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Sage November 8th, 2016 07:56 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
(Mind If I join?)
Sobek glared at Ash. "I'm Sobek." She hissed. Haiku glanced at Ash from behind his mother's paws. He jumped in front of her and lashed out at Ash. He hissed and swiped a paw across her muzzle.

dino. November 8th, 2016 12:11 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Slash slunk through the forest, his ears pricked for any sounds of prey. He caught mews coming from up ahead of him, and he stalked quietly forward. He stopped at a bush and watched the group of cats in front of him for a moment before stepping out into the open. His one green eye glittered in the sunlight as he towered over the kit in front of him.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 07:27 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Zia ran from tree to tree, her tail held high. She raced around, looking for her next victim. Her blackish gray tabby fur glinted with a reddish tint, and at last, she spotted a smallsmall, long green creature climbing up the tree. Zia waggled her haunches and pounced, her paws slamming against the caterpillar, which instantly flattened and smashed. She stared at it, her green eyes wide with shock. I killed it! she bounced around excitedly, her chest puffed up with pride. "I caught my first prey!" She meowed, looking at the squished caterpillar on the side of the tree. Pride swelled in her heart and she marched around purposefully, her fur smooth and her tail and head held high. She saw Haiku, Sobek and two other cats—a kit and an adult—. She darted over to Sobek and looked up at her mother, he chest still swelling with pride. "Mama, Mama! I caught prey!" she mewed excitedly, unable to stay still, she darted off again in search of 'prey'.

Caligo Everton November 9th, 2016 01:39 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by S A G I E (Post 24697)
(Mind If I join?)
Sobek glared at Ash. "I'm Sobek." She hissed. Haiku glanced at Ash from behind his mother's paws. He jumped in front of her and lashed out at Ash. He hissed and swiped a paw across her muzzle.

Ash howled and jumped on haiku. "Coward." She howled. She slashed him on the stomach and held him down. she leaned forward red eyes gleaming in the dark forest. The same red eyes that everyone feared her for. She was strong and well muscled. Her fur fluffed up in a ash like storm. The female kit lol down at her prey and snarled. She was almost 10 moons now and was considering turning away from the job of a healer seeing how her clan treated them.

Sage November 9th, 2016 06:08 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Sobek's eyes darted away from the kit-fight, and to Zia. A purr emerged from her, as well as a wave of pride for her kit. "Very well done, Zia." She mewed.

Haiku looked at the 10 moon old kiten. This kitten was Ash. Her red eyes were burning into his russet and black pelt. For some reason this cat reminded him of his father; Bleddyn. Haiku shook the thought away and hissed at the kit. He spat in her face and threw her off of him. Haiku jumped on top of the cat and clamped his jaws shut around her hind leg.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 08:52 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"Are we fighting now?" Zia asked, looking at Ash and Haiku, her eyes watchful. She sat down, watching them, studying how they both moved and deciding the best moves to counter theirs. Her gaze was intent as she watched, then Zia stood, her kit fluff sticking up in all directions. She charged, claws unsheathed and leaped at the much older one of them, a fierce growl escaping her maw. She prepared to rake her claws through the older one's fur, her ears back.

dino. November 10th, 2016 02:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Slash sat down and began washing his paws. The blood fro hjs last unlucky victim still stained them, and he licked the blood off with a contented sigh. He heard Ash and Zia, and he padded over to them. "Well, hello kittens. Lovely day, isnt it?" He purred silkily.

doghouse November 10th, 2016 08:02 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Zia jumped away from the others. "Wanna play?" She asked, and, without waiting for the strange tom's reply, she bounded over, glared at the cat, and sat down. She studied him for a moment, her green eyes intent. She jumped up and flashed out a paw, claws gleaming. She was aiming for his nose, and her movement was fast, and hopefully unexpected. Zia let out a hiss as she did. She wasn't trying to be friendly. She was trying to prove herself.

Caligo Everton November 10th, 2016 08:05 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"Yes oh so lovely." She growled as the two charged her. Quickly she slipped between them and clawed there Sides with unsheathed claws. She smirked as she licked the warm blood from her paw relishing the taste. (Before slash. Hey yo anyone want to be my mentor?)

Sage November 11th, 2016 05:18 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Haiku squirmed and licked at his wound Ash had given him. He turned to Zia and began cleaning her wound as well. Sobek turned to her kits and gasped. She wrapped her tail around them and licked their heads. She stood back up and stood in front of Ash. She hissed as she pinned the kitten down to the ground, knocking the breath out of her. "Never. Come near my family again." Sobek hissed. 'Bleddyn.' Bleddyn was Sobek's mate. She didn't know why but thhis kit made her think of him.

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