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Mango November 22nd, 2017 07:46 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ScarredSecrets (Post 426275)

“Well, talking to you isn’t quite enjoyable...want to find a more comfortable spot,” she asked, treating it as if she was just asking him his favorite color. The shecat felt herself getting more attached and welcomed the feeling.

He shrugged,"Sure..." He smiled. (really short in a hurry)

SacredMadness November 22nd, 2017 07:50 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426360)
He shrugged,"Sure..." He smiled. (really short in a hurry)

The soft white shecat got up and stretched her lithe body. She padded for awhile and kept glancing behind her at Orangepaw.

Doodle November 22nd, 2017 08:11 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Undercover (Post 426353)
((No problem; my posts may be shorter than this becuase I'm busy with semester finals and Thanksgiving))

Asterstep parted her jaws in a wide yawn, her eyes half-open as she woke from her nap beneath the red berry bush. Unsheathing her claws, the she-cat dig them into the peaty earth and arched her back in a luxurious stretch. With a sigh, the blinked open her eyes, revealing piercing icy blue orbs. Resheathing her deadly weapons, the female curled up her tail an dit's looked around, feeling content after her rest. Asterstep peered around, blinking in the afternoon sunlight. As her gaze wandered nonchalantly around the camp, the female's eyes fell on the large form of Sunmist. To her, the young tom was the perfect picture of a warrior. He was strong and intimidating in size. Yet, despite his huge appearance, the tom could be loyal and honest warrior. She had noticed in time how different many cats could seem, and yet be completely different on the inside.

Deciding to say hello to the tom cat in the sunlight, Asterstep smoothed down her tri-colored fur and padded over. As she made her way towards the relaxing warrior, the she-cat let her gaze wander so that she wasn't staring at him like a stunned vole. The clan was relaxing around them, and Asterstep was pleased to see her clan so relaxed. Despite the flood a few times ago, the female was proud of the way her clan had rebuilt itself. However, despite the renewed tidiness of the clearing, Asterstep was still not very fond of water at all. As she reached Sunmist, the she-cat shook herself from her thoughts. "Hello Sunmist." She greeted with a friendly flick of her ear. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked, tapping with her long brown, black, and white tail to a soft layer of dirt beside him.

(Alrighty, it's no worries! I can definitely understand!)

The tom's ears flicked up when he heard a voice and he turned, meeting the cool gaze of Asterstep. Sunmist gave a polite nod accompanied by a small smile. "Hello Asterstep. Of course- it's not like I own that spot," he answered with a friendly chuckle. Yes, he was getting much better at acting more laid back, and even cracked a joke once in a while- like now. One of the biggest critiques his clanmates had about the fluffy feline was how serious he was all the time, but he wanted others to feel comfortable in his company so he made a visible effort to be less intimidating. "It's quite a lovely day, huh?" He sighed, amber eyes trailing along the clearing. They caught onto a group of playing kits for a moment before darting to molly beside him as he took note of her shorter coat. "Though I guess it might be a bit chilly for you." He kept his voice passive- to be honest, he didn't know Asterstep very well. He just hoped she didn't have a quick temper. There were many cats he knew that would be angered at the simplest comment, who would be spitting at him simply for bringing attention to the fact that the other had a shorter coat. The tom hoped again that he hadn't offended the she-cat; he didn't think anything was wrong with her coat at all. In fact, it was quite pretty. Stunning, even. But there was only so much he could stress about, so he let the issue flee from his brain.

"I don't know that we've chatted much," the tom commented with a flick of the tail. "How are you?" Sunmist kept his tone polite, as for what he knew Asterstep was a good warrior, so he held respect for her. As he waited for a response, he wracked his brain for any information on the molly that he might know, some sort of common ground to connect on. This would certainly be an awkward encounter if they didn't have anything to talk about, and they were about done with the usual conversation starters. Disappointed, he came up with none. How was it that he was so devoted to Shadowclan and yet he knew so little about his fellow clanmates? The golden feline made a promise to himself to improve on that. There were more ways to be a good warrior than just by hunting and patrolling and he needed to remind himself of that. Too often he was ignoring his clanmates in favor of a hunt or patrol, which of course was important- but socializing was important too. With a small shake of his head, Sunmist returned his attention to the conversation. He could critique himself later.

Mango November 22nd, 2017 08:37 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ScarredSecrets (Post 426363)

The soft white shecat got up and stretched her lithe body. She padded for awhile and kept glancing behind her at Orangepaw.

Orangepaw heaved his chubby belly off the ground to stand and badger along after her I really need to loose some weight... he smiled fondly at the white furred feline before him.

SacredMadness November 22nd, 2017 08:42 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426391)
Orangepaw heaved his chubby belly off the ground to stand and badger along after her I really need to loose some weight... he smiled fondly at the white furred feline before him.

She padded over to a quiet spot where they were easily concealed. Silkpaw sat and gestured with her tail for Orangepaw sit. She smiled and waited for him to bring up a topic that would interest the both of them.

judas November 22nd, 2017 09:05 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Mistytuft wondered in the clearing. Pelt neatly groomed, getting rid of any burrs. She normally didn't take much attention to her appearance. But she was feeling different this morning. Her tail waving side to side. Mistytuft sat down in the sun, warming herself.

Mango November 22nd, 2017 09:06 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ScarredSecrets (Post 426394)

She padded over to a quiet spot where they were easily concealed. Silkpaw sat and gestured with her tail for Orangepaw sit. She smiled and waited for him to bring up a topic that would interest the both of them.

Orangepaw sat down,"So what do you do in your free time?" He asked,"Besides talking to me." He added in. Smiling more.

Fel November 22nd, 2017 09:46 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by woly (Post 425476)
¨you act like a kit sometimes, but that besides the point,¨ they mewed playfully,¨its not for play, but for your reflexes and movement.¨ they looked around the clearing, searching and soon finding a queen out with her kits in the clearing, of course, playing moss ball. ¨kits play with these all the time, but they are doing more then that. they are learning how to move quickly, using quick movements to protect what is theirs and basic hunting movements. its more then just a game.¨ they explained, looking back towards acornfall,¨yes, try to keep it away from me. ready to begin when you are.¨

daydream hadnt spoken to their mother in ages, having cut her off a long time ago. there were a lot of reasons why honestly. as a kit, the only thing they could remember were their nightmares. they were alone, given no real comfort from their family. they mainly focused on their fathers death, instead. it hurt, it really did, to see things beyond a normal cats comprehension and to deal with it alone. it was scary but right now, they needed someone to lean on. they felt like they had lost everything. they had lost their best friend, cricketpaw, they only molly that had ever looked past daydreams grumpy exterior and pushed beyond that. she had been so kind to them, and even saved their life. she was gone. the molly that had taken them under her wing and called them her own, geckoleaf, was now gone. she too had saved their life, breath air into their lungs when it was full of water and desperation. she was the closets thing to a mother daydream felt like they ever had. they had lost her too.

they had nightpaw and acornfall, sure, but it wasnt the same. it wasnt the same, and it never would be. it stung, they wanted to cry. and the only cat that they knew would truly listen, were their birth mother, Marigoldfur. so here they were, padding up to her in the clearing. they shook as they walked. they had acted so tough, yet with this, they felt weak. they felt everything and nothing at the same time. they wanted to yowl in a cry and vent and let everything out, yet the air was silent. amber eyes stared hesitantly at her from across the clearing now. they took a step, then another. they gulped loudly,¨mother?¨

perhaps marigoldfur should show more appreciation-- to be honest, out of all the mothers there could be, she was on the neglectful side. she didn't help her child when they'd needed her the most, and they grew up to be someone strong and special without her care and without her help. perhaps she didn't think she was needed, and she'd taken her own leave- she didn't speak to many cats in general, to be quite honest. she should've tried to reconcile with them before, daydream, her wonderful child who looked so much like her. but every time she thought about it, she'd simply push the thought away from her mind. she'd dwelled on her mate's death too much to worry about their nightmares, and eventually they'd drifted further and further away from each other.

however, drifting apart didn't mean marigoldfur wouldn't respond to a call for her, a call for a medicine cat's mother. the she-cat's ears quickly perked at that familiar voice, the important member of her clan who she'd tried to care for, her child that deserved a better mother than she'd ever been. they'd relied on other parental figures, and turning around to meet daydream's gaze, her eyes softened with what seemed to be almost hurt. "...daydream. it's a wonderful name." she whispered towards her child, shaking her head with a small sigh. "...how are you, dear?"

Brilliance November 23rd, 2017 01:03 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 425912)
( @Constellation)
Cloudstrike lounged in a pool of sunlight, her only movement a continuous, bored flick of her tail tip and a wide, lazy yawn. The molly allowed her thoughts to run wild, as she rarely tried to stop them, and surveyed the camp with half closed eyes. Her stomach grumbled and she slid her diamond eyes to the freshkill pile. Even though she was almost Honeythistle's mate, Cloudstrike still had the occasional urge to hunt. At the moment, the freshkill pile looked dismal at best. It wasn't terribly small, but she could tell even from a distance that 'fresh' was a relative term. Feeling a bit mischievous, Cloudstrike let her eyes roam the clearing once more in an innocent manner. This time, however, she was looking for something...Or someone. Honeythistle was nowhere to be found. Flicking her ear thoughtfully, Cloudstrike came to a decision and rose languidly to her paws. What Honeythistle doesn't know won't hurt him...She reasoned as she gave the clearing another suspicious check before slinking out the entrance of the camp.

Shadowclan was such a shady place. Literally. Honeythistle could find any suitable hiding place within a shaded area and stay to relax as long as he wanted. Away from his mates' frustrations, needs, or whatever - who knew it could be so hard? Yet, he was still thriving off the thrill of snatching specific hearts in trade of his own. Currently, Honeythistle lounged on a broken log. One of his paws dangled from his position, while his head laid on his other one. Just having to wake up from a nap, the Tom stayed where he was enjoying the peace and quiet, but was able to make out the clearing clearly. He wasn't focused on the other cats, specifically his own, if he could find where his ladies resided. Most of them were in the nursery, but...there was always one lingering about. And, correct, he was! His green hues landed perfectly on the white feathery beauty, who must had been relaxing herself. Honeythistle unconsciously let out a purr, and he half lidded his eyes. Another nap? That sounded like a plan - a plan that was put on hold a second later. His head shot up, and he blinked his eyes owlishly. Did...did Cloudstrike just walk out of camp? Couldn't have been! No, no, no - that wasn't his Dove! She knew better than to just...leave. No matter how many times he shook his head, her form was gone. She was trotting away. "What exactly she gotta do?" He said through clenched teeth. Honeythistle lacked the energy to travel after the feline, but as his duty, or to be nosy, he hopped off his comfort zone and shook out his pelt. No way was he going to immediately run after her. Oh, no, that wouldn't have been smart. He was going to take this slow. Slink back to his old ways when he was an apprentice, to the days where he was sneaky. Honeythistle doubted Cloudstrike went out to...meet "someone". She wouldn't do that to him, so that thought came and went. Slowly, he padded after her, his gaze narrowed.

Fallpotato November 23rd, 2017 01:40 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 426402)
Mistytuft wondered in the clearing. Pelt neatly groomed, getting rid of any burrs. She normally didn't take much attention to her appearance. But she was feeling different this morning. Her tail waving side to side. Mistytuft sat down in the sun, warming herself.

Bagerclaw spotted her and slowly padded over to her. He dipped his head and grinned before saying, “hello mostytuft” he sat down across from her and licked his paw before drawing it over his ear

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