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Shade. June 20th, 2021 01:11 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by Tiabirb (Post 1026173)
@Shade. @Rippleshade @Oakpaw1 @Redtalon (For the RC Protecting Our Borders event!)

Starlingflight trudged along the marshy ground with a thoughtful expression. While the river would have mud, it wasn't necessarily sticky; it was sandy, and sandy mud dried out faster, and with less integrity. So this was where she decided to find the best mud for their task.

"Alright, Yellowpaw, Lizardfrost, you two are going to collect some reeds. Vinepaw and Stormtalon, we're going to be digging up some of this mud." Starlingflight said, as she used her large paw to stick into a squishy bit of marsh and heave a clump of stinking bog-mud free. "The roots from the marsh grass will help keep the mud intact, and we can use sticks to carry the mud back." She glanced up at the patrol, "Any questions?"

@Rippleshade @Oakpaw1 @Redtalon

Lizardfrost had no issue with orders despite not being a team player. She quickly headed for the reeds, plucking them at high speed. Everything Lizardfrost did, she did as efficiently as possible. Because she needed to be the best.

Galaxy_ June 20th, 2021 02:42 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Originally Posted by Shade. (Post 1026184)
@Rippleshade @Oakpaw1 @Redtalon

Lizardfrost had no issue with orders despite not being a team player. She quickly headed for the reeds, plucking them at high speed. Everything Lizardfrost did, she did as efficiently as possible. Because she needed to be the best.

"great colledcting reeds every apprenitce dream. she gruffed

Ziera June 20th, 2021 06:17 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
// @Tiabirb | @Rippleshade | @Oakpaw1
Stormtalon was silent the entire trip. Green eyes flicked around the territory as they padded together, passively observing the area for any disturbances or interference. He tasted the air; thankfully no scents sprung up of any creatures they couldn't handle.

Starlingflight divided the group with ease. Managing cats was no trouble for her and Storm appreciated the competence [which he found rare among warriors these days]. It meant he could play his supporting role with peace of mind.

He nodded to the black and white she-cat, accepting his task without complaint or hesitation. Storm wasted no time and started digging up pliable marsh; it squelched under his movements, clung by thread-like roots until he pulled it free. The thick consistency of mud felt cool against his pads.

Tiabirb June 21st, 2021 04:44 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
More mud suctioned around her paws as Starlingflight dug. She was heaving clumps out, keeping her claws sheathed as she scooped with her wide paws. She flicked her ear at Yellowpaw's gruff complaint. "If you would rather be digging up mud, let me know, and I can switch your task with Vinepaw." She said without looking up from what she was doing. The mud stunk. It was seeping into her leg fur, and...ugh. While it was her idea, it wasn't the cleanest idea, but it would help fortify the camp walls and the reeds could be used for the dens; She doubted any cat would appreciate having stinking bog mud in their noses as they slept.

She noted that Vinepaw was...absent. Hmph. Well if the warrior-made-apprentice wanted to slack on her job, she would have to be reported for her negligence.

@Shade. @Oakpaw1 @Rippleshade @Redtalon

Fletcher June 22nd, 2021 11:08 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Bouncepaw had been looking for...something. He wasn't actually sure what he was sniffing for, and in a mixture of anxiety and frustration, ended up plunging his head into the murky marsh waters, using his jaws to tear some random aquatic plants from their roots before spitting them back out.

This sucked. This sucked so much, he was beginning to doubt himself, he'd felt so...confident for the first time when he was treating cats, but now?

He stood still, the water soaking into his forelimbs. Bouncepaw splashed around idly, attempting to keep the negative thoughts at bay.



He plunged his head down again in the water- it was somehow...oddly cathartic? He was covered head to tail in mud and various decomposing plantmatter, he probably looked and smelled insane as he pawed at the soil.

He still didn't know which plant he was looking for!!!

Rani June 24th, 2021 06:16 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
Snakeheart in contrast knew exactly what he was doing and looking for standing and looking over the border with a clump of leafy herbs between his paws a completely confused and slightly concerned furrow to his brow. What was Bouncepaw doing???? Snakeheart recognised none of the plants he was tearing up and while it was fully possible this was some sort of secret shadowclan herb knowledge the sudden self attempted drowning seemed to show evidence to the contrary. This looked like it wasnt some herb collecting venture but the riverclan cat had no clue what was happening here otherwise, there was no reason for a half trained medicine cat apprentice to be along the border tromping around in the mud and getting soaked all alone.

"Bouncepaw?.... What... What are you doing? Are you looking for any specific herb, I personally dont recognise any of the ones you have there."
With no regard for the border and some slight concern the tom pushed his herbs under a nearby bush and padded down to Bouncepaw half ready to lunge ahead should the apprentice show signs of starting to drown or something not knowing if the shadowclan cat could swim. It wasnt out of concern though! Snakeheart would deny it to death if anyone accused him of taking these actions out of concern of course he didnt care about a shadowclan cat even one of his coworkers but.... Well the flighty tom had had a rough time latley what with Ebonyfang and Badgerscar. It wouldnt hurt to throw the strange little thing a bone.

"I dont know any useful herbs that grow in the water, if youre looking for a specific herb there though I might be able to help."
Explain your though process you split pupil weirdo Snakeheart was confused.

Fletcher June 25th, 2021 12:36 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Bouncepaw reacted to Snakeheart's presence with an immediate and probably jarring hiss. He fluffed his pelt up, shocked by the Riverclan tom's scent and voice. For a moment, he felt like running, he didn't want any confrontation, but when he both heard and listened- he softened up.

"...S-...Snakeheart W-why are you here?" he did a few quick turns, his heart racing, he eventually faced away from the tom, staring off into the abyss of the marsh, "Y-you...you shouldn't be h-here- gah, what if D..Dawnstar..."

He flattened his ears, lashing his tail a few times.

He needed help.

"Um...I..." he tilted his head down, calming down.

He shook away those thoughts, everything in his head was telling him to flee or attack- that would help nothing. He said nothing for a moment.

"I don't know what I'm looking for. Things..a-aren't looking too good. I...I want to serve my clan better than I can now...a-and..." he did a few more spins, paws delicately crossing each other, causing ripples in the water, "I...I know what some plants do, but....h-how do you heal a broken bone? What if t-they're burnt? I saw a cat with s-some horrible marks and..."

Rani June 25th, 2021 07:48 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh
The riverclan tom didnt really react or jump back at Bouncepaws large reaction confident he had the upper paw in this mid limb water and not really seeing anything to be scared of in the apprentice was even smaller than he was. Seriously it was kinda an accomplishment. So his hissed threat only really got a cocked head until the shadowclan tom eased up.
"I was getting some herbs on my side of the border and heard the dulcet tones of someone attempting to drown themselves in only limb deep water. Suppose it was some sort of 'innate medicine cat helping reflex' that drew me over then I saw it was you and you could be worse so drowning isnt something youre allowed to do while Im around.
Im not afraid of Dawnstar though medicine cats are technically allowed to go anywhere and Im not taking anything, if needed Im sure I can start rambling about herbs and she'll get bored enough to wander away stars knows the growth habits of marigold are mind numbing to drive anyone away..."

They were they really were and yet these was the topics Snakeheart spent a lot of time thinking about nowadays. Lionstorm had really screwed him when he decided the lanky tom was right for this role.

The next little rant was startling and Snakeheart reared back for a second shocked before settling into a more serious expression ears twitching back as he frowned.
"Wait you dont know how to deal with broken bones? Like I dont know how to help burns specifically but I thought like the information on how to deal with raw skin or scars and such was known to Ebonyfang? Has Dawnstar banned him from the medicine cats den or something thats insane Badgerscar doesnt know anything either how are you two going to get any information?!"
This was just gross stupidity denying the medicine cats the knowledge but to Snakeheart it was the only possibility that made sense. The shadowclan tyrant was so angry over Ebonyfang talking about shadowclan she prevented the cat Snakeheart knew had the information Bouncepaw needed to help. This spelled bad things for both the younger tom (ok now that it was just the two of them and the riverclan tom was looking closely that eye was wigging him out) and shadowclan Snakeheart knew from experience.

Fletcher June 28th, 2021 02:30 PM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Bouncepaw did a few more spins in place, looking...lost, somehow. His ears pinned, face fell, and eyes locked with Snakeheart. Something was wrong. He chittered, "R-resigned. Both of them are gone. I haven't s-seen Dawnstar about it, but I barely know anything...I've been s-slapping marigold on wounds and calling it a day!!"

He splashed a little, seeming more angry than usual, "T-the looks Dawnstar gives me, she wants me dead, I k-know it!" he nearly caterwauled with anxiety. The tom sat down, butt now damp, and whined.

Nostalgia July 1st, 2021 10:10 AM

Re: Saltmeadow Marsh

Frostfeather guided Amberpaw towards the border. The lands were changing, no longer filled with greenery and stones but rather darker, thicker pines and muddy terrain entered their view. Everything seemed clouded in shadows with an air of unease.

Frostfeather was glad she was not a Shadowclan cat, she preferred the suns heat on her back and the clear waters she swam in. She led her apprentice about a Fox length from the border and sat down

“Let’s start small, tell me what you see and how you think that is an advantage and disadvantage for the Shadowclan warriors

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