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*longfire* November 6th, 2023 09:53 AM

Re: November Gathering
Bluestone followed the clan into the gathering, the one eye tom huffed as he found a place to sit

( Open)

elswhere November 6th, 2023 11:06 AM

Re: November Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

herbal knowledge t3 (perm), silver tongue (perm, disabled/activated)

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
➔ @FrostyGalaxy; @silverwynds.

He wanted to curse the stars, tear them out from the sky and watch the ones above him bleed for their doings, the curse that laiden upon RiverClan that they had so wrongly decided. But he couldn't. They hung mockingly in the black night, laughing and glowing at them with all their 'power'. They laughed and pointed and took pleasure of making a fool out of his clan, pushing and shoving and hitting, blow after blow after blow. Each one packing more viciousness and raw power, beating down this clan. Their crashing fall had started with Lionstorm, a cat he only knew from stories as a kit, and had slowly trickled down the long line of leaders, one by one. Frostfall, Eagleflight, Dirtfur, Sootflare, Stormcall , Splashleap, Sparrowskip, Snowleap, Slatewhisker, now it the tragedy had struck Gingerfrost, and it would only be a matter of time before it would take Larkwing too.

She would follow the same, sad faith of every one before her. He felt remorse, anger, denial at what had happened, and what would happen. He would hope, pray, beg, plead with the stars and his ancestors that in some way, somehow, maybe she could earn the respect of StarClan. Maybe Larkwing could prove herself to be better than their previous leadership, that she had more sense, more logic. That she could bring their clan back to power once more, before Evil Era, when life was simple. Falconfeather would hope, yes he would. He had faith in his sibling that she could do it, she had the patience, the brains. Maybe not the confidence in herself, but Falcon's own trust and assurance in her made up for her lack of self-esteem. She could do it.

The medicine cat's maw was clenched tightly as follows his little sister, pelt burning with the star's glowering stares, the hateful mocking laugh of them echoed in his ears. RiverClan was the first to arrive, it seemed like. He could not detect the earthy smell of ThunderClan, nor either the pungent stench of ShadowClan or the heathery draft of WindClan. Green eyes followed along the Leader's Perch, a slight sigh of relief escapes him once he sees Larkwing make it up safely, before he takes his own spot on the ground, where the medicine cats gather. He didn't really have a liking to any of his fellow healers yet, this gathering marking the second moon of his time as the clan's healer, and having only been to one half-moon meeting, he hadn't really either wanted to nor had the time to spend to get to know Drizzlecloud, or Cowtuft, or Lightningstorm, or Elmshadow very much. Springpaw seemed promising, and he also felt an unknown pull towards her, like a parental feeling to protect her. He shakes his silver head, tail sweeping around him as he sits, grumbling at the cold that pierces his not-so-thick silver fur. Tansypaw makes it here before him of course, green eyes narrowed slightly at her words as she speaks with Lark'star', but he hates that he shares the same concerns as the smaller tortie, worrying about the outcome of tonight.

"I'm afraid that I agree with you, Tansypaw." He tightens his tail around his body, shivering slightly as his breath makes small clouds in the cold night air. He meets his sister's eyes, sharing unspoken worries with her. "The others will be suspicious, Larkstar and with all the whispers of a rebellion amidst us.." Falconfeather's voice trailed off, not wanting to draw the attention of the clan gathered below them. As high ranks, they couldn't let their worries be shown to the clan, now more than ever since they had been hearing the soft murmurs and whispers behind their backs of an uprising, a civil war amongst them. As if RiverClan had enough to worry about, like replacing their deputy, dealing with the upcoming battle. His brow creased deeply, looking between Tansypaw and Larkwing, begging they would understand his unspoken words.

Swiftheart <3 November 6th, 2023 11:51 AM

Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by FrostyGalaxy (Post 1498541)

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]


She/her | 18 moons | Mind Reader - ACTIVE
A sleek dilute tortie she-cat with green eyes

Once again, the terrible time had come for another gathering. Cats talking so loud, eyes on her no matter how much she wanted to hide…. The terrible responsibility of explaining how another one of their leaders had died so soon. Larkwing… star… didn’t know if she could stand the idea of that, would the other clans decide to shoot her with their accusatory glares and words as well as her own clan? Would the whispers of rebellion that were already sounding from every corner of the camp clearing and their territory going to follow her here too? …Was she just being paranoid?

Luckily enough, it seemed that RiverClan was the first to arrive at the Seastones, so, for the moment at least, Lark could prepare herself. Pausing just before entering the area where the clans would gather, Lark cast a glance back to her clan, wondering briefly if they would behave. It seemed like every gathering always had some sort of fuss… last moons being an odd, slightly less rowdy exception. Maybe this moon would be more of that. Stars, she hoped so.

“Let’s go,” she said to her clan, flicking an ear for them to follow her, and Lark led the way across the sandy ground, finding her way to the stones she and the other leaders would sit atop to address the other clans, and jumped up, green eyes seeing the Seastones from a whole new vantage point and perspective. It was… pretty. Intimidating, yes, but Lark found it quite pretty up here. And then she remembered that she’d have to share this perch with the other leaders and she suppressed a shudder. Bumblestar, Twilightstar and Dawnstar… the three other leaders all had some things she didn’t, experience, their names, and extra lives, even if it was only a few. A wave of inferiority coursed through the tortie’s veins, begging her to step down from here, from this spot she didn’t deserve.

That cat she had met in the Dark Forest came to her mind then, and she realized she didn’t know his name, and had never asked. That was rude of her, he’d probably hold a grudge about that. But she couldn’t retreat or back down now, that would only be proving his assumptions about her right. So, head held high, Larkstar sat on the stone, tail curled over her paws, and waited for the rest of the forest to descend upon them.


Riverheart and Echoheart followed Larkstar. Riverheart was walking with Echoheart, when suddenly Echoheart stopped. “Echo… Echo, are you ok?” Riverheart asked softly. When Echoheart didn’t respond, Riverheart grew more concerned. “Echoheart..?” She asked softly.) Echoheart shook their head to clear it. “Sorry, I.. I just got a bit distracted.” They murmured, and the two countinued to walk.

Starfall November 6th, 2023 01:04 PM

Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by Spider-in-the-corner (Post 1498558)

hail-storm "hello sunny-bunny" he said with a smile sitting down "excited?" he asked


Originally Posted by Cascade (Post 1498794)
“Sunnybunny.” Koidust sat close to the tom

He/Him || RiverClan Warrior

The feline turned to look at his Clanmate, Hailstorm, an equally nervous yet excited smile blooming on his features. Followed by a short, yet curt nod. "Oh very, I'd heard of gatherings but haven't seen one yet. Isn't it supposed to be...well...busier?" he asked. Trailing off at the end of his question to look at his other Clanmate who had decided to sit next to him. His bobbed tail thumping against the ground, he was very happy they seemed to want to come sit next to him.

He was fitting in perfectly! Maybe he was supposed to be a Clancat after all. "Hello!" he chirped. His greeting cutting short as he remembered he was talking. "Oh, yes right. Isn't it supposed to be much bigger? Surely, talk of all the Clans coming and chatting getting along like friends."

bubble[error]. November 6th, 2023 01:21 PM

Re: November Gathering
*Bluefang finally arrived*

Pumpkin Latte November 6th, 2023 02:11 PM

Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 1499354)

He/Him || RiverClan Warrior

The feline turned to look at his Clanmate, Hailstorm, an equally nervous yet excited smile blooming on his features. Followed by a short, yet curt nod. "Oh very, I'd heard of gatherings but haven't seen one yet. Isn't it supposed to be...well...busier?" he asked. Trailing off at the end of his question to look at his other Clanmate who had decided to sit next to him. His bobbed tail thumping against the ground, he was very happy they seemed to want to come sit next to him.

He was fitting in perfectly! Maybe he was supposed to be a Clancat after all. "Hello!" he chirped. His greeting cutting short as he remembered he was talking. "Oh, yes right. Isn't it supposed to be much bigger? Surely, talk of all the Clans coming and chatting getting along like friends."

“Well not everybody is here.” She explained shuffling her feet and then trying to not be too awkward “ I have been noticing you and would love to get to-um-know you better.” She finished blushing and looked down.

Spider. November 6th, 2023 04:11 PM

Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 1499354)

He/Him || RiverClan Warrior

The feline turned to look at his Clanmate, Hailstorm, an equally nervous yet excited smile blooming on his features. Followed by a short, yet curt nod. "Oh very, I'd heard of gatherings but haven't seen one yet. Isn't it supposed to be...well...busier?" he asked. Trailing off at the end of his question to look at his other Clanmate who had decided to sit next to him. His bobbed tail thumping against the ground, he was very happy they seemed to want to come sit next to him.


Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 1499354)

He was fitting in perfectly! Maybe he was supposed to be a Clancat after all. "Hello!" he chirped. His greeting cutting short as he remembered he was talking. "Oh, yes right. Isn't it supposed to be much bigger? Surely, talk of all the Clans coming and chatting getting along like friends."


Hailstorm he nodded "most of the time yes but the other clans are not here yet so we need to wait" he said putting his tail around his paws with is cold blue eyes looking around

Moonraven November 6th, 2023 07:49 PM

Re: November Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

As she took point leading the clan to the gathering, the leader fought off the urge to sneeze and fluffed up her pelt to combat the cold. If things were not so dire in WindClan, Twilightstar wasn't sure she'd bother coming to this gathering. Perhaps it was the stress or the increasing problems that kept hitting WindClan, but they were slowly started to take a physical toll on the WindClan leader. Twilightstar was exhausted, but that was nothing new, what was new was the itch in her nose that made her want to sneeze and the tickle in her throat that had her wanting to cough.

She'd have to make her visit to Cowtuft and Lightningstorm sooner than she had anticipated. It's been a bit since she's been properly sick, even though she was hoping she wasn't. She was not looking forward to dealing with her health on top of everything else. As she reached the beach, Twilightstar noted RiverClan's arrival but didn't see any of the other clans there yet.

Honestly, Twilightstar would prefer Dawnstar's company to Gingers... huh? As the she-cat reached the stones, she found a young she-cat sitting atop the leader's perch instead of Gingerstar. Twilightstar flattened her ears and then leaped up to join Larkwing, settling a bit further from her at the end of the stone. Even though she was merely hoping she was feeling under the weather, if Twilightstar did have a cold she didn't see the need to give it other other clans even if she didn't like them.

"Greetings, has Gingerstar fallen ill?" Twilightstar asked the tortie RiverClan deputy with a curious gleam in her sole green eye. Twilightstar would not be shocked if the other leader was dead, she's truly lost count of how many RiverClan leaders have come and gone. Still, if it was true and Gingerstar was gone Twilightstar honestly wondered how the clan would fare with such.... an inexperienced cat at the head of their clan. Had Larkwing even been a warrior for a full four seasons? Larkwing had to be one of the youngest leaders Twilightstar's seen sitting up here.

Watertail had said RiverClan had been having trouble with their leadership, and that hadn't been shocking at the time, but if they just lost another leader in a single moons time Twilightstar wondered what the state RiverClan was in. This did reinforce her thought about RiverClan being unable to cause trouble within WindClan's territory... she might have to think longer and harder about this traitor situation after all.


WindClan has Arrived

*longfire* November 6th, 2023 07:59 PM

Re: November Gathering
Scalescar and crookedpaw entered the gathering,


Bluestone yawned as he sat their watching everyone come into the gathering.


Katiethewolfchild November 6th, 2023 08:05 PM

Re: November Gathering
Bearpelt arrived.

Foxpaw arrived.

Birdpaw arrived. {All open}

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