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Charmer May 19th, 2018 07:45 AM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Leopardblaze (Post 505618)
Leopardpaw looked up at the medicine cat," I'll just stay here." Leaning forward lapping at the tiny black seeds, she murmured, " Thank you." After several moments she was already feeling the effects of the tiny black seeds. Curling her forepaws under her chest she rested her head on the mossy nest, her eyes growing heavy. She let out a yawn closing her eyes before she drifted into sleep.

The poppy seeds worked fast and well. The apprentice didn't even stir when the old medicine cat placed a swath of cobwebs over the wound and poltice to protect both while Leopardpaw slept and make sure the bleeding wouldn't continue. She slept peacefully as Shinefang finished his daily tasks and eventually curled up into his own nest. The nest morning, he groaned as he stretched, his joints stiff with sleep. Eyes still bleary with sleep, he squinted at the shape in one of the medicine den nest before remembering that Leopardpaw had stayed here. He thought about nudging the younger cat awake to check her wound, but instead he decided to take advantage of he quiet and check on the chamomile he had set out to dry yesterday. He peered down at the tiny flowers, grumbling a wordless cure as he saw that the damp of the newleaf morning had left the flowers closer to the den entrance more soggy than when he first picked them.

The Cannibal May 19th, 2018 05:12 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 498665)
Shinefang watched the shecat and leader talking while he thought, his tail swishing. "If that motion isn't bothering your leg, it ought to be alright. Just don't overdo it, I think. And if something starts to bother you, just let me know and we'll think of something together, alright?" he said, smiling at Barbedfall. The old medicine cat then turned back to the herb mixture sitting in the cobnut and pulled it closer to himself with his forepaw. "Now what do you say we get some herbs on that leg of yours?" He asked. The old tom looked at Grousestar, who seemed so interested in the entire process. With a welcome smile, he nudged the cobnut toward the tabby. "Would you like to do the honors? You've been a big help with this case after all."

{Sorry about the lateness in this, hoping to get more consistent in replies again!}

The long-furred she-cat looked to Shinefang as he spoke and nodded, allowing a slight smile to form on her muzzle. She liked that. He was willing to work with her, to help her remain active. To be perfectly honest, she hadn't expected that, or she at least expected to have to argue more than she did in order to get at least some sort of exercise given to her. Perhaps it came easier because the clan leader was here. Regardless, she felt much more happy about her situation, even if it was particularly bad.
"So long as I don't have to eat them, that's fine with me." Barbedfall meowed with a purr, slowly settling herself back down in the nest for the time being. She would do her exercises later, let them treat her leg now, hoping that maybe whatever they would put on her leg would be numbing.
Grousestar perked his ears in both excitement and curiosity as Shinefang nudged the cobnut towards him, the beginnings of a grin touching his lips. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" A chuckle escaped him and he continued before the medicine cat had a chance to revoke his offer, peering closer at the concoction they had made together. "Do I just dab my paw in and rub it on her leg?" He asked, eyes focused on the cobnut and cautiously lifting a paw.

Charmer May 19th, 2018 05:55 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 506513)
{Sorry about the lateness in this, hoping to get more consistent in replies again!}

The long-furred she-cat looked to Shinefang as he spoke and nodded, allowing a slight smile to form on her muzzle. She liked that. He was willing to work with her, to help her remain active. To be perfectly honest, she hadn't expected that, or she at least expected to have to argue more than she did in order to get at least some sort of exercise given to her. Perhaps it came easier because the clan leader was here. Regardless, she felt much more happy about her situation, even if it was particularly bad.
"So long as I don't have to eat them, that's fine with me." Barbedfall meowed with a purr, slowly settling herself back down in the nest for the time being. She would do her exercises later, let them treat her leg now, hoping that maybe whatever they would put on her leg would be numbing.
Grousestar perked his ears in both excitement and curiosity as Shinefang nudged the cobnut towards him, the beginnings of a grin touching his lips. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" A chuckle escaped him and he continued before the medicine cat had a chance to revoke his offer, peering closer at the concoction they had made together. "Do I just dab my paw in and rub it on her leg?" He asked, eyes focused on the cobnut and cautiously lifting a paw.

Shinefang's whiskers gave an amused twitch of amusment at Barbedfall's relief. "Nope. Topical only. Although if you want something for the pain, that you'll have to eat... or chew depending on what I give you." Grousestar after a moment of barely hidden excitement snagged the cobnut, eager to apply the salve he'd helped to make. Shinefang felt a pang of warmth spread through his chest seeing the younger cat eager to ask him a question about applying the mixture. He wondered if in another life the leader might have had the makings to be a medicine cat himself. "You'll want to rub it on very gently, making sure it gets in her fur and touches her skin. The juices in the plants are going to be what helps her to heal faster." He explained. Turning back to Barbedfall, he added, "I can give you a poppy seed if the pain isn't tolerable, but if you are feeling well enough and just want to take the edge off I'll have you chew a dandelion leaf instead. There's no problem with mixing them either if you wanted to try the dandelion leaf and then decided you wanted a poppy seed later." After a moment to think, the old tom spoke again. "Let me put it another way. If 10 is the worst pain you can imagine, and 1 is hardly any pain at all, how much are you hurting now?"

RedHead May 22nd, 2018 10:39 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

A ginger and white tomcat entered the medicine den, his ears perked and his eyes scanning the area as soon as he cleared the entrance. His dark blue gaze took in everything that he could around him, as quick as he possibly could.
Once he’d looked around, Flickerpaw gently sat his rump down, careful not to move to quickly in fear of worsening his scratches. The apprentice would’ve tried to avoid coming to get his thorn scratches treated, but of course his mother had somehow spotted him. And though Flickerpaw didn’t really talk to his mother much, and outwardly avoided her, he knew his mother still cared about him. Well he liked to believe that she still cared about him. He knew that deep down, he certainly still loved her.

Letting out a small sigh, Flickerpaw directed his attention to looking for the medicine cat. He’d never talked to Shinefang, but he had heard about him from some of the other apprentices. As he was looking he twitched his ears uncomfortably. The blood from his scratches was starting to dry, and it felt sticky and unpleasant on his pelt. The tomcat could handle some of the most disgusting things being on his pelt, and this was no exception. He wasn’t grossed out, he just thought it didn’t feel.... the best.


Charmer May 25th, 2018 08:35 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 507189)

A ginger and white tomcat entered the medicine den, his ears perked and his eyes scanning the area as soon as he cleared the entrance. His dark blue gaze took in everything that he could around him, as quick as he possibly could.
Once he’d looked around, Flickerpaw gently sat his rump down, careful not to move to quickly in fear of worsening his scratches. The apprentice would’ve tried to avoid coming to get his thorn scratches treated, but of course his mother had somehow spotted him. And though Flickerpaw didn’t really talk to his mother much, and outwardly avoided her, he knew his mother still cared about him. Well he liked to believe that she still cared about him. He knew that deep down, he certainly still loved her.

Letting out a small sigh, Flickerpaw directed his attention to looking for the medicine cat. He’d never talked to Shinefang, but he had heard about him from some of the other apprentices. As he was looking he twitched his ears uncomfortably. The blood from his scratches was starting to dry, and it felt sticky and unpleasant on his pelt. The tomcat could handle some of the most disgusting things being on his pelt, and this was no exception. He wasn’t grossed out, he just thought it didn’t feel.... the best.


Shinefang had gotten a late start that morning. He had been busy gathering new herbs and supplies the day before and all the wandering around the territory had worn the old tom out. But there were chores to do today. The mossballs he kept in the very back of the cave to soak and give to cats staying here while they healed had dried up and crumbled. They needed to be thrown out and replaced with some fresh moss and since he didn't have an apprentice of his own, that would just have to be his job for now. He was padding toward the exit of his medicine den with a clump of moss in his teeth. Barely paying attention to where he was going, he nearly ran into a ginger tom before he even saw them. "Ah!" Shinefang yelped, dropping the moss. "What's the big idea sneaking up on me like that!? You trying to send me to Starclan early?" he blurted out, his tail reflexively puffing up. "How long have you been sitting there?"

RedHead May 26th, 2018 12:16 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 507715)
Shinefang had gotten a late start that morning. He had been busy gathering new herbs and supplies the day before and all the wandering around the territory had worn the old tom out. But there were chores to do today. The mossballs he kept in the very back of the cave to soak and give to cats staying here while they healed had dried up and crumbled. They needed to be thrown out and replaced with some fresh moss and since he didn't have an apprentice of his own, that would just have to be his job for now. He was padding toward the exit of his medicine den with a clump of moss in his teeth. Barely paying attention to where he was going, he nearly ran into a ginger tom before he even saw them. "Ah!" Shinefang yelped, dropping the moss. "What's the big idea sneaking up on me like that!? You trying to send me to Starclan early?" he blurted out, his tail reflexively puffing up. "How long have you been sitting there?"

Flickerpaw spotted the medicine cat all right. Quite quickly as the old tomcat came out of seemingly nowhere carrying moss. The ginger tomcat opened his mouth to warn Shinefang as he seemed to be getting closer and not stopping. He was too late though, and all Flickerpaw got was a mouthful of the cat’s fur as he ran into the apprentice.
As he was rubbing his paw on his younger, trying to get rid of the taste, he flicked husband dark blue gaze to Shinefang, who was talking to him. He rolled his eyes. “Oh please, if I was trying to send you to Starclan early I would’ve certaintly done it by now.” He scoffed, his own fur still flat against his pelt, a lot calmer than the medicine cat. “And I wasn’t exactly sneaking up on you. I just was sent in here to get healed. Unless that’s not what a medicine cat is for now?” He smirked as he cocked his head at Shinefang, his tail flicking like it always did when he was poking fun at others. The ginger-and-white apprentice always enjoyed poking fun at others, so tail flicking was a common habit of his.

Charmer May 27th, 2018 11:49 AM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 507809)

Flickerpaw spotted the medicine cat all right. Quite quickly as the old tomcat came out of seemingly nowhere carrying moss. The ginger tomcat opened his mouth to warn Shinefang as he seemed to be getting closer and not stopping. He was too late though, and all Flickerpaw got was a mouthful of the cat’s fur as he ran into the apprentice.
As he was rubbing his paw on his younger, trying to get rid of the taste, he flicked husband dark blue gaze to Shinefang, who was talking to him. He rolled his eyes. “Oh please, if I was trying to send you to Starclan early I would’ve certaintly done it by now.” He scoffed, his own fur still flat against his pelt, a lot calmer than the medicine cat. “And I wasn’t exactly sneaking up on you. I just was sent in here to get healed. Unless that’s not what a medicine cat is for now?” He smirked as he cocked his head at Shinefang, his tail flicking like it always did when he was poking fun at others. The ginger-and-white apprentice always enjoyed poking fun at others, so tail flicking was a common habit of his.

Shinefang, raised an eyebrow at the younger cat, his remaining eye roving as he sized up the younger male. He'd have already sent him to Starclan if he wanted? The old tom scoffed. "Id like to see you try, kit." It was then that Shinefang noticed the patched of reddened fur in the apprentice's ginger pelt dotted here and there. An especially bad bleed was noticeable on his cheek. "What did you go and do? Get into a fight with a bramble bush?" Shinefang snorted as he trotted closer, not asking before reaching out with a to peel aside the fur on the younger cats face to check if the wound there was still bleeding. "Here's a warrior lesson for you, Skyclan doesn't need you to defend it against thorn bushes."

The Cannibal May 27th, 2018 02:42 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 506522)
Shinefang's whiskers gave an amused twitch of amusment at Barbedfall's relief. "Nope. Topical only. Although if you want something for the pain, that you'll have to eat... or chew depending on what I give you." Grousestar after a moment of barely hidden excitement snagged the cobnut, eager to apply the salve he'd helped to make. Shinefang felt a pang of warmth spread through his chest seeing the younger cat eager to ask him a question about applying the mixture. He wondered if in another life the leader might have had the makings to be a medicine cat himself. "You'll want to rub it on very gently, making sure it gets in her fur and touches her skin. The juices in the plants are going to be what helps her to heal faster." He explained. Turning back to Barbedfall, he added, "I can give you a poppy seed if the pain isn't tolerable, but if you are feeling well enough and just want to take the edge off I'll have you chew a dandelion leaf instead. There's no problem with mixing them either if you wanted to try the dandelion leaf and then decided you wanted a poppy seed later." After a moment to think, the old tom spoke again. "Let me put it another way. If 10 is the worst pain you can imagine, and 1 is hardly any pain at all, how much are you hurting now?"

"Eugh, I'll pass on that one." Meowed out the she-cat quickly enough as soon as the medicine cat went on about the herbs she might need if she wanted something for pain. She was sure enough she could handle it. At least right now anyways. She had heard from other cats the worse of the pain was probably yet to come.
As patiently as ever the leader listened to what the medicine cat told him, fixing his gaze on the older tom and nodding his head slightly to show that he understood and was hearing what was being said. "Thank you. I think I've got it." Now he cautiously dabbed his paw into the mixture, making sure to get enough before scooting closer to the long-furred brown tabby to gingerly begin to rub in the mixture. At the slightest hint of discomfort, Grousestar would pause and hesitate before continuing, glancing slightly at Shinefang to make sure he was doing it right.
Meanwhile Barbedfall stayed still to allow the leader to rub in what he needed, focusing her attention on Shinefang as he spoke to her. "Hrmph.. I guess, for right now, I'm feeling a 5." The tip of her tail quivered in slight distaste at the thought of having to chew a dandelion leaf or eat a poppy seed. But she knew she had to tell him the truth.

Charmer May 28th, 2018 06:00 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 508114)
"Eugh, I'll pass on that one." Meowed out the she-cat quickly enough as soon as the medicine cat went on about the herbs she might need if she wanted something for pain. She was sure enough she could handle it. At least right now anyways. She had heard from other cats the worse of the pain was probably yet to come.
As patiently as ever the leader listened to what the medicine cat told him, fixing his gaze on the older tom and nodding his head slightly to show that he understood and was hearing what was being said. "Thank you. I think I've got it." Now he cautiously dabbed his paw into the mixture, making sure to get enough before scooting closer to the long-furred brown tabby to gingerly begin to rub in the mixture. At the slightest hint of discomfort, Grousestar would pause and hesitate before continuing, glancing slightly at Shinefang to make sure he was doing it right.
Meanwhile Barbedfall stayed still to allow the leader to rub in what he needed, focusing her attention on Shinefang as he spoke to her. "Hrmph.. I guess, for right now, I'm feeling a 5." The tip of her tail quivered in slight distaste at the thought of having to chew a dandelion leaf or eat a poppy seed. But she knew she had to tell him the truth.

The tom shrugged. "Suit yourself. If you change your mind, I'll be happy to give you something later." After all, it wasn't his job to cram poppy seeds down cats throats. If she could handle her current level of pain, who was he to demand she have relief for it. Shinefang kept his eye on Grousestar while the leader worked, admiring the younger tom's care as he tenderly applied the salve. "Not bad, Grousestar. If this whole, leading the clan thing doesn't work out for you, you might try you paw as a medicine cat." He joked, not unkindly. "Speaking of which, I've been meaning to talk to you about that." The old cat cleared his throat. "I know I haven't been fully trained for long, but its nearly green leaf. Herbs are plentiful, and my body isn't getting any younger. I wanted to let you know that I plan on looking for an apprentice. I could use another set of paws to help around the medicine den, and I want as much time to train a new cat before next leafbare as I can get." Shinefang didn't say what else was on his mind because he knew that words like this tended to rattle the young leader, but Shinefang wasn't sure how many more leafbares he had left in his old bones. If next leafbare, he joined Starclan, he would make sure he left his clan in capable paws.

The Cannibal June 2nd, 2018 09:09 PM

Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 506522)
Shinefang's whiskers gave an amused twitch of amusment at Barbedfall's relief. "Nope. Topical only. Although if you want something for the pain, that you'll have to eat... or chew depending on what I give you." Grousestar after a moment of barely hidden excitement snagged the cobnut, eager to apply the salve he'd helped to make. Shinefang felt a pang of warmth spread through his chest seeing the younger cat eager to ask him a question about applying the mixture. He wondered if in another life the leader might have had the makings to be a medicine cat himself. "You'll want to rub it on very gently, making sure it gets in her fur and touches her skin. The juices in the plants are going to be what helps her to heal faster." He explained. Turning back to Barbedfall, he added, "I can give you a poppy seed if the pain isn't tolerable, but if you are feeling well enough and just want to take the edge off I'll have you chew a dandelion leaf instead. There's no problem with mixing them either if you wanted to try the dandelion leaf and then decided you wanted a poppy seed later." After a moment to think, the old tom spoke again. "Let me put it another way. If 10 is the worst pain you can imagine, and 1 is hardly any pain at all, how much are you hurting now?"

Glad that the medicine cat didn't press anymore on the subject, the she-cat let out a small puff of breath and allowed her eyes to close for the moment. For the most part, the leader's dabbing paw didn't cause too much pain and it eased up whenever she made the slightest wince. Surprisingly enough for a cat with no training, he was doing good. Well, not that she knew anything about it, she was half expecting him to be rough and clumsy with applying the solution. It was a pleasant and less-painful surprise.
Grousestar grinned just slightly at the joking compliment, his ear flicking a bit in what could have been taken as bashfulness. "Ah, not so sure I would be good at it. Might just talk all of my patients to death if that were the case." Finishing up, he made sure to get every last bit of the salve from the cobnut before nodding his head slightly and looking over at his medicine cat. To say in the least, he was curious as to what the older tom would be saying next. And as Shinefang explained that he wished to start looking for an apprentice, he brightened and nodded his head eagerly. "That's a wonderful idea. We could certainly do with having an extra paw to help when next leafbare strikes that's for sure. Who knows if I'll be getting sick again!" He purred out, not quite understanding that that wasn't what Shinefang meant. Whether it was blissful ignorange or it went right over his head was unclear, but he didn't acknowledge the fact that Shinefang indeed was getting older. And that it was a completely real possibility that he only had a few good leafbares left in him.

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