Warrior Cats Online

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dino. August 7th, 2023 11:06 PM

Haggard Ruins
Near the far edges of the territory lies the crumbling wreckage of ThunderClan's old camp. Minimal signs that anyone ever lived here remain, save for decaying bramble barriers and a few abandoned trinkets. What used to be a gaping hole in the center, has since been transformed into a deep pit of water. A willow tree, previously damaged by the sinkhole and left tilted into the pit, now acts as a bridge out of the pond if cats should be unlucky enough to fall in.

Sometimes the earth still groans, like a slumbering beast waiting to be reawakened.

Prey such as moles, mice, and other ground rodents are the most common to be found amongst the debris.

val August 9th, 2023 06:53 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Apollo. (Post 1452980)
| Larchflame |
( @.squid @xavier. - sorry for the small post )

There had been a lot on the molllys mind as of recent. Her thoughts buzzed through her head uncontrollably, voicing her fears, proposing terrible situations to her, and reminding her of simpler times. She flashed a little glance towards the warriors den, at least she still had her brother. Larchflames thoughts were interrupted by her name being called out by Alderstep. She got to her paws and stretched before padding over to the deputy. Maybe this patrol would do her some good.

"Yo." she waved her tail slightly in a greeting, "I'm ready to go when you are." Featherglow better show up soon, the quicker they get out of camp
the quicker Larchflame can get her mind off this mess.


Originally Posted by xavier. (Post 1453136)
> THE LONER •°..
《 No active purrks 》
|| he/him ||

Featherglow walked into the clearing the moment he heard his named be called. Oh, a patrol. Just got back but it's whatever. Yeah whatever. The golden tom went over to his clanmates only giving a small nod to each of them indicating he was ready to go.

| @.squid - Alderstep; @Apollo - Larchflame |

With both his patrollers ready to go, Alderstep spent no time setting off into the territory, trekking to the far edges of their land to the old camp. He already began mentally preparing himself to look upon the dilapidated place. It still felt so weird to think that he used to spend the better part of his life there, and now it was just more hunting grounds, with a tinge of eeriness.

"Should be small things here, rodents and such," Alderstep commented, gaze sweeping over the pit in the center. His ears flicked as he looked at either of his clanmates, sharp-eyed. "Split up?" he suggested. They were only going to be catching mice and shrews: not really a teamwork activity. "Just watch your step, 'cause I'm not gonna be the one dragging your carcass outta the pit if you fall down there," he grumbled additionally. Stars, could a cat even survive falling down there? How deep was it? And would he even dare to get close enough to the pit to see? That wasn't the definition of 'watching his step,' was it? Alderstep looked to the giant hole once again before scanning the area, senses straining to catch any hints of prey.

Apollo. August 10th, 2023 05:34 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
| Larchflame |
( @.squid @xavier. )
It was so weird being here again.. everything felt so familiar, but so off too.
So familiar that Larchflame could almost feel her paws falling in line with one steps she had taken moons ago, leading her back to camp, but as they arrived with the sinkhole in its place she couldn't help feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Right." she meowed in agreement to Alderstep, both about the not-falling-in thing and about splitting up. She looked at the two toms for a moment, Alderstep better take his own advice, I don't want to be getting my ear shredded by Bumblestar if he winds up dead. The calico decided to make her way to the right of the abyssal pit, keeping her mouth open a little to check for scents. There was a faint smell of mice along with that of a vole, though the voles was pretty faint, so she began following the mouses' scent trail.

Rani August 18th, 2023 05:04 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
So things were a bit.... Wobbly right now and a lotta cats were down in the dumps. Which wasnt Mudhound style of choice! Not by far! No, they were more interested in being happy and having the cats around them be happy too! This was a mindset that'd be semi useless if they didnt intent on spreading joy but luckily they didnt mind doing that too!

So who was their target of joy for today? Why it was Springpaw! The hesitant if capricious apprentice had been kind to them of late. She'd cured their horrible sun blindness and allowed them to see the meeting (which had turned out to be important if unpleasant to be in)! The medicine cat apprentice had been kind when doing so too, she didnt make fun of the tripod for them making a foolish mistake and had been very gentle which was much appreciated. So for giving kindness she was getting kindness in return.

It was the way things should be after all.

But what was a good gift and thank you? Herbs would probably be useful but Mudhound didnt really know any, plus then it'd be a work related gift and not a personal one, Springpaw was more then her role afterall. Prey might be good but it was basic. You could just grab prey off the pile whenever you wanted and the maine coon mix didnt know Springpaws favorite to gift that one specifically. So a trinket, something pretty or fun that could be kept and enjoyed that might suit the young healer was more suitable.

Where to find it was easy too.

The haggard ruins, the very place Mudhound was once born and newly reopened was host to many trinkets and bobs left behind in the evacuation. Things once owned and loved that could be again, reminders of good old times to bright light to shadowed nows.

So in the warrior padded, gazing with wide eyes at the area as they remembered fragment kit memories, left decayed and old.

It was.... Empty, though perhaps that was to be expected, quiet but the groans of the old tree from the wind flowing through it and the echod groans from the ground. Which were.... concerning but Mudhound wasnt running yet. They were getting to work. Pawing through fallen dens and overturning old moss they searched, discarding a few shattered shells and gathering a pile of things that may just work, tucked beneath the old meeting spot.

It was a long search and nothing struck their fancy as they looked growing frustrated until a low hoot filled the air. The warrior froze in the once clearing, golden eyes going wide as they slowly lifted their head, scanning the trees. And in the old willow the cats golden eyes met gold in turn, the bright wide gold of an owl.

Not just any owl to be exact, a huge dark great horned owl.

The two were similar in an odd way, both standing still but calm, fur and feathers rustling in the night breeze, gold eyes meeting gold. Even their coloring and size were similar, shades of brown and huge the raptor and hunter stared and felt a strange sort of understanding. Maybe this bird was a threat to others, but they werent to Mudhound, not right now, as they shared this quiet night. Maybe the owl was stressed to, dealing with bird territory troubles of its own and maybe it to had young it wished to protect and care for. Maybe the owl too was searching for something and was happy to share a moment with a fellow creature.

Or maybe Mudhound was reading too much into it as the cat blinked first. The owl was neutral to them that much was clear but how could they know the mind of a bird. Still there was a sense of melancholy rare to the warrior as the owl silently took flight away from the ruins, going away on its own nocturnal journey.

It left a gift though. A large perfectly patterned flight feather drifted to the ground in front of Mudhound and struck them as just what was wanted. So with a soft smile the warrior picked it up and left this place, taking their treasure back to what would be its new owner in time.

#Air (Purrks used: Flock together tier 3)

val August 24th, 2023 09:20 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Since Larchflame had gone right, Alderstep went left, trailing after that rodent smell. Wariness kept him on guard, but he took care not to tense up to either cause himself pain or ruin his hunting form. With realistic goals set, he wanted to catch at least two things on this patrol.

So, as the mouse scent hit his senses, he went into the dead-to-the-world-except-for-yummy-animals mode, determination powering him forward to catch the stupid itty-bitty creature. Well, not stupid, he supposed. Mice could be smart, by their standards. If they had those. Alderstep frowned down at the now-dead mouse, giving up a moment later. Who cares, the mice tasted good and so he was going to continue catching them.

Onwards to the second, yeah? Alderstep prowled the ruins, having cached his previous catch where he'd caught it. It was difficult to separate the scents left behind by the previous mouse, and so it took some time until Alderstep finally caught wind of something new: mole. His attention tunneled to just that, focus sharp as usual. Mouse and mole; the two m's of yummy.

He felt like screeching when his tedious searching was halted by the fact that the mole scent went into one of those little holes the pests made. It was like the mole was trying to imitate the giant abyss, pitifully. Alderstep chose to play the boring waiting game, wanting nothing more than to start digging up the rodent. If only that tactic was foolproof. After what felt like moons, the mole made an appearance, which was an ultimately fatal mistake.

Alderstep snatched the rodent up, barely a chance given. Two pieces of prey, done. Content, the tabby fetched his mouse and carried the two fresh-kill back to where he'd come from, ready to meet with Larchflame and head back.

@Apollo. [+ 1 mouse, 1 mole]

dino. August 30th, 2023 11:40 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
"Ohhhh-kay, first things first."

Craneblood stepped into the ruins of the old camp, eyeing the pit in center before he glanced down at Frogpaw. "I have absolutely zero clue where you are in terms of training. I have no idea what your past mentors have been doing. Do you know anything else outside basic fighting moves?"


Apollo. August 30th, 2023 03:03 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by navarra (Post 1458979)
Since Larchflame had gone right, Alderstep went left, trailing after that rodent smell. Wariness kept him on guard, but he took care not to tense up to either cause himself pain or ruin his hunting form. With realistic goals set, he wanted to catch at least two things on this patrol.

So, as the mouse scent hit his senses, he went into the dead-to-the-world-except-for-yummy-animals mode, determination powering him forward to catch the stupid itty-bitty creature. Well, not stupid, he supposed. Mice could be smart, by their standards. If they had those. Alderstep frowned down at the now-dead mouse, giving up a moment later. Who cares, the mice tasted good and so he was going to continue catching them.

Onwards to the second, yeah? Alderstep prowled the ruins, having cached his previous catch where he'd caught it. It was difficult to separate the scents left behind by the previous mouse, and so it took some time until Alderstep finally caught wind of something new: mole. His attention tunneled to just that, focus sharp as usual. Mouse and mole; the two m's of yummy.

He felt like screeching when his tedious searching was halted by the fact that the mole scent went into one of those little holes the pests made. It was like the mole was trying to imitate the giant abyss, pitifully. Alderstep chose to play the boring waiting game, wanting nothing more than to start digging up the rodent. If only that tactic was foolproof. After what felt like moons, the mole made an appearance, which was an ultimately fatal mistake.

Alderstep snatched the rodent up, barely a chance given. Two pieces of prey, done. Content, the tabby fetched his mouse and carried the two fresh-kill back to where he'd come from, ready to meet with Larchflame and head back.

@Apollo. [+ 1 mouse, 1 mole]

| Larchflame |
( aaa sorry my reply took so long!! )

The mouse trail seemed to be the right choice, as not long after beginning to follow it she was met by a woodland mouse upwind of her, peacefully nibbling a kind of seed. Creeping up slowly, the mouse was none the wiser, only just noticing the warriors presence when her shadow covered the sun before her paws landed squarely on top of it. Hardly letting the mouse scream from terror Larchflame delivered a killing bite, putting the creature out of its misery before it had to suffer too much, however it seemed as though the tiny cut-off screech it managed to let out spooked another mouse into running nearly right into her claws from a nearby bush.

She was quick to react, slamming her paw down on it's tail as it ran by, but not quite quick enough, as not even a heartbeat later it had wiggled itself free and bolted into a tiny mouse hole to her left. Larchflame hissed in annoyance, it would've been an easy catch, the thing ran into her for starclans sake! Her tail flicked with irritation as she picked up the mouse she had caught and began to circle back around to the old camp entrance, there'd be a bird or something over there.

Sure enough a small blackbird was resting in a small oak tree, with low hanging branches. Larchflame made swift work of climbing the tree careful to only take larger steps that might send vibrations through the branch when the breeze passed by, as to not alert the bird. The blackbird was on a thinner part of the tree, but that didn't deter her. Once she reached the same branch that it sat on she coiled up before taking a big leap. Instead of aiming for the bid itself she aimed just past it, off the branch, bracing for the impact of falling with her jaws open to catch the bird on her way by. Larchflames plan mostly worked, she snagged the blackbirds wing in her maw as it tried to fly away, but she hadn't accounted for the blackbird squirming this much, so she landed awkwardly on her left forepaw. Yikes, she thought to herself, examining her injured paw after delivering the killing blow to her prey. I'm gonna feel this tomorrow.. she winced, testing to see how much weight she could put on it.

She was fine, she could still walk, though she ought to get Drizzlecloud or Springpaw to check it out when she got back to camp. Retrieving her mouse from earlier she continued making her way back to meet up with Alderstep, trying to shift her balance according to her paw.

[ + 1 mouse, + 1 blackbird ]

val August 31st, 2023 04:46 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Larchflame came back soon enough, though she looked to be walking weirdly. Alderstep tilted his head in confusion, further studying her gait. It was difficult to tell what the hell the other warrior was doing, but she'd brought back a mouse and a blackbird, which meant four pieces of prey total between the two of them. Impressive. Alderstep nodded his approval, thoroughly satisfied with the patrol.

"Let's get going," he said with a glance cast to the sky, observing the sun's position carefully. Alderstep then picked up his prey gently, so as to not spoil it with his jaw's grip, and stalked off in the direction of the camp. The ruins, he decided, were not so bad. Yielded a nice amount of prey. Didn't seem too dangerous. He'd send more patrols there in the future, for sure.

[ @Apollo. no worries! ]

SatoruSaki September 5th, 2023 04:26 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1461366)
"Ohhhh-kay, first things first."

Craneblood stepped into the ruins of the old camp, eyeing the pit in center before he glanced down at Frogpaw. "I have absolutely zero clue where you are in terms of training. I have no idea what your past mentors have been doing. Do you know anything else outside basic fighting moves?"



FrogPaw shook her head, “I’ve been through many many mentors, and not one has taught me a single thing…”

(Short post and not fancy because it’s training!)

Saki September 12th, 2023 04:23 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

StormyEye acted like he was just hanging out with some friends, exploring ruins, catching some prey and goofing off. He struggled to look playful and innocent. He hopped into a secluded area,

' ' check this out! ' ' he chirped, pointing into the used-to-be medicine den.

This'll do, he thought. He listened close, the only noises he could hear outside were faint chirps of cats, if they spoke quietly they would be ok. He examined the cats around him, not many. Only two! FrogPaw and Jaggedface. Hm, they both didn't like BumbleStar, so it would do though he would have to other warriors later.

' ' this will just be us speaking to one another, we cannot take action yet, we must only act like friends and speak like friends. Tell no one of this group unless you're completely sure they would join and support us. ' ' His back was arched low as he whispered the words quietly. ' ' now, ' ' he meowed, a bit louder this time as he grew more comfortable with the spot. ' ' tell me, why did you join and what really ticks your the most about BumbleStar. I can go first. ' '

His posture grew tall again and his voice was just a bit a louder so the others could hear him with his head high.

' ' I started this rebellion because I think that BumbleStar is simply put too kind. He is stuck up and arrogant, leaf bare is coming and we barely have any patrols out even though we are in war with shadowclan and just defeated riverclan. So I started this rebellion. Thats why I started this rebellion and why I hate BumbleStar, now you, and quietly. ' ' He whisper-spoke, and waited for the others responses. ' ' you first Jagged ' '

@Sakura, @Caspian

ChaosBringer. September 12th, 2023 05:24 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Mushroomkit had followed his father out of camp, stopping a lot to rest. He tried to tell his father that he was following, but nothing came out of his little mouth. Once his father stopped and started talking, Mushroomkit sat next to his father.
@Caspian @Sakura @Vixlz

Caspian September 12th, 2023 05:43 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
She sniffed, anger pulsing through her paws. Not because of the rebellion, no, she was actually quite happy about it, but she was mad that Bumblestar was in charge of so many lives. She nodded in agreement at every word that was spoken. When she was prompted, she let the gears in her head turn to find the answer. She is arrogant, I agree,” Jaggedface started. “But use correct prounouns, please. I hate her but I have the respect to use the correct pronouns.” she advised Stormyeye politely before continuing. “She started war with Shadowclan. She’s the reason so many cats have died in the clan. While she doesn’t kill them with her own claws she’s still a murderer.” Jaggedface reasoned, hoping that Frogpaw and Stormyeye would agree. She wanted to put in that she was corrupted with power, but that happened to a lot of leaders. Such as Dawnstar. She looked to Frogpaw. “What about you, squirt?” the heavily scarred chocolate-point asked in a snarl, looking at the kitten, surprised. She didn’t say anything though, as she knew this was Stormyeyes son

@Sakura. @Vixlz @Shadowed Flower
(Sorry for Jaggedfaces rudeness, it’s her personality, not mine! :heartbounce: )

Saki September 12th, 2023 05:50 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

He glanced downward, feeling something next to him, Mushroomkit? Ah yes, one of the few things that StormyEye truly cares about. His beloved son. ' ' Mushroomkit you shouldn't be here, ' ' He meowed sweetly as his tail wrapped around his son.

He knew how much trouble he could get in for bringing a kitten into this mess, let alone his own beloved kitten but... MushroomKit would be a good ally, he was mute after all. No way to tattle if you can't speak... But he was young, and little, and weak because, well, he was a kit. His son would have to see his way of things though, right? They were kin after all! If he asked or seemed to want to know or like write something down, ill tell him. StormyEye promised himself. If not, when he's an apprentice I'll tell him.

@Caspian @Sakura @Shadowed Flower

ChaosBringer. September 12th, 2023 05:59 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Vixlz (Post 1468740)

He glanced downward, feeling something next to him, Mushroomkit? Ah yes, one of the few things that StormyEye truly cares about. His beloved son. ' ' Mushroomkit you shouldn't be here, ' ' He meowed sweetly as his tail wrapped around his son.

He knew how much trouble he could get in for bringing a kitten into this mess, let alone his own beloved kitten but... MushroomKit would be a good ally, he was mute after all. No way to tattle if you can't speak... But he was young, and little, and weak because, well, he was a kit. His son would have to see his way of things though, right? They were kin after all! If he asked or seemed to want to know or like write something down, ill tell him. StormyEye promised himself. If not, when he's an apprentice I'll tell him.

@Caspian @Sakura @Shadowed Flower


Mushroomkit could barely understand his father, as he was staring up at Frogpaw in astonishment. The kit opened his mouth to say they were pretty, but nothing came out. Mushroomkit's mouth opened like he mewed to Frogpaw. The little kit leaned into his father's fur, a non-existent purr rumbled in him

@Caspian @Vixlz @Sakura.

Saki September 12th, 2023 06:03 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

StormyEye sighed a bit and nuzzled his son lovingly.

' ' MushroomKit? Do you know your name? ' ' He said sweetly, trying to teach the kit to go home.

@Caspian @Sakura @Shadowed Flower

ChaosBringer. September 12th, 2023 06:06 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Vixlz (Post 1468756)

StormyEye sighed a bit and nuzzled his son lovingly.

' ' MushroomKit? Do you know your name? ' ' He said sweetly, trying to teach the kit to go home.

@Caspian @Sakura @Shadowed Flower


Mushroomkit looked up at his father, his mouth opening like he was hissing. But as usual, no sound came out of the kit. Mushroomkit nodded to his father, we knew his name. He just really liked Frogpaw.

@Sakura. (Mushroomkit has a crush ;-;)

Caspian September 12th, 2023 06:10 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Jaggedface looked at Mushroomkit. She smiled a bit, kind of fond to the little guy. “Hey lil’ dude.” she said to Mushroomkit, crouching down

@Vixlz @Shadowed Flower @Sakura.

Saki September 12th, 2023 06:13 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
' ' Go on Mushroomkit, say hi ' ' He nudged the little kit a bit, he knew MushroomKit couldn't speak, It was clear. But he wanted him to know how to somehow gesture things.
@Shadowed Flower @Caspian @Sakura

ChaosBringer. September 12th, 2023 06:15 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Caspian (Post 1468770)
Jaggedface looked at Mushroomkit. She smiled a bit, kind of fond to the little guy. “Hey lil’ dude.” she said to Mushroomkit, crouching down

@Vixlz @Shadowed Flower @Sakura.


Mushroomkit looked up at Jaggedface and smiled, nuzzling their muzzle. He opened his mouth like he was saying 'hello', and smiled up at the warrior. Mushroomkit leaped forwards and sat next to Jaggedface.

Caspian September 12th, 2023 06:20 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Jaggedface was VERY VERY loving towards the wholesome child now. Impulsively, she wrapped her tail around Mushroomkit and purred. She looked to Stormyeye. “How did you make something so wholesome and adorable?” she asked, overflooding with cuteness overload (protective Jaggedface, oh no—)

@Shadowed Flower @Sakura. @Vixlz
(Lord is lord, Sakura is going to drown in mentions-)

ChaosBringer. September 12th, 2023 06:24 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Caspian (Post 1468775)
Jaggedface was VERY VERY loving towards the wholesome child now. Impulsively, she wrapped her tail around Mushroomkit and purred. She looked to Stormyeye. “How did you make something so wholesome and adorable?” she asked, overflooding with cuteness overload (protective Jaggedface, oh no—)

@Shadowed Flower @Sakura. @Vixlz
(Lord is lord, Sakura is going to drown in mentions-)


Mushroomkit nuzzled Jaggedface excitedly, his tail wagging.(He's a doggo) He pawed at the tail that wrapped around his small body. Mushroomkit sat still for a moment, before curling up in the circle that Jaggedface's tail made.

@Sakura. @Vixlz

Saki September 14th, 2023 06:35 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Stormyeye chuckled a bit, his tail flicking with amusement.

' ' you two seem to be getting along quite well ' ' Stormyeye couldn't help but laugh, I mean, his most trusted follower obsessed with his kit! Unreal, and hilarious!

He licked his paw gently, ' ' one day I plan on having MushroomKit join us, he's be a great spy. Silent and swift! And wholesome. ' '

@Shadowed Flower @Sakura. @Caspian

ChaosBringer. September 14th, 2023 06:51 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Vixlz (Post 1470341)

Stormyeye chuckled a bit, his tail flicking with amusement.

' ' you two seem to be getting along quite well ' ' Stormyeye couldn't help but laugh, I mean, his most trusted follower obsessed with his kit! Unreal, and hilarious!

He licked his paw gently, ' ' one day I plan on having MushroomKit join us, he's be a great spy. Silent and swift! And wholesome. ' '

@Shadowed Flower @Sakura. @Caspian


Mushroomkit looked up to his father, his mouth gaping open like he was speaking, but silence followed. Frustrated, he shook his head and licked Jaggedface's tail. The tiny kit curled up into a loaf, his lil paws tucked in.

@Sakura. @Vixlz @Capian

Caspian September 14th, 2023 10:09 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Jaggedface growled at him and sighed. “Sorry.” she looked at Mushroomkit with fondness in her eyes. “He would be a great spy. But he’s also good at being the best.” she purred, licking him on the head and nuzzling him. “I am going to adopt him without question, thanks.” he said quickly and licked Mushroomkit again, purring
@Vixlz @Sakura. @Shadowed Flower

ChaosBringer. September 15th, 2023 08:55 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Mushroomkit listened to his parents his dad and pretty cat talk, melting into Jaggedface's touch. 'A spy? Wus dat? Is it gonna help them?' The little black kit thought, licking pretty cat's ankle because that's the only place the little cat can reach. Mushroomkit then lightly headbutted them, his tail wagging.

@Sakura. @Vixlz

Saki September 17th, 2023 08:07 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

The dark gray tom's tail flicked. ' ' Lets head back before BumbleStar gets suspicious. If he asks, we saw MushroomKit run out of camp and chased after him, deal? ' '

@Shadowed Flower

Caspian September 17th, 2023 09:52 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Vixlz (Post 1472566)

The dark gray tom's tail flicked. ' ' Lets head back before BumbleStar gets suspicious. If he asks, we saw MushroomKit run out of camp and chased after him, deal? ' '

@Shadowed Flower

She hesitated. “But I don’t want to get him in trouble.. let’s say we went out hunting? We could hide Mushroomkit.” Jaggedface suggested, deeply objective to the idea of getting the kid in trouble with Bumblestar

ChaosBringer. September 18th, 2023 08:51 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Caspian (Post 1472624)
She hesitated. “But I don’t want to get him in trouble.. let’s say we went out hunting? We could hide Mushroomkit.” Jaggedface suggested, deeply objective to the idea of getting the kid in trouble with Bumblestar

Mushroomkit looked up at pretty cat, nuzzling her side. The tiny kit looked at his father, wanting to understand what they were talking about.

Caspian September 23rd, 2023 10:17 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Shadowed Flower (Post 1472834)
Mushroomkit looked up at pretty cat, nuzzling her side. The tiny kit looked at his father, wanting to understand what they were talking about.

Jaggedface looked down at him, protective mother energy pouring out of her. He pulled him closer with her tail. “Let’s not get him in trouble, not with a brute like Bumblestar.” she advised


ChaosBringer. September 23rd, 2023 11:00 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Caspian (Post 1475722)
Jaggedface looked down at him, protective mother energy pouring out of her. He pulled him closer with her tail. “Let’s not get him in trouble, not with a brute like Bumblestar.” she advised



'Bumblestar..? I heared that before.' The kit thought, unsheathing his claws and drawing a wobbly star in the dirt, looking back up at pretty cat for approval. 'Does she likes?' Mushroomkit thought, glancing at his father. @Vixlz

Caspian September 23rd, 2023 12:09 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Shadowed Flower (Post 1475742)

'Bumblestar..? I heared that before.' The kit thought, unsheathing his claws and drawing a wobbly star in the dirt, looking back up at pretty cat for approval. 'Does she likes?' Mushroomkit thought, glancing at his father. @Vixlz

She didn’t notice it until she felt eyes burning into her pelt. She looked down at him and then to the far from straight.. she wanted to say star? In the dirt. Nonetheless, she would support him. “That’s amazing. Your so talented, little Mushroom.” she purred, nuzzling him. Although, she did hate the fact it reminded her of Bumblestar, she wouldn’t tell that to the kit


Saki September 23rd, 2023 01:53 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
@Caspian @Shadowed Flower

We are roleplaying here now



Caspian September 23rd, 2023 01:55 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Vixlz (Post 1475831)


Alchemist Kitsune September 24th, 2023 10:12 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins
| Sprucepaw |

No one had showed up. The young ThunderClan apprentice was fuming. In his own, emotionless way. The one time he desperately wanted to leave camp, actually do some hunting - if only to get away from Monster - and Flashy and Freckles were nowhere to be seen. This was one of the things the former kittypet just couldn't wrap his mind around concerning the cultists he'd found shelter with. They were all about teamwork, and family, and loyalty, yet never - more like rarely, but details - had he met a single cat that showed any of these attributes. They were mostly in this all for themselves. Take Flash and Freckles, who had just left poor, little, inexperienced Fudge on his own. Well he'd show them. He'd bring back so much prey they would be ashamed of themselves.

The chocolate point honestly had no idea where this fervor was coming from. Maybe a part of him had started to reluctantly see the nicer side of the clan's cats thanks to The Boulder, and the reality that The Boulder was unique amongst a sea of hypocrisy and facades was a kick to the gut. Maybe he was really, really peeved that the one time he was raring to go no one else was, after all, why should he be the only one showing any enthusiasm when he could care less? Or maybe it was just that he was hungry. Whatever it was, it was gnawing at him, telling him to go out and do something for once, and forgetting entirely about that one little rule, the one where apprentices weren't allowed outside on their own, he arrived at the ruins, scouring the area for prey.

It felt odd being out here all alone. He'd never had any real interactions with his mentor. The molly had obviously chosen to ignore his existence for some reason. Either he did not meet her expectations as an apprentice - which he was honestly fine with - or she didn't care to train a former kittypet. Whichever the case, it meant one thing. One less cat to socialize with. And yet even with his lack of socialization, his lack of seeking out cats to groom and talk with, Fudge had found that he was surprisingly always seemingly... in someone's presence. He didn't know how that had come to be, but it certainly made the wide, ruined landscape feel even emptier in the absence of a particularly brown furred mountain of a cat's form.

Putting the thought out of his mind, the young apprentice decided to put into practice what the very mountain of a cat had taught him instead of missing them. Not that... he actually missed them. No. He just... thought it notable how silent it was without their incessant chatter. Yeah. That was it.

Emerald orbs shifted from left to right, almost as if he was sensing some cat looming around, about to poke out of the shadows and make fun of him for his unspoken rambling. It made sense he supposed. This place was swarming with the scent of cats. Lots of cats. Was this a commonly hunted area? If it was, maybe that meant that he would have some level of success here.

Success he did have, gratefully, in at the very least finding some edible prey. A wood mouse was skittering about, sniffing with it's longer snout as it nibbled at some seeds scattered in the ground. Licking his whiskers at the sight of the morsel, Fudge dropped to a hunter's crouch, his tail kept low as he ensured he didn't make a sound while approaching his quarry. Of course, with his stare so focused on the mouse, the long furred tom failed to see the small tunnel in the way, his paw instantly dipping inside as a pair of razor sharp incisors clamped down on it. A shriek of pain escaping him, the Birman mix pulled his paw right out of the hole, a mole flying out with it, the earthworm that it had evidently been making a meal out of taking to the air as well.

A small dance followed, the wood mouse entirely forgotten as the apprentice flailed his paw rapidly in the air, circling about in a clear GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME! display. Why? Why couldn't he have just one moment of peace whenever he went out hunting?! He blamed Yowly. He had no idea what the second in command had to do with anything, but it was obviously his fault!

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Fudge managed to calm down enough to have the sense of mind to drop his paw and bite the mole right back, killing it in an instant. Released from the infernal creature's iron grip, the tom snarled, his sides heaving as he struggled to get air, his paw bloodied up from the creature's bite and throbbing with pain. As he placed his paw down on the ground, he winced, a sharp bolt of lightning forcing him to put his paw right back up. Alright... so he wouldn't be doing any more hunting for today. That was... pathetic.

Ears flattened, the brown furred tom glared at the dead creature, anger clear in his normally deadpanned features. How had he messed this up so bad? That mouse had been as good as his. But no, this stupid mole had to make a tunnel right where he was hunting. Who made a tunnel in the middle of a clear hunting path?! And now, all he had to show for it was this idiot mole. Who even ate mole? Well... hopefully someone, because he hadn't just hurt his paw to have no one eat it.

Disappointment washing through him, Fudge grabbed the creature, slowly calming down enough to adopt his more emotionless expression once again. At least the thing was bigger than the wood mouse had been. This better be worth the long limp back to camp he was facing right now. Hopefully that didn't mean he was going to be stuck inside camp now. This whole trip had been made to avoid being stuck inside camp, thank you very much. Ugh... could this day get any worse? Don't answer that.


[+1 mole]

RavensCall October 12th, 2023 10:34 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
It had been a few moons since she had been here. Torn apart, torn to shreds. Echo smiled faintly. "Welcome back," she whispered. She was still traumatised by what happened here, and it was a wonder she survived.

(btw this is echopaw)

dino. October 20th, 2023 09:46 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by FrostyGalaxy (Post 1480441)

he/him || 8moons || no purrks
Lanky, flame point siamese with heterochromatic eyes

At the call of his name followed by the nudge, Aster pushed himself to standing and stretched. "Ok," he said evenly, suppressing his joy at the chance to leave camp and see their territory for himself. "Where to first?"

[ bumble - @dino. ]

"Figure we'll start with Haggard Ruins. Close enough to everything else 'n we can hit what we missed on the way back."

Assuming Asterpaw was following, Bumblestar ducked out of the den and led him out of camp. It was a mildly lengthy trek from the camp, but she'd had worse, and she figured he had, too.

She stepped through the barrier of the old rundown camp and glanced down to Asterpaw. "Watch your step," she murmured, gesturing to the old sinkhole in the center of it all, where an old tree sank halfway into it. "Might still be a little unstable. This was our old camp, 'till the ground caved in and swallowed most of it, 'n we moved to the one that you know. Right now, this is used as a decent hunting grounds. Moles, mice, other ground rats. Just gotta mind the center. You fall in, you're probably not comin' back out if you don't have someone else with you."

Neptune. October 21st, 2023 09:55 AM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by dino. (Post 1490386)
"Figure we'll start with Haggard Ruins. Close enough to everything else 'n we can hit what we missed on the way back."

Assuming Asterpaw was following, Bumblestar ducked out of the den and led him out of camp. It was a mildly lengthy trek from the camp, but she'd had worse, and she figured he had, too.

She stepped through the barrier of the old rundown camp and glanced down to Asterpaw. "Watch your step," she murmured, gesturing to the old sinkhole in the center of it all, where an old tree sank halfway into it. "Might still be a little unstable. This was our old camp, 'till the ground caved in and swallowed most of it, 'n we moved to the one that you know. Right now, this is used as a decent hunting grounds. Moles, mice, other ground rats. Just gotta mind the center. You fall in, you're probably not comin' back out if you don't have someone else with you."


he/him || 8moons || no purrks
Lanky, flame point siamese with heterochromatic eyes

Following close behind, Asterpaw made sure to take in their surroundings, trying to commit to memory the path traveled to get here. This - Haggard Ruins, Bumblestar had called it - had been the clans old camp. Looking around, the siamese thought he could see where dens used to be, old and falling apart now, but their mark in this place still remained. The hole in the center of everything was... scary. Aster wanted to shudder just looking at it.

"Steer clear from the pit of doom, got it," he noted, mostly to himself, but if Bumblestar heard then at least she'd know he was taking the information in, right? That one rule about staying away from the massive hole didn't seem too hard to follow, anyway, what self respecting cat would want to jump in a hole and probably to their deaths?

Apollo. October 24th, 2023 04:50 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
| Larchflame |
( @spookywynds )

It hadn't taken the two very long to reach their destination, the camp, still crushed mess in a pit, yet the birds called overhead and she could already smell a mingle of a couple different prey scents, as if unbothered by the tragedy that had befell the clan cats in this very place. Or, she supposed, this was now their home, so they were just going about their business as normal. She flicked her tail to indicate to stop to her patrol mate, before turning to speak with him.

"I'll go left, you go right. We'll find more prey if we split up here than if we stay together." she was going the opposite direction around the sinkhole to when she had gone hunting with AlderFoxstep, she wanted to see what was over on this side, post-sink. "We'll meet back here about.. sun high? That should give us both enough time to catch a thing or two." As she begun to make her way to the left of the sink hole she called over her shoulder to her companion "Stir clear of the void, I'm not going down there to drag your sorry tail out."

And with that she disappeared into the foliage, her mouth open to check for scent trails.

silver. October 25th, 2023 07:42 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins

Originally Posted by Apolloween. (Post 1491989)
| Larchflame |
( @spookywynds )

It hadn't taken the two very long to reach their destination, the camp, still crushed mess in a pit, yet the birds called overhead and she could already smell a mingle of a couple different prey scents, as if unbothered by the tragedy that had befell the clan cats in this very place. Or, she supposed, this was now their home, so they were just going about their business as normal. She flicked her tail to indicate to stop to her patrol mate, before turning to speak with him.

"I'll go left, you go right. We'll find more prey if we split up here than if we stay together." she was going the opposite direction around the sinkhole to when she had gone hunting with AlderFoxstep, she wanted to see what was over on this side, post-sink. "We'll meet back here about.. sun high? That should give us both enough time to catch a thing or two." As she begun to make her way to the left of the sink hole she called over her shoulder to her companion "Stir clear of the void, I'm not going down there to drag your sorry tail out."

And with that she disappeared into the foliage, her mouth open to check for scent trails.

yarrowcrest // he/him // 19 moons
purrks: mind reader [INACTIVE], flock together tier 1 [ACTIVE]


A bit bossy but he didn't mind the instruction. For what feels like the 100th time this morning, he nods to her in understanding and slowly begins creeping off toward the right. Ears are perked in high alert and his jaw hangs open as he scents for prey in the grasses around the silent pit, bright blue hues scanning the underbrush for any sign of movement. This time of year squirrels were getting nice and fat for the winter... Not many birds, as they were beginning to fly somewhere far away to escape the cold. When the scent of squirrel hits him, it has his fur standing on edge. First sign of prey. Not too far off. Scenting the wind, he turns his head in the direction of the small animal and begins to creep silently.

Hunkered amongst the grasses, he watches the fat squirrel nibble on it's acorn in an attempt to get to it's delicious center. He creeps forward, a paw clumsily stepping onto a fallen leaf that causes him to freeze... But even though the squirrel stares him dead in the eye, it doesn't move. So he takes the opportunity to pounce at it, catching it in between both paws and delivering a swift bite to end it's life.

Katiethewolfchild October 28th, 2023 12:28 PM

Re: Haggard Ruins
Sunleap led Dreampaw to the haggard ruins. Smelling a mouse the 67 moon old tom meowed what do you smell, remembering that his apprentice had said that he wanted to hunt a mouse. @GhostCop

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