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Tecumori June 23rd, 2023 08:57 PM

Re: ShadowClan Kits' Playden
Shadowclan | Kit | He/Him | 1 moon
a brown tabby with green eyes, white paws and nose blaze
This was a lot for Cloverkit to take in. All he managed to make out from that long lecture was;

> Always listen to the leader
> Stay loyal to Shadowclan, especially at gatherings
> Be ready to fight and die for your clan

The first two seemed simple enough, but he wasn't so sure about that last one. That sounded painful and scary. Maybe he could do something else- anything that didn't involve fighting.

"Um... Do I have to fight? It sounds scawy..." he mumbled into his chest, eyes glued to the ground. He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes and hoped that she wouldn't be mad at his question.
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Mentions: @Undertaker
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Image of my oc was created using Clangen Cat Maker

XXSheep_PawXx June 24th, 2023 05:08 AM

Re: ShadowClan Kits' Playden
Sheepkit was dazed as they Walked out their nest,They were a bit dizy and wanted to play,their off white fur Collecting dust and dirt

Jagged'heart June 24th, 2023 11:14 PM

Re: ShadowClan Kits' Playden
Jagged'kit yawned stretching his paws on the moss. "How great"he licked moss off his pelt before bouncing onto a stuck. Stuffing it under his belly he leap in a hunter croucheck and landed on his moss bed happily. "Get that"

Abyssopelagic June 25th, 2023 01:16 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
"The taps aren't a bad thing," Woollyfeather chimed in, worried she might have upset Rankenkit. She didn't want her to think she had to hide it.
"I was just curious if they reflected how you felt."
It wasn't something she'd noticed in her daughter before and she thought it might help get gauge how she was. Ravenkit could be so withdrawn at times, she just didn't want to lose touch with her completely.
Remembering even small habits helped retain connectivity.

Ah, oh course that was the part she remembered.
She shook her head, good naturedly as she gave a false sigh.
[B]"On dares, mostly. I ate enough strange flowers to know its not a good idea," she chuckled.
"I don't advise you repeat my actions. I rightfully got into a lot of trouble for what I did."
Her whiskers twitched as she remembered her kithood, her friends, the fun it had all been to be absolute little pests.
"I didn't exactly run with a great crowd when I was little. We played a lot of mean pranks that hurt others. We did things that caused problems for the adults.... I regret quite a few of the things I did. My only hope now is to keep you from making those same choices."
She gently flicked the mottled kitten's nose with her tail.

Woollyfeather sighed in defeat as Ravenkit claimed there would come a day when she would no longer want her kisses and hugs. Giving her best puppy eyes and sad pout, she turned to Ravenkit.
"Never....? Oh, you make me a sad cat."
With another, now overdramatic, sigh she turns away, nose in the air.
"If you so insist, I shall not give you hugs or kisses from this moment forward."
She broke into a giggle. She couldn't pretend to be upset with her for long.
After a few moments, she turned back to her daughter.
"You'll at least let me know when hugs are acceptable, won't you?"

She was glad her warning seemed to sink in, at least. She hated having to crush her spirits this way, but it was far too dangerous for her to be roaming around when she didn't know how to protect herself, provide for herself.
She gave a great sigh, perhaps the tenth or so since this portion of the conversation started.
"It's not that you can never leave.... I would prefer if you didn't for awhile, but when you're older, when you can fight and hunt, maybe you and I can take a small trip outside of clan territory or just a few hours, if you still ever want to explore."
Exploring was fine, being curious was good, it was healthy, even, but an activity she at least wanted her to wait to experience.
"I will never be mad with you for wanting to explore what's outside. I will take you when you're older, and when you're a warrior, I only ask you tell me before you leave."

The somber air quickly turned joyous again as the young cat jumped at the opportunity to help. Woollyfeather suppressed a purr of satisfaction, but couldn't help the way she felt proud that Ravenkit seemed to have picked up a love for helping.
She was certainly growing up to be a fine individual, whether it was just who she was or something Woollyfeather had a paw in, she didn't care when it came down to it.
A happy Raven was all she wanted.
"Of course you can, love."
She began to pad toward the clearing, only waiting to allow the near-apprentice to be able to keep up.

[ @ares ]

serendipity. June 25th, 2023 04:00 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
Duststorm and Fawnkit lied asleep togetheir.

iliri June 26th, 2023 09:05 AM

Re: ShadowClan Kits' Playden
• Ravenkit •
mottled black-and-white molly with gleaming yellow eyes


Her attention seemed to drift away as Nightshiver began speaking solely to the young Cloverkit, her mottled paws rhythmically tapping against the ground as yellow hues danced around the den, taking in every course of detail that they spotted. She mentioned something about how their clan had to fight to protect their families, home, or even the clan itself. Well, Ravenkit didn’t really think much of the elder’s words, just rolling the thought away with a simple roll of her shoulders. She would’ve came up with a small comment towards Cloverkit about the situation, but luckily the stubborn, hot-headed, mottled-furred molly kept quiet. They were here to learn, not be little brats and simply misbehave. Ravenkit briefly shook out her fur, clearing away any stray dirt or debris that decided to stick into her short coat. Afterwards, she decided to pipe up after her rather short moment of silence. “Well, duh! Of course we gotta fight! It’s in order to keep our clan safe and sound, right? So that none of the other clans try to take territory or try to hurt any of our clan-mates?”

The questions were genuine, but they weren’t legitimate. The young molly was simply trying to make a quick accusation about the situation. She listened once more to Nightshiver as she began to speak once more, ears erect and pointed directly in her direction to listen to her wise words. When she began to trail off, Ravenkit casted a quick glance in the direction of Cloverkit before finishing up what the older molly was trying to say. Or, at least, what she thought she was trying to say. “… But we lost, didn’t we?” Her tone was much quieter and more respectful, thankfully, but she still held a grudge against the clan that decided to take away ShadowClan’s old home. But that was in the past, and this was now, and now ShadowClan was much stronger than ever and can easily beat WindClan if that were to happen, which was one of the main thoughts that ran through the young kit’s mind. She kept that personal opinion to herself though.

Her thoughts were quickly dismissed when Nightshiver began to explain out her thoughts of the matter of why Beastspark was possibly demoted, the mottled molly cocking her head to the side as a wave of puzzlement and awe erupted throughout her. She supposed that Icestar probably did choose Dawnstar as the next leader due to her having more potential and maybe because Dawnstar was super cool! Then again, if Beastspark was better at serving the clan as a warrior, then so be it. That must’ve been the main reasons that Dawny was chosen as the next leader of ShadowClan, and Ravenkit personally thought that it was one of the best choices to be made. Other than that, the mottled molly glanced around in the playden, wonder flashing in her eyes as she awaited for the other molly to speak up again. Was this the end of the lesson? She didn’t know. “Was that it, Ms. Shiver? Is that all you wanted to tell us?” Ravenkit wasn’t much for being the impatient type, but she was just genuinely excited to blabber to her Mama Woolly about what she had just learned from the lesson.


@Estelle @Woodlow [terribly sorry for the late response! I was out camping and I’m dealing with a sprained wrist at the moment!]

Red Dawn June 27th, 2023 10:40 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
Wolfkit stumbled in the nursery, discovering the world around him...


ameko June 27th, 2023 03:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery
Morningkit snoozed.

Omari June 27th, 2023 04:08 PM

Re: ShadowClan Kits' Playden

Midnightkit gazed up at Dawnstar as she spoke, a newfound interest dancing in her little green eyes. The code was so… Interesting! Oh, so interesting, and when she became a warrior, she was going to be the best of all! She’d follow the warrior code to a T, stay loyal, listen to her leader, tend to her duties… She’d be the best!

Midnightkit’s eyes shifted to Lostkit, looking confused at her exclamation of ‘friends’. What was she talking about?

[ @Undertaker - Dawnstar, @Froggy - Lostkit, @Leafie - Rufflekit, @Woodlow - Cloverkit, @Cinnamonear - Ashkit ]

Starfall June 28th, 2023 12:56 AM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Estelle (Post 1434558)

Oh, oh dear; she had been so lost in thought, the forever queen had hardly noticed a little kitten nestled beneath the pile of moss she'd been using the create a small nest for herself. Taken off-guard by the sudden squeak as she accidentally pulled the kitten's tail, the queen let a little squeak herself before her mismatched eyes focused on the angry lump of fur. Oh my, she felt so embarrassed, and quite terrible too. Leaning down with a worried look, she studied the kitten carefully.
"I'm.. so sorry..., are.. you.. alright?"
Hastily, Nightshiver questioned the kitten's well-being -- a little one she recognised as Eveningkit, ever the menace, and one of Nighthound's kits.

Ah she truly messed up here. Surely Dappledleaf had never made such a mistake. Perhaps it was but a minor thing, but the white feline truly did feel bad, cat brows crunched together in a worried and apologetic frown. Make it up to him? She supposed she ought to, but how? What did kittens like?
"Ah- perhaps.. a st-story, or... a.. game?"
Nightshiver suggested carefully, hoping Eveningkit would give some sort of hint as to what he might like to do -- or what she could do as an apology.

[ He/Him ]

The tabby, who was now thuroughly pouting, had turned his head to the side. Tail flicking beside him, "No. You ruined my...my. What was it called, tide? Yeah. You ruined my tide." he huffed. It was true! His pride was tarnished, after all he had been picked up as if he were nothing more than bedding moss. Maybe that was his life, what he was to become. A mossy boy.

However, the note of a story perked his interest. The fluffy mossball looked up at the older feline, interest sparking in his eyes. "Oh? Than I demand a story as worth as me." he sniffed. Yes, as worthy as a mossball. "Choose wisely, you only have once chance."

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