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Static January 29th, 2019 05:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Cave (Post 565583)
"Hey wait," she said hopping out of the mudpuddle "I'm the biggest here and I'm the one who started the chase, I should be the one to take the blame for all this," she said with water dripping from her pelt. She smiled at her sister, "besides your the one who hates being dirty." Fawnkit then shook out her pelt, sending thick blobs of mud everywhere, though she still had a substantial amount on her pelt.
(I kinda want Fawnkit to take on a bit of an older sibling role, at least for the big things like this)
(also I want Flamingrose to come into camp to see this mess sometime soon, is that all alright with ya @TawnyNeedsACoffee and @Static )


Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 565596)
Silent'Kit looked at her for a second before sighing. " If that's what you really want... Then I won't stop you". She said maturely as she hesitantly went into the puddle, it helped somewhat but she was still quite dirty, she came out soaked, she shook her fur and droplets went everywhere when she was done her fur poofed up a bit making her look like a fluffball. "Tch...". She clicked her tongue annoyed.


Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 567646)
(( xD Fawn'Kit and the overprotectiveness ))

Silent'Kit glanced sideways for a brief moment as she felt her siblings eyes on her before drawing her attention back to Droplet'Kit as she started speaking again." Oh yeah like you asked I was able to find out more about the quarrel with Those cats you wanted...whatever their names were I think it was Squirrel'Leaf and Sparrow'Jaw? Yeah anyway, they both seem to be ignoring each other as of right now". She said clicking her tongue at the boring words that spilled from her own mouth.

@Static @Cave @Hopekitt


Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 567773)
Silent'Kit nodded as she beckoned Droplet'Kit over to Fawn'Kit and Birch'Kit." So have you come up with a plan because I think Droplet'Kit might have one". She looked at the three of them.

@Cave @Static @Hopekitt


Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 567767)
"Of course I'll help you!" Dropletkit responded in a friendly modus operandi. "You are my bestie, after all! I wouldn't want you to get into any trouble," she told her, smiling contently. Quickly Dropletkit went through in her mind how to dry Silentkit off. "Shake all of the lose droplets of water off, and then we'll work from there," she told Silentkit, nodding to herself. Dropletkit wasn't sure if she'd be of any use helping Silentkit, but it was worth a shot. Maybe she could stall Flamingrose while Silentkit found a good hiding spot to hide away from Flamingrose until she dried off, but the female was pretty sure that wouldn't work. They would just have to see if StarClan was on their side and if they could successfully find ways to empty Silentkit's fur of the water.


Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 567776)
Dropletkit stared at them expectantly, waiting for a reply. She wasn't one of the most patient cats though she tried to be since she knew she wasn't very pleasant when she was cranky. The kit looked at Fawnkit and Birchkit more closely. The two siblings seemed close, from what Dropletkit had seen, but the female knew from all of her drama-drinking that looks could be and were usually deceiving. Dropletkit flickered her tail this way and that, waiting in that short-tempered, unique way of hers.

Birchkit heard Simplefeather's name and looked up from his own conversation. He had met Simplefeather yesterday and she had seemed like a good cat. She had helped him warm back up and even talked to him for a bit. The secret surely cant be that bad, Birchkit thought. He doubted the warrior would want him to know her secret, but the fact that some cat had purposely tried to start drama angered him a little which was rare. He usually tried to accept all cats, but who would want to purposely ruin a cats life? He assumed it had been on purpose anyways. The way Dropletkit had described it made it sound like they had. There is probably a reason why that cat did that. Don't jump to assumptions.
Now that he was paying attention though, he wished he had listened to the whole conversation. He knew it had something to do about drying Fawnkit and Silentkit off (or hoped so anyways), but that was all he understood. He looked at the ground, not wanting to engage in the conversation for fear of interrupting or making it awkward.

panchiko January 29th, 2019 05:55 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Static (Post 567808)
Birchkit heard Simplefeather's name and looked up from his own conversation. He had met Simplefeather yesterday and she had seemed like a good cat. She had helped him warm back up and even talked to him for a bit. The secret surely cant be that bad, Birchkit thought. He doubted the warrior would want him to know her secret, but the fact that some cat had purposely tried to start drama angered him a little which was rare. He usually tried to accept all cats, but who would want to purposely ruin a cats life? He assumed it had been on purpose anyways. The way Dropletkit had described it made it sound like they had. There is probably a reason why that cat did that. Don't jump to assumptions.
Now that he was paying attention though, he wished he had listened to the whole conversation. He knew it had something to do about drying Fawnkit and Silentkit off (or hoped so anyways), but that was all he understood. He looked at the ground, not wanting to engage in the conversation for fear of interrupting or making it awkward.

Dropletkit glanced at Birchkit questioningly, noticing his uncomfortable movements, and repeated her inquiry. The female knew what it looked like when someone had missed a conversation and decided to help Birchkit out. "Do you have any ideas on how we can dry off Silentkit? She's wet and Flamingrose will probably yell at her." The female tilted her head kindly at him, then turned her head back in Silentkit's direction. Her best friend's siblings, she guessed, perhaps weren't the best at making plans. The kit didn't really give that much thought, since plans weren't often necessary, but figured that good plan-creating skills would be helpful right about now. Maybe her idea would work, maybe not. Only time could tell, if Dropletkit was telling the truth. While waiting for Fawnkit and Birchkit's responses, if they had any, she thought over the drama she'd heard. Simplefeather was a friendly and generous cat, to be fair; but what wasn't fair was Saltwater telling the female's secret. Dropletkit had never had any sort of feelings towards Saltwater or Simplefeather, but, knowing the secret, she was starting to like Saltwater less and less. The fact of the matter was, secrets weren't meant to be told. Unless you told them to Dropletkit; that was a-okay. Dropletkit decided to stop thinking about such things, since such complex matters made her mind ache, and snapped herself back into reality in a few seconds.

TawnyNeedsACoffee January 29th, 2019 05:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Static (Post 567808)
Birchkit heard Simplefeather's name and looked up from his own conversation. He had met Simplefeather yesterday and she had seemed like a good cat. She had helped him warm back up and even talked to him for a bit. The secret surely cant be that bad, Birchkit thought. He doubted the warrior would want him to know her secret, but the fact that some cat had purposely tried to start drama angered him a little which was rare. He usually tried to accept all cats, but who would want to purposely ruin a cats life? He assumed it had been on purpose anyways. The way Dropletkit had described it made it sound like they had. There is probably a reason why that cat did that. Don't jump to assumptions.
Now that he was paying attention though, he wished he had listened to the whole conversation. He knew it had something to do about drying Fawnkit and Silentkit off (or hoped so anyways), but that was all he understood. He looked at the ground, not wanting to engage in the conversation for fear of interrupting or making it awkward.

Silent'Kit looked from Droplet'Kit, To Fawn'Kit then to Birch'Kit and saw a hint of rage on Birch'Kit's face which startled her, she whispered to Birch'Kit." Hey...Are you ok??". She made sure no one else heard.
@Cave @Static @Hopekitt

panchiko January 29th, 2019 06:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 567815)
Silent'Kit looked from Droplet'Kit, To Fawn'Kit then to Birch'Kit and saw a hint of rage on Birch'Kit's face which startled her, she whispered to Birch'Kit." Hey...Are you ok??". She made sure no one else heard.
@Cave @Static @Hopekitt

Dropletkit gave Silentkit and Birchkit an odd look as her best friend leaned over to whisker something to her sibling. Silentkit didn't usually act as if Dropletkit didn't exist, and the female felt very strange all of a sudden. Had she said something off? The kit decided not to speak until the matter was addressed, taking a breath and holding herself back from talking. It was a bit of a difficult struggle, seeing as Dropletkit was the most talkative cat in the group of four, but she kept herself silent.

TawnyNeedsACoffee January 29th, 2019 06:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 567816)
Dropletkit gave Silentkit and Birchkit an odd look as her best friend leaned over to whisker something to her sibling. Silentkit didn't usually act as if Dropletkit didn't exist, and the female felt very strange all of a sudden. Had she said something off? The kit decided not to speak until the matter was addressed, taking a breath and holding herself back from talking. It was a bit of a difficult struggle, seeing as Dropletkit was the most talkative cat in the group of four, but she kept herself silent.

Silent'Kit finished asking and gave Droplet'Kit her rare apologetic look and briefly smiled to cheer her up, before it went back to her usual grumpy look and waited for a response from the three.
@Cave @Static @Hopekitt

Static January 29th, 2019 06:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 567816)
Dropletkit gave Silentkit and Birchkit an odd look as her best friend leaned over to whisker something to her sibling. Silentkit didn't usually act as if Dropletkit didn't exist, and the female felt very strange all of a sudden. Had she said something off? The kit decided not to speak until the matter was addressed, taking a breath and holding herself back from talking. It was a bit of a difficult struggle, seeing as Dropletkit was the most talkative cat in the group of four, but she kept herself silent.


Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 567818)
Silent'Kit finished asking and gave Droplet'Kit her rare apologetic look and briefly smiled to cheer her up, before it went back to her usual grumpy look and waited for a response from the three.
@Cave @Static @Hopekitt

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Birchkit responded. Complaining about it wouldn't help any, and Dropletkit had not been the one to say anything about Simplefeather. After reminding himself of this, he saw no reason to be mad at Dropletkit for simply telling what had happened. "S-so what are we doing?" Birchkit asked, changing the subject and trying to get back to the point of the conversation.

panchiko January 29th, 2019 08:12 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 567818)
Silent'Kit finished asking and gave Droplet'Kit her rare apologetic look and briefly smiled to cheer her up, before it went back to her usual grumpy look and waited for a response from the three.
@Cave @Static @Hopekitt


Originally Posted by Static (Post 567836)
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Birchkit responded. Complaining about it wouldn't help any, and Dropletkit had not been the one to say anything about Simplefeather. After reminding himself of this, he saw no reason to be mad at Dropletkit for simply telling what had happened. "S-so what are we doing?" Birchkit asked, changing the subject and trying to get back to the point of the conversation.

Dropletkit nodded appreciatively at Silentkit, giving her friend a smile back. Consequentially, the female turned towards Silentkit's brother, Birchkit. "Trying to get your sister dry so that your mom won't yell at her," she responded casually, giving Birchkit an interesting look. It seemed like Birchkit didn't pay much attention to conversations, but she guessed not everyone was as drama-thirsty as her as to pay attention to every single chitchat ever.

Cave January 29th, 2019 10:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 567818)
Silent'Kit finished asking and gave Droplet'Kit her rare apologetic look and briefly smiled to cheer her up, before it went back to her usual grumpy look and waited for a response from the three.
@Cave @Static @Hopekitt


Originally Posted by Static (Post 567836)
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Birchkit responded. Complaining about it wouldn't help any, and Dropletkit had not been the one to say anything about Simplefeather. After reminding himself of this, he saw no reason to be mad at Dropletkit for simply telling what had happened. "S-so what are we doing?" Birchkit asked, changing the subject and trying to get back to the point of the conversation.


Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 567863)
Dropletkit nodded appreciatively at Silentkit, giving her friend a smile back. Consequentially, the female turned towards Silentkit's brother, Birchkit. "Trying to get your sister dry so that your mom won't yell at her," she responded casually, giving Birchkit an interesting look. It seemed like Birchkit didn't pay much attention to conversations, but she guessed not everyone was as drama-thirsty as her as to pay attention to every single chitchat ever.

Fawnkit sat thinking, though her thoughts came through her mouth as she muttered, "I don't think its that big of a deal, I mean she will be more concerned with me being covered in mud then Silentkit being wet. I could even say that I was the one who got her wet and muddy." Fawnkit didn't seem to understand what the big deal was, and she was only slightly more trusting of Dropletkit, since she seemed to be on our side.

panchiko January 29th, 2019 10:50 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Cave (Post 567887)
Fawnkit sat thinking, though her thoughts came through her mouth as she muttered, "I don't think its that big of a deal, I mean she will be more concerned with me being covered in mud then Silentkit being wet. I could even say that I was the one who got her wet and muddy." Fawnkit didn't seem to understand what the big deal was, and she was only slightly more trusting of Dropletkit, since she seemed to be on our side.

Dropletkit tilted her head at Fawnkit. She was more loyal and respectably of a sibling than Dropletkit had thought. "No, that would mean you would get in trouble, and it would be better to avoid any trouble, for that matter." she replied, shaking her head disagreeably. Her ears twitched in amusement, though she glanced back at Silentkit. "Anyways, it's not my call. Silent, whad'ya think?" Dropletkit inquired of her best friend, looking at Silentkit promptly. Dropletkit knew that she was probably being a tad bossy, but that was not the issue here; Silentkit being wet and Fawnkit being muddy was.

TawnyNeedsACoffee January 30th, 2019 03:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 567893)
Dropletkit tilted her head at Fawnkit. She was more loyal and respectably of a sibling than Dropletkit had thought. "No, that would mean you would get in trouble, and it would be better to avoid any trouble, for that matter." she replied, shaking her head disagreeably. Her ears twitched in amusement, though she glanced back at Silentkit. "Anyways, it's not my call. Silent, whad'ya think?" Dropletkit inquired of her best friend, looking at Silentkit promptly. Dropletkit knew that she was probably being a tad bossy, but that was not the issue here; Silentkit being wet and Fawnkit being muddy was.

Silent'Kit narrowed her eyes a bit at Fawn'Kit and Birch'Kit knowing they were both judging her friend but her tone came out tad bit too bitterly harsh. " Well, Fawn'Kit should find a puddle and get some mud off her self and the only option we have is to let our fur dry off in the sun, if Flaming'Rise comes Birch'Kit and Droplet'Kit can distract her until we have a chance to hide or be at least half dry... Or unless you two who keep muttering have a better option then how about stating your opinions a bit louder?!". Her face looked angry and her glare could send chills down any cats spine, her temper was short and her mood was already sour due to being a wet Furball and she didn't need her siblings to be judging who she hung out with or seeing weather or not they are good at a time like this.

(( The Tsundere is now on angry alert all cats near by please find shelter or brace yourselves for sudden impact xD @Cave @Static @Hopekitt ))

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