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Splash April 16th, 2017 01:22 PM

Re: April Gathering
Cottonspark cautiously entered the clearing of the gathering, her emerald eyes wide and scared. As far as cats went, Cottonspark was a major inovert, and really prefered to keep to herself. She sat down near the other WindClan cats, but far enough away to not be noticed, her long, lithe white form still.

Slatesky followed, bouncing on her paws. The stormy blue-gray she-cat had been excited for this gathering, as she loved any social interaction. The variety and sheer number of cats at gatherings never ceased to amaze her. Aqua eyes bright, Slatesky sat near a group of cats that were not in her clan, RiverClan, and hoped that they would start some sort of conversation.

Crescentpaw padded right behind Slatesky, her closest friend. Crescentpaw wasn't very much like Slatesky- she was quieter, and thought things through more often- but the two had become fast friends, and worked well together. The black, turquoise-eyed apprentice sat next to Slatesky, the crescent moon-shaped patch on her chest glowing.

Autumnwind followed Crescentpaw over, her long orange-brown fur swishing in the slight breeze. Her clear, forest-green eyes scanned the clearing, quickly distinguishing cats she knew from those she didn't, and of those she didn't, which looked friendly. After a short debate, the she-cat decided to simply sit alone.

Wispdance was one of the last cats in her group to cross the bridge. The pure black she-cat sat in the shadows, her silver eyes cold and mysterious. She felt an inward tug to go speak to some cats- she was unbelievably lonely- but forced it away. This was her punishment.

ameko April 16th, 2017 02:08 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Beep Beep Im a Blue Sheep (Post 232572)
''Im 20 moons or so...'' Crimsonsky mewed. She watched as Fennelnose looked at her.
''The things I would try to fix would have to be the devison of clans... I know it sounds mouse-brained, but...'' She looked at her paws ashamed she ]had even thought it.

What was taking the other Clans so long? SkyClan and RiverClan both had yet to arrive. Fennelnose was, admittedly, rather disappointed that ThunderClan had been the first to arrive. When you were the last, you didn't get as much time to sit around and chat with your peers—something Fennel wasn't fond of. They liked to get right down to business and learn about how the other Clans were faring straight from the leaders themselves, not the members of them. They tended to hop into random topics and possibly even suggest friendship; Fennelnose would rather not make friends with cats from other Clans. That would be useless in battle.

Oh, but they were going off on a tangent. "I was right; that isn't far from my age at all," Fennelnose meowed with a slight smile.

"It doesn't sound that mouse-brained," insisted the cream tabby. Though they almost never utilized their emotions, they did feel a sliver of emotion towards Crimsonsky. "Many cats would want to attempt to join the Clans together. It's a good desire to possess within you." Fennelnose flashed a rare, reassuring smile at the molly, hoping that she wouldn't feel so humiliated.

Teggy April 16th, 2017 02:34 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 232895)
What was taking the other Clans so long? SkyClan and RiverClan both had yet to arrive. Fennelnose was, admittedly, rather disappointed that ThunderClan had been the first to arrive. When you were the last, you didn't get as much time to sit around and chat with your peers—something Fennel wasn't fond of. They liked to get right down to business and learn about how the other Clans were faring straight from the leaders themselves, not the members of them. They tended to hop into random topics and possibly even suggest friendship; Fennelnose would rather not make friends with cats from other Clans. That would be useless in battle.

Oh, but they were going off on a tangent. "I was right; that isn't far from my age at all," Fennelnose meowed with a slight smile.

"It doesn't sound that mouse-brained," insisted the cream tabby. Though they almost never utilized their emotions, they did feel a sliver of emotion towards Crimsonsky. "Many cats would want to attempt to join the Clans together. It's a good desire to possess within you." Fennelnose flashed a rare, reassuring smile at the molly, hoping that she wouldn't feel so humiliated.

"Some cats are to set on their ways to change..." Crimsonsky said.
"I think the clans would be more powerful together then alone..." She statted

ChameweonRainbow April 16th, 2017 02:56 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Turtlestrike (Post 232759)
"Just fine. I've got an apprentice now." Larkcry purred. "She's getting along quite nicely." Flamescar sat by Larkcry, his tail wrapped frostily around his paws as he regarded Creamwhisker coldly.

Creamwhisker nodded approvingly."I wish you luck then." She purred. The cream-point cat then turned to gaze quizzically at the tom next to Larkcry. His body language portrayed open hostility and a sign that he did not wish to converse with anyone but being the kind cat Creamwhisker was, she was not about to let this grumpy tom prevent her from greeting him. "How are you Slash.." She coughed as she remembered that he had his name changed now that he was an official clan cat. "I'm sorry, Flamescar was it now?" She saw his cold glare and her whiskers quivered in trepidation and her claws threatened to unsheath. "I apologize for the confusion of names I meant no disrespect... anyways, how is integrating into clan life?" An awkward tension now permeated the air and the fluffy she-cat struggled to keep her fear-scent in check.

The Cannibal April 16th, 2017 04:00 PM

Re: April Gathering
With a huff, the charismatic brown tabby leader lead his clan into Seastones for the second time since they had settled into their new territory, a jubilant and cheery smile upon his muzzle, head raised high and tail raised with it. Despite the.. Issues with the Syndicate, things had been going well with his clan and he'd be happy to share the news of their prosperity and how they've been settling well into the territory. That, and it was pleasant to see so many cats, he enjoyed seeing them and letting his clan mingle with them as they pleased, he felt like it was a good opportunity.

Glancing up at the sky as he carefully made his way through the throngs of cats, he soon enough focused his attention on the large stones that two other leaders were settled on, one of them was familiar and one.. Was not.
Perhaps Gyrewind is absent, as well as Ashstar? Or perhaps somethings happened? Oh dear I have positively no clue, but a new face is always welcome! He thought to himself as he saw Snowstar speaking with Blazingstar up on those rocks.
Regardless of his thoughts, he soon enough began to make his way up to the stones to join the other two leaders and wait for the arrival of Riverclan and Shadowclan.

ameko April 16th, 2017 04:53 PM

Re: April Gathering
[ @Noire - I'm assuming that Splotchfeather is near him already, if that's alright? ]

Excitement coursed in the veins throughout Acornflash's body. His paws were a mass of jitters, twitching constantly. His mind was fuzzy, clouded with the buzzing of what almost sounded like bees. Acorn could hear the chatter of the cats from a mile away, only contributing to his anxiety. Never having been to a Gathering before, he was—needless to say—extremely nervous. He had decided to flunk out of the patrol for the last Gathering, as he was terrified of cats who weren't in SkyClan. Greystep had been a big help in that matter, though: he had informed him that the other cats were not as strange as he had originally thought. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but worry.

Well, at least he had Splotchfeather with him to console him. Acornflash wondered how she could even put up with him! He was a mess of emotions, never once having been organized and never once finding steady ground to just be normal. She was his light, his escape to a world without worries and anxiety. He loved to be around her, even if it was for a short amount of time. Acorn swept his tail to the side, barely grazing Splotch's pelt. He was infinitely grateful for her presence, although she did tease him quite often. As in, whenever she found an opportunity. But he tolerated it anyway; the good always outweighed the bad. He supposed that he couldn't call it bad, necessarily; he liked everything Splotchfeather did. It was just... less appreciated.

With a start, whiskers, pulling backwards against his cheeks, he caught sight of all of the cats. "Wow," he murmured, unconsciously shifting closer to his best friend. "T-that's... a lot of cats." It was certainly too many for his tastes. He would endure it, though. If Splotchfeather could handle the Gathering, then so could he. It was just a matter of whether or not he would be able to talk to any other Clan cat without curling up into a ball and hiding from everyone else. Splotch wouldn't let him do that, anyway. He was certain of that much.

Along with the realization that Greystep had told him that he was good friends with Splotchfeather herself, a newfound feeling of joy blossomed in his chest. Maybe Grey was going to the Gathering, too, and they could all chat together! And not have to talk to the other Clans, he added in his head. Mind wandering, he almost forgot about where he was while he fantasized about conversations that they might have together. A small smile crept its way onto his muzzle as he let his mind explore the possibilities. Acorn almost forgot about where he was, too busy wondering about all the potential conversations. Since Splotchfeather was friends with both Greystep and Acornflash, it would only be natural for Greystep and Acornflash to become friends! They could become a trio, a group that could almost fill the loneliness in his heart. They would be the closest of cats, with bonds that exceeded emotional ones and went even further. They would be able to tell what the other was thinking just by looking at them. They would...

...and then, almost as suddenly as it had began, he jolted his way back to reality. Right. They were at the Gathering, the real thing, not at some fantasy world where there were no negatives and no worries to worry about. This was the sad reality. Oh, how he wished he could just escape it somehow. Padding down to the shore, he could hardly keep himself from clinging to Splotchfeather as they made their way to SkyClan's designated area. There were so many cats here; how could they all fit? And, with a glance at the boulder that obviously held the leaders of the Clans, there were only three up there, not including Grousestar! Weren't there supposed to be five? "Oh StarClan almighty, this isn't even the whole of it," he whispered under his breath.

At least he had his beloved Splotch with him.

Fel April 16th, 2017 05:12 PM

Re: April Gathering
-- riverclan has arrived at the gathering! --

Serendipity April 16th, 2017 05:32 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by LostintheEchoes (Post 232082)
Swiftecho gritted his teeth, but this strange cat was his only hope. He sat impatiently as he watched Hawke apply the paste, and he felt like he wanted to screech angrily at the apprentice's. Strangely, since he was a usually calm cat, he whipped around to face the apprentices. Glaring at Stammerpaw, Snarlingpaw, and Creampaw, he bared his teeth. "You better tell me what happened here right now or I will go get SnowStar," he threatened, his green gaze settling right on Snarlingpaw. "What the hell caused this?"

Ignoring him, Moonsong was lapping away at Dewpaw, after she had finished dragging her up on shore. Forgetting about her own soaked fur, she ran her tongue over her apprentice's bloodied pelt, until she got to her sopping, dripping stomach. Moonsong stopped for a moment, her eyes growing wide as two blue moons. She skipped Dewpaw's foreleg and went straight to licking her fluffy chest, when she raised her head. Horror had drained all the emotion on her face, and a mortifying look stood in it's place.
There had been no heartbeat.
"No," she whispered, chastising herself. She had simply missed it. That's what she wanted to believe. She began lapping faster and faster at Dewpaw's fur, but with prevail. "No, StarClan please," she begged. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. Trembling, she screeched, "No, don't take her!"

Duskpaw laid limp, unconscious, oblivious to his situation.
(Plot twist ;))

Stammerpaw and Snarlingpaw glared. "It's not Creampaw or Owlpaw's fault. Leave them out of this." Snarlingpaw nudged Owlpaw and Creampaw away.
(Please don't kil Dewpaw. I want to make an inter-clan love.... Or we can do Creampaw x Duskpaw, but I liked Owl x Dew better) They looked down and said, "Well, first of all, this wasn't our idea. It was Shrikepaw, now Shriketooth,. It was his idea. He's in Thunderclan, like me and Stammer. Creampaw and Owlpaw are in windclan. Anyway, Shriketooth threatened to drown us if we didn't help him with his 'Testing'. Me and Stammerpaw are the only ones that were ever fully involved. We just secretely got Creampaw and Owlpaw to help if we were ever attacked. And Hawke is Owlpaw's.. Dad-ish thing. Not biologically, but yeah. Gay dads." She turned to face Hawke, who was bandaging Duskpaw's leg in a cast made of palm leaves. Hawke turned around and said. "Be right back!" He ran into the bushes, and dragged out a raft-like thing made out of sticks and leaves. He put Duskpaw in it and dragged him to the ocean. "All aboard, The Hawke-Floater is leaving to Gather-Place!"

dino. April 16th, 2017 05:39 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by ChameweonRainbow (Post 232958)
Creamwhisker nodded approvingly."I wish you luck then." She purred. The cream-point cat then turned to gaze quizzically at the tom next to Larkcry. His body language portrayed open hostility and a sign that he did not wish to converse with anyone but being the kind cat Creamwhisker was, she was not about to let this grumpy tom prevent her from greeting him. "How are you Slash.." She coughed as she remembered that he had his name changed now that he was an official clan cat. "I'm sorry, Flamescar was it now?" She saw his cold glare and her whiskers quivered in trepidation and her claws threatened to unsheath. "I apologize for the confusion of names I meant no disrespect... anyways, how is integrating into clan life?" An awkward tension now permeated the air and the fluffy she-cat struggled to keep her fear-scent in check.

"Thank you," Larkcry replied, dipping his head to her. Flamescar raised his chin and narrowed his eyes, still sizing up Creamwhisker. "Yes, it is Flamescar now," he replied finally. "And I take it your name is Creamwhisker?" He licked one paw and drew it over his ear. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Creamwhisker."

doghouse April 16th, 2017 05:48 PM

Re: April Gathering
(If you reply to one of these, please quote this post)

The thin, lithe apprentice arrived, her silvery calico pelt glinting in the faint light of the stars. This was her very first gathering, and she'd never been so excited before in her life. Phantompaw smelled, as usual, of heather and blood. Her pale blue eyes were glinting with excitement. She hated Blazingstar, and StarClan was probably not real, but only Shinepaw knew this, so she had chosen to come. Sighing, she took in a deep breath, which was heavy with the scent of salt, causing her to wrinkle her nose. She gave her head a shake, sitting down, wrapping her thin gray and cream tail over her white paws, looking about. Never before had she seen so many cats in one place, and all of them smelled strongly of either the forest or pine sap or something. She pulled back her lips, the small WindClan apprentice waiting to see what all the fuss was about, as she didn't understand the excitement of the gathering. So far, it was noisy, smelly, and about things she disliked and didn't believe in. Her loyalties weren't with StarClan or even Blazingstar, and certainly not with the other Clans.


Tawnypaw looked around, her gait hesitant and loping, which was normal for the small dark brown tabby cat. Her jaw was open in astonishment. She knew that there were many cats in each Clan, but never had she thought that it could be this many. Her fur was rather unkempt and messy. Usually, an apprentice's mother would make sure that their fur was as neat as possible for a gathering,
but Tawnypaw had none, not since the "liberation" as many wrongly put it. She hated ShadowClan, and SkyClan equally. They were the reason two of her brothers and her father were missing and her mother was dead. Sitting down, her deep amber eyes blazing with quiet fury, she stared down at her paws, her back turned to the leaders in an obviously disrespectful way. Giving her head a shake,
the young apprentice stared up at the sky, lips drawn back and tears glistening in her eyes. She couldn't bare it much longer. Sitting in a Clan full of these cats. The cats who'd celebrated her family's demise. Who's celebrated her mothers death. She couldn't. Quickly Tawnypaw squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out her surroundings. Trying to be strong.


Kiwipaw bounded into where the gatherings were held. She was as old as any young warrior, but held the name of Kiwipaw, as she was an apprentice.
It was only because of her recently joining ThunderClan, but she'd first wanted to join under Gyrestar's rule, then had been held back by fires, and then Ratnight,
and then battle, and finally, after nearly five moons of waiting, she was an apprentice. Originally, her name had been Apurva, but now, she was Kiwipaw. Her fur was a sleek black and red color, not at all common for non-kittypet cats, so she stood out among a crowd. That was something she wasn't sure whether to be proud of or ashamed of, but she saw no point in being ashamed, for it would be as it would be. She could never, and probably would never want it different. Her thoughts wandered to Timberpa— Timberstrike. Why was that so hard to remember? She supposed it was just because Timberpaw was the name she'd known him by for a long time, and the name he'd sported the day she'd met him. Shaking her head, she looked around in awe at the gathering mass of cats, like the central point of a thundercloud, gathering into a massive storm.


The WindClan warrior settled herself, her ears flat against her head to help block out some of the chatter. She had good hearing, which made up for Wildpath's lack of sight. The brown tabby closed her eyes, hiding her unusual cloudy green-yellow eyes, making her look simply like any other warrior, just calm and relaxed, maybe thinking of something far off or simply deep in thought. Her thin brown tabby pelt was the only thing that was really normal about her. Her jaw was parted as she took in the scents and her ears constantly moving about as she tried to pick out the voice of the leaders. Unlike a lot of cats, Wildpath enjoyed talking with cats from other Clans, and quite wanted to, but she didn't dare walk around, because she knew that odds were, she would trip over someone. She didn't want that, not at all. Sighing quietly, she swung her head around, searching for the nearest cat that she could possibly talk with until the gathering was over. She hoped to find Mistyfoot, the kind RiverClan warrior she'd met moons ago at the border.

Lioncry stood out among the rest, large and lean with muscles rippling under course golden brown fur. She was a warrior of SkyClan, and she was proud of it, too. A number of scars were buried under her pelt from when she'd fought in the battle while liberating these other Clans from their evil leaders. She glanced around, settling herself at the edge of where most of SkyClan had gathered, gazing up expectantly at the leaders, and at the deputies, one of which, she was proud to call family. She was very proud of what Auroraflame had achieved, but had never wanted to position herself. Leading wasn't something she was good at. She was far better at following someone else's lead. Lowering her deep amber gaze, she focused for half a heartbeat on the ground, covered in small smooth pebbles. The air smelled like salt and water, and she distantly heard the crashing of waves on the shore. It was a new place, and her new home. She missed the place she'd grown up, but wasn't about to go running back. That was something she'd never dream of doing.


Geyserpaw bounced along cheerfully, his white and gray patched fur glinting in the light of the full moon. He loved full moons, as they always meant gatherings and gatherings meant meeting new cats and making friends. He smiled to himself, his round blue eyes full of excitement. Of course, this was his first gathering, but he'd heard all this from a very reliable source, and fully believed it. He attempted to sit down, but found himself restless, so he began running and hopping in a small circle, unable to hold still. He closed his eyes, and a moment later the RiverClan apprentice was sprawled on the rocky ground, struggling to get up, while laughing. How silly of him. He'd forgotten that running with his eyes closed was a very bad idea. Once again, be resumed his circle, and this time, Geyserpaw didn't close his eyes or fall over.

@bad company

Brilliance April 16th, 2017 06:10 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 233092)
[ @Noire - I'm assuming that Splotchfeather is near him already, if that's alright? ]

Excitement coursed in the veins throughout Acornflash's body. His paws were a mass of jitters, twitching constantly. His mind was fuzzy, clouded with the buzzing of what almost sounded like bees. Acorn could hear the chatter of the cats from a mile away, only contributing to his anxiety. Never having been to a Gathering before, he was—needless to say—extremely nervous. He had decided to flunk out of the patrol for the last Gathering, as he was terrified of cats who weren't in SkyClan. Greystep had been a big help in that matter, though: he had informed him that the other cats were not as strange as he had originally thought. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but worry.

Well, at least he had Splotchfeather with him to console him. Acornflash wondered how she could even put up with him! He was a mess of emotions, never once having been organized and never once finding steady ground to just be normal. She was his light, his escape to a world without worries and anxiety. He loved to be around her, even if it was for a short amount of time. Acorn swept his tail to the side, barely grazing Splotch's pelt. He was infinitely grateful for her presence, although she did tease him quite often. As in, whenever she found an opportunity. But he tolerated it anyway; the good always outweighed the bad. He supposed that he couldn't call it bad, necessarily; he liked everything Splotchfeather did. It was just... less appreciated.

With a start, whiskers, pulling backwards against his cheeks, he caught sight of all of the cats. "Wow," he murmured, unconsciously shifting closer to his best friend. "T-that's... a lot of cats." It was certainly too many for his tastes. He would endure it, though. If Splotchfeather could handle the Gathering, then so could he. It was just a matter of whether or not he would be able to talk to any other Clan cat without curling up into a ball and hiding from everyone else. Splotch wouldn't let him do that, anyway. He was certain of that much.

Along with the realization that Greystep had told him that he was good friends with Splotchfeather herself, a newfound feeling of joy blossomed in his chest. Maybe Grey was going to the Gathering, too, and they could all chat together! And not have to talk to the other Clans, he added in his head. Mind wandering, he almost forgot about where he was while he fantasized about conversations that they might have together. A small smile crept its way onto his muzzle as he let his mind explore the possibilities. Acorn almost forgot about where he was, too busy wondering about all the potential conversations. Since Splotchfeather was friends with both Greystep and Acornflash, it would only be natural for Greystep and Acornflash to become friends! They could become a trio, a group that could almost fill the loneliness in his heart. They would be the closest of cats, with bonds that exceeded emotional ones and went even further. They would be able to tell what the other was thinking just by looking at them. They would...

...and then, almost as suddenly as it had began, he jolted his way back to reality. Right. They were at the Gathering, the real thing, not at some fantasy world where there were no negatives and no worries to worry about. This was the sad reality. Oh, how he wished he could just escape it somehow. Padding down to the shore, he could hardly keep himself from clinging to Splotchfeather as they made their way to SkyClan's designated area. There were so many cats here; how could they all fit? And, with a glance at the boulder that obviously held the leaders of the Clans, there were only three up there, not including Grousestar! Weren't there supposed to be five? "Oh StarClan almighty, this isn't even the whole of it," he whispered under his breath.

At least he had his beloved Splotch with him.

{You have assumed right! cx }

The calico female was extremely excited when she found out about the gathering. It was her first--and that meant more cats to meet! More cats to befriend! More cats to cheer up! Oh, how the female just loved to make another smile, and as she traveled beside her best friend, her eyes scanned the lot quickly, fleetingly with interest. It was just something about moving that kept the she-cat happy, and as she did so, she bumped her side into Acornflash, giving him a brilliant smile. She knew he didn't do well when it came to a...crowd, but Splotchfeather loved being apart of the attention. The thought of being included always made her heart happy. It meant she wasn't forgotten, and as she looked around, a brighter smile was placed on her maw. ''Wow! Look at all these cats!'' She exclaimed, turning her eyes for a quick moment to give Acornflash a knowing look. ''Do you know what this means?''

He might have thought she was going to say make new friends, but oh no, the feline wasn't interested in making new friends. She could do that on her own because she knew it would make Acornflash a nervous wreck. She didn't mind giving the tom a small--rather large push when it came to things like that. She allowed him to take his time, and hoped that he would be able to stand on his own when she wasn't around. Splotchfeather snorted to herself, of course he would be able to stand on his own. He wasn't a weak tom. At least not in the field that she was thinking about. And, that was okay, because she loved him anyway, and he knew this.

As they continued to walk, she moved her head closer to his, whispering in his ear, ''We're going to seek out some cute toms!'' She laughed, pulling herself away from him. In all honesty, the she-cat didn't mind the company of toms. It was her who usually drove them away after they got a hint of her out-of-whack personality. The she-cat who was too energetic for her own good. The she-cat who could never settle down, and always had to appear anxious. Splotchfeather couldn't help this! She was extremely optimistic, and she played a huge role of being a sweetheart. Possibly, naive...but a sweetheart, nonetheless.

The feline was unaware that Acornflash and Greystep had previously met. And, that was the tom she was searching for. She couldn't see Greystep in the crowd of cats. She haven't talked to the stuttering warrior in a while. Frankly, she missed his attention. She missed playing with him, and asking him questions as if she were a kit, being told a story. There were so many other cats she wanted to see, but she knew that she had to start at one spot first. And, her main goal was to not leave Acornflash alone. Not only was it Skyclan present, but also Thunderclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, and Windclan. The she-cat took a look up at the bolder and her ears pinned to her head for a second, before she shook it and turned to Acornflash. She took a seat on her haunches, and watched the other cats, a smile on her face. ''Think about it,'' she giggled, ''A forbidden relationship, you up for that Acorn?'' Her voice was playful, and she knew that he knew that she was playing. It was the way the she-cat worked with him. She adored teasing him, something as an older brother. As she nudged him with a paw, she said, ''You see all these cats out here? I think it's Starclan calling out to me to make everyone my friend! Okay...that's a large exaggeration, but I can at least make a few of them as my friend. I never had friends from another clan before! Oh, what fun that must be! But is there any cats I can cheer up around here? You know, I don't know if Greystep is here. He's like on of my greatest friends! That warrior is like a father figure in my eyes--so wise, and so...ughhhhh, stammer-y. I swear, you would had laughed at the first moment we met!'' Splotchfeather paused, giggling. Then, she continued quickly. ''Though I like him! I haven't seen him in a while, and it's only respectful if I could introduce him to my best friend, right? I have to start introducing you to a lot of cats! You need to have a valuable social life, and I can make those pretty good friends...and speaking of toms,'' She giggled once more, looking around the area to see if she could spot some handsome ones out and point them to Acornflash.

''Gosh, there's so many cats.'' She commented, her voice soft. She was happy that there were so many cats to meet. It meant that she could go on a friendly rampage, recruiting others to care for them, dote on them, and cheer them up if need be! That's what she was there for after all. And, most would think the calico had her head twisted, that she refused to be exposed to the real life tragedies. Splotchfeather knew them all. She lived through it all. So, it didn't matter what others thought on how she viewed the world because her taste was different than theirs.

The feline would had a sang a happy song, but instead she hummed a resonate tune, her tail thumping in the process from her anticipation.

Vesper April 16th, 2017 07:39 PM

Re: April Gathering
Is Thunderclan, ShadowClan, Riverclan, wind clan, or Sky clan here yet?)

Swiftpaw padded in. His black pelt shown in the stars and he purred remembering the she cat he met on a border.

Hawkpaw raced in.

ameko April 16th, 2017 09:09 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Beep Beep Im a Blue Sheep (Post 232932)
"Some cats are to set on their ways to change..." Crimsonsky said.
"I think the clans would be more powerful together then alone..." She statted

"I suppose you're correct," Fennelnose agreed with Crimsonsky for the moment, continuing. "but I personally think that it's good to keep the Clans separate. Sure, we might be more powerful if we were to be together, but we would all still be divided, wouldn't we?" Pausing for effect, they glanced back at their acquaintance before fixing their attention back on the representatives on the boulder. "Oh look, they're all up there now. Except for Halestar," meowed Fennel; it was simply an offhanded comment, one to simply lighten the mood until they continued with what they were saying.

"Continuing with my what I was talking about, if the Clans were all smushed together, it would still be obvious as to who was originally in what Clan, right? The former RiverClan cats would still be the best swimmers, the former ShadowClan cats would be amazing at stealth, and the former WindClan cats would be the fastest. We wouldn't all be equal. It would take seasons for the cats to gain skills in each category, but yet, we wouldn't be proficient in one skill; we would merely be average. You understand?" Sure, Fennelnose had rambled a little, but they thought that they had got their point across well.

Teggy April 16th, 2017 09:17 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 233518)
"I suppose you're correct," Fennelnose agreed with Crimsonsky for the moment, continuing. "but I personally think that it's good to keep the Clans separate. Sure, we might be more powerful if we were to be together, but we would all still be divided, wouldn't we?" Pausing for effect, they glanced back at their acquaintance before fixing their attention back on the representatives on the boulder. "Oh look, they're all up there now. Except for Halestar," meowed Fennel; it was simply an offhanded comment, one to simply lighten the mood until they continued with what they were saying.

"Continuing with my what I was talking about, if the Clans were all smushed together, it would still be obvious as to who was originally in what Clan, right? The former RiverClan cats would still be the best swimmers, the former ShadowClan cats would be amazing at stealth, and the former WindClan cats would be the fastest. We wouldn't all be equal. It would take seasons for the cats to gain skills in each category, but yet, we wouldn't be proficient in one skill; we would merely be average. You understand?" Sure, Fennelnose had rambled a little, but they thought that they had got their point across well.

''I understand completely!'' The molly mewed.
''I think you would be a good deputy in my opinion!'' [:3 congrats btw] She sais smiling

Aquarius April 16th, 2017 09:38 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Sweet Skittles (Post 233159)
Stammerpaw and Snarlingpaw glared. "It's not Creampaw or Owlpaw's fault. Leave them out of this." Snarlingpaw nudged Owlpaw and Creampaw away.
(Please don't kil Dewpaw. I want to make an inter-clan love.... Or we can do Creampaw x Duskpaw, but I liked Owl x Dew better) They looked down and said, "Well, first of all, this wasn't our idea. It was Shrikepaw, now Shriketooth,. It was his idea. He's in Thunderclan, like me and Stammer. Creampaw and Owlpaw are in windclan. Anyway, Shriketooth threatened to drown us if we didn't help him with his 'Testing'. Me and Stammerpaw are the only ones that were ever fully involved. We just secretely got Creampaw and Owlpaw to help if we were ever attacked. And Hawke is Owlpaw's.. Dad-ish thing. Not biologically, but yeah. Gay dads." She turned to face Hawke, who was bandaging Duskpaw's leg in a cast made of palm leaves. Hawke turned around and said. "Be right back!" He ran into the bushes, and dragged out a raft-like thing made out of sticks and leaves. He put Duskpaw in it and dragged him to the ocean. "All aboard, The Hawke-Floater is leaving to Gather-Place!"

Swiftecho unsheathed his claws. "Either way, I'm reporting this to Snowstar." He glanced at Moonsong and saw tears rolling down her cheeks as she stared at Duskpaw's body. Oh... Oh no... He thought. Suddenly he leapt over Duskpaw, shoving his way toward Dewpaw. Quickly he pressed down on her chest, and then her neck. For a few seconds, nothing happened, but soon he continued as Moonsong just watched with wide eyes. After a moment, Dewpaw awakened. She spluttered, unable to breathe as water filled her lungs. She was coughing violently until Swiftecho repeated his manuever again, and within a matter of seconds Dewpaw was retching up water. He turned back to the ThunderClan apprentices, an authoritative scowl on his face. "Stammerpaw, Snarlingpaw, Shriketooth, Creampaw, and Owlpaw. I'll remember those names," he growled, the fur on the back of his neck rising as he stood over the much smaller apprentices. "Do you know what could've happened back there? You could have killed two apprentices, by listening to a foolish warrior. I thought ThunderClan knew better then that!" He snapped, towering over the two apprentices.

Serendipity April 16th, 2017 10:14 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by LostintheEchoes (Post 233552)

Swiftecho unsheathed his claws. "Either way, I'm reporting this to Snowstar." He glanced at Moonsong and saw tears rolling down her cheeks as she stared at Duskpaw's body. Oh... Oh no... He thought. Suddenly he leapt over Duskpaw, shoving his way toward Dewpaw. Quickly he pressed down on her chest, and then her neck. For a few seconds, nothing happened, but soon he continued as Moonsong just watched with wide eyes. After a moment, Dewpaw awakened. She spluttered, unable to breathe as water filled her lungs. She was coughing violently until Swiftecho repeated his manuever again, and within a matter of seconds Dewpaw was retching up water. He turned back to the ThunderClan apprentices, an authoritative scowl on his face. "Stammerpaw, Snarlingpaw, Shriketooth, Creampaw, and Owlpaw. I'll remember those names," he growled, the fur on the back of his neck rising as he stood over the much smaller apprentices. "Do you know what could've happened back there? You could have killed two apprentices, by listening to a foolish warrior. I thought ThunderClan knew better then that!" He snapped, towering over the two apprentices.

Stammerpaw glared at him. "I repeat. Keep Creampaw and Owlpaw out of this. And we didn't listen to Shriketooth. Shriketooth killed Hawke's brother, ok? When Hawke refused to become part of this, Shriketooth killed Denver. You get that? If we didn't do this, Thunderclan would be missing a couple of apprentices." She hissed. "Blame Shriketooth. We did this for out lives,
ok? "

Starfall April 16th, 2017 10:18 PM

Re: April Gathering
@woly @Lawlipop

A black tom slunk into the clearing filled with cats of all sizes and scents. His ears were pricked and his gaze was cold, but only towards the leaders and deputies, he hated them, despised them, but he would never state that aloud, how could he? Fallenstream lashed his tail and looked around for a particular molly, Honeypool, although they were apart of the same clan they haven't spoken since he spoke to her near the Windclan border. He had grown quite attached to the molly and hoped to see her once more, but, instead of the awful stench of rabbit chasers clinging to her pelt, he wanted to smell the sweet scent that wafted around her, the scent that mingled so well with his. He missed it. After a few minutes of looking he let out a sigh and sat himself next to the river, dipping his tail tip in the fresh water. The warrior felt relaxed and calm, but only for a few moments, a familiar stench wafted into his nose, almost making him gag. He swiveled his head and looked at the cat the odor came from, it had a mix of Windclans usual scent, moor, rabbits, but this one had something else wafting around him, something horrid. The ebony warrior scrunched up his nose and let out a snort, his blue hues danced with discust as he glared at the windclan warrior.
How annoying.

ameko April 16th, 2017 10:21 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Beep Beep Im a Blue Sheep (Post 233524)
''I understand completely!'' The molly mewed.
''I think you would be a good deputy in my opinion!'' [:3 congrats btw] She sais smiling

[thank you! <3]

The young warrior turned to look at their clanmate, whiskers twitching. "Well, it's good that you understand. I normally lose cats when I ramble," Fennelnose meowed, a soft smile quirking the corners of their mouth upwards. They were warming up to Crimsonsky rather quickly. It was odd; they didn't usually grow fond of cats as cheerful as this one was. "You think so?" meowed the cream tabby, a hint of disbelief in their yellow hues. "If I were to be deputy, I'd be going against what I had said a good deputy needed anyway. But I trust your opinion, so... thank you." There was sincerity in their eyes.

Just as suddenly as the genuine emotion had appeared, it dispersed into nothingness once they stared back up at the rock. "They're all up there now. I wonder when the Gathering will begin..."

Aquarius April 16th, 2017 10:22 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Sweet Skittles (Post 233598)
Stammerpaw glared at him. "I repeat. Keep Creampaw and Owlpaw out of this. And we didn't listen to Shriketooth. Shriketooth killed Hawke's brother, ok? When Hawke refused to become part of this, Shriketooth killed Denver. You get that? If we didn't do this, Thunderclan would be missing a couple of apprentices." She hissed. "Blame Shriketooth. We did this for out lives,
ok? "

Swiftecho ignored their fleeting excuses. "Do NOT bring a rouge into this!" He snapped, turning his back on them and back to Duskpaw. He lapped at his apprentice, who was luckily breathing normally. He was about to say something to Moonsong when he threw a cold glance over his shoulder at Stammerpaw. "Don't forget your place, kit. I am moons older then you, and I refuse to be disrespected." Swiftecho, one of the kindest cats in the Clan, would do anything to protect his apprentice. Little did he know that he had failed in doing just that, for Darkzephyr was watching from the Shadows of the ShadowClan crowd where he lurked.

As Hawke walked off, Darkzephyr suddenly took interest and silently padded along in the shadows, hiding himself well until he was behind Hawke by a rabbit-length. For he had stayed silent the entire time, like a normal ShadowClanner, he came with a rather startling entrance. The gaping wound in the left side of his face where his eye should've been was glittering pink with the light from the sky. He growled, a deep rough sound emerging from his throat as he stepped out so he could be seen. "A rogue at the gathering?" He inquired, his voice rough and scratchy like water attempting to flow - no, more like ice - over jagged stones. "A rogue meddling with my apprentice, nonetheless?"

Teggy April 16th, 2017 10:26 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 233611)
[thank you! <3]

The young warrior turned to look at their clanmate, whiskers twitching. "Well, it's good that you understand. I normally lose cats when I ramble," Fennelnose meowed, a soft smile quirking the corners of their mouth upwards. They were warming up to Crimsonsky rather quickly. It was odd; they didn't usually grow fond of cats as cheerful as this one was. "You think so?" meowed the cream tabby, a hint of disbelief in their yellow hues. "If I were to be deputy, I'd be going against what I had said a good deputy needed anyway. But I trust your opinion, so... thank you." There was sincerity in their eyes.

Just as suddenly as the genuine emotion had appeared, it dispersed into nothingness once they stared back up at the rock. "They're all up there now. I wonder when the Gathering will begin..."

''Glad to know some cat who rambles to!'' Crimsonsky mewed. She followed Fennelnose's gaze to where the leaders where and hear their responce.
''I sure hope soon! Other wise were gonna be in StarClan before they start!'' Crimsonsky joked.

doghouse April 16th, 2017 11:55 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by The Eye Of The Storm (Post 232465)
Crystaldrop made her way through the crowds, her brindled pelt standing out against the dull browns and common tabby. That in combination with her crystal blue eyes turned many heads, though most turned back around. Crystaldrop liked the attention, but she didn't really mind she cats ignored her, she was more interested in talking, who cares if she got a few flirty comments along the way? She didn't care. Crystaldrop continued on, smiling. The Tortishell danced lightly through the crowds, real to indulge in some gossip.

Wildpath, thin and wiry, got up, the brown tabby's head tilted down towards the ground as if she were watching where she placed her paws, but she wasn't really. She waved her tail, careful not to trip over anybody, and soon, she smelled the smell of ThunderClan. The smallish WindClan warrior froze, then shook herself, raising her head, her slightly strange green-yellow eyes fixed forwards, glinting in the moonlight. “Hi.” Wildpath meowed, happy to be at the gathering, seeing as gatherings were good places to make friends.

spade April 17th, 2017 12:20 AM

Re: April Gathering
(( @Clover @Ashley/Kestrel @Brooklyn Trees @The Eye Of The Storm @Zero to Hero dunno if the MC's sit in a group or what not, excuse Cricket she is a newb xD ))[/

Making her way through the undergrowth that partially blocked Seastones, Cricketpaw paused to take a moment and look around. This was her first Gathering back in the Clans, and her first Gathering ever actually - and she was also the new RiverClan medicine cat apprentice. A sigh escaped her body and she suddenly felt overwhelemed. A part of her wanted to run to her father, but as she glanced over she saw him surrounded by the other leaders, talking in hushed tones before the night was to begin. Blinking once, the Bengal continued forward, her gaze sweeping the clearing for where Geckoleaf was, and where the other medicine cats were residing. She wondered quickly if they were even hear yet, as she wanted to get to know them as well as she could. Since the young feline had only references to their names thanks to Geckoleaf, she had no idea what they looked like. Gulping a little, the skinny she-cat decided to sit on the outskirts of the clearing and just observe, finding that her gaze rested on her father ahead of her. Pride swelled in her chest as she watched him atop the Seastones, knowing that he was her father and leading RiverClan back to being strong again. A smile stretched across her face as she began to purr, sitting quietly as she waited for the Gathering to begin.

Spirit April 17th, 2017 12:35 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 231691)
Blazingstar arrived next, leading Windclan. The moonlight shone down on his gigner pelt, giving it more of a silver coloring. The leader looked better than the last gathering, new-leaf was already proving bountiful for hunting. Things had been slowly getting better. Soon enough, his half-starving clan will be full fed and strong. On top of this, this was the first gathering he had to lead the clan to as a leader. At the previous gathering, he had merely been named the new deputy. Now, he was Blazingstar and had to address the clans as such. What would the other clans thinks? Many new leaders had been made lately, but he met them all at the last gathering, however he was unaware that Gyrestar disappeared. His new status would be new for them, but Snowstar's leadership would shock them all.

With quick pawsteps, the orange leader led the clan down to the seastones. He could tell Thunderclan had already arrived, but otherwise that was all. He couldn't scent or see any of the other clans. He was neither too earlier nor too late upon arriving. Without missing a step, the clan finally arrived and as they began to mingle, he continued on to where the leaders would arrive. Blazingstar wasn't one to mingle much with the other clans, but perhaps he could catch the Thunderclan leader and try to make friends before they all arrived. Sure, alliances weren't necessary at the moment, but if something were to come up, it was good to have a friend. Especially if that friend was a whole clan.

Ferretpaw followed closely behind her mentor, seeming pretty confident until the momen they stepped onto the sea stones, and Ferretpaw realized there were so, oh so many cats present already. Giving a quick sniff, she concluded this was only one clan.. One clan out of four? Oh dear.. The small siamese's ears dropped instantly when she realized there would be three times more cats than this clan were. And she weren't one for crowds. Even being with just five cats made her uncomfortable, and now this.. She hoped she would be able to find a spot on the side of the whole thing, when Blazingstar would have to leave her side. Maybe she could find Galespeing? She was nice to her..
Peering up at her mentor, Ferretpaw tried to hide the fear creeping up inside her, and instead, quietly, asked the leader; "Are you nervous?" If she were right, this would be his first gathering as a full leader.. And her first in her lifetime. "I'm scared.." She mumbled, deciding to admit it. She didn't like it here, but a ye same time she had really wanted to seethe other clans, which had driven her to attend.

Momotaro April 17th, 2017 05:28 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 233754)

Wildpath, thin and wiry, got up, the brown tabby's head tilted down towards the ground as if she were watching where she placed her paws, but she wasn't really. She waved her tail, careful not to trip over anybody, and soon, she smelled the smell of ThunderClan. The smallish WindClan warrior froze, then shook herself, raising her head, her slightly strange green-yellow eyes fixed forwards, glinting in the moonlight. “Hi.” Wildpath meowed, happy to be at the gathering, seeing as gatherings were good places to make friends.

{For Skelly~}
The tortishell smiled at the apprentice, "Oh, Hello! My names Crystaldrop, and I'm from Thunderclan." She mewed kindly, not sure of how old the apprentice was. "I shouldn't say this, but our Leader resigned, strange isn't it? I think something is going on in the back-round...." Crystaldrop mewed, shuffling awkwardly. "Its quite odd.... First Zerosight, then Gyrestar, its not right..." The tortishell looked around and then whispered "I think that some-cat is messing behind the scenes..."

ChameweonRainbow April 17th, 2017 05:59 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Turtlestrike (Post 233168)
"Thank you," Larkcry replied, dipping his head to her. Flamescar raised his chin and narrowed his eyes, still sizing up Creamwhisker. "Yes, it is Flamescar now," he replied finally. "And I take it your name is Creamwhisker?" He licked one paw and drew it over his ear. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Creamwhisker."

The she-cat released a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding and let herself relax. "The pleasure is all mine Flamescar. I hope you are enjoying clan life. I am deeply troubled myself about how two of Thunderclan's major cats have stepped down from duty so abruptly. I hope things will work out, but Thunderclan is still going strong and with New-Leaf coming in things are looking up." Creamwhisker said. She suddenly perked her ears up in realization. "Oh! I'm sorry, I never did ask what clan you're from? Mind me I haven't been outside of the clan often so I haven't had much of a chance to remember identifiers for certain clan specific attributes."

dino. April 17th, 2017 06:19 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by ChameweonRainbow (Post 233879)
The she-cat released a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding and let herself relax. "The pleasure is all mine Flamescar. I hope you are enjoying clan life. I am deeply troubled myself about how two of Thunderclan's major cats have stepped down from duty so abruptly. I hope things will work out, but Thunderclan is still going strong and with New-Leaf coming in things are looking up." Creamwhisker said. She suddenly perked her ears up in realization. "Oh! I'm sorry, I never did ask what clan you're from? Mind me I haven't been outside of the clan often so I haven't had much of a chance to remember identifiers for certain clan specific attributes."

(I like this cat)

"Windclan," Larkcry replied. He bumped Flamescar. "Lighten up, grumpy fox!" he teased. The former DS tom rolled his eyes, but looked like he was trying to hold back a smile. He shoved Larkcry away and turned back to Creamwhisker. "I'm glad to hear that ThunderClan is doing well," he said. Then he sighed. "I'm not sure Blazingstar trusts me," he added with a half-hearted laugh.

ChameweonRainbow April 17th, 2017 06:41 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Turtlestrike (Post 233889)
(I like this cat)

"Windclan," Larkcry replied. He bumped Flamescar. "Lighten up, grumpy fox!" he teased. The former DS tom rolled his eyes, but looked like he was trying to hold back a smile. He shoved Larkcry away and turned back to Creamwhisker. "I'm glad to hear that ThunderClan is doing well," he said. Then he sighed. "I'm not sure Blazingstar trusts me," he added with a half-hearted laugh.

(I like your cats :ringbounce:)

Creamwhisker gave a comforting purr and nodded. "Things like that take time, I'm sure you will become a trusted and loved member of the clan in no time." She said calmly to Flamescar. The Thunderclan she-cat then turned to look at the two present leaders at the gathering, the new leader of Thunderclan, Snowstar, and the leader of Windclan, Blazingstar. "I hope the other leaders turn up soon so we can begin the gathering."She mumbled to herself before turning back to the two toms. "I wish you two luck and I hope Windclan enjoys this New-leaf. I apologize, but I must take my leave and go find my sister before she tackles some other cat." She said with a small purring chuckle. Creamwhisker nodded politely to the two cats and got to her soft paws before padding gently away into the crowds, her poofy tail the last of her to dissipate into the throngs of clan cats.

(this short rp was fun i hope they can interact again at the next gathering or some other time) :tacoparty:

dino. April 17th, 2017 07:01 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by ChameweonRainbow (Post 233895)
(I like your cats :ringbounce:)

Creamwhisker gave a comforting purr and nodded. "Things like that take time, I'm sure you will become a trusted and loved member of the clan in no time." She said calmly to Flamescar. The Thunderclan she-cat then turned to look at the two present leaders at the gathering, the new leader of Thunderclan, Snowstar, and the leader of Windclan, Blazingstar. "I hope the other leaders turn up soon so we can begin the gathering."She mumbled to herself before turning back to the two toms. "I wish you two luck and I hope Windclan enjoys this New-leaf. I apologize, but I must take my leave and go find my sister before she tackles some other cat." She said with a small purring chuckle. Creamwhisker nodded politely to the two cats and got to her soft paws before padding gently away into the crowds, her poofy tail the last of her to dissipate into the throngs of clan cats.

(this short rp was fun i hope they can interact again at the next gathering or some other time) :tacoparty:

"Thank you, Creamwhisker," Flamescar mewed. "I hope Thunderclan fares well this new-leaf." He watched her go, and then turned back to Larkcry, who's was watching him with a baffled expression. "What is it?" Flamescar sighed. "I have never seen you act so polite," Larkcry answered. Flamescar barked a laugh. "I learned from the best," he said with a small smile.

(It was! Maybe they could meet at the border or something like that! I hope that they can interact sometime again too ^^)

doghouse April 17th, 2017 07:42 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by The Eye Of The Storm (Post 233872)

{For Skelly~}
The tortishell smiled at the apprentice, "Oh, Hello! My names Crystaldrop, and I'm from Thunderclan." She mewed kindly, not sure of how old the apprentice was. "I shouldn't say this, but our Leader resigned, strange isn't it? I think something is going on in the back-round...." Crystaldrop mewed, shuffling awkwardly. "Its quite odd.... First Zerosight, then Gyrestar, its not right..." The tortishell looked around and then whispered "I think that some-cat is messing behind the scenes..."

Even Wildpath hadn't been prepared for the sudden onslaught of words,
and blinked, a bit confused, although she quickly recovered. “Ello. I'm Wildpath. And I'm from WindClan.” the brown tabby meowed cheerfully, tilting her head so that one ear was angled towards Crystaldrop. “Your leader resigned? Who's your leader now?” she asked, rather concerned. She hoped that it didn't seem odd that she wouldn't just glance over to where the leaders were and see for herself, but forgot to bend her words to make them less odd. She tilted her face to the ground, closing her slightly cloudy looking green-yellow eyes. She could hear Crystaldrop shuffling around, but she didn't move. “You do? Do have any idea who it could be?” she asked, still not moving from the position she'd assumed.

BluBunnie April 17th, 2017 09:14 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 233176)


Tawnypaw looked around, her gait hesitant and loping, which was normal for the small dark brown tabby cat. Her jaw was open in astonishment. She knew that there were many cats in each Clan, but never had she thought that it could be this many. Her fur was rather unkempt and messy. Usually, an apprentice's mother would make sure that their fur was as neat as possible for a gathering,
but Tawnypaw had none, not since the "liberation" as many wrongly put it. She hated ShadowClan, and SkyClan equally. They were the reason two of her brothers and her father were missing and her mother was dead. Sitting down, her deep amber eyes blazing with quiet fury, she stared down at her paws, her back turned to the leaders in an obviously disrespectful way. Giving her head a shake,
the young apprentice stared up at the sky, lips drawn back and tears glistening in her eyes. She couldn't bare it much longer. Sitting in a Clan full of these cats. The cats who'd celebrated her family's demise. Who's celebrated her mothers death. She couldn't. Quickly Tawnypaw squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out her surroundings. Trying to be strong.

(Here comes Ratpaw~)

Ratpaw folded his ears back and kept his head down. His mother always demanded he stayed in camp and this time he was able to sneak away and join the group of cats going to the Gathering, he had never been before and was really nervous but also excited. He looked up as a familiar scent hit his nose, he noticed Tawnypaw and smiled a bit. He soon noticed she seemed to be troubled, her eyes were squeezed shut and she seemed really tense. He quickly padded over to her, he didn't want to scare her or make her mad so he stood in front of her. "Tawnypaw? Are you okay?" He asked. He hope he was loud enough for her to hear. There was so many cats talking, he didn't like it that much.

monfang April 17th, 2017 12:32 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 233176)

Geyserpaw bounced along cheerfully, his white and gray patched fur glinting in the light of the full moon. He loved full moons, as they always meant gatherings and gatherings meant meeting new cats and making friends. He smiled to himself, his round blue eyes full of excitement. Of course, this was his first gathering, but he'd heard all this from a very reliable source, and fully believed it. He attempted to sit down, but found himself restless, so he began running and hopping in a small circle, unable to hold still. He closed his eyes, and a moment later the RiverClan apprentice was sprawled on the rocky ground, struggling to get up, while laughing. How silly of him. He'd forgotten that running with his eyes closed was a very bad idea. Once again, be resumed his circle, and this time, Geyserpaw didn't close his eyes or fall over.

@bad company

Galepaw padded up and tackled her brother playfully. "Hey, Geyser. Whatchya up to?" he purred, giving him a nudge. She then pinned him down, and pressed his chest as she stood over him, her eyes alight with play. Her daisy crown was fresh, renewed by the spring daisies. The scent ot them filled the air around her. She loved them. She giggled and brushed her tail over his nose to tickle it, the scent of daisies went with it. "Sooo, how's the training?" she asked with a playful purr.

graves April 17th, 2017 02:24 PM

Re: April Gathering
[Open to reply to only these users: @Lawlipop @Noire @Moonfur @pupy @meraki @starfall @Bright @>Pepsi< @Duskflight @turtle @Fawn @Pathos @Crow ]

Wolfdancer slipped her way into the gathering clearing, the smell of sea salt coming to her nose. The smell was overwhelming at first,but reminded it of her home,Riverclan. She kept her tail high in the air for any of her kits that were following,though keeping close to one of her kits Briarpaw, seeing as the mollys eyesight wasn't the best. She walked alongside Honeycomb aswel,though kept her focus on her surroundings. Over the past recent events with the enby aside her, she usually would be hyper active as could be to socialize with others,seeing as she was rather talkative aswel her silence was unusual. She turned back to her kits behind her,"I know this is some of your guys first gathering,please try not to get lost,okay? I don't want to be scrambling to herd you all when we have to leave." her tone was soft,but still slightly stern. She looked tired,possibly from lack of sleep,or not being able to even sleep peacefully when she did rest. With the enby next to her she felt she was on edge,not out of aggression,but simply nervousness that she was going to do something wrong,she would say something wrong,and so on. She usually felt the opposite way around the other warrior, and maybe after their confessions,despite her forgiving them, there was still cracked feelings that lingered for her. She was sure most of her kits knew of Honeycomb,seeing as she did mention them alot and they were usually glued at the hip when it came to one another. She opened her maw again,"Make sure when the leaders speak you show them respect okay? We respect all of them,not just Russetstar." she gave a friendly reminder to her kits, even if some of them were warriors, she loved them all the same, varying in personality she liked to give reminders, indirectly at Loonpaw at times. She turned her head back to face the enby next to her,"It's been awhile since I've been to a gathering. Im sorry if they get overwelming,I know theres a lot." she gave a weak chuckle while glancing at her kits. She loved them dearly, but there was just a sense of tiredness radiating off of Wolfdancer,her eyes lidded as her words and actions were more slowed down. She wanted to sleep,but at the same time she didn't,because all that would be waiting for her there would be the darkforest.

doghouse April 17th, 2017 04:08 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by bad company (Post 234155)

Galepaw padded up and tackled her brother playfully. "Hey, Geyser. Whatchya up to?" he purred, giving him a nudge. She then pinned him down, and pressed his chest as she stood over him, her eyes alight with play. Her daisy crown was fresh, renewed by the spring daisies. The scent ot them filled the air around her. She loved them. She giggled and brushed her tail over his nose to tickle it, the scent of daisies went with it. "Sooo, how's the training?" she asked with a playful purr.

Geyserpaw let out a yelp of shock as he was tackled to the ground, grayish paws flailing uselessly. Then he saw who it was and breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I had been paying attention to the gathering.” the gray and white apprentice snorted indignantly as he looked up at his sister. He noticed that daisies circled her head and wondered if the first thing Galepaw had went and done this newleaf was go and pick flowers. He sneezed as her tail passed over his nose, taking extra care to sneeze on her belly. “Good I s'pose, though I do need to work on this.” as he spoke, he rolled, attempting to knock his littermate's legs out from under her.

judas April 17th, 2017 04:34 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by woly (Post 234238)
[Open to reply to only these users: @Lawlipop @Noire @Moonfur @pupy @meraki @starfall @Bright @>Pepsi< @Duskflight @turtle @Fawn @Pathos @Crow ]

Wolfdancer slipped her way into the gathering clearing, the smell of sea salt coming to her nose. The smell was overwhelming at first,but reminded it of her home,Riverclan. She kept her tail high in the air for any of her kits that were following,though keeping close to one of her kits Briarpaw, seeing as the mollys eyesight wasn't the best. She walked alongside Honeycomb aswel,though kept her focus on her surroundings. Over the past recent events with the enby aside her, she usually would be hyper active as could be to socialize with others,seeing as she was rather talkative aswel her silence was unusual. She turned back to her kits behind her,"I know this is some of your guys first gathering,please try not to get lost,okay? I don't want to be scrambling to herd you all when we have to leave." her tone was soft,but still slightly stern. She looked tired,possibly from lack of sleep,or not being able to even sleep peacefully when she did rest. With the enby next to her she felt she was on edge,not out of aggression,but simply nervousness that she was going to do something wrong,she would say something wrong,and so on. She usually felt the opposite way around the other warrior, and maybe after their confessions,despite her forgiving them, there was still cracked feelings that lingered for her. She was sure most of her kits knew of Honeycomb,seeing as she did mention them alot and they were usually glued at the hip when it came to one another. She opened her maw again,"Make sure when the leaders speak you show them respect okay? We respect all of them,not just Russetstar." she gave a friendly reminder to her kits, even if some of them were warriors, she loved them all the same, varying in personality she liked to give reminders, indirectly at Loonpaw at times. She turned her head back to face the enby next to her,"It's been awhile since I've been to a gathering. Im sorry if they get overwelming,I know theres a lot." she gave a weak chuckle while glancing at her kits. She loved them dearly, but there was just a sense of tiredness radiating off of Wolfdancer,her eyes lidded as her words and actions were more slowed down. She wanted to sleep,but at the same time she didn't,because all that would be waiting for her there would be the darkforest.

{Let the cuteness begin}
The bright she cat stayed behind her mother, seeing her other siblings follow along in a single file row. She looked around, this had been her first gathering. The eight Moon old apprentice had always missed her chances because she got lost exploring the territory. Sunpaw looked around, waving her tail as she passed the other clans. She understood why they should respect the other leaders, but she really did only care for Russetstar. After all, that was Riverclan's leader. She ignored this and listened to WolfDancer anyway, after all she had taken her in with the rest of her kits. The she looked up, seeing the new Thunderclan Leader, Snowstar. She still didn't fully understand why Gyrestar had resigned so quickly after becoming leader. The She cat looked around, hoping to see other clan toms she could talk to. Sunpaw had always gotten along with toms best, manly because most weren't full of gossip and rumors. Sunpaw looked around more, her paws seemed like floating off the ground as she slowly walked away from the group.

monfang April 17th, 2017 04:42 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 234332)

Geyserpaw let out a yelp of shock as he was tackled to the ground, grayish paws flailing uselessly. Then he saw who it was and breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I had been paying attention to the gathering.” the gray and white apprentice snorted indignantly as he looked up at his sister. He noticed that daisies circled her head and wondered if the first thing Galepaw had went and done this newleaf was go and pick flowers. He sneezed as her tail passed over his nose, taking extra care to sneeze on her belly. “Good I s'pose, though I do need to work on this.” as he spoke, he rolled, attempting to knock his littermate's legs out from under her.

"Ew!" she cooed as he sneezed on her, then gave a yelp as he rolled and she fell. "Hey! No fair!" she meowed angrily. "You're bigger than me! That's cheating ya know." she growled, pawing his head. She loved her brother but sometimes he got on her nerves, and so, when he did, she would only get on his nerves back. "Fatso." she purred.

vellichor April 17th, 2017 05:09 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 233938)

Even Wildpath hadn't been prepared for the sudden onslaught of words,
and blinked, a bit confused, although she quickly recovered. “Ello. I'm Wildpath. And I'm from WindClan.” the brown tabby meowed cheerfully, tilting her head so that one ear was angled towards Crystaldrop. “Your leader resigned? Who's your leader now?” she asked, rather concerned. She hoped that it didn't seem odd that she wouldn't just glance over to where the leaders were and see for herself, but forgot to bend her words to make them less odd. She tilted her face to the ground, closing her slightly cloudy looking green-yellow eyes. She could hear Crystaldrop shuffling around, but she didn't move. “You do? Do have any idea who it could be?” she asked, still not moving from the position she'd assumed.

Accidentally picking up on the conversation, the silver loner nodded to Wishtail and Daustpaw and meowed, "I'll be back in a moment," before making her way to Where Wildpath and Crystaldrop were talking. She sat next to them and softly meowed, "I might have an idea..." you noticed that the silver she-cat looked young, maybe apprentice-sized, but with as many scars as a seasoned warrior. You also noticed the she-cat didn't smell like any of the Clans. (I'M SORRYYYYYYY)

fresh April 17th, 2017 06:22 PM

Re: April Gathering
Shyfrost looked around the clearing, her black tail-tip twitching. It wasn't her first gathering, yet she still seemed surprised every time she walked into all the commotion. I just hope no one picks a fight, she thought worriedly.

Someone talk to my kittyyyyyyyyyyy

zinfranny April 17th, 2017 07:35 PM

Re: April Gathering
@Dark Melody <3
Gyrewind filed into Seastones, his paws sliding between the smooth grey rock bed. He felt a buzz of mixed feelings inside him, but truly did feel like a sore thumb in the crowd. The tall and willowy ex-leader had received a large enough variety of glares to last him a full season. Suspicion, curiosity, sympathy, even mockery were just a few things he could feel from the other four Clans, mingling among one another like fish in a crowded stream.
However, Gyrewind seemed to be distracted by something else. His silvery eyes awed on of the massive stone in which five leaders stood upon. How much he felt his own questioning of why he resigned was suppressed as he watched Snowstar. He could identify each silhouette of each leader, and could recall their demeanor and their features. His erstwhile deputy fitted right in. She was a true leader, and his own successor at that.
She sure looks better than me up there. Suits her! He thought, tittering on as he subtly downgraded his own self.

Random Melody April 17th, 2017 07:44 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks (Post 234509)
@Dark Melody <3
Gyrewind filed into Seastones, his paws sliding between the smooth grey rock bed. He felt a buzz of mixed feelings inside him, but truly did feel like a sore thumb in the crowd. The tall and willowy ex-leader had received a large enough variety of glares to last him a full season. Suspicion, curiosity, sympathy, even mockery were just a few things he could feel from the other four Clans, mingling among one another like fish in a crowded stream.
However, Gyrewind seemed to be distracted by something else. His silvery eyes awed on of the massive stone in which five leaders stood upon. How much he felt his own questioning of why he resigned was suppressed as he watched Snowstar. He could identify each silhouette of each leader, and could recall their demeanor and their features. His erstwhile deputy fitted right in. She was a true leader, and his own successor at that.
She sure looks better than me up there. Suits her! He thought, tittering on as he subtly downgraded his own self.

Snowstar's gaze was drifting around from where she stood with the others, deep in thought. However, her eyes focused on Gyrewind, and a small smile formed on her lips as she gave him a warm look. Then her ears pricked as she glanced at the other leaders, nodding to them. "I'll be right back, okay? You guys go ahead and start, I just need to talk to someone real quick, then i'll be right with you." She said briskly, but with a purr before she turned and made her way down the stone.

She glanced around again, trying to remember where she had seen the former ThunderClan leader. When her eyes skimmed over his pelt again, she gave a relieved smile, weaving around a few cats to make her way over to him. The Siamese cracked a grin when she reached him, her long black tail flicking side to side. "Hey, Gyrewind," She chuckled, glancing back at the stone at the other leaders before returning her gaze back to the Tom in front of her. "How am I doing so far?" She asked almost breathlessly, allowing a soft but nervous laugh to leave her maw. "If im being honest, this is completely terrifying."

zinfranny April 17th, 2017 08:02 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Dark Melody (Post 234535)
Snowstar's gaze was drifting around from where she stood with the others, deep in thought. However, her eyes focused on Gyrewind, and a small smile formed on her lips as she gave him a warm look. Then her ears pricked as she glanced at the other leaders, nodding to them. "I'll be right back, okay? You guys go ahead and start, I just need to talk to someone real quick, then i'll be right with you." She said briskly, but with a purr before she turned and made her way down the stone.

She glanced around again, trying to remember where she had seen the former ThunderClan leader. When her eyes skimmed over his pelt again, she gave a relieved smile, weaving around a few cats to make her way over to him. The Siamese cracked a grin when she reached him, her long black tail flicking side to side. "Hey, Gyrewind," She chuckled, glancing back at the stone at the other leaders before returning her gaze back to the Tom in front of her. "How am I doing so far?" She asked almost breathlessly, allowing a soft but nervous laugh to leave her maw. "If im being honest, this is completely terrifying."

Gyrewind's ears perked momentarily as he watched Snowstar's silhouette figure begin moving off of the perch. The tom looked away and made his eyes look busy, scanning the cats around him all the while awkwardly hoping Snowstar hadn't seen him watching her, or worse, think he was stalking her. When she came over, he nodded a greeting and returned a friendly smile.
Gyrewind gave a warmhearted laugh. "Right?" He exclaimed, remembering the terrified feeling of his first gathering so clearly, his stomach twisted. "You're doing good, you're doing good- wait, like I'm one to judge, haha," Gyrewind laughed and had nudged her shoulder, but felt uncomfortable when he realized he was talking like a seasoned veteran.

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