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lone October 12th, 2017 05:27 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
The Bengal sat in the clearing, almost unable to process what had just happened. An apprentice? He had an apprentice? This was his first apprentice, and he was thinking about how the best way to teach the younger cat. It had been so long since he was last an apprentice, 30 moons now, and it was difficult for him to remember what exactly he had been doing back then. Okay... so he should probably start with getting to know Nettlepaw, and perhaps taking him around the territory and borders. If the tom was like every other cat, chances were that already been out into the territory, but it was pretty much tradition - he felt like he almost owed the younger cat the chance to head out there with his mentor. Rare was the occasion when Ocelotpath was really nervous, but he remembered them. When he had been about to ask his beloved Moondancer to be his mate, when he had first realized his feelings for her, when she had been stripped of her position as deputy. Meeting her own Mother and siblings had been a pretty nerve-wracking experience again, but Ocelotpath had found himself becoming more and more worried since he had become a father and had a family. He wondered what Nettlepaw's family was like - but he supposed he would be learning soon enough.

@Random Melody

dionysus October 12th, 2017 05:42 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402369)

Goldenstar almost jumped in surprise as he saw the she-cat, however, he managed to calm himself down, and smile. “Yes, I was actually,” he said warmly. Her eyes were just like his-two different colors. That’s what he had found intriguing about the She-Cat in the first place. You didn’t see cats with two different eyes very often, but, well, sometimes it happened. Either way, he pushed that away, a cat wasn’t just based on their appearance after all, there were many things under that. “So...do you want any advice?” He asked cautiously. There could be two different responses, maybe three. One was she would refuse it, two was she would ask for some, three was she wouldn’t really know if she needed help. Either way, he was preparing a response for all three, waiting to see what the She-Cat said for the time being.

Halfgaze noticed some surprise in the leader and wondered with amusement if she'd accidentally sneaked up on him. Goldenstar seemed rather put together, despite his moment of surprise, and answered her question with a warm statement of affirmation to which she simply nodded. The tortoiseshell wasn't terribly sure if she should say anything, but deciding that the nod was enough, Halfgaze waited for Goldenstar to address his business. His one golden eye, the source of his warrior name, caught her attention and she couldn't help but smile. As a younger cat, she had been very self conscious about her odd eyes - one blue, the other green - but then, when she was still a new warrior, Goldenstar had been appointed deputy. Seeing another cat with odd eyes in a position of authority had lifted Halfgaze's self-esteem, though she still had the split face. Both her eyes and dual-colored face were a sensitive topic for the feline. Now that she was deputy, Halfgaze felt a sort of kinship with the tom, who had a similar condition to her own. At Goldenstar's words, Halfgaze nodded seriously, all business. "Actually, yes," she answered, "I don't have questions as much as a general feeling like I'm doing this wrong. Is that how it was for you?" As she finished speaking, a question occurred to her and Halfgaze added, "Also, I don't feel as though I have much authority over my fellow warriors, since I was one of them only a few short days ago. How can I earn their respect and still do my duties without acting patronizing or condescending?"

Random Melody October 12th, 2017 06:19 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 402404)
The Bengal sat in the clearing, almost unable to process what had just happened. An apprentice? He had an apprentice? This was his first apprentice, and he was thinking about how the best way to teach the younger cat. It had been so long since he was last an apprentice, 30 moons now, and it was difficult for him to remember what exactly he had been doing back then. Okay... so he should probably start with getting to know Nettlepaw, and perhaps taking him around the territory and borders. If the tom was like every other cat, chances were that already been out into the territory, but it was pretty much tradition - he felt like he almost owed the younger cat the chance to head out there with his mentor. Rare was the occasion when Ocelotpath was really nervous, but he remembered them. When he had been about to ask his beloved Moondancer to be his mate, when he had first realized his feelings for her, when she had been stripped of her position as deputy. Meeting her own Mother and siblings had been a pretty nerve-wracking experience again, but Ocelotpath had found himself becoming more and more worried since he had become a father and had a family. He wondered what Nettlepaw's family was like - but he supposed he would be learning soon enough.

@Random Melody

Nettlepaw allowed his intent eyes to flicker around the clearing, looking for his mentor. Ocelotpath... Yes. Okay, there he was. The new apprentice straightened, shaking out his fur, before padding forward. He crossed the clearing in long, confident strides toward the warrior, offering a brilliant smile. "Greetings." The Singapura meowed clearly, ears pricked and his blue eyes wide and attentive. "What are we going to do today?" He questioned, tail twitching as his eyes drifted toward the entrance to the camp. His ears were pricked, curious. Of course he'd seen most of the territory, but just barely. He'd been more intent on getting to safety than exploring.

aleka! October 12th, 2017 07:14 PM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402216)

Goldenstar nodded slowly. Another kittypet, like Bella, like Nightpaw, a lot of the interactions he had were with Kittypets actually, that was something he had started to notice. Not that he really cared, but still. He felt bad for Ink either way, not being able to have any real friends must’ve been hard for him. He knew what it was like not to have friends, but it was mostly because he had always been really awkward around others, and that made it hard for him to interact. “Well,” He said after a moment, “Welcome to Shadowclan,” He said warmly, “We’ll get you a mentor, and then you’ll be on your way!” He added, smiling. He didn’t really know what else to say, just smiling for the time being.

Ink hadn't really quite expected it be this... easy to join ShadowClan, if that even really was the right wording for it. "Wait, uh- how will until I don't need a mentor? He asked, standing up, smiling back. He really was only about eight moons old himself, and he swear that he saw a cat that looked just about his age while he was shambling quickly along towards the den. He couldn't help but feel a pick of guilt. He really could of waited at his former home if he wanted to, for another kittypet to suddenly just pop up. I really do hope that my old housefolk get another feline to live with them... The tom thought with a silent sigh.

:blue: October 12th, 2017 07:17 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 402416)
Halfgaze noticed some surprise in the leader and wondered with amusement if she'd accidentally sneaked up on him. Goldenstar seemed rather put together, despite his moment of surprise, and answered her question with a warm statement of affirmation to which she simply nodded. The tortoiseshell wasn't terribly sure if she should say anything, but deciding that the nod was enough, Halfgaze waited for Goldenstar to address his business. His one golden eye, the source of his warrior name, caught her attention and she couldn't help but smile. As a younger cat, she had been very self conscious about her odd eyes - one blue, the other green - but then, when she was still a new warrior, Goldenstar had been appointed deputy. Seeing another cat with odd eyes in a position of authority had lifted Halfgaze's self-esteem, though she still had the split face. Both her eyes and dual-colored face were a sensitive topic for the feline. Now that she was deputy, Halfgaze felt a sort of kinship with the tom, who had a similar condition to her own. At Goldenstar's words, Halfgaze nodded seriously, all business. "Actually, yes," she answered, "I don't have questions as much as a general feeling like I'm doing this wrong. Is that how it was for you?" As she finished speaking, a question occurred to her and Halfgaze added, "Also, I don't feel as though I have much authority over my fellow warriors, since I was one of them only a few short days ago. How can I earn their respect and still do my duties without acting patronizing or condescending?"

Goldenstar had tensed up for a moment, unsure whether he had said something wrong or not, however, once Halfgaze had responded, he felt a lot better. It was almost funny how anxious he could get over stupid things, such as interacting with someone. He really needed to control it, but then again, he didn’t want to attract any more attention than what was already on him. “You’re not doing anything wrong, trust me,” he started off, smiling. “You just interact with them like there wasn’t any sort of power on either of your shoulders,” he added. “Just because you’re a deputy doesn’t mean you can’t relax, and just be a normal cat,” he said. Part of that was to make Halfgaze feel better, the other way was to try and convince himself through all of this. “You do your duties when you need to, but don’t let it interfere with your social life,” he said, smiling. “Don’t stress yourself out!” That was how he simply finished, knowing that was pretty much the main rule. “I like how you’re doing the patrols,” he complemented after a moment, as he really was amazed with how the she-cat did it. He had never been good at it personally, as he was afraid to call out names and such, but the way Halfgaze did it had him in awe, still smiling as he stood next to Halfgaze.

:blue: October 12th, 2017 07:22 PM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 402488)

Ink hadn't really quite expected it be this... easy to join ShadowClan, if that even really was the right wording for it. "Wait, uh- how will until I don't need a mentor? He asked, standing up, smiling back. He really was only about eight moons old himself, and he swear that he saw a cat that looked just about his age while he was shambling quickly along towards the den. He couldn't help but feel a pick of guilt. He really could of waited at his former home if he wanted to, for another kittypet to suddenly just pop up. I really do hope that my old housefolk get another feline to live with them... The tom thought with a silent sigh.

Goldenstar was quiet, as he saw that Ink looked a little surprised. Well, he still needed to fully prove he was good enough for the clan life, but for now, he sounded pretty much like every other cat joining the clan. “Well, it depends how long it takes you to learn everything,” he said, answering Ink’s question. “It could be anywhere between maybe until you’re 12 or 18 moons,” he shrugged, “Maybe longer, maybe shorter,” he tried to explain, unsure how to really do that without say8ng something wrong. Ink looked pretty young nonetheless, and that was a good thing, as that meant it would be easier for him to learn. However, he would need a good mentor to help him. Well, Golden could make that decision later, waiting to see if the tom had any other questions.

graves October 12th, 2017 07:36 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Charmer (Post 398495)
After the two sat in silence for a time, Nightpaw lifted her paw and nudged the medicine cat slightly. "I think that's enough serious talk for one day, don't you think?" she said, getting to her paws. "Skunkbelly hasn't taught me any fighting moves yet." Or really done much of anything with me besides given me a tour of Riverclan territory, she thought bitterly. She pushed the thought aside. "Think you have time to show me a move or two? How surprised would he be to see that this kittypet knows a trick or two," she meowed, playfully couching as if about to pounce on Daypaw where they sat. "That is unless I'm too scary," she meowed teasingly.

Daypaw rolled their eyes in a scoff,¨Scary, I think you forget I was almost a warrior once. a moon away from my warrior name.¨ daypaw hadnt always been a medcat, actually. they knew most of the things warriors did and could defend their selves well. it had been so long since theyd even practice any of it, they could sharpen up on their skills. ¨I dont mind taking you to the territory to show you a few things.¨

Undercover October 12th, 2017 07:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 402279)
Elmpaw knew she had a hearing problem so he smiled,” Sure you bet I will!” He purred.

Ivorykit grinned, her eyes sparkeling. By his smile, she took it that the apprentice agreed with what she said. She looked around camp once, watching everyone help clean up the camp.
"The flood sure did do a lot ' dama'." She observed, his tail flicking.

Aquarius October 12th, 2017 08:05 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Chameleon (Post 402276)
He nodded,” Yeah, Silentshade, Nightfire, and Shellheart. Don’t worry. They are all in Shadowclan. I follow the warrrior code after all..”

"Oh..." Emberspirit still found the whole concept... unloyal. That was the only way she could describe it. She wondered if the mates... if the molly's knew about eachother. Well, they must've. Why would he blantantly brag about cheating? It just doesn't make sense. "Do they... are they aware of eachother?" She asked.

dionysus October 12th, 2017 08:35 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ (Post 402494)

Goldenstar had tensed up for a moment, unsure whether he had said something wrong or not, however, once Halfgaze had responded, he felt a lot better. It was almost funny how anxious he could get over stupid things, such as interacting with someone. He really needed to control it, but then again, he didn’t want to attract any more attention than what was already on him. “You’re not doing anything wrong, trust me,” he started off, smiling. “You just interact with them like there wasn’t any sort of power on either of your shoulders,” he added. “Just because you’re a deputy doesn’t mean you can’t relax, and just be a normal cat,” he said. Part of that was to make Halfgaze feel better, the other way was to try and convince himself through all of this. “You do your duties when you need to, but don’t let it interfere with your social life,” he said, smiling. “Don’t stress yourself out!” That was how he simply finished, knowing that was pretty much the main rule. “I like how you’re doing the patrols,” he complemented after a moment, as he really was amazed with how the she-cat did it. He had never been good at it personally, as he was afraid to call out names and such, but the way Halfgaze did it had him in awe, still smiling as he stood next to Halfgaze.

Halfgaze could see that Goldenstar was nervous, and recalled noticing that anxiety seemed to be a part of his personality earlier. However, he managed to keep his cool and Halfgaze silently commended the older tom for that. Goldenstar's advice was welcomed with open ears and a few nods. It made a lot of sense to the she-cat and she gave another nod and a smile along with the words, "You're right, thank you. I'll try to keep that in mind and not stress too much." Halfgaze added in a little chuckle, knowing fully well that she tended to take things too seriously. Goldenstar's praise made the new deputy beam and Halfgaze purred, "Thank you!" It felt good to already be doing well with her duties, especially since she had been worried that she wasn't succeeding.

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