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RoboPrism April 14th, 2024 09:01 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1578994)
Well, Cornpuff's muttering about grumps aside, things seemed to be going rather smoothly. This, if Shrewstep had bothered to use his brain for once, would have seemed somewhat suspicious. But, fortunately for this individual who wasn't the most aware, there really wasn't anything going on. Just staleish mink scent, and the Windclan border markers alongside theirs. The lack of actual danger allowed him to call out in response to Cornpuff I won't be a grump unless I have to! which, somewhat ironically, sounded rather grumpy. Oh well. Shrewstep was something of a master of hypocrisy if he did say so himself, and saw no reason to stop being vaguely annoying now. What they did have to do was head back, seeing as there was.....very little to see. Let's head back, the only thing I see of mention is the mink scent. was his call, just in case anyone else had something to add, or thought the mink thing wasn't worth reporting or whatever. So they were all...synced up for their reports and whatnot. Somehow he imagined their tyrant would want them all there to certify the thing had been done. @RoboPrism @starry

Male, 48 Moons
A yellow-eyed, white and cream-point tom.
Apprentice(s): Cinderpaw

"I could have sworn I heard something about WindClan and minks at the last gathering..." Cornpuff looked to the sky, as if he could find his memories there. Shrugging he padded next to the patrol leader. "Might as well mention it I'spose once we're back."

starry April 15th, 2024 12:13 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Originally Posted by Dark (Post 1575019)

Shadow Fiend: Inactive | Beefed Up (T3) | Ultimate Predator: Inactive | Hulk SMASH! [Inactive]

It seemed as though Palepaw was also not a huge fan of the slight muddiness of this border. Understandable, the stuff was disgusting, however, he had other things to focus on. The two cats accompanying him didn’t appear to have strong opinions either which way about how they wanted to handle the patrol, however, it seemed like the consensus was that they would remain together. Of course, he didn’t mind, it just meant that the patrol would take slightly longer than normal which was perfectly okay.

”Alright, let’s get going then.” The massive tom spoke, flicking his tail to signal to follow along with him. Generally, Darkfall would take this moment to enjoy the silence, but figured some small talk wouldn’t hurt. After all, he didn’t know either one of these cats all that well, so there wouldn’t be any harm in gleaning some new information about them. Turning briefly to where he assumed Palepaw to be, in between marking some spots he asked ”Have you been on a border patrol before?” He was sure that her mentor would’ve showed her the borders at some point in her training, however, he couldn’t recall if she’d actually been sent out on a formal patrol. After all, it was quite different – seeing the borders and then marking it and ensuring their were no trespassers.

Then, turning to Mossfreckle he squinted at the younger tom a bit. "Your training coming along well?" He asked. He was genuinely curious. He knew that Larkfire had dipped her paws in the training of a fair amount of apprentices while she was an Enforcer, but he wasn't sure how she'd handle teaching herbs. After all, the amount of time they had spent together during her tenure as a medicine cat, and then a full-fledged healer had been short and fleeting. Had he known that that was the beginning of the end, he would've made more of an effort to check and see how her progress was coming along, and if there was anything that had been bothering her at the time. Oh well, too late now he supposed. They weren't even really on talking terms, and he was doing absolutely everything he could to avoid interacting with her outside of handling their shared kits.

[ @Fawn<3 @starry thank you very much for your patience while I have been sick. I apologize for how long it has taken me! Additionally, with permission from silver, we will be proceeding without them]


Originally Posted by ellie (Post 1576088)

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat apprentice

White tipped paws turned sepia as they padded through the moist, marshed earth of Whispering Wetland, the herbalist perked his oriental shaped ears towards the colossal, dark pelted tom as a questioned slipped from his maw… Mossfreckle doubted that Darkfall was truly asking for his regard but that was neither here nor there, the tom seemed to be taking his status as an unmated tom somewhat well, as well as someone who had utterly detached from the situation could… turning his mossy hues to meet the tom’s hallowed orbs the freckled oriental shaped feline offered a soft smile before he allowed his calm tones to slip conversationally from his white maw, ”My training is going well, in fact Lostspark has already taught me all she knows,” the next words he wanted to say caught a bit in his white throat as a tête-à-tête of emotions battled in his starry mind, in the end he allowed the words out anyway… he would not coddle the older tom, he had a right to be somber over his situation with Lostspark but in the end it wasn’t Mossfreckle’s job nor place to side step around Darkfall’s unaddressed emotional strife, ”She is a good molly and an amazing mentor, I hold Lostspark in high esteem and hope that she is proud of her choice in me… that she doesn’t see it in vain…” the herbalist’s calm tones trailed off and his pelt prickled with anxiety at the thought of what he had just revealed… stupid, stupid,stupid… the voices whispered harshly within the confines of his hazing darkening mind, insecurity leaving crimson rivers on his already tattered heart. Shaking his angular head the oriental shaped medicine cat apprentice stopped to mark the Windclan border before turning his mossy hues back to the sunny calico apprentice and the melancholic enforcer, large ears perked in their direction as he waited for the next order from Darkfall.

{ @Dark ~ Darkfall } { @starry ~ Palepaw }

Palepaw shook her head at Darkfall's question. "Nope! But Batflight showed me the borders and how to mark them... haven't been on a patrol before though!" She copied Dark's motions and marked some spots in the border, leaving others free for her patrolmates. Her ears were pricked as she listened to Freckly's and huge-enforcer's conversation. Gosh, he was bigger than any big cats she had seen so far!!

[ this is so short sorry lmaoo ]

starry April 15th, 2024 12:16 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands
Palesong nodded to her patrolmates, flicking her tail dismissively. She was itching to get back to camp before they got exiled or something.

[ @gs29513 @RoboPrism just a short post to wrap this up because i have no pale motivation rn :sob: ]

Dark April 21st, 2024 02:56 AM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Originally Posted by starry (Post 1579189)

Palepaw shook her head at Darkfall's question. "Nope! But Batflight showed me the borders and how to mark them... haven't been on a patrol before though!" She copied Dark's motions and marked some spots in the border, leaving others free for her patrolmates. Her ears were pricked as she listened to Freckly's and huge-enforcer's conversation. Gosh, he was bigger than any big cats she had seen so far!!

[ this is so short sorry lmaoo ]


Shadow Fiend: Inactive | Beefed Up (T3) | Ultimate Predator: Inactive | Hulk SMASH! [Inactive]

At the mention of the older healer, his ears flicked, but outside of that, he did not indicate that the other tom’s words bothered him. He knew that Mossfreckle meant nothing by it, however, that didn’t change that he didn’t particularly wish to hear that name spoken. Not now.

“… that’s… good.” he said after a moment of silence “Keep up the good work. I’m sure you’ll make her and Dawnstar proud.” Good luck to him. He knew from experience that pleasing those two she-cats was unnecessarily hard, so he was sure that Mossfreckle had quite the momentous task ahead of him. Oh well, surely he’d be fine. The dark furred tom wished he would’ve just left it at how the training was going, but no, he just had to sing Larkfire’s praises. Thinking about one of their last conversations left a sour taste in his mouth, but he wouldn’t let either of his companions know that.

When Palepaw answered his question, he gave her a nod. ”Very well.” He said before continuing about his business. He was glad to hear that her mentor had shown her how to handle the borders, she was doing a good job. ”Alright, let’s wrap things up and then head back.” He said, as he continued along a stretch of the border.

[ @ellie Okay okay, let’s get this done :skull:]

Omari May 17th, 2024 03:00 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Midnightpaw followed Deadstone to the border, straying a tad bit closer to Fallenmoon rather than the aforementioned warrior. This patrol was really quiet. Even though she wasn’t the most talkative cat herself, this patrol was awkwardly quiet. She couldn’t blame Fallenmoon, though, from what she could pick up it seemed that he could not hear, and Deadstone… Maybe Deadstone just wasn’t one for conversation.

With a sigh, she padded a bit closer to the border, but she made sure that she kept to their side before she began brushing her pelt up against the trees there, making sure to renew their scent markers efficiently.

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars - Fallenmoon, @Zei - Deadstone ]

ChromeSilver_Hwaa May 17th, 2024 08:28 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1592178)

Midnightpaw followed Deadstone to the border, straying a tad bit closer to Fallenmoon rather than the aforementioned warrior. This patrol was really quiet. Even though she wasn’t the most talkative cat herself, this patrol was awkwardly quiet. She couldn’t blame Fallenmoon, though, from what she could pick up it seemed that he could not hear, and Deadstone… Maybe Deadstone just wasn’t one for conversation.

With a sigh, she padded a bit closer to the border, but she made sure that she kept to their side before she began brushing her pelt up against the trees there, making sure to renew their scent markers efficiently.

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars - Fallenmoon, @Zei - Deadstone ]

Fallenmoon looked around, his eyes narrowed and wide as he observed everything. Smelling around Fallenmoon blinked, marking the border a bit as he opened his mouth. Narrowing his eyes he placed his paws firmly on the ground. He tapped Midnightpaw on her shoulder with his tail. He tilted his head towards the scent marker he'd placed. It had a scent of the bordering clan mixed in.

TheNyanCatMinecart May 22nd, 2024 06:18 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands


Large, muscular, dappled gray tom with amber eyes and light cream-gray fluff covering the front of his neck and chest.

Wolffang hated the ShadowClan border.

The beautiful, lush green grass of his moorland home faded into a desolate sludge. What sprouts remained looked withered, the dark brown muck sucking out their life and leaving pale brownish husks behind. The entire place reeked of rot. Willow trees loomed from the shade, their gnarled branches stretching out like claws intent on dragging their victims into the abyss. They bled light green leaves instead of crimson liquid, casting long shadows across the land, swallowing it in darkness. Wind whistled between the trees and chilled his fur. It sounded like the cries of the dead, the desperate wails of all the innocent lives that had fallen to these honorless beasts.

Wolffang had to close his eyes against a sudden wave of grief and rage that crashed into him, harder than the roaring river. His claws shot out of their sheaths and dug into the damp grass. This place held too many memories. Too many terrors. Too many losses.
He could picture his Clanmates, Skyleaf and Fernrise, stripped of their pelts, their flesh and bones left here to rot, mutilated beyond recognition-

The WindClan warrior took a deep breath. The scents that slid into his lungs made his stomach roil, but the action calmed him. Coming back here after so long - being reminded of all the pain ShadowClan had caused WindClan - made him hate the idea of allying with ShadowClan even more. He hated it with a passion. And yet... and yet this reminded him, too, that the alliance was a debt repaid. A debt for everything they had done. A debt that would never be fulfilled, not truly, but still. Besides... Twilightstar, the cat who had suffered the most at Dawnstar's paws, had condoned it. Wolffang couldn't ignore that. I'll fight side-by-side with the flea-pelts if she says so. She knows better than any of us, and my main loyalty is to my leader and my Clan. He respected Twilightstar more than he could say.

And Dawnstar had saved his life when the minks attacked. True proof that she was willing to actually be an ally. Though he was still humiliated whenever he thought of it. And it was confusing, too. She had no respect for WindClan lives. Why now? Is it just because we have a common enemy in RiverClan? But then why help with the minks? Did she know it would get us to the fighting faster? Or did she just want to spill more blood after she decided she was done with us?

All questions that, unfortunately, couldn't be answered now.

Wolffang glanced over his shoulder to the other cats on his patrol. He didn't know Vinepaw well, but he seemed well-mannered thus far. Littleshock seemed to like him, too. He felt a familiar tingle of displeasure whenever he looked at the small orange-and-white tabby. He wasn't fond of being stuck on a patrol with her, with her pointless cruelty and vile lies. It reminded him of Dawnstar... but that was a little too mean. I wouldn't compare anyone in WindClan to her. Not even Leechscar.

"Vinepaw, stay close to us," he ordered the black-and-white apprentice. "Do you know how to mark a border?" Memories of Fernrise rose to the surface, stirring up grief and concern. Would every ShadowClan cat adhere to their leader's words? Would they spare an apprentice when they'd had no interest in doing so before? Wolffang wasn't going to take any chances.

"Remember," he continued, "we are not to attack any ShadowClan cats unless they attack us. With claws, not words. Got it?"

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a strange rumbling came from the forest. The dappled gray fur along Wolffang's spine bristled. His first instinct was to look up at the sky, swamped in gray clouds. Was there a storm? No... the rumble wasn't coming from above.

A loud crack and crash reached his hearing receptors. With a hiss, Wolffang turned his attention to the forest and squinted. He couldn't see anything. The forest stretched on normally into the distance, undisturbed. But something was definitely going on. The rumbling was coming from the forest, deeper in the pines where he couldn't see, along with those odd cracking and crashing noises.

"Do you hear that?" he asked the others, though he was sure of their answer.

@Poprock @Tallstar

Tallstar May 22nd, 2024 06:54 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Vinepaw was extremely excited to go on his first border patrol he hadn’t know ethier of the cats well but he wanted to show them he wasn’t a scaredy cat (pun intended) he followed Wolffang and Littleshock closely obeying what Wolffang had said he didn’t want to run into the shadow clan warriors alone so he figured he better stay close when Wolffang asked vinepaw if he knew how to mark borders he thought so but he could always use a refresher “Could one of you show me how to mark?…This is my first border patrol and Dustbunny hasn’t had the chance yet to show me” he scuffed the ground slightly embarrassed he wanted to make a good impression so that he could go out of camp more ever since the raptors had taken over he had been stuck in camp unless it was time for training he liked littleshock she was playful with him and he thought she was cool she was pretty laid back although he could sense the unspoken tension between Wolffang and littleshock that he didn’t want to interfere with whatever was going on between them. He was brought from his thoughts when he heard noises loud noises at that “Yeah I heard that what do you think it is he asks shakily
@Poprock @TheNyanCatMinecart

Omari May 23rd, 2024 04:03 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Midnightpaw blinked owlishly at Fallenmoon as he tapped on her shoulder, stepping close to the border to knead at the ground below with her forepaws. “It should be okay, our scents usually mingle at the border… Right?” She asked Fallenmoon, speaking slowly and carefully in hopes of the aforementioned warrior understanding what she was saying.

“Let’s hurry up this patrol, we should be getting back soon..” She pointed out before she dashed ahead to mark up the border up their side of the border ahead.

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars - Fallenmoon, @Ragwort - Deadstone ]

ChromeSilver_Hwaa May 23rd, 2024 09:29 PM

Re: Whispering Wetlands

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1594558)

Midnightpaw blinked owlishly at Fallenmoon as he tapped on her shoulder, stepping close to the border to knead at the ground below with her forepaws. “It should be okay, our scents usually mingle at the border… Right?” She asked Fallenmoon, speaking slowly and carefully in hopes of the aforementioned warrior understanding what she was saying.

“Let’s hurry up this patrol, we should be getting back soon..” She pointed out before she dashed ahead to mark up the border up their side of the border ahead.

[ @SeonghwasBunnyEars - Fallenmoon, @Zei - Deadstone ]

Fallenmoon looked at the apprentice reading her lips and then giving a gentle nod with a small mew saying. "Y-yes... it w....will~ be" Fallenmoon attempted his mew, extending his "will" on accident.

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