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SuspiciousMindz February 2nd, 2024 08:56 AM

Chin Up, Kid [p]

He sat and waited. Someone was bound to find their way to this meadow. He merely closed his eyes and waited, thinking of WindClan in particular this time. Oh, how he missed the time he was alive, but at least he'd finally found a motivation to begin pestering them again.

Blazingstar only opened his eyes when the scent of WindClan overtook his senses. Golden eyes rested on a small apprentice this time and he tilted his head slightly. A smile would rest on his face in greeting, but he was polite and waited for the small cat to process where they were.

@ChaosBringer. -- Whisperingpaw

ChaosBringer. February 2nd, 2024 07:07 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whisperingpaw lay curled up, his eyes fluttering open. It was...calm here. It was different than when he visited Foxglovekiss. Whispringpaw stood up and shook out his fur and looked around, his dull eyes blazing like a flame. His head snapped over to the giant fluffy cat. Whisperingpaw jumped away and hissed, his fur bristling. "Who are you?!" The orange apprentice demanded, his usual sour mood pouring into his voice.

SuspiciousMindz February 3rd, 2024 11:56 AM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
A lighthearted chuckle escaped the fluffy tom as this feline woke up and snapped. His tail tip twitched behind him and he held up a paw as if he were trying to silence the younger cat before he got tackled.

"Whoa whoa whoa," Blazingstar started, eventually setting his paw back down, the grin returning to his face. "I'm Blazingstar, one of WindClan's former leaders. Twilightstar served under me as a warrior," he introduced himself, swishing his tail through the soft grass.

"Who might you be?"


ChaosBringer. February 3rd, 2024 08:41 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whispringpaw hissed as the senior warrior chuckled, his ears pinning back. No cat just got to laugh at him! Whisperingpaw snapped his jaws at the paw being held up, his tail lashing. Ew. This dead cat kept smiling and being all friendly. 'Blazingstar? Another leader? Gross.' Whisperingpaw kept his fur bristling and his ears pinned back as he spoke. "I'm Whispringpaw of Windclan. He hissed, his eyes sour and filled with soft grief and an ever-lasting rage never to be put out.

SuspiciousMindz February 3rd, 2024 09:12 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
A brow raised inquisitively at Whisperingpaw's reaction. The grin didn't leave his maw as he was physically threatened by the younger feline. "Not sure why you want to be so hostile towards your ancestors, but just know that doesn't work here and espeically not on me. I've met cats with wrose attitudes than you kiddo," Blazingstar spoke, a cockier tone to his voice.

"But go ahead and try your worst if you want, it'll be fun to watch you fall on your face," the fluffy tom winked, standing up. His tail swished behind him with thought. Would this apprentice truly try to tackle him or was he all bark and no bite?

"What's got you all riled up anyway?"


ChaosBringer. February 3rd, 2024 10:13 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whisperingpaw felt a small twinge of pride that the dead leader stopped smiling. Oh, he may be younger, but Whisperingpaw knew how to fight, and he had many cats who would teach him more. 'Why am I hostile? WHY AM I HOSTILE?' Whisperingpaw thought, his eyes blazing. The young tom didn't care one mouse-dung that this dead cat had seen cats with worse attitudes, it didn't mean anything to him. 'If I tried my worse, I'd be scarier than Dawnstar.'He thought bitterly, his gaze unmoving at he stared at Blazingingstar. "Why am I hostile? Why am I so riled up? Oh, I don't know. Where were you and all my other 'ancestors' when my parents abandoned me? Where were you when I was a lonely kit? Where were you when Berryfrost was murdered by Cowtuft? Where were you to comfort me through all of this? WHERE WERE YOU?!"

Whispringpaw spat all of this out with anger and grief, his claws unsheathing and digging into the ground. "Where were you when I needed you..?" He said softly, tears forming in his eyes.

@SuspiciousMindz @Rose [Berryfrost mention]

SuspiciousMindz February 4th, 2024 11:22 AM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
Blazingstar's ears would perk and his gaze would shift to one that was more remorseful. A small sigh would escape him and Blazingstar would dare to take a couple steps forward, closing the space between them. "Whisperingpaw, I'm sorry you've had to go through all that. I promise you were never alone," Blazingstar began gently.

"StarClan was watching and if you sought us out, I'm sorry that no one answered. Sometimes when ones faith is clouded, we can't physically get in contact with you. Did your faith ever waver?" The golden tom inquired.

Another step towards the apprentice.

"Let me tell you something. When I was alive, I lost my faith more than one time. I was a leader at that point too, so I've met StarClanners. I was blessed with their lives, but I still faltered. . ." he explained. ". . .And when I needed them the most, I couldn't get a hold of them. So believe me or not, I understand the pain you're facing: the anger, the resentment towards us, the grief," He continued.

One more step forward. The distance between them becoming very slim.

"But y'know what. I got to learn how to live on my own that way. Not be so dependent on StarClan because now that I'm here, I can understand there was not much we could do. What happened with Cowtuft and the cats who fell was. . ." his gaze would waver for a moment, "Well, it was awful, but Twilightstar did what she thought was best. The Clan did what they thought was best without our input. What happened to your clanmates was terrible, truly. Just understand, there was nothing we could do to stop it."

He paused as a tear ran down his own cheek.

"But please understand you were never alone and if you reach out from now on, I promise that I will at least answer your call."

The last step to close the distance and Blazingstar reached a paw out gently, he didn't care if Whisperingpaw tried to bite him.

He'd offer the apprentice his paw.

If they accepted it, he'd wrap his leg around their shoulders and bring them in for an embrace. If they didn't accept, well, he'd take whatever consequence he had coming and wouldn't judge the apprentice for it either.


ChaosBringer. February 6th, 2024 08:07 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whisperingpaw spat out a hiss, puffing out his fur as the dead cat walked a few paces forward. Whispringpaw has always liked his personal space, and this wasn't acceptable! He's...sorry..? He's sorry, he's sorry- The young feline thought, his legs telling him to run away and not stop until he found Stempaw or Leopardsong, but he didn't. "My faith was clouded, alright." Whisperingpaw hissed, his claws sheathing and unsheathing, ripping the grass up. 'Why does he keep coming closer?' He thought, standing his ground like a Shadowclan warrior. 'I don't wanna be here, I need Stempaw- I want Leopardsong!!' The tom's breathing started to get heavy as panic started to form in his mind. Whisperingpaw perked his ears softly and listened to the dead tom speak, his tail lashing slowly in the air. The young tom hissed again as Blazingstar stepped closer again, tears forming in his eyes. Now he was talking about Cowtuft..One of his least favorite subjects. 'Twilightstar did what she thought was best. Alright.. Whisperingpaw thought, glancing to the side as the older tom continued on. "Thank you..." He mumbled, the tears in his eyes starting to drip down his face as he watched Blazingstar step closer, the step that closed the distance between the two.

Not able to hold his feelings in anymore, Whispringpaw broke out into a heart-broken cry, his fur still bristling and puffed out as he leaned forward into Blazingstar's embrace. "I miss her! I miss her!" He cried out, tears pouring out of his eyes as he sobbed. "What if..sob What if I lose..Someone else? I can't bear to lose Leoparsong or Stempaw!!" Whisperingpaw said, his claws tearing up the ground he stood on.
@SuspiciousMindz @Rose @elaif (Extra mentions cuz why not)

SuspiciousMindz February 8th, 2024 08:41 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
Blazingstar felt his muscles relax as the apprentice surprisingly leaned into him. He didn't comment on it, instead just set his chin lightly on Whisperingpaw's head, offering a very soft, soothing purr. It wasn't one to present happiness, no, no -- it was simply an act a father would do to comfort his kin. That was how the former leader felt in the moment. A figure that needed to protect Whisperingpaw in their vulnerable moment.

"If you lose someone else, then we can grieve together," Blazingstar's voice came out soft, almost a whisper as he attempted to comfort the apprentice. "And if I can help it, you'll see them again. Whether that's here or not," the orange tom finished.

He'd allow Whisperingpaw whatever time he needed to grieve, to process. There would be no judgement in the orange tom's eyes or in the way he'd attempt to comfort him. He understood. It sucked and that's all there was to it. Inevitable outcomes for anyone in the clans.

At least he would be there for Whisperingpaw from now on.

He swore it.


ChaosBringer. February 10th, 2024 10:38 AM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whisperingpaw continued to sob and cry into Blazingstar's embrace, feeling slightly comforted by the purrs. It felt nice to have affection like this... Calm and comforting. Whisperingpaw had Leopardsong, but she had kits and queens to take care of, so he didn't wanna bother her with those problems. "Thank you, thank you.." Whisperingpaw mumbled in response, grateful for the kind words.

Whisperingpaw breathed softly for a while, with the occasional sob and whimper. The young tom smiled softly and nuzzled a bit further into Blazingstar's fur, not wanting to leave this calm and comforting place.

SuspiciousMindz February 17th, 2024 07:16 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
Blazingstar would wrap his tail tightly around Whisperingpaw, attempting to comfort the apprentice as he released the anger and sadness he had pent up. There was no further words Blazingstar could think of to help right now.

He understood.
That was all that mattered.

Whisperingpaw seemed to need understanding more than anything. Perhaps, he didn't have anything like this left in the living world? Blazingstar couldn't be sure without watching him specifically.

As the time went by, Blazingstar knew this apprentice would be awaking soon. Dreams felt like they lasted a long time, but they were merely minutes. He'd finally clear his throat once he felt Whiserpingpaw was almost done with his sobbing. "Do you need anything else? Before you awaken?" Blazingstar inquired softly.


ChaosBringer. February 21st, 2024 05:57 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whisperingpaw sniffled as he felt a tail wrap around him, trembling softly against the star cat. His tail twitched after a while, grateful for Blazingstar and his comfort and understanding. It was all...Refreshing. It was refreshing to have someone to cry to, and to have someone to tell all your problems too. Whisperingpaw couldn't imagine what his denmates were seeing in the waking world. When he went quiet for a while and Blazingstar spoke, Whisperingpaw lifted his head up slightly to glance up at the old warrior. "Would you be alright t-...teaching me some battle moves? Or just some self-defense? He asked, his tone surprisingly polite and calm.


SuspiciousMindz February 27th, 2024 09:17 AM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
Blazingstar would contemplate the question for a moment. It'd been a really long time since he'd trained anyone. Whisperingpaw happened to be the first to inquire about training, actually. His tail tip would twitch for a moment, long enough that they could've assumed he was going to deny them such a request.

"Sure, I could do that for you. I might be a little rusty, but I can assist with that," Blazingstar would finally speak, his gaze resting on the apprentice for a moment. Was this the right choice?

"What do you need more help with? Defense or offense?"


ChaosBringer. February 29th, 2024 07:51 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]

Whisperingpaw glanced around the area as he waited for an answer from Blazingstar. He'd gotten training from multiple sources, but most or close to all were offense. It would be nice to be able to defend himself if he ever did get into a fight. Whisperingpaw smiled excitedly as Blazingstar accepted his request, softly coming to his paws and backing away so he could stretch. He arched his back inna stretch and shook out one leg at a time. "Defence would be nice..I've learned mostly offense." Whisperingpaw explained, turning to face Blazingstar.


SuspiciousMindz March 1st, 2024 10:43 PM

Re: Chin Up, Kid [p]
"Then let's not waste anymore time, okay?" Blazingstar's voice changed. It held more confidence and challenge. The orange tabby rose to his paws, giving his own limbs a quick stretch before crouching down. His gaze focused on the young cats frame. His gaze flicked to his shoulder, a signal, a test to see how Whisperingpaw would respond to him.

True to WindClan's name, the former leader shot forward at lightning speed. His sheathed paw aimed at his shoulder. Blazingstar didn't know what the apprentice did and didn't know, so what basic dodge would he attempt?


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