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-   -   Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54636)

Akira August 12th, 2022 11:28 PM

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]
Eelkit found himself some ways away from the StarClan camp, instead located in the hidden garden he claimed ownership to when he got here moons ago, located in a hidden area of StarClan territory. It was a lovely garden, and it was his safe space: here, he could relax, play, and overall be happy while occasionally checking on the Clans...

Except right now, Eelkit wasn't happy. He was tasked with a couple of jobs for the coming days, the first of which was to guide a couple of lonely souls to StarClan when they passed, which he had no problems with. He'd been doing that since he first got to StarClan all those moons ago, and was happy to give company to those without. He had no issues with it whatsoever.

It was his second task that upset him: Eelkit was chosen to deliver some rather... Upsetting news to an unlucky cat, and he hated to be the bearer of such news. The older souls in StarClan probably chose him for his rank as a kit along with his over one hundred moons of wisdom StarClan has granted him, but he wish he wasn't. He didn't want to upset anyone, especially with news like these to such a cat... But... Ugh, why did things have to be so complicated? He normally disliked being treated as just a kit but, in times like these, he almost preferred it...


Dirtfur August 13th, 2022 01:00 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1240393)
Eelkit found himself some ways away from the StarClan camp, instead located in the hidden garden he claimed ownership to when he got here moons ago, located in a hidden area of StarClan territory. It was a lovely garden, and it was his safe space: here, he could relax, play, and overall be happy while occasionally checking on the Clans...

Except right now, Eelkit wasn't happy. He was tasked with a couple of jobs for the coming days, the first of which was to guide a couple of lonely souls to StarClan when they passed, which he had no problems with. He'd been doing that since he first got to StarClan all those moons ago, and was happy to give company to those without. He had no issues with it whatsoever.

It was his second task that upset him: Eelkit was chosen to deliver some rather... Upsetting news to an unlucky cat, and he hated to be the bearer of such news. The older souls in StarClan probably chose him for his rank as a kit along with his over one hundred moons of wisdom StarClan has granted him, but he wish he wasn't. He didn't want to upset anyone, especially with news like these to such a cat... But... Ugh, why did things have to be so complicated? He normally disliked being treated as just a kit but, in times like these, he almost preferred it...


Dirtfur chuckled with his star-lit friends, all enjoying a moment together. It lasted a while, his friends excused themselves and left the circle, one by one till it is no longer a circle, but a line of brown fur that belonged to the once muddy and dirt covered warrior.

Sighed, he brought himself up from his spot. His mind wandered to a topic he kept quiet on while his friends kept letting out meows about it. It was about Skystar’s leadership and his death. It got Dirtfur thinking until the topic formed into a conversation about which clan would do best as badgers.

Now that his spirit buddies were gone, he was alone with his thoughts and he always disliked the feeling. He would hear his voice in his head reminding him of the things he had done that hurt his loved ones and the embarrassment would follow. Even though he accepted everything was his fault, it kept playing in his head and he was not sure if he wanted it to stop or to keep going.

His paws were on the forest floor, while his mind was on Skystar. He was following the trail he once took when he was curious about where it led. A garden was the answer, likely been unnoticed by many star cats for a long time, for that no one was in it when he had found the area and no glitter paw prints were spotted. When he had finally found the entrance to the garden, he gathered his own strength and questioned his own sanity. Does he really want to think about things now when he could be finding more friends to talk to? He had already dwelled in his own gloom many times, why should he do it again, it won’t change nada. But the former deputy never answered them and went inside backwards, making sure no one saw him entering. As he entered, he twisted his neck, chin over shoulder to look, and found a kit all by themselves.

“Are you okay, little one? Are you lost?” he asked with genuine concern for the kit, and padded close to them. He had sworn that he saw the kit before.

Akira August 13th, 2022 09:07 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1240401)

Dirtfur chuckled with his star-lit friends, all enjoying a moment together. It lasted a while, his friends excused themselves and left the circle, one by one till it is no longer a circle, but a line of brown fur that belonged to the once muddy and dirt covered warrior.

Sighed, he brought himself up from his spot. His mind wandered to a topic he kept quiet on while his friends kept letting out meows about it. It was about Skystar’s leadership and his death. It got Dirtfur thinking until the topic formed into a conversation about which clan would do best as badgers.

Now that his spirit buddies were gone, he was alone with his thoughts and he always disliked the feeling. He would hear his voice in his head reminding him of the things he had done that hurt his loved ones and the embarrassment would follow. Even though he accepted everything was his fault, it kept playing in his head and he was not sure if he wanted it to stop or to keep going.

His paws were on the forest floor, while his mind was on Skystar. He was following the trail he once took when he was curious about where it led. A garden was the answer, likely been unnoticed by many star cats for a long time, for that no one was in it when he had found the area and no glitter paw prints were spotted. When he had finally found the entrance to the garden, he gathered his own strength and questioned his own sanity. Does he really want to think about things now when he could be finding more friends to talk to? He had already dwelled in his own gloom many times, why should he do it again, it won’t change nada. But the former deputy never answered them and went inside backwards, making sure no one saw him entering. As he entered, he twisted his neck, chin over shoulder to look, and found a kit all by themselves.

“Are you okay, little one? Are you lost?” he asked with genuine concern for the kit, and padded close to them. He had sworn that he saw the kit before.

Eelkit had been staring at his paws for a long while now, looking like if he stared hard enough, his paws would no longer be there. His anger, of course, wasn't towards his paws, but he couldn't direct it to those who placed the upsetting tasks on him. He knew being angry wouldn't fix anything, but it wasn't like he could do much else for now.

Still lost in his thoughts, Eelkit was admittedly a bit startled hearing someone approach and call out to him. He blinked quickly when his eyes landed on a brown warrior, staring at him in concern, and the young kit resisted the urge to frown and click his tongue in irritation. Suddenly, his former thoughts about being treated like a kit were thrown out the window. Of course he wasn't lost: this was his special spot! Besides, he knew StarClan like the back of his paw: being here for over a hundred moons helped in that case.

Eelkit didn't speak, instead staring at the warrior in question. A brown tabby warrior, who was now in the prime of his youth when he was happiest, like many others here. Wait... He recognized the tom. It was Dirtfur, a deputy of his former Clan, RiverClan, and father to Skystar, the tom cursed to hear plants screaming at him until his death. What was he doing here? Didn't he have friends and loved ones he'd rather reconnect with? Eelkit didn't ask this, but he merely tilted his head at the warrior, offering the silent question through his little green eyes.

Dirtfur September 4th, 2022 06:16 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]
The kit did not answer. Instead they tilted their head and stared at the ghostly warrior. Dirtfur already knew what the young cat was asking; he had seen that look every time he came back from a task and sat down to rest, taking note of many stares he would get from his new clanmates.

Dirtfur forced himself not to sigh whilst he started to remind himself that his friends have more important matters to attend to and his loved ones either went to the Dark Forest or ran away from him anytime they spotted him in StarClan camp. Not wanting to break the silence yet, he shrugged and gave a light, soft, and quiet chuckle, and gave a grin.

A second look at the kit, Dirtfur finally recognized them as Eelkit. Although the awkward silence gave the older spirit a calming atmosphere, it was likely a good idea to ask the kit why they are here. “Did you find this place on your own, too?”


Akira September 5th, 2022 02:51 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1253923)
The kit did not answer. Instead they tilted their head and stared at the ghostly warrior. Dirtfur already knew what the young cat was asking; he had seen that look every time he came back from a task and sat down to rest, taking note of many stares he would get from his new clanmates.

Dirtfur forced himself not to sigh whilst he started to remind himself that his friends have more important matters to attend to and his loved ones either went to the Dark Forest or ran away from him anytime they spotted him in StarClan camp. Not wanting to break the silence yet, he shrugged and gave a light, soft, and quiet chuckle, and gave a grin.

A second look at the kit, Dirtfur finally recognized them as Eelkit. Although the awkward silence gave the older spirit a calming atmosphere, it was likely a good idea to ask the kit why they are here. “Did you find this place on your own, too?”


"Yes," Eelkit answered bluntly, looking around and trying to see if there was anyone else. To no one's surprise, he and Dirtfur were the only cats in this hidden area. He liked this secret area to think, but it was no longer a secret with Dirtfur knowing, was it? Still, it wasn't always bad to interact with others and talking to them...

"I'm just... Thinking, is all," the young kit continued with a sigh, looking down. Ugh, being a StarClan resident was harder than anyone could hope to believe. But seriously, why him for these jobs. Hm...

Dirtfur September 11th, 2022 08:42 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1254529)
"Yes," Eelkit answered bluntly, looking around and trying to see if there was anyone else. To no one's surprise, he and Dirtfur were the only cats in this hidden area. He liked this secret area to think, but it was no longer a secret with Dirtfur knowing, was it? Still, it wasn't always bad to interact with others and talking to them...

"I'm just... Thinking, is all," the young kit continued with a sigh, looking down. Ugh, being a StarClan resident was harder than anyone could hope to believe. But seriously, why him for these jobs. Hm...

Dirtfur stared blankly at the kit, not knowing what to say in response to Eelkit’s answer. The shiny warrior then blinked with concern as he heard a sigh from the kit’s mouth.

“It sounds like your thoughts are troubling you.” The tomcat blinked at the starry kit, silently asking what has been causing the troubling thoughts.

Akira September 11th, 2022 09:40 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1259770)
Dirtfur stared blankly at the kit, not knowing what to say in response to Eelkit’s answer. The shiny warrior then blinked with concern as he heard a sigh from the kit’s mouth.

“It sounds like your thoughts are troubling you.” The tomcat blinked at the starry kit, silently asking what has been causing the troubling thoughts.

"Don't most cats struggle with that?" Eelkit asked in that high pitched voice of his, shuffling his paws awkwardly. Granted, he'd rarely ever experienced that when he was alive, but his many moons in StarClan had allowed him to get used to it... At least, that's what he told himself. He might be used to having thoughts troubling him, but he'd never get used to what those thoughts were. But, such is the afterlife.

Shaking his head, the kitten turned to Dirtfur and tilted his head curiously, green eyes searching the former RiverClan deputy. His thoughts weren't too important currently. No matter how troubling, they were common, so why bother complaining? Maybe he could redirect the conversation to something else and keep his mind off of those thoughts.

"Well, what about you? What brought you out here?" Eelkit asked, little ears pricked. "Did you want to be alone? I can leave, if you'd like."

Dirtfur September 14th, 2022 10:56 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1259779)
"Don't most cats struggle with that?" Eelkit asked in that high pitched voice of his, shuffling his paws awkwardly. Granted, he'd rarely ever experienced that when he was alive, but his many moons in StarClan had allowed him to get used to it... At least, that's what he told himself. He might be used to having thoughts troubling him, but he'd never get used to what those thoughts were. But, such is the afterlife.

Shaking his head, the kitten turned to Dirtfur and tilted his head curiously, green eyes searching the former RiverClan deputy. His thoughts weren't too important currently. No matter how troubling, they were common, so why bother complaining? Maybe he could redirect the conversation to something else and keep his mind off of those thoughts.

"Well, what about you? What brought you out here?" Eelkit asked, little ears pricked. "Did you want to be alone? I can leave, if you'd like."

Dirtfur glanced at Eelkit, nodding. “Oh, yes, they do…we certainly do.” He sighed as he tried to forget about Sunpaw and Skystar; right now, this kit may be having trouble and glooming about his loved ones will not help at all.

The spirit stared back at the kit as he noticed that his green orbs were now on the former deputy. A frown formed on his face as Eelkit started to question him, but he forced a smile. However, it swiftly disappeared and was replaced with a sadder frown, listening to the kit asking a third question that was followed by an upsetting suggestion. His fur only ruffled a bit before he forced it back down. “No, no, you can stay. I don’t mind having company,” said Dirtfur. He did not feel like he needed to before, until he felt his heart ache out of loneliness whilst the kit suggested to leave. He continued his honesty.

“I guess I just gave in to my mind and wanted to think some more.”

Akira September 15th, 2022 08:59 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1262840)
Dirtfur glanced at Eelkit, nodding. “Oh, yes, they do…we certainly do.” He sighed as he tried to forget about Sunpaw and Skystar; right now, this kit may be having trouble and glooming about his loved ones will not help at all.

The spirit stared back at the kit as he noticed that his green orbs were now on the former deputy. A frown formed on his face as Eelkit started to question him, but he forced a smile. However, it swiftly disappeared and was replaced with a sadder frown, listening to the kit asking a third question that was followed by an upsetting suggestion. His fur only ruffled a bit before he forced it back down. “No, no, you can stay. I don’t mind having company,” said Dirtfur. He did not feel like he needed to before, until he felt his heart ache out of loneliness whilst the kit suggested to leave. He continued his honesty.

“I guess I just gave in to my mind and wanted to think some more.”

Eelkit gave a thoughtful hum, doing the small mercy of ignoring Dirtfur's sudden expression changes. While he may have admittedly responded negatively when the former RiverClan deputy first arrived, Eelkit truly didn't mind. Whether he knew it or not, his companion actually helped him stay grounded in the present. And that was something Eelkit was happy to have.

"Well, would you like to talk about it?" Yes, this was an attempt to distract himself from his own negative thoughts, but it could also help Dirtfur feel better, right? So why not? The white and brown tabby sat patiently next to the bigger tom, patiently looking up and waiting for him to respond.

Dirtfur September 17th, 2022 04:25 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1262951)
Eelkit gave a thoughtful hum, doing the small mercy of ignoring Dirtfur's sudden expression changes. While he may have admittedly responded negatively when the former RiverClan deputy first arrived, Eelkit truly didn't mind. Whether he knew it or not, his companion actually helped him stay grounded in the present. And that was something Eelkit was happy to have.

"Well, would you like to talk about it?" Yes, this was an attempt to distract himself from his own negative thoughts, but it could also help Dirtfur feel better, right? So why not? The white and brown tabby sat patiently next to the bigger tom, patiently looking up and waiting for him to respond.

Nodding, the once-dirt covered cat laid down and stared at Eelkit, and opened his mouth to tell all his thoughts that troubled him, the thoughts that made him visit here. He froze for a heartbeat, remembering that he was talking to a kit, but finally started to bring out words as he realized that the kit had been in StarClan for a long time; Eelkit knew how things work and likely can handle Dirtfur’s lonely thoughts. “I think I did the right thing to move on and accept my mistakes, but I still miss them, my family. And not just Skystar and Sunpaw; I meant every cat in RiverClan, formerly or not.”

The large StarClan cat looked up at the sky, finished with telling his thoughts. His aching heart no longer throbbed with pain. He felt like he just lifted a weight-full-of-fears off of his shoulders. “And you? What kind of thoughts are you thinking about right now?” It was not a question Dirtfur would ask. Normally he would leave others alone, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. However, he had thought that if Eelkit would share his thoughts, too, then maybe both cats would feel better instead of one.

Akira September 17th, 2022 06:28 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1264815)
Nodding, the once-dirt covered cat laid down and stared at Eelkit, and opened his mouth to tell all his thoughts that troubled him, the thoughts that made him visit here. He froze for a heartbeat, remembering that he was talking to a kit, but finally started to bring out words as he realized that the kit had been in StarClan for a long time; Eelkit knew how things work and likely can handle Dirtfur’s lonely thoughts. “I think I did the right thing to move on and accept my mistakes, but I still miss them, my family. And not just Skystar and Sunpaw; I meant every cat in RiverClan, formerly or not.”

The large StarClan cat looked up at the sky, finished with telling his thoughts. His aching heart no longer throbbed with pain. He felt like he just lifted a weight-full-of-fears off of his shoulders. “And you? What kind of thoughts are you thinking about right now?” It was not a question Dirtfur would ask. Normally he would leave others alone, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. However, he had thought that if Eelkit would share his thoughts, too, then maybe both cats would feel better instead of one.

Eelkit listened quietly as Dirtfur spilled out his thoughts to him, green eyes bearing into the bigger tom while he talked. Ah, he'd heard of that before. More often then not, a lot of StarClan cats often feel homesick or miss their family, even if they were also in StarClan, but it was something they had to deal with. Dirtfur most likely knew that was well, from the looks of it.

"Well, it's not bad to miss them," Eelkit offered, ignoring Dirtfur's question to him and his own plight and instead focusing on the former RiverClan tom. It was always easier talking to and helping other with their problems rather than his own, the kitten realized. "You can still watch over them, and you can also visit them in their dreams. And, even if their offers very little comfort, everyone ends up in StarClan at one point, right? Well, almost everyone..."

Dirtfur September 18th, 2022 07:34 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1264853)
Eelkit listened quietly as Dirtfur spilled out his thoughts to him, green eyes bearing into the bigger tom while he talked. Ah, he'd heard of that before. More often then not, a lot of StarClan cats often feel homesick or miss their family, even if they were also in StarClan, but it was something they had to deal with. Dirtfur most likely knew that was well, from the looks of it.

"Well, it's not bad to miss them," Eelkit offered, ignoring Dirtfur's question to him and his own plight and instead focusing on the former RiverClan tom. It was always easier talking to and helping other with their problems rather than his own, the kitten realized. "You can still watch over them, and you can also visit them in their dreams. And, even if their offers very little comfort, everyone ends up in StarClan at one point, right? Well, almost everyone..."

A proud smile formed on Dirtfur’s face as he watched Eelkit ignore his question and comforted him. The former deputy waited for Eelkit to finish before Dirtfur could assure the old kit. “I thank you for your generous comforts to help with my thoughts, but I must graciously decline your further attempts to soothe my mind.

“It is good to help others, but there is a time where you should take care of yourself and let someone else try to help with your thoughts instead of being the one helping others. Your mental health can be just as important as our peers,”
said Dirtfur with a tone that echoed with experience from his time where he was a RiverClan warrior.

(Sorry about the colors, looking for a good color that fits Dirtfur lol)

Akira September 18th, 2022 10:11 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1265424)
A proud smile formed on Dirtfur’s face as he watched Eelkit ignore his question and comforted him. The former deputy waited for Eelkit to finish before Dirtfur could assure the old kit. “I thank you for your generous comforts to help with my thoughts, but I must graciously decline your further attempts to soothe my mind.

“It is good to help others, but there is a time where you should take care of yourself and let someone else try to help with your thoughts instead of being the one helping others. Your mental health can be just as important as our peers,”
said Dirtfur with a tone that echoed with experience from his time where he was a RiverClan warrior.

(Sorry about the colors, looking for a good color that fits Dirtfur lol)

"Perhaps..." Eelkit trailed off, his voice edged with uncertainty. He knew that: spending over one hundred moons in StarClan and watching over the Clans had gifted him with knowledge, whether he wanted it or not (and right now, he really didn't want it...). He knew it was much better for everyone involved to talk about his feelings... But he wasn't willing to give in just yet. And certainly not to a cat he had only just recently been talking to.

"I'm not too sure about talking about this, especially since it's in the past and already happened... But you've been here less time than I. Surely you've still got your own thoughts and regrets, right?"

Dirtfur September 23rd, 2022 06:02 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1265519)
"Perhaps..." Eelkit trailed off, his voice edged with uncertainty. He knew that: spending over one hundred moons in StarClan and watching over the Clans had gifted him with knowledge, whether he wanted it or not (and right now, he really didn't want it...). He knew it was much better for everyone involved to talk about his feelings... But he wasn't willing to give in just yet. And certainly not to a cat he had only just recently been talking to.

"I'm not too sure about talking about this, especially since it's in the past and already happened... But you've been here less time than I. Surely you've still got your own thoughts and regrets, right?"

His heart ached for the second spirit as Dirtfur once again faced a bashful Eelkit. He repressed the urge to open his maw again to get the kit to speak about his thoughts and instead went along with his questions. “I do, I do indeed. But I try hard not to dwell on them and talk about it with friends when necessary.”

Akira September 23rd, 2022 06:54 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1268961)
His heart ached for the second spirit as Dirtfur once again faced a bashful Eelkit. He repressed the urge to open his maw again to get the kit to speak about his thoughts and instead went along with his questions. “I do, I do indeed. But I try hard not to dwell on them and talk about it with friends when necessary.”

"Trying to not dwell on them is easy, but it's not good for you. Facing it is hard, but better in the long run. Tell me: which do you prefer?" Eelkit said, not looking at Dirtfur. He stared out at the little area they were in for a few silent moments before he sighed, opening his maw to speak once more. "Talking to friends might help but, in the end, if you don't acknowledge or do anything about it, is it really helping? I doubt it, especially if it's a heavy topic. You better remember that."

Dirtfur September 29th, 2022 07:16 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1269020)
"Trying to not dwell on them is easy, but it's not good for you. Facing it is hard, but better in the long run. Tell me: which do you prefer?" Eelkit said, not looking at Dirtfur. He stared out at the little area they were in for a few silent moments before he sighed, opening his maw to speak once more. "Talking to friends might help but, in the end, if you don't acknowledge or do anything about it, is it really helping? I doubt it, especially if it's a heavy topic. You better remember that."

Dirtfur hid his surprise at the kit’s wisdom, where his eyes are the only sources that betray this feeling. He tried not to act astonished to see a kit act like a wise elder, especially when the kit had been in StarClan for many, many moons. The former deputy stared at Eelkit and thought about the choice he would choose. When decided, he opened his mouth… but closed his maw when Eelkit started to speak again.

All Dirtfur could do was put on a sad smile. He wondered what kind of experiences Eelkit had experienced in his lifetime and in the afterlife. Well, I guess I won’t be able to do anything about my problems, he thought half-jokingly. “Well,” Dirtfur spoke up at last. “What about both? Talking with your friends while you do something about it, and better yet, the friends can help you by doing something that isn’t talking.”

Akira September 29th, 2022 07:25 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1273602)
Dirtfur hid his surprise at the kit’s wisdom, where his eyes are the only sources that betray this feeling. He tried not to act astonished to see a kit act like a wise elder, especially when the kit had been in StarClan for many, many moons. The former deputy stared at Eelkit and thought about the choice he would choose. When decided, he opened his mouth… but closed his maw when Eelkit started to speak again.

All Dirtfur could do was put on a sad smile. He wondered what kind of experiences Eelkit had experienced in his lifetime and in the afterlife. Well, I guess I won’t be able to do anything about my problems, he thought half-jokingly. “Well,” Dirtfur spoke up at last. “What about both? Talking with your friends while you do something about it, and better yet, the friends can help you by doing something that isn’t talking.”

Eelkit noticed Dirtfur's stunned silence but said nothing, only acknowledging it with a barely noticeable smirk on the corner of his lips. He had the body of a kit, but he had the wisdom of a senior warrior, or even an elder. He knew that, and he always relished the expressions on other cats when they realized that.

Once Dirtfur began to talk again, Eelkit hummed, tilting his head thoughtfully. The former deputy had a point. Both would do much better in the long run. "Well, it could, but you have to make sure you're doing the right thing, right? Can't have you decide to do something detrimental and have your friends support that, right? Or worse, have friends that urge you to do so. And really, when all's said and done, you might say that you'll listen to your friends but, deep down, no matter what you think or say, you'll just go with what you want to believe. Tell me: are you one to acknowledge and go forward, or to flinch and remained trapped? What kind of cat are you, Dirtfur?"

Dirtfur September 29th, 2022 09:13 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1273606)
Eelkit noticed Dirtfur's stunned silence but said nothing, only acknowledging it with a barely noticeable smirk on the corner of his lips. He had the body of a kit, but he had the wisdom of a senior warrior, or even an elder. He knew that, and he always relished the expressions on other cats when they realized that.

Once Dirtfur began to talk again, Eelkit hummed, tilting his head thoughtfully. The former deputy had a point. Both would do much better in the long run. "Well, it could, but you have to make sure you're doing the right thing, right? Can't have you decide to do something detrimental and have your friends support that, right? Or worse, have friends that urge you to do so. And really, when all's said and done, you might say that you'll listen to your friends but, deep down, no matter what you think or say, you'll just go with what you want to believe. Tell me: are you one to acknowledge and go forward, or to flinch and remained trapped? What kind of cat are you, Dirtfur?"

He listened again to another of Eelkit’s wise rambles. Dirtfur grew worried for the kit, thinking that he was thinking too deep, but at the end of it all, Dirtfur understood Eelkit. “I would say I’m more likely to flinch and remain trapped,” he admitted, remembering his past as a living cat. “What about you, Eelkit?”

Akira September 29th, 2022 09:37 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1273641)
He listened again to another of Eelkit’s wise rambles. Dirtfur grew worried for the kit, thinking that he was thinking too deep, but at the end of it all, Dirtfur understood Eelkit. “I would say I’m more likely to flinch and remain trapped,” he admitted, remembering his past as a living cat. “What about you, Eelkit?”

"I'm not sure," Eelkit answered honestly, looking away from the older cat for a moment before flicking his gaze back, bright green eyes staring right at Dirtfur. "I've not been put into those sorts of situations too often, especially when I was alive," he added with a bitter smile, finding sudden interest in a random blade of grass. "But I'm not too fond of being trapped, whether physically or mentally. I don't think I'd be willing to submit like that."

Dirtfur September 29th, 2022 10:05 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1273649)
"I'm not sure," Eelkit answered honestly, looking away from the older cat for a moment before flicking his gaze back, bright green eyes staring right at Dirtfur. "I've not been put into those sorts of situations too often, especially when I was alive," he added with a bitter smile, finding sudden interest in a random blade of grass. "But I'm not too fond of being trapped, whether physically or mentally. I don't think I'd be willing to submit like that."

Dirtfur nodded and listened, staring back at the green eyes until Eelkit had his interest in something else. “And that’s okay, to be not sure I mean,” Dirtfur added quickly, then went back to using his ears. “Indeed,” the old tomcat agreed, “Being trapped myself, especially when I was a loner, was not pretty. Though…” Dirtfur would’ve said more things aloud if he did not keep his voice low and muttered. Shaking his head, he looked back to Eelkit. “If there is one thing I learned when I died, Eelkit, is to never let things get the best of you and do nothing about it or… do something that worsens the situation.”

Akira September 29th, 2022 10:35 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1273656)
Dirtfur nodded and listened, staring back at the green eyes until Eelkit had his interest in something else. “And that’s okay, to be not sure I mean,” Dirtfur added quickly, then went back to using his ears. “Indeed,” the old tomcat agreed, “Being trapped myself, especially when I was a loner, was not pretty. Though…” Dirtfur would’ve said more things aloud if he did not keep his voice low and muttered. Shaking his head, he looked back to Eelkit. “If there is one thing I learned when I died, Eelkit, is to never let things get the best of you and do nothing about it or… do something that worsens the situation.”

"I know. I've seen more cats ruin their lives in those ways than I care to count," Eelkit huffed, kicking at a random pebble that happened to be in front of him. He could think of many cats that it applied to: Aspenstrike, Dogbark, Skystar... There were so many poor cats who ruined their own lives, simply because they didn't do something to help change their situation, or did something to make it worse. Honestly, he felt bad for most of them, though he figured some deserved it, but that was his personal opinion, and no one cared about his opinion, anyway. However...

"Letting things get the best of you is fine," Eelkit said, a small frown on his face. "If some things didn't get to you, then something's wrong: would you not let the death of your loved ones hurt you? In my opinion, it's fine to let things hit you in your heart. What's not fine is allowing that to hold you back. It's not gonna help you, or those around you. Grieving, crying, anger... Getting upset over something that hurts is okay, but letting it control you and your choices is not. You've got many choices to make in life: don't spend most of it making the wrong ones."

Dirtfur October 2nd, 2022 01:36 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1273663)
"I know. I've seen more cats ruin their lives in those ways than I care to count," Eelkit huffed, kicking at a random pebble that happened to be in front of him. He could think of many cats that it applied to: Aspenstrike, Dogbark, Skystar... There were so many poor cats who ruined their own lives, simply because they didn't do something to help change their situation, or did something to make it worse. Honestly, he felt bad for most of them, though he figured some deserved it, but that was his personal opinion, and no one cared about his opinion, anyway. However...

"Letting things get the best of you is fine," Eelkit said, a small frown on his face. "If some things didn't get to you, then something's wrong: would you not let the death of your loved ones hurt you? In my opinion, it's fine to let things hit you in your heart. What's not fine is allowing that to hold you back. It's not gonna help you, or those around you. Grieving, crying, anger... Getting upset over something that hurts is okay, but letting it control you and your choices is not. You've got many choices to make in life: don't spend most of it making the wrong ones."

The warrior hummed agreement. Though he only got glimpses, he could tell that Skystar was one of the cats who ruined their lives. Fear bounced in his gut as his mind focused on Sunpaw, his second and last “son”. Even just glimpses in the real world did not give Dirtfur enough evidence to guess that Sunpaw was ruining his life, and that worried Dirtfur. If only he had the power to change the apprentice’s destiny -in fact he wished that he had the power to change his own. But StarClan and many other unknown forces were not in his favor. He does not have such powers, only to be in dreams…and he guessed, no!, he knew that Sunpaw won’t be cheerful to have an old cat who left the ‘paw and his brother in his dream.

Dirtfur wasn’t sure if it was good that Eelkit continued, breaking the former spirit’s thoughts. Should he be grateful or devastated to not get a chance to finish his thoughts? But the sad Dirtfur vaguely answered the question already: he would never finish the thoughts.

He nodded and listened for like the hundredth time, in this conversation -quickly, Dirtfur muttered to himself that he did it millions of times in every conversation he had since he got into StarClan. If Eelkit’s intention was to get Dirtfur to recognize his problems when he was alive, then the wise kit succeeded. To his ears, it was almost like Eelkit was talking about the once-dirt cat himself and how he should’ve behaved in the lively world. Nonetheless, he nodded because he rather respect and hear the wise cat’s side than being ignorant of his failures.

As Eelkit finished, Dirtfur did not spat out any more words. He had no other things to say nor topics to add on, and wondered if this would conclude the end of their meeting. In all honesty, this was the first time he had a long conversation with somecat and losing such momentum had only washed the despair and the feeling of being lost in short chats with friends onto his clean brown fur. The only thing he could do was look back on the memories. Then he realized something as he went over the memories again. He swore that he saw a pattern or something similar to that.

The beginning seemed normal, where Dirtfur stumbled into his quiet place and saw the older spirit of Eelkit that was thinking in his special place -Dirtfur assumed, since his first guess was wrong as he figured that the kit was Eelkit, who should be able to know StarClan even when he has been here for a hundred moons. Then, the pattern began as Dirtfur was asked if he wanted to talk about his thoughts. He remembered the time he asked Eelkit the same question, which was ignored, and reminded himself on how the young-like -yet older and wiser- kit gave some advice, offers, and wisdom that comforted Dirtfur. Would a spirit like Eelkit have the ability to comfort others in the past hundred moons or so, or was this the first cat he had ever comforted?

Either way, there was still one thing that Dirtfur never got the answer of: What was upsetting the wise Eelkit in the first place? He could ask him again, but the last time did not work. Maybe a guess would help the Eelkit to reveal the answer? Thinking back on it then, the comforting, the hundred moons, and how he puts Dirtfur’s thoughts and worries first. This may be all in Dirtfur’s head, but he knew that something was troubling Eelkit, and he wanted to pay back the kit for the comfort he had given to the former deputy.

With a deep breath, the warrior finally spoke, “Indeed, we should not let things hold us back from many choices and many tasks, like how I did nothing but get sick as a deputy, or like… how you should not let yourself get upset over having to talk to a cat outside of StarClan.”

Akira October 2nd, 2022 11:16 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1275056)
The warrior hummed agreement. Though he only got glimpses, he could tell that Skystar was one of the cats who ruined their lives. Fear bounced in his gut as his mind focused on Sunpaw, his second and last “son”. Even just glimpses in the real world did not give Dirtfur enough evidence to guess that Sunpaw was ruining his life, and that worried Dirtfur. If only he had the power to change the apprentice’s destiny -in fact he wished that he had the power to change his own. But StarClan and many other unknown forces were not in his favor. He does not have such powers, only to be in dreams…and he guessed, no!, he knew that Sunpaw won’t be cheerful to have an old cat who left the ‘paw and his brother in his dream.

Dirtfur wasn’t sure if it was good that Eelkit continued, breaking the former spirit’s thoughts. Should he be grateful or devastated to not get a chance to finish his thoughts? But the sad Dirtfur vaguely answered the question already: he would never finish the thoughts.

He nodded and listened for like the hundredth time, in this conversation -quickly, Dirtfur muttered to himself that he did it millions of times in every conversation he had since he got into StarClan. If Eelkit’s intention was to get Dirtfur to recognize his problems when he was alive, then the wise kit succeeded. To his ears, it was almost like Eelkit was talking about the once-dirt cat himself and how he should’ve behaved in the lively world. Nonetheless, he nodded because he rather respect and hear the wise cat’s side than being ignorant of his failures.

As Eelkit finished, Dirtfur did not spat out any more words. He had no other things to say nor topics to add on, and wondered if this would conclude the end of their meeting. In all honesty, this was the first time he had a long conversation with somecat and losing such momentum had only washed the despair and the feeling of being lost in short chats with friends onto his clean brown fur. The only thing he could do was look back on the memories. Then he realized something as he went over the memories again. He swore that he saw a pattern or something similar to that.

The beginning seemed normal, where Dirtfur stumbled into his quiet place and saw the older spirit of Eelkit that was thinking in his special place -Dirtfur assumed, since his first guess was wrong as he figured that the kit was Eelkit, who should be able to know StarClan even when he has been here for a hundred moons. Then, the pattern began as Dirtfur was asked if he wanted to talk about his thoughts. He remembered the time he asked Eelkit the same question, which was ignored, and reminded himself on how the young-like -yet older and wiser- kit gave some advice, offers, and wisdom that comforted Dirtfur. Would a spirit like Eelkit have the ability to comfort others in the past hundred moons or so, or was this the first cat he had ever comforted?

Either way, there was still one thing that Dirtfur never got the answer of: What was upsetting the wise Eelkit in the first place? He could ask him again, but the last time did not work. Maybe a guess would help the Eelkit to reveal the answer? Thinking back on it then, the comforting, the hundred moons, and how he puts Dirtfur’s thoughts and worries first. This may be all in Dirtfur’s head, but he knew that something was troubling Eelkit, and he wanted to pay back the kit for the comfort he had given to the former deputy.

With a deep breath, the warrior finally spoke, “Indeed, we should not let things hold us back from many choices and many tasks, like how I did nothing but get sick as a deputy, or like… how you should not let yourself get upset over having to talk to a cat outside of StarClan.”

Eelkit didn't fail to notice the silence that Dirtfur fell into as he spoke, nor did he fail to notice his facial expressions change. Ah, so Dirtfur had, in fact, been one of those cats, huh? It didn't surprise him, given the rumors he'd heard... Perhaps he thought the words were targeted mainly to him? Well, yes and no. It was targeted to the fools who remained trapped by their wrong choices rather than move on to make the right ones. Fools, but he couldn't blame them for not knowing any better.

When Dirtfur eventually spoke, Eelkit blinked and narrowed his eyes slightly. Ah, right... He'd been repeated asking what was wrong, and Eelkit had repeatedly been avoiding answering him. This was most likely an attempt to get him to talk about it, huh? Though... He was wrong in one aspect. Well, if Dirtfur was willing to get his ear talked off by an old kit, the very least Eelkit could do was answer his questions, right?

"I don't mind talking to others outside of StarClan: in fact, I usually enjoy it. It teaches me how times have change and how Clan life is now, especially if it's from other kits," Eelkit answered. Then, his gaze darkened and he glared at his paws, his voice taking a more bitter tone. "What I dislike is being the bearer of bad news, and witnessing and murder without being able to stop it or at least speak up about it."

Dirtfur October 3rd, 2022 06:06 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1275146)
Eelkit didn't fail to notice the silence that Dirtfur fell into as he spoke, nor did he fail to notice his facial expressions change. Ah, so Dirtfur had, in fact, been one of those cats, huh? It didn't surprise him, given the rumors he'd heard... Perhaps he thought the words were targeted mainly to him? Well, yes and no. It was targeted to the fools who remained trapped by their wrong choices rather than move on to make the right ones. Fools, but he couldn't blame them for not knowing any better.

When Dirtfur eventually spoke, Eelkit blinked and narrowed his eyes slightly. Ah, right... He'd been repeated asking what was wrong, and Eelkit had repeatedly been avoiding answering him. This was most likely an attempt to get him to talk about it, huh? Though... He was wrong in one aspect. Well, if Dirtfur was willing to get his ear talked off by an old kit, the very least Eelkit could do was answer his questions, right?

"I don't mind talking to others outside of StarClan: in fact, I usually enjoy it. It teaches me how times have change and how Clan life is now, especially if it's from other kits," Eelkit answered. Then, his gaze darkened and he glared at his paws, his voice taking a more bitter tone. "What I dislike is being the bearer of bad news, and witnessing and murder without being able to stop it or at least speak up about it."

He was close, but not enough. He would go at it again, but Eelkit finally revealed what could upset him. Noticing the change in tone, Dirtfur bit his tongue and made sure not to step on a badger’s head if he interrupts. Although Eelkit corrected Dirtfur’s mistake, it still left what a reason that could’ve upset the old kit.

Maybe Dirtfur should try a different approach? Try to relate to the kit? But what stopped this was the fact that the former deputy had not been to any dreams. In fact, had he ever had a dream with a cat outside of the afterlife before? This only left Dirtfur with just two options, and giving up was not his go to option! Taking the first hint from how Eelkit ordered what upset him, Dirtfur opened his maw.

“So… right now you’re having trouble bearing bad news to a cat?”

Akira October 3rd, 2022 07:07 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1276118)
He was close, but not enough. He would go at it again, but Eelkit finally revealed what could upset him. Noticing the change in tone, Dirtfur bit his tongue and made sure not to step on a badger’s head if he interrupts. Although Eelkit corrected Dirtfur’s mistake, it still left what a reason that could’ve upset the old kit.

Maybe Dirtfur should try a different approach? Try to relate to the kit? But what stopped this was the fact that the former deputy had not been to any dreams. In fact, had he ever had a dream with a cat outside of the afterlife before? This only left Dirtfur with just two options, and giving up was not his go to option! Taking the first hint from how Eelkit ordered what upset him, Dirtfur opened his maw.

“So… right now you’re having trouble bearing bad news to a cat?”

"No, I've given the news, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention being witness to a murder and being unable to stop it," Eelkit almost spat, his green eyes narrowed and tiny body bristling. Honestly, StarClan was too cruel, especially to it's residents. And the worst part? Now Eelkit was lumped in with them. Great. "I had to bear news to someone that they weren't able to have kits, no matter what, and I had to go pick up a kit's spirit after being murdered, and then I went to go comfort said kit's mother while she grieved for her son. Tell me, am I not allowed to be bitter about it all? I may have spent many moons in StarClan but, at my core, I'm still a kit: why me???"

Dirtfur October 5th, 2022 07:10 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1276159)
"No, I've given the news, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention being witness to a murder and being unable to stop it," Eelkit almost spat, his green eyes narrowed and tiny body bristling. Honestly, StarClan was too cruel, especially to it's residents. And the worst part? Now Eelkit was lumped in with them. Great. "I had to bear news to someone that they weren't able to have kits, no matter what, and I had to go pick up a kit's spirit after being murdered, and then I went to go comfort said kit's mother while she grieved for her son. Tell me, am I not allowed to be bitter about it all? I may have spent many moons in StarClan but, at my core, I'm still a kit: why me???"

The former loner’s head and tail drooped as he failed once again to understand the kit. He thought that bearing news was a way of telling a cat about how they just died. But that guess was nothing compared to what Eelkit went through. A kit been murdered and that kit’s mother was told that they could no longer have kits.

“Of course you are, and you have the right to be so.” Dirtfur wrapped his tail around Eelkit to comfort him. A strange familiarity was felt in the warrior’s head. Has he done this before when he was alive? Trying to comfort those who are sad around him, but failed to understand and let them down quicker than how immediately they became depressed? Would this be the same?

“I think….” He slowed the pace of his meowing, taking his time to think what to say next. “They gave you the task because …. You can comfort others, even when their smiles have changed into frowns.” With a smile aiming to be assuring, he added, “You certainly waved away a rainy cloud that was dancing on my head; after a while, the mother’s cloud would soon go away too…, maybe even remembering how you helped lead her kit to StarClan and smiled back on it.”

Akira October 5th, 2022 07:19 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1277694)
The former loner’s head and tail drooped as he failed once again to understand the kit. He thought that bearing news was a way of telling a cat about how they just died. But that guess was nothing compared to what Eelkit went through. A kit been murdered and that kit’s mother was told that they could no longer have kits.

“Of course you are, and you have the right to be so.” Dirtfur wrapped his tail around Eelkit to comfort him. A strange familiarity was felt in the warrior’s head. Has he done this before when he was alive? Trying to comfort those who are sad around him, but failed to understand and let them down quicker than how immediately they became depressed? Would this be the same?

“I think….” He slowed the pace of his meowing, taking his time to think what to say next. “They gave you the task because …. You can comfort others, even when their smiles have changed into frowns.” With a smile aiming to be assuring, he added, “You certainly waved away a rainy cloud that was dancing on my head; after a while, the mother’s cloud would soon go away too…, maybe even remembering how you helped lead her kit to StarClan and smiled back on it.”

Despite normally against such against to him, Eelkit allowed Dirtfur's tail to wrap around him. It didn't exactly make him feel better, but it did comfort him somewhat. He remained silent whilst the former deputy spoke, but he let out a quiet scoff at the tom's last few sentences. Yeah, right. If he truly had that so called comforting effect, neither Seedheart nor Lilycreek would've yelled at him. They also would've have been so stubborn to believe him. They also wouldn't have been so eager to dismiss him and snap at him for doing his job. They also-!

Eelkit took a deep, shuddering breath and closed his eyes, attempting to calm himself down amidst the anger he felt start boiling in his stomach. No. He had no right to get angry for any of that. It was understandable, after all: Seedheart had been so eager to have kits of their own, and Lilycreek had just lost her son. It was understandable that they were such emotional wrecks. Still, the kit couldn't help but wish he hadn't had to deal with the brunt of their anger.

"Surely there's other, much older cats that are better for comforting grieving cats than me, no?" Eelkit spoke after a few moments of silence, his voice as tiny as his stature. "There are many souls in StarClan: surely there's one much older and wiser, and more willing to give such news and take the brunt of the anger from the recipients than me, right?... Right?"

Dirtfur October 9th, 2022 02:27 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1277698)
Despite normally against such against to him, Eelkit allowed Dirtfur's tail to wrap around him. It didn't exactly make him feel better, but it did comfort him somewhat. He remained silent whilst the former deputy spoke, but he let out a quiet scoff at the tom's last few sentences. Yeah, right. If he truly had that so called comforting effect, neither Seedheart nor Lilycreek would've yelled at him. They also would've have been so stubborn to believe him. They also wouldn't have been so eager to dismiss him and snap at him for doing his job. They also-!

Eelkit took a deep, shuddering breath and closed his eyes, attempting to calm himself down amidst the anger he felt start boiling in his stomach. No. He had no right to get angry for any of that. It was understandable, after all: Seedheart had been so eager to have kits of their own, and Lilycreek had just lost her son. It was understandable that they were such emotional wrecks. Still, the kit couldn't help but wish he hadn't had to deal with the brunt of their anger.

"Surely there's other, much older cats that are better for comforting grieving cats than me, no?" Eelkit spoke after a few moments of silence, his voice as tiny as his stature. "There are many souls in StarClan: surely there's one much older and wiser, and more willing to give such news and take the brunt of the anger from the recipients than me, right?... Right?"

The former deputy awaited a response from the kit. He expected worse from Eelkit. Though his answer was not the worst, it is awful in telling Dirtfur that Eelkit did not enjoy much of his words, especially the last sentences. Although a flinch would be an understandable respondent to the scoff, Dirtfur kept his tail where it is, but loosened the wrap’s tightness.

Followed by the scoffing was a breath that shuddered the kit just enough that the young spirit’s -Dirtfur- tail vibrated from it. He recognized the practice in his lifetime, one used to calm some of those that were around Dirtfur. He kept his tail still, nor loosen its grip.

The many or a couple of heartbeats later, the silence was sliced by Eelkit’s high voice. It reminded the young spirit that the elder spirit may look like a kit, but have wisdom and knowledge of ten elders. “StarClan works in different ways. Maybe they sent you because others were busy. Maybe it could be a lesson that you haven’t learned.”

Akira October 9th, 2022 03:31 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1279298)
The former deputy awaited a response from the kit. He expected worse from Eelkit. Though his answer was not the worst, it is awful in telling Dirtfur that Eelkit did not enjoy much of his words, especially the last sentences. Although a flinch would be an understandable respondent to the scoff, Dirtfur kept his tail where it is, but loosened the wrap’s tightness.

Followed by the scoffing was a breath that shuddered the kit just enough that the young spirit’s -Dirtfur- tail vibrated from it. He recognized the practice in his lifetime, one used to calm some of those that were around Dirtfur. He kept his tail still, nor loosen its grip.

The many or a couple of heartbeats later, the silence was sliced by Eelkit’s high voice. It reminded the young spirit that the elder spirit may look like a kit, but have wisdom and knowledge of ten elders. “StarClan works in different ways. Maybe they sent you because others were busy. Maybe it could be a lesson that you haven’t learned.”

Eelkit had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Dead cats being busy? With what? Ignoring their relatives and Clans, standing and watching while they tear each other up, and rarely interacting with any of them? Or maybe he needed to learn a lesson? Of what? What, in his over 100 moons in StarClan, did he need to learn? That being a messaged was awful? That the living will hate you when you deliver news? Please. It was more believable to think that Eelkit would be remembered and be revived than any of the fox dung that Dirtfur supplied as excuses, but whatever.

"Yeah, real busy ignoring the living, and me learning the fact that being a messenger is awful," the once RiverClan kit grumbled, kicking a nearby pebble irritably. Ugh, StarClan, and the Clans too, was a whole mess. Why did he have to be dragged into it? Even in death, Eelkit wasn't given mercy, huh.

Dirtfur October 9th, 2022 09:53 PM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Ritsuka (Post 1279524)
Eelkit had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Dead cats being busy? With what? Ignoring their relatives and Clans, standing and watching while they tear each other up, and rarely interacting with any of them? Or maybe he needed to learn a lesson? Of what? What, in his over 100 moons in StarClan, did he need to learn? That being a messaged was awful? That the living will hate you when you deliver news? Please. It was more believable to think that Eelkit would be remembered and be revived than any of the fox dung that Dirtfur supplied as excuses, but whatever.

"Yeah, real busy ignoring the living, and me learning the fact that being a messenger is awful," the once RiverClan kit grumbled, kicking a nearby pebble irritably. Ugh, StarClan, and the Clans too, was a whole mess. Why did he have to be dragged into it? Even in death, Eelkit wasn't given mercy, huh.

Dirtfur could only fake a smile, and that might not work as well! He inhaled, but let out no sigh to be heard when he exhaled. The former RiverClanner looked up at the sky, no details of it being day anymore. “I think you need some more alone time,” he meowed at last. “I’m going back to the camp. I’ll be next to the prey pile if you want to talk to me again.” He padded to the entrance, giving one more sad look at the Eelkit, then turned back away and moved onwards.

Akira October 10th, 2022 12:30 AM

Re: Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star... [P]

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 1279757)
Dirtfur could only fake a smile, and that might not work as well! He inhaled, but let out no sigh to be heard when he exhaled. The former RiverClanner looked up at the sky, no details of it being day anymore. “I think you need some more alone time,” he meowed at last. “I’m going back to the camp. I’ll be next to the prey pile if you want to talk to me again.” He padded to the entrance, giving one more sad look at the Eelkit, then turned back away and moved onwards.

Eelkit only acknowledged his departure with a flick of his ears, still staring at his paws. Yeah, that's what he'd been attempting... Until Dirtfur arrived. But speaking with the former deputy did help, somewhat. Ugh, being dead was just as hard as being alive. No matter what you do, you can't escape the cruelty and bitterness of the world: that was the conclusion Eelkit was starting to see. Granted, there were many good things but, more often than not, the bad outweighed the good. What an afterlife...

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