Stormfly, he used it to boast that he really had two mates.
He still got on her nerves and he wasn't even part of the clan anymore.

Caramel August 1st, 2020 09:20 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Rainquail (Post 770528)
"There used to be a tom in the clan named Storkfoot. He disappeared before they were born."
Crowskip tried to keep her tone from turning bitter, but she she never liked or approved of him as her sister's mate, even if she hated her sister. What really set her off is when Crowskip offered to raise the kits for Stormfly, he used it to boast that he really had two mates.
He still got on her nerves and he wasn't even part of the clan anymore.

"He abandoned his pregnant mate? That's awful!"
He just up and left?! He could have had a father figure if it weren't for him leaving and those kits too! If he ever meets him he'll claw his face off!
"Does nobody know where he went?" he asked

aloeforurburn August 1st, 2020 12:55 PM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Sparkling Flower (Post 770164)
[ open ]

Deerpetal was a little nervous about being in the shadowclan nursery. The molly had been accepted into the clan and she didn't know really anyone. She padded inside after she got some courage. "hello? Is there a queen who could help me? I'm new here.", she meowed. The expecting queen was pretty tired from traveling from Thunderclan here. Her kits were due any day now.

Venompaw padded over to the queen, I'll help too she said gathering some moss to also help make the queen a bed, when are your kits due? I can go get Irisflame if they are going to be due soon she was sure the queen would have her kits soon, she she didnt sit down, in case she was about to give birth

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