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-   -   Skyclan's Move to Riverclan (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21362)

The Cannibal June 13th, 2019 08:40 PM

Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
-Skyclan is making the big move to join with Riverclan, use this thread to roleplay your Skyclan cats on this journey, whether they are excited with the move, or down right furious!-

Fuzzy June 13th, 2019 08:55 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
Lightningwillow's heart pounded in his chest. Each beat thundering through his ears. They were joining RiverClan. Why? How? No no no that wasn't happening he was going crazy or something. Flattening his ears against his head the gray and white flat muzzled tom's breath quickened his anxiety acting up. Why now? This isn't happening we can't, no no to many cats, and it's RiverClan. She was there no no. I can't. Squeezing his amber eyes closed Lightning shook his head mind racing. The younger warrior could feel his insides quivering, uncontrollable, he couldn't stop it. His older brother used to help, when these attacks took over he couldn't stop he just had to deal with it. Which was no easy task. You try having your mind racing with a thousand different things and feel like your insides are quivering without having done anything. His brother, as mentioned, helped by stabilizing him, kinda like a tight hug. But his brother was no longer here, dead killing the very being that created them. The beast who shouldn't have been alive. The murderous molly who came out of RiverClan. She was the reason he didn't like this idea even if he thought otherwise.


Madelaine June 13th, 2019 09:36 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
(Open for a queen to watch Kinkkit)

Kinkkit walked beside a Skyclan queen to make sure she didn't get lost on their journey to join Riverclan. She wished they weren't moving. Her mother and father were burried on the Skyclan territory. She felt as if she was leaving them behind and she didn't like it.

idia June 13th, 2019 09:37 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
[ @TawnyNeedsACoffee ]

Timberpaw was clearly anxious, nervousness written on his face. They were travelling to Riverclan! He didn't enjoy the idea of it very much, let alone at all. He was worried that he'd fall in a river and drown or something close to that. And, there would be too many cats. He bet there would be hundreds!

Well, probably.

The brown tom looked around for the cream molly. Seeing her, he hurried over, leaning on her. "I don't want to join Riverclan." he huffed with a pout, flicking his tail.

Mango June 13th, 2019 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 597889)
Lightningwillow's heart pounded in his chest. Each beat thundering through his ears. They were joining RiverClan. Why? How? No no no that wasn't happening he was going crazy or something. Flattening his ears against his head the gray and white flat muzzled tom's breath quickened his anxiety acting up. Why now? This isn't happening we can't, no no to many cats, and it's RiverClan. She was there no no. I can't. Squeezing his amber eyes closed Lightning shook his head mind racing. The younger warrior could feel his insides quivering, uncontrollable, he couldn't stop it. His older brother used to help, when these attacks took over he couldn't stop he just had to deal with it. Which was no easy task. You try having your mind racing with a thousand different things and feel like your insides are quivering without having done anything. His brother, as mentioned, helped by stabilizing him, kinda like a tight hug. But his brother was no longer here, dead killing the very being that created them. The beast who shouldn't have been alive. The murderous molly who came out of RiverClan. She was the reason he didn't like this idea even if he thought otherwise.


Streamcloud glanced at the distressed warrior and tried to be positive despite the pawful of kits she was keeping an eye on and meowed reasuringly,” Don’t worry, I don’t want to join Riverclan either, I’m just trying to trust Grousestar. I mean he is right that-,” she cut herself off abruptly and snapped at her kit,” Willowkit! You are not going to go sneaking off!” She turned back to Lightningwillow and dipped her head,” Sorry, you know kits...Skyclan is the weakest clan, even though we deny it, atleast now we will be the strongest clan of all. Doesn’t that give you even the slightest amount of pride? I don’t think Grousestar will win on getting us to eat fish and swim, but no clan will attack us now. They’ll fear us. Besides. We can make more friends.” She added before turning to Owlkit,” Owlkit, you are not going to kill all the Riverclan kits, they are your denmates now, your clanmates. Blossomkit, no you don’t have to eat fish.” She glanced amused at Lightningwillow,” Kits right?” She purred in a bit of amusement.

Fennelheart stormed off towards Riverclan cursing at spitting at every step she took. I’m not touching that Starclan forsaken water, nor am I eating a single fish. Being a Riverclanner is just as bad as being a kittypet, maybe even worse. This is shameful. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to sacrifice Starclan. I must kill Grousestar....and Frostflight. I’ll ralley Skyclan together under my rule in our own territory. Besides Riverclan reaks. She kept muttering a curse as she slowly trudged on


Fazekit bounded happily towards Riverclan, keeping a little ahead of the queens. She skipped in excitement,” I’m a Riverclanner! I’m a Riverclanner! I’m going to have so many new friends! I can’t wait! So much territory I haven’t explored yet, I can’t wait to sneak off and explore all of Riverclan’s territory! We are the toughest clan around. Two clans in one, far stronger than just one puny clan like Thunderclan, Windclan, or Shadowclan!” She purred in excitement rolling on the ground giggling.

SuspiciousMindz June 13th, 2019 10:10 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan


Coconutbreeze was confused. Why was Grousestar doing this? They didn't come all this way to just throw away their clan, did they? Especially to the clans that want nothing but war lately?

The fluffy tortoiseshell frowned. What would her parents have thought? Almondfall especially? She wouldn't have let this happen. What about Aspenflash? She trekked with her clan nonetheless, her eyes low and her tail dragging.

Fuzzy June 13th, 2019 10:35 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by PotaDOS (Post 597898)
(Open for a queen to watch Kinkkit)

Kinkkit walked beside a Skyclan queen to make sure she didn't get lost on their journey to join Riverclan. She wished they weren't moving. Her mother and father were burried on the Skyclan territory. She felt as if she was leaving them behind and she didn't like it.

Silverflame walked along with the kits, despite have one fiery attitude and a back for arguing the silver molly was a good questions queen. She had one overly rambunctious son she always had to keep an eye on and had been taking care of kits that weren't even hers, biologically speaking. Green eyes sharp for any sigh of danger the tabby glanced down at the small kit beside her. "You'll be alright. Just think of it as a new start." She meowed giving a warm smile to Kinkkit. "And they'll watch you from StarClan your not leaving them." To be honest the queen had no idea if that was the problem but she knew that the young kits mother and father had died and been buried. Her own mother was hurried in SkyClan but that was moons ago.

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 597902)
Streamcloud glanced at the distressed warrior and tried to be positive despite the pawful of kits she was keeping an eye on and meowed reasuringly,” Don’t worry, I don’t want to join Riverclan either, I’m just trying to trust Grousestar. I mean he is right that-,” she cut herself off abruptly and snapped at her kit,” Willowkit! You are not going to go sneaking off!” She turned back to Lightningwillow and dipped her head,” Sorry, you know kits...Skyclan is the weakest clan, even though we deny it, atleast now we will be the strongest clan of all. Doesn’t that give you even the slightest amount of pride? I don’t think Grousestar will win on getting us to eat fish and swim, but no clan will attack us now. They’ll fear us. Besides. We can make more friends.” She added before turning to Owlkit,” Owlkit, you are not going to kill all the Riverclan kits, they are your denmates now, your clanmates. Blossomkit, no you don’t have to eat fish.” She glanced amused at Lightningwillow,” Kits right?” She purred in a bit of amusement.

Lightningwillow jumped at the mollies voice. His eyes shot over at the queen. Blinking he tried to call himself a bit even I'd it was little help. Amber eyes resting on Streamcloud he silently listened. He was always nervous that was a fact that never left him. He was nervous about everything. Yet the queens soothing mannerisms was new to him. The closest thing he'd had to a molly speaking almost like a mother to him was his mentor but she was clumsy and never tried to be a mother figure no matter how much he looked up to her.
Calming his breath a bit, realizing the molly's kits were braver then him, he had to look braver. He still felt his insides quivering every time he took a breath but he was stabilizing his breath. "It's not much that I don't want to.." He mumbled talking inns slightly shaky breath. "I don't know, my mother was from RiverClan..." He added watching the queens kits, they were so happy. Something he never was. "She was a terrible cat!" Lightning exclaimed snapping his jaws shot as he realized how loud he'd said that. He never talked about his mother he loathed her, he was ashamed to be her son. "She was a cold hearted murder." The tom hissed voice quite and head lowered. Honestly this has gotten his mind off his nervousness and helped with his anxiety but he hated it.

TawnyNeedsACoffee June 13th, 2019 10:58 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 597899)
[ @TawnyNeedsACoffee ]

Timberpaw was clearly anxious, nervousness written on his face. They were travelling to Riverclan! He didn't enjoy the idea of it very much, let alone at all. He was worried that he'd fall in a river and drown or something close to that. And, there would be too many cats. He bet there would be hundreds!

Well, probably.

The brown tom looked around for the cream molly. Seeing her, he hurried over, leaning on her. "I don't want to join Riverclan." he huffed with a pout, flicking his tail.

A cream Molly huffed In annoyance as cats brushed past her, she tensed up somewhat seeing LarkStorm wink at her from a while away- she felt uncomfortable ever since what happened a few days ago. Her clan was traveling to RiverClan camp- she honestly didn't Like the idea and felt like a outsider surrounded by fish eating felines, which is exactly what she was. DawnPaw jumped a little startled at feeling warmth on her side but she calmed down noticing it was TimberPaw, she gave a small purr in amusement."I don't think any of us does but as long as I'm with you I don't mind..".she leaned into him somewhat flashing a soft smile, her blue eyes narrowing gently.

lio June 13th, 2019 11:49 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
They were moving to RiverClan. Why wasn't she angry about that? It didn't make sense. While others were fuming about the move, the merging of the Clans, Stormgaze was happy. She genuinely wanted to move, and couldn't wait to step foot into the territory, to feel the water on her paws. That wasn't normal for a Clan-born cat, was it? Was she being disloyal to her clan? No, that couldn't be right. What was wrong with her?
Her ears flattened as she looked among her Clanmates. They were all milling about the area, speaking their minds of the issue at hand. Stormgaze was sitting alone, her mind a mess and her fur rumpled. She didn't want to admit what she knew she had felt long ago. Always dreaming of the river, wishing to eat fish and swim along all the others of Riverclan.
She was meant to be a Riverclanner, and now she could. But the happiness she felt made her stomach twist in sickness. Why did the thought make her so unsteady? She was finally going to be comfortable where she lived.
If only she knew how to process her own emotions.


Aroogi June 14th, 2019 05:29 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
Regalstorm walked, making sure everyone was accounted for. He would miss SkyClan territory but he would support Grousestar no matter if he disagreed or not.

.:Virgo:. June 14th, 2019 06:26 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
Rainingflare felt confused. Why were they joining riverclan? She felt downcast, a gloom settling over her mind. Their territory was just fine! How were they all gonna fit in one warrior den as well? The nursery would be chalk full. Disease would probably spread quickly through a lot of the clan it would be so bunched up. The grey molly looked at her leader, 'Why are we going here? Why are we moving from our home?

The molly looked quite emotional, passing every landmark on the territory, and saying goddbye ine last time. No more see ya laters. Just goodbyes. A few oily tears snaked their way down her cheeks, then a few more. Rainingflare dragged her tail in the dirt, dragged her paws as she walked. Soon her breaths hitched and her shoulders heaved with sobs.

Open for roleplay!


Hopekit trudged along, her dark blue eyes at a loss. They were moving? She had just gotton to the stage where she was allowed out of the camp. Their home was so beautiful, why were they leaving?

This post is unfinished. Not open for rp yet.

RedHead June 14th, 2019 08:32 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Blazepaw didn’t know how to feel. He respected Grousestar and knew the leader was only doing what was best for the clan. But he could only wonder what it would’ve been like it Auroraflame was still around. He missed his mentor dearly, and had taken up to talking to the stars every night, only hoping she would hear him. He felt lonely, and though he did have Redpaw, she was really the only other cat he had. His parents were gone, he hadn’t talked to any of his littermates in a while, and his dear mentor was dead. He wasn’t sure why Grousestar hadn’t assigned him a new one yet, maybe it was because he was also still feeling the loss of Auroraflame. But Blazepaw knew it wasn’t his place to argue or ask on the subject. With a sigh, he continued his plodding along, wondering if he should try and go seek out Redpaw. He decided against it. He didn’t want to bring her down too.


Branch of Life June 14th, 2019 09:15 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 597958)

Blazepaw didn’t know how to feel. He respected Grousestar and knew the leader was only doing what was best for the clan. But he could only wonder what it would’ve been like it Auroraflame was still around. He missed his mentor dearly, and had taken up to talking to the stars every night, only hoping she would hear him. He felt lonely, and though he did have Redpaw, she was really the only other cat he had. His parents were gone, he hadn’t talked to any of his littermates in a while, and his dear mentor was dead. He wasn’t sure why Grousestar hadn’t assigned him a new one yet, maybe it was because he was also still feeling the loss of Auroraflame. But Blazepaw knew it wasn’t his place to argue or ask on the subject. With a sigh, he continued his plodding along, wondering if he should try and go seek out Redpaw. He decided against it. He didn’t want to bring her down too.


Maplepaw looked around. Yes! RiverClan. Except our prey tastes better. Hopefully I don't meet my enemies. Oh StarClan, well I die? She shook her head. She was always living in her head instead of her body. The calico female padded along slowly. She tilted her head as she saw a cat up ahead. "Are you all light? You don have to talk to me but, I'm open." Maplepaw asked growing closer to the other cat. Blazepaw.

Aquilex June 14th, 2019 09:26 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 597949)
Regalstorm walked, making sure everyone was accounted for. He would miss SkyClan territory but he would support Grousestar no matter if he disagreed or not.

Wolfspark padded alongside Regalstorm. His paws trembled with anxiety at the thought of merging with RiverClan, but he knew it was for the best. Suddenly, the tom stopped. Below a large oak tree were three old mounds of dirt, each marked by a stone. Wolfspark's heart shattered, and he sat down in front of the mounds and bowed his head. A tear trickled from his eye. I can't leave them here...he thought. But they can't come with me.


Dust June 14th, 2019 10:34 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
[Open for apprentice or kit - generally younger cat]

Frostflight's belly was still swirling with emotion after his ceremony. Confusion, anxiety, excitement, this was nothing like he had ever felt before. Why Grousestar had chosen him to be their new deputy? He wasn't even of Skyclan descent! But still, the dull throb of pride echoed throughout his chest- having been eager and surprised when he heard the leader utter his name... he had assumed when he was escorted that Grousestar would simply thank him for his help.... atleast they were on their way back to Riverclan. Yet still, the slightest pang of regret ached through his bones as he watched the Skyclan cats trudge their way from their camp, their home - which to Frostflights surprise had been a lot nicer than he had ever imagined - heads and tails hung low. This was his clan now and he would help them anyway he could. Waiting until most everyone had left, Frostflight too k up the back of the group, turning his head every so often to look back watching a few members catch up. The path back to Riverclan... this would be strange

Madelaine June 14th, 2019 10:56 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 597913)

Silverflame walked along with the kits, despite have one fiery attitude and a back for arguing the silver molly was a good questions queen. She had one overly rambunctious son she always had to keep an eye on and had been taking care of kits that weren't even hers, biologically speaking. Green eyes sharp for any sigh of danger the tabby glanced down at the small kit beside her. "You'll be alright. Just think of it as a new start." She meowed giving a warm smile to Kinkkit. "And they'll watch you from StarClan your not leaving them." To be honest the queen had no idea if that was the problem but she knew that the young kits mother and father had died and been buried. Her own mother was hurried in SkyClan but that was moons ago.

Lightningwillow jumped at the mollies voice. His eyes shot over at the queen. Blinking he tried to call himself a bit even I'd it was little help. Amber eyes resting on Streamcloud he silently listened. He was always nervous that was a fact that never left him. He was nervous about everything. Yet the queens soothing mannerisms was new to him. The closest thing he'd had to a molly speaking almost like a mother to him was his mentor but she was clumsy and never tried to be a mother figure no matter how much he looked up to her.
Calming his breath a bit, realizing the molly's kits were braver then him, he had to look braver. He still felt his insides quivering every time he took a breath but he was stabilizing his breath. "It's not much that I don't want to.." He mumbled talking inns slightly shaky breath. "I don't know, my mother was from RiverClan..." He added watching the queens kits, they were so happy. Something he never was. "She was a terrible cat!" Lightning exclaimed snapping his jaws shot as he realized how loud he'd said that. He never talked about his mother he loathed her, he was ashamed to be her son. "She was a cold hearted murder." The tom hissed voice quite and head lowered. Honestly this has gotten his mind off his nervousness and helped with his anxiety but he hated it.

Kinkkit looked up at the queen as she spoke. She glanced behind her at her old home and began to feel even more nervous about the move. Why did they have to join Riverclan anyway? There had always been five clans and now there was going to be four clans. How would they cope with two leaders? She wouldn't know who to get her orders from when she's an apprentice. "Are we going to be staying with them forever?", she asked. Kinkkit hoped it was perminate and maybe Grousestar and Fallenstar would get annoyed with each other and seperate out. She pushed her thoughts away for a moment to wait for the queen to answer.

Mango June 14th, 2019 11:51 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 597913)
[CENTER][FONT="Times New Roman"]

Lightningwillow jumped at the mollies voice. His eyes shot over at the queen. Blinking he tried to call himself a bit even I'd it was little help. Amber eyes resting on Streamcloud he silently listened. He was always nervous that was a fact that never left him. He was nervous about everything. Yet the queens soothing mannerisms was new to him. The closest thing he'd had to a molly speaking almost like a mother to him was his mentor but she was clumsy and never tried to be a mother figure no matter how much he looked up to her.
Calming his breath a bit, realizing the molly's kits were braver then him, he had to look braver. He still felt his insides quivering every time he took a breath but he was stabilizing his breath. "It's not much that I don't want to.." He mumbled talking inns slightly shaky breath. "I don't know, my mother was from RiverClan..." He added watching the queens kits, they were so happy. Something he never was. "She was a terrible cat!" Lightning exclaimed snapping his jaws shot as he realized how loud he'd said that. He never talked about his mother he loathed her, he was ashamed to be her son. "She was a cold hearted murder." The tom hissed voice quite and head lowered. Honestly this has gotten his mind off his nervousness and helped with his anxiety but he hated it.

She paused,” Is she still alive? I don’t know her, but if she still is in Skyclan, based on your age, she probably is a weak and feeble elder. I don’t know if you have littermates, but if you do, I’d assume they are in Riverclan.” She paused glad that her kits weren’t scared by Lightningwillow’s abrupt shout. She flicked her calmly,” I’m certain you will be safe in Riverclan, besides all of you clanmates are joining you.” She reasured her. Even though Streamcloud was a young and new queen, she found herself trying to calm Lightningwillow like he was her kit, despite the age difference,” I know some cats who found reasurance over a bad mother by finding adoptive parents, you could always find someone to be your adoptive mother.” She suggested. Most queens maternal instincts make them want to take care of kits to a point where they’ll care for any kit or warrior needing a mother figure.

Fuzzy June 14th, 2019 01:19 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 597975)
She paused,” Is she still alive? I don’t know her, but if she still is in Skyclan, based on your age, she probably is a weak and feeble elder. I don’t know if you have littermates, but if you do, I’d assume they are in Riverclan.” She paused glad that her kits weren’t scared by Lightningwillow’s abrupt shout. She flicked her calmly,” I’m certain you will be safe in Riverclan, besides all of you clanmates are joining you.” She reasured her. Even though Streamcloud was a young and new queen, she found herself trying to calm Lightningwillow like he was her kit, despite the age difference,” I know some cats who found reasurance over a bad mother by finding adoptive parents, you could always find someone to be your adoptive mother.” She suggested. Most queens maternal instincts make them want to take care of kits to a point where they’ll care for any kit or warrior needing a mother figure.

Lightningwillow shook his head ashamed he's brought up his mother. How stupid of him she wasn't even alive. "No, she's not alive, she was killed when I was an apprentice. " He explained his voice quiet now. This was his normal vouce. He was a quiet gentle cat of course he had to deal with his anxiety and nervousness about everything but he wasn't normally like tjis. It was just everything going on at once. When she commented about him having literate in RiverClan he shook his head again still watching his paws. "No none of my siblings lived in RiverClan, at least not long. I thinr Ebonybranch was born their but she took him to SkyClan with her. I'm sorry you don't know any of my family their just names. " Its not that she would their dead now He added silently a sorrow tugging at his chest. "Theirs all gone now, though..." The grey tom added trailing off. Why was he doing this? She had her own problems she had kuts, she was moving and she was young. They were both young but that was aside the point. "I'm sure your right, I'm sorry I'm not the best at looking for the positive. It's a new start right?" He meowed giving Streamcloud a forced smile. She was to kind to him. He wasn't used to it. His best friend, who was also gone now, was always wild and tried to get him to do things outside of his comfort zone which was probably good but it was odd have a cat around your age treat him like this. He wasn't objecting though. The queen had calmed his nerves and surprisingly talking about it helped ease his burden a bit. She She talked about adopted parents he was a bit puzzled he's never even thought of that but he felt it was to late for that. Who would want to adopt a 21 moon old warrior? "It's probably to late for that." He explained giving a nervous laugh. He was just glade he was calm enough to talk normally. And get off the topic of his mother. He didn't even speak her name.

Originally Posted by Dust (Post 597962)
[Open for apprentice or kit - generally younger cat]

Frostflight's belly was still swirling with emotion after his ceremony. Confusion, anxiety, excitement, this was nothing like he had ever felt before. Why Grousestar had chosen him to be their new deputy? He wasn't even of Skyclan descent! But still, the dull throb of pride echoed throughout his chest- having been eager and surprised when he heard the leader utter his name... he had assumed when he was escorted that Grousestar would simply thank him for his help.... atleast they were on their way back to Riverclan. Yet still, the slightest pang of regret ached through his bones as he watched the Skyclan cats trudge their way from their camp, their home - which to Frostflights surprise had been a lot nicer than he had ever imagined - heads and tails hung low. This was his clan now and he would help them anyway he could. Waiting until most everyone had left, Frostflight too k up the back of the group, turning his head every so often to look back watching a few members catch up. The path back to Riverclan... this would be strange

{Yeah I'm leaving but I had too XD}

Foresaw was excited, she was always excited. It was a wonder if she even knew what was really happening. Though she was a few moons in her training she still acted like a little kit. The flame colored molly was just bouncing around. Spotting the new deputy she ran to catch up. "Hay," Meowed slowing beside him her green blue eyes glancing up at him. "Your a RiverClan cat, what's it like? Is there trees like SkyClan or is it all water?" She asked tail twitching . "Someone said you sleep on floating sticks and that the ground is always wet and it's muddy even when it doesn't rain. They also said you have to swim or your Fox chow. I don't know how to swim. " She continued mouth not stopping. "Wait that does fish taste like I heard warriors saying that's all you can eat were were going." Firepaw added jolting her head up to look back at him. Is she had to live on the scaly things she wanted to know. Thoughts jumping again the lengthy molly lowered her head. "I don't really want to leave." The apprentice added glancing behind her. She was leaving behind her kit hood, the cats she'd lost her memories. It was sad now that she thought of it. With that the ginger feline fell silent.

Originally Posted by PotaDOS (Post 597965)

Kinkkit looked up at the queen as she spoke. She glanced behind her at her old home and began to feel even more nervous about the move. Why did they have to join Riverclan anyway? There had always been five clans and now there was going to be four clans. How would they cope with two leaders? She wouldn't know who to get her orders from when she's an apprentice. "Are we going to be staying with them forever?", she asked. Kinkkit hoped it was perminate and maybe Grousestar and Fallenstar would get annoyed with each other and seperate out. She pushed her thoughts away for a moment to wait for the queen to answer.

Silverflame swerved her ears backwards at the kits question. Where they? She had all the courts not to trust RiverClan. She's be raising her kits around a cats she didn't know in a place she didn't know. Since the attack on RiverClan had happened while she had just had her kits she's never even been to the territory. She just hoped it was a good healthy place for them. "I don't know honey." She comes running her tail over Kinkkit for comfort . "But whatever happens well be okay." The queen explained determination laced in her voice. It might be in false hope but whether it be fighting with tooth and claw she was sure they'd be alright. She had to be.

Leucos June 14th, 2019 02:05 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz (Post 597907)


Coconutbreeze was confused. Why was Grousestar doing this? They didn't come all this way to just throw away their clan, did they? Especially to the clans that want nothing but war lately?

The fluffy tortoiseshell frowned. What would her parents have thought? Almondfall especially? She wouldn't have let this happen. What about Aspenflash? She trekked with her clan nonetheless, her eyes low and her tail dragging.

( hope u don't mind )
Onionshell was currently walking alongside Coconutbreeze , an excited look can be seen on her face as her tail bobbed side from side no more hiding ! I can finally see Runningbrook freely now! Thank you .....thank you.... she didn't know who she was thanking, she supposed it was Grousestar ....but she still didn't feel it was safe to openly thank him. But they were on the move yes? So it shouldn't be that bad....still a little voice in her head was telling her to stay silent a little longer. She looked over at Coconutbreeze and noticed that the other warrior wasn't at all a happy camper about this , she understood , it'll feel weird , it won't be home. But to her home is where the people she loves , not the place where you grew up in. She felt some of that pain too so she was able to sympathize with the other "Grousestar never led us a stray before . It'll be ok in the end. And what were doing is a good thing, it'll bring us closer with riverclan and hopefully we will be one giant family in the end." she meowed as she tried make the other look on the bright side of things. She found many positives . ...But that was because she also had somebody who loved her over there . he'll be so surprised !

Aroogi June 14th, 2019 03:02 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Aquilex (Post 597960)
Wolfspark padded alongside Regalstorm. His paws trembled with anxiety at the thought of merging with RiverClan, but he knew it was for the best. Suddenly, the tom stopped. Below a large oak tree were three old mounds of dirt, each marked by a stone. Wolfspark's heart shattered, and he sat down in front of the mounds and bowed his head. A tear trickled from his eye. I can't leave them here...he thought. But they can't come with me.


Regalstorm padded up to Wolfspark, sitting so close their pelts touched.
"They will watch out for you.." He murmured. Thinking aloud and gazing at the sky, he began to mumble. "...I wanted to be deputy mother... I'm so sorry I couldn't achieve that ambition for you..." He gave a weary sigh, standing. Even if Frostflight had taken the deputyship he had so honestly wanted, he would still support him the best any deputy could wish for.

spinachsprite June 14th, 2019 03:30 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
(open!! :3))

Cowslip walked along the forest path beside her fellow skyclanners, shoulders all hunched. Her eyes glowed angrily. She didn't really care about clans in particular, as a street cat previously, loyalty didn't mean much to her. But the idea of combining repulsed her. It screamed caution. That many cats in one place? There was bound to be a gender imbalance. Over population. Tom's going wild, cats fighting, disease spreading. She appreciated the clans regality and precious emotional zest. This would reduce them back to violent animals. But she didn't dare go back to the streets, and aside from the forest, that was all she knew.
The black and white feline bristled with each step, emanating fury and distaste. She despised their leaders fragile disposition. A leader should be strong and able to lead. She could only pray something killed off the weaker cats quickly. A parasite or disease perhaps. She stole a glance at the kits walking about her, and scowled.

Aquilex June 14th, 2019 03:35 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 597998)


Regalstorm padded up to Wolfspark, sitting so close their pelts touched.
"They will watch out for you.." He murmured. Thinking aloud and gazing at the sky, he began to mumble. "...I wanted to be deputy mother... I'm so sorry I couldn't achieve that ambition for you..." He gave a weary sigh, standing. Even if Frostflight had taken the deputyship he had so honestly wanted, he would still support him the best any deputy could wish for.

"It's one thing to leave my parents behind, they lived a good, full life. But my sister..." he sighed. "Applepaw should be here with me." He looked at Regalstorm. "You would've been an amazing deputy, but...I'm glad we'll be RiverClan warriors together."

Mango June 14th, 2019 04:34 PM

[Open to an elder of Skyclan]

Fennelheart entered the elder’s den and dipped her head,” I am to escort you to Riverclan...” nervously she added in,” apprentice duties.” She mentioned lightly, knowing it was odd for a warrior who was as respected as she was to be on apprentice duties as she often lead patrols and had high respect from Grousestar and Shinefang, so she knew it was odd that she was on apprentice duties,” Don’t worry, we can take our time.”


Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 597984)

Lightningwillow shook his head ashamed he's brought up his mother. How stupid of him she wasn't even alive. "No, she's not alive, she was killed when I was an apprentice. " He explained his voice quiet now. This was his normal vouce. He was a quiet gentle cat of course he had to deal with his anxiety and nervousness about everything but he wasn't normally like tjis. It was just everything going on at once. When she commented about him having literate in RiverClan he shook his head again still watching his paws. "No none of my siblings lived in RiverClan, at least not long. I thinr Ebonybranch was born their but she took him to SkyClan with her. I'm sorry you don't know any of my family their just names. " Its not that she would their dead now He added silently a sorrow tugging at his chest. "Theirs all gone now, though..." The grey tom added trailing off. Why was he doing this? She had her own problems she had kuts, she was moving and she was young. They were both young but that was aside the point. "I'm sure your right, I'm sorry I'm not the best at looking for the positive. It's a new start right?" He meowed giving Streamcloud a forced smile. She was to kind to him. He wasn't used to it. His best friend, who was also gone now, was always wild and tried to get him to do things outside of his comfort zone which was probably good but it was odd have a cat around your age treat him like this. He wasn't objecting though. The queen had calmed his nerves and surprisingly talking about it helped ease his burden a bit. She She talked about adopted parents he was a bit puzzled he's never even thought of that but he felt it was to late for that. Who would want to adopt a 21 moon old warrior? "It's probably to late for that." He explained giving a nervous laugh. He was just glade he was calm enough to talk normally. And get off the topic of his mother. He didn't even speak her name.

She could tell he didn’t want to discuss it,” You might be able to find a mate in Riverclan.” She meowed hoping she could find something that could help him look forward to going to Riverclan.

idia June 14th, 2019 05:32 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by |+Tired Rose Child+| (Post 597996)
((It's alright <3 ))

Hummingtuft smiled and stepped over to his squirrel, finishing it up quickly. He swiped his tongue over his whiskers to get rid of any excess meat before getting to his paws. He sighed. "It looks like everyone is getting ready to leave for the journey to RiverClan. I'm thinking we should probably get ready, too." smiling, he gave Minnow a nod. "Well, catch you later," he mewed before padding off.

It had been just a few hours after Minnowfluff had talked to Hummingtuft, and the journey beginning. The small tom didn't see why they had to just leave their clan like that. He didn't find it fair, seeing as everyone in the clan was born there. And now, they were going to Riverclan? He was already anxious around his clanmates, he couldn't imagine how he'd be with more cats! Would there even be enough room for all the felines? Surely not.

He gave a small sigh, drooping slightly. The chubby tabby didn't seem to even notice the older and larger tom who started walking beside him, until he glanced up. He brightened slightly, glancing back down with a smile. "Oh, hi Hummingtuft..!" He said with some cheer.


Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 597918)
A cream Molly huffed In annoyance as cats brushed past her, she tensed up somewhat seeing LarkStorm wink at her from a while away- she felt uncomfortable ever since what happened a few days ago. Her clan was traveling to RiverClan camp- she honestly didn't Like the idea and felt like a outsider surrounded by fish eating felines, which is exactly what she was. DawnPaw jumped a little startled at feeling warmth on her side but she calmed down noticing it was TimberPaw, she gave a small purr in amusement."I don't think any of us does but as long as I'm with you I don't mind..".she leaned into him somewhat flashing a soft smile, her blue eyes narrowing gently.

Timberpaw gave a purr, leaning into her also. "But..I don't see what Grousestar was thinking! We're really just leaving our clan like that? And we're going to Riverclan?" He asked, raising a brow. The brown somali stood up straight, flicking his tail. "Sure, there was dogs. But we couldn't be the only clan that had that problem right?" He meowed the question.

"..Are we going to be considered Riverclan now?" He inquired, mostly to himself. He looked at Dawnpaw with a questioning look, tilting his head. "Not to mention there'll be too many cats!" He pouted angrily.

|+sari+| June 14th, 2019 06:44 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 598027)

It had been just a few hours after Minnowfluff had talked to Hummingtuft, and the journey beginning. The small tom didn't see why they had to just leave their clan like that. He didn't find it fair, seeing as everyone in the clan was born there. And now, they were going to Riverclan? He was already anxious around his clanmates, he couldn't imagine how he'd be with more cats! Would there even be enough room for all the felines? Surely not.

He gave a small sigh, drooping slightly. The chubby tabby didn't seem to even notice the older and larger tom who started walking beside him, until he glanced up. He brightened slightly, glancing back down with a smile. "Oh, hi Hummingtuft..!" He said with some cheer.

Timberpaw gave a purr, leaning into her also. "But..I don't see what Grousestar was thinking! We're really just leaving our clan like that? And we're going to Riverclan?" He asked, raising a brow. The brown somali stood up straight, flicking his tail. "Sure, there was dogs. But we couldn't be the only clan that had that problem right?" He meowed the question.

"..Are we going to be considered Riverclan now?" He inquired, mostly to himself. He looked at Dawnpaw with a questioning look, tilting his head. "Not to mention there'll be too many cats!" He pouted angrily.

It was the beginning of the journey, and Hummingtuft had to admit, it felt strange to be going to RiverClan. He didn't really like the idea; he could only imagine how scary it must be for his friend, Minnowfluff. Humming glanced around. Where is Minnow anyway?, he thought, scanning the cats. he suddenly spotted the silver tabby, and he bounded over, walking beside the small, chubby tom. When Minnowfluff glanced up and greeted him , the Japanese bobtail smiled and gave Minnow's head a friendly, gentle nuzzle. "Hey, Minnowfluff! What's up, how are ya? You don't look very happy." he gazed worriedly at the small male, and he touched his nose to his cheek comfortingly. "You shouldn't worry... Everything will turn out for the best, that's for sure!," he mewed gently. Straightening , he glanced at Minnow . "Ya know.... You always seem to feel better when I'm around.. Do I really make you feel better? I'm glad! I'm always happy to help, ya know?" he beamed, then cringed as he squashed a spider underneath his paw. he held it up. "Ugh.. that's gross." chuckling, he set his paw back down. "I hope I'm not annoying you," he mewed sincerely, not wanting to talk his friend's ears off.

SuspiciousMindz June 14th, 2019 08:20 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Pluto (Post 597986)
( hope u don't mind )
Onionshell was currently walking alongside Coconutbreeze , an excited look can be seen on her face as her tail bobbed side from side no more hiding ! I can finally see Runningbrook freely now! Thank you .....thank you.... she didn't know who she was thanking, she supposed it was Grousestar ....but she still didn't feel it was safe to openly thank him. But they were on the move yes? So it shouldn't be that bad....still a little voice in her head was telling her to stay silent a little longer. She looked over at Coconutbreeze and noticed that the other warrior wasn't at all a happy camper about this , she understood , it'll feel weird , it won't be home. But to her home is where the people she loves , not the place where you grew up in. She felt some of that pain too so she was able to sympathize with the other "Grousestar never led us a stray before . It'll be ok in the end. And what were doing is a good thing, it'll bring us closer with riverclan and hopefully we will be one giant family in the end." she meowed as she tried make the other look on the bright side of things. She found many positives . ...But that was because she also had somebody who loved her over there . he'll be so surprised !

Coconutbreeze turned the warrior walking beside her. How could they be so optimistic? This was a disgrace to SkyClan. "I wouldn't say Grousestar's leadership is flawless. We're joining a clan we helped drive out of their territory, they're not going to be happy to see us. I wouldn't be shocked if there are fights breaking out in the future," The fluffy warrior replied, her yellow eyes dark with warning. "I don't need outsiders in my family either, I hav- had mine and that's enough for me," she replied with a slight frown, her attention turning back to the area ahead of them.

Leucos June 14th, 2019 10:39 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz (Post 598051)

Coconutbreeze turned the warrior walking beside her. How could they be so optimistic? This was a disgrace to SkyClan. "I wouldn't say Grousestar's leadership is flawless. We're joining a clan we helped drive out of their territory, they're not going to be happy to see us. I wouldn't be shocked if there are fights breaking out in the future," The fluffy warrior replied, her yellow eyes dark with warning. "I don't need outsiders in my family either, I hav- had mine and that's enough for me," she replied with a slight frown, her attention turning back to the area ahead of them.

she felt a stab of emotions once coconutbreeze made her remember that event , but the main ones were regret that her clan did such a thing and ...anger. But mostly regret . They had done something so stupid ....and what had riverclan done to deserve such a thing as being pushed out of their territory ? None! Her mouth felt glued shut for a while before she replied "I know....But , this could make them stronger . And us as well. Our forces combined . Think of what we could do. I bet you Fallenstar wouldn't turn a chance like that down. A chance to make his clan stronger even if it has different blood." she meowed calmly even though her voice mirrored her emotions . Her ears folded back after what the other said next oh....that's usually not a good sign... her eyebrows furrowed as she guessed what could have happened to Coconutbreezes parents , she cleared her throat as she looked ahead once more "I'm sorry.....I know it's difficult to accept strangers .....But family doesn't end in blood . Ever . You just have to find the right cats.....even though it may take eons ." Onionshell meowed her voice low.

TawnyNeedsACoffee June 14th, 2019 11:59 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Rosemew (Post 598027)

Timberpaw gave a purr, leaning into her also. "But..I don't see what Grousestar was thinking! We're really just leaving our clan like that? And we're going to Riverclan?" He asked, raising a brow. The brown somali stood up straight, flicking his tail. "Sure, there was dogs. But we couldn't be the only clan that had that problem right?" He meowed the question.

"..Are we going to be considered Riverclan now?" He inquired, mostly to himself. He looked at Dawnpaw with a questioning look, tilting his head. "Not to mention there'll be too many cats!" He pouted angrily.

DawnPaw blinked somewhat as he asked many questions,she gave a little sigh the gentle smile still on her face.The cream Molly in all honesty felt the same as he did but at the same time she wasn't very bothered- yes grumpy she no longer was going to have space for herself, not that she had much too begin with but somewhat happy she was escaping a place filled with bad memories."Well...this is going too sound unusually positive of me but- If you think about the good things then this move would probably seem less horrible...for example, LarkStorm won't be able to go near us as easily as he could before since there is two clans in one area".She spoke lightly but her eyes darted somewhat as if to check that LarkStorm hadn't come closer to them.

BEAR. June 15th, 2019 12:15 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
As the SkyClan cats neared RiverClan territory, Lionstorm was there to greet them, an expression of displeasure etched across his features.

"SkyClan," he regarded the group of cats that approached. They were far less numerous in numbers than RiverClan, and he supposed they could fit them in-- but he disliked the thought nonetheless. "Make sure all the kits and elders are accounted for, then follow me. For your sakes we will not be crossing the river, but expect to be taken on mandatory swimming lessons once your Clan settles in."

His tail flicked, and he turned to head into the treeline that marked RiverClan territory.

[open for all!]

idia June 15th, 2019 12:19 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by |+Tired Rose Child+| (Post 598039)
It was the beginning of the journey, and Hummingtuft had to admit, it felt strange to be going to RiverClan. He didn't really like the idea; he could only imagine how scary it must be for his friend, Minnowfluff. Humming glanced around. Where is Minnow anyway?, he thought, scanning the cats. he suddenly spotted the silver tabby, and he bounded over, walking beside the small, chubby tom. When Minnowfluff glanced up and greeted him , the Japanese bobtail smiled and gave Minnow's head a friendly, gentle nuzzle. "Hey, Minnowfluff! What's up, how are ya? You don't look very happy." he gazed worriedly at the small male, and he touched his nose to his cheek comfortingly. "You shouldn't worry... Everything will turn out for the best, that's for sure!," he mewed gently. Straightening , he glanced at Minnow . "Ya know.... You always seem to feel better when I'm around.. Do I really make you feel better? I'm glad! I'm always happy to help, ya know?" he beamed, then cringed as he squashed a spider underneath his paw. he held it up. "Ugh.. that's gross." chuckling, he set his paw back down. "I hope I'm not annoying you," he mewed sincerely, not wanting to talk his friend's ears off.

Minnowfluff returned his light gaze back to Hummingtuft. He quickly grew nervous as he heard the other last words, ears pricking. He shook his head, tail flicking slightly. "You're not annoying me." He meowed in a frantic tone, grinning softly.

The silver tabby shrugged slightly. "I guess, it's just I'm nervous about moving to Riverclan." He mumbled lightly.


Originally Posted by TawnyNeedsACoffee (Post 598067)
DawnPaw blinked somewhat as he asked many questions,she gave a little sigh the gentle smile still on her face.The cream Molly in all honesty felt the same as he did but at the same time she wasn't very bothered- yes grumpy she no longer was going to have space for herself, not that she had much too begin with but somewhat happy she was escaping a place filled with bad memories."Well...this is going too sound unusually positive of me but- If you think about the good things then this move would probably seem less horrible...for example, LarkStorm won't be able to go near us as easily as he could before since there is two clans in one area".She spoke lightly but her eyes darted somewhat as if to check that LarkStorm hadn't come closer to them.

Timberpaw shrugged, sighing. "I guess, but y'know.." He mumbled, flicking his tail.

Mango June 15th, 2019 12:23 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by BILL. (Post 598068)
As the SkyClan cats neared RiverClan territory, Lionstorm was there to greet them, an expression of displeasure etched across his features.

"SkyClan," he regarded the group of cats that approached. They were far less numerous in numbers than RiverClan, and he supposed they could fit them in-- but he disliked the thought nonetheless. "Make sure all the kits and elders are accounted for, then follow me. For your sakes we will not be crossing the river, but expect to be taken on mandatory swimming lessons once your Clan settles in."

His tail flicked, and he turned to head into the treeline that marked RiverClan territory.

[open for all!]

In the crowd of Skyclanners nearing the border was a small kit with samdy browm fur and large green eyes. She stared up at Lionstorm and pouted before loudly squeaking,” I’m not going to swim or eat your nasty fish!” She exclaimed. As she held her gaze with Lionstorm.

Seconds later, a queen darted out of the crowd and turned to Fazekit,” Don’t say something like that, especially to our deputy!” She exclaimed.

Fazekit smirked,” He’s not my deputy, Frostflight is my deputy. You aren’t getting me to swim or eat your fish, fish breathed riverclanners.” Fazekit taunted back to Lionstorm

The queen looked embarrassed,” I’m sorry for my kit.” She meowed

Aroogi June 15th, 2019 07:31 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Aquilex (Post 598004)
"It's one thing to leave my parents behind, they lived a good, full life. But my sister..." he sighed. "Applepaw should be here with me." He looked at Regalstorm. "You would've been an amazing deputy, but...I'm glad we'll be RiverClan warriors together."

He laid his tail across his friends shoulder.
"Applepaw is watching over you in StarClan. She guides your pawsteps." Standing, he nudged the grieving tom. "Now, we should really catch up to the clan, Wolfspark." He gave a sigh, dipping his head to the three graves.

Aquilex June 15th, 2019 10:02 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 598086)
He laid his tail across his friends shoulder.
"Applepaw is watching over you in StarClan. She guides your pawsteps." Standing, he nudged the grieving tom. "Now, we should really catch up to the clan, Wolfspark." He gave a sigh, dipping his head to the three graves.

Wolfspark cast one more glance at the graves, then sighed and nodded. He mewed goodbye to his fallen kin before moving forward with Regalstorm. "I'm scared, Regalstorm," the tom admitted. "What if...what if RiverClan thinks I'm a monster?"

Dust June 15th, 2019 10:41 AM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 597984)

{Yeah I'm leaving but I had too XD}

Foresaw was excited, she was always excited. It was a wonder if she even knew what was really happening. Though she was a few moons in her training she still acted like a little kit. The flame colored molly was just bouncing around. Spotting the new deputy she ran to catch up. "Hay," Meowed slowing beside him her green blue eyes glancing up at him. "Your a RiverClan cat, what's it like? Is there trees like SkyClan or is it all water?" She asked tail twitching . "Someone said you sleep on floating sticks and that the ground is always wet and it's muddy even when it doesn't rain. They also said you have to swim or your Fox chow. I don't know how to swim. " She continued mouth not stopping. "Wait that does fish taste like I heard warriors saying that's all you can eat were were going." Firepaw added jolting her head up to look back at him. Is she had to live on the scaly things she wanted to know. Thoughts jumping again the lengthy molly lowered her head. "I don't really want to leave." The apprentice added glancing behind her. She was leaving behind her kit hood, the cats she'd lost her memories. It was sad now that she thought of it. With that the ginger feline fell silent.

It was refreshing to see a more or less excited face - let alone an apprentice. Her mouth seemed to move a mile a minute! Though, her ignorant questions drew an amused purr to rumble in his chest, tilting his head awkwardly to meet her gaze, "Well, for starters... the territory isn't all water. It is a little bit marshy, but only near the river. There's plenty of trees near the Thunderclan and Shadowclan Border though!" Holding his tongue for a moment, he thought about how to continue, "I imagine that we'll all be teaching you how to swim... Riverclan and myself," His gaze turned serious for a moment, softening as he didn't want to worry her, especially after her comment about not wanting to leave. He could sympathize with her worry.... "It's important for Skyclan's safety that they know how, but it will feel like home in no time, I promise." The silver tom touched his tail gently to her back, hoping the gesture would be comforting. Though as he turned his gaze forward he didn't even realize how far a distance the clan had already traveled and up ahead he spotted the familiar pelt of Lionstorm. He needed to try and talk to him... Giving Firepaw one final encouraging smile, the tom began to quickly stride towards the Riverclan deputy, though last moment he turned and called to the apprentice, "You don't have to eat fish if you don't like it, but at least try it once!" And with that he continued quickly away.


Originally Posted by BILL. (Post 598068)


Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 598071)

As Frostflight neared the front of the travelling clan, he was surprised to hear the kit say something so daring to Lionstorm's face. Quickly he cut in, offering a stern look to the kit as he rested his tail on the kits back, "No, Lionstorm isn't your deputy, but he is still Riverclan's deputy. It's important that we be respectful to our hosts." It was less of a command, more of a gentle suggestion and he would hope the kit would understand - while they didn't mean it - what they said was rude. "If you try fish you may like it," He pointed out playfully, "and if you don't like them, if you know how to swim you can kill em. Make em pay for tasting gross!" He offered a smile to both kit and queen, then turned with an expectant expression to Lionstorm - he couldn't quite read the golden tom's mood.

silvertail000 June 15th, 2019 01:48 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
Quickstep was infuriated! He could not believe his clan would have to join RiverClan. He wished he had died fighting the dogs, so he wouldn't have to do this.

Aroogi June 15th, 2019 02:17 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Aquilex (Post 598087)
Wolfspark cast one more glance at the graves, then sighed and nodded. He mewed goodbye to his fallen kin before moving forward with Regalstorm. "I'm scared, Regalstorm," the tom admitted. "What if...what if RiverClan thinks I'm a monster?"

"While I am around they won't call you any of the sort!" He huffed, smiling.

Dreampaw - formerly Bellpaw - walked downcast beside Snowpaw, Eaglepaw, and Skypaw. Why had Grousestar decided to merge clans?! She wanted to be a SkyClan warrior, not some RiverClan-merged halfbreed!

Aquilex June 15th, 2019 02:47 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 598108)

"While I am around they won't call you any of the sort!" He huffed, smiling.

Dreampaw - formerly Bellpaw - walked downcast beside Snowpaw, Eaglepaw, and Skypaw. Why had Grousestar decided to merge clans?! She wanted to be a SkyClan warrior, not some RiverClan-merged halfbreed!

Wolfspark sighed. "I hope I'll be a good warrior at least. I don't know how well I'll fit in with my...deformities." He cast a glance back toward SkyClan,and his heart started to race as he saw the faint outlines of his kins' graves. "M-Maybe I should stay back," he stammered as he began drifting away from Regalstorm. "I'll never be a good RiverClan warrior. For StarClan's sake, I wasn't even a good SkyClan warrior!"


Fawn June 15th, 2019 03:02 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan
It was wild to watch the rise and succession of a Clan within his own lifetime, and a small part of Cedarsprint wondered if this moment would make history like it had when SkyClan first entered the forest as an additional faction that aligned itself with the others in their fight against the Evil Era. He'd seen similar attitudes of resentment and passed it off with years of experience, a 'been there, done that' perspective that had started to serve him well in these moons. Now, he was stationed in the RiverClan territory and helping the SkyClan cats resettle in their new environment, a change he assumed had to be drastic for cats who'd spent their lives secluded from the rest. "Alright, put your feathers and clouds and whatever else you brought over there," Cedarsprint directed the incoming cats, watching the stream of SkyClan becoming ready to merge with RiverClan. He felt for them, he really did. But unlike the disbanding of the Dusk Syndicate, they'd aligned themselves with morality and reaped the benefits of being taken in. He just hoped the social climate welcomed them, and the land could support the extra mouths to feed. "Remember, you'll have to make your own nests -- we use reeds here, not..." What did SkyClan have? Grass? Well, he didn't continue that thought as he gazed at their physique. Cedarsprint cracked a smile, amused. "RiverClan is happy to have all of you and your... toned legs."

Brilliance June 15th, 2019 03:13 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Some were excited, some were infuriated, and quite frankly Umbraice didn’t know what to feel. Maybe he was empty...he’s been in skyclan for so long that it didn’t make sense to move to a new territory...and, a fishy one at that? Not everyone knew, but Umbraice actually liked fish. Unlike his clan mates, whenever he was out on his adventures, fish was the easiest thing to hunt, so he had to teach himself. Umbraice would miss easily leaving the territory of skyclan and going off to explore the deeper lands of the world, sometimes beyond twoleg territory, but now they were relocating and he wasn’t entirely sure what riverclan would bring.

( Open !)

Aroogi June 15th, 2019 03:56 PM

Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by Aquilex (Post 598111)
Wolfspark sighed. "I hope I'll be a good warrior at least. I don't know how well I'll fit in with my...deformities." He cast a glance back toward SkyClan,and his heart started to race as he saw the faint outlines of his kins' graves. "M-Maybe I should stay back," he stammered as he began drifting away from Regalstorm. "I'll never be a good RiverClan warrior. For StarClan's sake, I wasn't even a good SkyClan warrior!"

"No." He growled fiercely, backtracking and nudging his friends haunches. "You are not leaving me. Do..do you know how much pain.." He gulped. "..how much pain I was in when I thought you died?? I.. I can't lose you Wolfspark.. I love you!" The words rushed out of his muzzle and he sobbed.

My secret is out.. he thought.

All his life as a warrior, cats had wondered why he hadn't taken a mate. Now one of his clanmates - the one he loved no less - knew why.
He was gay.

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