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alec January 31st, 2024 01:22 PM

blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 11moons, the collector, herb1] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes

she let out a big sigh, exhaustion pulling her towards her nest, leafbare and the stress following tansypaws and larkstars disappearance weighing heavy on her shoulders and her mind. maybe this was their punishment. or maybe starclan wasnt what everyone made it out to be. stopping on her way to the apprentices' den she turned her head, eyes lingering on the silverpelt for a moment, was there really a place to go after death?, before shaking the thoughts out of her mind and continuing to walk towards their den. it was silly to believe anyone was watching over them..over her ..
she made her way around sleeping apprentices in their nests and settled in her own, setting her head on her paws to watch the moon light outside the den flicker and the trees dance in the icy breeze. minutes, or maybe hours later, the quiet howling of the wind, russle of dry leaves and call of the last birds awake, lulled her to sleep.
before she knew it she was stood on the grassy hill again, the fog reaching out for her, its rugged grasp tugging her in and leaving her wandering the hills blindly.
"is anyone there?" she called out weakly, hope dwindling more and more every time she called out and got silence in response.

(i just realised im doing a reverse jayfeather by having her not see anything for a majority of her dreams lol)

SuspiciousMindz February 2nd, 2024 09:32 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

His paws were leading him away from the camp. Something seemed off. . . he'd been antsy and as a small voice found its way to his ears, he knew he was right. The starry moors shifted to a scenery with more hills and atop of one of those was a smaller cat. She seemed distraught.

As the former leader approached, he made sure to do so cautiously. "Greetings," he'd coo in her direction, so he didn't spook her. The scent of RiverClan caught his attention. Interesting. Why did it feel like he needed to be here and not another RiverClanner? "I'm Blazingstar, a leader from WindClan," he introduced himself, pausing in his pawsteps.

His golden hues held a friendly gleam and his fluffy tail waved behind him. It was his attempt to make sure he didn't seem intimidating.


alec February 2nd, 2024 10:42 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 11moons, the collector, herb1] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes

for the first time in forever- wait scrap that, for the first time ever she got a response to her question, the question she had repeated so often it had become more habit than actual curiosity that led her to calling out. and even though she had given up on the hope that one day there would be an answer, the apprentice didnt jump or even so much as flinch in surprise. she didnt feel threatened or scared, relief washing over her. someone had responded to her call. it was like the grey molly had subconciously known this time was special.
they felt someone approach, thick fog swinging and curling infront of her almost like the cat was pushing away the fog, but it didnt seem to clear, no more than a vague shape nearing steadily. they remained still, eyes opened wide as if that would make the fog reveal the windclanner. why had a windclan leader responded to her call?
"im minkpaw. i- im honoured to speak to you, blazingstar" she replied, dipping her head politely. what was she supposed on this situation? she cursed herself for not seeking out the elders for a etiquette class but would they even talk about the extremely unlikely situation of talking to a dead clancleader? probably not. they rolled their eyes internally, there was no way to be prepared for this.


SuspiciousMindz February 3rd, 2024 12:27 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
Blazingstar offered a slow blink of greeting once he had gotten a name from the apprentice. He'd take a couple more steps forward so the apprentice became more clear in the cloud of fog that seemed to surround her. Why? Why was this fog here? Was this a sign of her clouded faith? Perhaps, that was why he was brought here. Having struggled with his own faith in the living realm more than one time, he could relate to this situation.

The pleasure is mine," Blazingstar replied, swishing his fluffy tail behind him as he searched for a better -- more detailed -- view of them. To no prevail. Perhaps her faith needed to be stronger before he could really see her. He wondered what they could see of him. "What brings you here, calling out for someone?" he inquired with a small head tilt.


alec February 3rd, 2024 01:02 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 11moons, the collector, herb1] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes

"i just called out, out of habit if im being honest, i didnt think i would get an answer anymore" she admitted, if she was getting the chance to speak to a former leader she might as well be honest. "when i started i was hoping someone would answer my call and, its silly i know, normally starclan only talks to medicine cats and leaders, but i was beginning to question if there is really someone watching over us-" she shrugged, the past moons had been hard, and every passing day had chipped away at her belief in starclan and there being a reason for all of this. like, there was no way her ancestors had sinned so bigly as to justify riverclan falling to pieces. perhaps she could ask about riverclan and birdsnow, maybe blazingstar could give her answers. they took notice of the leaders swishing tail, perhaps he couldnt see her either? the fog didnt bother them anymore, having accepted the never ending slurry of whites and greys long ago, but to someone used to seeing clearly in dreams it must be irritating.
but there was something else bugging her, the sneaking though ever present discomfort of thinking about their future, getting her warrior name wasnt something she was looking forwards to, she knew she should. but being a warrior just felt wrong, disconnected.


SuspiciousMindz February 3rd, 2024 08:59 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
"We talk to more than just the Medicine Cats and Leaders. Sure, it's not as often as we should, but there are a good few still around to offer guidance when you need us. . ." Blazingstar couldn't continue that thought, he'd been guilty of abandoning the clans the last few years. He'd simply watch and stay back, but recent activities have brought him back to contacting the living realm.

The fluffy tom sighed, closing his eyes and letting a light shimmer off him. He wanted this apprentice to see him clearly. When his golden eyes opened again, he'd take a few paces forward to close the space between them. Now he was about a tail-length away. His gaze was gentle as a clearer image of Minkpaw became visible.

"We're always here though, always watching and doing our best to help where we can. I know it's been a crazy few moons for you guys, but we can't control everything," Blazingstar spoke softly, almost remorseful.


alec February 4th, 2024 02:56 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 11moons, the collector, herb1] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes

the fog had lifted a bit as the leader stepped towards her, revealing a large fluffy cat among the slurry of greys, maybe he could see her from this close up? she wasnt sure if she herself was going to get an imagine clearer than a vaguely cat shaped outline and the occasional shine of eyes reflecting the moon.
"can you tell me if you, starclan i mean, is going to give birdsnow their blessing? and the medicine cat, are you going to watch over them and make sure they're okay?" she was asking for too much, neither of the questions were appropriate in her mind but the childish hope that someone could tell if that everything is going to be okay was too much to just ignore. did starclan try to help tansypaw? they mustve-, leaving her alone in all this wouldve been more than cruel.


SuspiciousMindz February 4th, 2024 11:04 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
His gaze softened and he bit his lower lip for a moment. There wasn't an easy answer to give the young apprentice, though maybe telling them what they wanted to hear would be best? He pursed his lips for a moment more before he'd speak. His tone was gentle, but honest.

"I'm not going to lie to you, I personally don't have a say in that matter. The council has the final say in the blessing process, but Birdsnow has done well, I would not worry about her acceptance," Blazingstar began, sitting down and wrapping his fluffy tail around his large paws.

"But we'll always be here for them and for RiverClan. What happened to you guys was out of our control," Blazingstar would explain. "What Larkstar and Tansypaw had done was out of our control. They thought on their own free will and chose the path they did," He slowly blinked, hoping this apprentice would understand.

"We're doing our best for RiverClan. If more had faith in us and reached out for guidance, we could try and do more or point you guys in the right direction. . ." he paused with a solemn sigh, ". . . but it's hard to reach out when your faith is clouded, or fogged."

The large tom would reach out, almost offering a paw to the apprentice if she'd take it. If she did, he would gently pull her into his fluff as if he were offering a hug.


alec February 5th, 2024 07:22 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw [she/they, rc apprentice, 11moons, the collector, herb1] <<-
a dark blueish grey bengal-patterned she cat with silver eyes

they listened in silence, the leaders honesty stung but she was glad he deemed her as worthy of his truth. birdsnow doing well in starclans eyes was a good thing at last, hopefully things were going to be better for riverclan under her lead.
faith. they needed faith in not only their leader but those who watch them from beyond.
"i understand, i-... i'll do my best to help riverclan find back to their faith" she mewed, the urge to get up and go change everything flooding her small body. it would have to wait until tomorrow, everyone would be asleep right now and she'd be a fool to run away from talking to blazingstar.
taking the offer she shuffled closer to the tom, the shame from having him mention and connect the fog to her faith shifting to the background of her mind.


SuspiciousMindz February 17th, 2024 07:05 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
Blazingstar would offer a small purr, trying to comfort the young feline. His tail would wrap around her gently as she accepted his offer. A sigh would find its way out of him, but it didn't stop the purr he let rumble. "Don't feel the need to press the belief on them. They'll come around when they do. They just need. . . help."

His words were quieter, and he didn't complain when silence overtook them. Although not being one to let a silence linger, Blazing would eventually speak up. "So, is there anything else you need?" he'd inquire.


alec February 18th, 2024 04:22 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
"i- i suppose there is something else-" she mumbled, letting out a sigh she allowed herself to relax further.
"i guess i dont really know if i can be a warrior" they confessed, shrugging non committedly "i mean, im almost 13moons and im not even close to finishing my training,...and i dont like to think about my future self being a warrior" she added, last part of her sentence getting more and more quiet with every word until she trailed off after 'warrior' leaving the sentence sounding open and unfinished.

SuspiciousMindz February 18th, 2024 04:23 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
Blazingstar would listen closely to their concerns, his tail tip twitching with thought. 13 moons? Barely trained? Oh, no, no, that wouldn't pass. That would catch up to them soon. It was a little worrisome, but perhaps there was a reason for it?

"Are you simply not being trained or are you not putting in the effort to be a warrior?" Blazingstar inquired, wanting to clarify. "Is... there another path calling for you perhaps?" Blazingstar further pressed. There was no judgement or any tone of being upset in his voice. It was merely concern and curiousity.


alec February 18th, 2024 04:44 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

cw: parental abuse, low self esteem

"i was sick a lot since i was born really- im getting trained and im trying but-..." minkpaw trailed off again, shrugging non committedly once again. being weaker than some of the seven moon old apprentices didn't necessarily float around her head all the time anymore, she had other things to think about, but it being pointed out to her directly made her shift in discomfort.
it was silly, really, she shouldnt be reacting like this was a big thing at all but she couldnt help but feel a bit sick at the thought of how disappointed her mother would be to know she was even thinking about not becoming a warrior. it was her duty, become a warrior, serve her clan, become a queen, rinse and repeat. she knew it was right and she was a shame to her bloodline for hating to think about where she would be even just 5 moons in the future.
"i dont know" she replied helplessly, 'i dont know' seemingly her new favourite word judging by how much she had said it the fast few minutes.

( @SuspiciousMindz blazingstar )

SuspiciousMindz February 18th, 2024 06:30 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
Blazingstar hummed to himself for just a moment, trying to gauge how he should respond to them. He didn't let them sit in silence for very long as he pressed gently against the smaller feline.

"That's okay," he finally responded. His gaze was lighthearted and understanding. "There are other paths you can take. Other things you can do."

Blazingstar could recall his loss of faith many, many moons ago. Remember when he lost hope as an apprentice. Remembered when he blamed himself for his mentors death and stopped training for a while. He didn't know what Minkpaw had been through, but he could remember when he didn't know if he was meant to be a warrior.

Then to be thrown into the leader position when Dapplestar died? He barely had a chance to be a deputy and so much weighed on his shoulders.

He understood.

He drew Minkpaw in a little closer his a paw over her shoulder. The small purr of comfort rolled from his chest again.

"I understand."


alec February 18th, 2024 06:47 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
letting herself be comforted by the rumbling in blazingstars chest she didnt say anything for a while. he had sounded earnest when reassuring she didnt have to be the version of herself that she feared most and hearing that spoken aloud from another cat, a leader, allowed her mind to finally quiet down a bit. he wasnt mad at her for losing faith. he wasnt mad they didnt know what to do. she repeated in her mind, finding comfort in the constant reminder.
"what else is there for me to do?" she finally broke the silence, voice small as if there was anyone around they would disturb by speaking louder. even if they werent alone, the fog still surrounding them would swallow any words.


SuspiciousMindz February 18th, 2024 07:31 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
Blazingstar knew the question was coming so he'd already prepared himself to say the suggestions aloud. "You're lacking a medicine cat right now, ain't ya? Perhaps you suggest yourself to Birdsnow yourself, put yourself out there."

It was a bold move, but Blazingstar knew if she wanted it, she'd do it. If he were in the position Bird was in, he'd take close account to who stepped up and who didn't.

The next suggestion wasn't as easy to run off his tongue. "You could always leave," Blazingstar spoke softer. "While it may not be noble in a Warriors' eyes, it's always there as an option. You gotta do what makes you happy, y'know," he finished. The comfort purring didn't stop.

"You can always get your warrior name and if fighting isn't your thing, you can instead focus on training apprentices and just being a clan teacher. Focus on the learning and hunting aspects of the clan. Be a good support," Blazingstar suggested. That was the last option he'd give, unsure of anything else from personal experience.


alec February 29th, 2024 03:02 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
minkpaw nodded when he asked if they were still lacking a medicine cat but quickly began shaking her head at his suggestion. "i dont think-.. i dont know if i could do good- what if i'd be really bad and everyone would hate me and-" she cut herself off and sucked in a shuddering breath. they had said enough, no need whining to blazingstar, blazingstar who had probably seen so much in his life, she sounded like a whiny kit. the leaders next suggestion made her shake her head 'no' even more, the thought of leaving riverclan made her shudder and feel her chest tighten uncomfortably, "i cant go back..there- and wouldnt that be betraying my clan?-" she shook her head again, she couldnt imagine going back, her mother had brought her to riverclan to be a good warrior, to be better than her father had been, to make her proud, she couldnt just throw it all away?? "wouldnt you think i was weak for running away-" she asked truthfully, blazingstar was confusing her, a clan leader but telling her she could run away..
his last option sounded a bit..less bad, thinking about herself as a warrior was still accompanied with a bitter taste and teaching sounded terrifying but the possibility of being a useful valued asset for riverclan, even in the eyes of a leader, sounded much more promising than running away or trying to be something she wasnt.


SuspiciousMindz March 1st, 2024 10:50 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
First, let's address the lack of confidence. Blazingstar simply raised a brow at Minkpaw's comment. "Well, if you hold that attitude over everything, you'll never really give yourself a chance to know, huh?" He began. The tone was curt, though inquisitive. "When Dapplestar assigned me as the deputy, it was sudden and not a goal I was reaching for. Honestly, I didn't think I was suited for such a role. Who really does, though? Unless you're shooting for it." Blazingstar spoke from his own experience. "And while I was a leader, those thoughts intruded my mind. They caused me to falter. I had to learn to be more confident in myself or I really would let the clan down. . . " Blazingstar trailed off for a moment, shaking his head. He could understand the fear in the idea, but if she wanted to provide, that was an option.

The next response, he could dismiss quickly. "It's clear you don't want that, so we'll pretend I didn't suggest it, yeah?" Blazingstar spoke, waving his tail to end the thought. He would answer anything further on that, it clearly caused a negative reaction.

The last option gave him a silent response. He studied the apprentice for a moment, curious as to what was running through her mind. Was she doubting herself again? Seriously considering it? It was hard to tell at this moment. "So the last option? What are you thinking?"


alec March 10th, 2024 04:50 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
minkpaw shrugged weakly, sinking in on herself under blazingstars tone and sentence, she knew he was right but wrapping her head around not only hoping to be chosen as medicine cat but having to tell birdsnow of all people was scary. "i- i understand, youre right, 'm sorry" she mumbled, though still unsure how she would actually proceed. tell birdsnow immediately and come off as weird, wait it out to see or- or what? there was no hidden third option, no matter how much she wouldve liked there to be one. the story of how she gladly accepted his invitation to skip past that topic again and just nodded.
"i think..i think it sounds less scary." she replied and let out a sigh, some of the tensity bleeding from her small frame, "i think i could do that- maybe-" hunting and teaching. she could do that-


SuspiciousMindz March 16th, 2024 11:31 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
Blazingstar could sense the topic was bothering her. He didn't want that. That was no the impression he wanted to make on a young mind. He let out a soft sigh before offering a half smile. "No need to apologize! None at all. It's my fault for even making that an option to you, but we'll pretend it didn't happen and keep moving. Just like most things in life," Blazingstar let out an amused chuckle. It was soft and short, but still notable.

"I'm glad the last option was something you could see yourself doing. Having a good mentor can really shape up a cat's life. Perhaps you can be an amazing mentor and really help the future cats. Maybe you'll even have a similar conversation with someone in the future," Blazingstar spoke. The possibility was real on that aspect. Minkpaw wouldn't be the last cat to feel this way and she definitely wasn't the first. One day she'd fully understand that.

"Is there anything else I can help you with while you're here? You can always call out to me when you need something in the future too."


alec March 29th, 2024 08:26 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
his half explaination, half apology made her feel better, being understood n all that. as he suggested, minkpaw just smiled and pretended to pretend it didnt happen.
"i really hope i can" now that he said it like that she felt like this was important, even if she couldnt fight well she could still change cats' lifes and becoming like blazingstar and sharing wisdom with younger cats sounded like a very honourable thing to do.
at his question, minkpaw shook her head, blazingstar had helped her more than she had expected when first seeing him, "no i think im good. thank you"


alec May 3rd, 2024 07:49 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]
->> minkpaw <<-
[ she/they | shadowclan | 15moons ]
a dark blueish grey and white she cat with silver eyes
like many moons ago, almost an entire lifetime if you asked minkpaw, she found herself in her nest again, restless. only this time the ever looming threat currently asleep around her and the generalised anxiety of surrounding herself with unfamiliar cats was the reason for her struggling to fall asleep. moons ago she had layed awake purely because her mind was restless, reeling and naive. naive and stupid. a stupid child, starry eyed and too blind to see her own foolishness.
no matter the anxiety gnawing at her insides, the pure exhaustion this semi constant state of fear had caused was enough to have sleep take her, pull her through the thick cloud of fog and leave her on a almost equally foggy meadow. the grass had been lusher last time, less dull and longer, and the calming blanket of surrounding fog had been replaced by a biting cold embrace and minkpaw had to supress a shudder.
like many moons ago but still so different. this time she wasnt stumbling through her own dreamscape, calling out to no one in particular. this time she was looking for blazingstar.
they still hadnt really made up their mind why a little voice in the back of her head had been bugging her, feeding her with foggy memories and the urge to speak to him again. explain herself. beg for forgiveness? she had failed. no. fadingsun had failed. birdsnow had failed. riverclan had failed. the persistence of her own mind trying to drown out the thoughts she knew to be right, she had failed, by oversaturating her minds with hot burning hatred for riverclan, was getting disgustingly pathetic. blaming her own failure on riverclan. pathetic.
concentrate, her mothers voice echoed in her mind, pulling her out of the spiral her thoughts had threatened to go down. she had a goal, and even the knowledge that lostspark could be listening in wouldnt deter her. perhaps she could even use this to make herself appear in a better light. perhaps not being able to talk to mossfreckle without risking to blow their cover was the only negative bit. perhaps she just had to try harder.
"blazingstar?" she called out, voice determined and strong, still the same as many moons ago, apart from the fact that she wasnt scared this time. she wasnt calling out, unsure who might respond, doubting that anyone would respond at all. no. she knew it was possible. she knew how to navigate her own dreamscape and she knew how to reach the living. and if he was willing to speak to her again he would hear her call.

[ @SuspiciousMindz - blazingstar / @Rose for lostspark viewing purposes i guess :skull: ]

SuspiciousMindz May 5th, 2024 07:36 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

Upholding his promises was very important. Especially in a time where the clans faith were wavering in the stars. They could see it in the wavering borders between the stars the darkness on the other side. He was worried for their future. He really was. So, when the echos of a familiar voice reached him, he wasted no time to answer the calling.

It was the apprentice with clouded faith. The apprentice he tried to reach break free of the clouds. She was back! How was she doing?! Did she still have the clouds around her? He'd be able to tell soon.

Like a flickering flame in the darkness, Blazingstar appeared before Minkpaw. His bright pelt and eyes greeting the smaller figure eagerly. "Minkpaw, you've returned. It's been a while," Blazingstar would greet rather simply. "You seem... different. Is everything okay?" He'd make quick work of the different scent coming from her and her overall appearance. She almost seemed more desperate, more eager to talk about something. Gosh, she had to be if she was calling for him.


alec May 12th, 2024 06:40 PM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

->> rookpaw <<-
[ she/they | shadowclan | 14moons | purrks ]
a scarred dark blueish grey and white cat with grey eyes
rook didnt doubt that blazingstar would hold his promise and return to speak to her again, he had sounded honest last time and she couldnt imagine there was a lot to do up in starclan anyway..that last part was a bit mean maybe.
"im fine but uh its rookpaw now." he had spoken in support of running away, not to another clan specifically, but he would understand right? "a lot happened. thunderclan raid, thats why i got the scars, birdsnow stepped down, you probably know all that-" she shook her head, why was she recounting this all to a spirit who had the ability to watch over them at all times. "uh whatever, i suppose, well, i suppose i took you advice. well, not advice advice but i ran away. i spoke to a kittypet recently, ended up in his dream by accident, n i thought about looking for him but i couldnt." and he also probably wouldnt have wanted her there anyway. "'dont think i could leave clan live behind, i met a cat a few moons back, shadowclan medicine cat, thought this might be my best choice and thats pretty much where i am now. got apprenticed under lostspark n all-" she continued to ramble, she couldve said all that with more controlled ease if she had prepared, but she hadnt prepared, stars she didnt even entirely decide on why she wanted to speak to him again. "honestly i dont entirely know why i called out to you again..it just felt like i had to"

SuspiciousMindz May 29th, 2024 12:18 AM

Re: blessed by the stars [p]

The former leaders eyes would soften, then grow thoughtful as Rookpaw spoke about her new life. While it was true the star cats watched the clans, it was hard to keep track of everyone moving around and doing what they do. Blazingstar had no idea about the move to ShadowClan, but it didn't seem to bother him. In fact, the tabby tom blinked gratefully towards the apprentice. "Well, Rookpaw," Blazingstar began with a half smile. "I'm glad you found somewhere you feel more comfortable in. ShadowClan will teach you well, I'm sure of it."

There wasn't much opinion on his end towards the clan, but there was a long, long, history of WindClan and ShadowClan allying and supporting each other. It ran back to his times, and it seemed that once these leaders got over their bumps, they figured it out too. ShadowClan was reliable despite the dark rumors. Rookpaw was sure to see that soon.

"Lostspark, eh?" Blazingstar hadn't really paid much attention the ShadowClan medicine cat. He didn't know much about her, but she took on this apprentice. That had to count towards something. "I'm sure you'll learn a lot from her. She's got quite the history. . ." the tabby would muse thoughtfully.

"You can call me for anything, even your life updates or gossip. Whatever you need. I'll always be here rooting for ya."

@alec - Rookpaw

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