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Zero December 22nd, 2016 05:47 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 88941)
(my fave roleplay post now :love85:

(Same. Tis so sad T.T)

Zero December 22nd, 2016 05:59 AM

Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den
Zerosight padded into the medicine cat den, looking overall confused and disoriented. Usually, he'd instantly notice a patience's presence in his den, but his mind was elsewhere, so he stumbled right past them. He could feel the blood on his paws and on his chest; he was basically covered in it. And at just the thought of who's blood it was, he gagged and scurried over to the side of his den to throw up what little he had eaten today.

The medicine cat stood there over his pool of vomit, tears welling up in his eyes once more. After a moment, he carefully manuvered around it and to the clear pool of water in the back of his den, stepping into it and scrubbing feverishly as his blood soaked body, until his paws stung from rawness. He shivered, biting his tongue to hold in another sob, just standing there in the pool of cold water. A literal pool of his own misery.

Rockstar December 22nd, 2016 07:36 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Iceclaw (Post 90346)
Icekit playfully bounced out of the nursery then stopped dead as she saw her father with a wail she rushed over and started crying pressing up against dawnfrost cherrykit followed her out and did the same

Greykit and Lightningkit padded over as well. Lightningkit let out a wail as she licked her father.
Greykit tried to look strong, but he was trembling. His father was gone, but he had to be strong for him. He pressed his forehead into his fur, letting a few sobs escape.

Dawnfrost's chest pulsed with a sorrowful pain from seeing her kits' reactions. She gave each one a soft lick.
"Your father's in StarClan," she murmured, her voice shaky. "He'll be watching you all become strong warriors. And he'll be proud of all of you."

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 22nd, 2016 10:20 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 90792)
Greykit and Lightningkit padded over as well. Lightningkit let out a wail as she licked her father.
Greykit tried to look strong, but he was trembling. His father was gone, but he had to be strong for him. He pressed his forehead into his fur, letting a few sobs escape.

Dawnfrost's chest pulsed with a sorrowful pain from seeing her kits' reactions. She gave each one a soft lick.
"Your father's in StarClan," she murmured, her voice shaky. "He'll be watching you all become strong warriors. And he'll be proud of all of you."

Icekit was staring at iceclaws body a unreadable expression on her face cherrykit was crying redclaw was crying the most out of them for he had just lost the other half of him without iceclaw he felt incomplete just like he had when he had been stolen as a kit stoneheart sobbed as he licked the blood from iceclaws fur when iceclaws fur was clean the glare from the sinking sun made it glow

lone December 22nd, 2016 02:51 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by SpiralTheRival (Post 90357)
Honeykit had gotten up earlier then expected to see everyone asleep. She tip-toed out of the nursery, careful not to bump any of her den-mates. She padded towards the fresh-kill pile, her stomach growling with hunger. She tugged a vole out of the pile, it was quite large to the small kit. With a savory lick on her muzzle she sank her small fangs into the animals flesh and tore a fresh juicy piece off. She was so grateful that she didn't need to depend on milk anymore, especially since she wouldn't be able to drink her own mothers milk if she did. "Thank you, Starclan, for this wonderful meal!" Her father had taught her the words only a few sunrises ago. She suddenly got lost in the memory of their talk last night. Goldenblaze mostly just comforted his daughter about the recent attack and about Russetbrook, and though he hadn't actually mentioned Ashenkit it was obvious in his dull yellow eyes that he didn't approve of their strong friendship. Speaking of which, where is he? It would be nice to share this with him, it's too big for me! Honeykit scanned the clearing, some cats were stirring and once her gaze reached the nursery she noticed the black and gray tom-kit. A grin spread across her muzzle, she didn't even care to hide her excitement. "Ashenkit! Over here!" Her tail waved in the air, gesturing him towards where she was sitting. If she hadn't picked out a piece of prey she would have rushed over to greet him.

Ashenkit spotted his pale furred friend, a smile on her own maw. A smile grew across his own maw and he bounded towards her, his tail twitching wildly with excitement as he did so. Ashenkit was quite the...energetic young tom. To be honest, it was surprising exactly how energetic he could be sometimes. "Honeykit! How are you, what did your Dad say last night? He looked kind of...mad." Ashenkit lowered his voice and ducked his head slightly, wondering if the tom had said anything about him. But from Honeykit's cheerful greeting, whatever had happened meant that either she had payed no attention to him or she simply didn't care.

I hope she doesn't care. She wouldn't stop being my friend just because her Dad told her to, right? Ashenkit thought, feeling a little frustrated with himself at that. Was there something wrong with him, that was causing strife between himself and Honeykit's Dad? Or was this all in his imagination, just a simple trick of his vision or something. Probably just something I saw. Maybe he's just upset; his mate died, after all, as far as I know...Ashenkit thought, with a worried glance towards the Warriors Den. Was her Dad in there now, watching the two of them interact?

Putting his anxieties aside, the black and grey tom turned his blue hues back to Honeykit, a cheerful smile on his maw before it faded to a more serious expression once more. "Is everything going...okay? With your- your Dad, I mean because of-" He stopped, not wanting to say anything further. Honeykit would get what he was talking about. At least, he hoped she would.

doghouse December 22nd, 2016 04:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Maplefur (Post 89169)
"Oh!" Maplefur exclaimed. "That's right, you don't know where everything is yet. Well that den over there," she gestured with her tail to the apprentices den. "is the apprentices' den, and the one right across from it is the warriors' den." She gestured around the camp as she continued to point out places. "That's the nursery- you've probably already scented it, though. Over there's the elders' den, and that's the medicine cat den." She turned to the large rock in the clearing. "That's high peak, where Ashstar will announce any news- such as a loner joining the clan, for one example!" She gave Apurva a large smile. "The leader's den is right by it, though we only go in if invited or if we have something urgent to tell Ashstar." She concluded. "And the last part is over there- that's the way to dirt place," she scrunched her nose up. "And I'm assuming you already know the entrance, seeing as you're in here!"

Finished with the tour, Maplefur turned her attention back to Apurva. "Timberpaw? So you've already got a friend then- that's great! I don't really know Timberpaw- honestly I don't really know any of the apprentices- but he seems like a nice cat." The molly nodded, turning to see if Timberpaw was in the clearing. "He might be out training right now- oh! Since you're joining, you'll be an apprentice too! I wonder what your new name will be?" She tilted her head, trying to think up something and failing. "I was already named Maple before joining, so they didn't need to change my name all that much- just add on 'paw' and I was set!"

Apurva blinked, a tiny bit overwhelmed by all the different dens and scents and all that, but she simply nodded, following whenever Maplefur pointed. The molly's paws ached with cold and tired, and again, she yawned. She nodded again, laughter dancing in her green orbs. “Yeah! Timberpaw caught me trespassing, or rather, I caught him while trespassing.” she corrected herself sheepishly, scuffling her large paws in mild embarrassment.

“And yes, he seems nice.” so far all the cats she'd met had been nice enough, though only ones she'd actually talked to, there were several who'd seemed less than friendly, but she shrugged, not realizing that her name would change once she was fully a Clan cat. She was very curious as to what it would be, and couldn't help but thinking that it would be strange, not having her current name, or even a part of it like Maplefur had.

She looked up at the friendly calico molly that had been ever so kind to her. “I hope it's nothing silly.” she replied, dipping her head. “Well, I think I'll go sleep for a bit.” she added, dipping her head in a temporary farewell to Maplefur, then indicated with a slight motion of her tail that Maplefur should rest, too.
Apurva turned about and padded sleepily into the apprentices' den, her eyes half closed.

Maplefur December 22nd, 2016 07:37 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 91668)

Apurva blinked, a tiny bit overwhelmed by all the different dens and scents and all that, but she simply nodded, following whenever Maplefur pointed. The molly's paws ached with cold and tired, and again, she yawned. She nodded again, laughter dancing in her green orbs. “Yeah! Timberpaw caught me trespassing, or rather, I caught him while trespassing.” she corrected herself sheepishly, scuffling her large paws in mild embarrassment.

“And yes, he seems nice.” so far all the cats she'd met had been nice enough, though only ones she'd actually talked to, there were several who'd seemed less than friendly, but she shrugged, not realizing that her name would change once she was fully a Clan cat. She was very curious as to what it would be, and couldn't help but thinking that it would be strange, not having her current name, or even a part of it like Maplefur had.

She looked up at the friendly calico molly that had been ever so kind to her. “I hope it's nothing silly.” she replied, dipping her head. “Well, I think I'll go sleep for a bit.” she added, dipping her head in a temporary farewell to Maplefur, then indicated with a slight motion of her tail that Maplefur should rest, too.
Apurva turned about and padded sleepily into the apprentices' den, her eyes half closed.

Maplefur smiled, wondering if she'd said too much. I've probably overwhelmed her with too much information... oh well, she'll get the hang of it eventually! She tilted her head as Apurva talked about her meeting Timperpaw. "Tsk... attacking a cat on his own territory, Apurva? That must've been interesting." She gave a soft laugh, turning to look back at the clearing. Her eyes caught on snowflakes, watching each one fall to the ground before finding a new one to follow.

Maplefur's ears perked as Apurva continued speaking. "Oh, I'm sure Ashstar won't give you anything ridiculous. He's a reasonable cat." The molly turned her attention back to her friend, returning a bow of the head. "Good night Apurva; sleep well. See you around, then. We can find a time to visit Fria and Blade." She stood with a stretch, and begun padding to the warriors den, glancing around the clearing for her mate before slipping inside.

Starfall December 22nd, 2016 07:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Juniperkit bounced out of the nursery, giggiling wildly, his mottled pelt fluffed up with excitement "Hemlockkit! Hurry up!" He called, turning his sightless green orbs in the direction of the nursery. The young tom lashed his tail and waited for his friend to come out, listening for the padding of her paws once she makes her way out of the den. The brown and golden tom sat himself down with a huff and began to flick a pebble back and fourth as he waited for the molly to come join him "Hemmy! Come on! We gotta make sure there's no evil cats anymore!" He yelped, then quickly gasped "Do you think we'll see a Skyclan warrior?" He asked, excitement evident in his voice as he shot up and began to bounce around, almost tripping over a branch.
Juniperkit could still smell the iron that hung in the air, the metalic taste stung bis mouth everytime he began to speak 'For once, i'm acually happy I can't see anything....if there's this strong of a smell in the air.....' he thought to himself as his pale green eyes looked in the direction of the warriors den, thinking he was looking in the direction of the territory "I wonder why Ratnight stepped down....wasn't he the true leader?" He asked, not aware of the fact that the previous leader was the true leader of thunderclan, but was sadly forced to resign once he was threatned. The young kit didn't quite get the fact that Ratnight was evil, he just thought that that's what leaders do.

The Cannibal December 22nd, 2016 09:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

@Empress Of Evil

After the battle, Cormorantstone hadn't felt more happier in her life, her talents, she had finally been able to use them and she did phenomenal in battle, not that she thought she wouldn't, but it was simply nice to be able to use her talents. It's not like Thunderclan was in a battle every other day, normally her strength went pretty much unused, unless there was a badger or a fox or a loner, but most of the time there wasn't.
Nonetheless, she hasn't been as aggressive since the day of the battle, in fact, she almost seemed cheerful as she went about daily life, though still she didn't speak much to others. She just.. Seemed happier.
Man, you should have seen those cats run squealing! And I hardly even got a scratch on me, it was great!
Thought the grey tabby as she settled down in a sun patch, near the middle of the clearing, having just returned from a border patrol and was now halfheartedly licking a paw, more caught up in her memories of the battle than really caring about cleaning herself. Then again, cleaning always seemed to come last, this burly she-cat could really care less about her looks, it was just something to do when you had nothing else to do. It's not like she had an apprentice to train or anything.
In the back of her mind she knew that life would calm down and everything would go back to normal, but for now, she could have her happiness and vividly remember the details of the battle. She could have that for now. Heck, she needed that. She hardly ever seemed happy aside from when she was allowed her violent ways.

doghouse December 22nd, 2016 09:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den
Apurva padded into the den Maplefur had told her was the apprentices' den. There were several nests, along with a few cats similar in age to herself. She looked around, her green hues bright as she scanned the unfamiliar den for the familiar brown tabby pelt of Timberpaw, but there was too much, and she knew she wouldn't have seen him even if he was in there, so he could be and she just didn't notice, or he wasn't there. She shook her head then padded to the back and side of the den, plopping herself down in a comfortable moss and bracken lined nest. It was warm in here, and freezing cold leaf-bare outside. She wished she could've slept, but she just felt too ruffled and overwhelmed to sleep, she instead the calico molly started to lick out the matted areas of her pelt, including a few clumps of dried blood, since she hadn't the chance to wash her fur since the battle, and her fur was quite disgusting. She didn't look up till she'd groomed a good part of her pelt, and she thought she'd recognized Timberpaw's scent. She blinked. I hope he's okay. I wonder if he fought in the battle, too? she twitched her nose, trying to tell whether or not it was actually him. “Timberpaw?” she asked, looking around, her orbs wide as she looked around, her gaze flicking from one corner of the den to the next, and then to the entrance. She blinked. Perhaps I'm just imagining things. She thought, flicking her tail dismissively, looking down for a moment, then back up.

Empress Of Evil December 22nd, 2016 11:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Honeypaw padded out of the apprentice's den. Her pelt was smooth and it seemed to almost glint in the sunlight. The tabby apprentice had been cleaning her pelt earlier when she was back in the den, liked to look her best. Honeypaw looked down at her paws, noticing the ground was still slightly stained red. The battle that had happened a few days ago had still shocked and horrified her. She had earned herself a few scratches but there wasn't really anything more serious then that. The ginger tabby she cat shook away those negative thoughts out of her head. She had to think of the present and be the positive and happy she cat she was. Honeypaw walked over to the fresh kill pile, carefully picking through the choices, looking for something that would keep her energized yet still be small. She found a small squirrel and decided to take it. Honeypaw grabbed the squirrel in her mouth, being careful not to knock over anything in the pile, she started to walk over to a quiet spot away from the dens and bustling cats.

Empress Of Evil December 22nd, 2016 11:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 92274)

@Empress Of Evil

After the battle, Cormorantstone hadn't felt more happier in her life, her talents, she had finally been able to use them and she did phenomenal in battle, not that she thought she wouldn't, but it was simply nice to be able to use her talents. It's not like Thunderclan was in a battle every other day, normally her strength went pretty much unused, unless there was a badger or a fox or a loner, but most of the time there wasn't.
Nonetheless, she hasn't been as aggressive since the day of the battle, in fact, she almost seemed cheerful as she went about daily life, though still she didn't speak much to others. She just.. Seemed happier.
Man, you should have seen those cats run squealing! And I hardly even got a scratch on me, it was great!
Thought the grey tabby as she settled down in a sun patch, near the middle of the clearing, having just returned from a border patrol and was now halfheartedly licking a paw, more caught up in her memories of the battle than really caring about cleaning herself. Then again, cleaning always seemed to come last, this burly she-cat could really care less about her looks, it was just something to do when you had nothing else to do. It's not like she had an apprentice to train or anything.
In the back of her mind she knew that life would calm down and everything would go back to normal, but for now, she could have her happiness and vividly remember the details of the battle. She could have that for now. Heck, she needed that. She hardly ever seemed happy aside from when she was allowed her violent ways.

Silvercloud walked out of the warriors den, her normal calm expression on her face once again. The recent battle had actually been able to make her have a strained and annoyed face on. The tabby she cat wasn't a fan of battles. She always thought that fighting physically was always so....violent. It just wasn't something that Silvercloud enjoyed. She preferred to use words over actions. She was sure that some other cats would've enjoyed all the fighting (Cormorantstone), but she really hadn't. Silvercloud started to walk towards the fresh kill pile. She suddenly noticed Cormorantstone sitting somewhat near it. She thought about ignoring the burly she cat and pretending she had never seen the she cat but decided against it. Who knew, maybe she could stir up Cormorantstone again.
"Cormorantstone", Silvercloud said, her expression was almost a stern one. Saying the she cats name was Silvercloud's way of greeting. Normally she would've given a dip of her head along with the 'greeting' but she wasn't keen on the idea of dipping her head in respect towards the brown tabby. The tabby walked passed Cormorantstone to reach the fresh kill pile. She quickly picked up a small mouse and walked back to a spot near Cormorantstone. Silvercloud didn't really plan on having a friendly conversation with the she cat. She was looking for someone to stir up and Cormorantstone just so happened to be there, so Silvercloud decided to use her to see what she could do.

Rockstar December 22nd, 2016 11:38 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Iceclaw (Post 90948)
Icekit was staring at iceclaws body a unreadable expression on her face cherrykit was crying redclaw was crying the most out of them for he had just lost the other half of him without iceclaw he felt incomplete just like he had when he had been stolen as a kit stoneheart sobbed as he licked the blood from iceclaws fur when iceclaws fur was clean the glare from the sinking sun made it glow

Dawnfrost leaned over to Redclaw and licked behind his ear to try and soothe him, before moving back to her kits.

Drago Victinius Bloodward December 23rd, 2016 12:05 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 92504)
Dawnfrost leaned over to Redclaw and licked behind his ear to try and soothe him, before moving back to her kits.

"I should've stepped in sooner i should've stopped him from fighting" redclaw moaned felxing his blood soaked red claws

Frosty December 23rd, 2016 01:50 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 92036)
Juniperkit bounced out of the nursery, giggiling wildly, his mottled pelt fluffed up with excitement "Hemlockkit! Hurry up!" He called, turning his sightless green orbs in the direction of the nursery. The young tom lashed his tail and waited for his friend to come out, listening for the padding of her paws once she makes her way out of the den. The brown and golden tom sat himself down with a huff and began to flick a pebble back and fourth as he waited for the molly to come join him "Hemmy! Come on! We gotta make sure there's no evil cats anymore!" He yelped, then quickly gasped "Do you think we'll see a Skyclan warrior?" He asked, excitement evident in his voice as he shot up and began to bounce around, almost tripping over a branch.
Juniperkit could still smell the iron that hung in the air, the metalic taste stung bis mouth everytime he began to speak 'For once, i'm acually happy I can't see anything....if there's this strong of a smell in the air.....' he thought to himself as his pale green eyes looked in the direction of the warriors den, thinking he was looking in the direction of the territory "I wonder why Ratnight stepped down....wasn't he the true leader?" He asked, not aware of the fact that the previous leader was the true leader of thunderclan, but was sadly forced to resign once he was threatned. The young kit didn't quite get the fact that Ratnight was evil, he just thought that that's what leaders do.

Hemlockkit's voice sounded from the nursery . "I'll be there in a second juniperkit!" She called . A few moments later a small white , blue eyed molly stumbled clumsily from the entrance of the nursery and after the tom kit. She tripped over her feet a few times before finally losing complete balance and just narrowly avoiding juniperkit as the fluffy white kit body flung itself to the ground with a soft
With a soft groan immediately followed by a giggle Hemlockkit pulled herself to her feet and sprang over to the tom . "see juniper? I told you I would only be a second ". Her left ear gave a soft flick as she gently pawed at his nose with a small and delicate paw and another giggle.
It felt good to the small kit to know that her best friend was now beside her and away from the paws of others. She couldn't help but always feel in some kind of danger and their current after situation only encouraged these feelings . " I hope we don't see a warrior. I honestly wouldn't like to see any other clan cats at the moment. That partially goes for our own clan as well. Anyone could do anything at any moment " the molly answered , her blue orbs flickering at the thought. She knew she was just scaring herself , but in the depths of her intelligent mind she still couldn't shake the horrible feeling.
Moving on to juniperkits second comment she began her answer with a slight shiver. "I don't know Juni. Its all so confusing , especially when no one bothers giving a kit five seconds to explain it . we may be younger than many of the other cats, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve to know, correct?" She asked, sitting and placing her paws on top of one another and switching the arrangement every few moments as she waited for a reply .

Feathercloud December 23rd, 2016 10:26 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
(I am new at this hope I am doing it right)
Feathercloud stepped out of her den , as she took a second to enjoy the day.
She shook off her fur.
"Hello?" She called scanning the clearing,"Any cat there?"
While she waited for a reply she groomed her silver fur.

The Cannibal December 23rd, 2016 11:03 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 92461)
Silvercloud walked out of the warriors den, her normal calm expression on her face once again. The recent battle had actually been able to make her have a strained and annoyed face on. The tabby she cat wasn't a fan of battles. She always thought that fighting physically was always so....violent. It just wasn't something that Silvercloud enjoyed. She preferred to use words over actions. She was sure that some other cats would've enjoyed all the fighting (Cormorantstone), but she really hadn't. Silvercloud started to walk towards the fresh kill pile. She suddenly noticed Cormorantstone sitting somewhat near it. She thought about ignoring the burly she cat and pretending she had never seen the she cat but decided against it. Who knew, maybe she could stir up Cormorantstone again.
"Cormorantstone", Silvercloud said, her expression was almost a stern one. Saying the she cats name was Silvercloud's way of greeting. Normally she would've given a dip of her head along with the 'greeting' but she wasn't keen on the idea of dipping her head in respect towards the brown tabby. The tabby walked passed Cormorantstone to reach the fresh kill pile. She quickly picked up a small mouse and walked back to a spot near Cormorantstone. Silvercloud didn't really plan on having a friendly conversation with the she cat. She was looking for someone to stir up and Cormorantstone just so happened to be there, so Silvercloud decided to use her to see what she could do.

In the middle of more or less absentmindedly cleaning her paw, she heard a rather familiar voice utter her name, a voice that she didn't particularly like, but she wasn't going to let that prissy, better-than-everyone she cat ruin her overly good mood. So instead of taking offense to the lack of respect in the she-cats greeting, she simply ignored it and returned the greeting. "Silvercloud." As usual, the grey tabby's voice was gravely and far from smooth and nice, perhaps even more cracked now since all of the yowling she did in the liberation battle. Her yellow gaze focused on the other female as she reached the fresh kill pile and pulled out a mouse, the burly she-cat merely flicking her tail. She had already eaten this morning, gone hunting and went on a border patrol, and what had Silvercloud done? Woke up and got something to eat. Shows you how good of a warrior she is. She sneered in her mind, but she showed nothing of it on her outward demeanor.
"How did you fair in the battle? Because I sure did have fun!" There was no ill intent in the she-cat's voice at the moment, she truly did seem to be genuine, her eyes even alight with a bit of happiness as she glanced over at the other, in a much better mood than their last meeting. But I bet she's going to try and find a way to ruin it isn't she? Hmph. I don't care, if she upsets me then I'll take her down, maybe then she'll learn her lesson, she got lucky last time that I pulled back before we actually fought.

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 23rd, 2016 12:22 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Meadowleaf walked into the clearing with a vole in her jaws. She placed it gently on the fresh kill pile. She padded over to the warrior's den and laid down just outside of it. Meadowleaf watch the clan, seeing kits playing and patrols coming in and out of camp. All though the camp was busy with activity, Meadowleaf could it rather relaxing. Her fluffy fur soaked up the sun, making her warmer. It was all so perfect. Except for one thing. She was all alone. There were cat all around her, but nobody was really talking to her. Queens and their mates were enjoying this day with their kits, the other warriors were going on patrols or talking with their friends. When Meadowleaf was an apprentice, she focused too much on becoming a warrior that she never really made any friends. But she wasn't going to let that ruin such a beautiful day. So she continued to lay in the clearing, watching the camp and letting her fur soak up the warm sun.

The Cannibal December 23rd, 2016 12:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by AshtonTheRavenclaw (Post 93161)
Meadowleaf walked into the clearing with a vole in her jaws. She placed it gently on the fresh kill pile. She padded over to the warrior's den and laid down just outside of it. Meadowleaf watch the clan, seeing kits playing and patrols coming in and out of camp. All though the camp was busy with activity, Meadowleaf could it rather relaxing. Her fluffy fur soaked up the sun, making her warmer. It was all so perfect. Except for one thing. She was all alone. There were cat all around her, but nobody was really talking to her. Queens and their mates were enjoying this day with their kits, the other warriors were going on patrols or talking with their friends. When Meadowleaf was an apprentice, she focused too much on becoming a warrior that she never really made any friends. But she wasn't going to let that ruin such a beautiful day. So she continued to lay in the clearing, watching the camp and letting her fur soak up the warm sun.

A particular grey tabby came padding back into camp with a very scrawny looking squirrel hanging from her jaws, a stony look in her eyes as she made her way to the fresh kill pile, those large muscles that covered her rippled beneath that grey tabby pelt of hers, giving her a silent sense of power, a quiet sense that you shouldn't mess with her, and normally, no cat did. They knew that she was quite possibly one of the strongest and most aggressive females of Thunderclan, and made sure to steer clear of her. And if she didn't have a chance to prove herself before, she certainly did in battle. The burly she-cat had hardly even gotten a scratch on her and had driven away every single cat she encountered whilst fighting, and really, it had put the she-cat in a particularly good mood after the past couple of days since the liberation, but slowly, that happy feeling was fading, things were calming down again and Cormorantstone didn't like it one bit.
Slowly the she-cat dipped her head and let the skinny squirrel that was more fur than meat drop into the pile before heaving out a breath and glancing around before moving to settle not too far from Meadowleaf, not bothering to say anything to the other cat because she simply had nothing to say and she didn't like talking to others much anyways. Not unless they were looking for a fight, in which she would happily partake in. Boredly, the grey tabby began to wash a paw, almost seeming to completely ignore the other female.

AshtonTheRavenclaw December 23rd, 2016 01:00 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 93217)
A particular grey tabby came padding back into camp with a very scrawny looking squirrel hanging from her jaws, a stony look in her eyes as she made her way to the fresh kill pile, those large muscles that covered her rippled beneath that grey tabby pelt of hers, giving her a silent sense of power, a quiet sense that you shouldn't mess with her, and normally, no cat did. They knew that she was quite possibly one of the strongest and most aggressive females of Thunderclan, and made sure to steer clear of her. And if she didn't have a chance to prove herself before, she certainly did in battle. The burly she-cat had hardly even gotten a scratch on her and had driven away every single cat she encountered whilst fighting, and really, it had put the she-cat in a particularly good mood after the past couple of days since the liberation, but slowly, that happy feeling was fading, things were calming down again and Cormorantstone didn't like it one bit.
Slowly the she-cat dipped her head and let the skinny squirrel that was more fur than meat drop into the pile before heaving out a breath and glancing around before moving to settle not too far from Meadowleaf, not bothering to say anything to the other cat because she simply had nothing to say and she didn't like talking to others much anyways. Not unless they were looking for a fight, in which she would happily partake in. Boredly, the grey tabby began to wash a paw, almost seeming to completely ignore the other female.

Meadowleaf looked at Cormorantstone, wondering if she should attempt to talk to the grey tabby she-cat. What's the worst she could do? We're clanmates, she shouldn't be mean to me unless I upset her. She thought, and decided that talking to the strong warrior would be better than sitting alone all day. She sat up, facing Cormorantstone. "Hi! I'm Meadowleaf! I don't believe we've met." She introduced herself in her normal friendly and happy voice. The orange and white she-cat swished her tail neatly around her paws. Her bright green eyes sparkled happily. Meadowleaf hoped that Cormorantstone would want to talk to her, even though she knew that she probably wouldn't. Most cats didn't like how much energy and positivity she had most of the time. They had thought that she would never take anything seriously, but they hadn't stuck around long enough for them to get to know her. She looked at Cormorantstone without showing her feelings of sadness and disappointment that she knew might come. But maybe she will be different. Meadowleaf thought hopefully.

lone December 23rd, 2016 02:43 PM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 92317)

Apurva padded into the den Maplefur had told her was the apprentices' den. There were several nests, along with a few cats similar in age to herself. She looked around, her green hues bright as she scanned the unfamiliar den for the familiar brown tabby pelt of Timberpaw, but there was too much, and she knew she wouldn't have seen him even if he was in there, so he could be and she just didn't notice, or he wasn't there. She shook her head then padded to the back and side of the den, plopping herself down in a comfortable moss and bracken lined nest. It was warm in here, and freezing cold leaf-bare outside. She wished she could've slept, but she just felt too ruffled and overwhelmed to sleep, she instead the calico molly started to lick out the matted areas of her pelt, including a few clumps of dried blood, since she hadn't the chance to wash her fur since the battle, and her fur was quite disgusting. She didn't look up till she'd groomed a good part of her pelt, and she thought she'd recognized Timberpaw's scent. She blinked. I hope he's okay. I wonder if he fought in the battle, too? she twitched her nose, trying to tell whether or not it was actually him. “Timberpaw?” she asked, looking around, her orbs wide as she looked around, her gaze flicking from one corner of the den to the next, and then to the entrance. She blinked. Perhaps I'm just imagining things. She thought, flicking her tail dismissively, looking down for a moment, then back up.

Timberpaw padded into the Apprentices' Den, the brown tom close to exhausted. He half collapsed onto the ground, feeling his tired limbs calm as soon as he did so. With a sigh of relief, his ears suddenly pricked up as he heard his name. Who's calling me? He thought with a slightly annoyed twitch of his tail; he had just settled down, after all. The annoyance changed to surprise and relief as he saw Apurva laying there as well. He slowly got to his paws, his tail twitching with anticipation and excitement as he padded over towards her, green hues snapping with pleasure. "Apurva! Or...do you have a Clan name now?" He asked, feeling a twinge of regret as he realized he hadn't seen her in a while. How could he not have caught up with his friend? He was beginning to grow annoyed with himself and his tail began to twitch in an irritated manner. He hated feeling lousy, but he felt lower then anything else at that moment. He wished he had worked harder to keep up with her. "Are- are you okay? How are you feeling, tired, or..." Timberpaw asked anxiously, looking his friend over. He could feel another sting of regret as he spotted the bloody areas on her pelt. Had she been fighting in the battle, for a Clan? A Clan that wasn't her own? Why would she risk that? Unless...unless maybe she's joining ThunderClan! That must be why she's in here! Timberpaw thought with a sharp jolt of delight, and he began to purr a little at the thought, despite feeling guilty. "Would you...would you like some help cl-cleaning up?" He mewed, stumbling a little over the words as his green hues glanced over her slightly matted and bloody calico pelt again.

doghouse December 23rd, 2016 03:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 93488)
Timberpaw padded into the Apprentices' Den, the brown tom close to exhausted. He half collapsed onto the ground, feeling his tired limbs calm as soon as he did so. With a sigh of relief, his ears suddenly pricked up as he heard his name. Who's calling me? He thought with a slightly annoyed twitch of his tail; he had just settled down, after all. The annoyance changed to surprise and relief as he saw Apurva laying there as well. He slowly got to his paws, his tail twitching with anticipation and excitement as he padded over towards her, green hues snapping with pleasure. "Apurva! Or...do you have a Clan name now?" He asked, feeling a twinge of regret as he realized he hadn't seen her in a while. How could he not have caught up with his friend? He was beginning to grow annoyed with himself and his tail began to twitch in an irritated manner. He hated feeling lousy, but he felt lower then anything else at that moment. He wished he had worked harder to keep up with her. "Are- are you okay? How are you feeling, tired, or..." Timberpaw asked anxiously, looking his friend over. He could feel another sting of regret as he spotted the bloody areas on her pelt. Had she been fighting in the battle, for a Clan? A Clan that wasn't her own? Why would she risk that? Unless...unless maybe she's joining ThunderClan! That must be why she's in here! Timberpaw thought with a sharp jolt of delight, and he began to purr a little at the thought, despite feeling guilty. "Would you...would you like some help cl-cleaning up?" He mewed, stumbling a little over the words as his green hues glanced over her slightly matted and bloody calico pelt again.

Apurva started in surprise. She was a bit mad at herself for not recognizing his scent more quickly, but then realized that it'd been very long day, or past couple days...? She'd lost count. She shook her head. “No, I'm still Apurva.” her voice held a small twinge of regret. She couldn't wait until she officially became a cat of ThunderClan. She knew it'd be hard work, and very risky, but it seemed safer for the most part than being a loner. Here, she would have friends to watch her back, and she could watch theirs. The calico yawned, then her eyes widened very slightly. “I'm okay, just a few cuts is all.” she replied, studying his pelt carefully with gentle green eyes. “Are you alright, though?” she took careful note that Timberpaw looked very nearly exhausted, and she was rather sorry for disturbing him, but it was good to see him again, as she hadn't seen nor heard from him since shortly before the battle. She was quite glad to see that he was alive. She looked down, feeling her fur become uncomfortably warm, and she gave her chest fur a few embarrassed licks. She wasn't quite sure how to answer that question, or even if she wanted to, but she didn't want to seem rude, so Apurva glanced back up, taking great care to avoid Timberpaw's gaze as she did so. “Oh, well... um... s-sure I suppose... Thanks....” the almost ragged looking calico mumbled quietly and uncertainly, blinking, still a bit surprised. She looked at her pelt, and, without waiting for his reply, returned to grooming her dirty pelt, though she looked up every few moments, still careful to avoid his green hues. She paused for a moment, slightly zoned out. That was awfully nice of him.... I feel kinda bad for not really deserving it.... She didn't really feel like she deserved it, and had been a bit tempted to refuse him and say she didn't deserve it, but deep down, she knew that it didn't matter. He wanted to help her, and it would only be harder if she refused, so she stuck with her choice, determination glittering like stars in her leafy hues.

lone December 23rd, 2016 04:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 93567)

Apurva started in surprise. She was a bit mad at herself for not recognizing his scent more quickly, but then realized that it'd been very long day, or past couple days...? She'd lost count. She shook her head. “No, I'm still Apurva.” her voice held a small twinge of regret. She couldn't wait until she officially became a cat of ThunderClan. She knew it'd be hard work, and very risky, but it seemed safer for the most part than being a loner. Here, she would have friends to watch her back, and she could watch theirs. The calico yawned, then her eyes widened very slightly. “I'm okay, just a few cuts is all.” she replied, studying his pelt carefully with gentle green eyes. “Are you alright, though?” she took careful note that Timberpaw looked very nearly exhausted, and she was rather sorry for disturbing him, but it was good to see him again, as she hadn't seen nor heard from him since shortly before the battle. She was quite glad to see that he was alive. She looked down, feeling her fur become uncomfortably warm, and she gave her chest fur a few embarrassed licks. She wasn't quite sure how to answer that question, or even if she wanted to, but she didn't want to seem rude, so Apurva glanced back up, taking great care to avoid Timberpaw's gaze as she did so. “Oh, well... um... s-sure I suppose... Thanks....” the almost ragged looking calico mumbled quietly and uncertainly, blinking, still a bit surprised. She looked at her pelt, and, without waiting for his reply, returned to grooming her dirty pelt, though she looked up every few moments, still careful to avoid his green hues. She paused for a moment, slightly zoned out. That was awfully nice of him.... I feel kinda bad for not really deserving it.... She didn't really feel like she deserved it, and had been a bit tempted to refuse him and say she didn't deserve it, but deep down, she knew that it didn't matter. He wanted to help her, and it would only be harder if she refused, so she stuck with her choice, determination glittering like stars in her leafy hues.

Timberpaw breathed another sigh of relief, and his green hues grew softer. "I'm glad." Because I have no idea what I would do if something happened to you. He thought, not speaking the words aloud feeling slightly embarrassed. As far as he knew, that would have been a friendly thing to say...he didn't think much of it. Timberpaw understood the concept of a crush perfectly, although he was...confused as to whether he was able to have that emotion or not. He had never thought of himself as able to deal with the rapid rush of emotions, although perhaps...maybe this was the right thing to be doing. "Oh! Oh, I'm fine...I'm just a little tired is all, worn out from the battle and everything...quite the experience for me, I- I was hoping you wouldn't be too hurt," Timberpaw mewed with a nervous expression. He kept his green hues locked on her own, a little worried as her expression changed. This is a nice thing to do, right? Oh dear, did I embarrass her...she looks kind of nervous...Timberpaw thought, suddenly realizing that the calico she cat had broken his eye contact. "Okay, um...I guess I'll just...uh..." He muttered, trying to find a spot where he could help her. The tom shifted around to beside her, and gently began to clean her matted pelt, unsure of whether to avoid the bloody patches or not. His green hues were focused on his current work, his expression unreadable and green hues emotionless at the moment, although he could feel a flurry of emotions rushing inside him. Was that anxiety? Fear? What was he afraid of? Timberpaw wasn't sure, and he was beginning to grow worried. Both because of Apurva's original, somewhat nervous reaction and now because she had actually agreed, and this was new for him...but it's no different then sharing tongues. And that's a normal clan thing, so I shouldn't be nervous. Nothing to worry about. This is harmless. He thought, the tip of his tail moving nervously back and forth as he did so. He could feel his heartbeat racing, pounding against his ribcage like a trapped bird, making his pelt heat up as it did so.

Crumbleless December 23rd, 2016 05:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Feathercloud (Post 92898)
(I am new at this hope I am doing it right)
Feathercloud stepped out of her den , as she took a second to enjoy the day.
She shook off her fur.
"Hello?" She called scanning the clearing,"Any cat there?"
While she waited for a reply she groomed her silver fur.

Aspenfall stared at Feathercloud pelt bushed. She acts as if nothing happened! The tom flicked his tail before padding up to the silver she-cat his tabby pelt darkened because of the fading sun.
Though instead of getting angry and lashing out on Feathercloud the tabby tom only stayed calm and approached more in a graceful manor. "Would you mind accompanying me hunting?" He questioned raising his tail to show he was at peace, even in his mind. She wouldn't dare come up with something to serpass the chance to serve her clan. Would she?

doghouse December 23rd, 2016 07:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 93652)
Timberpaw breathed another sigh of relief, and his green hues grew softer. "I'm glad." Because I have no idea what I would do if something happened to you. He thought, not speaking the words aloud feeling slightly embarrassed. As far as he knew, that would have been a friendly thing to say...he didn't think much of it. Timberpaw understood the concept of a crush perfectly, although he was...confused as to whether he was able to have that emotion or not. He had never thought of himself as able to deal with the rapid rush of emotions, although perhaps...maybe this was the right thing to be doing. "Oh! Oh, I'm fine...I'm just a little tired is all, worn out from the battle and everything...quite the experience for me, I- I was hoping you wouldn't be too hurt," Timberpaw mewed with a nervous expression. He kept his green hues locked on her own, a little worried as her expression changed. This is a nice thing to do, right? Oh dear, did I embarrass her...she looks kind of nervous...Timberpaw thought, suddenly realizing that the calico she cat had broken his eye contact. "Okay, um...I guess I'll just...uh..." He muttered, trying to find a spot where he could help her. The tom shifted around to beside her, and gently began to clean her matted pelt, unsure of whether to avoid the bloody patches or not. His green hues were focused on his current work, his expression unreadable and green hues emotionless at the moment, although he could feel a flurry of emotions rushing inside him. Was that anxiety? Fear? What was he afraid of? Timberpaw wasn't sure, and he was beginning to grow worried. Both because of Apurva's original, somewhat nervous reaction and now because she had actually agreed, and this was new for him...but it's no different then sharing tongues. And that's a normal clan thing, so I shouldn't be nervous. Nothing to worry about. This is harmless. He thought, the tip of his tail moving nervously back and forth as he did so. He could feel his heartbeat racing, pounding against his ribcage like a trapped bird, making his pelt heat up as it did so.

Apurva blinked, hoping she'd said the right thing. looked at the tom out of the corner of her eyes, a strange warmth that made her feel uncomuncomfortable spreading like spiderwebs under her skin. She shifted so that her pelt didn't quite brush his as he sat down beside her. She turned away for a few seconds, teasing a tangle out of her medium lengthed pelt. Why do I feel this way? Why should I? She knew what if felt like to crush on somebody, but she also knew that it often ended with one cat left brokenhearted. She didn't wish that upon either of them, or anyone else who may like him. She stared at her paws, pausing from grooming her pelt. While the strong, rhythmic strokes of his tongue felt good, they also made her feel uncomfortably warm, and there was an odd fluttering feeling in her chest. She shook her head, then continued to groom out her fur with the help of Timberpaw. “Well, at least you don't look hurt.” she meowed faintly, fainter than she would've liked, but she didn't care much. She was indeed very glad he seemed unharmed, as she wasn't sure she would ever have been able to live with herself if he'd been harmed, or even killed in the battle, sure. He probably bore a few wounds, but he didn't seem badly hurt. She blinked, her expression unreadable and slightly unfocused, as she'd zoned out a bit, and was sort of staring off into space. As soon as Apurva realized that she was doing it, the calico corrected herself quickly. She was beginning to develope the habit of zoning out, and she wasn't so sure it was the best of habit. She felt the heat in her fur again, and looked up, still careful not to meet his gaze, as she wasn't sure she wanted to yet. Somehow, she knew this shouldn't be much different than having her brother groom her fur, but yet, it was. She wasn't sure how to explain it, it just... was. She wasn't quite sure what to do at this point, then she remembered something she'd been planning on doing, and wondered if it should wait until after she got a Clan name. Well, if I wait, I get to tell him that my name isn't Apurva. “What do you think my new name will be?” she murmured under her breath, then continued grooming a bloody patch of her fur.

HwangHarin December 23rd, 2016 08:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Icefang told Gazeshadow that she had to Train Lionpaw, and she patted to the entrance of the apprentice den, " Lionpaw, come on we need to train!" She called in and waited

monfang December 23rd, 2016 08:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Aashka (Post 93989)
Icefang told Gazeshadow that she had to Train Lionpaw, and she patted to the entrance of the apprentice den, " Lionpaw, come on we need to train!" She called in and waited

Lionpaw bounded out with excitement. "Are you sure? I mean, are you fully healed?" he asked. He had always been worried about his mentor. She had been a second mother to him.
"Well, if you are sure, then come on! I bet I'll kick yer but!" he mewed playfully, and pawed Icefang.

HwangHarin December 23rd, 2016 08:32 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
"Well thank you, I can walk and fight on my back legs." Icefang said and grinned.
"And, no you wont."

monfang December 23rd, 2016 08:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Aashka (Post 94028)
"Well thank you, I can walk and fight on my back legs." Icefang said and grinned.
"And, no you wont."

"Wanna bet?!" Lionpaw growled playfully, bounding towards the training area.
(You know where to go lol)

HwangHarin December 23rd, 2016 08:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Icefang laughed and patted to the training area

Starfall December 23rd, 2016 09:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 92620)
Hemlockkit's voice sounded from the nursery . "I'll be there in a second juniperkit!" She called . A few moments later a small white , blue eyed molly stumbled clumsily from the entrance of the nursery and after the tom kit. She tripped over her feet a few times before finally losing complete balance and just narrowly avoiding juniperkit as the fluffy white kit body flung itself to the ground with a soft

With a soft groan immediately followed by a giggle Hemlockkit pulled herself to her feet and sprang over to the tom . "see juniper? I told you I would only be a second ". Her left ear gave a soft flick as she gently pawed at his nose with a small and delicate paw and another giggle.
It felt good to the small kit to know that her best friend was now beside her and away from the paws of others. She couldn't help but always feel in some kind of danger and their current after situation only encouraged these feelings . " I hope we don't see a warrior. I honestly wouldn't like to see any other clan cats at the moment. That partially goes for our own clan as well. Anyone could do anything at any moment " the molly answered , her blue orbs flickering at the thought. She knew she was just scaring herself , but in the depths of her intelligent mind she still couldn't shake the horrible feeling.

Moving on to juniperkits second comment she began her answer with a slight shiver. "I don't know Juni. Its all so confusing , especially when no one bothers giving a kit five seconds to explain it . we may be younger than many of the other cats, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve to know, correct?" She asked, sitting and placing her paws on top of one another and switching the arrangement every few moments as she waited for a reply .

Juniperkit smiled softly at his companion, his pale green eyes shone with joy "Yeah that's true, but you get smarter by learning it by yourself." he said softly, his mottled fur littered with snowflakes. He turned his gaze towards the leaders den, his pale orbs flashed with curiosity and inquisition "I have this....feeling that Dapplestar's supposed to be standing there. It just feels...right." he said softly, twitching his wiskers as he continued to think to himself about what is supposed to be, and what wasn't. He turned his gaze back upon Hemlockkit, sadness wavered in his green orbs "Hey...do you have any memories about your parents?" he asked, hope dripped from his words 'Maybe if she knows who her parents are....maybe it'll help me with mine, then, then.....' he thought to himself, his sightless gaze directed downwards at his paws as he continued to imagine his parents "hey Hemmy...what do I look like.....what do you look like.......what about maplefur what does she look like? Are trees really green? What makes green....green? what about blue?" he asked, his voice straining, digging his claws into the snow, 'I hate it, I hate it, I hate not being able to see, why? What did I do to deserve it? Why Starclan' he thought, hating how weak he was, hating how helpless he was.

Mayflower December 23rd, 2016 09:37 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Dovekit12 (Post 82850)
"Hear" Owltail said.

(Should the kits be born now?)
"Hi Owltail, how are the kits?" Fernglow smiled and then sighed. "Being half bling stinks. I can never hunt again. I'll be useless."

(Not like you could hunt anyway Fern)

Dovekit12 December 23rd, 2016 09:41 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by MooBaby171 (Post 94204)
(Should the kits be born now?)
"Hi Owltail, how are the kits?" Fernglow smiled and then sighed. "Being half bling stinks. I can never hunt again. I'll be useless."

(Not like you could hunt anyway Fern)

"Good" Owltail said "and I don't think it will be that bad"

(Hahaha sure)

Mayflower December 23rd, 2016 09:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Dovekit12 (Post 94219)
"Good" Owltail said "and I don't think it will be that bad"

(Hahaha sure)

(Okay... how do we do this, just say Owltail feels uncomfortable and then BAM, kits?)
Fernglow frowned. "You seem odd Owltail. What's wrong?"

Dovekit12 December 23rd, 2016 09:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by MooBaby171 (Post 94235)
(Okay... how do we do this, just say Owltail feels uncomfortable and then BAM, kits?)
Fernglow frowned. "You seem odd Owltail. What's wrong?"

"Well I do fell kinda odd" Owltail said shifting slightly in her nest.

Mayflower December 23rd, 2016 09:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Dovekit12 (Post 94245)
"Well I do fell kinda odd" Owltail said shifting slightly in her nest.

"Are you okay?!?!? THE KITS!"

Dovekit12 December 23rd, 2016 09:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by MooBaby171 (Post 94248)
"Are you okay?!?!? THE KITS!"

"Calm down" Owltail said "I think there coming"

(And now time skip?)

Rockstar December 23rd, 2016 11:18 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Iceclaw (Post 92541)
"I should've stepped in sooner i should've stopped him from fighting" redclaw moaned felxing his blood soaked red claws

"There was nothing anyone could have done," Dawnfrost murmured, like it was hard to get the words out. "But... he's in StarClan now. He's at peace."

lone December 24th, 2016 05:51 AM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 93914)

Apurva blinked, hoping she'd said the right thing. looked at the tom out of the corner of her eyes, a strange warmth that made her feel uncomuncomfortable spreading like spiderwebs under her skin. She shifted so that her pelt didn't quite brush his as he sat down beside her. She turned away for a few seconds, teasing a tangle out of her medium lengthed pelt. Why do I feel this way? Why should I? She knew what if felt like to crush on somebody, but she also knew that it often ended with one cat left brokenhearted. She didn't wish that upon either of them, or anyone else who may like him. She stared at her paws, pausing from grooming her pelt. While the strong, rhythmic strokes of his tongue felt good, they also made her feel uncomfortably warm, and there was an odd fluttering feeling in her chest. She shook her head, then continued to groom out her fur with the help of Timberpaw. “Well, at least you don't look hurt.” she meowed faintly, fainter than she would've liked, but she didn't care much. She was indeed very glad he seemed unharmed, as she wasn't sure she would ever have been able to live with herself if he'd been harmed, or even killed in the battle, sure. He probably bore a few wounds, but he didn't seem badly hurt. She blinked, her expression unreadable and slightly unfocused, as she'd zoned out a bit, and was sort of staring off into space. As soon as Apurva realized that she was doing it, the calico corrected herself quickly. She was beginning to develope the habit of zoning out, and she wasn't so sure it was the best of habit. She felt the heat in her fur again, and looked up, still careful not to meet his gaze, as she wasn't sure she wanted to yet. Somehow, she knew this shouldn't be much different than having her brother groom her fur, but yet, it was. She wasn't sure how to explain it, it just... was. She wasn't quite sure what to do at this point, then she remembered something she'd been planning on doing, and wondered if it should wait until after she got a Clan name. Well, if I wait, I get to tell him that my name isn't Apurva. “What do you think my new name will be?” she murmured under her breath, then continued grooming a bloody patch of her fur.

Timberpaw looked up at her and managed a smile, his expression fairly friendly at the moment as he did so. It was rather- hard to tell quite what emotions the brown tom was feeling at the moment. His green hues were guarded, something he had given up on doing a while ago, and he looked almost ready to give up in frustration. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I uh, feel a lot better, um...you?" He asked awkwardly, returning his attention to her pelt. He continued to clean it, his thoughts far off for, her and everything else at the moment, and he appeared to be somewhat...unfocused, perhaps would be the right word for it. Unfocused and strangely enough, he even seemed a little off. Maybe if was just the fact that he was imagining the battle again, or maybe it was the harsh realization that he wasn't sure what he was feeling that brought him back, his green hues snapping upwards sharply and his expression changing into one of confusion rather than friendliness as his expression usually portrayed.
He looked to be in some far off world as his green hues trailed away from her again, and he signed a little. Was it so unusual for him to be uncomfortable? True; he had never been that good in social situations, flirting when things got too uncomfortable or personal, but this was Apirva. He could trust her...at least, that was what he believed. He wasn't quite sure whether he was ready to examine the possibility that he could actually like Apirva. As in, having a crush on her...but perhaps that was what it was. It would explain the weirdness and the sudden rush that this new and strange emotion gave him. Was this so confusing after all? Or was Timberpaw just trying to avoid the truth, trying to keep them both safe from the mystery and heartbreak that came along with having a crush? Besides, I don't stand a chance. She deserves somebody who can take care of her and give her the attention she deserves. I'm just not good at that. Timberpaw thought with a sigh and a dejected flick of his tail.
More than anything, he wanted to talk to her and tell her how he felt, but...these emotions were too new. It was too early for him to be sure, and it wouldn't be long before he would find out whether it was real or not. He heard her quiet mutter and that sent his own mind to thinking. Yeah...probably something pretty, like her...it's just a fact, not like I personally have noticed it... Timberpaw thought, embarrassment causing his pelt to heat up at an uncomfortable rate. He could hardly believe his own thoughts right now...was this what having a crush was? Having her on his mind all the time, barely able to look at her without his pelt getting set on fire?

doghouse December 24th, 2016 06:47 AM

Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den

Timberpaw looked up at her and managed a smile, his expression fairly friendly at the moment as he did so. It was rather- hard to tell quite what emotions the brown tom was feeling at the moment. His green hues were guarded, something he had given up on doing a while ago, and he looked almost ready to give up in frustration. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I uh, feel a lot better, um...you?" He asked awkwardly, returning his attention to her pelt. He continued to clean it, his thoughts far off for, her and everything else at the moment, and he appeared to be somewhat...unfocused, perhaps would be the right word for it. Unfocused and strangely enough, he even seemed a little off. Maybe if was just the fact that he was imagining the battle again, or maybe it was the harsh realization that he wasn't sure what he was feeling that brought him back, his green hues snapping upwards sharply and his expression changing into one of confusion rather than friendliness as his expression usually portrayed.
He looked to be in some far off world as his green hues trailed away from her again, and he signed a little. Was it so unusual for him to be uncomfortable? True; he had never been that good in social situations, flirting when things got too uncomfortable or personal, but this was Apirva. He could trust her...at least, that was what he believed. He wasn't quite sure whether he was ready to examine the possibility that he could actually like Apirva. As in, having a crush on her...but perhaps that was what it was. It would explain the weirdness and the sudden rush that this new and strange emotion gave him. Was this so confusing after all? Or was Timberpaw just trying to avoid the truth, trying to keep them both safe from the mystery and heartbreak that came along with having a crush? Besides, I don't stand a chance. She deserves somebody who can take care of her and give her the attention she deserves. I'm just not good at that. Timberpaw thought with a sigh and a dejected flick of his tail.
More than anything, he wanted to talk to her and tell her how he felt, but...these emotions were too new. It was too early for him to be sure, and it wouldn't be long before he would find out whether it was real or not. He heard her quiet mutter and that sent his own mind to thinking. Yeah...probably something pretty, like her...it's just a fact, not like I personally have noticed it... Timberpaw thought, embarrassment causing his pelt to heat up at an uncomfortable rate. He could hardly believe his own thoughts right now...was this what having a crush was? Having her on his mind all the time, barely able to look at her without his pelt getting set on fire?

Apurva looked at Timberpaw, then away again. He seemed very unfocused and uncomfortable to her, and she wondered why, but knew that it was his own decision to tell her or not, and she pushed the question to the back of her mind, forgetting about it for the time being. Hadn't Maplefur said they gave her the name Maplepaw? But, her name's Maplefur. I wonder why..... It's got to be so confusing, having your name change multiple times.... She thought, her thoughts now drifting to a random topic. “Y-yeah.... I'm okay....” she said, not quite paying attention. She'd never felt this way towards anyone, but she wasn't quite sure she liked the way it felt. It made her uncomfortable and her pelt feel hot, and she didn't like that part. She couldn't quite understand why she felt this way. But she felt for certain that she could trust Timberpaw, if she couldn't, then she wasn't sure who she could trust. Maybe she could trust Blade, and Maplefur, and this Fria, but she was still a bit uncertain about all three of them. She looked up again, the far off look vanishing from her leafy green hues, being replaced by a slightly uncertain and nervous expression. She saw that the friendliness was gone is his eyes, and confusion replacing it. She realized that he was probably as confused at her. But, what was he confused about? She looked down again, shifting nervously, then quickly started to lick out her fur, though she wondered if she should clean his pelt to make it feel more even? No, then they'd be crossing their heads, and that'd be real tricky, plus, she didn't really want to ask him if she could, so she dismissed the whole idea. Everything that was going on at the moment, it was just so... overwhelming. Recovering from battle, joining the Clan, finding the time to sneak away to the TwolegPlace to check on Blade, and this new, strange feeling with Timberpaw. She glanced at Timberpaw, but remained silent, deep in her own thoughts. She looked up uncertainly, wondering if she should say something to make this moment a bit less uncomfortable. She looked up, studying the den's roof, then peering at the snow that fell don't softly outside the entrance. Whenever one landed, she picked a new one and repeated it again, over and over again. After several long moments, she looked back at him, her eyes half closed from tiredness. She looked down at her pelt, which was pretty much clean now, so there was no point in cleaning it anymore. She looked down, then nudged him timidly with her muzzle. “I'm clean now.” she said quietly, her ears back nervously.

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