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Raiini October 8th, 2016 11:35 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery
[ QUOTE] "Stormkit, do you want to play mossball with me?", Splashkit mewed. She wanted her friend to play with her since she was bored.[/QUOTE]

"Ok, I guess" She mewed. The flicked her tail, and went over to Splashkit

ameko October 9th, 2016 12:15 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Eerie Whispers
When her friend had done that she felt her cheek furs hear up rather quickly. Feeling her heart flutter in her chest she sniffles slightly "y-your not that awkward and even if you were it suits you..... Its kinda cute" she mumbled quickly. Leaning down over him she pressed her nose gently to his before pulling back her blue gaze rested on him. Smiling weakly she nodded slowly "y-yeah I think that'll be fun...." she trailed off in thought going back to the night they post a friend/sister having Lightpaw up and disappear from the territory without much but a stale trace of her ever being there. Shuffling her paws she felt her stomach turn with slight fear. "L-lets just be careful alright...? I don't want anything had to happen again....." trailing off she turned her head away from him once more closing her eyes for a heart beat holding her breath as she did so.

Ravenpaw stared up at Goldenpaw while he lay on his back, embarrassment suddenly smothering him and leaving him speechless. Oh. That's why he wasn't embarrassed earlier, so he could become twice the amount now. How delightful. "Uh," he started, but was unable to finish the rest of his sentence. Not sure how to respond to Goldenpaw complimenting him, he murmured a quiet thank-you and rolled back over, swiftly standing up. He shook the dust out from the clearing out of his fur. "Yeah, yeah--of course we'll be careful. We just need to find our mentors," he dragged out the 's', glancing around to see if he could spot Ghostwind or Redtooth anywhere. Grateful for an excuse to take a moment and recover from their conversation, he padded over and peeked into the warriors' den, wondering if Ghostwind had happened to suddenly appeared in their during his conversation with Goldenpaw. Taking a few long seconds to stand and breathe deeply, calming himself, and turned and trotted back over to Goldenpaw. "Apparently they are in-- uh, aren't in the d-den. Ghostwind and R-redtooth, I mean," he corrected himself hastily, glancing down at his paws. "Did you, er, want to go hunting anyway? It's daytime, so it's not like anything's going to try to come and get us, [I think]," he inquired, having the feelings of both wanting to spend more time with Goldenpaw but also wanting to try to avoid her and keep himself from any awkward situations. It was really strange and new for the young, raven apprentice. He had next to no idea how to deal with it.

Abstracted Dog October 9th, 2016 12:28 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Fernpaw layed in the middle of the clearing, her eyes dull as usual. Her tail was twitching, and she let out a small growl of pain as her paw started to swell again. It's neglect of medical attention for so long had really affected it.. It hurt every second and now she wasn't allowed to train even. She sat up, her eyes heavy. She limped to the fresh-kill pile, her friends off doing something. She really felt neglected by her clan. As she passed cats, she didn't look at them, because why bother? They would stare at her anyways. A kit called her a freak the other day. All she needed was a saint. Somebody liked her for her, and didn't feel pity because of her paw. She set down the prey, and looked around. Everybody else was talking to each other. Except her. She had nobody with her, and it seemed like everybody was staring at her, saying ''What a poor kit.." It feltt like the world had turned on her and she hissed as loud as possible in frustration. She then stormed out, leaving the rabbit sitting there.

lilith October 9th, 2016 12:42 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

(for pathos)
Goldenpaw blinked slightly as she shuffled her paws "M-maybe we could run into them if we go out....?" Making that seem like a question she released a soft sigh shaking her head a tad bit. "if you want to go out hunting still" she said rather quickly not wanting to force the tom to do something he wasn't comfortable with......er any more then what he was. Flattening her ears she crouched down into a laying position covering hear ears with her paws. "I mean I understand if you don't want too..... You're a busy cat after all er.... yeah" She mumbled clearing her throat at the end. Glancing up slightly she shuffled her white paw forward barely touching the ravens foot. Smiling weakly she grew quiet peeking at him in the corner of her eyes. Not entirely sure on how she feels for the other she couldn't help but like being around him. Seeing him be all nervous around her gave her the perspective of his rather cute side. Purring faintly at the thought she began to giggle softly at herself as she rolled onto her back her paws outstretched in front of her like she was running. Her blue gaze showed a sudden warmth looking all about the clearing. Feeling the pale sunlight heat up her bellyfur she closed her eyes a bit waiting for her friend to respond to her question she began to hum softly her tail tapped along with that. In hopes that she wasn't making matters worse she let out another sigh mid hum stealking a quick look towards Ravenpaw.

ameko October 9th, 2016 01:12 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Eerie Whispers
Goldenpaw blinked slightly as she shuffled her paws "M-maybe we could run into them if we go out....?" Making that seem like a question she released a soft sigh shaking her head a tad bit. "if you want to go out hunting still" she said rather quickly not wanting to force the tom to do something he wasn't comfortable with......er any more then what he was. Flattening her ears she crouched down into a laying position covering hear ears with her paws. "I mean I understand if you don't want too..... You're a busy cat after all er.... yeah" She mumbled clearing her throat at the end. Glancing up slightly she shuffled her white paw forward barely touching the ravens foot. Smiling weakly she grew quiet peeking at him in the corner of her eyes. Not entirely sure on how she feels for the other she couldn't help but like being around him. Seeing him be all nervous around her gave her the perspective of his rather cute side. Purring faintly at the thought she began to giggle softly at herself as she rolled onto her back her paws outstretched in front of her like she was running. Her blue gaze showed a sudden warmth looking all about the clearing. Feeling the pale sunlight heat up her bellyfur she closed her eyes a bit waiting for her friend to respond to her question she began to hum softly her tail tapped along with that. In hopes that she wasn't making matters worse she let out another sigh mid hum stealking a quick look towards Ravenpaw.

Ravenpaw nodded far too quickly for what would normally be expected. "Oh- of course I want to go hunting! I-It's always quite fun," he justified himself, hoping that Goldenpaw was in the mood for hunting as well. It would be a tad more awkward if she didn't really want to in the first place, he assumed. "And yeah, I'm sure we'll see 'em when we're out in the territory. I-I mean, the moors are pretty flat and wide open, anyhow," chuckled Ravenpaw. Sitting back down, he tilted his head in slight confusion when his clanmate laid herself on the ground. "What? I'm not very busy! I-I-I really jus' train with my mentor daily, like every other apprentice does. I'm no busier!" The dark apprentice watched everything around them for a few moments, slowly stretching out until he was lying down on his stomach. His timid yellow eyes softened as his gaze settled onto the snowshoe. "It's kind of nice just sittin' like this," he murmured. I'm not ever usually so at peace with the world, he thought to himself with a small smile. Ravenpaw felt much better than he usually felt on days like this, where his mentor was nowhere to be seen. Usually, he'd spend half the day wondering what to do and the other half acting like he was doing something worthwhile--probably helping with the elders or gathering moss. He was far too scared to go out into the territory alone, but today it felt much better. He felt quite a bit safer with Goldenpaw.

A little while passed before Ravenpaw stretched, standing up. "W-we... we should probably go hunting now." Without waiting a moment for Goldenpaw, he began to pad in the direction of the camp entrance. Of course, he glanced back to make sure Goldenpaw was following him.

stormblaze October 9th, 2016 02:24 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
featherpool looked down on her sweet kits, how could these tiny bundles be so lovely? she wondered. after the birth her mate flamesong had refused to leave the nursery. it was so full now featherpool could hardly move. three sunrises ago these little wonders had been born, both mates felt a great sense of pride for them. " mama!" said pinekit, jogging featherpool from her thoughts. " yes sweetheart? what do you need?" featherpool asked lovingly. " i want to go outside!" the kit wailed. " wait till you sisters have got up first darling." featherpool settled the kit down and they both fell asleep again.

Phoenix Flames October 9th, 2016 08:22 AM

Re: WindClan Nursery
[ QUOTE=stormblaze;4456]featherpool looked down on her sweet kits, how could these tiny bundles be so lovely? she wondered. after the birth her mate flamesong had refused to leave the nursery. it was so full now featherpool could hardly move. three sunrises ago these little wonders had been born, both mates felt a great sense of pride for them. " mama!" said pinekit, jogging featherpool from her thoughts. " yes sweetheart? what do you need?" featherpool asked lovingly. " i want to go outside!" the kit wailed. " wait till you sisters have got up first darling." featherpool settled the kit down and they both fell asleep again.[/QUOTE]

((Can I be one of the other two of Featherpool's and Flamesong's kits?))

Hexict October 9th, 2016 02:56 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
[ QUOTE=Lonestar23;1921][ QUOTE=Hexict;1727] @Lonestar23

Falconpaw laughed at this. "Yeah it is! And are you talking about you being blind? That could work to your advantage though; let's say you're in battle, and someone attacks you - they wouldn't expect you to be good at fighting! And like you said, if you try hard, then you could be great as everyone else, so I know you could become a good fighter, right?" The dusty apprentice beamed down at the kit. "So I don't think that you be be scared, and if someone is mean to you... just beat them up, they won't be able to make fun of you if you're better than them," Falconpaw gave another laugh at this. At the question of her age, the apprentice puffed out her chest in pride. "Seven moons, soon to be eight," she claimed, clearly proud of this despite it not truly being any sort of achievement in any way whatsoever. "How old you?" She asked suddenly, realizing that she didn't know and it would come of rude if she didn't ask in return.[/QUOTE]

Mintkit grinned, feeling pleasure at the older cat's words. "Yeah, I guess so! Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better," Mintkit beamed. The little kit tried to make herself look larger, sitting up and smiling broadly. "Four moons, almost five," Mintkit mewed. She was forever trying to make herself look larger or more important, just because she felt like she would fit in better with the other cats if she did so. Mintkit's sightless eyes swept over Falconpaw suddenly and her ears swiveled in the direction of a sudden noise, her head following it. A moment later she returned her head back to the direction of the apprentice and gave a small smile. "What would you say is the most exciting thing about being an apprentice? Cause for me, I can't wait to get out and explore the territory," Mintkit beamed. She was looking forwards to doing that the most, just because it wouldn't require as much sight...hearing and scenting things would get her around pretty well. She waited patiently for the other cat's answer, her tail twitching back and forth in the dust.

"That's the spirit!" The apprentice mewed happily as Mintkit seemed to take in her words, and even claimed that they made her feel better. She loved making other feel better, especially if it was something like this - like they feel helpless, but Falconpaw makes them realize that they truly aren't. As she was questioned what was the most exciting part of being an apprentice, though there was no hesitation as she answered. "All of it! I love exploring the territory, I love fighting training, and I even love hunting! Though the last one can sometime be boring," she admitted, laughing as she did. Falconpaw loved almost everything,and loved being an apprentice - hardly able to wait until she could be an actual warrior.

ConfusedCas October 9th, 2016 09:26 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 425)
Heartkit grinned at Rainkit, a sort of almost motherly grin as she padded beside him. "Thanks," she mewed as the two began to head back to camp. She hated to have freaked out in front of him, especially after her small outburst about being able to take care of herself, but having scented that unknown smell...well, it made her feel uneasy. When I'm an apprentice, then I'll know what it was...then I'll track it down, she thought confidently. Although, Rainkit would be an apprentice before her...perhaps he would be the one to find out what the scent was. Either way, she would just be glad when she knew what it was. Heartkit suddenly looked more worried again, and she swished her tiny tail back and forth as they padded along. "I'm...I'm really, really sorry that we couldn't find your spy," she mewed in a little bit of a quieter voice as she headed along.

The feel of the territory was reassuring once more, just something about the wonder and hugeness (is that a word? xD) of it all, and the waving grasses that almost enveloped the small she cat. She didn't dare say anything for a while, as she glanced back over towards the flowers once more. Rainkit hadn't seemed that interested in them last time, but to her they were just as pretty as they had been. How could anyone not love the flowers! They were so beautiful, like tiny golden and white specks dotting an ocean of green. Heartkit padded a little quicker, eager to get back to camp as soon as possible.

~I just realized, should have posted this in the territory xD~

( Well, too late x3 )

Heartkit's smile made him feel different. It wasn't making him uncomfortable, for he found he was smiling as well, but it was a strange feeling. Is this trust? He glanced at the smaller she-kit wondering if he would actually trust her with his own life. Well, i'm out here aren't I? Having her as my scent guide... So yeah, I guess so... Rainkit hadn't noticed the purr rumbling in his throat until after it became audible but he wasn't too quick to silence himself. "It's ok, I'm sure whatever it was was just too scared to face us." There was a flicker of amusement in his eyes along with actual pride, resorting to his juvenile kitten personality. As usual his ears went back to being perked as he scoped the wide moors. Rainkit picked his pace up into a trot when he realized Heartkit was eager to get back to camp. The tom was also eager to get back, anxious to see if anything important had happened while the two were gone. I hope she doesn't get in trouble... He flicked her shoulder with his tail like he had done just before they left, "I think we're close to the camp, this way looks familiar. Smell Windclan?" He asked staring at her with wonder and anticipation.

Ivy October 9th, 2016 09:33 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 3650)
[ QUOTE=Ivy;3210][ QUOTE=Beau;1676]{Ivy}
Crestpaw continued along her path, happily oblivious to the tan tom following her. The young molly hummed a little bit as she walsked, waiting until she got far enough away from the location of the mouse before she got serious about hunting. Becoming quiet, the she-cat stalked forward silently. Her ears flicked as she heard a small rustling. Turning towards the sound, she slowly moved closer, finally pinpointing the location of a tawny brown rabbit. Leaping, she pinned it between her claws and killed it. Suddenly, a snapping noise caught her attention, and she stood up. Whipping her head in the direction of the noise, Crestpaw called, "Soaringcrane?" Blue eyes searched the rye and flitted from one spot to another rapildy.

Soaringcrane couldnt hide any longer. He growled softly, bunching his muscles in his hind legs, springing up and landing right next to Crestpaw, on accident. He grunted. "Im here." He muttered, trying to not look too embaressed from his failed attempt to pounce on her. Getting up, he lashed out a sheathed paw at her chest aiming for her fluffy chest fur. He really needed to practice his pounces more.

Crestpaw's ear flicked subconsciously as she heard a low growl. Before she could process the sound, however, a large mass slammed into the ground beside her. The apprentice jumped with a surprised mew and fluffed up her fur before realizing that she recognized the tan fur beside her. Flattening her fur, Crestpaw looked at Soaringcrane questioningly as he muttered that he was there. The she-cat was not prepared when he lashed out a paw, and the blow hit her square in the chest, knocking the wind out of her. Coughing, Crestpaw regained her composure and glared at Soaringcrane, crouching down and flicking her tail back and forth across the ground like a snake. The tortoiseshell hissed and sprang at her mentor, all four paws extended towards his face.

Soaringcrane was taken back by how fierce she looked. In fact so shocked that he was caught off guard and let her pounce at his face. Her paws slamed into his muzzle, making the poor tom bite his tongue and draw blood from it. That awoke him from his senses. He flailed, his paws waving wildly in the air like stalks of rye on a particularly windy day. Shes beautiful as she is dangerous He thought dreamily to himself.

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