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alec March 29th, 2024 08:26 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
his half explaination, half apology made her feel better, being understood n all that. as he suggested, minkpaw just smiled and pretended to pretend it didnt happen.
"i really hope i can" now that he said it like that she felt like this was important, even if she couldnt fight well she could still change cats' lifes and becoming like blazingstar and sharing wisdom with younger cats sounded like a very honourable thing to do.
at his question, minkpaw shook her head, blazingstar had helped her more than she had expected when first seeing him, "no i think im good. thank you"


alec May 3rd, 2024 07:49 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw <<-
[ she/they | shadowclan | 15moons ]
a dark blueish grey and white she cat with silver eyes
like many moons ago, almost an entire lifetime if you asked minkpaw, she found herself in her nest again, restless. only this time the ever looming threat currently asleep around her and the generalised anxiety of surrounding herself with unfamiliar cats was the reason for her struggling to fall asleep. moons ago she had layed awake purely because her mind was restless, reeling and naive. naive and stupid. a stupid child, starry eyed and too blind to see her own foolishness.
no matter the anxiety gnawing at her insides, the pure exhaustion this semi constant state of fear had caused was enough to have sleep take her, pull her through the thick cloud of fog and leave her on a almost equally foggy meadow. the grass had been lusher last time, less dull and longer, and the calming blanket of surrounding fog had been replaced by a biting cold embrace and minkpaw had to supress a shudder.
like many moons ago but still so different. this time she wasnt stumbling through her own dreamscape, calling out to no one in particular. this time she was looking for blazingstar.
they still hadnt really made up their mind why a little voice in the back of her head had been bugging her, feeding her with foggy memories and the urge to speak to him again. explain herself. beg for forgiveness? she had failed. no. fadingsun had failed. birdsnow had failed. riverclan had failed. the persistence of her own mind trying to drown out the thoughts she knew to be right, she had failed, by oversaturating her minds with hot burning hatred for riverclan, was getting disgustingly pathetic. blaming her own failure on riverclan. pathetic.
concentrate, her mothers voice echoed in her mind, pulling her out of the spiral her thoughts had threatened to go down. she had a goal, and even the knowledge that lostspark could be listening in wouldnt deter her. perhaps she could even use this to make herself appear in a better light. perhaps not being able to talk to mossfreckle without risking to blow their cover was the only negative bit. perhaps she just had to try harder.
"blazingstar?" she called out, voice determined and strong, still the same as many moons ago, apart from the fact that she wasnt scared this time. she wasnt calling out, unsure who might respond, doubting that anyone would respond at all. no. she knew it was possible. she knew how to navigate her own dreamscape and she knew how to reach the living. and if he was willing to speak to her again he would hear her call.

[ @SuspiciousMindz - blazingstar / @Rose for lostspark viewing purposes i guess :skull: ]

SuspiciousMindz May 5th, 2024 07:36 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

Upholding his promises was very important. Especially in a time where the clans faith were wavering in the stars. They could see it in the wavering borders between the stars the darkness on the other side. He was worried for their future. He really was. So, when the echos of a familiar voice reached him, he wasted no time to answer the calling.

It was the apprentice with clouded faith. The apprentice he tried to reach break free of the clouds. She was back! How was she doing?! Did she still have the clouds around her? He'd be able to tell soon.

Like a flickering flame in the darkness, Blazingstar appeared before Minkpaw. His bright pelt and eyes greeting the smaller figure eagerly. "Minkpaw, you've returned. It's been a while," Blazingstar would greet rather simply. "You seem... different. Is everything okay?" He'd make quick work of the different scent coming from her and her overall appearance. She almost seemed more desperate, more eager to talk about something. Gosh, she had to be if she was calling for him.


alec May 12th, 2024 06:40 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

->> rookpaw <<-
[ she/they | shadowclan | 14moons | purrks ]
a scarred dark blueish grey and white cat with grey eyes
rook didnt doubt that blazingstar would hold his promise and return to speak to her again, he had sounded honest last time and she couldnt imagine there was a lot to do up in starclan anyway..that last part was a bit mean maybe.
"im fine but uh its rookpaw now." he had spoken in support of running away, not to another clan specifically, but he would understand right? "a lot happened. thunderclan raid, thats why i got the scars, birdsnow stepped down, you probably know all that-" she shook her head, why was she recounting this all to a spirit who had the ability to watch over them at all times. "uh whatever, i suppose, well, i suppose i took you advice. well, not advice advice but i ran away. i spoke to a kittypet recently, ended up in his dream by accident, n i thought about looking for him but i couldnt." and he also probably wouldnt have wanted her there anyway. "'dont think i could leave clan live behind, i met a cat a few moons back, shadowclan medicine cat, thought this might be my best choice and thats pretty much where i am now. got apprenticed under lostspark n all-" she continued to ramble, she couldve said all that with more controlled ease if she had prepared, but she hadnt prepared, stars she didnt even entirely decide on why she wanted to speak to him again. "honestly i dont entirely know why i called out to you again..it just felt like i had to"

SuspiciousMindz May 29th, 2024 12:18 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

The former leaders eyes would soften, then grow thoughtful as Rookpaw spoke about her new life. While it was true the star cats watched the clans, it was hard to keep track of everyone moving around and doing what they do. Blazingstar had no idea about the move to ShadowClan, but it didn't seem to bother him. In fact, the tabby tom blinked gratefully towards the apprentice. "Well, Rookpaw," Blazingstar began with a half smile. "I'm glad you found somewhere you feel more comfortable in. ShadowClan will teach you well, I'm sure of it."

There wasn't much opinion on his end towards the clan, but there was a long, long, history of WindClan and ShadowClan allying and supporting each other. It ran back to his times, and it seemed that once these leaders got over their bumps, they figured it out too. ShadowClan was reliable despite the dark rumors. Rookpaw was sure to see that soon.

"Lostspark, eh?" Blazingstar hadn't really paid much attention the ShadowClan medicine cat. He didn't know much about her, but she took on this apprentice. That had to count towards something. "I'm sure you'll learn a lot from her. She's got quite the history. . ." the tabby would muse thoughtfully.

"You can call me for anything, even your life updates or gossip. Whatever you need. I'll always be here rooting for ya."

@alec - Rookpaw

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