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Thistledawn December 2nd, 2017 04:26 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den
Cherrypaw was lazily splayed across her nest in the apprentice's den. She was bored and left without anything to do. Actually, that wasn't quite correct. There were plenty of things for Cherrypaw to do, but she didn't feel like doing any of them. It was a strange mood for the white she-cat to be in. Her Clanmates often scolded her for bouncing off the walls. She'd be unable to count the amount of times that another cat had placed their tail over her mouth so that she'd finally just shut up. When she wasn't being annoying, she was working hard. Training, hunting, border patrols. But now, alone in the apprentice's den, Cherrypaw struggled to find the motivation to get on her paws and do something productive. Productivity aside, she couldn't find it in her to do much of anything at the moment.

Groaning, Cherrypaw flopped to the right so that she was laying on her flank. Her long whiskers brushed the floor, making her wrinkle her nose for a moment before readjusting. She blinked her blue eyes, absentmindedly gazing into the opening of the den. She tried to focus on the mews of her Clanmates, but couldn't even do that for more than a heartbeat. The apprentice was even finding it hard to focus on simple noises. She tugged on part of her nest with her claw and ripped it away, frustration getting the best of her.

What an awful feeling this is, Cherrypaw thought to herself.


lone December 2nd, 2017 04:43 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 431854)
Cherrypaw was lazily splayed across her nest in the apprentice's den. She was bored and left without anything to do. Actually, that wasn't quite correct. There were plenty of things for Cherrypaw to do, but she didn't feel like doing any of them. It was a strange mood for the white she-cat to be in. Her Clanmates often scolded her for bouncing off the walls. She'd be unable to count the amount of times that another cat had placed their tail over her mouth so that she'd finally just shut up. When she wasn't being annoying, she was working hard. Training, hunting, border patrols. But now, alone in the apprentice's den, Cherrypaw struggled to find the motivation to get on her paws and do something productive. Productivity aside, she couldn't find it in her to do much of anything at the moment.

Groaning, Cherrypaw flopped to the right so that she was laying on her flank. Her long whiskers brushed the floor, making her wrinkle her nose for a moment before readjusting. She blinked her blue eyes, absentmindedly gazing into the opening of the den. She tried to focus on the mews of her Clanmates, but couldn't even do that for more than a heartbeat. The apprentice was even finding it hard to focus on simple noises. She tugged on part of her nest with her claw and ripped it away, frustration getting the best of her.

What an awful feeling this is, Cherrypaw thought to herself.


A ginger tom entered the apprentice's den, his fur groomed neatly, and his eyes sparkling with mischief. Foxpaw was often found here in the middle of the day - the mornings and early evenings were when he worked the hardest, and his mentor wasn't too dedicated to giving him a schedule, so he ended up seeking her out and reminding her about training or just training by himself, or forgetting it altogether. Anyways, Foxpaw was in here for one reason or another, and he settled into a nearby nest, making himself comfortable. The scent of the apprentice who had been here before was one of infection, fear, and discomfort. Those things overpowered the natural SkyClan scent and their own unique scent, which he could just faintly identify as something berryish. Foxpaw was uncomfortable in this nest, but it was giving him the perfect view and conversational spot for the only other cat in the den... a cat he recognized as Cherrypaw. He remembered her becoming an apprentice, and remembered thinking she was quite pretty - he'd been about nine moons old at the time. Eight or nine, it was hard for him to remember. "If it isn't our local princess. How are you, beautiful?" The tom mewed. His flirting skills could still use some work, and his voice still hadn't quite matured into a lower one (unlike his brother's, whose more masculine voice and dark, moody personality seemed to attract more she cats then repulse them) but Foxpaw was a fairly handsome cat. He was confident he could woo whoever he wanted to - though breaking someone's heart was not in the cards for Foxpaw. He had never thought he would do that. He'd never planned on getting that far before. And he was terrified that someday he would end up breaking someone's heart.

Thistledawn December 2nd, 2017 05:55 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 431864)
A ginger tom entered the apprentice's den, his fur groomed neatly, and his eyes sparkling with mischief. Foxpaw was often found here in the middle of the day - the mornings and early evenings were when he worked the hardest, and his mentor wasn't too dedicated to giving him a schedule, so he ended up seeking her out and reminding her about training or just training by himself, or forgetting it altogether. Anyways, Foxpaw was in here for one reason or another, and he settled into a nearby nest, making himself comfortable. The scent of the apprentice who had been here before was one of infection, fear, and discomfort. Those things overpowered the natural SkyClan scent and their own unique scent, which he could just faintly identify as something berryish. Foxpaw was uncomfortable in this nest, but it was giving him the perfect view and conversational spot for the only other cat in the den... a cat he recognized as Cherrypaw. He remembered her becoming an apprentice, and remembered thinking she was quite pretty - he'd been about nine moons old at the time. Eight or nine, it was hard for him to remember. "If it isn't our local princess. How are you, beautiful?" The tom mewed. His flirting skills could still use some work, and his voice still hadn't quite matured into a lower one (unlike his brother's, whose more masculine voice and dark, moody personality seemed to attract more she cats then repulse them) but Foxpaw was a fairly handsome cat. He was confident he could woo whoever he wanted to - though breaking someone's heart was not in the cards for Foxpaw. He had never thought he would do that. He'd never planned on getting that far before. And he was terrified that someday he would end up breaking someone's heart.

The white she-cat looked away when she noticed Foxpaw enter the den. The apprentice tried to turn away even more when he settled into his own nest. She tried to bury her face in between her paws. She had nothing against the ginger tom, not anything that she could remember. Cherrypaw just wasn't in the mood to do anything, and she felt especially not in the mood to talk. Even so, her white ears perked up when he began to talk. She raised her head to face the tom and felt her blue eyes widen.

"Do I look like the daughter of any important cat around here?" She mewed with as much sass as she could manage. Her bad mood was definitely having a negative impact on her. Cherrypaw muttered, "I'm not a princess." Normally she'd be delighted with the word. It made her feel important and special and graceful. Right now, she wasn't feeling any of those things. "And do you always go around calling cats that you hardly know beautiful?" She tried to spit her words, but she couldn't deny that the word coming from the mouth of a handsome cat made her feel hot under her fur. She swiped a white paw over her ear to hide her face, which may have betrayed the fact that she hadn't hated what Foxpaw called her.

Cherrypaw sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. She was being ridiculous. It was unfortunate that Foxpaw had walked in on her sour mood. She was treating the tom poorly when he hadn't actually done anything wrong. She opened her eyes and blinked at the tom. "I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood." The she-cat dipped her head as she apologized. Her tone turned sweeter as she tried to carry on the conversation. "I mean- I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you, Foxpaw?" Cherrypaw shifted in her nest so that she could better see the tom.

lone December 2nd, 2017 09:17 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 431924)
The white she-cat looked away when she noticed Foxpaw enter the den. The apprentice tried to turn away even more when he settled into his own nest. She tried to bury her face in between her paws. She had nothing against the ginger tom, not anything that she could remember. Cherrypaw just wasn't in the mood to do anything, and she felt especially not in the mood to talk. Even so, her white ears perked up when he began to talk. She raised her head to face the tom and felt her blue eyes widen.

"Do I look like the daughter of any important cat around here?" She mewed with as much sass as she could manage. Her bad mood was definitely having a negative impact on her. Cherrypaw muttered, "I'm not a princess." Normally she'd be delighted with the word. It made her feel important and special and graceful. Right now, she wasn't feeling any of those things. "And do you always go around calling cats that you hardly know beautiful?" She tried to spit her words, but she couldn't deny that the word coming from the mouth of a handsome cat made her feel hot under her fur. She swiped a white paw over her ear to hide her face, which may have betrayed the fact that she hadn't hated what Foxpaw called her.

Cherrypaw sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. She was being ridiculous. It was unfortunate that Foxpaw had walked in on her sour mood. She was treating the tom poorly when he hadn't actually done anything wrong. She opened her eyes and blinked at the tom. "I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood." The she-cat dipped her head as she apologized. Her tone turned sweeter as she tried to carry on the conversation. "I mean- I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you, Foxpaw?" Cherrypaw shifted in her nest so that she could better see the tom.

The ginger tom laughed - not even just a chuckle, but laughed at her hostile words. He had heard it all over the moons. He'd been called a 'creep,' 'stalker,' 'mouse-brain...' any rude name you could think of, he had been called that. But this was a new one. His actual flirting being challenged, and not him? Redpaw and Silverpaw had done that, but it'd been more of a 'that's a horrible line' type thing and not a 'do you always say this' type thing. "Nobody said you had to be the daughter of someone important to be a princess." Foxpaw was practically crooning the words in as silk-smooth of a tone as he could muster. It was at a medium pitch, the lowest he could go, but at least he had lost his kit fluff. All that fluff had clung onto his pelt for too long, it was about time that he grew up. And grown up he had. He was a lot more muscular now, different from the original squeaky-voiced flirty tom who ran around the clearing throwing out compliments to everyone. He now chose targets, fairly speaking.

If he liked the look of a she cat - he'd test the waters, throw out a flirty comment or two. If she rejected him, then he would flirt harder. The angrier she got, the more persistent he got. "You just have to be beautiful... smart... and important yourself. And to answer your other question, no - not everyone. Just the cats who really deserve it." By now Foxpaw had risen halfway out of the nest and was looking very much like he was about to saunter over to Cherrypaw and give her a lesson in royalty. But instead he stayed where he was, a smirk halfway on his maw in a lopsided, charming rogue kind of way. He was attempting to charm her. Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't - generally it was a "hit or miss" thing that Foxpaw did his best to win at every time. As her words got sweeter, the tom purred low in his throat, trying to keep the volume of his purr down. He didn't want her accusing him of leading her on, after all.

Because that wasn't what Foxpaw was doing. If he thought Cherrypaw was pretty, he at least had some interest in her - and that interest could grow. Thinking someone was attractive was generally an opening stage to a future relationship, now wasn't it? "No need to apologize. You're quite pretty when you're angry, you know." The tom winked before she spoke again, and settled back down in his nest in a careless, leisurely fashion. "Oh, I'm doing alright. A lot better now that I have some company, though." A purr rumbled in his throat again as he once more half-rose from his nest.

Thistledawn December 3rd, 2017 01:32 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 432058)
The ginger tom laughed - not even just a chuckle, but laughed at her hostile words. He had heard it all over the moons. He'd been called a 'creep,' 'stalker,' 'mouse-brain...' any rude name you could think of, he had been called that. But this was a new one. His actual flirting being challenged, and not him? Redpaw and Silverpaw had done that, but it'd been more of a 'that's a horrible line' type thing and not a 'do you always say this' type thing. "Nobody said you had to be the daughter of someone important to be a princess." Foxpaw was practically crooning the words in as silk-smooth of a tone as he could muster. It was at a medium pitch, the lowest he could go, but at least he had lost his kit fluff. All that fluff had clung onto his pelt for too long, it was about time that he grew up. And grown up he had. He was a lot more muscular now, different from the original squeaky-voiced flirty tom who ran around the clearing throwing out compliments to everyone. He now chose targets, fairly speaking.

If he liked the look of a she cat - he'd test the waters, throw out a flirty comment or two. If she rejected him, then he would flirt harder. The angrier she got, the more persistent he got. "You just have to be beautiful... smart... and important yourself. And to answer your other question, no - not everyone. Just the cats who really deserve it." By now Foxpaw had risen halfway out of the nest and was looking very much like he was about to saunter over to Cherrypaw and give her a lesson in royalty. But instead he stayed where he was, a smirk halfway on his maw in a lopsided, charming rogue kind of way. He was attempting to charm her. Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't - generally it was a "hit or miss" thing that Foxpaw did his best to win at every time. As her words got sweeter, the tom purred low in his throat, trying to keep the volume of his purr down. He didn't want her accusing him of leading her on, after all.

Because that wasn't what Foxpaw was doing. If he thought Cherrypaw was pretty, he at least had some interest in her - and that interest could grow. Thinking someone was attractive was generally an opening stage to a future relationship, now wasn't it? "No need to apologize. You're quite pretty when you're angry, you know." The tom winked before she spoke again, and settled back down in his nest in a careless, leisurely fashion. "Oh, I'm doing alright. A lot better now that I have some company, though." A purr rumbled in his throat again as he once more half-rose from his nest.

The younger cat scoffed. "Just those three things makes princess? Perhaps every SkyClan she-cat is a princess then. Anyways, I'm just an apprentice. I hardly mean or deserve anything." It was true. It was true to an extent at least. Apprentices, especially apprentices as young as Cherrypaw, weren't trusted to do anything. They always needed a warrior to leave camp with them and they were always being bossed around. Everyone treated Cherrypaw like she had bees in her brain. All she wanted to do was prover herself and her worth to her Clan, but it was hard to do that when she was never offered the oppurtunity. She shook those thoughts away with a shake of her head. "And how many cats do you think deserve your compliments?" Cherrypaw challenged.

She squinted her blue eyes at the ginger tom. Behavior like his was something she hadn't encountered before. Was he flirting with her? She couldn't understand why. The two apprentices had hardly talked before. The she-cat considered herself pretty. She definitely wasn't the worst looking cat around and her white fur and blue eyes made her stand out. Cherrypaw couldn't think of anything she had done that would have inspired Foxpaw's flirting. The entire conversation between the two just felt strange to Cherrypaw. Maybe he's making fun of me, she thought. Suddenly Foxpaw's compliments didn't mean as much to her.

Cherrypaw was skeptical. She rose in her own nest, trying to meet the tom's height. "I can't tell if you're trying to be a goofy furball or not. Cats aren't pretty when they're angry. Unless you think raging badger is cute." She tilted her head to the side and watched Foxpaw closely. Perhaps something he'd do would give something away. The rising from the nest, the winks, the laughing, and the purrs confused her. "I'll try to be company if that's what you want, but I don't appreciate it if you're just playing games with me." Cherrypaw felt defensive. She really did feel like a princess now. She felt like she was demanding respect from the ginger tom. Oh, StarClan, she'd lost all control her her mood today. Too many contradicting emotions swarmed throughout her head.

lone December 6th, 2017 09:46 AM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 432393)
The younger cat scoffed. "Just those three things makes princess? Perhaps every SkyClan she-cat is a princess then. Anyways, I'm just an apprentice. I hardly mean or deserve anything." It was true. It was true to an extent at least. Apprentices, especially apprentices as young as Cherrypaw, weren't trusted to do anything. They always needed a warrior to leave camp with them and they were always being bossed around. Everyone treated Cherrypaw like she had bees in her brain. All she wanted to do was prover herself and her worth to her Clan, but it was hard to do that when she was never offered the oppurtunity. She shook those thoughts away with a shake of her head. "And how many cats do you think deserve your compliments?" Cherrypaw challenged.

She squinted her blue eyes at the ginger tom. Behavior like his was something she hadn't encountered before. Was he flirting with her? She couldn't understand why. The two apprentices had hardly talked before. The she-cat considered herself pretty. She definitely wasn't the worst looking cat around and her white fur and blue eyes made her stand out. Cherrypaw couldn't think of anything she had done that would have inspired Foxpaw's flirting. The entire conversation between the two just felt strange to Cherrypaw. Maybe he's making fun of me, she thought. Suddenly Foxpaw's compliments didn't mean as much to her.

Cherrypaw was skeptical. She rose in her own nest, trying to meet the tom's height. "I can't tell if you're trying to be a goofy furball or not. Cats aren't pretty when they're angry. Unless you think raging badger is cute." She tilted her head to the side and watched Foxpaw closely. Perhaps something he'd do would give something away. The rising from the nest, the winks, the laughing, and the purrs confused her. "I'll try to be company if that's what you want, but I don't appreciate it if you're just playing games with me." Cherrypaw felt defensive. She really did feel like a princess now. She felt like she was demanding respect from the ginger tom. Oh, StarClan, she'd lost all control her her mood today. Too many contradicting emotions swarmed throughout her head.

Cherrypaw's question made the ginger tom want to laugh again, but he managed to restrain himself - barely. After all, he wouldn't want her getting angrier then she already seemed to be - that wouldn't do at all. "Love, do they really matter right now? You have my full attention." This time he didn't purr, trying to keep his expression serious. He did want to give Cherrypaw his full attention, but to him, that was hard to do. His attention span wasn't very long, and he was lucky there was no one else currently in the den - otherwise his eyes would have, no doubt, been flickering over to them every minute or so. And if they were a she cat? Well, that was game over, no questions asked. She would be angry, especially if she had thought she had his attention.

This game was more fun when he wasn't being challenged as much - Foxpaw had to admit, Cherrypaw was already proving herself to be skeptical in these first stages of his flirty games. A skeptical cat was twice as hard to convince as anyone else, because they questioned everything.Literally everything that he'd said so far, he'd gotten a blocking comment back for. Not quite the 'swooning princess' reaction he had been hoping for. Oh well; it was still early in the day, and from the looks of things, Foxpaw had nowhere to go. "No, no... you're absolutely right. Most cats aren't pretty, but I have to say, I think you classify under the category of being attractive while angry." His eyes sparkled with victory as he practically danced in his nest. He remained sitting down, of course; it wouldn't do for Cherrypaw to see him acting too strangely. She would, most likely, think of him as creepy after that.

If she didn't already. "Goofy furball" was something else that didn't exactly fit in the category of a compliment, and he was running out of ideas. The defensive comment that came next caught him a little off guard. Sure, he knew she had a right to ask questions, but this? This was the most of a challenge he'd had in a long time. Most she cats let him have his fun. They let him do as he wished, without a bunch of questions being asked. Except for her. Foxpaw already knew this was going to be a fun journey, trying to get her to fall for him, dodging her questions - oh, he was excited now! "Company sounds just wonderful." He mewed sincerely, trying to keep the laughter from entering his voice.

It cracked a little from the strain, but he recovered quickly and even managed an expression of embarrassment. Not like it was some great feat, he was fairly embarrassed of doing so in front of the pretty cat he was trying to woo. Cherrypaw. He'd have to keep her name in mind.

oats December 6th, 2017 01:35 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

@kale chip<3

So, Ploverpaw had got a lot done, and when he said a lot, he’d meant a lot.

Dissappearing into nowhere? Check. Returning without a word? Double check. When he’d said he needed space (which he had said, to himself and nobody else, not even Arrowpaw,) he meant it. And it’d actually been pretty good! For about, like, a day. And then the cold set in, and he’d been shivering for Starclan knows how long, and he thought to himself, Woah, this really isn’t a joke. Being cold and hungry for a couple of moons was perfectly healthy-- Skyclan could have very well ran into a famine while he was gone, too, and nothing would have been different.

When he’d padded into camp, no-one looked very hungry. Quite the opposite, actually. And like other fourteen-moon old, he’d sulked at this fact. How could he have been so stupid? he’d asked himself. He had no mentor, and for all he knew, Arrowpaw could’ve, what. Forgotten him, asserted his sudden heterosexuality and been all over and good with the whole ‘I have anxiety and I have this special cat who I love very much because he helped me when we were little and now we’re best friends forever’ thing. Was he being overdramatic? Pshaw, of course not. These things happened, after all.

Curling tighter into himself, he feigned sleep in a particularly empty corner of the apprentices’ den. He could’ve just died here and now.

Thistledawn December 9th, 2017 06:27 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 434354)
Cherrypaw's question made the ginger tom want to laugh again, but he managed to restrain himself - barely. After all, he wouldn't want her getting angrier then she already seemed to be - that wouldn't do at all. "Love, do they really matter right now? You have my full attention." This time he didn't purr, trying to keep his expression serious. He did want to give Cherrypaw his full attention, but to him, that was hard to do. His attention span wasn't very long, and he was lucky there was no one else currently in the den - otherwise his eyes would have, no doubt, been flickering over to them every minute or so. And if they were a she cat? Well, that was game over, no questions asked. She would be angry, especially if she had thought she had his attention.

This game was more fun when he wasn't being challenged as much - Foxpaw had to admit, Cherrypaw was already proving herself to be skeptical in these first stages of his flirty games. A skeptical cat was twice as hard to convince as anyone else, because they questioned everything.Literally everything that he'd said so far, he'd gotten a blocking comment back for. Not quite the 'swooning princess' reaction he had been hoping for. Oh well; it was still early in the day, and from the looks of things, Foxpaw had nowhere to go. "No, no... you're absolutely right. Most cats aren't pretty, but I have to say, I think you classify under the category of being attractive while angry." His eyes sparkled with victory as he practically danced in his nest. He remained sitting down, of course; it wouldn't do for Cherrypaw to see him acting too strangely. She would, most likely, think of him as creepy after that.

If she didn't already. "Goofy furball" was something else that didn't exactly fit in the category of a compliment, and he was running out of ideas. The defensive comment that came next caught him a little off guard. Sure, he knew she had a right to ask questions, but this? This was the most of a challenge he'd had in a long time. Most she cats let him have his fun. They let him do as he wished, without a bunch of questions being asked. Except for her. Foxpaw already knew this was going to be a fun journey, trying to get her to fall for him, dodging her questions - oh, he was excited now! "Company sounds just wonderful." He mewed sincerely, trying to keep the laughter from entering his voice.

It cracked a little from the strain, but he recovered quickly and even managed an expression of embarrassment. Not like it was some great feat, he was fairly embarrassed of doing so in front of the pretty cat he was trying to woo. Cherrypaw. He'd have to keep her name in mind.

The white furred apprentice bit back yet another sarcastic response. She hadn't asked for Foxpaw's attention. He'd willingly offered it to her. Cherrypaw didn't like how he'd acted like she'd been desperate for attention. That wasn't true. Not this time, at least. She wondered if the ginger tom may have thought that she was actually jealous. She'd just been trying to prove a point, not stir up anything. Anyways, if she actually were jealous, Foxpaw would be sure of it. Cherrypaw wasn't a cat that sit back and watch something she didn't like happen. The she-cat flexed her claws under the cover of her nest, making sure Foxpaw wouldn't see how much he was frustrating her. Her tail, however, whisked rapidly behind her.

"For your sake, I'll take that as a compliment." The blue-eyed cat mewed. She wasn't quite sure pretty was the look she wanted to go for when she was angry. Cats hardly ever took her seriously to begin with. If not even anger got other cats to understand her, then she'd never get anywhere. But at the end of the day, pretty was a compliment. Cherrypaw always believed a cat was to take a compliment no matter where they came from.

"Okay then. Company it is." She said with a firm tone. It was important that she got across that she wasn't playing games. But Foxpaw's look of embarrassment made her crack. She wasn't too good at being too serious for too long anyways. A moody cat was what she'd always been. Cherrypaw struggled to maintain one emotion for the duration of a day. She partially blamed it on other cats. If they stopped doing things to frustrate or annoy her, she'd stop getting angry and unbearable. "Anyways, you avoided my question." She teased as she tilted her head to the side. "I guess you do think badgers are cute. What would your mother think of that?" Cherrypaw meowed, faking a dramatic gasp. Her brilliant blue eyes widened and her jaws parted. She was quite the actress.

lone December 10th, 2017 12:33 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Thistledawn (Post 436477)
The white furred apprentice bit back yet another sarcastic response. She hadn't asked for Foxpaw's attention. He'd willingly offered it to her. Cherrypaw didn't like how he'd acted like she'd been desperate for attention. That wasn't true. Not this time, at least. She wondered if the ginger tom may have thought that she was actually jealous. She'd just been trying to prove a point, not stir up anything. Anyways, if she actually were jealous, Foxpaw would be sure of it. Cherrypaw wasn't a cat that sit back and watch something she didn't like happen. The she-cat flexed her claws under the cover of her nest, making sure Foxpaw wouldn't see how much he was frustrating her. Her tail, however, whisked rapidly behind her.

"For your sake, I'll take that as a compliment." The blue-eyed cat mewed. She wasn't quite sure pretty was the look she wanted to go for when she was angry. Cats hardly ever took her seriously to begin with. If not even anger got other cats to understand her, then she'd never get anywhere. But at the end of the day, pretty was a compliment. Cherrypaw always believed a cat was to take a compliment no matter where they came from.

"Okay then. Company it is." She said with a firm tone. It was important that she got across that she wasn't playing games. But Foxpaw's look of embarrassment made her crack. She wasn't too good at being too serious for too long anyways. A moody cat was what she'd always been. Cherrypaw struggled to maintain one emotion for the duration of a day. She partially blamed it on other cats. If they stopped doing things to frustrate or annoy her, she'd stop getting angry and unbearable. "Anyways, you avoided my question." She teased as she tilted her head to the side. "I guess you do think badgers are cute. What would your mother think of that?" Cherrypaw meowed, faking a dramatic gasp. Her brilliant blue eyes widened and her jaws parted. She was quite the actress.

"Well I meant it as a compliment, so you're welcome." Foxpaw mewed back, smirking at her just the slightest bit. He knew that she was probably frustrated with him. She cats got upset with him all the time, and he always took their angry comments in stride. Whether or not he was truly able to handle the angry comments very well was questionable, but he tried his best. He kept on flirting with them, so he supposed he did a pretty good job of remaining calm. Her accusation made him open and close his mouth without saying anything, so that he looked like a fish out of water. Foxpaw had once seen a fish out of water, flopping around like it was trying to go somewhere but never getting anywhere very fast.

He had watched it, fascinated by it's movements. He had been impressed - that was a quick-moving fish. And when the fish had eventually stopped moving, Foxpaw had gotten bored and walked away. He'd tried to bring Nightpaw to see the fish, but it had been picked clean... all that was left was a skeleton. That was once incident that Foxpaw wished he could forget, but he remembered in detail. Eventually, his mouth stopped working and he closed it while he thought of something intelligent to say that would hopefully impress her. That was what Foxpaw really wanted, to impress the she cat. So far it seemed all he had managed to do was annoy and mildly amuse her.

"Well, if every badger looked like you, they would be cute." Was what the ginger tom managed to come up with, a smirk on his maw as he glanced over her. She certainly was cute. Cute, pretty, though not quite outright beautiful/gorgeous. Those adjectives were, in his mind, only for the most drop-dead lovely of she cats. Cherrypaw did, however, certainly have the ability to be beautiful. Perhaps sometime in her later moons. Foxpaw certainly did think she was pretty or else he wouldn't have flirted with her in the first place.

Thistledawn December 12th, 2017 05:00 PM

Re: SkyClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 436901)
"Well I meant it as a compliment, so you're welcome." Foxpaw mewed back, smirking at her just the slightest bit. He knew that she was probably frustrated with him. She cats got upset with him all the time, and he always took their angry comments in stride. Whether or not he was truly able to handle the angry comments very well was questionable, but he tried his best. He kept on flirting with them, so he supposed he did a pretty good job of remaining calm. Her accusation made him open and close his mouth without saying anything, so that he looked like a fish out of water. Foxpaw had once seen a fish out of water, flopping around like it was trying to go somewhere but never getting anywhere very fast.

He had watched it, fascinated by it's movements. He had been impressed - that was a quick-moving fish. And when the fish had eventually stopped moving, Foxpaw had gotten bored and walked away. He'd tried to bring Nightpaw to see the fish, but it had been picked clean... all that was left was a skeleton. That was once incident that Foxpaw wished he could forget, but he remembered in detail. Eventually, his mouth stopped working and he closed it while he thought of something intelligent to say that would hopefully impress her. That was what Foxpaw really wanted, to impress the she cat. So far it seemed all he had managed to do was annoy and mildly amuse her.

"Well, if every badger looked like you, they would be cute." Was what the ginger tom managed to come up with, a smirk on his maw as he glanced over her. She certainly was cute. Cute, pretty, though not quite outright beautiful/gorgeous. Those adjectives were, in his mind, only for the most drop-dead lovely of she cats. Cherrypaw did, however, certainly have the ability to be beautiful. Perhaps sometime in her later moons. Foxpaw certainly did think she was pretty or else he wouldn't have flirted with her in the first place.

The apprentice huffed, unable to find a reason to smirk back at Foxpaw. He certainly was clever and had a quick tongue. She'd let him have that, at least. It seemed that confidence radiated off of the ginger tom most of the time he spoke, something that seemed to spark Cherrypaw's interest. She had also managed to take some of that confidence from Foxpaw from the looks of it. She didn't believe he was the kind of cat to be easily embarrassed or thrown off. A small smile rose from her face. It'd felt oddly satisfying to her that she had that impact on the tom.

Cherrypaw rolled her eyes at her companion. A cute badger, she thought to herself. She thought that she should have been upset with Foxpaw. No cat, especially not Cherrypaw, wanted to be compared that big and lumbering creature. She'd never seen one herself, of course. However, she'd heard stories from queens and elders. They were big, ugly creatures that were too strong for just one cat to take on. The white apprentice imagined them with long and yellow fangs sticking out from their lips accompanied by equally long claws that could easily pierce the pelt of any cat. The she-cat heard many things about badgers, but cute was never one of those things. To her, it was ridiculous to imagine. She barely could imagine it! A small giggle escaped from the white cat. "That's mouse-brained." She mumbled with half a smile. "If badgers are cute like me, then does that mean foxes are like you, Foxpaw?" Cherrypaw tried to joke, her eyes shining with amusement.

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