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Shadow December 14th, 2017 04:42 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by DragonChaos (Post 439455)
(Sadly I cant juuust yet. I looked at the time and realized I need ot go get ready for Fine Arts Night which is a thing my school is doing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

It’s okie XP I have to go do an interview thing at my school to make sure I get in a class that prepares meh for college at six so I would’ve been gone soon anyway XDD I would be on like at eight {me livez in florida so idk wut your time is} or something like that after)

Mystic December 14th, 2017 08:51 PM

Re: The Survivors
Anybody alive here? Hello? *cricket cricket*

@Shadow @DragonChaos @Shay @BTS.official._; @Timbergrowl

Shay December 15th, 2017 08:10 AM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Mystic (Post 439736)
Anybody alive here? Hello? *cricket cricket*

@Shadow @DragonChaos @Shay @BTS.official._; @Timbergrowl

(Yeah, last time I was here was when Amber and Sparrow were talking about leaving, but nobody answered Sparrow’s question)

Mystic December 17th, 2017 08:01 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Shay (Post 439921)
(Yeah, last time I was here was when Amber and Sparrow were talking about leaving, but nobody answered Sparrow’s question)

Oh ok um... I want this to survive so..

@Shadow @Sasukewolf (madness)
@Timbergrowl @Shay @DragonChaos @BTS.official._;

Shay December 17th, 2017 08:08 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Mystic (Post 441461)
Oh ok um... I want this to survive so..

@Shadow @Sasukewolf (madness)
@Timbergrowl @Shay @DragonChaos @BTS.official._;

Yes! The Survivors shall survive!
...as long as a few more people respond :P I want it to survive too)

Shay December 17th, 2017 08:10 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Mystic (Post 438977)
``I guess you're right`` He mewed, ``Ok, everybody, how about we leave tomorrow?`` He mewed, mewing a louder so every cat could hear them.

(here's the post I was referring to if any idle cats want to respond)
(just reply to this post, anyone, if you want to say something, if nobody responds in a while I may just have something happen to avoid waiting any longer :P)

Mystic December 17th, 2017 08:14 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Shay (Post 441469)
Yes! The Survivors shall survive!
...as long as a few more people respond :P I want it to survive too)

I'll wait until somebody answers Sparrow other than Amber

Iris was groom herself. She had heard what Sparrow said but she didn't want to answer, for a reason that she shall not tell.(xD idk what to write) She soon finished grooming and looked around, She then glanced at Dawn who was busy staring at the sky, might as well go get to know Dawn better. Iris padded over to Dawn quietly, ``Uh hi? You ok Dawn?`` She mewed, half in amusement.


Galaxy Of Wisdom December 17th, 2017 09:40 PM

Re: The Survivors
I’m here!! Okay Where my boy Ender?

Shay December 17th, 2017 09:47 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 438414)
He purrs softly “ .... no I have to rest soon. Thank you though “ he says as he begins to stand up


Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 441557)
I’m here!! Okay Where my boy Ender?

(here it is; the original quote is on page 49)

fresh December 17th, 2017 10:24 PM

Re: The Survivors

Originally Posted by Equinox (Post 439415)

"Hey!" Thunder leaped up. Without waiting for Silent's statement he leaped and bowled the tom off of Jinx. "Who are you and what do you think your doing?" He pinned the other cat down and snarled.

Sorry for the late response. I have school and all :-(
Grim was knocked off the she-cat with a flurry of unsheathed claws. He was shocked a cat had attacked him, but instinct took over and it was quickly replaced by the need to get this stupid cat off of him. "Why, Jinx," he purred. "It seems you've found yourself a friend- a nice little protector." At the question, he grinned. "Why, I'm Grim! Nice to meet you on this nice day. I'm here to take back what this pretty feline-" he glanced in thw direction of a seething Jinx- "stole from me."

As Jinx was closing her eyes, preparing for death to take her, the weight on top of her vanished completely. Snarls echoed through her ears as she leaped upwards, whipping around to face the two toms. "I stole nothing," she hissed, her hackles lifting once more, her form in a sort-of-hunting crouch. "Call it a... string of bad luck, if you will. I guess you could say I jinxed you."

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