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val December 28th, 2022 04:02 AM

Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by ~Half-A-Witch-Ace~ (Post 1337583)
Cloud shrugged “We scared him for a couple days! He HATES Chotto and has only seen his ‘bad side’!” She said.

Oh. Well, so much for fear. Spider began grooming themselves, fixing the groove left by his collar. They still felt its ghost there, oddly enough. "Okay," he mewed in between licks. Finishing, he turned his head into the wind, observing absolutely nothing.

lem~ December 30th, 2022 09:51 AM

Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by val (Post 1337584)
Oh. Well, so much for fear. Spider began grooming themselves, fixing the groove left by his collar. They still felt its ghost there, oddly enough. "Okay," he mewed in between licks. Finishing, he turned his head into the wind, observing absolutely nothing.

“Me and Chotto should get moving!” Cloud said, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “If you ever want help finding your sister, just let us know! I know what it feels like to lose a family!” She added whilst sitting up.

val December 30th, 2022 12:16 PM

Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by ~Half-A-Witch-Ace~ (Post 1338934)
“Me and Chotto should get moving!” Cloud said, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “If you ever want help finding your sister, just let us know! I know what it feels like to lose a family!” She added whilst sitting up.

Spider stood, nodding softly. It was odd, but he hated to part ways with cats, especially all alone out in the forest. And they had a feeling they would never find their sister. But that was just him. "Okay, uh, bye. Thanks for the uh collar thing? Yeah," they said, giving a little smile. And then Spider turned and went on his way to who knows where.

lem~ December 30th, 2022 12:25 PM

Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by val (Post 1339050)
Spider stood, nodding softly. It was odd, but he hated to part ways with cats, especially all alone out in the forest. And they had a feeling they would never find their sister. But that was just him. "Okay, uh, bye. Thanks for the uh collar thing? Yeah," they said, giving a little smile. And then Spider turned and went on his way to who knows where.

Chotto and Cloud walked away as well, after having to drag Chotto away from his “friend”.

beau January 3rd, 2023 06:30 PM

Re: Rugged Range
Orchidmoon lay crouched in a bush, eyes narrowed as she watched a rat, slowly but surely it creeping closer to her hiding spot. She had to give credit to twolegs - she didn’t think their weak brains capable of making such an irritating device as a bell. The collar she had been adorned with moons ago still hung smugly around her neck, though the frayed fabrics and clawmarks were proof of Orchidmoon’s resistance.

She was finally able to break free of that stars-forsaken place that they called the twolegplace, and her paws were itching to return home; despite her urgency, she thankfully had not losses her common sense the way kittypets seemed to, and knew the only respectable way to return was with prey. So here she was, having been crouched in a bush for hours, waiting for prey to wander by. Her bell was a dead giveaway, so she had taken this new, albeit much less efficient, hunting strategy of letting the prey come to her.

Two more steps.. she silently urged the rodent. It complied, but was still just a touch to far. One more step and…. SNAP. Orchidmoon sprang from the bush, landing neatly on the squealing rodent and killing it swiftly. Not a bad catch for Leafbare. The molly picked up the rat and began the trek home, that horrible bell announcing her arrival to all the forest.

[ not open ]

Madelaine January 12th, 2023 09:11 PM

Re: Rugged Range
Female[she/her] - Post 1

Moving further and further away from the two-leg place the young molly felt like it was forever since she left. Her collar clanked and rang with each step. How was she supposed to remain quiet when this stupid thing made so much noise. Dovey flopped down on the ground on her side and moved her feet up towards her neck. She began kick at it like she was playing with a cat toy.

When that didn't work to get it off she rolled along the ground, biting and clawing at the collar. When that didn't seem to work Dovey stood up and pulled on it with her teeth. She managed to get it a bit loose, but the thing just wouldn't come off. She relaxed herself before using one of her front paws to tray and pull at it.

Not working the molly attempted to pull her paw out, but it manged to get tangled inside. Panicking Dovey pulled and pulled, which made it worse. She felt her wind pipes close up as the collar and her paw forced its way to her neck. She gasped for air. She wanted to cry for help, but it wouldn't work. Even if it did she was deaf and couldn't hear it.

┌─────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ───────┐
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occultation January 12th, 2023 10:10 PM

Re: Rugged Range

Frost carefully traversed the craggy cliffs that ran parallel to the ocean. Waves crashed against the rocks, throwing up foam and filling his ears with a pleasant noise. He was quite some distance from his own territory, the first time he'd left it in moons.

His territory had grown rather boring. The same trees, rocks, and dirt, all day, every day. So, he'd decided to head out on a little journey and see what was out there in the world. His strong muscles tensed and shifted beneath his dark pelt as he picked his way around.

Frost wasn't sure what exactly he was down here by the sea for, but it was refreshing. The salty smell of the sea was nothing short of refreshing.

But, he was growing tired. It would do him well to find a spot to sleep for the night.

The young tom bounded up a slope he caught sight of, finding his way back onto higher ground. The soft, albeit dead, grass beneath his paws was pleasurable on his sore and tired pawpads.

Frosty eyes scanned the area, both for threats and for a good spot to bed down for the evening. He saw neither of those. Instead, he caught sight of a cat, struggling on the ground with their own paw against their neck. Squinting, Frost realized the cat's own paw was trapped beneath their collar.

At first, Frost was highly tempted to just leave the cat. What sort of useless cat got stuck in their own collar? But, he caught sight of the terror and desperation on her face. That look triggered something deep inside of him; whatever small amount of compassion was buried under layers of aggression and desperation. This cat hadn't harmed him, or attempted to.

Setting his jaw, he bounded forward. If the molly would let him, he would hook his front paws in her collar and attempt to free her. He reached his paws up toward her collar.

( @Angelique )

Glade January 13th, 2023 12:09 AM

Re: Rugged Range
Nyx was looking for a good place to spend the night. She didn’t have a set place to stay, she got tired of permanent dens all too quickly, so she lived a very nomadic lifestyle. A good sized rabbit hung from her jaws as she padded along quietly, hoping it wouldn’t too cold tonight. She really should try to find a place to stay in the twolegplace until it got warmer. At least there there were alleys and other places to duck into to stay out of the wind and cold.


val January 14th, 2023 12:57 AM

Re: Rugged Range
any pronouns
dusty brown w/ dark leopard spots, gold eyes
Orion perked up in his nest, catching the scent of...something? She stood and tasted the air. Another cat and some fresh-kill? They stretch and shake out their back leg before traversing the rocky-ish range. After spotting the other cat, Orion approached them loudly, hoping she didn't come as a surprise. Should they say hello? The other cat had to know he was there by now. He probably should. "Hello," he meowed politely. Orion studied the rabbit, admiring the catch. They appreciated a good catch and an equally good hunter.

Glade January 19th, 2023 12:38 PM

Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by val (Post 1348474)
any pronouns
dusty brown w/ dark leopard spots, gold eyes
Orion perked up in his nest, catching the scent of...something? She stood and tasted the air. Another cat and some fresh-kill? They stretch and shake out their back leg before traversing the rocky-ish range. After spotting the other cat, Orion approached them loudly, hoping she didn't come as a surprise. Should they say hello? The other cat had to know he was there by now. He probably should. "Hello," he meowed politely. Orion studied the rabbit, admiring the catch. They appreciated a good catch and an equally good hunter.

(Sorry it took me forever to respond, I got really sick and couldn’t post)

Nyx stopped and raised her head as she was approached by the other cat and she looked a bit skeptical. When they didn’t seem to want her catch however she got a bit more relaxed and nodded her head in a greeting, dropping the rabbit so she could talk. “Hello.” She said, returning the greeting. The other cat seemed nice enough though you never really knew. “My name’s Nyx, what’s yours?” She inquired curiously.

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