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dino. May 9th, 2024 09:39 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Bumblestar led the group past the border. ShadowClan scent was faint, which meant they probably hadn't been in the area for a while. Not that she minded - their absence would make it easier to cover the Creek back up with ThunderClan scent anyways.

"Just start marking," she called over her shoulder as started up herself. "Dunno when Dawnstar'll show up, but assumin' she does, don't cause any trouble."

[ @BEAR. @Rani @Starfall ]

Rani May 9th, 2024 10:17 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Thunderclan Hornet | They/them | 35 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Walkies!!!! They were going on fun territory reclaiming walkies and Mudhound had gotten away with tail catching with little consequences! Honestly the tripod had expected to get punched for it and had found it worth it, but nope!

So on this patrol the tripod was skipping along, walking on air tail wagging as they went, a complete contrast to their clanmates. "Aw come one Woofie and Spider-dude! Loosen up, we got our creek back! It just feels weird because it doesnt smell right, and we can fix that. Even if shadowclan creates trouble they'll find it hard with two hornets a leader and a deputy!" Utterly unconcerned as always Mudhound was and it showed by how they were wildly rolling around to lay down some scent marks and brushing up against any trees and bushes they came across. Time for the creek to stink like thunderclan (or at least Mudhound) again!

@Starfall @dino. @BEAR.

Wingnettle May 10th, 2024 04:36 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Shadowclan Enforcer
33 moons | she/her

Shadow Fiend | Primal Instincts | Beefed Up (T3) | Bilingual (T3)
Lynxshade padded out into the sunlight, cherishing the warm feeling of the feeble warmth. In newleaf, she guessed, this place would be a lot livelier.
"This is Sunkissed Creek. This place belonged to Thunderclan not so much time ago, but is now ours. Even though it seems peaceful and so on, even here we might bump into predators' dens. Also, don't bother yourself into trying to fish here. There is only slim, small fish that no Shadowclan warrior would even try to eat. It is still a good place to hunt, though."
She turned back to check on Rainpaw, even though that should be Amberfern's job. Today she was teaching an apprentice and a warrior. A new thing, for sure.
"If you have any questions, throw them at me. Meanwhile, I'll lead you to Shadow's Break."

Undertaker May 10th, 2024 12:11 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@dino. @Starfall @Rani @BEAR.
She arrived as silently as her clan's name, not too long after she picked up the fresh ThunderClan scent. She was rather intrigued by the patrol seeing as both clan leader and deputy had come out here, the other two warriors were currently nobodies until they turned in somebodies worth remembering.

Dawnstar tensed her muscles and leaped up to sit on a tree limb. She did not bother with pleasantries, she wasn't here to chat merely here to make sure no one set a paw out of line. She didn't need imbeciles from her clan causing trouble and wanted to ensure ThunderClan wasn't arrogant enough to take extra territory. Once done they'd part and hopefully wouldn't have to see each other's ugly mugs for another moon.

BEAR. May 10th, 2024 01:31 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
"It feels weird 'cause I haven't been here before." Mudhound was looking ridiculous, rolling around much like their namesake. Wolfhive was concerned by the prospect of an ambush as this seemed like an optimal time to do so.. Get an enemy Clan's leader and deputy out of normal territory bounds, with only a couple cats in escort. Made more sense than when RiverClan tried on a whim.

He'd started laying the markers when movement caught his attention, and his hackles rose. Dawnstar wasn't the issue - it was the warrior (Lynxshade) wandering in with another and an apprentice, saying Sunkissed Creek was ShadowClan's. Either they missed the memo, or this was a trap after all. "Does your nose not work? This is ThunderClan's, fleabag, 'n I suggest you get packing to that Break of yours before I start breaking you!"

[ @Starfall, @dino., @Rani, @Undertaker, @Wingnettle, @SuspiciousMindz, @Warriorsfan9054.1 ]

dino. May 10th, 2024 01:35 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Bumblestar noticed Dawnstar first, acknowledging the ShadowClan leader with a brief glance and an accompanying flick of an ear.

Lynxshade and whoever else was with her would have gone unnoticed if it weren't for Bumblestar catching the words spoken. She lifted her head and turned to catch sight of the ShadowClanner stepping into the clearing with what looked like an apprentice and another warrior. Dawnstar would probably handle it later, but as far as Bumblestar was concerned, this was now ThunderClan land and this trio was trespassing. Wolfhive got there first

"Kid's right. This ain't ShadowClan's land anymore, regardless of what you're tellin' your apprentice. Time for you to head out."

[ @Wingnettle @suspisciousmindz @Warriorsfan9054.1 @BEAR. @Rani @Starfall @Undertaker ]

Warriorsfan9054.1 May 10th, 2024 06:56 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Amberfern took up the rear of the trio. She was going to make sure that she knew her territory inside and out, listening to Lynxshade's summary of the area. What a nice little place, she thought. Amberfern took in the surroundings, making note of every detail about this place that she could. As she looked upon the area, her ears perked upon hearing a voice, she spotted a gaggle of warriors approaching them "Foxdung.." she muttered, "Lynxshade!" She called and directed her attention to the approaching Thunderclan cats with her tail.

@Wingnettle @SuspiciousMindz

SuspiciousMindz May 10th, 2024 06:57 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Rainpaw was following after Lynxshade and Amberfern without a second thought. It wasn't her job to know the clan relations yet. She hardly remembered what happened at the last meeting! She was blindly trusting her warrior peers, just as she was raised and taught.

So, it was a huge shock when the ThunderClan leader herself -- not that Rainpaw knew who that was -- was standing before them! Her blue eyes shot between Wolfhive and Bumblestar; horror shoving the excitement aside within her. Her pelt fluffed up and she chose to stand behind the Enforcer and the warrior, observing quietly from her spot.

Sunkissed Creek was theirs?

She supposed she could remember Dawnstar saying that if she thought hard enough about it.

@Wingnettle - Lynxshade | @Warriorsfan9054.1 - Amberfern | @dino. - Bumblestar | @BEAR. - Wolfhive | @Starfall - Spiderthroat | @Rani - Mudhound

Rani May 10th, 2024 10:01 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Thunderclan Hornet | They/them | 35 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Uuuuuuuuuugh! Even with a simple patrol that shouldnt cause issues there were issues! This was definitly a shadowclan problem, and it didnt seem like an intentional one but was still irritating so with a giant sigh the massive maine coon flipped themself over and stood, padding over to join their clanmates.

Given this still seemed like a mistake however and one that could be resolved with some humility the tripod tactfully kept things light and happy, though they were a bit tense and ready to move should things turn.
"Looks like someone wasnt at the latest gathering~ I wouldnt stress though Miss," Looking at Lynxshade specifically "mistakes happen and I dont think anyone will be mad as long as we keep calm and no one starts trouble! See little guy" To Rainpaw "Even warriors make mistakes, its a good lesson to learn really! Shouldnt be too much of a loss really given how your mentor(?) doesnt seem to like the creek hehe!"

Which wasnt a shock, shadowclan probably had no clue how to properly use a good thunderclan location like they did so it was already wasted on them. Their loss, even if they didnt know it but hopefully they didnt make it a bitter loss by trying to resist when Dawnstar had handed it over willingly. If they tried they'd end up beaten and then the leader herself would probably beat them again once they got back.

@BEAR. @dino. @Starfall @Wingnettle @SuspiciousMindz @Warriorsfan9054.1

Wingnettle May 11th, 2024 06:34 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Shadowclan Enforcer
33 moons | she/her

Shadow Fiend | Primal Instincts | Beefed Up (T3) | Bilingual (T3)
This is bad. Lynxshade really wasn't at the last gathering, and she hadn't even heard the last news from her clanmates. Why didn't Dawnstar announce this at a meeting, first of all? Why did I have to make such a terrible mistake, of all?
She felt like a rock had fallen right on her head, waking her in the worst possible way. Dawnstar would probably demote her to something shameful for this embarrassing mistake, but right now the problem was another one. She needed to ensure his clanmates' safety first and foremost.

"Amberfern, Rainpaw." She whispered and flicked her tail, ordering them to stay behind her. It didn't look like one of the Thunderclan cats was going to attack, but better safe than sorry.
Of course, Bumblestar had to be there! She was always tripping in Shadowclan's paws.
Lynxshade forced her fur to lie flat and sheathed her claws. With a calm, cool voice she replied: "It seems that while I was teaching these two about Shadowclan's territory, I accidentally missed Thunderclan's scents and misstepped. I hope you'll be as kind as to forgive my mistake and allow me to escort my clanmates back into our territory."

It was hard to reply in such a peaceful, submissive tone as the other patrol threatened to shred them. Lynxshade could feel her dignity begin to melt away as she spoke, but she knew it didn't matter right now. "Amberfern, Rainpaw. Let's go back."
She dipped her head politely to the Thunderclan's leader, ready to turn back and more determined than before to pay close attention to Shadowclan's changing borders.

Great Starclan, is it possible that I miss the Gathering ONLY ONCE and I miss an important announcement that nobody makes me aware of? She lashed her tail in frustration as she padded away, angrier with herself than with the clanmates who hadn't informed her. At least, she hadn't caused any unnecessary trouble.
And what if she had made a mistake? Thunderclan had just now begun to mark their borders with their stench! The universe seemed to conspire against her.

Starfall May 11th, 2024 10:09 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH
@BEAR. @dino. @Starfall @Wingnettle @SuspiciousMindz @Warriorsfan9054.1 @Rani

Ah, ShadowClan. Full of nothing but stupid frog brains. The little patrol holding true to his thoughts as they clearly didn't realize, yeah. Dawnstar did in fact give this place back. Convenient. Wolfhive hopped their way first, followed by Bumblestar to no surprise. Like son like mother.

He didn't care about them, they were just bubbling and babbling. It was the leader, he was more concerned with. Lone stander or not, she was fully capable of taking at least two of them out. He hadn't even noticed her at first, which made his fur raise. Blue eyes caught onto the brown pelt and the Deputy did nothing more than stand and keep watch. No glare, no anger in the gaze, just observant.

She could watch, he didn't care. There was nothing on ShadowClan land worth stealing in this moment in time.

Undertaker May 12th, 2024 06:38 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
@dino. @Starfall @Rani @BEAR. @Wingnettle @SuspiciousMindz @WarriorsFan9054

Well, that was certainly something that would have to be talked about later. Wood tore beneath her claws as soon as Lynxshade was called out for wandering around Sunkissed Creek after the return. Amberfern and Rainpaw were both with her. When Dawnstar spoke did these mindless fools not listen or what?

Dawnstar held a meeting on the Sunkissed Creek and then announced it at the Gathering. She nearly ripped apart two of her Enforcers for the decision, and somehow Lynxshade heard nothing about it! That sounded absurd to her.

Dawnstar didn't see the need to get involved as ThunderClan told Lynxshade off and rightfully so. Lynxshade was bright enough to back off and call her patrol with her, but Dawnstar would still have to talk to the featherbrain later. The leader glared meanly at the three as they departed and then returned to observing the ThunderClan cats. She noticed Spiderthroat seemed antsy about her presence and took to watching her.

She gave the deputy a fanged grin full of mischievous but did nothing further to bug him. How long did it take for them to mark their border, Dawnstar had to get home and yowl at Lynxshade.

BEAR. May 12th, 2024 06:47 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Wolfhive swished his tail as the ShadowClan dunces departed, and once they were out of sight he finished up the area he was marking. "Done over here." At this point, he'd let Bumba finish up their time here - he wasn't sure what the plan was now that the shadow-stench was under control.

[ @Rani @dino. @Undertaker @Starfall ]

dino. May 14th, 2024 10:11 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
At least they had the sense to leave. Bumblestar ignored whatever nod was given to her and watched them go, then returned to marking her section. It didn't take much longer, and once Wolfhive announce he was finished, she regrouped.

"If you're done, we can go. Spiderthroat, start sending some more patrols out here. If a trio of idiots was bold enough to wander in while we're remarking, I wanna make sure nobody else gets any ideas. I'll get this announced later."

[ @Rani @BEAR. @Starfall @Undertaker ]

Undertaker May 14th, 2024 12:52 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
With them done and no more morons showing up, Dawnstar leap down from her tree and made her way back home. She was a little irritated with Bumblestar's comment, but it was less with the other leader and more with the dumb Enforcer that made ShadowClan look bad. Dawnstar was definitely going to have to find something decent to punish Lynxshade with.

[Dawnstar has left the area.]

Rani May 14th, 2024 07:14 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Thunderclan Hornet | They/them | 35 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

See! Just do some chatting and you can avoid most conflicts! With a grin and a single tail wag Mudhound went back to scent marking, rubbing themself over all traces of shadowclan scent, totally unaware of Dawnstars presence in the trees overhead (she was sneaky and for some reason no one saw fit to inform the less aware tripod the shadowclan leader was there!). So, after jolting when Dawnstar lept down from nowhere and padded off, the tripod shook themself and reported a "My marks are down! Stars theres a lotta shadowclan cats here today, was no one gonna tell me she was in the trees?"

That shock kind of made this place creepy to Mudhound and at this point they were ready to go, already slowly padding in the direction of thunderclans camp.

@dino. @BEAR. @Starfall

BEAR. May 14th, 2024 07:18 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Wolfhive tipped his head at Mudhound, mildly amused that the Tripod somehow didn't see Dawnstar. "You didn't notice? I didn't know it was possible to miss the swampbear." Probably because they'd spent so much time rolling around and having fun, anything else was a blur. Oh well.

Wolfhive trotted behind Mudhound, tail jittering behind him.

[ @Rani ]

rubberRatroom May 16th, 2024 11:00 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Non-binary | Moons: 21 | Kin: ? | Purrks: ?

Snakepelt gazed at the glistening water. They loved water ... when it wasn't scary, overflowing, monstrous. Especially Sunkissed Creek, where it was mostly calm. The soft, swish of the water ... the occasional plop of a leaf or rock ... was like a lullaby to their ears. Snakepelt cautiously waited for their apprentice to catch up before they did anything major. Can't take too far of a leap without one step ahead. Once Porcupinepaw had caught up, Snakepelt gradually got closer to the water. They were still a little hesitant ... the territory had recently been won back. Though that didn't stop them from confidentially taking a drink from the creek.

"Have you ever been to Sunkissed Creek?"

They asked, a hint of curiosity in their voice. They genuinely wanted to learn more about their apprentice. Snakepelt felt bad for the miscommunication, and lack of their participation, in training Porcupinepaw. But there was no use in reminiscing about the past! They would move forward, learn, and try their best from here on out.

The sun's rays gleamed off of the creeks surface. It was almost ... well ... mesmerizing. And to think Snakepelt had seen it all. They had barely even scratched the surface ... a mere trainee to the world around them.

"As Wolfhive mentioned, it's got lots'a trees. Good for learning to climb."

Snakepelt now felt... excited? They couldn't describe the exact emotions. It was like a twisting, turning feeling of joy. It wasn't ... well ... constant. Maybe mentoring wouldn't be so nerve-racking like they'd thought it to be. Snakepelt cracked a smile.

"Don't get too intimidated, though. This will probably be a learning experience for us both!"

They were now looking directly at Porcupinepaw, giving them their full attention.

************************************************** *************

@Katiethewolfchild - Porcupinepaw

Sorry if I started a little bit too abruptly! I wanted to start the rp moving! Please VM me if you have anything you need to tell me C:

BEAR. May 18th, 2024 04:32 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
In the days after reclaiming the creek, Wolfhive had his paws full with a variety of tasks and duties. He didn't forget about his plans to steal Beachpaw for another outting though, and that's exactly what he did today.

"This spot will be new to you! We recently got it back from ShadowClan, but I think you'll like it." The trek from camp wasn't too bad either, definitely not in comparison to Cattail Pond. As they neared the scattered trees that surrounded the creek, Wolfhive slowed his pace. "Pretty nice, right?"

[ @Fawn ]

Katiethewolfchild May 18th, 2024 08:01 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Porcupinepaw meowed no I've never been here before. There was nothing wrong with that right? Wait why would there be something wrong with that? Why were they being silly. The young apprentice also wondered why they would be intimidated. The energetic youngster was bouncing all over the place, excited to learn how to climb. @rubberRatroom

dino. May 18th, 2024 08:06 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Skies above, Bumblestar had missed this part of the territory. She hated having lost it to ShadowClan, but it was back now and Cattail Pond was no longer hers to worry about, which meant it was about time to get some use out of it again.

She trotted ahead of Mudhound and Skunkstripe, the two she'd dragged out of camp regardless of their levels of enthusiasm, because while her outing with Larkswoop had proven fruitful, the Clan could always use more prey. The trickling of the creek reached her ears as she slipped through the break in the trees and paused, surveying the area. Birdsong signaled the presence of easy prey and she could practically taste mouse.

"Alright, both of you go crazy," she said with a glance over her shoulder. "The pile's been looking pretty low lately, I wanna see it overflowing by the time we get back, yeah? 'N be sure to keep an eye out for ShadowClan, Mudhound 'n I had a run-in when we went to reclaim this."

[ @Rani @Tiabirb ]

Rani May 18th, 2024 08:28 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Thunderclan Hornet | They/them | 35 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Another day another set of WALKIES!!!! Mudhound was pretty sure that by now Bumble-sis had figured out they needed regular outings lest the tripod get twitchy and start up bouts of (oft destructive) stupidity but it didnt matter as long as they got walkies! And it was hunting too! The thing besides training that Mudhound was arguably best at, not that they were a slacker at other areas, so this was a double bonus!

The tripod was happily prancing along as the patrol walked to the creek, occasionally diving into interesting bushes at random and getting into all sorts of tangle without a care, but promptly ditched the others as soon as they all arrived. The reason? Well they stated it blatantly with a "I smell pigeon!!! DIBS!" as the warrior disappeared into the undergrowth after the scent.

Mudhound doubted shadowclan would come back so they werent worried right now, they just needed to catch the birds! Which turned out to not be hard really, given the dumb animals didnt even startle or fly away when the tripod walked right into them eating some sort of seed on the ground.

.....Seemed the hornets weird quirks (purrks) were striking again as the tripod shrugged to themself, looking down at the cooing animals at their paws before taking advantage of the situation.

With a few quick lunges and swats and a sudden panicked flapping of wings from fleeing birds (probably audible by the rest of the patrol) three birds were downed and the rest of the small flock was making a desperate break for it from the 'surprise' cat.

@dino. @Tiabirb (+3 pigeons)

Tiabirb May 20th, 2024 04:18 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Okay normally? She'd be stoked to be out with the one and only Bumblestar, fiercest and greatest leader ThunderClan's ever had. But Skunkstrike knew where she fell awfully short....and today that was just the task.


She knew how to hunt. She knew all the 'tricks' to it....but time and again, she was either following a dead trail, pouncing on some rock or stick, or her bulky and eye-catching self was alerting every piece of prey within earshot. So this time she was walking practically on her toes, and acutely in line with...well...better hunters than her. Even if she was a cruddy hunter, she could still keep quiet and let them hunt in peace.

Her single blue eye flashed in guilt, a preemptive apology for what would like be the worst and most embarrassing moment in her life; Catching bees for Bumblestar instead of birds, and a wrecked paw for the medicine cats. Her claws tore anxiously at the grass as she sniffed the air. Her head whipped around to Mudhound, watching him run off in pursuit of his pigeons. Lucky. She hadn't even gotten a hint of pigeon.

But with the startled pigeons taking flight, it didn't matter if stealth wasn't her strong suit. Skunkstrike snapped her attention around, bunched her muscles, and she leaped, her paws clapping down on either side of a fleeing pigeon a fox-length above her head. She pulled to the ground, crushing its neck with a paw until the bird went limp. Ha! Her first catch wasn't actually a disaster after all!

Okay well, that wasn't so much hunting skill as it was luck and timing. Which she had. But prey was prey regardless, and she gave Mudhound an appreciative blink. That was a lot easier than having to sneak up on them herself.

@dino. @ Rani

dino. May 20th, 2024 08:32 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Hell yeah, that's what she was talking about. Bumblestar watched as Mudhound immediately gunned for the pigeons, Sunkstrike hot on their heels, and went off toward the opposite end of the creek to give the both of them space.

There was a little offshoot of water that soaked into the moss and the grass near the creek bank, dampening the immediate area. Apparently something had decided to make its den there, if the tiny hole in the dirt was anything to go by. And as luck would have it, four little somethings filed out as Bumblestar crept up behind it.

A quick lunge forward and a few well-placed pounced secured the bunch of tiny rodents. Small, sure, but they'd do the trick for a few cats. She glanced up, curious as to how the other two were faring.

[ @Rani @Tiabirb +4 lemmings ]

Rani May 21st, 2024 09:29 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Thunderclan Hornet | They/them | 35 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Oooh looked like they'd helped out! Mudhound returned Skunkstripes grin, waving a tail as they trotted off in search of more. Though.... Perhaps that act of trotting off carefree and unaware was one they should kick given the trouble it soon got the tripod into.

Following the scent of mouse into the trees Mudhound noted another weird scent but, distracted and not super familiar with it, ignored it in favor of the prey scent. One that lead them right to a mouse, bursting out of some tall grass right at the hornet in full sprint which said hornet, in a totally instinctive reaction, quickly swatted it right to the ground the force killing it instantly. It was an odd interaction, a mouse running uncaringly at a cat (even one who went unnoticed by prey like Mudhound), but not one that got to be dwelled on as the maine coon soon discovered why.

Owl to the face.

The impact, harsh as it was by diving raptor, was muffled at least by the amount of feather fluff of the bird and the fact that the owl was smaller then some Mudhound had encountered. A different type maybe? This one was small brown and spotted not large brown and barred or white speckled from what little the cat could see as they went tumbling back in a mess of feathers and fur. Well owl didnt know what hit it as much as the cat did, and the two tangled predators rolling out from the bushes by force of impact each with their own startled shriek, both scrambled to re orientate.

It was a shocked scramble and while Mudhound earned a cut from an errant claw they eventually won against the bird, chomping down on its neck before sitting down and panting eyes wide in shock. There... There were just no words for this situation of a sudden owl to the face, just confused eye contact with anyone who happened to see any of that. It was prey at least(?).... Kinda?

[+1 mouse, 1 small owl, 1 confused Muddy] @dino. @Tiabirb

rubberRatroom May 22nd, 2024 10:23 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Non-binary | Moons: 21 | Kin: ? | Purrks: ?

Snakepelt lightly smiled at Porcupinepaw before heading over to the trees. They were almost as magnificent as the glistening, sparkling creek. The hues varied significantly, emerald greens, forest greens, moss, shale... it was beautiful to behold. The sun brought out the more yellow shades of the tree's leaves.


They said simply. Their whisker twitched as they anticipated how to word this. Snakepelt tended to overcomplicate explanations. So, of course, they would try their best to not do that.

"You want to unsheathe your claws and then -"

Snakepelt grumbled as they flung themself at the tree's bark, hanging onto it vertically. Though, they didn't fall, and they made an effort to sink their claws into the bark.

"- Sink your claws into the bark after catching this. Make sure your tail is straight, for balance. Then ..."

Snakepelt gradually hoisted themself up... up... up! Until they were on one of the lowest, sturdiest branches. Snakepelt then, subconsciously, set that for their apprentice's goal. Make it to that branch.

"Keep sinking your claws in and use your lower-body strength!"

They had to yell so that Porcupinepaw could hear them. They made sure to stay steady on the branch, the last thing Snakepelt wanted was to face-plant and have to take a visit to the medicine cat den.

Snakepelt waited for their apprentice to make their way up.

************************************************** *************

OOC Notice!

Hello! I have asked for an extension from Bear, thought it might be useful! It is now due the 26th ^^! Also sorry for a bit of a late reply! I think I might've accidentally forgotten to post my other one. Either way, very sorry for that :,D

Fawn May 23rd, 2024 01:46 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by BEAR. (Post 1592360)
In the days after reclaiming the creek, Wolfhive had his paws full with a variety of tasks and duties. He didn't forget about his plans to steal Beachpaw for another outting though, and that's exactly what he did today.

"This spot will be new to you! We recently got it back from ShadowClan, but I think you'll like it." The trek from camp wasn't too bad either, definitely not in comparison to Cattail Pond. As they neared the scattered trees that surrounded the creek, Wolfhive slowed his pace. "Pretty nice, right?"

[ @Fawn ]

°•. info & relations ✿ they/them ✿ finder coming soon ✿ challenge mode! [skill-perk free]   .•°
Beachpaw -
Beachpaw diligently followed Wolfhive, sticking close by, until they reached the newly-acquired landmark. From there, they branched off to explore -- sniffing, scenting, peering around, trying to take everything in. "Why did they give it back?"

No recent territory skirmishes with ShadowClan came to mind. Maybe they were just really intimidating to those Shadowcats. "Ooh, look! A river!" They spotted the creek itself. Much smaller than a river, but nonetheless impressive to them, and they examined its trickling waters with big eyes. "Are there fish in it?"

BEAR. May 23rd, 2024 06:00 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
The why was a good question.. Wolfhive paused, mind wracking to remember what Dawnstar had said. "We were havin' some minor border disputes with them, 'n Dawnstar gave it back to try to soothe some of the tensions. We all got a lot more to worry about than some stupid skirmishes with the Fish Cats actin' unruly." Dawnstar probably had ulterior motives, but Wolfhive wasn't going to go down that rabbithole with Beachpaw.

"It's a creek!" Not quite a river - very different, actually, when one compared it to Smallpines. "Rivers are much bigger and deeper, I'll take you to it later." He stopped by the creek's edge and beckoned Beachpaw to join him. "Why don't we watch and see? I think creeks can.." And if on cue, a tiny minnow darted through the water in front of them. "Do you wanna try to catch one?"

[ @Fawn ]

Fawn May 27th, 2024 10:50 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek

Originally Posted by BEAR. (Post 1594604)
The why was a good question.. Wolfhive paused, mind wracking to remember what Dawnstar had said. "We were havin' some minor border disputes with them, 'n Dawnstar gave it back to try to soothe some of the tensions. We all got a lot more to worry about than some stupid skirmishes with the Fish Cats actin' unruly." Dawnstar probably had ulterior motives, but Wolfhive wasn't going to go down that rabbithole with Beachpaw.

"It's a creek!" Not quite a river - very different, actually, when one compared it to Smallpines. "Rivers are much bigger and deeper, I'll take you to it later." He stopped by the creek's edge and beckoned Beachpaw to join him. "Why don't we watch and see? I think creeks can.." And if on cue, a tiny minnow darted through the water in front of them. "Do you wanna try to catch one?"

[ @Fawn ]

°•. info & relations ✿ they/them ✿ finder coming soon ✿ challenge mode! [skill-perk free]   .•°
Beachpaw -
"Oh, that's like... weird." It went against everything Beachpaw knew about the Clans and how their catsociety functioned. Territory-giveaways didn't fit into that schema of understanding. "What's Dawnstar like, anyway?" Soon, they'd be finding out for themselves, even though observing leaders had been the last thing on their agenda all the times they'd daydreamed about attending a gathering. The next one couldn't come fast enough.

Beachpaw dropped into a hunting crouch at the creekbed, preparing to pounce on the tiny fish prey. "It can't see us?" they questioned, quiet. They were closer than what would usually be acceptable to a prey animal, even if they weren't hovering directly above the water.

But yes. They did want to catch it. That was evident enough in their glittering gaze and wiggling hindquarters, anticipation budding.

BEAR. May 28th, 2024 08:32 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
"Don't know her that well, all I know is the stories." Wolfhive hmmed thoughtfully. "Tough acorn, no-nonsense and expects obedience. If you're not with her, you're against ShadowClan 'n you'll paint the swamps red." He didn't want to be too detailed - knowing Beachpaw they didn't wanna hear it. "Usually has a good grip on her Clan, but recently it seems kind of... lacking. Maybe their new deputy will help keep those frogheads in line."

He raised a brow quizzickly at Beachpaw's hunting technique. "Fish aren't like normal prey, if you pounce you'll just miss 'n scare them. Sit by the bank with me and let them come."

Wolfhive waited til one was fluttering near him before his paw shot out and he hooked it, tossing it on land and killing it. "I don't think their eyesight is that good, but they do have some. Give it a shot!"

[ @Fawn ]

Idiotic.Bean101 May 28th, 2024 08:57 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Skunkridge-Any Pronouns


Skunkridge padded into Sunkissed Creek with Stormpaw, before he suddenly stopped. "Try sniffing the air, do you smell anything?" They asked. Skunkridge's belief was that one of the best ways to learn was through action.




Rowan May 28th, 2024 09:05 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Male / Apprentice / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Mentor: Skunk’Ridge
light gray tabby tom with fluffy cloud-like fur and stormy blue eyes. his ears have white fur tufts at the top
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101

He listens to what his mentor requested of him before lifting his head and opening his mouth a bit, smelling the air carefully. He scented the familiar smell of mice and voles. “Prey! Mice and voles!” He said, trying to not be too loud and scare off the prey, but he was also proud of himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Idiotic.Bean101 May 28th, 2024 09:23 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Skunkridge-Any Pronouns


Skunkridge nodded. "Correct!" She said quietly "Now, watch me carefully."
They carefully padded forward, listening and watching for movement. Skunkridge's ear twitched as he heard rustling. Crouching, keeping her tail just enough above the ground, Skunkridge slowly approached a mouse.
Skunkridge pounced, catching the mouse between their jaws and giving the killing bite, before looking back at Stormpaw to see how well he had been watching.
She put down the mouse and buried it for later "Now, try and mimic what I just did. The hunting crouch is specific, you can't have your tail too high or too low." He said.




Rowan May 28th, 2024 09:32 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Male / Apprentice / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Mentor: Skunk’Ridge
light gray tabby tom with fluffy cloud-like fur and stormy blue eyes. his ears have white fur tufts at the top
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101

He watched his mentor, trying to mimic their crouch as they did it, and listened as they explained about the tail. Okay- he got this!

He went into a crouch, his legs being a bit awkward and his tail too high. Just as he approached a small mouse, the thing seemed to sense danger —or perhaps he made a noise, and it ran just before he landed on the ground it was previously standing in. His ears and tail immediately went down. “Drat” he muttered.
(Roll = 8)

He turned to him mentor momentarily, seeking some sort of guidance or reassurance. He thought for sure he had it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Idiotic.Bean101 May 28th, 2024 09:55 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Skunkridge-Any Pronouns


"It's alright, no one gets it their first try, but you were still close either way." Skunkridge said reassuringly "But, the mistake was that your tail was too high, and your stance was slightly off."
She smiled "Here, I'll keep the pose for a while longer." They stated. Skunkridge then went into the hunting crouch, staying still so Stormpaw could get a good analysis on the correct posture.




Rowan May 28th, 2024 10:13 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Male / Apprentice / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Mentor: Skunk’Ridge
light gray tabby tom with fluffy cloud-like fur and stormy blue eyes. his ears have white fur tufts at the top
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101

He listened with perked ears to each mistake he made, thinking of exact how it was wrong. He first went in his original crouch then mimicked his mentors by changing the small details that made him fail.

“Okay” he took a deep breath, making the position correct and comfortable for himself. “I think I got it” he states. Now, all he had to do was find more prey around. He scented the air again, working on finding another spot with prey.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Idiotic.Bean101 May 28th, 2024 10:24 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Skunkridge-Any Pronouns


After a moment, Skunkridge scented a vole. But, she didn't say anything. He wanted to see if Stormpaw would notice it.




Rowan May 28th, 2024 10:32 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Male / Apprentice / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Mentor: Skunk’Ridge
light gray tabby tom with fluffy cloud-like fur and stormy blue eyes. his ears have white fur tufts at the top
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101

It was hard to identify specific scents in the forest. He smelled prey around but nothing to really catch. How did cats do this so easily? Practice. That’s how.

He tried again. A mouse…but it was a bit far off. Soemthing closer. A vole…he thinks. He turned the direction the scent in coming from, getting in a decently good crouch, at least better than his first one.

(Roll = 19)
He stalked up to it carefully, leaping at just the right time and catching the vole swiftly, digging his claws into it quickly and biting on the back of its neck as the killing blow. He lifted his head, the vole dangling from his mouth and a smile on his kit-like face. He did it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Idiotic.Bean101 May 28th, 2024 11:22 PM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Skunkridge-Any Pronouns


Skunkridge's eyes gleamed with pride "Good job!" She said "Would you like to try and catch more for practice before going back to camp? Prey is running well today."




Rowan May 29th, 2024 09:06 AM

Re: Sunkissed Creek
Male / Apprentice / 6 Moons / ThunderClan / Mentor: Skunk’Ridge
light gray tabby tom with fluffy cloud-like fur and stormy blue eyes. his ears have white fur tufts at the top
Purrks: None
Interaction For: @IDIOTICBEAN101

He nodded eagerly, going to mimic his mentor with burying the vole, digging up a hole near hers and setting it down, covering it back up until they returned later. “Yeah! Hopefully the clan will feast tonight” he stated, his tail flicking with proudness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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