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puppeteer April 12th, 2023 03:17 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

| @Lillian @Larissa @Moonraven |
All she knew was one second, Basilkit was crying over the fear in the air, and then she was being lifted in the air by a comforting scent. Daddy. Feather still clung onto tightly in her maw, Basilkit felt ground soon enough. She looked about, looking at the new cats. She knew one well, as she was the leader of WindClan; Twilightstar, or Mama Twi. The other two, she didn't know. With a small whimper as one of them nosed her and then lifted her, she saw so much happening. It was chaos. Basilkit was terrified, and she shrunk inwards, going silent. She just stared at her limp tail, eyes blank.


| @x ghostie @teddy. @Larissa @xavier. @littlelove @Alchemist Kitsune |
Gingerheart was struggling slightly. She couldn't stop wheezing, trying to cover her newest litter with her own body so they could have a chance to live. A cat entering the den made her lift her head; Cowtuft. Oh, thank the stars. She nodded at his questions. "Yes, I can walk. Can you pick up these two?" She pointed with her nose to two of the kits; Brindlekit and Cloverkit. She wouldn't allow her children to die. Picking up Bubblekit and Bunnykit, Gingerheart shot Cowtuft a scared look. "Where'th Lightningpaw? Where'th my daughter?" Her mew was muffled with the scruffs as she padded out of the nursery as fast as she could.

teddy. April 12th, 2023 03:21 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]
@Estelle @ophelia

Starclan.... how did he end up here? how did he end in the middle of a burning camp with a kit - his kit - in his maw?! HOW!

His eyes racked over Whispersong; if it hadn't been for the white fur filling his gob, some crude remark would no doubt fall from his lips. Coldmilk was blessed to be gagged, honestly.

A first, he wanted to shove the kit literally at the other and run, ditch them in the dirt and scamper until the smell of smoke stopped making his blue eyes swell with tears from the stinging smog but no! this was HIS heroic moment! he could save them and them alone! Whispersong was not about to steal his glory!

Even in the chaos and danger, Coldmilk managed to ooze nothing but confidence. He puffed his smooth chest out and held his head high (stuipd snowball was making his neck ache,) before trotting along quickly to the camps exit and ducking out, scampering as fast and far as he could to get out from the flames and more importantly the smoke.

Dread filled his stomach immediately. Oh no... His pelt was getting dirtied by the soot!

bubble[error]. April 12th, 2023 03:27 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

Originally Posted by Lillian (Post 1400395)
╔══════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══════╗
╚══════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══════╝

The deputy awoke to warriors coughing, the smell of smoke, and Twilightstar's screech. He shot out of his nest, fur bristling as a few coughs left his own system. Fallownose had just been allowed to move back into the warriors' den after having been officially cured of Snow Fever, though he wasn't back to his full strength yet. Darting out of the warriors' den, his slate-gray pelt bushed out in alarm.

A loud call from Basilkit had him whipping around towards his son, spotting a cat trying to grab him. A cat that he didn't recognize. "BASILKIT!" he yowled, dashing towards the kits. "Get the HELL away from my son!" he snarled at the outsider, leaning down to scoop Basilkit up by the scruff before darting off to find somewhere safe, not caring what the cat chose to do. As much as he wanted to run out of camp with his son, Fallownose knew he had to make sure everyone got out first. Spotting Barleybite standing near Dreamlight and Twilightstar, he bounds over to them and places Basilkit at the apprentice warrior's paws.

"Make sure he gets out safely," was all he said before darting back into camp to help the others, his body shaking with coughs as he did so.

@puppeteer @Larissa @~_LuzNoceda_~


{ @puppeteer(for Basilkit) }

{ open }

Scorpion screamed when another cat ran over and snatched the kit, whose name was Basilkit, away from her, jump scaring her. "I WAS TRYING TO HELP, IDIOT!!!!!" She screeched at the tom, coughing as she inhaled smoke. I'm not leaving this place until everyone is safely out! Scorpion continued to scout the burning camp, ignoring her injuries. Her sandy tan fur was turning black, her eyes were watering, she could barely see where she was going, she was coughing a lot, but she was determined to help.

Morrigan April 12th, 2023 03:43 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]
Frostkit watched with fear as a rouge tried to take Rosekit, Peachfrost was snarling at the rouge to let the other kit go Frostkit let out the most threatening hiss she could muster in hopes of scaring the rouge but her throat hurt from all the smoke and it ended up sounding more like a cough instead.

poppy April 12th, 2023 04:00 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

Originally Posted by Mistfire (Post 1400356)
Frostkit was still quivering on the back of the warrior, who she now recognised as Hogpuddle, who saved her she was unsure what to do as he was still checking on the other kit he saved without thinking she jumped of his back in a panic and tried to find the exit but the smoke was to thick and she soon got lost in blurr of paws and dust " Somebody help!" she yowled as she choked on smoke why did she have to be so stupid she thought as tears beaded her eyes who would save her now!

(OPEN- Can somebody please save her again.:tiredface:)

Silverkit was also cowering in the back of camp, blue eyes smarting and stinging, drooping as her eyes started to close. Aspenstrike hurried forward to scoop up the fluffy silver kit, then turned to Frostkit. Her already smoke scorched lungs from the ThunderClan fire she survived as an apprentice caused her to cough, struggling to breath. Her paws shook as she tried to pick up Frostkit and lurching forward, stepping over the fire and using her body to shield the kits from the smoke and fire.

Darkness spotted her vision and she pushed one last time towards the closest free cat. Her scarred, scorched lungs caused to her to cough, placing the two kits on the open, unburned ground out of harm's way temporarily, and stumbled back so she wouldn't crush them. "Help them." She pleaded at the cat, stumbling back again on unsteady paws. "HELP THEM." The Guardian choked out, swaying once, twice, then crumbling to the ground, burned flank and stomach unveiled as she was limp on the ground, partially in the apprentices den entrance, not blocking it, but her shoulders grazed the edge of the entrance as she fell, unconscious to the ground.

Smoke. Her weakened lungs didn't stand a chance.

( open for a warrior or apprentice to come get the two kits out!!)[/FONT]

SoulJoy April 12th, 2023 04:02 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]
Rosekit looked around. Why is everyone fighting over me?! Was the only thing he could think of
as he watched three cats fight over saving him.
So, I might have caused a problem while a fires going around...

{@Larissa @Poprock @Scallywagz - Barleybite, The Guardian, Owl}

SoulJoy April 12th, 2023 04:07 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

Originally Posted by Larissa (Post 1400426)

The warriors ears instantly perked as Dreamlight came into view. “I have not, ma’am. Are you okay, i’m more concerned about you before anyone. I know i’m not the mentor here but Dreamlight, please get to the river.” His tone was almost that of a command, but he wasn’t worried about how he sounded right now. Windclan was up in flames and he wasn’t just going to sit here and watch. His head swiftly turned to Twightstar, giving her a silent firm nod only to begin speaking to the leader. “You too. You get to the river as well, I can’t have you dying on me old women
The warrior apprentice turns to face the sudden noise next to him, Fallownose. Placing a child at his feet, with the order “ "Make sure he gets out safely," ” then he was gone. He didn’t say anything towards the deputy as he skedaddled away from the group of the three of them.

The warrior apprentice tried to pick up the kitten set infront on him, trying to mumble something to comfort the ball of fur. “Fallownose is letting you go with me, so why don’t we get you out of here,” He spoke softly towards the kit,.
Looking towards the motionless kitten that make his neck fur spike upwards. “Rosekit!” Darting towards the kitten and trying to scoop the older kit up in his jaw (possibly) alongside Basilkit. “Twilightstar! Dreamlight! Unless one or both of you are planning on burning alive, which i’m guessing not. Let’s get moving, Fallownose is fine, I promise,” He spoke, paws instantly going into motion and towards the camp entrance.

@Lillian @SoulJoy @Moonraven @puppeteer.



@x ghostie - Cow has full perms to pick up Bubble!

Fire. The one thing everyone feared, and the thing she was born during. The shekit wasn’t an hour old and already close to dying right off the bat, nice job starclan. The kitten screeches as she is born, squirming around on the ground with her currently unusable legs. Bubblekit felt the ash fill her lungs alongside the burning that filled each and every breath she took. The sensation sending her into a coughing fit, the smog not aiding her first few breaths anymore than the fires heat from the territories sudden blaze.

@littlelove @xavier. @teddy.

{ Reply to my message at the top of this one! }

Alchemist Kitsune April 12th, 2023 04:50 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

A screech. An acrid, burning stench in the air. A cacophony of yowls, pain and fear rampart in the air. It didn't take much to wake the calico apprentice from her light slumber on the best of days. In a matter of seconds, Lightningpaw was awake, fur normally smooth and snug against her form lay in a wild, disarrayed form as she rushed from Cowtuft's den in a panic. The leader was trying to ensure everyone was out safely, but there was... there was something dreadful going on. Something savage, hot, and evidently hungry was raging about the moors, eating at the grasslands and very ground with an unmatched ferocity. She could only assume it was the very word that kept ringing from everywhere around her. Fire! And it would stop at nothing until everything burned.

Panic paralyzed the apprentice for a moment, her almond shaped eyes wide as she realized... she had no idea what to do. She was... lost. Lightningpaw had no idea how to handle this. How to help. Get to the river... that's what everyone was saying. Right. River. But first... was everyone safe? That was... part of her job, right? She had to ensure everyone left first? She certainly couldn't help anyone if they got hurt here. She didn't know how! So the best treatment? Avoid them getting hurt in the first place!

Wildly looking around, a movement caught her eye at the corner of the camp. Kits! And... a fight? Seriously?! Why was Peachfrost... wait. Who was this tom? And why was Aspenstrike collapsed by the apprentices' den? Where was here mother? And her mentor? And Leechscar... and... and...

"Enough!" Lightningpaw snarled, more to herself than to anyone else. She was losing focus again. Letting her mind fog quickly with this jet black, acrid fog. What she needed was a plan. And fast! And for that, she needed everyone else to focus as well. "Yo, you!" the small apprentice yowled, her body close enough to the ground that the smoke still hadn't coated her lungs yet. "Barleybite. You've got Rosekit and Basilkit already? Good! Get them out, now!"

The apprentice's voice left little place for argument, a dangerous flash in her eyes as she spoke. She wouldn't let anyone die here over ineptitude. She might not know much of anything about them, but if she had to guess, what with an impending fire rushing towards their camp, now was not the time or place to start a fight. Barleybite seemed to still have a good head on his shoulders, though. Good enough to handle a couple of kits, and fast. One of them already seemed to be injured! Now for the troublemakers!

"Peachfrost! Take Frostkit and Silverkit out of here, please! There's no time to lose. And you," the lithe calico snarled, gaze turning sharply towards the newcomer. "You wanna make yourself useful? Help me out here. We gotta get her out, now!"

Lightningpaw did not wait to see if her instructions were followed. She hadn't even intended them as such. She just needed order. Focus. Something to make sense of this inky, smokey chaos. And that meant stopping the fight and giving everyone something to do... for now. They were all big cats. They'd know what to do even better than her. But hopefully they - the fighting ones, she was definitely thinking about the fighting ones - stopped thinking with their tails for long enough to realize they needed to get everyone out. It was that or getting a panic attack, and she was fairly certain she could feel one grasping, trying to claw its way to the back of her mind. Rushing towards Aspenstrike's side, the apprentice grabbed at the guardian's neck scruff, trying desperately - and failing quite spectacularly - at pulling her out of the den. Right... Strength. She always was the weakest of her littermates... Well rabbit droppings. This was an excellent start to an already fabulous night.


@Poprock [Peachfrost] | @jupiter [Aspenstrike - Silverkit] | @Larissa [Barleybite] | @SoulJoy [Rosekit] | @puppeteer [Basilkit] | @Mistfire [Frostkit] | @Scallywagz [Owl]
| Sorry for the mass mention. Lightningpaw saw the fight breaking out and the fainted Aspenstrike and decided to go with her gut. Feel free to have any and all ignore everything she said! This is just her way of handling that impending panic attack. |

SeonghwasBunnyEars April 12th, 2023 04:53 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 1400389)
|| @RedAnger @~*Hope*~ || Cowtuft has asked Rabbiteye to help Scalepaw from the den. || @perseus. Cowtuft has asked Crowflutter to gather one mushroom and one yellow bell from his storage. || @puppeteer @teddy. @xavier. @Larissa @littlelove Cowtuft is offering assistance with evacuating the newborn kittens and possible Gingerheart assistance with walking if needed! || @Scallywagz Cowtuft is attempting to help Cedarkit!

Smoke wrapped around his throat and choked him, startling awake. His eyes hazy as he wobbled to his entrance, confused on what was taking place. He looked outside and saw the flames that had effulged the moor. It was a cruel punishment, as yesterday Cowtuft had only been thanking the stars above for the peace that was beginning to settle. He blinked. Once. Twice. Oh. This was really happening, wasn't it? This was no play of the eyes, no dream, this was reality. His home was burning, and he could hear the tearful cries. Cruel.

A warrior entered into his den, looking like they were searching for something. No apparent injuries. Cowtuft let out a quiet squeak, stomping his paws. He made a gesture towards Scalepaw. "Please.. get him out of here.." was what he was attempting to convey. Then came another, a tortoiseshell and oh, Crowflutter. He shook his head back and forth, Scalepaw was already being taken care of and there were no other patients inside his den.

He would attempt to nudge the molly to his storage, best needing to grab what herbs he could. Cowtuft would pick up the cobweb stick and his four dandelions. (Skin-based pain, could it help with burns?) He gestured towards the singular mushroom and yellow bell, nodding his head.

The medicine cat exited his den, feathery tail held up high, almost like a signal. Mismatched hues surveying the smoke-infested camp, looking for those who may need help. It appeared from a brief glance that the kits who were outside of the nursery were being rescued and Cowtuft decided to swiftly sprint to the nursery itself.

His gaze landed on a queen who had kits mewling. They looked newborn and his breath hitched in his throat. Had they just been born? In this chaos? He shook that from his mind and padded over, worry shining in his hues. "H..help??" He squeaked, "Can.. walk??" Phrases cut short, he looked to Gingerheart with worry. He could help carry the kittens and offer a shoulder to lean on if needed.

It was the kit weakly coughing that caught his attention and Cowtuft pulled back, he was still waiting on a response from Gingerheart. He would still be able to help. Listening, and alert. He gently padded to Cedarkit, attempting to offer a reassuring smile. "Get.. on back..?" He asked, craning his neck down to offer the small one a way to get on.


Hi :3

Smallwing had been on the back of a cat....what was his name? Well she has fallen off, heavy with kits she felt a contraction. No no no! She couldn't be having her kits now....could she? "Damn it!" she screeched, her tone filled with fear, sickness, and pain. As a contraction gripped her stomach once more. "Cowtuft please!" she wailed, staggering a bit forward as more contractions and ripples of pain crossed her path. Falling into a heap of crying, ruffled, singed fur the fluffy grey queen let out one more howl before giving up. Every few minutes that passed her contractions only got worse. "Please..." she whimpered.

absles April 12th, 2023 05:08 PM

Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

Originally Posted by RunningInTheHeather (Post 1400381)
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
A tall non-binary cat with vitiligo and green and blue heterochromia
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

”Get to the river!”

Asterblink jolted awake from the yowl of Twilightstar. The first scent that reached their nose was smoke.
Hm. Smoke.
That meant..
Asterblink was suddenly at their paws. The first cat that came to mind was Leopardpaw.
They ran out of the den. The stench of smoke was everywhere.

“Asterblink! Where are you?!”

They recognized that voice.

“Leopardpaw! I’m here! Where are you?”
Asterblink wildly looked around, until they saw the familiar pelt.
“There you are!” They quickly ran towards him.


Smoke and the orange light from the blaze on the horizon lit the clearing. Cats were wailing and running, some stumbling past coughing. Anxiety pulsed through Leopardpaw's veins. I need to find Asterblink! His black ears perked at the call of his name. The small apprentice started scuffling around trying to determine where Asterblink was coming from. In the midst of his panic, Asterblink appeared before him, and Leopardpaw hit the breaks in attempt to not slam into his mentor. "Help! Where do we go?" His green eyes were wide with panic and his tail still fluffed. His gaze was following the cats fleeing, heading from the camp and the hungry flames in the distance.

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