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Starfall October 16th, 2023 01:39 AM

Royal Railroads Murder


Most of the staff have returned from their trip...except Marshall. The train's were far too full and the trip ended up getting split into 3. The final train was supposed to come in by this morning. But after a few hours of waiting, we called to see what the hold up was.

Marshall had been murdered! Upon request you'd been dispatched to the Train: Starstruck. Everyone was ordered to stay where they were found, except for Dane Ryder, instead told to stand in the Dining Room Car. All of their personal rooms had been locked long before, as the Captain does not wish for them to hide the rooms are always locked once everyone is awake.

The Conductor, Captain Willoughby is found on the scene. You are almost certain he's in the clear but...you're not sure ultimately. Keep an eye on him.
It's up to you to figure out who, out of the 5 main passengers on this train, murdered Marshall.

@Captain Willoughby

A rather open space, seemingly bigger than the rest of the cars. Filled with nothing but some couches and tables in between them. A place to sit and relax. Other than the body, nothing to really see here. Used as a 'hallway' from the rooms to the other main cars.
Face down with a rather mighty blunt force trauma to the head. (Round almost. equivalent to a heavy set tool of some sort with a round source of impact. Maybe a building tool? ) Other faint signs of a struggle. Knuckles are scratched up and their fingers are stained with ink.
The clothes of the victim seem to be fairly stain free. However as you lean close you spot something poking out of the pocket. It's a flower petal.

@Prim Barlowe
Where the guests would go and look at the scenery. A completely glass car with an open deck one is able to walk out on. The room itself filled with cozy couches and a recliner or two. As well as 2 tables where you could read a book if wished, or snack on something from the snack bar.
Open deck with waist high railings. No seats or couches or tables out here. On some instances of the journey, guests and workers have said you can reach your hand out and touch either side of the mountain. Nothing to really report here.

The couches are smooth and velvety. Adorned with a few pillows here and there.
Once removing the couch cushions, which have some very faint black residue on them, you see a singular white petal that was smushed between the couch base and the cushion. Once you're able to uncrinckle the petal you notice a corner is ripped. Upon even closer inspection you notice that the petal also has a speck of red on it. Interesting.

@Dane Ryder
A cozy dining room car with a different bouquet of flowers on each table. Mixed with the smell of a meal you regret missing is also a faint floral scent.
A snack booth makes its home in the front of the car as you first walk in. A register and some drawers can be seen. A pen holder and some complimentary mints are on one corner of said booth.
You open all the drawers. Just papers, pens and an assortment of snacks in separate drawers. However upon inspection in one drawer you see a key, some sort of green gem in the middle. Beneath the key you see some rather worn, crinkled paper. Most of the writing is smudged. Faintly you can make out something akin to 'sorry' and 'careful' .

Each table has a separate floral arrangement on them. You stop and inspect the closest 4 tables. Arrangements consisting of a blue bouquet, red, orange and purple. An odd color combination considering the rest of the bouquets are white.
Each made with meticulous love and care. Nothing seems immediately off about them. The same flowers as the others just dyed...and plastic instead of real. What happened to the original flowers?

@Bailey Lockharte
A smaller commercial kitchen where 5 of the nations best chefs work to provide all course meals for the guests.
A set of well loved knives neatly packed away in a case. One is missing. There are a few uncut fruits, and one halfway sliced through watermelon.

You find the missing knife in the sink, surrounded by the other tools of the trade.
The knife has a pinkish juice all over the blade, that's seeping into the drain. Upon closer inspection you realize it is the watermelon juice.

Nothing to truly see here other than their massive amounts of oatmeal. None are Strawberries and Cream. You consider writing up the chefs for that alone.

@Victoria Bently
The Conductor and Engineers workplace. A rather cramped workplace with the controls on one side, and the firebox on the next. A few boxes of coal tucked away in a corner of the cab.
A counter with all sorts of levers, buttons and doohickeys splayed on the surface. You do your best not to touch any buttons.
You spot a trash can beside the counter and take a look inside of it. It's littered with candy wrappers and a few glass shards. As you shuffle around you spot some redish residue on the liner of the trash can.

Where all the coal goes and the main source of fuel for the train. The area itself lightly dusted with soot from the coal that's been shoveled into the fiery oven. Some's even gotten on your paws !
On the lip of the oven you spot something rather caked onto it, a little thicker than the coal dustings. You're unable to make out exactly what it is, but it looks lumpy.

With all this evidence, you're sure to find the suspect. However there's more to this story than meets the eye. Make sure to go through every clue and see if you can't unearth a hidden plot...or perhaps a hidden motive. You never know what you may find.

The suspects have even agreed to let you interview them. Feel free to send them vm's or pm's. Keep what they say in check, and pay attention, for they may slip up and reveal more than they'd like.

If you have any troubles contact the head of Wait Staff, SkeleStar Via Pm. He'll be able to give you hints to guide you towards catching the perpetrator. This event will end on October 29th at exactly 12am (site time). May you find who killed Marshall before the train reaches it's destination and is trampled on by any morning rush. May luck be on your side detectives.

Drumroll Pleaseeeee

It was Victoria Bently!
If you looked around that Nosy Reporters vm's you would have seen a mention of a necklace, and only mentioned once.

Bring that necklace's attention to the Engineer and they would have hinted towards a potential box behind some of that coal in the Main Car. uwu

Captain Willoughby October 16th, 2023 11:07 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
Anyone else felt some cold spots?

Ain't no windows open so why do I keep gettin a chill ?

thegriff October 19th, 2023 02:09 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
@Captain Willoughby
hmm. must've been marshall. he appears to be quite dead.

Sleek October 22nd, 2023 04:01 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
time to grab my monacle!

Goopysharkboi October 23rd, 2023 04:49 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
Oh no! Do I need to play some dramatic music on a violin?

Kaybug. October 23rd, 2023 10:11 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
Hey @SkeleStar ! How do we turn in the answers btw.?
(No I haven’t solved it)

hermeswind October 23rd, 2023 10:32 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
monster noooox

Snowy the Ghost October 23rd, 2023 05:48 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
It was Percival. I just know it.

Watermeloon October 24th, 2023 09:05 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
Either Prim Barlowe or Percival

*longfire* October 25th, 2023 01:09 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
I voteon percival lol

i'm joking But this is a mystery, Also does anyone have dramatic musi that will fit this event 0.o

although i wanna say this that might help if you guys haven't seen it, if you read the texts, most of it says something about petals and flowers and a knife in the sink, so I think The flowers and petals and knife have some sort of connection with the murderer!

Starfall October 26th, 2023 11:13 AM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
@Kaywolf. Send me a dm titled railroads or something with your answers :heartbounce:

on another note
It seems like a pretty valuable hint has been dropped by one of the suspects!
Check through their vm's and see what it could be.

Only one member has gotten this hint so keep your eyes peeled uwu

Kaybug. October 26th, 2023 01:22 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder

Originally Posted by SkeleStar (Post 1493226)
@Kaywolf. Send me a dm titled railroads or something with your answers :heartbounce:

on another note
It seems like a pretty valuable hint has been dropped by one of the suspects!
Check through their vm's and see what it could be.

Only one member has gotten this hint so keep your eyes peeled uwu

Hehe ty ty ;)

bubble[error]. October 26th, 2023 02:56 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
My money is on...

@Prim Barlow

Snips October 26th, 2023 08:02 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
I think the engineer.

Beaan October 30th, 2023 03:27 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
Perci /jk

bubble[error]. October 31st, 2023 09:07 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
I say... @Prim Barlow did it

bubble[error]. November 1st, 2023 03:25 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
oh well. gg everyone. good game. allow Victoria to be put behind bars

Beaan November 1st, 2023 05:58 PM

Re: Royal Railroads Murder
second guessing at its finest

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