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Doom February 12th, 2019 11:01 AM

Re: The Infirmary

Originally Posted by silvertail000 (Post 571299)
Cherrypaw went into the infirmary, coughing quite wildly. She couldn't talk at all too say how bad she felt. It felt like her whole mouth was cracked and cut. Coughing still, she shuddered at the thought of dying. She was always worried about dying.

as cherrypaw entered, goosepaw was already approaching with herbs ready at paw. it was a habit she'd developed with so many sick cats coming in and out of the infirmary - one she was quite proud of. although the brown-and-red apprentice looked awful, goosepaw tried to gentle her tone and keep an unassuming face. "hello there...whats your name? how are you feeling?" she placed her tail along cherrypaw's shoulder for an attempt to comfort her. granted, goosepaw's specialty isn't exactly being sweet, but she does at least make an effort. for daydream.

silvertail000 February 12th, 2019 05:24 PM

Re: The Infirmary

Originally Posted by Peachy (Post 571484)
as cherrypaw entered, goosepaw was already approaching with herbs ready at paw. it was a habit she'd developed with so many sick cats coming in and out of the infirmary - one she was quite proud of. although the brown-and-red apprentice looked awful, goosepaw tried to gentle her tone and keep an unassuming face. "hello there...whats your name? how are you feeling?" she placed her tail along cherrypaw's shoulder for an attempt to comfort her. granted, goosepaw's specialty isn't exactly being sweet, but she does at least make an effort. for daydream.

Cherrypaw coughed, unable to answer. "Bad," she managed to say quite softly. She kind of regretted saying it because she didn't want to waste her voice. Ow, she thought.

Fuzzy February 14th, 2019 02:47 PM

Re: Quarantine Zone

A sneeze escaped Minkpaw as she curled into a ball. The young Brown molly had caught white cough and she felt like she'd been trampled on. Coughs causing her whole body to jerk the apprentice let out a whimper. She didn't like this at all. Bing in ThunderClan camp she felt like an outsider laying in this nest surrounded by strangers from all five Clans made her feel even worse. Why did they decide to send everyone here? It was cold and despite her nose being stuffed up the stench of sickness still reached her. Plus laying around was boring, she couldn't hunt and she wasn't able to train.
Tail quivering the short coated molly pushed herself to her paws, her mouth felt so dry. The young apprentice needed water. Head low Minkpaw stumbled over to a puddle of water. she didn't want to interact with any strangers right now and was hoping to just get some water. Ice lined the puddle when the brown grey feline got there, making her whiskers twitched at the thought of cold water in her fur. Crouching over the freezing puddle she'd pat it with a paw before a shiver ran through her body. This is to cold! I wish I had long fur like Flintspirit. Her mentor was the only feline she could think of that had as long and thick looking fur. He had to be warm right? Either way she was cold and wasn't sure if she was thirsty enough to drink from this icy water. So, she just stairs crouched beside it wishing she wasn't sick.

RedHead February 14th, 2019 08:48 PM

Re: Quarantine Zone

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 571936)

A sneeze escaped Minkpaw as she curled into a ball. The young Brown molly had caught white cough and she felt like she'd been trampled on. Coughs causing her whole body to jerk the apprentice let out a whimper. She didn't like this at all. Bing in ThunderClan camp she felt like an outsider laying in this nest surrounded by strangers from all five Clans made her feel even worse. Why did they decide to send everyone here? It was cold and despite her nose being stuffed up the stench of sickness still reached her. Plus laying around was boring, she couldn't hunt and she wasn't able to train.
Tail quivering the short coated molly pushed herself to her paws, her mouth felt so dry. The young apprentice needed water. Head low Minkpaw stumbled over to a puddle of water. she didn't want to interact with any strangers right now and was hoping to just get some water. Ice lined the puddle when the brown grey feline got there, making her whiskers twitched at the thought of cold water in her fur. Crouching over the freezing puddle she'd pat it with a paw before a shiver ran through her body. This is to cold! I wish I had long fur like Flintspirit. Her mentor was the only feline she could think of that had as long and thick looking fur. He had to be warm right? Either way she was cold and wasn't sure if she was thirsty enough to drink from this icy water. So, she just stairs crouched beside it wishing she wasn't sick.

This is stupid. A dark-furred tomcat day on the clearing, a truly disgusted and annoyed look on his face as he glanced around. The tomcat hated that he had to end up here, but after his talk with Tallmarsh and Passionstar, the sick deputy was forced to come and reside with all of the other sick cats. Are we even going to get any better staying here? It smells like it’s been permantley effected with the sickness. A breeding ground for the nastiness. With an undignified cough, the deputy stood on weak, yet sturdy legs, determined to act like he still had some dignity left. I am the deputy of Thunderclan for Starclan’s sake! Some sickness shouldn’t land me useless.
As he walked across the grounds, avoiding the thickest throngs of sick cats, a familiar brown pelt caught his eye.
Oh no. Not his apprentice. He’d been so careful to avoid Nightpaw and Glisteningcry while he was sick, hoping that they wouldn’t catch it too. He’d also dialed down on training with Minkpaw, hoping to keep her safe and away from the sickness. But now there she was, looking small and frail amongst all the other cats around. With a small growl the tomcat cast his eyes up to the cloudy sky, his tail lashing. “Don’t you even think about taking her.” He growled up to the stars, not-visible in the bleak daytime light.
His eyes roamed over his apprentice as he drew closer, watching her actions and deciphering them. His sharp green eyes caught sight of her moving towards a small pool of water, but shrinking back with a shiver.
Water. She wants water. He quickly made a detour to find a clean scrap of moss, bundling it into a ball shape and bringing it over to the smaller cat.
With a warm smile, he dipped the moss into the water, feeling a cold sensation in his nose as he did so. The cold was biting, but he withdrew his head only after he made sure the moss was thoroughly soaked.
”Here, please drink Minkpaw.” He meowed gently, sitting down beside her. He wrapped his thick, fluffy tail around her, not at all detered himself by the cold. Having a thick pelt came in handy in these situations. “And please stay warm.” His voice was raspy from coughing, and tiredness could be seen in his posture, and lack of grooming of his pelt. But Flintspirit’s green eyes still shown brightly, concern sparking in them as he kept a firm gaze on the younger she-cat. And please... please be okay.

Doom February 15th, 2019 01:52 PM

Re: The Infirmary

Originally Posted by silvertail000 (Post 571572)
Cherrypaw coughed, unable to answer. "Bad," she managed to say quite softly. She kind of regretted saying it because she didn't want to waste her voice. Ow, she thought.

goosepaw nodded slowly as she realized this cat didn't feel well enough to talk. "here," goosepaw nosed the tiny spiked-leaf to cherrypaw, easing a smile up at her. "this is catmint - it'll help your throat." her tail curled and twitched nervously behind her. "would you like some water as well?"

silvertail000 February 15th, 2019 03:22 PM

Re: The Infirmary

Originally Posted by Peachy (Post 572148)
goosepaw nodded slowly as she realized this cat didn't feel well enough to talk. "here," goosepaw nosed the tiny spiked-leaf to cherrypaw, easing a smile up at her. "this is catmint - it'll help your throat." her tail curled and twitched nervously behind her. "would you like some water as well?"

Cherrypaw nodded nervously as she ate the catmint. She hoped it would help somewhat. Also she was pretty thirsty.

The Cannibal February 16th, 2019 07:34 PM

Re: The Infirmary

Badgersong hated this. He should have left the clan to pass on to Starclan on his own already, but no, he was sent to this infernal makeshift camp to be treated. The older warrior felt absolutely miserable, every time he breathed his chest rattled, his eyes watered, his nose ran and worst of all he felt like he could barely move. It took so much effort for him to come out here, and took effort to get up and out of his nest, effort to eat. Part of him wished he didn't have to get up, or eat, or do anything.
Perhaps he'd stop eating and see how long it took for them to notice, or if they noticed him at all. With a deep cough, the veteran warrior settled his head into his paws and stared off into space, silently wishing that none of the medicine cats or their apprentices would check on him. Then finally he could get the long rest he deserved from this horrid life. It's not like any of his friends were still living, and his scar ached more and more with each leafbare. It was starting to effect his ability to hunt. His days of being a warrior were numbered, and he knew it.

Charmer February 17th, 2019 03:59 PM

Re: Quarantine Zone
Shinefang glanced around through clouds of fog so thick he could hardly see the tip of his tail when he looked behind him. In the distance, he could just catch the faintest, scratching, hurking sound of a cat coughing. He had no herbs but ran toward the sound anyway. His limbs were too slow. It was like running through thick mud. Up ahead he saw a distant hill and made his way toward it. As he climbed, his lungs began to heave and burn. The air here was too thick and as he mounted the summit, a violent fit of coughing peeled from his throat. It stung and made it impossible to catch his breath. Dizzy, he looked from his place on top of the hill as a breeze blew and the fog began to clear. The old cat froze, then began to tremble as her saw a vast expanse of cats, all coughing and choking. They blanketed a vast field like snow flakes, crowded together and layered on top of each other. The sound of their distress was deafening. Amidst the chorus of wet choking sounds were wails and cries of fever and delirium. Even from her he could see splashes of red where the infection and untreated coughing had made their throats raw enough to bleed. And each and every cat in the crowd looked exactly the same. Each and every one looked exactly like his mother.

Shinefang woke up with a scream and tried to scrabble to his feet, but the dizziness and fever dragged him back down at the same instant his joints locked up in pain. For a long moment, he sat there, gasping as he tried to remember where he was. This wasn't his den. Where was Ringpaw. Then he remembered. He tried to turn his head to look toward where she would have left the herbs, but sleep caught him first.

Doom February 18th, 2019 10:44 AM

Re: The Infirmary

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 567733)

The small kit with a white pelt shuttered as the cold ruffled his fur. He also seemed to have a fever which made the cold weather horrible. He had made a small nest out of snow because he we too weak to find moss. (Whitecough)

(sorry for the wait!)

goosepaw approached the tiny white kit, a curious look circling her yellow eyes. "hi there," her greeting was soft, but it felt a little forced (in her mind). she wasnt used to dealing with kits, considering she spent her whole life in the medicine den. and this one...seemed really helpless. reminded her of herself when she was younger. "you're completely buried in snow there, buddy." she gently grabbed the kit by the scruff and lifted him out of the snow pile and placed him beside her. "there are available nests further into the infirmary, if you'd be interested. unless snow nests are just you're thing, then no shame." a smirk curled up the side of her muzzle. "mind tellin' me your name and how you feel?"

Madelaine February 18th, 2019 04:13 PM

Re: Quarantine Zone

Originally Posted by pomegranate (Post 571060)


As Shinefang walked away, Ringpaw watched his hasty escape. Opening her mouth to ask him what was wrong, she lifted one paw up in an attempt to grab his attention, but the old tom was already gone, his tail disappearing. She had seen the fear in his eyes, and she badly wanted to run after him. But she had a queen to take care of.
Plastering on a smile, she turned to Curltail. This was the time to focus on this molly, not Shinefang, even though she was concerned. “Hi!” She chirruped happily, trying to remain calm and welcoming. “I’m Ringpaw- you probably knew that. Curltail, right?” After all, it was her job to know and care for the cats of Skyclan, she might as well be friendly and get to know them. She nudged the herbs a bit closer so the queen wouldn’t have to move much.

Curltail opened her eyes once more as Ringpaw spoke to her. "Yes it is.", she mrowed with q hoarse voice. She felt how little energy she had left in her body. The queen looked at the herbs and let out a cough. "Are those for us to take?", she asked. Curltail wasn't sure of what was around her, since she wasn't completely all there at the moment.

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