Warrior Cats Online

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BEAR. September 28th, 2020 02:15 PM

ShadowClan Clearing
At the top of a hill rise, four gigantic cedar trees sit in four corners guarding a vast clearing covered in thick undergrowth, thicket, and some fallen trees. Toward the back behind two cedars is a tall wall of rock, a sheer cliff face, a bit taller than the cedar trees. The ginormous cedar trees protect the camp from the elements and conceal all from prying eyes, while the thick undergrowth and thickets provide further cover.

Dovey September 29th, 2020 12:25 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Ravenkit walked into the clearing. "Wow this is big!" he bounced.

[Ravenkit is first again lol]

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 12:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Nightheart walks into the clearing from a patrol. She sighs and fops down onto the ground. she notices a rat lingering at the far side out of the way and growls. "how did that come here?" she attacks from behind the rat and kills it with only a single scratch. she covers the rat with dirt and walks back to the clearing and walks over to Ravenkit. She touches his shoulder with her tail and smiles, "hope all is well, Ravenkit." she nods and walks over to a sunny spot and flops down, batting at a four leaf clover

PEPPERMINT~ September 29th, 2020 12:41 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Star Wolf (Post 815671)
Ravenkit walked into the clearing. "Wow this is big!" he bounced.

[Ravenkit is first again lol]

(can Chickadeekit join? She needs more posts :P)

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 12:43 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Nightheart launches herself ata butterfly. She always loves them. She notices a flower and pounces on it. She nods at Ravenkit.

Dovey September 29th, 2020 12:47 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Whiteheart (Post 815696)
Nightheart launches herself ata butterfly. She always loves them. She notices a flower and pounces on it. She nods at Ravenkit.


Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 815693)
(can Chickadeekit join? She needs more posts :P)

(Yes She can ^^)
Ravenkit went to go bother Nightheart. "Hi there! Do you hunt? Did you help rebuild the camp? It's so cool!"

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 12:51 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
She smiles at the kit, "of course I hunt!" she touches the kit's shoulder with her tail. she bats at a piece of grass. she waves her tail as a kind welcoming gesture

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 04:08 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Nightheart stretches from her spot, she must have fallen asleep. She sits down and curls her tail around her paws. Her clan should be here any minute now.

nocturnal September 30th, 2020 08:07 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
[ @Finpaw @Redtalon ]

The frosty warrior wasn't one to raise his voice. He rarely yelled or barked, preferring to hiss, and even that, only if absolutely necessary. For the most part, he spoke calmly, although with a clipped tone if irritated.

He knew where Finpaw was; the apprentice had been in the clearing earlier. As for Sparkpaw, her mentor had no idea. She wasn't in the clearing and not in any of the special dens, which left the new apprentices' den. Stalking over to the entrance, he stuck his head into the den and meowed, "Sparkpaw. You have been assigned a patrol. I will be setting out no later than the zenith, and I will not wait should you not be ready by then."

With that, Talonstone paced over to Finpaw and beckoned the apprentice to follow him to the edge of camp. While they waited, he inquired, "Finpaw. Who is your mentor?" It wasn't unusual for a younger feline to escape camp with a warrior they barely knew, but patrols were usually reserved for mentor-apprentice combos.

Greenleap September 30th, 2020 08:20 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Raccoonkit padded around the new clearing. He was lonely and bored!

Cobra September 30th, 2020 09:59 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
// @Greenleap

Goldenfeather muttered to herself as she sat in the clearing. "Stupid...listen...pay attention..." She lifted her head up, and saw Raccoonkit. "Hi," Goldenfeather meowed, uncertain what else to say. "Want...to 'play'?"

Dovey September 30th, 2020 10:21 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Greenleap (Post 816149)
Raccoonkit padded around the new clearing. He was lonely and bored!

"Hi there!" Raven kit mew'd. "Wanna play mossball?" He asked.

Greenleap September 30th, 2020 02:12 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
@Mando @Hobbes

He glanced at the two cats before mewing, "How about we all play mossball?"

nocturnal September 30th, 2020 03:44 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
// @DaniCalifornia - Welcome to WCO! If you want Moonhowl to speak or acknowledge Talonstone, then go ahead. If not, you can ignore this post.

The frosty tom turned once he dismissed the patrol members, but he paused before making his way through the clearing. There were eyes on him... a cat was watching, someone that he had paid little attention to in the past. The large warrior glared at silver-furred she who was seemingly grooming her fur. He felt the need to scoff, but refrained from doing so - Talonstone valued his formality. Moonhowl should know not to groom during the day. There was work to do, and that came first before looking well-kept. He said nothing to the cat, however, showing no emotion as he continued onwards. If she wished to speak to him, then she would find a way to direct his attention eventually.

Cobra September 30th, 2020 03:48 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
// @Hobbes @Greenleap

Goldenfeather studied the kits, not knowing what to make of them. She didn't have that much...experience with kits. "Yes, let's play," she purred.

Greenleap September 30th, 2020 03:54 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Mando (Post 816580)
// @Hobbes @Greenleap

Goldenfeather studied the kits, not knowing what to make of them. She didn't have that much...experience with kits. "Yes, let's play," she purred.

"yay!" He mewed happily.

Ziera October 1st, 2020 05:16 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
// @bmkmb | @Finpaw
Sparkpaw jumped out of her nest when she heard the voice of Talonstone, her mentor, the way a kit might if they were caught doing something wrong. Oh no. Did she really miss the patrols? She just went to sleep for a second. Spark would have continued sleeping, too, if she didn't know her mentor better by now.

Over their short time training together, Spark quickly learned that he meant every word he said. The cream apprentice bet a whole fox he'd leave her at camp if she wasn't on time. The fact that she didn't know what a zenith was only made her more paranoid she might be left behind. Did that mean five minutes? A couple seconds? An hour? StarClan.

Sparkpaw skittered out of the den, scanned the clearing a moment before her blue eyes landed on Talonstone and another apprentice. "I'm ready, I'm ready!" Spark called out, rapidly blinking sleep from her eyes and pretending no one heard her voice crack from not being in use. When she stumbled to a stop beside the large white tom, the one she'd been trying to impress but failed miserably at every turn, Sparkpaw looked at her paws. "...Sorry." For being late. For missing the announcements. She... really hadn't been all the way back to herself since Highbranch. Not aware she might be interrupting, Sparkpaw asked -- "Ummm- where are we going?"

Finpaw October 1st, 2020 06:54 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
@bmkmb @Redtalon

Finpaw was quick to join up with his patrolmates- well, single patrolmate, once the assignments were given. He watched curiously as Talonstone ducked into the apprentices’ den, snapping clipped instructions to what was presumably his apprentice, and couldn’t help the simultaneous twinges of sympathy and jealousy. While he hoped Sparkpaw didn’t feel too bad about the light chiding, a part of him wished that he’d been afforded a mentor who cared enough about him to go on patrols or train or bother ordering him around at all.

Thoroughly sombered, he followed Talonstone over to the camp entrance to wait. So lost in thought, he was, that he almost missed the question that followed.

“Hm?” Finpaw mrr’ed, blinking up at the warrior. “Oh! Sorry sir, I hadn’t- my mentor, you said?” He looked away sheepishly, then, shuffling his paws in discomfort. “He, um... I don’t really have one anymore, I guess. He kinda.. went away, after I was assigned to him. So I’ve just been waiting to be given a new one, which, as you can probably guess, hasn’t really been a priority with everything else going on lately.”

Any time he talked about it, Finpaw couldn’t shake the feeling that his mentors’ absences all had to do with him, and how he must be performing as an apprentice. Two mentors, two warriors that took one look at him then vanished off the face of the earth. How else was he supposed to take that?

Thankfully, Sparkpaw chose that moment to come scrambling up and save Finpaw from his self-pity fest. Brightening considerably, he offered her the best reassuring smile he could. “No need to apologize! You’re here now, and that’s what counts. We’ve all been kinda needing the extra sleep lately, anyway.” He glanced aside to Talonstone, briefly, to hopefully gauge that the warrior wasn’t too upset with him for jumping to console Sparkpaw.

“We’re going on a hunting patrol today! So, I guess that answer really depends on where Talonstone wants to take us…?”

nocturnal October 1st, 2020 08:18 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
[ @Redtalon @Finpaw ]

Talonstone watched, seemingly unimpressed, as his apprentice stumbled to a stop beside him. He wasn't annoyed at her tardiness, not at all. Things had been rough in the shadows lately and he understood how that might affect Sparkpaw. The younger feline really had been sleeping, the warrior could deduct from the crack in her voice and rapid blinking. He was less concerned with her missing the announcements and more concerned about whether she had been sleeping enough lately. The frosty tom was aware that he was one of those more demanding mentors. He hadn't been resting much, either, although that never stopped him from working dawn 'til dusk if possible.

Sorry? Oh, how Talonstone despised that word. He would've opened to his maw to reassure his apprentice that she had nothing to apologize for, but Finpaw beat him to it. Sorry didn't mean anything; the warrior was content as long as Sparkpaw could acknowledge her mistake and try to avoid repeating it. He nodded slightly in the older apprentice's direction, then meowed, "Should you ever feel as if you need more training, know that you may seek me out." Talonstone himself had gone through three and a half mentors, half because it hadn't been made official. Then, addressing both the apprentices: "As Finpaw stated, we will be leaving on a hunting patrol. There is a small grove past a shallow stream that is plentiful with prey at the moment. Said grove is our destination. Come."

With that, the warrior padded into the forest, trusting that Sparkpaw and Finpaw were following. He could sense their presence behind him. After a while of trekking in silence, Talonstone inquired, "Finpaw, how much do you know about hunting?" Seeing that he had only taken Sparkpaw hunting once, he might need to turn his attention onto the cream she for a good part of the patrol.

[They will be crossing the stream on their way to the grove. Who would like their cat to be slapped by a fish? And whoever posts next, make sure to do so in the territory.]

Caramel October 3rd, 2020 02:43 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Three days had passed since his consversation with Shrewpaw and he was still thinking about that idea, a group of cats all over the clans trying to get rid of their leaders to take over, Falcondive and Blackhaze running it all, or maybe someone else and Blackhaze or maybe someone else and Falcondive, who else was in this group? Crowskip? Lilackit? Shrikepaw? Beatspark? Ebonyfang? Twilightstar? How big was this group even? What if their working with rogues or with kittypets? The dark forest? Some other group of cats? Do any of the leaders know about this? I mean Twilightstar's evil enough, she's the reason my siblings are dead! With that sort of power working with them they would surely succeed! He must stop them!Sparrowpaw thought, he had just uncovered something big. Should i tell Dawnstar? She'd surely thank me for it! Who else could be in it? Shrewpaw mentionned Darkpaw, what about her? he considered. I mean she was kinda related to two traitors!
Sparrowpaw sighed before noticing Darkpaw in the clearing, getting startled a little. He seemed to just stare at the she-cat for some time, considering if he should talk to that traitor. @Stardustt

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 03:01 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Darkpaw sighed, she was feeling alone again. Even surrounded by these cats, most of their faces seemed blank. She shivered and that's when she heard the voices, the black cats closed in around her. The world dimmed and slowed to a stop as the black cats appeared, their whispers growing loud. She teared up a bit and she released a shuddered sigh. All she could hear was them. The ground trembled, as did she. Not good enough. They don't like you. They hate you. Give up. The tears got larger and she took deep breaths. She would ignore them. She was fine. She closed her eyes and took more deep breaths until the whispers stopped. She opened her tear filled eyes and looked around, the cats were gone. She smiled to herself. She would be fine. She just had to keep doing this. Dealing with it and being with her friends. She would be fine. Right? Yeah. She'd be fine. She noticed a cat staring at her from across the clearing. She tilted her head to the left slightly and approached them. "Uh.. hi! Why are you.. uhm.. staring at me?"

Caramel October 3rd, 2020 03:25 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 817841)

Darkpaw sighed, she was feeling alone again. Even surrounded by these cats, most of their faces seemed blank. She shivered and that's when she heard the voices, the black cats closed in around her. The world dimmed and slowed to a stop as the black cats appeared, their whispers growing loud. She teared up a bit and she released a shuddered sigh. All she could hear was them. The ground trembled, as did she. Not good enough. They don't like you. They hate you. Give up. The tears got larger and she took deep breaths. She would ignore them. She was fine. She closed her eyes and took more deep breaths until the whispers stopped. She opened her tear filled eyes and looked around, the cats were gone. She smiled to herself. She would be fine. She just had to keep doing this. Dealing with it and being with her friends. She would be fine. Right? Yeah. She'd be fine. She noticed a cat staring at her from across the clearing. She tilted her head to the left slightly and approached them. "Uh.. hi! Why are you.. uhm.. staring at me?"

Sparrowpaw expression seemed to change to bitterness, Great the traitor's talking to me he thought. Now he had to talk to this Anti-Icestar-traitor-evil-revolutionist-cat-apprentice thing.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he stopped to catch his breathe, "I-i wasn't staring at you!" the tom said.
His tail fluffed up a little and he seathed his claws, Calm down Sparrow, everything's fine. he thought. Actually if his idea was true what would he even do about it? He's only an apprentice with no friends, how could he defeat a revolution without telling anyone? Wait was this even a revolution? What if there was no group and Dawnstar wanted to kill those cats for other reasons?

~Berry~ October 3rd, 2020 08:38 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Swiftkit chased after a beetle happily.

Silkkit sat down looking fir someone to talk to.

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 02:12 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Goldenmac (Post 817844)

Sparrowpaw expression seemed to change to bitterness, Great the traitor's talking to me he thought. Now he had to talk to this Anti-Icestar-traitor-evil-revolutionist-cat-apprentice thing.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he stopped to catch his breathe, "I-i wasn't staring at you!" the tom said.
His tail fluffed up a little and he seathed his claws, Calm down Sparrow, everything's fine. he thought. Actually if his idea was true what would he even do about it? He's only an apprentice with no friends, how could he defeat a revolution without telling anyone? Wait was this even a revolution? What if there was no group and Dawnstar wanted to kill those cats for other reasons?

Darkpaw unconsciously stepped back when he seemed to get angry. Did she say something wrong? She sure hoped not. "It.. seemed like you were." She really didn't want to make him anymore angry. She wanted another friend. Darkpaw gave him a small apologetic smile and said, "M-Maybe I was wrong, sorry." She saw another one of those black cats behind Sparrow. She almost gasped in surprise and barely managed to hold it back. She heard a whisper in her ear, He's scared of you. Rumors. He doesn't like you. You'll always be alone. Darkpaw managed to somehow keep up the smile as the whispers continued. Her eyes were filled with fear but she quickly hid any sign of fear. Nobody even knew. Nobody even knew about everything she was told. Everything she saw. Everything she.. felt. Nobody would ever know. Because she would be killed for telling. That's what they told her, if she told anyone, she would die a gruesome death. And lie in a ditch for days until her body was finally found. She held back a shiver and her smile faded.

Caramel October 3rd, 2020 02:26 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 817999)

Darkpaw unconsciously stepped back when he seemed to get angry. Did she say something wrong? She sure hoped not. "It.. seemed like you were." She really didn't want to make him anymore angry. She wanted another friend. Darkpaw gave him a small apologetic smile and said, "M-Maybe I was wrong, sorry." She saw another one of those black cats behind Sparrow. She almost gasped in surprise and barely managed to hold it back. She heard a whisper in her ear, He's scared of you. Rumors. He doesn't like you. You'll always be alone. Darkpaw managed to somehow keep up the smile as the whispers continued. Her eyes were filled with fear but she quickly hid any sign of fear. Nobody even knew. Nobody even knew about everything she was told. Everything she saw. Everything she.. felt. Nobody would ever know. Because she would be killed for telling. That's what they told her, if she told anyone, she would die a gruesome death. And lie in a ditch for days until her body was finally found. She held back a shiver and her smile faded.

Sparrowpaw sighed before looking at Darkpaw, he seemed to tilt his head seeing the she-cat's expression, Maybe she's guilty for betraying her clan? he thought.
"So you're Darkpaw right? I'm Sparrowpaw." the tom said.
He flicked his tail a little, hopefully this cat felt some guilt for her disloyalty. The tabby's expression was cold, bitter, he looked up into the sky, it was clear and sunny, possibly an omen? But of what? He was no medicine cat anyways and he knew nothing of those weird ghosts.
"Say, who's your mentor?" he asked Darkpaw.

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 02:32 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Goldenmac (Post 818007)

Sparrowpaw sighed before looking at Darkpaw, he seemed to tilt his head seeing the she-cat's expression, Maybe she's guilty for betraying her clan? he thought.
"So you're Darkpaw right? I'm Sparrowpaw." the tom said.
He flicked his tail a little, hopefully this cat felt some guilt for her disloyalty. The tabby's expression was cold, bitter, he looked up into the sky, it was clear and sunny, possibly an omen? But of what? He was no medicine cat anyways and he knew nothing of those weird ghosts.
"Say, who's your mentor?" he asked Darkpaw.

Darkpaw quickly threw on a fake smile, making it as real as possible. "Yeah, I'm Darkpaw." She tilted her head for a moment when he asked her who her mentor was. Mentor..? Oh. Right. "Oh, Blackhaze, he's my adopted brother. Since I uh.. don't really have other family. His family is my family." And then the smile was real. She loved Black. But he was always so busy now. And with that thought, her smile fell and she frowned. She was looking at the ground now. She missed Blackie. He was such a good brother. She never felt the pain until she spoke about him. That's when it hurt. And everytime it hurt, the voices spoke up. Every. Time. He doesn't love you. Forget him. He's a liar. He's a TRAITOR. He HATES YOU. He doesn't miss you! The dark furred she-cat could barely hold back her tears. There was no way she was crying in front of this new friend. No. He'd ask what was wrong it would all go downhill from there. She'd die. And so would her friends. Her family. All of them. She couldn't condemn them to that. She couldn't. She let out a shuddered sigh and looked back up at Sparrow with another fake smile. She was so good at them. And they always hurt.

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 02:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
( @StarSpirit2009 Time to two time in the same thread lol)

Darkpaw padded around clearing, she was wondering where Blackie always was. He was never around when she was. It was strange. And it made her miss him so much more. Then her thoughts went silent. She knew what always happened after she thought about him. She always knew. The dark cats surrounded her, laughing at her. Taunting her. Tell her she wasn't good enough. You're not good enough for your brother! He doesn't want you! He'll never love you! You're always going to be ALONE. That's where she cut the line. She took deep breaths, closing her eyes. The voices quickly faded. This was fine. She was fine. Just find a friend. She glanced almost frantically around the clearing, so many unfamiliar faces. She was in a sea of unknown. She could barely keep herself from hyperventilating. She was FINE. She sighed and her eyes landed on what appeared to be a.. kit? Hm. But they seemed like an apprentice. They would be a perfect friend. She approached them with her usual winning smile. "Hi! I'm Darkpaw! What's your name?"

(Fair warning, you don't have to post answers as long as mine lol)

Caramel October 3rd, 2020 02:40 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 818010)

Darkpaw quickly threw on a fake smile, making it as real as possible. "Yeah, I'm Darkpaw." She tilted her head for a moment when he asked her who her mentor was. Mentor..? Oh. Right. "Oh, Blackhaze, he's my adopted brother. Since I uh.. don't really have other family. His family is my family." And then the smile was real. She loved Black. But he was always so busy now. And with that thought, her smile fell and she frowned. She was looking at the ground now. She missed Blackie. He was such a good brother. She never felt the pain until she spoke about him. That's when it hurt. And everytime it hurt, the voices spoke up. Every. Time. He doesn't love you. Forget him. He's a liar. He's a TRAITOR. He HATES YOU. He doesn't miss you! The dark furred she-cat could barely hold back her tears. There was no way she was crying in front of this new friend. No. He'd ask what was wrong it would all go downhill from there. She'd die. And so would her friends. Her family. All of them. She couldn't condemn them to that. She couldn't. She let out a shuddered sigh and looked back up at Sparrow with another fake smile. She was so good at them. And they always hurt.

Sparrowpaw's expression quickly switched from trying to socialize to shock and bitterness, Of course Blackhaze's her mentor, they might have set it up too! he thought. He flicked his tail again, what did this apprentice know? I mean her mentor is Blackhaze and Shrewpaw is her friend so she must be apart of their traitor group. What did Shrewpaw say? Dawnstar wants to get rid of the cats who know her secret? he thought, what secret? I bet these cats don't know anything about Dawnstar! he thought.
"........O-oh so Blackhaze's your mentor huh....? M-mine is uhhh Buckspring, say isn't Shrewpaw you're brother?" Sparrowpaw asked.

shaae_26 October 3rd, 2020 02:51 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 818013)
( @StarSpirit2009 Time to two time in the same thread lol)

Darkpaw padded around clearing, she was wondering where Blackie always was. He was never around when she was. It was strange. And it made her miss him so much more. Then her thoughts went silent. She knew what always happened after she thought about him. She always knew. The dark cats surrounded her, laughing at her. Taunting her. Tell her she wasn't good enough. You're not good enough for your brother! He doesn't want you! He'll never love you! You're always going to be ALONE. That's where she cut the line. She took deep breaths, closing her eyes. The voices quickly faded. This was fine. She was fine. Just find a friend. She glanced almost frantically around the clearing, so many unfamiliar faces. She was in a sea of unknown. She could barely keep herself from hyperventilating. She was FINE. She sighed and her eyes landed on what appeared to be a.. kit? Hm. But they seemed like an apprentice. They would be a perfect friend. She approached them with her usual winning smile. "Hi! I'm Darkpaw! What's your name?"

(Fair warning, you don't have to post answers as long as mine lol)

"I'm Littlepaw". Mewed the small white tomcat. "Hi Darkpaw".

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 02:55 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Goldenmac (Post 818014)

Sparrowpaw's expression quickly switched from trying to socialize to shock and bitterness, Of course Blackhaze's her mentor, they might have set it up too! he thought. He flicked his tail again, what did this apprentice know? I mean her mentor is Blackhaze and Shrewpaw is her friend so she must be apart of their traitor group. What did Shrewpaw say? Dawnstar wants to get rid of the cats who know her secret? he thought, what secret? I bet these cats don't know anything about Dawnstar! he thought.
"........O-oh so Blackhaze's your mentor huh....? M-mine is uhhh Buckspring, say isn't Shrewpaw you're brother?" Sparrowpaw asked.

Darkpaw nodded, "Mhm! Why do you ask?" Her happy tone was so easy to fake. So easy. Hurt so much. She was fine. Yes. She was fine. Her mind was breaking itself down. Her thoughts dissipating in her mind. She couldn't think. She couldn't feel. Her words got caught in her throat. Then she blinked and her mind immediately rebuilt itself and she was perfectly fine. "S-So uhm, do you have any siblings?" She smiled brightly. Fake. The voices screamed, FAKE! They were practically chanting now. Darkpaw just completely shut them out. Ignoring them. She had to.

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 02:58 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 818019)
"I'm Littlepaw". Mewed the small white tomcat. "Hi Darkpaw".

Darkpaw grinned, "The name suits you well.. no offense of course!" And there she went. Being socially awkward. Yet again. Whatever, they were clearly nice. And.. kind of cute. In a.. small way? Whatever. They were nice! That's all that mattered. The voices began whispering to each other in her head. She ignored them. Silence. "It's nice to meet you! Do you want to play a game?" The grin lingered on her face, she liked this friend. He would be fun to be around. He was small but that didn't matter.

shaae_26 October 3rd, 2020 03:08 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 818023)

Darkpaw grinned, "The name suits you well.. no offense of course!" And there she went. Being socially awkward. Yet again. Whatever, they were clearly nice. And.. kind of cute. In a.. small way? Whatever. They were nice! That's all that mattered. The voices began whispering to each other in her head. She ignored them. Silence. "It's nice to meet you! Do you want to play a game?" The grin lingered on her face, she liked this friend. He would be fun to be around. He was small but that didn't matter.

"I get it". Said Littlepaw. "Sure, whatcha wanna play? Also, how old are you? I'm only 7 moons". Despite Littlepaw's shyness, he was speaking up to Darkpaw.

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 03:12 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 818025)
"I get it". Said Littlepaw. "Sure, whatcha wanna play? Also, how old are you? I'm only 7 moons". Despite Littlepaw's shyness, he was speaking up to Darkpaw.

"Well, we could play tag or something!" She smiled again and when he asked how old she was, the smile remained. "I'm 9 moons!" Darkpaw enjoyed talking to him already. They definitely were fast friends. He seemed to friendly and nice. She liked that.

shaae_26 October 3rd, 2020 03:18 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 818027)

"Well, we could play tag or something!" She smiled again and when he asked how old she was, the smile remained. "I'm 9 moons!" Darkpaw enjoyed talking to him already. They definitely were fast friends. He seemed to friendly and nice. She liked that.

"I don't have many friends, and I've never really palyed any gmaes other than mossball with my friend frogkit. You'll have to show me how to play tag". Littlepaw mewed shyly.

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 03:21 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 818028)
"I don't have many friends, and I've never really palyed any gmaes other than mossball with my friend frogkit. You'll have to show me how to play tag". Littlepaw mewed shyly.

The dark furred apprentice giggled, not at him, but with him. "It's easy. You tap someone and yell, TAG!" She booped Littlepaw on the nose and ran from him, she called over her shoulder, "Now you catch me!" Darkpaw giggled the whole time, she loved Tag. It was so simple and so fun!

shaae_26 October 3rd, 2020 03:31 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 818030)

The dark furred apprentice giggled, not at him, but with him. "It's easy. You tap someone and yell, TAG!" She booped Littlepaw on the nose and ran from him, she called over her shoulder, "Now you catch me!" Darkpaw giggled the whole time, she loved Tag. It was so simple and so fun!

Confused, yet amused, Littlepaw shot after Darkpaw as she ran. Due to his small size, he was FAST! He easily cuaght up with her, but for the fun of the game, stayed a fox legnth away, and let her keep running.:cuddle::cuddle::cuddle:

~Berry~ October 3rd, 2020 03:32 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Swiftkit walked around.
Wishing to be a apprentice.

Silkkit jumped on a butterfly happily


~Berry~ October 3rd, 2020 03:33 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Sunpaw watched her clan mates keep busy.
She went and sat by the kill pile

S t a r October 3rd, 2020 03:35 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 818031)
Confused, yet amused, Littlepaw shot after Darkpaw as she ran. Due to his small size, he was FAST! He easily cuaght up with her, but for the fun of the game, stayed a fox legnth away, and let her keep running.:cuddle::cuddle::cuddle:

The apprentice jumped and twisted towards Littlepaw midair and landed behind him. She laughed and continued running, this time in the opposite direction. She hadn't used that trick before, it seemed so cool!

shaae_26 October 3rd, 2020 03:43 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Stardustt (Post 818037)

The apprentice jumped and twisted towards Littlepaw midair and landed behind him. She laughed and continued running, this time in the opposite direction. She hadn't used that trick before, it seemed so cool!

Littlepaw whipped around, and sot after her, not giving her any chances this time. He leapt over her, landed infront of her face, and booped her nose. "tag!" He shouted and ran away.

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