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Collieheart February 28th, 2024 07:40 PM

Re: WindClan Territory


Originally Posted by blxze. (Post 1557223)

Attachment 3195
Tags; @/Collieheart

Blazesong tried to not frown.
Sweet's hunting crouch looked like a
ThunderClanner's. ThunderClan, she thought
to herself in amusement, was the STINKIEST
CLAN of all the Clans. Then, swallowing a purr,
she mewed, "What I learned was very, very
different than that. You see, I'm not going to have
you hunt rabbits yet, our favorite prey. Rabbits are
very strong, but you probably knew that. Umm...
how do I explain this... WindClan doesn't really use
a hunting crouch when we hunt rabbits, and when
we hunt mice, our other usual food source, we go
like this."
Blazesong crouched down and silently
trotted over to a stump, tail straight out behind her
and then she leaped, a large, flying leap, onto a
pebble, but twisted so her paws delicately twisted
her paws as though breaking a neck. "Tuck your
legs in, sheathe your back claws, try to flatten your
she offered, repeating the motion a
lot slower.

( small brown tabby she-cat with white paws and bright blue eyes )
WindClan Apprenticeshe/her8 moons
friendly • hard-working • enthusiastic

Sweetpaw nodded along to Blazesong's explanation, then watched carefully as she demonstrated. "Got it," she said confidently. She did her best to imitate the movement, her legs tucked in and her back claws sheathed. She took a few steps, trying to keep her tail out straight.

She paused for a moment, trying to imagine how Blazesong had taken the leap. She pushed off, somewhat less graceful, but her paws couldn't imitate the movement Blazesong had used, and her landing was a bit clumsy.

"Sorry," she apologized after gathering herself. She ducked her head in mild embarassment.

Rani February 29th, 2024 06:11 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Windclan Tunneler | He/him | 49 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

No prey in the prey pile and it made Crowtooth nervous. Even if spring was springing it was still cold and things were tight and it was not good for it to be empty. Time to do some hunting. A rabbit flush would gain some numbers at least.

So, stealing Swiftfire and Silverpaw from the clearing the tom padded out into the territory with a plan.
"Ok so we got nothin' 'n the pile right now, 't won' do. So were rabbit flushin'. 'm goin' down ta a warren an' am gonna collapse all the exits bar the one ta the entrance. Then 'mma rile 'em up an' chase 'em out ta you. Kill as many as possible, doubt 'm gonna be able to catch any down there while chasin' so yer catchin' fer me too an' then well head back.

Any objections?"
There shouldnt be though it was a bit of a dangerous bid for Crowtooth in particular. Rabbits did not act well cornered in the tunnels and even experience in the area did not guarantee safety. Needs must however, the clan needed the food.

@Tiabirb @Estelle

Estelle February 29th, 2024 06:24 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

No prey on the preypile was scandalous, indeed. Were these warriors slacking as much as she always expected them to, or did WindClan - quite suddenly - have a hunger rush and eat all the prey? Shameful as it was, Silverpaw had to assume it was the earlier option. And now she, Crowtooth and Swiftfire were out here hunting for rabbits. All of whom, mind you, recently took a mink-related beating. Not that it gave them any excuse to sit back and relax, on the contrary there was work to do, but you'd think at least someone uninjured would have the good sense to go out hunting. But it was no matter. She couldn't say this hunting patrol was of her own initiative either, even if it should have been so. Silverpaw felt she has been... Slacking herself as of late. Perhaps not as much as some, but she certainly should be doing more. Huffing, the silver feline fixed her blue eyes on Crowtooth and nodded in understanding. They were to catch the rabbits that left the hole, that should be doable despite their speed. And if not, they would have to make it work. WindClan certainly did need this prey, and it wasn't going to appear out of thin air.

[ @Rani @Tiabirb - kind of assumed this is post-minks, hence Silver's thought process ahah; if that's not meant to be the case, do let me know and I'll edit! ]

Tiabirb February 29th, 2024 06:38 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
38 Moons
Ultimate Predator

She was called on to hunt, and so she answered. Swiftfire glanced anxiously at the medicine den before her long legs carried her from the camp in Crowtooth and Silverpaw's wake. Her thoughts were a mess, and while she trailed after her Clanmates, she couldn't help but think of Dunecall.

Would he be okay? What if he died from the blood he lost? Oh he had lost so much of it....She had managed to escape the minks relatively unscathed...granted she did have a freshly torn ear and some bites that were healing still, But those injuries were tiny compared to the wound on her heart, her worry over Dunecall...

Her attention snapped back to the moment. Crowtooth was explaining the plan. Dangerous, but effective. She glanced at Silverpaw, "We got this." She said, trying to sound encouraging. "Set yourself up a fox-length from the tunnel's entrance on one side, and I'll set myself up a little further down on the other side. If they smell us too close to their exit, they may not try to run for it at all." She stole a glance at her senior, wondering what he would think of her addition to their hunting execution.

@Rani @Estelle

Blaaze March 1st, 2024 02:36 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Collieheart (Post 1558788)

( small brown tabby she-cat with white paws and bright blue eyes )
WindClan Apprenticeshe/her8 moons
friendly • hard-working • enthusiastic

Sweetpaw nodded along to Blazesong's explanation, then watched carefully as she demonstrated. "Got it," she said confidently. She did her best to imitate the movement, her legs tucked in and her back claws sheathed. She took a few steps, trying to keep her tail out straight.

She paused for a moment, trying to imagine how Blazesong had taken the leap. She pushed off, somewhat less graceful, but her paws couldn't imitate the movement Blazesong had used, and her landing was a bit clumsy.

"Sorry," she apologized after gathering herself. She ducked her head in mild embarassment.

Attachment 3226

Tags; @/Collieheart

At first, Blazesong was surprised by her apprentice's
apology. What!? Apologize? For what? Sweetpaw had tried, and
she ALMOST did it! Already! StarClan, her apprentice was so silly
sometomes. "Sorry? SORRY? Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong!
It was a great try, Sweet. You'll get it. Now, go again- and this time,
I want you to think."
Gosh, that sounded stupid coming out of her mouth.
A little mean, even. Hmmph. She was NOT mean! She didn't want to
be mean. She was just... righteous! Yeah, she was NEVER mean- but
that one tom who tripped her on purpose DESERVED the thistles in
his nest yesterday. "Like... Think like you're stalking the juiciest rabbit
WindClan has ever seen for three moons! But relax, don't stress 'bout
it or anything."
she added in a more coaching, less lets-get-this-
show-on-the-road manner. Sweetpaw had potential, and she was pretty
balanced. That was good. A good start. Yep, good as could be. Gosh, she
couldn't wait for her apprentice to fight. She'd be great at it. Sure, Blaze
was better at hunting, but she loved the thought of defending her clan.
It was exciting. Breath-taking, almost. "You got it! Do just like you
did before, but don't lose track of your own legs!"

Collieheart March 1st, 2024 09:14 PM

Re: WindClan Territory


Originally Posted by blxze. (Post 1559803)

Attachment 3226

Tags; @/Collieheart

At first, Blazesong was surprised by her apprentice's
apology. What!? Apologize? For what? Sweetpaw had tried, and
she ALMOST did it! Already! StarClan, her apprentice was so silly
sometomes. "Sorry? SORRY? Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong!
It was a great try, Sweet. You'll get it. Now, go again- and this time,
I want you to think."
Gosh, that sounded stupid coming out of her mouth.
A little mean, even. Hmmph. She was NOT mean! She didn't want to
be mean. She was just... righteous! Yeah, she was NEVER mean- but
that one tom who tripped her on purpose DESERVED the thistles in
his nest yesterday. "Like... Think like you're stalking the juiciest rabbit
WindClan has ever seen for three moons! But relax, don't stress 'bout
it or anything."
she added in a more coaching, less lets-get-this-
show-on-the-road manner. Sweetpaw had potential, and she was pretty
balanced. That was good. A good start. Yep, good as could be. Gosh, she
couldn't wait for her apprentice to fight. She'd be great at it. Sure, Blaze
was better at hunting, but she loved the thought of defending her clan.
It was exciting. Breath-taking, almost. "You got it! Do just like you
did before, but don't lose track of your own legs!"

( small brown tabby she-cat with white paws and bright blue eyes )
WindClan Apprenticeshe/her8 moons
friendly • hard-working • enthusiastic

Sweetpaw ducked her head, abashed at her mentor's enthusiastic praise. She listened intently to her next instructions, practically branding them into her mind. She nodded when Blazesong finished, her face determined.

She got back into her crouch, taking care to put her paws in the right spots. She took a deep breath and tried to do as Blazesong said — imagining she were going after the biggest, most juicy hare that would feed every queen and kit in the clan, and then some. She stalked forward carefully, eyes intently forward.

Finally, she lunged. This time, she stretched her claws out purposefully, as if sinking them into the pelt of an unsuspecting hare. When her claws landed in dirt and not flesh, she was almost surprised. After a pause, she shook herself out of her vivid imaginings and turned back to her mentor, head and tail high. "How was that?" she called with a grin.

Moondapple March 2nd, 2024 09:30 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Mossflower was walking through Windclan territory relishing the warm sunlight on her fur. She glanced up at the sky and watched fluffy white clouds drift accros the blue sky. The breeze ruffled her fur and raced through the grass. She saw a butterfly flutter across the meadow and drift onto a flower. As she was walking she saw a cat sitting in the sunshine and noticed it was her kithood friend Echolight. She padded up to him and sat down,purring.
@FireStar @RavenpawandBarley

_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ March 2nd, 2024 09:34 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moondapple (Post 1560432)
Mossflower was walking through Windclan territory relishing the warm sunlight on her fur. She glanced up at the sky and watched fluffy white clouds drift accros the blue sky. The breeze ruffled her fur and raced through the grass. She saw a butterfly flutter across the meadow and drift onto a flower. As she was walking she saw a cat sitting in the sunshine and noticed it was her kithood friend Echolight. She padded up to him and sat down,purring.

Foxlight just happens to be nearby and exists right in Mossfern's line of sight. She assumed it was a mistake so she went to Mossflower's left, and napped.
(Here's Echo light's mention: @RavenpawandBarley )

Firestar+Sandstorm March 2nd, 2024 09:45 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moondapple (Post 1560432)
Mossflower was walking through Windclan territory relishing the warm sunlight on her fur. She glanced up at the sky and watched fluffy white clouds drift accros the blue sky. The breeze ruffled her fur and raced through the grass. She saw a butterfly flutter across the meadow and drift onto a flower. As she was walking she saw a cat sitting in the sunshine and noticed it was her kithood friend Echolight. She padded up to him and sat down,purring.
@FireStar @RavenpawandBarley

Echolight leaned over against his kithood friend and secret crush MossFlower

Firestar+Sandstorm March 2nd, 2024 09:49 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Moondapple (Post 1560432)
Mossflower was walking through Windclan territory relishing the warm sunlight on her fur. She glanced up at the sky and watched fluffy white clouds drift accros the blue sky. The breeze ruffled her fur and raced through the grass. She saw a butterfly flutter across the meadow and drift onto a flower. As she was walking she saw a cat sitting in the sunshine and noticed it was her kithood friend Echolight. She padded up to him and sat down,purring.
@FireStar @RavenpawandBarley

Echolight looked over purring as his secret crush Mossflower sat next to him

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