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Seraphon March 20th, 2018 07:05 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by The Fallen Queen (Post 484148)
Etherealkit blinked and pull the tulip closer to her like a mother and a kit. it was a strange habit she did, she cared about her flowers. she glance away for a second. "huh, i guess herbs can be flowers. i should really ask shinefang to teach me some!" she had something to look forward to. if she managed to get past.. the grumpy part and wasn't scared off before she got to ask him. "i would but its leaf-bare so, flowers are kind of dead or.. not around. plus, i can't get them myself. most of them at outside of camp. " Etherealkit meowed, her love of flowers were thanks to her mother. she usual brought some home to the nursery. having her father who knows where, the kit depended on her mom a lot. she watch him tap the tulip, she furrow her non-existent eyebrows. she wish she could revive flowers- that would be a dream come true. "some probably are, some tulips are rare some are not. water lilies are probably common in riverclan's territory, lilies in general aren't. most cats don't talk about flowers so, its not really suspected for anyone to. " Etherealkit replied. most of her info was from her asking her mother about them or a different cat.

Hawkspeed smiled and looked at her,"Well, Leaf-Bare's just ending and New-Leaf is just beginning. They'll be more flowers soon. And, if you want, I can bring you some next time I visit," he offered, cheerfulness in his mew,"How many rare flowers do you know?" he tested her, twitching his whiskers, amused.

(Block of LE writers)

wolfie March 20th, 2018 07:38 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Boba Fett (Post 484153)

Hawkspeed smiled and looked at her,"Well, Leaf-Bare's just ending and New-Leaf is just beginning. They'll be more flowers soon. And, if you want, I can bring you some next time I visit," he offered, cheerfulness in his mew,"How many rare flowers do you know?" he tested her, twitching his whiskers, amused.

(Block of LE writers)

Etherealkit stood up, she place her tiny paws on Hawkspeed's paws. "P-please do!" She squeaked, excitedly. She nodded, hastily. She would love that, her mother wouldn't have to leave her. The calico kit could feel her mood lift, even if she still felt tired.. she felt good enough to bother with a happy expression. She blinked, thinking for a moment. A moment later she started to blurt out names, "Black Daillahs. Blue Tulips. Jade Vines. Chocolate.. Cosmos. " Etherealkit finally stopped, trying to catch her breath. She look back up at him, taking her paws off his paws. "Continue?" She tilt her head, ready to name off some more.

Seraphon March 20th, 2018 08:08 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by The Fallen Queen (Post 484171)
Etherealkit stood up, she place her tiny paws on Hawkspeed's paws. "P-please do!" She squeaked, excitedly. She nodded, hastily. She would love that, her mother wouldn't have to leave her. The calico kit could feel her mood lift, even if she still felt tired.. she felt good enough to bother with a happy expression. She blinked, thinking for a moment. A moment later she started to blurt out names, "Black Daillahs. Blue Tulips. Jade Vines. Chocolate.. Cosmos. " Etherealkit finally stopped, trying to catch her breath. She look back up at him, taking her paws off his paws. "Continue?" She tilt her head, ready to name off some more.

Hawkspeed chuckled,"Alright, I will!" he mewed. Then he pricked his ears as she listed off rare flowers, trying to remember their names for future reference. He always tried to learn as much as he could no matter what it was or how useless it seemed, as it almost always helped him in some way later on,"Yes, Please. I want to know more," he meowed politely after she asked him if he wanted her to continue. He grinned as he strained his ears again, waiting for her to list off even more flower names.

Empress Of Evil March 21st, 2018 07:16 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 483005)
(I’m dying at the joke about sleeping in Windclan’s warrior’s den as he’s a SKC kit)
Sycamorekit turned her head to the huge kit her eyes grew wide this must be a five moon old kit...great Starclan, act natural. Don’t panic. Just treat him like my mother.,” Wow.” She meowed sounding awestruck as she stared at Nettlekit looking at him absorbing his size and confidence into her small sized brain,” I- I umm...I’m Sycamorekit. I am two moons old. I...I thought five moon old kits don’t play, especially with two moon old kits.” She stammered way to go Sycamorekit...answer his question mousebrain.,” to answer your question I umm...normally that is...play by myself. If you want the umm...mossball...I can...err...give you the...umm...mossball...since I suppose that’s why you asked to...well...play with me...so you probably are one of those like...well, you know...kits that are obsessed with becoming an...umm...like...well...I guess...an apprentice...err...or not?” she asked annoyed by how she never could simply state an answer and how she included all the ‘umm...like..well..I guess’ in her responses. As she knew it made her seem rather feeble and insecure. She forced her fur to lie flat as she stared at Nettlekit trying to figure out why a kit who to her appeared to at the youngest four moons old, wanted to play mossball with her...she couldn’t figure if he was joking her size or what so she stayed silent.
(Yeah she’s a bit annoying with all the umm...I err...well...like...I guess..’s sorry for her annoying voice)

The Maine Coon blinked at the other kit, as he tried to make sense out of her words. Five moon old kit? What did she mean five moon old kit? Was she talking to someone else? Had she even realised that he was talking to her? Confusion clouded his amber eyes as he became dizzy with all the questions. Ohh! She must think I'm five moons old, he finally realised. The tom grinned, proud that he was able to solve such a difficult problem. Or rather, able to solve a problem that was difficult in his mind. "Yes, I want to play mossball with you. Well actually I don't really mind what we play, I just want to play something," he responded cheerfully.
What? How did she know? He thought. The tom thought his plan was very smart, and unique. The logic in it wasn't very obvious, which meant no one could steal it. At least that's what he liked to believe. He had only asked to play with the kit and that had nothing to do with becoming an apprentice. A warrior probably wouldn't see any logic in it unless he explained it out. This kit could read minds. That was the only possible explanation. Nettlekit narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Sycamorekit, he couldn't say anything about it though. He wouldn't want to be wrong "No, I'm sorry, I don't see why you would think that," he continued, putting on a fake polite smile. It was very convincing. He didn't want to seem desperate. Obviously she can read minds, that's why. Nettlekit wouldn't say he was obsessed with becoming an apprentice. That wasn't the right word for it. But rather, he would say that he was interested in becoming an apprentice.

[Kinda short ^^’ it's late but I'm trying to get a post in before I sleep]

wolfie March 21st, 2018 03:03 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Boba Fett (Post 484182)

Hawkspeed chuckled,"Alright, I will!" he mewed. Then he pricked his ears as she listed off rare flowers, trying to remember their names for future reference. He always tried to learn as much as he could no matter what it was or how useless it seemed, as it almost always helped him in some way later on,"Yes, Please. I want to know more," he meowed politely after she asked him if he wanted her to continue. He grinned as he strained his ears again, waiting for her to list off even more flower names.

Etherealkit was grateful for the warrior to do so, not many cats would or what she thought. She blinked, inhaling a large breath. She started to name off more flowers, slowly trying to remember anything else. Finally she stop mostly because she ran out of breath again and she didn't have anything else. "T..hat.. is al..ll i.. can.. reme..ember. " After she managed that sentence out she added a soft small, "sorry. " Etherealkit knew there were much more but she just didn't know the names. She wondered how many flowers there were in the world but the answer would be impossible. So, she came up with a random number. 10, 000, 000, 000, 000 flowers. It was a guess, probably not right anyway.

Seraphon March 21st, 2018 08:55 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by The Fallen Queen (Post 484416)
Etherealkit was grateful for the warrior to do so, not many cats would or what she thought. She blinked, inhaling a large breath. She started to name off more flowers, slowly trying to remember anything else. Finally she stop mostly because she ran out of breath again and she didn't have anything else. "T..hat.. is al..ll i.. can.. reme..ember. " After she managed that sentence out she added a soft small, "sorry. " Etherealkit knew there were much more but she just didn't know the names. She wondered how many flowers there were in the world but the answer would be impossible. So, she came up with a random number. 10, 000, 000, 000, 000 flowers. It was a guess, probably not right anyway.

Hawkspeed smiled,"That's way more flowers than I would be able to remember! I don't even think I know five! Here, let me try..." he thought for a second, then started naming flowers,"Tulips... Roses... Ummm... Daisies... Uuhhhhhhhh...." he strained to remember, as was obvious from his face. Hawkspeed's face looked like he had just seen someone eat crow food and then vomit it up,"Ummm..... Daffodils...? Lillies? ... Does Heather count?" he questioned before continuing,"Sunflower... Ummm..." he laughed,"This is harder than it looks! Cherry blossoms...? Did I already say daisies?" he twitched his whiskers in confusion,"How do you manage to remember all theses flowers!?" he asked, looking down in amazement at the tiny she-kit.

wolfie March 22nd, 2018 10:59 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Boba Fett (Post 484530)

Hawkspeed smiled,"That's way more flowers than I would be able to remember! I don't even think I know five! Here, let me try..." he thought for a second, then started naming flowers,"Tulips... Roses... Ummm... Daisies... Uuhhhhhhhh...." he strained to remember, as was obvious from his face. Hawkspeed's face looked like he had just seen someone eat crow food and then vomit it up,"Ummm..... Daffodils...? Lillies? ... Does Heather count?" he questioned before continuing,"Sunflower... Ummm..." he laughed,"This is harder than it looks! Cherry blossoms...? Did I already say daisies?" he twitched his whiskers in confusion,"How do you manage to remember all theses flowers!?" he asked, looking down in amazement at the tiny she-kit.

etherealkit let out a small chuckle, licking her chest in embarrassment. "well, i'm just around them a lot.. and.. its really the only thing i can remember. its not really easy, either. " she mewed, truthfully. "your right about the tulips, though.,.. well if you meant bl..black?" she paused, was it black or blue that was rare? both? she let out a small sigh if defeat. "its either blue or black. see? i still forget!" etherealkit said, feeling like he was giving her too much credit. remembering flowers' names were a big deal. she didn't catch a rabbit or anything. the kit had a habit of finding a flaw in herself. she always compared herself to someone who was greater at just one thing. etherealkit's whiskers twitch in some amusement. "um, so what do you know? i mean- you must know a lot of things. " she asked. she was happy to learn something new, herself.

Seraphon March 22nd, 2018 07:16 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by The Fallen Queen (Post 484725)
etherealkit let out a small chuckle, licking her chest in embarrassment. "well, i'm just around them a lot.. and.. its really the only thing i can remember. its not really easy, either. " she mewed, truthfully. "your right about the tulips, though.,.. well if you meant bl..black?" she paused, was it black or blue that was rare? both? she let out a small sigh if defeat. "its either blue or black. see? i still forget!" etherealkit said, feeling like he was giving her too much credit. remembering flowers' names were a big deal. she didn't catch a rabbit or anything. the kit had a habit of finding a flaw in herself. she always compared herself to someone who was greater at just one thing. etherealkit's whiskers twitch in some amusement. "um, so what do you know? i mean- you must know a lot of things. " she asked. she was happy to learn something new, herself.

Hawkspeed smiled,"Imtend to ask lots of questions," and then quieter, he mewed,"But I think you've already realized that. Anyway, cat usually say that my questions are stupid and sometimes I agree, as I don't seem to usually learn anything new that no cat already knows from them. Usually I just 'learn' stuff like the sky is blue and the sun is bright," he chuckled, putting emphasis on the word learn. He shook his head,"Your information is much more valuable though, because barely any cats know what you know." he stated matter-of-factly.

Fuzzy March 24th, 2018 01:48 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
(Sorry these are late guys!)

Originally Posted by Florence + machine (Post 481796)
Cardinalkit sighed in relief with another smile " that's good . For both things " she meowed and stood up now shaking her fur and feeling awake she flicked her tail and held her head high then she smirked followed by a gasp " hey what's that ! " she meowed sounding surprised as she looked behind her brother she hoped she could catch him off guard and she can have the upper hand in their play fight which was one of the things she loves to do . play fighting with her father was always fun as well.

Marblesky chuckled. He watched his sister but as she gasped he turned his head to see what's he was asking about. He'd assumed that she'd spotted some sort of pray or something brought into the nursery for one of the queens but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The silver tabby was now a bit confused. Do I just not see it? He wondered. Then he figured it out. "Oh. That's just a smart little kit." He purred turning back to his sister almost expecting to be met with her paws mid leap.


Originally Posted by Morgan (Post 481968)

Cloudkit dipped his head as his brother thanked him for the mouse. The tom kit sat down and began to eat his prey as well. When his brother looked up at him with a tilt of his head. ¨Sure. Where do you plan on exploring?¨ wondered Cloudkit, taking another bite of his freshly killed mouse.

Feather kit smiled as he brother asked his idea. Taking a bite of the mouse he had in front of him he pondered how to say it. "Well I was thinking we could explore outside camp. The forest. " He meowed after he swallowed his mouthful. " We already explored the whole camp why not check outside." He added.

Leucos March 24th, 2018 09:21 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 485401)
(Sorry these are late guys!)

Marblesky chuckled. He watched his sister but as she gasped he turned his head to see what's he was asking about. He'd assumed that she'd spotted some sort of pray or something brought into the nursery for one of the queens but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The silver tabby was now a bit confused. Do I just not see it? He wondered. Then he figured it out. "Oh. That's just a smart little kit." He purred turning back to his sister almost expecting to be met with her paws mid leap.

Feather kit smiled as he brother asked his idea. Taking a bite of the mouse he had in front of him he pondered how to say it. "Well I was thinking we could explore outside camp. The forest. " He meowed after he swallowed his mouthful. " We already explored the whole camp why not check outside." He added.

( Its ok )
Cardinalkit instead of leaping in the air with her front legs outstretched she dashed for marbleskys paws and started batting them with her own paws her claws were sheathed so she wouldn't wound her brother like she could even wound him maybe a tiny scratch but what good would that do? When she heard him speak she emedietly perked her head up and frowned " hey! I'm trying. is that a good comment or a rude one? " she meowed she sounded whiney when she spoke she honestly couldn't tell the difference but with the pur followed after it she thought it might have been meant in a good way but she wasn't quite sure.

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