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Spirit June 21st, 2017 10:14 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Sage (Post 295716)
Sagewhisker opened her eyes to see the tny kitten had awoken and was shaking violently. Oh! She must be so scared, I know I would be if I woke up like this. She smiled at the kitten. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt a cat in need, especially a lost kitten. I was about to take you to my clan's camp, is that okay? There very friendly there and you would be cared for." Sagewhisker explained. She gave the small kitten a lick behind the ear. "What's you name?" She asked, hoping the kitten would respond.

004 perked her ear up a little as the giant cat began to speak. She sounded nice enough. And she was a cat.. Right? She wasn't one of those huge creatures that had haunted her mind lately. She spoke of a camp with nice persons in it.. Did she mean other cats? 004 could ever so slightly remember being with other cats. There was a special other cat she was close to, but she could only remember that her name had been 005 and had been in the den beside her. She had been nice. Would these new cats be nice as well? The small kitten began relaxing a bit more, but she was still terrified. Those new surroundings were confusing and frightening her. Why did the floor feel so soft, and smell so weird? And once again, why was it green?
004 had taken a while to respond, her mind seeming to be on fire as she took in everything. This was so new to her that she could barely get herself to speak.
"004" she replied finally, not knowing that this name would probably sound so odd and weird to this had. Her voice was small, sweet and quiet, almost as if she had learned not to speak loudly.

meraki June 21st, 2017 03:07 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by meraki (Post 288301)
Featherpaw looked back over at her friend and smiled at his confidence. "I'm sure you're right." She replied with a smile, before continuing to pad closer to the twoleg yard. She too had noticed the sudden decrease in height of the grass, and cocked her head to the side as she wondered to herself what the purpose would be. Being only about the height of Surgestorm's stomach, in some places it had reached over her head, and she had to hop to see. When her eyes fell upon the twoleg den, she smiled. "It's here!" She meowed in excitement.


AbsurdJinx June 21st, 2017 04:41 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Sage (Post 292228)
Rowankit was slightly surprised at the older cat's comment, but he had never actually built one either. The small tabby tom smiled and shook his head.
"That sounds about right. I have actually never built one either. Sagewhisker would build them for us. But surely it can't be too hard?" Rowankit commented. He glanced around the den and spotted a small pile of heather, moss, and feathers. "Aha!" Rowankit meowed. He bounded over and batted at the moss. Stop it! You want to make a good impressions, don't you? He shook himself off and gripped some of the mixture in his jaws and bounded back over to Cloverpaw.

"I guess we just start in the middle and see how it goes?" Rowankit suggested. He picked up a piece of heather and laid it down in the center of the are patch of cold earth. He smiled and turned back to the red-brown molly. "There! I'm sure I can sleep on that now." Rowankit meowed, sarcastically. Wow. That was a great attempt at humor, Rowankit. Wow. Just..wow. He slightly scoffed and then shook his head. Turning back to Cloverpaw, he smiled.

{ testing fonts </3 }

[ haha! i feel like these two will get themselves in lots of trouble x ]

Cloverpaw stood stupidly while watching Rowankit approach a pile of supplies she hadn't yet noticed, and return with a thin stalk of heather. Her face was nearly emotionless, besides the ounce of confusion that twisted her features. She didn't understand how the nests stayed together so well, unaware that the materials were bound together.

She looked down at the strip of heather before them, and supported by Rowankit's sarcastic comment, Cloverpaw released a snort of amusement before breaking into a fit of giggles. Her eyes squinted and her nose wrinkled whenever she laughed, almost like she was disgusted but was trying her best to not let it get to her. ``I'm sure you'll be very comfortable,`` Cloverpaw added with a playful roll of the eyes. Her tail-tip twitched, ``C'mon, let's make this nest!``

She now displayed a cheerful grin, looking at Rowankit with a fond twinkle in her amber eyes. She jogged past him, nudging him slightly as she passed, playfully flicking her tail-tip at him as she retreated. Cloverpaw was an incredibly immature feline that simply adored fun. She was capable of turning a chore into a hobby, which is exactly what she intended to do while building the nest - excuse me, attempting to build the nest.

AbsurdJinx June 21st, 2017 04:58 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 292527)

Blazingstar stopped walking around her and actually settled himself down in front of her. There was still a small distance between the two felines which in this moment he didn't mind. He simply listened to her speak. It had been a while since the tom heard her silky voice. It was very luring. It was no wonder how she managed to bring so many toms in her direction and quite frankly, Blazingstar couldn't say he wasn't guilty of being one of them. His whiskers were still twitching in amusement at her reaction towards his scare and her words to confirm it were even better. "That's what you get for wandering the territory all by yourself. Perhaps it is better is someone accompanied you now. Who better than the clan leader himself? To keep a rule breaker like you in line," he gave her a playful grin, starting to feel like himself a bit. Perhaps this was all he needed after everything going on. Some time to be himself and mess around like he always loved to do. Perhaps Fawnskip was the answer to his problems, at least for the moment. She couldn't keep them away if she tried, but she could give some relief to them.

"Ah, well now that you're stuck with me until you decide to head back to camp, tell me what you were doing out here anyway? Were you hunting?" he asked, raising a brow in her direction. If she was hunting, she didn't exactly have the appearance of it. She didn't even smell of prey in that moment, leaving Blazingstar to believe that she had just started or perhaps just came out in the territory for a walk. No one could blame her for that, but that was no excuse for disobeying commands. His tail flicked back and forth behind him as he awaited a response, more concerned about hearing her voice in general.

Fawnskip lowered her muzzle, casting him a brief glance as he joined her side. She smiled at their close proximity, daring enough to shift just a little bit closer. She acted as if she moved due to being uncomfortable, wrinkling her nose in distaste and performing a small wiggle-dance as though to rid herself of whatever caused her unease. Then she looked up at the handsome ginger tomcat, flashing him her signature grin. Her tail was curled neatly over her paws, her posture impressive. Yet she wasn't as tall as Blazingstar.

The unique-looking molly playfully rolled her eyes when he called her a rule-breaker, but she had the perfect defense. After all, Blazingstar had been on his own as well - before finding her, that is. Fawnskip laughed her breezy laugh when he stated that she was now stuck with him. Ah, the pain! she thought sarcastically. In fact, she enjoyed his company. He was quite fun.

``Were you hunting?`` Fawnskip questioned, laughter twinkling in her golden eyes. She was letting him know she was not letting him off the hook for being alone before finding her. Well, he wouldn't be let off the hook until she was too. And she didn't want to mention the rabbit she oh-so-painfully lost. Her failed hunt, still fresh, haunted her every move. It had crossed her mind that she had been disobeying orders by leaving the camp on her own, but she hadn't expected to be caught - let alone by the cat who created the rule. And she was convinced she could completely destroy a ThunderClan opponent, especially on her own territory.

wren June 21st, 2017 10:25 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Marbledtongue had never mentored an apprentice before. And quite frankly didn't seem to hyped about it either. He was terrified he'd mess the poor apprentice up. The law Tom padded out and around a stalk of grass to a flattened down clearing. The massive Tom turned and awaited for his apprentice, shiverpaw to join him. The Tom was much like himself, and that terrified him beyond belief. Where was sleepingcloud? Why wasn't he here. This would help him mentally to do this. Than he spotted the small apprentice slip out between the stalks. He swallowed hard and put on a wispy smile. He would start with something simple, like Jaywind had taught him he would follow in his own mentors pawsteps. Maybe even shrikecall. The previous deputy had taught him much in the small time they had the chance to be friends. The massive marbled Bengal shook out his fur and gave his chest a few licks. "S- so I think maybe w- we should start with... Uhh.. H- hunting crouch?" he seemed to be questioning himself rather than his apprenitce. Why am I afraid? He's just a small apprentice. Just. Breath. Let it go. You can do this. the Tom paused for a brief moment before getting to his paws. First he should.. Uh I should explain it, than do it. Allow him to copy my movements and I'll critic. Yes. That's it.

Tigress June 21st, 2017 10:50 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Meadowpaw opened her dreary eyes. Her sleep had been restless and all she wanted was to lie in her nest all day. Maybe I'll go talk to Caracalpaw... The cream she-cat stretched her sore limbs and went out in search for her best friend.

@New Adventures
@ ✨Blue Wishes✨

Brilliance June 22nd, 2017 02:59 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Little Bird (Post 293703)
Well that was a hard question. Moth kit had many things she loved to do. She loved to help cats. She loved to play. She loved to daydream. She loved to wrestle, and play moss ball. It was a really hard choice. "Well... Lots of things really." Mothkit started, so not to leave a awkward silence. "I love to play." Mothkit said, picking the most general thing even though it probably sounded stupid.

Now Mothkit, like to keep conversations moving. She didn't like long silence, or short conversations, so decided on asking him a question. "What do you like to do, Lynxkit?" The female kit cocked her head to one side, hoping he would respond to her question instead of asking her to go into more detail.

(Sorry for the short reply, writers block)

Lynxkit twitched his nose. That was a vague answer. ''You just like to play?'' He repeated. He was sure Mothkit liked to do many things. Only she wasn't saying much about them. However, he didn't judge her. The tom adored playing as well. It was fun after all! Especially when someone else enjoyed it as much as him.

Whenever he weren't playing, he would be simply relaxing, allowing the day to waste. Sometimes he would watch the other cats, or the apprentices and can't wait for two moons to pass. It was when he was able to leave the nursery--full time, and began training to become a warrior. A warrior! Oh, how the tom was excited to become a warrior! He knew he would serve his clan with pride, and be happy to do it!

Lynxkit snapped his attention back to Mothkit, and he nodded at her. ''I like to do a lot of things,'' He purred. ''Mainly playing, being with my older half brother, or staring at the pretty she cats! I'm going to be just like my brother! He's my idol!'' Lynxkit stated proudly. Even though Hunterpaw wasn't his full brother, the young tom knew that Hunterpaw was a lot better than all their other siblings--half or full. ''Do you have a role model, Mothkit?''

{It's alright! I happens to the all of us >.<}

Dust June 22nd, 2017 04:28 AM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 294533)
Surgestorm stared at the entrance of his den for what seemed like hours, though it was probably just mere minutes in reality. His yellow eyes were glazed over with boredom, and he looked geniunely like he wanted to be anywhere else than where he was standing right now. The weather was improving, the birds were chirping, and he felt entirely and utterly confined to his den. In reality, it was such a slow day that he could obviously be out and about doing clanlife-like things. However, he had a duty to stay right here and wait, watching over his niece as she recovered. He didn't want to flaunt his ability to come and go, not while she was in her condition. But... he really wanted something interesting to do. StarClan, pleaaasssseeeeeee. Anythingggg. It probably wasn't really morally right to pray for somebody to get injured, but Surgestorm figured they wouldn't do too much harm.

Low and behold, Owlkit hobbles on in. Thank goodness, but this will the only time I will be happy to see a kit hurting. Surgestorm got to his paws, surveying the kit from afar probably long before the tom kit would notice him standing there. He got to see the kit's transition to obviously trying to act strong in the face of his paw injury, to the edge of a kitten-like breakdown. Here comes the guilt... He cleared his throat after the kitten called out to him, letting a soothing smile replace any traces of boredom. "Hi there, little guy." He meowed, padding over to his only patient of the day, letting the calm aura radiate from him in waves. "I see your paw is hurtin' ya. Why don't I take a look at it for you?" The medicine cat flopped down into a laying position so that he was actually just below eye-level with Owlkit, knowing it would help him not to intimidate.

Slightly startled by the medicine cat's sudden appearance --had he been looking away that long? He should have been able to hear him-- Owlkit's fur rose on end as he turned his head to take a glance at the new clan-mate, blinking away his tears. Surgestorm was quite large, compared to the kit at least, so, admittedly, he was intimidated right off the bat. Really, he didn't seem all that scary, so maybe he was ok? Perhaps a new friend? The reassurance from the waves of calmness rolling off the older cat certainly helped to relax the kit. It was almost tempting for the kit to mimic the medicine cats actions, but quicky deciding against it, Owlkit watched Surgestorm lower himself to the ground. This was going a lot better than he thought! It was nice to be at eye level and the kit couldn't help but grin, a quiet rumble in his chest as the other addressed his injury. It quickly dissolved as the a ripple of hot nerves radiated through-out his paw pad, which was quickly followed by a wince of pain. Turning his paw up, after taking a few moments to process Surge's words, the kit glanced away, another whimper sounding from his throat. It hurt more than it looked. His left paw-pad was swollen as anything, a faded shade of burnt sienna around the center. It was difficult for the kit to see if anything was lodged in the soft pad, but really it was just a thorn that had been left in far too long.

"My momma told me to come get it looked at, but I was too scared to go by myself." He admitted. Here he was though. All by himself! It was no doubt infected, but Owlkit found himself getting sick at the sight as the young tom glanced back at his paw before redirecting his attention to the medicine cat.

"Actually, I was worried my paw was going to fall off, but some other kit told me that it couldn't happen! What if they were wrong? What if it does fall off?!" The urgency in his voice ended up cracking during the last statement, his eyes turning into two large amber moons as his ears pinned back against his skull. It was kind of pathetic, but at the same time adorable. With a quick, shaky breath, the kit composed himself, shaking his head and whispering 'no I'm fine. I'm fine,' in an attempt to calm himself down. Nervous eyes fell back onto the black cat, as the kit offered his paw closer in a quick, authoritative motion.

"What's wrong with it? Can you fix it?" Despite his bombardment of silly questions, Owlkit was genuinely curious. Well... more worried than curious --this was life or death!--, but regardless he wanted to make sure he would live to see another day!

Cosmo June 22nd, 2017 06:37 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 296894)

Lynxkit twitched his nose. That was a vague answer. ''You just like to play?'' He repeated. He was sure Mothkit liked to do many things. Only she wasn't saying much about them. However, he didn't judge her. The tom adored playing as well. It was fun after all! Especially when someone else enjoyed it as much as him.

Whenever he weren't playing, he would be simply relaxing, allowing the day to waste. Sometimes he would watch the other cats, or the apprentices and can't wait for two moons to pass. It was when he was able to leave the nursery--full time, and began training to become a warrior. A warrior! Oh, how the tom was excited to become a warrior! He knew he would serve his clan with pride, and be happy to do it!

Lynxkit snapped his attention back to Mothkit, and he nodded at her. ''I like to do a lot of things,'' He purred. ''Mainly playing, being with my older half brother, or staring at the pretty she cats! I'm going to be just like my brother! He's my idol!'' Lynxkit stated proudly. Even though Hunterpaw wasn't his full brother, the young tom knew that Hunterpaw was a lot better than all their other siblings--half or full. ''Do you have a role model, Mothkit?''

{It's alright! I happens to the all of us >.<}

Mothkit scrunched up her nose trying to think if she had a role model. She was pretty sure she didn't, she didn't know many older cats. "I'm not sure I have one." Mothkit admitted with a shrug.

She knew on apprentice, Caracalpaw. Now Caracalpaw was a nice cat and all, but she was still not Mothkit's role model. Caracalpaw would play with her when she was younger, and tell her what it was like to be an apprentice, but really, she never payed mush attention to if Caracalpaw was her role model, only now when he brought it up.

For a moment Mothkit was jealous. His role model seemed so great, and she didn't even have one. She felt jealousy flare up inside her, but she kept it down, pressed so deep down it couldn't make it to her head, or mouth. "Hunterpaw seems like a great role model though." she said instead of the retort that was now so angry it hadn't been used.

Doodle June 22nd, 2017 11:13 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
(Open for anyone to jump in :))
Owlspark padded across the camp towards the entrance, intent on doing something productive. A hunting patrol sounded nice right about then, but the tom didn't have any cat to go with him. He paused beside the entrance, his bright green eyes raking over the cats in the clearing. Seemingly everyone was eating or preoccupied chatting with friends, and a flash of frustration rushed over him. How was it that there was not a single cat here that could accompany him? There was no way he was going out alone; he much preferred company with him at all times.

The brown tabby was careful to keep his frustration from showing. Rather, his signature smile curved his maw as he sat down, not planning on leaving until he found some cat- any cat- to go with him. Deciding it might be some time until he found someone, he brought his paw up and began a grooming session. His eyes darted up every few moments to do another sweep of the clearing before he would return his attention to making sure not a single patch of fur was out of place.

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