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Undercover October 7th, 2017 01:57 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 399496)
( Elmpaw is has short light brown fur *shrug*
Elmpaw felt a small body, most-likely a kit’s body bump into him, he turned around to see Ivorykit, I thought she was a Riverclanner, I didn’t know that I’d forget my own clanmates. he sighed and realized how terrified Ivorykit was,” Don’t worry I don’t bite. It’s pretty shocking- especially for a young kit like you to see camp like this, luckily the warriors are repairing And most the apprentices, Hopefully no one will be mad I’m socializing with a kit instead of repairing camp

((Oh, on his bio from the link on your page it says black spots :) ))

Ivorykit's gaze fixed on the bigger cat. She didn't see anger twisting his features, and she didn't feel a sense of frustration, she hopefully he didn't mind. She looked around and noticed the other apprentices and warriors begin to repair the damaged camp. Maybe he was supposed to help? She twitched an ear, excitment bubbling up inside her. Maybe she could help fix the camp with him, if he was supposed to do! Anyways, it was good practice for the female, after all, she would be an apprentice herself soon!

The she-cat nodded in agreement with the tom. Though Ivorykit couldn't hear what he was saying. She knew that Elmpaw wasn't mad at her by his reaction. Spotting a small stick from the ground, she tugged, trying to get it free from the muck. If she was going about it in a smart way, the apprentice might get the idea: she wanted to help clean up too!

Mango October 7th, 2017 02:02 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Undercover (Post 399511)
((Oh, on his bio from the link on your page it says black spots :) ))

Ivorykit's gaze fixed on the bigger cat. She didn't see anger twisting his features, and she didn't feel a sense of frustration, she hopefully he didn't mind. She looked around and noticed the other apprentices and warriors begin to repair the damaged camp. Maybe he was supposed to help? She twitched an ear, excitment bubbling up inside her. Maybe she could help fix the camp with him, if he was supposed to do! Anyways, it was good practice for the female, after all, she would be an apprentice herself soon!

The she-cat nodded in agreement with the tom. Though Ivorykit couldn't hear what he was saying. She knew that Elmpaw wasn't mad at her by his reaction. Spotting a small stick from the ground, she tugged, trying to get it free from the muck. If she was going about it in a smart way, the apprentice might get the idea: she wanted to help clean up too!

(I’ve had like 20 Elm’s in the past- this is the first to make it to 12 moons old)
Elmpaw smiled at Ivorykit as he could tell she wanted to help clean up camp,” I can tell you want to help, I’m fine letting you help, as long as your mother knows you made it to camp, though we won’t be leaving camp as kits can’t leave camp.” What’s the point anymore, I mean, every Shadowclan kit has left camp twice- okay Silentshade’s kits have only left camp once, but still. I rest my case, yet again we don’t want kits roaming around the territory or heading to Riverclan to talk to there friends he smiled at Ivorykit (BTW as he’s almost a warrior aka next set of ceremonies, he’d love to mentor Ivorykit if she doesn’t have a mentor set up yet)

Undercover October 7th, 2017 02:13 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 399518)
(I’ve had like 20 Elm’s in the past- this is the first to make it to 12 moons old)
Elmpaw smiled at Ivorykit as he could tell she wanted to help clean up camp,” I can tell you want to help, I’m fine letting you help, as long as your mother knows you made it to camp, though we won’t be leaving camp as kits can’t leave camp.” What’s the point anymore, I mean, every Shadowclan kit has left camp twice- okay Silentshade’s kits have only left camp once, but still. I rest my case, yet again we don’t want kits roaming around the territory or heading to Riverclan to talk to there friends he smiled at Ivorykit (BTW as he’s almost a warrior aka next set of ceremonies, he’d love to mentor Ivorykit if she doesn’t have a mentor set up yet)

((Haha, lol, okay!))
Ivorykit eyes shone as she looked up from her stick and gave an enthusiastic bounce, her white fur fluffed with excitement. She could see her mother's proud face when she told her about helping an apprentice clean the camp! It was a huge duty that she would take as seriously as possible. Of course, she thought, immediately smoothing her fur, that would mean she had to stop behaving like a kit. Ivorykit returned to her stick after giving a more serious nod and, wish a squeak of surprise, tumbled onto her back as the stick freed itself from the clinging mud. Wow, she thought with an annoyed flick of her tail. That was smooth. Offering a rather embarrassed grin, the she-cat returned to her paws and looked for somewhere to put the thing so it was out of the way.
((I wish they could be mentor and apprentice, but she has already had one set for a while. Sorry :( . He could be a good friend or best friend, though! ))

Mango October 7th, 2017 02:19 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Undercover (Post 399530)
((Haha, lol, okay!))
Ivorykit eyes shone as she looked up from her stick and gave an enthusiastic bounce, her white fur fluffed with excitement. She could see her mother's proud face when she told her about helping an apprentice clean the camp! It was a huge duty that she would take as seriously as possible. Of course, she thought, immediately smoothing her fur, that would mean she had to stop behaving like a kit. Ivorykit returned to her stick after giving a more serious nod and, wish a squeak of surprise, tumbled onto her back as the stick freed itself from the clinging mud. Wow, she thought with an annoyed flick of her tail. That was smooth. Offering a rather embarrassed grin, the she-cat returned to her paws and looked for somewhere to put the thing so it was out of the way.
((I wish they could be mentor and apprentice, but she has already had one set for a while. Sorry :( . He could be a good friend or best friend, though! ))

He paused,” Maybe we should be collecting rubble out of the clearing, like the sticks, rotten fish, and crowfood. Since they are no use to use now. And no one wants the job of getting mud out of camp.” He flicked a smile to Ivorykit seeing Horseraddishpaw wading through the mud letting it all collect on himself, the black tom no longer looked black, he looked brown. He let out a small chuckle of amusement (I’m thinking of Snowpaw from Bramblestar’s storm)

Socks October 7th, 2017 02:59 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
@The Eye Of The Storm

Primrosemask was comfortably sleeping, happy to be back in Shadowclan territory rather than sleeping with all the fish-smelling warriors of Riverclan. She was curled up tightly on her comfortable nest of moss, sleeping better than she had in a while when she was awoken. With a small sigh of effort, she lifted her head to drowsily stare over at the cat who had called her name. She wasn't that shocked to see Halfgaze, the new deputy, was the one who had been calling her. "M'kay, I'll be ready in just a moment." She slowly lifted her whole body up, pushing her paws forward in a stretch which resulted in her slipping back down and curling up again.
She knew she should probably be getting up and doing as she was told but she was too comfortable, a few moments more of rest wouldn't hurt anyone. Curling up tightly once more, she wrapped her tail around to rest it on her nose. She had planned to keep her ears pricked so she could hear when everyone started leaving but that failed as she began to fall back asleep.

dionysus October 7th, 2017 03:56 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
@starfall @Constellation
@Eye of the Storm @Socks

Haflgaze had made sure that no cat could whine or ask her to choose someone else by withdrawing from the den as soon as she'd finished calling out names. The tortoiseshell may not have been deputy long, but she had been a warrior for some moons and knew all of the tricks in the book, some by experience and others by watching other cats try to pull them. Then again...Maybe she didn't know all the tricks, she was still a fairly young warrior, after all. Only slightly impatient, Halfgaze settled herself into a sitting position, wrapping her multi-colored tail over her paws and fixing an intent blue-green gaze on the entrance to the den. She had heard Littlebug's protestations but ignored them and waited for the other she-cat to join her in the clearing.

Littlesplash was by far the most willing member of the patrol, and Halfgaze appreciated that. She gave him a nod of greeting and perked her ears as he spoke. The warrior seemed a bit nervous and Halfgaze gave him a sympathetic smile, "Good morning, Littlesplash. I'm doing well, how are you?" Halfgaze looked about her at the disheveled clearing and nodded, "As am I. No need to worry, I don't doubt your loyalty. I rather liked the rivers as well. They were peaceful." Her voice was calm and held a note of wistfulness as she thought about their neighboring clan's territory and tried to ease the other warriors nerves without sounding patronizing.

Chrysanthemumshade seemed to have just dragged herself from the depths of the dark forest and Halfgaze could see an excuse coming from miles away. Clearly, the she-cat wanted to get out of the dawn patrol, but Halfgaze would not abide by her wishes and choose someone else. Few cats enjoyed the dawn patrol and everyone had to do their share of the unpleasant work in order to keep their clan running smoothly, especially after only just returning to their territory. Besides, Halfgaze knew that Chrysanthemumshade was one warrior who needed to start doing more for Shadowclan. Not that the tortoiseshell thought her fellow warrior was disloyal...More like lazy.

Halfgaze did a quick head count, narrowing her eyes when she only saw three cats in the clearing. The new deputy was certain she had appointed four cats to the patrol. "You can start out, I'll send who ever is left out soon." With a flick of her ear, Halfgaze rose to her paws and returned to the warrior's den, maneuvering her way to the nest of the missing warrior. "Primrosemask!" She hissed quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeping warriors.

Role October 7th, 2017 05:54 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Jay-Jay (Post 399184)
He nodded. "Alright" He didnt see Olivepaw so he looked for wickedpaw. "Wickedpaw, over here.

Wickedpaw skidded to a halt, "Yes Pinewhisker?" She asked.

"Go with the kits and show them how hunting can be, If you see a badger or ox, run home." He instructed.

SHe nodded. "Ok, guys, Lets go!" SHe raced out.

The kits gleefully followed, althought Hollykit yelped in surprise as the events flashed before his eyes. The young kit wasn't too good with quick situations, but he followed his brother and sisters well.

Vesper October 7th, 2017 06:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Role (Post 399723)
The kits gleefully followed, althought Hollykit yelped in surprise as the events flashed before his eyes. The young kit wasn't too good with quick situations, but he followed his brother and sisters well.

wickedpaw stopped, flicking her tail, "See that mouse? Im going to stalk it, so be very quiet." SHe meowed.

:blue: October 7th, 2017 11:16 PM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Raven & Co (Post 399300)
Bella licked his chin as she heard him say that it was hard to be the leader, to take care of a whole clan, her face heating up as he told her that she was a wonderful cat, she pressed against him, the heat from his body was something she loved, she could even cuddle with him all day long if he agreed to it. The calico then waited a little and looked up at him. "I... I was wondering when you wanted to actually have family, because... Well... I guess I'd be ready whenever you are." She mewed softly, pressing close to him and nibbling on his shoulder, a loud purr coming from the she-cat as she remained pressed against her lover.

(Sorry if it's shorter! ^^)


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 399440)
Ink trotted nervously into the den, his form low and compact. What's going to happen now? The feline couldn't help but wonder. Another cat had directed him to this den, telling the former kittypet to talk to the clan's leader- someone named... Wait, what was they're name again? He wondered, with an inward chuckle towards himself. Why did you think this was a good idea, you're pretty bad at remembering important things. The black and white tom thought as he stopped, looking around at the den. He noticed the two other cats there, and at least they weren't giant and rippling with menace and power as he had mostly expected after hearing about the clans. Uneasily, he stood there, wondering if he should interrupt the other molly's and tom's conversation, which he didn't really prefer to. Besides, they would probably notice him eventually, and he was perfectly fine with waiting.

@✨Blue Wishes✨;

(( Jeebus Aleka you scared me- ))

Goldenstar wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that. He did really want kits, and he did want all of that, he really did, but he didn’t know if he was ready to accept that responsibility yet. With everything that was happening, he was unsure if he really wanted to bring anything else when everything was already crazy enough. He was now somewhat conflicted, unsure of whether to say yes or no. Suddenly, a flash of movement caught his eye, and he flinched, turning to look at who was there. “Hello there,” He said calmly, dipping his head in a sort of greeting to the new cat. He looked at Bella with a bit of regret in his eyes, “Did you need something?” He asked the new cat, tilting his head slightly as he looked at the other tom.

Socks October 7th, 2017 11:53 PM

Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 398692)
Soaringkit opened her eyes,” Yes. I’m awake.” She still was having memories of her dream and she tried to shake them away We are safe in camp.
(Sorry it’s short)

Jadekit suddenly felt an anxiety at the thought of sharing her worries, she just wanted someone to agree she wouldn't turn out like her mother. She used to think she would be nothing like her mother by working hard as a warrior, never being lazy like the queen she grew up with, but after her little 'adventure' back in Riverclan, she knew she'd be nothing like her mother in how she treated her kits. She was destined to bring strong and healthy warriors into this world, she would need to care for them and protect them as well she could, she would have to love them and let them know she was proud, something her mother had never done. "Well..." She swallowed as if a whole mouse was caught in her throat, sitting down while her tail twitched nervously. "What if... W-what if I end up like mother." The tortoiseshell finally let out her thoughts in a string of words so fast they could be considered only one.

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