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Liekki December 9th, 2017 04:17 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 436365)
Weiss huffed her own fur was on edge her blue eyes looked cold she hissed
" fine . Go back to the twolegs who always ignore you " she meowed and started to walk off herself . But the same rat was watching Weiss leave it grinned and hid in the shadows . The she cats head hung low now deciding to take a walk to calm her nerves she sighed
" mirror can you here me , do I reach you? Are you listening ? Can I get through. There's apart of me that's desperate for changes .... " she started to sing her ears flattened . The rat was getting closer to the she cat

Blossom's fur bristled and her ears plastered themselves against her head. "Fine, maybe I will. Why should I care," she spat. Inside, she was deeply hurt by the poison and acid of Weiss's words. The notes of a song floated through the air. Blossom glanced behind her as the singing stopped. She saw Weiss quivering in front of the advancing rat. Blossom's heart filled with pity, which she knew Weiss would hate if she knew. She leaped over to the rat, overshooting it and tumbling to the ground behind it. She struck it with her paw, letting it roll through the air and fall a few feet away from her. It began to scuttle again and she hissed. "It won't hurt you," she said quietly, running and pulling herself into a tree. She couldn't bear to go back to her house. Not now, not yet.

Leucos December 9th, 2017 04:26 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Mad-Hatter (Post 436370)
Blossom's fur bristled and her ears plastered themselves against her head. "Fine, maybe I will. Why should I care," she spat. Inside, she was deeply hurt by the poison and acid of Weiss's words. The notes of a song floated through the air. Blossom glanced behind her as the singing stopped. She saw Weiss quivering in front of the advancing rat. Blossom's heart filled with pity, which she knew Weiss would hate if she knew. She leaped over to the rat, overshooting it and tumbling to the ground behind it. She struck it with her paw, letting it roll through the air and fall a few feet away from her. It began to scuttle again and she hissed. "It won't hurt you," she said quietly, running and pulling herself into a tree. She couldn't bear to go back to her house. Not now, not yet.

Weiss spotted the rat and blossom the rat growled when it was being attacked the she cat crouched her ears pinned and backed up a bit the rat hissed and crawled forward " OK! I admit !! I don't know how to fight off a rat! " she meowed and hit the ground with her paw . She felt like a dolt know she hissed back at the rat snarled Weiss gathered her courage and slashed the rats face causing it to run off . Weiss pantted and looked up at blossom she gulped and looked down " i...im... " she meowed and lowered her head she never knew how to apologize she never had well in words love.

Liekki December 9th, 2017 04:38 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 436375)
Weiss spotted the rat and blossom the rat growled when it was being attacked the she cat crouched her ears pinned and backed up a bit the rat hissed and crawled forward " OK! I admit !! I don't know how to fight off a rat! " she meowed and hit the ground with her paw . She felt like a dolt know she hissed back at the rat snarled Weiss gathered her courage and slashed the rats face causing it to run off . Weiss pantted and looked up at blossom she gulped and looked down " i...im... " she meowed and lowered her head she never knew how to apologize she never had well in words love.

Blossom's heart softened and her eyes relaxed. It's just like hitting the yarn ones, but these are faster, furrier, and they bite. You did fine, just not normally how..." she was unsure of how to continue. She didn't like to scratch it because she would eat its meat and didn't want it to spoil. She preferred to tire it out and bat it around until its heart stopped. She also couldn't slah it when she was declawed. She was helpless when it came to a fight. But she could hit quite hard, and her teeth were quite sharp. Her heart squirmed with guilt when she thought of the creature's life extinguished because of her. Sure, it was probably pretty dumb... but it was quite helpless. Well, until it bit you. Then it was really bad. Blossom sighed, her tail flopping in her tree. She slid down the trunk, careful not to hurt her paws. Blossom averted her eyes, "Sorry for getting so angry with you. I'm not normally this.." she searched for the right word. Upon not finding the perfect word, she stayed silent.

Leucos December 9th, 2017 04:46 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Mad-Hatter (Post 436384)
Blossom's heart softened and her eyes relaxed. It's just like hitting the yarn ones, but these are faster, furrier, and they bite. You did fine, just not normally how..." she was unsure of how to continue. She didn't like to scratch it because she would eat its meat and didn't want it to spoil. She preferred to tire it out and bat it around until its heart stopped. She also couldn't slah it when she was declawed. She was helpless when it came to a fight. But she could hit quite hard, and her teeth were quite sharp. Her heart squirmed with guilt when she thought of the creature's life extinguished because of her. Sure, it was probably pretty dumb... but it was quite helpless. Well, until it bit you. Then it was really bad. Blossom sighed, her tail flopping in her tree. She slid down the trunk, careful not to hurt her paws. Blossom averted her eyes, "Sorry for getting so angry with you. I'm not normally this.." she searched for the right word. Upon not finding the perfect word, she stayed silent.

Weiss sighed she shook her fur and licked her right paw she felt guilty as well which was strange but it soon vanished
" its..fine . I thought you were going back to your .....twolegs" she meowed with a hint of disgust she didn't like most twolegs especially blossoms

Liekki December 9th, 2017 05:01 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 436389)
Weiss sighed she shook her fur and licked her right paw she felt guilty as well which was strange but it soon vanished
" its..fine . I thought you were going back to your .....twolegs" she meowed with a hint of disgust she didn't like most twolegs especially blossoms

"Do I have to?" she asked, semi-sarcastically. "I'm not. Not going to. Not now anyway." She watched as her female twolegs greeted an unfamiliar male at the door and gestured for him to come in. Blossom sneered in disgust internally, but portrayed no emotion on the outside. She remembered when she had been declawed. Her paws hurt and she couldn't walk for awhile. Now, she couldn't defend herself. Twolegs are self-centered creatures. They always assumed that cats were dumb and relied on twolegs for their whole life. Blossom felt proud knowing that she could survive on her own even with no claws. She wondered at the venom in Weiss's voice. Of course telling her about my situation wouldn't help her view of twolegs. Blossom thought guiltily. Weiss never spoke about herself or her twolegs much. "So..." Blossom said awkwardly.

Leucos December 9th, 2017 05:56 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Mad-Hatter (Post 436404)
"Do I have to?" she asked, semi-sarcastically. "I'm not. Not going to. Not now anyway." She watched as her female twolegs greeted an unfamiliar male at the door and gestured for him to come in. Blossom sneered in disgust internally, but portrayed no emotion on the outside. She remembered when she had been declawed. Her paws hurt and she couldn't walk for awhile. Now, she couldn't defend herself. Twolegs are self-centered creatures. They always assumed that cats were dumb and relied on twolegs for their whole life. Blossom felt proud knowing that she could survive on her own even with no claws. She wondered at the venom in Weiss's voice. Of course telling her about my situation wouldn't help her view of twolegs. Blossom thought guiltily. Weiss never spoke about herself or her twolegs much. "So..." Blossom said awkwardly.

Weiss smiled a bit hearing the sarcasm of blossoms voice
" indeed you don't have to but it seemed like you were going to " she meowed she looked back at her den the elderly twoleg who took care of her fed her and her family . Family...that's the trouble with Weiss she didn't exactly have a normal family . Olympia was a good sister . Her father was out of the question .what she longed for was a loving father that didn't care about his ego . She hissed as she remembered him " dont you have a family ? " she asked

Liekki December 9th, 2017 06:12 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 436453)
Weiss smiled a bit hearing the sarcasm of blossoms voice
" indeed you don't have to but it seemed like you were going to " she meowed she looked back at her den the elderly twoleg who took care of her fed her and her family . Family...that's the trouble with Weiss she didn't exactly have a normal family . Olympia was a good sister . Her father was out of the question .what she longed for was a loving father that didn't care about his ego . She hissed as she remembered him " dont you have a family ? " she asked

Blossom's muscles tightened as she remembered the young she-cat that she would play with, "I think I had a sister... In a clan. I-I'm not sure but I remember her telling me not to wander off, and then I wandered off." Blossom shivered and sat down, staring at a blade of grass intently. She wanted to go back to the cat, but Blossom had no idea where she could be. In a clan, yes, but what clan? She watched an ant crawl up the blade of grass, look back and forth, and crawl back down. You're just like me, little one. Lost and afraid, we look around, hoping to find something we recognize. We can't find anything because everyone ran away from us. Or rather, we wandered off. Confused, scared, but we don't show it. We march on. Blossom's eyes teared up, buts she quickly wiped away her tears, smiled, and shrugged.

Leucos December 9th, 2017 06:24 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Mad-Hatter (Post 436460)
Blossom's muscles tightened as she remembered the young she-cat that she would play with, "I think I had a sister... In a clan. I-I'm not sure but I remember her telling me not to wander off, and then I wandered off." Blossom shivered and sat down, staring at a blade of grass intently. She wanted to go back to the cat, but Blossom had no idea where she could be. In a clan, yes, but what clan? She watched an ant crawl up the blade of grass, look back and forth, and crawl back down. You're just like me, little one. Lost and afraid, we look around, hoping to find something we recognize. We can't find anything because everyone ran away from us. Or rather, we wandered off. Confused, scared, but we don't show it. We march on. Blossom's eyes teared up, buts she quickly wiped away her tears, smiled, and shrugged.

Weiss looked back in time to see blossoms tears her ears dropped and looked down " I'm sure you'll find her again " she meowed and her ears perked up with a long and loud Yowl coming from her den she looked back and hissed
" father " she said bitterly . Suddenly a huge old tom jumped onto the same fence he was gray and fluffy it looked like he had a mustache but it was just really his fur . He hissed and jumped down padding up to Weiss
" why is my daughter talking to a loner? " he asked bitterly and looked at blossom . Weiss hissed and decided to defend blossom she has proven to her that she is better then what she seemed .
" she's not a loner she's a kittypet like us! " she shouted and the old tom hissed back and his head " never raise your voice over mine Weiss " Bartholomew hissed and Weiss looked down and nodded quickly
" yes sir " she meowed and Bartholomews blue eyes looked at blossom
" who are you? " he asked his tail flicked . Weiss couldn't help but hiss

Liekki December 9th, 2017 06:33 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Cheshire cat (Post 436474)
Weiss looked back in time to see blossoms tears her ears dropped and looked down " I'm sure you'll find her again " she meowed and her ears perked up with a long and loud Yowl coming from her den she looked back and hissed
" father " she said bitterly . Suddenly a huge old tom jumped onto the same fence he was gray and fluffy it looked like he had a mustache but it was just really his fur . He hissed and jumped down padding up to Weiss
" why is my daughter talking to a loner? " he asked bitterly and looked at blossom . Weiss hissed and decided to defend blossom she has proven to her that she is better then what she seemed .
" she's not a loner she's a kittypet like us! " she shouted and the old tom hissed back and his head " never raise your voice over mine Weiss " Bartholomew hissed and Weiss looked down and nodded quickly
" yes sir " she meowed and Bartholomews blue eyes looked at blossom
" who are you? " he asked his tail flicked . Weiss couldn't help but hiss

Blossom gulped. Not again! She thought. "I'm Blossom..." she said respectfully. "Sir," she added, "I am a kittypet. I live across the way in that house. With the short tree." Her limbs shook. The father was more dominant than his daughter. Her mind flashed to the cat who lived behind her home. He acted similar to this cat, but looked nothing like him. She was unsure of what to say, except to keep her rare sarcasm to herself.

Leucos December 9th, 2017 06:47 PM

Re: Heart of Ice

Originally Posted by Mad-Hatter (Post 436480)
Blossom gulped. Not again! She thought. "I'm Blossom..." she said respectfully. "Sir," she added, "I am a kittypet. I live across the way in that house. With the short tree." Her limbs shook. The father was more dominant than his daughter. Her mind flashed to the cat who lived behind her home. He acted similar to this cat, but looked nothing like him. She was unsure of what to say, except to keep her rare sarcasm to herself.

Weiss blocked blossom from her father her ears pinned against her head
" don't speak to him! He's worse then I am " she meowed angrily and Bartholomew grunted his ear flicked then he chuckled his voice was scratchy a bit deep he took a paw step forward and struck Weiss across her cheek leaving a small scratch she hissed again " Weiss what did I tell you? 1 never talk to unsophisticated kittypets like this one 2 never stray from home only on the fence and 3 I am in charge not you . Now your posture is sloppy head up and be home by moon high " he meowed angrily . Weiss had a few tears maybe one or two down her cheek . Bartholomew looked back at Blossom angrily
" hmph " he meowed and ran back to the fence now leaping over it. Weiss bared her teeth and yelled which sounded more like a yowl

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