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taillow January 16th, 2021 08:01 PM

Pinewatch Patch
Pinewatch Patch is a small field filled with small plants and flowers.
It's surrounded by pine trees and used to be part of ShadowClan
territory until Dawnstar relinquished the land to the outskirts.
There's a small stream that runs through it that the prey likes to go to.

It's also a great place for hunting. You can find all different kinds of
small animals, including rabbits, voles, and mice.

Akira January 17th, 2021 05:43 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
Goldenclaw sniffed through the area, ears pricked to listen, only hearing the gentle breeze and small stream running. He looked around, trying to get a headstart on finding the marigold and catmint Ebonyfang needed while waiting for Lynxstalk. @Cougar

fade January 17th, 2021 06:17 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Kyrieknight (Post 900699)
Goldenclaw sniffed through the area, ears pricked to listen, only hearing the gentle breeze and small stream running. He looked around, trying to get a headstart on finding the marigold and catmint Ebonyfang needed while waiting for Lynxstalk. @Cougar

*LynxStalk walked up and saw the purple hiding in a bush, they grabbed it Being careful with the herb,they grabbed it in their mouth so they could hold more herbs*

Akira January 17th, 2021 06:41 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Cougar (Post 900717)

*LynxStalk walked up and saw the purple hiding in a bush, they grabbed it Being careful with the herb,they grabbed it in their mouth so they could hold more herbs*

Goldenclaw quickly found the yellow and orange of marigold, and neatly grabbed it, not wanting to hear Ebonyfang's wining later. He hissed when the plants tickled his nose, but continued to search.

fade January 17th, 2021 06:45 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Kyrieknight (Post 900750)
Goldenclaw quickly found the yellow and orange of marigold, and neatly grabbed it, not wanting to hear Ebonyfang's wining later. He hissed when the plants tickled his nose, but continued to search.

Ok so we have both herbs,but were gonna need more. *Lynxstalk replied, they looked at the marigold flower* Be careful with that one or Ebonyfangs gonna get on your tail*Lynxstalk newer,they said this as a warning*

Akira January 17th, 2021 07:11 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Cougar (Post 900754)

Ok so we have both herbs,but were gonna need more. *Lynxstalk replied, they looked at the marigold flower* Be careful with that one or Ebonyfangs gonna get on your tail*Lynxstalk newer,they said this as a warning*

"Yeah, I know," Goldenclaw growled, looking around for more. "There's enough here to keep him well-stocked."

fade January 21st, 2021 08:49 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Kyrieknight (Post 900768)
"Yeah, I know," Goldenclaw growled, looking around for more. "There's enough here to keep him well-stocked."

Dont get mad at me Lynxstalk mewed quietly,they helped pick the yellow and orange flowers,they need more catmint,they spotted a single one with a baby one picking both,they couldnt hold anymore herbs We can head back (short post,just dont have the energy for this patrol right now :/ )

+2 Marigold & +3 Catmint = 4 Herbs

Akira January 21st, 2021 08:55 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Cougar (Post 904186)

Dont get mad at me Lynxstalk mewed quietly,they helped pick the yellow and orange flowers,they need more catmint,they spotted a single one with a baby one picking both,they couldnt hold anymore herbs We can head back (short post,just dont have the energy for this patrol right now :/ )

+2 Marigold & +3 Catmint = 4 Herbs

"Then let's go. Ebonyfang should be happy with this," Goldenclaw answered. He turned and began to make his way back to the camp.

fade January 21st, 2021 08:58 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Kyrieknight (Post 904192)
"Then let's go. Ebonyfang should be happy with this," Goldenclaw answered. He turned and began to make his way back to the camp.

Ok then They headed back For Ebonyfang,and saw the black tomcat med cat 4 Marigold,3 catmint Ebonyfang,thats all we could find,Im open for another herb patrol also They smiled setting down the herbs\


Madelaine January 25th, 2021 10:46 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
Flowerfern padded out towards the new territory spot. She had heard lots of good things about this spot and she wanted to get a look of it herself. Of course she forced her brother to go with her. There was no way she would allow him to stay behind. The molly starred at this place in awe. It was absolutely beautiful. With all of the herbs and the little stream looked amazing. "This is a nice place isn't it. It's just what Shadowclan needed.", Flowerfern meowed to Meadowdust.

[ @The Flying Pizza; ]

The Flying Pizza January 25th, 2021 11:18 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907702)
Flowerfern padded out towards the new territory spot. She had heard lots of good things about this spot and she wanted to get a look of it herself. Of course she forced her brother to go with her. There was no way she would allow him to stay behind. The molly starred at this place in awe. It was absolutely beautiful. With all of the herbs and the little stream looked amazing. "This is a nice place isn't it. It's just what Shadowclan needed.", Flowerfern meowed to Meadowdust.

[ @The Flying Pizza; ]

Meadowdust stayed quiet. Sure, his sister had forced him to tag along, but she couldn't force him to chat. He barley nodded in reply.

Madelaine January 25th, 2021 11:27 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by The Flying Pizza (Post 907706)
Meadowdust stayed quiet. Sure, his sister had forced him to tag along, but she couldn't force him to chat. He barley nodded in reply.

Flowerfern looked over at him, a little upset that he wasn't talking to her. Did she do something wrong? If he didn't want to come he could head back. She just forced him because it was new territory. There could still be rogues hanging around here. After all it used to be in the outskirts before Ebonyfang and Dawnstar claimed it.

The Flying Pizza January 25th, 2021 11:36 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907707)

Flowerfern looked over at him, a little upset that he wasn't talking to her. Did she do something wrong? If he didn't want to come he could head back. She just forced him because it was new territory. There could still be rogues hanging around here. After all it used to be in the outskirts before Ebonyfang and Dawnstar claimed it.

Meadowdust finally spoke, noticing his sister's upset expression. "Sorry..yeah..it is pretty cool.."

Madelaine January 26th, 2021 01:50 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by The Flying Pizza (Post 907713)
Meadowdust finally spoke, noticing his sister's upset expression. "Sorry..yeah..it is pretty cool.."

Flowerfern smiled. " Yeah it's pretty cool for a place Ebonyfang found. That guy seriously can never crack a smile. Sometimes I wish to know what goes on in that cats mind.", She meowed. She even forgot why he even became medicine cat.

The Flying Pizza January 26th, 2021 02:14 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907733)

Flowerfern smiled. " Yeah it's pretty cool for a place Ebonyfang found. That guy seriously can never crack a smile. Sometimes I wish to know what goes on in that cats mind.", She meowed. She even forgot why he even became medicine cat.

"So...uh.." he wasn't one to chat or saty anything more than three words.

Madelaine January 26th, 2021 02:18 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by The Flying Pizza (Post 907734)
"So...uh.." he wasn't one to chat or saty anything more than three words.

Flowerfern looked at him. He really didn't say much did he. Maybe hunting would be better than talking. "I guess we could just do some hunting.", she meowed. She could scent a bunch of prey. No wonder why they took their place for their own. They needed more hunting places.

The Flying Pizza January 26th, 2021 02:20 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907736)

Flowerfern looked at him. He really didn't say much did he. Maybe hunting would be better than talking. "I guess we could just do some hunting.", she meowed. She could scent a bunch of prey. No wonder why they took their place for their own. They needed more hunting places.

Meadowdust shrugged but nodded slowly at the suggestion. "Sure."

Madelaine January 26th, 2021 02:26 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by The Flying Pizza (Post 907737)
Meadowdust shrugged but nodded slowly at the suggestion. "Sure."

Flowerfern didn't say anything else. The molly turned away from her brother, scenting the air for any sign of prey. It took her a while to find one scent not drowned out by the other. It was a vole who made it to the waters edge. Flowerfern got into a hunters crouch, padding close to it. Once she got closer she pounced and killed it with a quick bite to the neck. She burried it in the streams bank to preserve it before trying ro find something else.

The Flying Pizza January 26th, 2021 02:28 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907738)

Flowerfern didn't say anything else. The molly turned away from her brother, scenting the air for any sign of prey. It took her a while to find one scent not drowned out by the other. It was a vole who made it to the waters edge. Flowerfern got into a hunters crouch, padding close to it. Once she got closer she pounced and killed it with a quick bite to the neck. She burried it in the streams bank to preserve it before trying ro find something else.

Meadowdust didn't really hunt, but watched his agile sister. 'No wonder we're different..' he thought.

Madelaine January 26th, 2021 02:40 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by The Flying Pizza (Post 907739)
Meadowdust didn't really hunt, but watched his agile sister. 'No wonder we're different..' he thought.

Flowerfern looked into the stream to see little tiny tadpoles. It intrigued her and made her excited as they grew into frogs. The clan would have plenty of frogs to eat. Thats good. Flowerfern turned to her brother. "Theres tadpoles.", she meowed. Maybe qhne she got back she'd tell Ebonyfang or Finchwhisker about them. She was too scared of Dawnstar.

The Flying Pizza January 26th, 2021 03:01 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907741)

Flowerfern looked into the stream to see little tiny tadpoles. It intrigued her and made her excited as they grew into frogs. The clan would have plenty of frogs to eat. Thats good. Flowerfern turned to her brother. "Theres tadpoles.", she meowed. Maybe qhne she got back she'd tell Ebonyfang or Finchwhisker about them. She was too scared of Dawnstar.

"Ready to go back?" he asked, after a while.

Madelaine January 26th, 2021 03:05 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by The Flying Pizza (Post 907744)
"Ready to go back?" he asked, after a while.

"I guess.", she meowed, disappointed. Why did he have to be such a downer? She wished he was more like her and talkative. It was like talking to a wall.

The Flying Pizza January 26th, 2021 03:09 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 907745)

"I guess.", she meowed, disappointed. Why did he have to be such a downer? She wished he was more like her and talkative. It was like talking to a wall.

Meadowdust turned to go. He would never admit he wanted to be like his littermate in many cases.

Arie January 26th, 2021 05:10 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
-- @Fuzzy --

There they where. Doetuft had been feeling somewhat out of it lately, the hunt with Snowflake and the talk had shaken the blind molly quite a bit but it did not mean she could afford to neglect her duties. Which was exactly why she had brought Flashpaw out to the Pinewatch Patch, to hunt. A new apprentice had to learn how to hunt and it was the area where Doetuft felt most comfortable in teaching, outside of teaching during the night that was. And as such, it was what they were going to start with.

"Flashpaw... have you ever... hunted before?" SHe had to make sure there were no mistakes made, that everything she did was on Flashpaw's principles and pace and that she wasn't rushing the poor apprentice just because that that was Dawnstar's wish. Dawnstar might want warriors, but Doetuft was only going to give the leader warriors when SHE felt like they were ready, and felt like they could stand the test of doing such a thing.

Cobra January 26th, 2021 09:54 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Buzzardfrost grinned, a small smile that she only let out with her brother and certain other cats. "We're playing hide-and-seek," she replied, her voice drifting off, courtesy of her mimicking talents. She was just.. an expert at changing her voice, you know? And it worked in her favor extremely well sometimes.

"Not this again - I'm tired of it. You always use your cute little party trick to win! And for the last time, it's not fair! Plus, I hate hide-and-seek."

She rolled her eyes, the smile slipping off. "Don't be a sore loser!" she called, momentarily forgetting to garble her words. "I mean, don't be a sore loser!" Buzzard then scuffed her paws in the dirt, aiming for a running / jogging sound towards.. some.. other place. Unfortunately, her "cute little party trick" didn't work as well with pawsteps.

So, the shuffling was a failed endeavor.

"Aha!" Fleetwhisker cried as he snatched his sister triumphantly by the scruff, his voice muffled. "You think you're that amazing now?"

Buzzardfrost glared and shook him off. ".. fine. Next time. I shall win. You wait and see."

Fuzzy January 29th, 2021 01:04 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Flashpaw followed Doetuft in silence. They didn't know the warrior well, honestly aside from the fact that she had a stutter, were blind, and was their mentor they knew nothing of the tabby. It was strange how you were expected to put so much trust into a stranger. Than again the cream trick tabby had put blind trust in a lot of adults sense they left their mother as a young cat. The surprising thing was that their mother let them leave when they were still a kit. At least Flashpaw had found their way here eventually.

Looking up the young feline noticed they were in a small clearing surrounded by pine trees, a tiny stream bubbling through with its little minnows and pebbles. It was quiet here, peaceful. Maybe Flashpaw could ask to come here to hunt more if things went well today. If they didn't they wouldn't want to come back.
Flashpaw pulled himself out of his mind to look at Doetuft as she spoke to him. Had he hunted before? "Uh.. umm... N-not really... They admitted playing with a pebble between their paws. Flashpaw had been an apprentice for a while now but really hadn't gotten much training. Besides their deformed hind paw made balance harder for them. "I, uh... um, somewhat know the hunters crouch but um.. I, I don't know if its proper...." Flashpaw added, they felt ashamed to admit that but knew that if they never did they'd end up getting something worse than a bruised ego.

Arie January 30th, 2021 08:08 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
-- @Fuzzy --

Okay. They at least had some knowledge, that was something she could work with, compared to others who expected her to teach them everything. Didn't these kits in Shadowclan practice the hunting crouch? Nevertheless, she had to focus on Flashpaw, whom it seemed was already doing great. Resting her tail and letting it slide across the apprentice's body to get a feel though, she was surprised to feel the imbalance in the apprentice's movement and she took that for the crooked hind paw that she'd heard the youngster struggling to balance with fully with. "Right... crouch a bit... further down. You want to... be one... with the ground... almost. Enough... so you can move... but no more than... that."

It was such a strange thing for Doetuft to be the one teaching still... It didn't feel that long since she'd been an apprentice herself under the tutelage of Flintspirit and Beastspark... but it had been almost 3 seasons now, since she had been their apprentice. It was strange and an unnerving experience. But she had to honor both of their legacies in some sort, by teaching Flashpaw to become the best apprentice that she could. "Now... tell me what... prey you can sense... around us."

Fuzzy February 3rd, 2021 10:17 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Further down? How close were they supposed to be? Flashpaw's question was answered before they could finish thinking. One with the earth... seemed like a strange concept. Just close enough from touching that they could still slowly move. Oh, this felt strange! Their deformed slight curled beside them, where they used it almost as a crutch. Flashpaw figured it would not feel as strange if they didn't have their deformed paw but then again they wouldn't be them if they didn't. "L-like this..?" They asked looking up at Doetuft. Right she can't see... they moved their head back down to be in a lower crouch. Tail off the ground, that's what every cat keeps saying. Flashpaw reminded themselves

Flashpaw gathered themselves, whiskers twitched as they attempted to stay low, but not too low while keeping their tail high, but not to high off the ground. It had to be in a perfect spot. Kind of like how a relationship had to be for them to actually open up. "O-oh.. umm." The trick tabby stuttered getting caught off guard by the question. What could they scent? Uh, wait where they supposed to stand? No. No, they needed to stay like this, probably.
They would shack their head to clear their jumbled thoughts before taking in the scents through their nostrils. The scent of pine was strong, considering the nettles scattered around under the trees they were not surprised there. "Bird..." Flashpaw started, listening to some sort of song bird up in the branches. It was a noisy thing once everything else got quiet. They're nose twitched again as they tried to get over the pine scent. "Mouse..." it was a rodent of some sort they were sure and it kind of smelled like a mouse. "And... uh, squirrel?" They guessed. It smelled both of earth and pine, almost nutty but it was a rodent they knew that much!

Madelaine February 16th, 2021 02:08 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Badgerpaw padded over to Pinewatch patch beside his mentor. He tried his best to remember what area held burdock root. The apprentice glanced around for a few moments before spotting them. "Their over there.", he responded. Without saying another word he padded right over ear the biggest tree here. He scented around. Yep these were what they were looking for.

"We just need to dig it up. It's that easy.", Badgerpaw meowed. He wanted to get this done, so they could get back. The young tom placed his paws around the roots and began to dig them up. They didn't need t pick too much, but enough that each of them could carry.

// @UpperclassFailure; \\

UpperclassFailure February 21st, 2021 02:36 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
Brokenlight slipped around the elderly tree soon after his apprentice began digging, placing his paws deep into the soft earth to try his luck at pulling out the roots. The younger tom was right, he found. It seemed that each root he pulled was more eager to escape the soil than the last, leaving him with enough to have a mouth full of the bitter, crunchy roots. His tongue darted in and out of his mouth in an almost unnoticeable retching motion, airing out the sour plant particles stuck to the roof of his mouth.


crumbl March 4th, 2021 08:09 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
// @Fae


The young feline lowered her heavily-furred haunches into the high meadow grass, resisting the urge to swish her tail with anticipation. The early new-leaf air was breezy and cool, but signs of the new season were already starting to show. Flowers, birdsong, and, among other things, a multitude of mice-- one of which the ShadowClan apprentice was currently tracking.

Discreetly she opened her jaws to taste the wind and was satisfied to sense the mouse close by. For a moment she was distracted by the trace of another nearby cat, but she pushed the niggling doubt aside. No ShadowClan cat could be dumb enough to disturb an ongoing hunt. The Clan needed this prey. And for that matter... Hazelpaw winced at her growling stomach. So did she.

Digging her paws into the soft earth, she prepared to pounce. The mouse was only a few tail-lengths ahead of her now. But at the last minute, a rustle in the field to her left caught her attention... and the mouse's. The panicked rodent scurried away and she let out a yowl of dismay.

"No!" Throwing herself into the chase, she plunged after it.

Doom March 6th, 2021 12:48 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
↠ Silverpaw ⚡[ @Snook ]
Well this wouldn't exactly be his proudest moment.

Silverpaw had been waiting for what felt like ages before that mouse came along. He didn't know how to properly hunt yet, so crouching down in the tall grass until an unlucky creature passed by was his best bet at catching something for now. At least it'll be something to impress Talonstone with...if that lousy so-called mentor decided to show his face to him. Surely his odds with this hunting technique weren't great, but it's better than just sitting around and not serving the Clan on his first day as an apprentice.

But...what were the odds of hunting the same prey as someone else? Apparently pretty high, considering he found himself in an awkward collision with (what seemed to be like) another Clanmate.

"What in the-?" Silverpaw hisses in confusion, kicking and squirming wildly to untangle himself with... "Hazelpaw?" His nose wrinkles. They hadn't formally met yet, but he's definitely seen her around camp. Great, now she'll forever remember him as the guy who ruined her hunt.

No...she ruined his hunt! "Get off me, mousebrain! I can't believe you ruined my first hunt!" His fur gets hot and puffs up. "Get off, get off, get off!!"

crumbl March 6th, 2021 04:56 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Fae (Post 937923)
↠ Silverpaw ⚡[ @Snook ]
Well this wouldn't exactly be his proudest moment.

Silverpaw had been waiting for what felt like ages before that mouse came along. He didn't know how to properly hunt yet, so crouching down in the tall grass until an unlucky creature passed by was his best bet at catching something for now. At least it'll be something to impress Talonstone with...if that lousy so-called mentor decided to show his face to him. Surely his odds with this hunting technique weren't great, but it's better than just sitting around and not serving the Clan on his first day as an apprentice.

But...what were the odds of hunting the same prey as someone else? Apparently pretty high, considering he found himself in an awkward collision with (what seemed to be like) another Clanmate.

"What in the-?" Silverpaw hisses in confusion, kicking and squirming wildly to untangle himself with... "Hazelpaw?" His nose wrinkles. They hadn't formally met yet, but he's definitely seen her around camp. Great, now she'll forever remember him as the guy who ruined her hunt.

No...she ruined his hunt! "Get off me, mousebrain! I can't believe you ruined my first hunt!" His fur gets hot and puffs up. "Get off, get off, get off!!"


(Pardon Ms. Grumpyface, she hasn't had her nap today.)

Hazelpaw let out an indignant screech as the other apprentice collided with her and hastily wriggled free. "Your hunt?" she gasped in disbelief. "That mouse was mine, fox-dung!" Her scorching hazel glare grew even more bitter as she watched the mouse bound well out of reach and into the safety of the pines. "First hunt?" she scoffed, whirling to face him. "It figures, kit-fluff! Only an inexperienced little slug like you could do something so idiotic. I was clearing stalking it! And now the Clan has one less piece of prey!"

Fierce fury burned in her eyes. "What do you have to say for yourself?" A wicked smile curled the edge of her lip. "I'd fight for it, but I might squish you."

She stood before the young tom, a flush burning beneath her furry pelt and hackles raised. Silverkit, right? No, Silverpaw. He shouldn't be out of camp alone. She bit her lip-- technically, neither should she. But with all of Dawnstar's chaos, who would even notice? She felt her smoldering anger cool, but the irritation remained. Normally she wouldn't bat an eye at a young apprentice but no one ruined her hunt. Not even Talonstone, neglectful as a mentor as he had been. Arrogant little pest. She'd have to teach him a lesson.

Doom March 8th, 2021 10:50 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch
↠ Silverpaw ⚡[ @Snook ]
Taken aback by the she-cats hostility, Silverpaw furrows his brows and puffs up his fur to show off his unnaturally large size. "First of all," he hissed, "I am NOT little! I may be fresh outta the nursery, but I could clobber you in a heartbeat!"

Now he was practically bristling with fury. "And I dont have to explain myself to you! I could've caught that mouse if you hadn't gotten in my way!" His stance widens and his long claws were digging into the dry earth. Part of him knew he shouldn't mess with an experienced apprentice, but he couldn't just let her treat him this way! All her teasing and that smug look on her face alone could easily keep the fire burning inside him.

"Oh, and what a lousy hunter you must be to not even notice I was there. If anything, you should pay me a compliment." Silverpaw smirked with a new confidence glowing in his eyes, replacing some of the blazing anger from before.

crumbl March 8th, 2021 01:37 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Fae (Post 939244)
↠ Silverpaw ⚡[ @Snook ]
Taken aback by the she-cats hostility, Silverpaw furrows his brows and puffs up his fur to show off his unnaturally large size. "First of all," he hissed, "I am NOT little! I may be fresh outta the nursery, but I could clobber you in a heartbeat!"

Now he was practically bristling with fury. "And I dont have to explain myself to you! I could've caught that mouse if you hadn't gotten in my way!" His stance widens and his long claws were digging into the dry earth. Part of him knew he shouldn't mess with an experienced apprentice, but he couldn't just let her treat him this way! All her teasing and that smug look on her face alone could easily keep the fire burning inside him.

"Oh, and what a lousy hunter you must be to not even notice I was there. If anything, you should pay me a compliment." Silverpaw smirked with a new confidence glowing in his eyes, replacing some of the blazing anger from before.

Hazelpaw rolled her eyes, forcing her fur to smooth itself out even though annoyance still pricked beneath her pelt. "I knew you were there," she bluffed, eyeing the 'paw. "I just didn't expect you to have the luck to catch it." Her eyes were wide and innocent as a small smile popped onto her face. "It's okay," she mewed silkily. "I'll even let you take the credit for catching your very first mouse, even if I did chase it right into your paws." She ran her tongue over one shoulder, almost impressed at her own generosity. Usually, she wouldn't have sweated the misunderstanding, but today... well, he hadn't caught her on a good day. She cocked her head and observed him lazily. Such a new life. Bursting with vigor. It's funny how cats liked to cling to life-- it was so insignificant. She wondered...

Flicking her ear as if chasing off a bad dream, she realized with a pang of regret that she would have to diffuse the situation. Aggression hadn't been a good idea. Silverpaw was smaller than her but not by much-- and fights never ender well for a cat who didn't have claws. Using her teeth was usually risky... and now all she could do was wait for him to respond.

Doom March 10th, 2021 11:06 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Snook (Post 939398)

Hazelpaw rolled her eyes, forcing her fur to smooth itself out even though annoyance still pricked beneath her pelt. "I knew you were there," she bluffed, eyeing the 'paw. "I just didn't expect you to have the luck to catch it." Her eyes were wide and innocent as a small smile popped onto her face. "It's okay," she mewed silkily. "I'll even let you take the credit for catching your very first mouse, even if I did chase it right into your paws." She ran her tongue over one shoulder, almost impressed at her own generosity. Usually, she wouldn't have sweated the misunderstanding, but today... well, he hadn't caught her on a good day. She cocked her head and observed him lazily. Such a new life. Bursting with vigor. It's funny how cats liked to cling to life-- it was so insignificant. She wondered...

Flicking her ear as if chasing off a bad dream, she realized with a pang of regret that she would have to diffuse the situation. Aggression hadn't been a good idea. Silverpaw was smaller than her but not by much-- and fights never ender well for a cat who didn't have claws. Using her teeth was usually risky... and now all she could do was wait for him to respond.

↠ Silverpaw
Silverpaw's nose crinkled. "Liar." He hissed, unshaken by her change of tone. If anything, it egged him on. "If you saw me, then you would've caught the mouse ages ago! You're the experienced one, after all. It's sad how I seemed to be closer to catching it than you did. How pathetic..." That last part was not true, but he was practically searching for an excuse to argue at this point. The glare in his eyes intensified like gasoline to a flame, thirsting for a reaction out of her.

crumbl March 10th, 2021 06:25 PM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Fae (Post 941111)
↠ Silverpaw
Silverpaw's nose crinkled. "Liar." He hissed, unshaken by her change of tone. If anything, it egged him on. "If you saw me, then you would've caught the mouse ages ago! You're the experienced one, after all. It's sad how I seemed to be closer to catching it than you did. How pathetic..." That last part was not true, but he was practically searching for an excuse to argue at this point. The glare in his eyes intensified like gasoline to a flame, thirsting for a reaction out of her.


Hazelpaw thought she'd been playing it smooth. She thought she'd been relatively chill, considering how he'd blundered into her hunt and scared off her mouse. Why, heck, she'd even offered the little brat an escape from the whole situation! Humiliation, half off! But no. He'd insisted on continuing to try to get under her skin- what was he trying to accomplish, besides puffing up his pint-sized chest? A growl built in her life as she grit her teeth. "What do you want, a fight?" she snapped. "Come back when your eyes are open and you can eat fresh-kill." She tried to ignore his words about her incompetence. It was true, it hadn't been her best hunt. But it wasn't his place to say that! If a scrape was what this scrap wanted, then she wouldn't hesitate to give it to him.

Glancing down at him now, he almost seemed to remind her of someone. Another young cat, another fight that was pointless and stupid and ego indulgent.

A limp body on the ground. A small spark extinguished. A cold place in her chest and a metal collar around her neck.

She almost stumbled back as she resisted the lump in her throat. She wasn't a loner anymore. It wasn't like that. It was just a silly mouse.

C'mon, Hazelpaw, be normal. You can't let your feelings get a hold of you like this. Don't let your mind go there. You're a normal cat with normal thoughts and normal impulses and a normal past.

You can't be scared of yourself. Not anymore. You're over with that!

She lashed her tail and blurted, "I can help you catch another one." It was a mumble- so low and indistinct he almost certainly hadn't understood her. But suddenly she had no desire to tussle with Silverpaw.

She sighed, and this time her voice was stronger, though her expression remained reluctant.

"Do you want to hunt with me?"

Madelaine March 18th, 2021 05:31 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

The transgender molly lead Aspenshadow through Shadowclan territory to Pinewatch Patch. She hadn't been here yet, but she had heard some cats talk about how great of a hunting place it was. Doveleap looked around, trying to find marigold. She began to scan the clearing and soon found the yellow and orange flowers. She padded over to them and started to grab a couple.

// @leopardstrike4; \\

~|Snow Leopard|~ March 18th, 2021 07:23 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by Angelique (Post 948528)

The transgender molly lead Aspenshadow through Shadowclan territory to Pinewatch Patch. She hadn't been here yet, but she had heard some cats talk about how great of a hunting place it was. Doveleap looked around, trying to find marigold. She began to scan the clearing and soon found the yellow and orange flowers. She padded over to them and started to grab a couple.

// @leopardstrike4; \\

Aspenshadow started to look for the herbs the medicine cat asked for. She saw a star-shaped flower. She picked ten of them and padded over to Doveleap.

Madelaine March 21st, 2021 05:48 AM

Re: Pinewatch Patch

Originally Posted by leopardstrike4 (Post 948574)
Aspenshadow started to look for the herbs the medicine cat asked for. She saw a star-shaped flower. She picked ten of them and padded over to Doveleap.

Doveleap looked at Aspendshadow. "What was the last herb he asked for?", she asked. She had forgotten already, which was normal for her. Why was she supposed to remember these things. She wasn't a medicine cat.

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