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Vessel January 22nd, 2020 01:27 PM

Re: The Starcave
@Moonraven @Fuzzy

Life one

The first to step up was a glimmering, pale gray she-cat with a white muzzle and icy blue eyes. She was more solid than most of the other Starclan cats gathered around; a clear sign that she had died more recently. Her gaze was stern and regretful.

"I am Moondrift. A warrior of Windclan in life, and a warrior of Windclan forevermore." She spoke with her head held high in a regal manner.

"When I still walked the moor, I possessed cunning, intelligence and beauty, just as you do." She paused, eyes filled with longing. "I vowed to myself that I would use it to one day better my clan. Alas, things did not go as I had planned. I killed my own clanmates due to hallucination and, in the end, it was a clanmate that killed me." She flicked her tail, choosing her next words carefully.

"I was also a loner and a spy. I snuck into other territories, valuing exploiting their weaknesses rather than directly focusing on my clan. I was also distant from my clanmates, and what I wanted my legacy to be died when I did. My skills were never used in a way that benefited my clan, and I can't watch you make the same mistake."

Moondrift took another step towards Twilightshine, internally wincing. Maybe I shouldn't exalt myself so much. After all, my little 'missions' were always duds.

"Take this life and use your skills to protect your clan, no matter what. Even if the path seems dark, or the methods seem dirty, you must stop at nothing to keep Windcan safe. And never, under any circumstances, harm a clanmate, no matter what
they may have done!"

Tears were now spilling down Moondrift's face, no matter how hard she tried to hold it back. It was hard speaking of her utter failure; she'd mostly avoided the topic since she died. Still, she reached forward and touched her nose to Twilightshine, lowering her voice to a whisper.

"I give you a life of loyalty. The loyalty that will stop at nothing to protect those you love and destroy those who threaten them. Don't you dare make the same mistakes I did."

With that, she closed her eyes and hoped that her life wouldn't hurt too bad.


She stepped back, allowing the next cat to give their life.

"I will watch over you, Twilightshine. Please, live the life I wish I had."

Starfall January 22nd, 2020 02:37 PM

Re: The Starcave

Life #2 @Moonraven
The russet molly sat quietly, a blank stare unwavering from the living feline that appeared. Windclan had yet another new leader? Her mouth twitched as Moondrift was the first to step up. The second the newest member of Starclan opened her mouth, the older drowned her out as she took in all the expressions of those around her. What should she look like? Sad? Proud? Excited? So many to choose from, so many emotions to pick and plaster on.

After a few moments she returned her deadpanned gaze onto Twilightshine, ears leaning forwards as she picked herself up. She made her way towards the pale molly before Moondrift finished speaking, her amber gaze resting on the younger warrior before dragging it back to the receiver of the lives. "Long winded." she gurgled.

The ginger tabby stopped in front of the soon to be Leader, paws together, tail flicking behind her. The ideal image of poise in her mind. "Hello Twilightshine, I am Emberdust." she said, gaze unwavering. No smile, no greeting head dip. She just stood there, head tipped upwards slightly. Her form was a little more faded compared to a few others, but she wasn't the oldest one here. Not by a long shot. "I wont tell you a sob story, frankly there's no need for it." she paused, looking back at the Warrior who went before her before proceeding. "So I will get right to the point. I am here to give you the life of Flexibility." her voice grew louder as she lowered her head, looking up at the Deputy through her lashes.

"Don't be afraid to stray from your long thought out plans, and take a different path to get to where you want." her expression didn't change. "Very few things in life come without a cost, be prepared to work around and even with your losses to get to your goal." with that she stepped forwards and pressed her nose against Twilightshine's doing her best to shove all of her dulled feelings of pain, joy, fear, and anger into the molly. Her emotions were no stronger than a smoldered flame, buried, dull, quiet. But they were there none the less.

With that Emberdust swiveled on her heels and made her way back towards her spot.

marshy January 22nd, 2020 04:57 PM

Re: The Starcave
Life Three
@Moonraven @Fuzzy

The calico She-cat stepped up and looked at Twilightshine. “Hopefully” She thought “She will lead Windclan better then Brightstar ever did.” She walked over to Twilightshine and Smiled. “Hello, I am Pebblepool.” She said. “I used to walk the plains of Windclan as you do right now, living the best life I could live. But, I had one flaw. It was myself before everyone else. I didn’t care about other cats, I only cared about myself. That, is what ultimately got me killed.

Pebblepool looked down, It wasn’t easy for her to recall her past, and to say it as well. She stood there for a few seconds, looking at the ground. Before she shook her head and looked back up at Twilightshine. “I was on a patrol, and foxes came out of no where. They attacked everyone on the patrol, I didn’t help, I ran away. Needless to say, Our leader at the time wasn’t too happy about that. Before I knew it, He had already killed me.” She looked down one more time, then looked up and touched Twilightshine’s head with her nose and said “With this life, I give you Selflessness. Use it to protect the cats of Windclan, and to make sure every cat is not left behind and all have their needs met. Use it so that you will not make the same mistakes I made.

Pebblepool then stepped back. “Twilightshine, may you lead better then any other leader of Windclan. And may you lead Windclan to greatness.

mochi January 22nd, 2020 08:00 PM

Re: The Starcave
Life Four
@Moonraven @Fuzzy

As Pebblepool returned to her spot, an unassuming molly got to her paws - a pleasant, yet somewhat amused light in her mismatched blue and yellow eyes. Her golden-brown tabby pelt was a bit more faded than some of the other ancestors, but something about the way she moved and the way her eyes gleamed gave her a youth that her transparent body didn't quite posses.

"Hello, Twilightshine." She purred in greeting as she came to a stop in front of the soon-to-be-leader. "I'm Sweetbreeze." She paused for a moment, before continuing with another soft look. "You probably don't remember me, you were only an apprentice when I left." Her gaze turned to land on something just beyond the circle of ancestors, and a warm smile blossomed across her features. "I left because I fell in love." She spoke, turning back to Twilightshine. "But he and I were from different clans, and that's frowned upon as you may know." She let out a little laugh at that, as if she hadn't committed a scandalous crime against the warrior code.

"So we left our clans to be together without fear of what our clanmates would say. And for a time we were happy. But..." She let out a sigh, a remorseful sadness starting to darken her naturally bright expression. "But when I was pregnant with our kit, my mate was discovered hunting on his old clan's territory. Prey was scarce, you see. He had gone out hunting again because I couldn't move in the state I was in."

"It...was an accident. They didn't mean to kill him, but it happened never-the-less." She took a deep breath, glancing once more outside the group for the one thing that could calm her nerves before starting again. "Not long after I had my son, I came down with some sickness that ate away at me. And it wasn't long after that before I lost the strength to take care of him." Her eyes glistened with the memory, but she took a deep breath and pulled herself together. "I love WindClan." She made eye contact with the fawn-gray she-cat, a fierce sort of commitment in her voice. "It was my home before I left, and I still consider it my home. So," she took a breath, the fierceness fading as a quiet resilience took it's place, "I gave my son the chance to become the warrior I failed to be." She shook her head and a light chuckle bubbled out of her chest. "Well, I believe that's enough rambling from a dead queen."

She looked back up at Twilightshine, but this time her gaze held a certain seriousness that hadn't been there before. "With this life, I give you the gift to cherish. Cherish the young ones, raise them well and in turn they will carry the clan to greatness long after you've gone."
She reached forward, gently pressing her nose against the future leader's.

A soft, comforting warmth would spread through Twilightshine, surrounding her like a young kit swaddled in its mothers fur. Then, without warning, it would turn white hot, a mixture of pride, anguish, pressure, and pain all rolled up into a bone-crackling intensity. But just as soon as the heat came, it would disappear, leaving a faint, lingering warmth throughout her body.

As Sweetbreeze took a step back, she smiled once more at Twilightshine, "Oh, and take care of my son would you? Goatkit can be a bit of a handful at times, but he means well." And with that, the queen turned and took her place once more among the ring of starry cats.

pidgeon January 22nd, 2020 08:34 PM

Re: The Starcave
@Moonraven @Fuzzy, @Undertaker

Life Five

Next to approach the new leader was a sleek, dark brown she-cat whose fur gleamed like the ocean. She was sturdy on her paws as she approached Twilightshine.

"Greetings, warrior. I am Minksprint." She spoke with a honey-smooth voice, before leaning forward to touch her nose to the she-cat's head. Twilightshine would be whirled into a memory. She would see from the perspective of this long-dead warrior, a tragedy.

The moorland was vast, stretching on towards the beach and the sea. Eyes straining into focus, two cats could be seen on the shore. In the distance, the boisterous barking of a dog, loose from its twolegs. The barking is closer and closer. Minksprint freezes in fear, wanting to call out a warning to the cats, but her moment of hesitation would cost them their lives. The new leader would then be pulled back into the present moment, seconds before the attack.

"With this life, I give you certainty. The certainty to know when to act. Do not hesitate in moments of high stress. You must know what you need to do, and act on it." And with that, the starry warrior fell back into line with the rest of StarClan's ranks.

Undertaker January 22nd, 2020 10:47 PM

Re: The Starcave
Life #6
@Moonraven @Fuzzy

His paws refused to remain still as he waited for cat after cat to give their life. He's never been all that great with the whole patience stuff. As soon as Minkspirit step back in line he shot forwards in a similar fashion to the name of the clan he once served. He barely managed to avoid colliding with the she-cat as a goofy toothy smile crossed his face. He stood as tall and broad as he did the day he left her, his long ruffled russet coat gleaming like ice. The strange light that encompassed his translucent body flickered steadily like a flame on a candle. His emerald eyes nearly identical to her own with the exception that his shine like the stars themselves.

"Look at you, all grown up and a clan leader at that! Hahaha! Out of all of us, I never thought you'd be leading Windclan one day." He teased, recalling fondly the lethargic kit that was too lazy to even bother nursing from her mother. So lazy that she didn't bother with making connections with those around her nor caring in general for much of anything. Hawkflame wouldn't lie, out of all of their siblings, he was the proudest of Twilightshine right now. She had really changed.

"You know I thought that I'd be where you are one day." There was a tinge of jealousy in his words, but he didn't regret what he had done that day. He was happy for his little sister, Windclan clearly needs her more then they need him. "I've accepted my fate, you should too." He adds to ensure that he did not mean to guilt-trip the young cat. "As much as I want to reminisce with you, we don't have the time and if I remember right you're rather picky about how you use it."

It had taken him a while to decide just what he wanted to give her after learning she'd be visiting. Staring down at molly he took in a deep breath and leaned down to touch noses with her. "You're getting the life of Inspiration. Whether you're stuck in a tight spot, want to make some improvements, or need to get some of your unmotivated clanmates moving, with this life use it to inspire them. Fill them with the passion needed to bring Windclan back from the rut it's stuck in."

It started out small like an ember, filling Twilightshine with his hope, wishes, and desires, before sparking into a full-fledge flame caught on gasoline. All that rage, disappointment, and fear came out like wildfire and just as destructive. Hawkflame pulled away, the flames dying leaving the faintest touch of excitement, his love, and his passion behind. Now he was going to have to watch over her even closer. Hawkflame peered down at her with the gentlest of smirks.

"You'll make a great leader, Sis, try not to screw it up." He taunted, moving away from her. "A word to the wise, Sister, desisted isolating yourself. You're going to need them one day." He didn't bother explaining as he returned to his place among the Starclan ranks.

dino. January 23rd, 2020 04:38 AM

Re: The Starcave

Life Seven
[ @Moonraven @Fuzzy ]

By the stars, if he was going to do something worthwhile in the afterlife, he figured it might as well be something notable. Cats were already gathering around WindClan's soon-to-be leader, and Barkprowl realized he should probably hurry up if he wanted to have a chance at this.
The mottled brown tom's mouth turned dry as he entered the crowd, but he forced himself to ignore her, instead pushing past the throngs of cats to get to the front. Finally, he stood in front of Twilightshine, his expression solemn.
"My name is Barkprowl," he began, fixing the she-cat with a hard stare. "I was alive before your time, so it is highly unlikely you have heard of me, but I am here to offer you guidance nonetheless."
He leaned forward and briefly tapped his nose to hers. "The life I bequeath to you is the life of trust. You may be WindClan's leader, but you are not there to control them. You are there to watch over and guide them. At times, you may become frustrated and suspicious, but you must remember that they are your family, not your adversaries. Have faith in your Clanmates decisions. Trust they know the right path. If you find they are truly lost, do not turn them away out of fear. You are their guide, not their dictator; help them return to righteousness."
He drew back, his normally blue eyes now filled with milky starlight. "If you refuse to trust your Clanmates, in time, they will grow to lose faith in you. Do not make the same mistake I did."

BEAR. January 23rd, 2020 11:47 AM

Re: The Starcave
What the HELL was this?

All of these lives were PATHETIC, with even more weak and boring reasoning behind them. It probably didn't help half the damn cats preached 'don't make the same mistakes I did!' No wonder StarClan didn't do dung, if this was the best they had to offer to a new leader. Flintstar's stupidity was beginning to make sense.

Mountaingrowl was glad he wasn't stuck with this lot. The aura of power and malice that radiated off of him was a stark difference between him and the others, and he loved it. Twilightshine might think his death was the end of his plague on WindClan, but he liked to think he was just getting started. So many young she-cats he could visit in their dreams..

And as he approached the pretty lilac she-cat with the reek of blood and death around him, his muzzle was twisted in a smirk.

"My wild chicory," his purr was a deep rumble. "Did you miss me, girl? That little stint in your den earlier was fun, a shame we couldn't continue it with just the two of us.." Because in that scenario, Mountaingrowl knew he would've been able to easily overpower the smaller she-cat. What a delight that would have been, putting her in her place.

Mountaingrowl closed the distance between them, his muzzle pressed against the top of her head as he transferred his life to her: oh, she smell as good as she looked. "I give you the life of AGGRESSION. I saw you in the den. You stayed back and let your Clan-mate choke with my fangs in her throat." His gaze flickered over to where Brightsky stood. "Oh, I'm sure you thought yourself so clever, but bein' passive ain't gonna get you ahead in this world, sweetheart. You're gonna see a lot more dead cats doin' that than Sunflower over there."

Taking a step back, he made a clear wink at Twilightshine before he returned to the row of spirits. "Don't think this is the last of me, sugar. I always liked a challenge."

[ @Moonraven, @Fuzzy ]

Fuzzy January 24th, 2020 12:48 AM

Re: The Starcave

Brightsky… that was a beautiful name that she honestly never thought of having. She'd been so caught up in the moment. Of getting Twilight her lives, possibly dying and doing what was best for WindClan. She didn't even stop to think what her name would be. Honestly she was glad she wasn't going back to being Buttercupbreeze. She was a new cat. Striving to be totally different from what she'd been with that name. Reclaiming it would feel like she was going back to that life. It wasn't what she wanted.
Her mouth gapped a bit at the offer to give Twilightshine a life. To give her something to help WindClan personally. That was something she'd never even thought of. At least she'd be the ninth life. She had eight lives to think this over and pick a life. To figure out what would be best suited for the new leader.
These lives moved faster then hers had. Much faster. On cat after another, each giving encouragement and a word to share with Twilightshine. This just felt right. Maybe it was an 'in the moment' feeling but this just felt better and better the closer things came. Twilightshine was about to officially be leader of WindClan! Everything was falling into place.
Him!? Brightsky outwardly cringed at the sight of Mountaingrowl. Why was he here? She wanted that first and last encounter to be just that. The first and last encounter. She just had to show her teeth to the tom as he glanced at her. Gosh! Sunflower? Him and his gross nicknames! She felt bad for Twilight, having to put up with that brute. It was nasty. He was a total creep!
The creamy molly let out a sigh. It was her turn already. Now that that creep was gone she took his place. Stepping up as the others have done.
This was actually a bit awkward. She didn't actually know what to say... they had come here together and would leave here together. She didn't have a story like the others. Nothing to say. So, she just winged it.
"I honestly never thought I'd do something like this." Brightsky admitted standing in front of the new leader. It was true, even after death she didn't think she'd do leader ceremonies. Then again she never really thought of her after life...
Pressing her nose to the lilac molly's head Bright put her words together. "With this life I give you the life of productivity." The former leader meowed. "With the state WindClan is in we need a productive leader leading us. Use this life to bring WindClan up and form it into a strong clan. Put out patrols, lead patrols, make cats hunt. Just get everyone to stop being lazy kits! I'm included in this." Brightsky explained before stepping back.
This really was the final moment. Was Twilightshine scared? Worried? Maybe excited? Bright wasn't sure but this was the last few words to complete the ceremony. Only thing was, she didn't know the appropriate words. Blazingstar had named her leader using a name changing ceremony but Brightsky felt that was wrong. So, she would just say what came to mind... Hopefully that was good enough.
"Twilightshine, with you're nine lives you are now officially leader of WindClan. Congratulations!" She smiled. "I now appoint you, your new name. From now on you shall be known as Twilightstar! May you lead WindClan well and honor you role as its leader." Brightsky let out, feeling that was ceremony like enough. Right? She really didn't know.
"With me by your side I hope you bring WindClan to greatness and we can bring a fire to our Clan and the cats within it. So that they have a new passion to build WindClan up. I know you're the right cat for this." The creamy warrior added. With that Brightsky cast a glance around the starry clearing. Would they chant her name? She wasn't sure.

Moonraven January 24th, 2020 02:05 PM

Re: The Starcave

As the first cat step forwards the name Moondrift sounded vaguely familiar to her. She got the explanation as to why moments after the thought implanted itself into her head. She was one of the cats they lost not long ago. Though the name held so weight, Twilightshine didn't know her personally she would have remembered a cat who held herself as high as this one did. Hearing of her little adventures of spying on the other clans brought forth her own schemes that she had squashed not long after stepping foot on Breezerock. Her clanmates weren't made to be spies, clearly. Moondrift added some emotional flare to her story, Twilight hoped not every cat was going to break down in tears, the tears did little to move her although words brought some impact. There was no wrong or right, dark or light, with Twilightshine. Naturally, she'd protect her clan with everything she had even if made her the bad guy in the end. However, she doubted she'd able to make sure she wouldn't hurt a clanmate, especially if she felt like this clan mate was a threat to the clan. She'd have to annihilate them and she wouldn't feel a drop of remorse nor guilt about it. She took the life of loyalty without a word, not completely pleased about it but not unsatisfied with it either. Loyalty wasn't something she felt she needed but she wasn't going to debate with Starclan about it.

The next she-cat walked up and got straight to the point, this cat she name didn't ring any bells so it was safe to assume she had been before Twilightshine's time. It was nice to know that she wasn't the only one who felt a sob story was necessary. Then again, Moondrift had recently died Twilightshine didn't know what that felt like so she wouldn't place much blame for the former cat's tears. Flexibility? This one she felt like she would make much use of. She'd keep Emberdust's advice to work around losses and that little in life came without a price. This life felt different from the first, like a small jolt of something coursed through her body. The sensations that came with it were fleeting and startling. Twilightshine was barely able to keep herself from pulling away from her touch. Nobody said anything this weird emotion thing. A mild scowl crossed her maw as Emberdust backed away, was she going to have to deal with that every time?

Well, wasn't someone blunt?! "Thanks?" She replied, uncertain if what the calico was said was a compliment or not. Anyone who actually did something would lead the clan better then Brightstar. Pebblepool was odd. She twitched her tail, as the dead cat retold her tail on how she made her way to Starclan. So basically the she-cat was a coward who ran away when she should have helped her patrol and her leader killed her for it? Twilightshine was conflicted with that, no one wanted to died or at least most didn't want to die. Yet that didn't mean abandon clanmates and think of yourself first. There were pieces of Pebblepool's story that were missing so Twilightshine didn't try to dwell on it for too long. Selflessness another life she'd probably have trouble making use of. Twilightshine was more take care of the whole over the one, but she'd do her best to learn from Pebblepool's mistakes as she would with every other cat here.

As yet another she-cat joined her, what was up with all the she-cats? Twilightshine saw that she seemed kind of happy for some unknown reason. Like with the others who came before her, the lilac molly gave a faint dip of her head in greeting. The vague look on her face scrunched itself up and gave way to confusion when the odd eyed tabby said they knew each other. Sweetbreeze was correct she didn't remember her all that much. Twilightshine was dealing with her own stuff during her apprenticeship so the dead cat shouldn't take it personally. Love, Twilight didn't understand why cats were so willing to give up so much or something like love. Perhaps it was because she's never experienced and no desire to, but the thought of losing one's self and become idiotic terrified her. No one cat should hold so much power over another cat that they lose their logic.
Why in the world would they leave their clans when food was scarce? Why did this tom hunt in how old territory would it have been a little safer to hunt int the outskirts? There were so many more questions jumping around in the leader's mind but she put them to rest. It was already done she should really stop questioning what couldn't be changed. Twilghtshine didn't doubt Sweethbreeze's words when she said she loved Windclan, she just didn't understand the deceased Queen's actions.
Cherish? Yet another foreign life that inflicted emotions that didn't belong to her. It started out nice and then felt like someone was tearing out her claws one by one. Did every leader really have to deal with this emotional rollercoaster? Sweetbreeze was the last cat she expected to have all that negativity bundle up inside, it merely proved that Twilight shouldn't judge a book by its cover. It took her a little bit longer to recover from Sweetbreeze's gift, she nearly missed the name Goatkit being tossed over the older feline's shoulder as she left. So that's who's mom she was, as long as Goatkit remained in Windclan she'd do her best to look after him alongside the other countless cats in Windclan that would now be looking at her for her leadership.

As Minkspirit stepped up she was expecting another straight to the point cat, instead, she got stuck inside some weird dream. It was like some out of body experience that she would have rather not done. This memory or whatever it was rattled Twilightshine a bit more then she wanted to let on. It reminded her of a certain someone who fell in a similar manner. She was overjoyed when it ended, the fur along her spine stood on end as her ears were plastered against her head. She prayed that she'd never had to experience anything like that again. Twilightshine would rather deal with the emotion-inducing lives. This one gave her certainty, the words weren't overly helpful but she got the gist of it. She refrained from sticking her tongue out at Minkspirit as she retreated back to the lineup. Twilightshine's hatred of dogs now furthered increased thanks to her. Word of mouth would have worked just as fine as whatever it was the she-cat had done to her.

Hey! She knew him! The molly didn't move as a familiar face hurtled himself at her. That was how he greeted her when he was alive too, just threw himself at her. It was so very infuriating especially when he weighted like a billion pounds more than her. Twilight had been anticipating meeting Hawkflame up here so was as startled as most cats might be to see their deceased sibling. She's never been one for reunions so she listened as her brother threw his little jabs and taunts here and there.
Hawkflame certainly looked like he was doing well for a dead guy. There was a mild twitch of her whiskers as he unintentionally reminded her why he'd never get to live out his dream. She ignored the whole accepting thing, Twilightshine didn't blame herself for much unless she truly felt that it was her fault. There was still just a hint of responsibility that would always remain with her from Hawkflame's departure. She was glad that he was quick to move on and give her a life. Inspiration, somewhat befitting for someone like him. As was the lava of hot emotions he dumped on her as well. The lean muscles underneath her pelt spasmed under the onslaughter of baggage she forced upon her. It was about as bad as Minkspirit's dreamscape. What was with these sadistic starclan cats? It dimmed enough for her to catch her brother's last words. They caused her to roll her eyes as she straightened herself. He was always worrying about things like family even in death. Moron.

Barkprowl? Funny name. By the time the last life settled alongside the others another tom was marching up to her. Considering that she had very little knowledge of more than half the cats here, Twilight wasn't shocked to meet another face she didn't know. She sat waiting for this tom to guide her, hopefully without pain involved. Trust? Really?! She didn't bother objecting as the tom bestowed her with advice that she didn't like but would accept. So he just wanted her to blindly trust her clanmates? That was going to be difficult, Twilightshine barely trusts herself. She didn't think her clan needed someone to guide them they needed a leader, someone to tell them what to. He obviously failed to view the last Windclan meeting. Windclan's blind trust would have led them to ruin if Brightsky had decided to swap ranks with her. She took Barkprowl's life and advice with a grain of salt.

A grimace mixed with absolute loathing settled on her face when the next cat showed up. "You have some serious problems." She grumbled underneath her breath as Mountaingrowl shows up. If he was stalking her even in death this went way beyond obsession. It was clear he was no Starclan cat, so why was he even allowed here? Could he go creepy on someone else's ceremony? He smelt as gross as he looked, she was both appalled and disturbed with his horrible nicknames - why the hell was she a chicory? She faintly wondered what in the world had made Mountaingrowl so messed up? Maybe he had some mommy issues that he took out on she-cats? She wouldn't be shocked if he had been born messed up.
It took a tone of willpower to keep herself still when he got into her personal space. He reeked like death, she let growl of discomfort bubble from her chest and escape her closed maw as her fangs exposed them. Could you kill a cat a second time? She really wanted to see if she could tear out his throat. Did he disappear then cause that would be sososo nice. Like him, his life of aggression made her want to vomit. Starclan had a security issue that should look into if Dark Forest cats were allowed to just walk up on in here and give out lives. She throws him a vicious hiss as he walked away, could she neuter him in her dream? Was that possible? She was going to make it possible if he showed his ugly mug around her again.

Finally, it was the last life. Getting these things was physically and mentally draining, which she had thought would be the opposite considering she was being filled with life but whatever. She offered Brightsky a semi smile as she walked up. Brightsky never thought she'd be giving one life and Twilightshine never thought she'd be a leader, weird. Productivity? Hmm, she decided that Brightsky's life might be her favorite. She chuckled lightly at the irony in all of this, Brightsky wanted one of the laziest cats in Windclan to make sure the rest of the clan wasn't lazy. She found it funny, Twilight would take it to heart. Once she received her final life and name, Twilightstar didn't feel all that different. Not sure why she was awaiting so huge difference, but she had been, now she felt a little cheated. Welp, now she had literally hung a noose around her neck and there was no going back. Whether Windclan learned how to fly or plunged in nothingness she was tethered to it. With a roll of her shoulders, the she-cat rose determinedly to her paws. "Come on let's go home." She meowed to her deputy, time to go see if they could make a difference.

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