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dionysus October 10th, 2016 01:52 PM

Adelaide's Decision
Adelaide is a kittypet. She always has been. She was born to an award-winning siamese show cat. Her twoleg was a breeder and shower. Since Adelaide was the closest of her litter to her mother's looks, she stayed at the breeder's house when the rest of her siblings were sold.

As Adelaide grew up, she was put through show training by her twoleg and personal training on how to be a proper she-cat by her abusive mother. Her mother was careful not to leave any marks that showed, but Adelaide still had a few hidden scars from her mother. She was taught to sit still and not ask questions and not do anything that might get her fur dirty. It truly was a boring lifestyle.

One day, she was placed in a cat show. It was a horrid experience for the poor molly with all those other cats and twolegs staring at her and poking her. She won the show and a rich person took a liking to her. He offered her owner a very very large sum of money for her offspring. Though the breeder hadn't been intending to breed her until after she was retired from cat shows, he was a greedy man and agreed.

The buyer supplied his own award-winning siamese tom to be the sire and soon Adelaide was having kits against her will. Eventually, she had the kits and grew ill. Adelaide heard that her kits were to be taken from her to give to the buyer, and, despite her illness, gathered them up and escaped. She left her entire life behind to keep them, though she hadn't wanted them, because once they were there she loved them dearly.

The she-cat traveled for along time, getting sicker and sicker. Eventually she made it to ThunderClan. Having never heard about the clans, she was scared, but Adelaide knew she was dying and couldn't leave her kits to fend for themselves in the forest. The molly stumbled through the entrance into camp and collapsed, begging them to take in her kits. A queen offered to nurse them and the medicine cat took Adelaide, who had fallen unconscious. The medicine cat eventually managed to nurse Adelaide back to health and she was reunited with her kits. Deciding a large group of wild cats was the safest place for her kits, Adelaide asked for them to stay. She also knew, however, that she couldn't leave her kits and decided to stay with them and join the clan.

Adelaide became a queen in the clan and took care of her kits while also learning how to be a warrior. She met a kind ThunderClan tom who was kind and helped her. They fell in love. Eventually, she was given her warrior name, Cloudysky, and became mates with the ThunderClan toms. Her kits went on to become apprentices and eventually warriors and Adelaide and her mate had more kits and lived happily ever after.

Adelaide's Character Page

This plot is going to start with her taking her kits and leaving her house. Then we will timeskip to her stumbling into ThunderClan.

Roles Needed
(Most Needed, Really Wanted, Wanted)

Tom 1 (Purebred siamese) (Father to the kits)

Kits (I'm thinking 4, but I will accept 5 if I really like another kit. They will have French names to start out with. Please give their kit/warrior name. You can supply the French name too if you wish, otherwise I will supply it since it will only be a part of the Role Play until they are accepted into the Clan.

ThunderClan tom

Queen (The ThunderClan queen who watches the kits while Adelaide is in the medicine den. She may also need to bring the kits to be checked up on and to visit Adelaide with Zero's permission.)

Kitty pet friends

ThunderClan friends

RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before)

I will accept links

Mango October 10th, 2016 04:07 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: Kit
Name: Paris/Iriskit-paw-leaf/Iris.
Gender: she-cat
Age: 1 moon old or whatever age they are suppose to be
Rank?: Kittypet-Kit
Clan?: Thunderclan
Personality: A sarcastic, sharp-tounged she-cat who snorts alot in amusement, learns that from a warrior who's become her mentor. She will soon start joking other cats, meaning it to be harmless, but ending up hurting them. She tries to fit in, but just can't really, but she knows the kittypet lifestyle wouldn't suite her at all, and dreams of a place where she is accepted and probably as a warrior will run away in early warriorhood unable to fit in where her life will continue with a group of cats like her, but she will return eventually after she learns that group is evil and then leave again from the bullying she gets, and stay in the DS for a while, but then realise she never fits in there either, she'll come back and then maybe later she'll try to be a kittypet, but get tormented for her attitude and leave for Thunderclan, and instead of taking this tom who wants her will turn around and commit suiside at 28 moons old.
Appearance: a dark siamese with amber eyes and a sleek tail short claws.
RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before)
Iris stood at the ridge, the tom was holding his paw out," Please, beautiful Irisleaf, come join me in Thunderclan, you'll be welcome with me, your siblings and parents miss you, I beg you...join me in Thunderclan, and if you don't want to be in Thunderclan then we can leave and be loners together and have a family, I beg you, join me!" he pleaded
Iris snapped at the tom," It's Iris, and I am not returning, I don't belong anywhere!"
The tom breathed," Please Irisleaf...ermm... Iris...You don't belong a kittypet, rouge, clan cat, DS cat, but you would be a perfect loner... It would be just us and maybe kits later on.... All I want is you to be with me, I'll do anything, if you'll be mine!"
Iris gave him a look of pity," You belong in Thunderclan, I am not saving myself to be your slave who sits around being pretty and cute and perky or raising kits for you, nor am I gonna live in this horrible world, you can find another she-cat, I just was a mistake, My mother doesn't want me, she was forced to have me...,"
The tom bit his lip," Please...," he teared up as blood came from his lip and Iris jumped off the cliff as her whole life flashed before her and she died. Turns out... Starclan isn't as good as she imagined.( LOL)

The Cannibal October 10th, 2016 05:02 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
{I'll apply for a kit when I get home!}

Ivy October 10th, 2016 05:13 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Role: ThunderClan Friend/Kit
Name: Violeteye/Corbeau (It means Raven....<3)
Gender: Female/Male
Age: 29 Moons/1 Moon
Rank?: Warrior/None until is accepted into Clan so then itd be a kit
Clan?: ThunderClan/ N/A until accepted
Personality: Violeteye is a fiery she cat with a short temper to add with it. She can be claustrophobic and often has trouble staying on task as she gets distracted easily. However, she can be a very sweet molly, especially to her mate and children. She doesent have many friends as her protective mate often takes up most of her time, but Violeteye tries. / Corbeau is a sweet little kitten who wants nothing to do more than explore the world around him. He enjoys being picked up by the scruff and carried. He also loves it whenever someone grooms him as well. Unfortunately, Corbeau has some insecurities. His tail, for example, is one thing. The poor tom's tail is a stump now thanks to another kit who bullied him before his mother took he and his littermates away. He is also very self concious about his appearance as well and hates it when cats stare at his stumpy tail. Corbeau also cant accept that not every cat can be his friend and tries a little too hard to be someone's friend.
Appearance: http://orig07.deviantart.net/bf59/f/...nlyangel55.jpg / http://www.мусяка.рф/attachments/Ima...mplate=generic
RP Sample: Weve roleplayed

dionysus October 10th, 2016 05:19 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 6535)

Role: ThunderClan Friend/Kit
Name: Violeteye/Corbeau (It means Raven....<3)
Gender: Female/Male
Age: 29 Moons/1 Moon
Rank?: Warrior/None until is accepted into Clan so then itd be a kit
Clan?: ThunderClan/ N/A until accepted
Personality: Violeteye is a fiery she cat with a short temper to add with it. She can be claustrophobic and often has trouble staying on task as she gets distracted easily. However, she can be a very sweet molly, especially to her mate and children. She doesent have many friends as her protective mate often takes up most of her time, but Violeteye tries. / Corbeau is a sweet little kitten who wants nothing to do more than explore the world around him. He enjoys being picked up by the scruff and carried. He also loves it whenever someone grooms him as well. Unfortunately, Corbeau has some insecurities. His tail, for example, is one thing. The poor tom's tail is a stump now thanks to another kit who bullied him before his mother took he and his littermates away. He is also very self concious about his appearance as well and hates it when cats stare at his stumpy tail. Corbeau also cant accept that not every cat can be his friend and tries a little too hard to be someone's friend.
Appearance: http://orig07.deviantart.net/bf59/f/...nlyangel55.jpg / http://www.мусяка.рф/attachments/Ima...mplate=generic
RP Sample: Weve roleplayed

Thanks so much for posting, but I asked for clan name too :) He'll have it most of his life so I think you should create it.

Ivy October 10th, 2016 05:38 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
His name shast be Ravenkit! Ravencaw later

dionysus October 10th, 2016 05:40 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 6572)
His name shast be Ravenkit! Ravencaw later


Ivy October 10th, 2016 06:05 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Am I accepted? ^^" If not thats fine

The Cannibal October 10th, 2016 06:09 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Name: Valentíne/Fallowkit/Fallowpaw/Fallowpath
Gender: Male
Age: (However old the kits are)
Rank?: Kit
Clan?: Kittypet then Thunderclan
Personality: Valentíne will be a very organized young tom, borderline perfectionist, liking things only when they are exactly how he wants them and nothing different. And when it is different, he will tend to get very agitated, though he's all bark and no bite, most of the time he will simply tell you off, get angry, but never resort to violence because he isn't a very violent kit at all. He cooperates well with others, so long as things aren't out of place and they simply go along with how perfect he likes things to be, he won't question orders once he's become an apprentice/warrior and will happily serve his clan. Overall he's relatively friendly, doesn't bully others and helps others if they ask for help, though he won't go out of his way if they don't ask, and finally he has a paralyzing fear of lizards, it's a strange fear and really no one knows how he got it, but that's the one thing that will cause him to literally become paralyzed with fear.
Appearance: [ref1] [ref2] [ref3]

Fel October 10th, 2016 06:40 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: Kit
Name: Emilie [future; winterkit / winterpaw / winterberry]
Gender: She-kit [demi; afab]
Age: 1 moon
Rank?: Kit
Clan?: Kittypet [future; thunderclan]
Personality: Emilie is a cat who can seem a bit hard to get, but the kit knows how to get things done. She isn't the quietest, often speaking up whenever she can and making sure her opinions are voiced. She's hot-tempered and fiery, never letting any cat get the best of her without the opportunity for revenge, served up in a second. In fact, Emilie doesn't mind playing dirty against an opponent if they speak for something she doesn't like, and often needs evidence and receipts to prove any facts, disregarding ideas if they can't be proven outright. Due to this idea, she doesn't really have a belief in Starclan, thinking it's just a strange religion that some cats choose to follow- but she doesn't. Emilie doesn't have many friends due to this, but if a cat can prove their loyalty to her, she'll always have their backs, never going down without a proper fight. She doesn't like to compromise, and is extremely stubborn, with values implanted into her head like a rose is planted into the ground- and like a rose, she's got thorns. She gets annoyed and frustrated quite easily, and her determination to prove herself can end up with her blowing her own fuse, and getting mad at cats who didn't seem to do anything wrong. Sometimes she'll try to be nice, but if cats have a hard time getting what she says or don't like just one word in her sentence, she'll get ready for a full-blown war. Emilie's always ready to go and explore, to experiment and discover, and she'll often try to bring any friends she has along- and when she says 'try', it means 'will.' She won't stop at anything to get her way, whether it's good or bad- so unless she's got her full trust in you and vice versa, it would be good to watch your backs when you're dealing with this kitten.
Appearance: Reference 1 | Reference 2 | Emilie is a kitten with longer fur than her mother, which comes from a recessive gene on her father's side of the family, generations down. She's proud of her fur, but often finds it a bit hard to manage, and it gets very messy if she forgets to groom it for even a couple of days. The kitten has bright blue eyes which can often feel like they're staring into you, being the same color as Riverclan's streams and the night sky above the clans, a deeper, but still bright blue. The prefix Winter- comes from her coat, and though it's not a traditional 'season name', it was popularized with the late leader Winterstar of Shadowclan, and is now more acceptable to use. Emilie has big, sturdy paws and an easy way for herself to balance, but the rest of her body is smaller than the paws, with her physical strength generally depleting as a kit, and she often has to go see the medicine cats for treatment, being a rather sickly kitten. She despises this weakness and tries to hide it, but it's quite hard for her, with coughing fits and the inability to fight very well.
RP Sample: we've RPed before c;

Caligo Everton October 10th, 2016 06:49 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: thunderclap tom
Name: duskpelt
Gender: male
Age: 30 moons I think
Rank?: warrior
Clan?: thunder clan
Personality: Kind loving
Appearance: gray tabby with amber eyes
RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before): duskpelt stretched and started to get up. He felt a pain in his side. He looked over and saw blood everywhere suddenly a wave of blood came rushing into the warriors den. He gasped he was awake he was alive he felt the moss under his pelt.
Other: has a mate and a kit but is not happy with them and is considering a new mate.

dionysus October 10th, 2016 06:51 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Thank you all for your forms. I won't be choosing yet, but I shouldn't be too long. I will most likely accept the roles within this week.

@Ivy, don't worry hun, I haven't chosen yet. I'll let you know when I do :heart bounce:

Just a quick note to clarify things, Adelaide didn't want her kits because she was forced into having them as it says in the plot, but she loved them as soon as they arrived, to her surprise. She never told her kits about not wanting to have them in the beginning and loves them dearly in thoughts, words, and actions. They have no reason to doubt this, though she does feel a bit guilty at her original anger at having kits.

lost October 10th, 2016 07:05 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: kit
Name: Daykit - Daypaw - Dayskip (former: Soleil)
Gender: Bigender [female/agender)
Age: 1 moon
Rank?: Kit
Clan?: Kittypet/ThunderClan
Personality: Daykit is a quiet kit who takes life a bit too seriously and her situation in high regards. She doesn't feel she has time to be fun, that there is only time for proving herself and her family to the clan. So she can be a bit of a party pooper, ruining the fun of her siblings and refusing to play when she has nothing else to do. INstead she'll watch, fighting her cravings as a young kit to tackle anything that moves. However, there are a few instances where she suddenly cracks down and indulges in the 'fun' but after a while she realizes what she has done and is in an extremely sour mood. As she grows older she'll only become more strict with her ideals of proving herself, and it might cause he to detach from her family, though she still values them greatly and loves them, she is easily distracted by her desire for work.
Appearance: Reference Soleil is almost an exact copy of her mother, though her dark body is not as severe and she has more lighter parts, especially around her neck. Her eyes are also lighter, being an icy blue. She is a larger cat for her age, which gives her more muscle and skills as a fighter than a hunter.
RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before) I think we've rped before but if you want one I'll add one!

Dust October 10th, 2016 07:38 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: Thunderclan Tom

Name: Honeywhisker

Gender: Male

Age: 34 moons

Rank?: Warrior

Clan?: Thunderclan

Personality: Here

Appearance: Here

RP Sample: Raising her head slowly from her nest, the leader blinked against the harsh sunlight that filtered into her den. It outlined the silhouette of Sparrowclaw, her deputy. Closing her eyes for a second longer the leader pulled herself hesitantly from her nest and shook lingering pieces of moss from her pelt. "Good morning to you too, Sparrowpelt." Her tone was lighthearted for a brief moment before she returned to her usual serious demeanor. "We should be sending out any and all hunting patrols today. We need to be prepared for leaf-bare, we lost so many during the tri-" Phantomstar's voice wavered for a minute as she gained back her composure. "-we know what to expect from this area now...." She trailed off as she ushered the deputy to follow her out of her den.

Padding out into the clearing, Phantomstar raised her head and inhaled deeply, the scent of the forest, prey, and possible rain washing over her. Their new home was truly beautiful. Despite the harsh leaf-bare that claimed many cats their first moon here, new-leaf had come and with it bountiful prey, incredible amounts of herbs --even some that had not grown in their old forest--, and, what the clan had truly needed, new litters of kits. Pride washed over the molly as her gaze rested on each clan-mate that scampered around the clearing. "I'll have to take a journey by sun high." Watching her Deputy through intent eyes, she continued, "I still haven't received my nine lives so I'm going to head over to the Moonridge." Flexing her claws, the leader sat down and closed her eyes, the warm sun beating down on her long fur. A gentle breeze buffeted her coat as she thought about her journey to the Moonridge. It wasn't exactly a ridge, it was on a ridge a bit away's from camp but the actual place was in a cave that two warriors had found by chance one day. Phantomstar had still not received her lives; honestly she was afraid to face her deceased clanmates. Would they all hate her for leaving them? Did they believe that she could have stopped Froststar in some way? Would Froststar even be there? Pulling herself from her thoughts, Phantomstar opened her eyes and addressed the deputy again. "Sparrowclaw, you'll be in charge while I'm gone, for right now though could you get together a hunting patrol?" She flicked her tail and pulled herself onto her haunches.

Brunch October 10th, 2016 07:40 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: Kit
Name: Blanc {Future; Whitekit, Whitepaw, Whitethorn}
Gender: Female, Molly, She-cat
Age: Unborn I presume?
Rank: Kittypet-kit {Future: ThunderClan kit, apprentice, warrior}
Clan: Kittypet {Future: ThunderClan}
Personality:Outgoing and free-spirited is a way to describe Blanc. This young she-cat loves to run around and play, though she sometimes prefers to play with herself, Blanc has a ball with her siblings when she has a chance to play with them. Blanc loves to hide and play tricks on her kin; she thinks it's fun, but doesn't realize how badly it is for her and her kin. Her free-spiritedness comes from how Blanc always wondered about the outside, and when Adelaide took her and her siblings out, she knew that she was meant to be out there, and be a real cat.
Blanc can be like any cat, sassy and a bit rude at times, though this doesn't exactly come out too much, it is still obviously there. Along with the rudeness and the sassiness, Blanc can be a little bit selfish, wanting things her way and sometimes not thinking about what others want or their feelings. Again, this doesn't come out in her personality too much, but it's still there. Blanc wants things her way or no way, so getting her out of the house when they leave, will be a big problem for her. Blanc gets this trait from being a kittypet and getting anything she wanted from her housefolks; this will wear off a little bit as she grows older.
Other than her sassiness and rudeness, Blanc is actually quite a nice cat; she looks out for other cats when she isn't thinking about herself. She loves to help others, and will put the problem as a main priority over her own health, as though she has to prove herself.
This also brings up another one of Blanc's traits; she feels as though she has to prove herself to every cat in the forest. When Blanc is looked at by her clanmates, she feels as though they are judging her for her past life, and her main goal in life is to show them that she can be as good as them, which is the only thing that makes her get up in the morning while she is an apprentice.
I'm just rambling now, I should stop
Apperance: ref 1 ref 2 ref 3
Roleplay Sample: Ashenkit looked up at the cats, her tail flicking gently behind her. The young she-cat thought that the cats had only come in to bring her family some prey, though she had no idea what was about to hit her. Ashenkit yawned softly and curled up in her nest next to Redkit, her rust-grey coat shining pleasantly in the soft sunshine peaking through the ferns. Ready to settle down for a small nap, Ashenkit suddenly realized something: they had no prey . The she-cat's amber eyes popped open suddenly, and she scrutinized the cats more clearly; Tawnybird looked somewhat ready to combust with nervousness, while Lemonstar, who she knew as Lemonwhisper looked very solemn. Ashenkit's stomach turned inside her, and she looked at her paws as she flexed her claws into the moss. Gulping down her fears of what they were about to deliver, in a frightened squeak, Ashenkit mewed, "Why are you here?" The she-cat didn't mean for it to come out so rudely, but in her mind, a little voice was saying, it’s better to ask now than wait...
Ashenkit tried to silent the voice, but it kept getting louder and louder, WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO SOMEONE? Ashenkit's amber eyes started to water as the voice grew louder to almost a shriek, repeating itself over and over. It slowly died though, into a whisper of nonsense that that the young she-cat couldn't comprehend, and quite honestly, she didn't want to in case it turned into the horrible shrieking again that silenced the whole world.
The kit's chin started quiver, and Ashenkit thought that she was going to burst into a sob when the voice said, Calm yourself, you're in front of warriors, they don't want to see you cry, do they? Ashenkit thought on the voice's answer for a second and decided that it was right. She took a deep gulp of the milky air of the nursery; she knew that nothing was going to be okay, but she also knew that she had to stay together for her siblings, who may not be able to handle the news that she somehow knew was coming. Ashenkit didn't want to ponder on what the news might be, but she knew enough on the expressions on the cats' faces that whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

Hexict October 10th, 2016 08:56 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
( my small text makes my form look smaller :( )Role- Kit
Name- Acelet | Rowankit or Noblekit | Rowanpaw or Noblepaw | Rowanoak or Noble___
Gender- Tom
Age- Newborn
Rank?- Kit
Clan?- None | Thunderclan
Personality- Acelet isn't like many cats that are for show. He honestly doesn't care about his looks - and may even prefer to look rugged due to not wanting to be affiliated with the show cats, and he acts just as rugged. He's a tough guy, one who loves adventure and taking risks. Despite the risk taking, he hardly ever breaks rules or go against orders. He's ware that when he was a young kit, the Thunderclan allowed them to live there, leaving him with a sense of endless loyalty and is desperate to prove himself to the clan. He's not necessarily a violent cat, and would rather talk things out than fight over something. Despite this, he is willing to defend Thunderclan with tooth and claw as well as give his life for it. Acelet also has a softer side, and he's extremely friendly towards almost everyone he meets - but can have trouble with cats outside of Thunderclan. He doesn't like to have enemies and loves to be around other cats. He's even friendlier towards his family, and does truly care for them... even more than he cares for Thunderclan. Though he never knew his father, he does love his mother and she's a role model for him and he is similar to her. Like her, he likes to speak his mind - but he does know when to hold his tongue. He is also curious like her, and tends to love listening to stories. He is extremely determined to finish what he starts and doesn't like to leave things undone. Due to Acelet being endlessly loyal to Thunderclan, he tends to be close-minded when it came to outsiders, even other loners like he use to be, and is prepared to fight anyone that even approaches the Thunderclan territory even if they aren't a threat in anyway. This prevents him from befriending cats in other clans and doesn't like to mingle at gathering - in fact, he prefers not to attend gatherings. though this does put a damper on his personality and limits the amount of people he tries to befriend, it doesn't change the fact that he truly is a very friendly and kind tom, and would like to befriend many of his clanmates. Acelet is a great fighter and good hunter, and will always try to become better so he can be the best warrior for his clan and make sure that nobody ever messes with them. Since he is this loyal, he can also be manipulated into doing nearly anything as long as he is told that it's for the best for Thunderclan and he is protecting his beloved clan. Once he become loyal to someone, he finds it difficult to turn on that loyalty, no matter who they are and what they did. This involved his family, friends and role model if he trusts them and if loyal.
Appearance- | ref | Due to his preferred rugged look, Acelet's fur is a bit mattered and it's appearance that he doesn't groom it as often as he does. Like other Siamese cats, he has the tan base coat with the dark brown points that cover his legs, face, tail and ears. He is a tall and very muscular tom since he is constantly trying to get better to become a warrior worthy of Thunderclan. Acelet's eyes are a dull green, and depending on the lighting they could have a flash of blue as well.

dionysus October 10th, 2016 09:02 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Thanks for the posts
@Hex, is that name French? I don't know of any French words that look like that.

Hexict October 10th, 2016 09:16 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 7023)
Thanks for the posts
@Hex, is that name French? I don't know of any French words that look like that.

Yeah, I don't know any French names so I looked it up... it means "noble at birth" and I thought it was something that Adelaide's owners would name on of her kits

Empress Of Evil October 11th, 2016 01:47 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: Kit
Name: Astrid-Weatherkit-Weatherpaw-Weather?
(Name Origin: Weather-The way her mood changes so suddenly. Read the personality and you might understand better)
Gender: Female
Age: 1 moon? Unless they are meant to be some other age
Rank?: Kittypet/Kit
Clan?: ThunderClan
Personality: Weatherkit is one of those cats whose personality, changes really suddenly and gets rather 'too much' of something. Like for example, if she was happy, she would be really happy. Or if she was sad, she would be full out depressed. Her mood goes too high. There is no in between for her personality. Weatherkit can also do 'too much' through her actions. Like say for example, Weatherkit was in a nice mood. (Or in her case, 'too nice') Say some cat asked her for a piece of moss from her nest. Weatherkit would give them her whole nest. So yeah, I think you get an idea of what I saying, basically she doesn't have a in between. Just a 'too much' of something. Weatherkit mood changes really suddenly all the time. Like one moment she could be super duper happy, the next she could be really really depressed. She's one mood changing cat. Not to forget, Weatherkit overreacts over small things. Like say she accidently said something that was just a little rude to someone. She would realise her mistake and immediately become depressed. She would constantly be apologising and you would notice that she would have tears in her eyes all the time. To get her to stop overreacting you need to be patient. Just keep saying it's ok and soon you'll find she is slowly forgeting about it. Though it does take quite a while. Many others think that Weatherkit is weird. I mean like, she is a cat who has 'too much' of a personality, her mood changes so suddenly and she overreacts over really small things for a long time. So it's quite hard for me to explain and i'd love to make her personality longer and tell you more but because of Weatherkit's constant mood changes, I can't do much more. It really just depends on which mood she's in. Like if she's in a good mood, she'll try really hard to be helpful and encouraging. If she's in a bad mood she might try to hurt some cats.
Appearance: Ref 1|Ref 2|Ref 3|Ref 4|
Weatherkit is a beautiful siamese she cat. She is slender and lean. Weatherkit's paws and legs are all a very dark brown, on the edge of turning a black shade. Her ears and tail tip are too. Weatherkit has beautiful icy orbs for eyes, that have a glint when reflected off with the sun. Weatherkit has a build that makes her quite strong and agile. She isn't bulky and muscly but she's not skinny as in you can see her bones skinny.
RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before) [This is from another site. It was a roleplaying contest thing I had with some friends. This is one post of it]
Sorrelstripe growled, her eyes glistening with pure rage. "Those territory stealing fish lovers!" She exclaimed angrily. "Listen up!" Hailstar called from the highbranch. He looked calm but really that was just a mask that covered up his pure anger. "ThunderClan is the next clan who they probably will target, WindClan is too far. I will take a patrol with me and we'll go warn them" He announced. "Cedarheart, Nightash, Ravenflight and Poppyburst, you will come with me" he said. "Cloudrain, you are in charge while i'm gone" he said to his deputy as he lept off the highbranch. Cloudrain nodded, though the deputy looked rather uncertain that Hailstar was going to warn Willowstar. Afterall, since when did a clan help another? Though Hailstar didn't seem to notice his deputies doubts and he beckoned to the cats he had called for the patrol. "Sorrelstripe, Starlingclaw, Hawkdive and Frostcloud go see Foxwhisker and Sagepaw" he said to the warriors. The warriors walked towards the medicine den, still angry at the RiverClan cats. "Lets go" he said to his patrol and walked out of camp.

Hailstar looked around. His patrol of warriors followed behind him, very alert and cautious. "What are you doing here?" A sudden voice growled from behind him. Hailstar whipped around and saw it was only a ThunderClan cat. "I need to talk to Willowstar" he said. "About what?" The cat, Dapplecloud to be exact asked. "Business that needs to be discussed with Willowstar" he said, not giving anything away. Dapplecloud narrowed her eyes and scanned the forest to see if there were more cats. Clearly the ThunderClan she cat wasn't very keen on bringing Hailstar and his patrol to the camp. "We are not here to attack" Hailstar said. Dapplecloud was still suspicious but turned and walked towards the camp, flicking her tail as a sign for them to follow.

"So what do you want?" Willowstar asked, though it was clear to see she honestly did not care one bit what Hailstar wanted to say. She hadn't seem very pleased when Hailstar had been brought to the camp but to keep peace she brought him to her den to speak privately. "RiverClan" Hailstar replied. "They tried taking some of our territory" he said. "And?" She asked, her gaze unmoving and bored. She really did not care that RiverClan had tried to take ShadowClan's territory. Afterall, it didn't concern ThunderClan so why would she even have a second thought about it? "I believe they will act again and try ThunderClan next" he said. This brought in Willowstar's attention and her eyes flickered with rage. Willowstar growled and slammed her paw on the ground. "Never" she said hissing softly. "Liar!" She hissed at Hailstar. "RiverClan would never try to take our territory. They fear us enough to not try" Willowstar said, her eyes accusing. Hailstar looked alarmed, he clearly did not expect that. "How much dumber could you get Hailstar? RiverClan don't wish to take our territory. They have many different plans that include ShadowClan. Not ThunderClan or WindClan" Willowstar sneered. She knew that RiverClan planned on driving ShadowClan out, yet she didn't know that the truce she had created with RiverClan would soon shatter.

dionysus October 11th, 2016 05:46 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Thanks for the post

@Hex, I still can't find anything on it, but I'm fine with keeping it. I doubt anyone will look it up. If you just picked it cause it's French, I can supply other names, but If you like it I say let's keep it :)

Hexict October 11th, 2016 05:57 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 7306)
Thanks for the post

@Hex, I still can't find anything on it, but I'm fine with keeping it. I doubt anyone will look it up. If you just picked it cause it's French, I can supply other names, but If you like it I say let's keep it :)

Here's the site I found it on... I do hope that these are really French names :wut:

dionysus October 11th, 2016 06:06 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 7311)
Here's the site I found it on... I do hope that these are really French names :wut:

Okidoki, I see it :3

Empress Of Evil October 11th, 2016 06:29 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
I was just wondering, is there a particular date or something that you're picking roles on?

dionysus October 11th, 2016 06:48 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 7318)
I was just wondering, is there a particular date or something that you're picking roles on?

I intend to pick kits either tomorrow or Friday. Most likely tomorrow around 6 EST.

Gusty October 11th, 2016 06:48 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Role: Tom 1 {Father of the kits}
Name: Apollo
Gender: Male {he, him, his}
Age: 17 moons old
Rank?: Kittypet; he is a show cat similarly to Adelaide, and lives under the protection of a rich twoleg.
Clan?: N/A
Personality: What exactly Apollo does depends on his varying mood, and who exactly he's around with. Around his owners, Apollo is a rather lazy feline. After all, he simply needs to look his best during the competitions. The twolegs- who don't know his true traits- will loftily classify him as "shy, following, and obedient." Alas, all these traits simply goes out the window when they're not around. When his owners simply let him graze outside in their large estate, Apollos can be quite braggy. Due to his Siamese pelt and vibrant blue eyes, this tom is known as one of the handsomest in the town and he's quite proud of it. He'll boast of all his achievements to every single four-legged creature out there, no matter if they'll listen or not. This classifies him as talkative and annoying. On top of that, he can be quite flirty to the she-cats. The tom simply cannot help himself, and it comes as a treat when his owners decide to breed him with another cute molly. Adelaide would be no exception to this idea, of course, and he would end up fathering her litter.
Appearance: Apollo is a rather handsome feline. He is a purebred Siamese tom, with a cream base and a chocolatey brown muzzle. His fur is always well-combed and never rowdy; scenting of flowers and a hint of mint. As for his orbs, Apollo has crystal-blue eyes.
RP Sample: Heatherbird listened to Cobraspirit's words, and felt her throats draw tight with each statement. She could hardly breath; it was like she was suffocating. "W-w-what?" The queen asked. It was more of a statement than a question, and she didn't allow the StarClan warrior to answer. "Why him...?" Her words were quiet and serious. She already convinced herself-a mere five minutes ago- that Patchkit would survive. It must have been fate that the exact opposite would happen.
Fate, cruel fate. The queen could almost feel her heart break into a million pieces. "Patchkit is so young." She sobbed, trying her hardest to have control over her emotions. "He shouldn't pass away so early. This is so cruel." Her eyes blinked back the formation of tears.
Her mind relished a memory of Patchkit suckling her; the way his little heart pounded; the way he squirmed every so often. She never believed that these things would be so important to her. Soon enough, all of it would be gone. Whisked away like the wind. {Taken from StarClan Territory}

seasalt October 11th, 2016 07:16 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Role: kit.
Name: Alayna - duskkit - duskpaw - duskspirit(Alayna means in french ; beautiful.)
Gender: she-kit [ female ]
Age: what ever the age will be.
Rank?: kit.
Clan?: kittypet - thunderclan.(in the mere future)
Personality: One of the most timid and quiet of the litter,Alayna often clings to her mother for some protection,making her seem like a coward.She doesn't really talk that much,and can be forgotten easily.This she-kit loves to collect things,and has a very bouncy additude when she's around her siblings.Alayna doesn't really want to hurt anyone,and is often the first thing a bully would go to pester and toy with.Alayna doesn't really care how she looks that much,and can be seen with mud on her paws,from trying to catch butterflies.With a very deep entergetic and playful streak,she loves to play,but not with her siblings that well,and often plays with grass,bugs,or probably just anything.She can be put off as really sensitive and emotional,such as being taken away from her mother,or being bullied,it really doesn't matter,she will wail and cry alot.
Appearance: a siamese she cat with a chocolate point,and dark brown tabby stripes,green eyes.alayna is probably the most skinny,but not scrawniest kit you could see.she is one the...unique kits of the litter,with dark brown tabby markings covering almost everywhere,and white front paws,its not hard to notice that she doesn't just have simese genes.(the dark tabby stripes can be from her great grandmother,cuz I wanna spice things up,if thats alright.but if you want me to to change it,that is alright aswell.)
RP Sample:
(taken from another roleplay site)The ginger molly was out in the clearing licking at her front right paw.She looked like a bright flame in the clearing,the sun shining bright in the sky.For once,the molly looked happy.Her dark ginger and white striped tabby tail flicked as she groomed herself.Suddenly,her belly rumbled with hunger,sighing,the tabby trotted over to the freshkill pile with a silent huff.She debated what she should today.Squirrel...or thrush?Squirrel...or thrush,...shrew?The ginger molly thought,shaking her small head.She poked her paw into the pile,snatching out a small shrew.Better than nothing.Applepaw thought sacrcasticly.Her amber optics looked at Shadowpaw and Ebonypaw.She scoffed,trotting away back to where she sat before,dropping the shrew onto the ground.The ginger tabby sat down,starting to munch on it,musty scents drifting into her maw.The molly relished it for one moment,before devouring it,only the bones left.Her shredded left ear twitched as she buried the bones,because bones are gross,as Applepaw often thought.She lifted her somewhat,small head,and her amber optics glaring around the clearing.Huffing,the apprentice retreated into the apprentices den,tired of being bored with everyone..any..longer.

Hexict October 11th, 2016 11:28 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 7013)
( my small text makes my form look smaller :( )Role- Kit
Name- Acelet | Rowankit or Noblekit | Rowanpaw or Noblepaw | Rowanoak or Noble___
Gender- Tom
Age- Newborn
Rank?- Kit
Clan?- None | Thunderclan
Personality- Acelet isn't like many cats that are for show. He honestly doesn't care about his looks - and may even prefer to look rugged due to not wanting to be affiliated with the show cats, and he acts just as rugged. He's a tough guy, one who loves adventure and taking risks. Despite the risk taking, he hardly ever breaks rules or go against orders. He's ware that when he was a young kit, the Thunderclan allowed them to live there, leaving him with a sense of endless loyalty and is desperate to prove himself to the clan. He's not necessarily a violent cat, and would rather talk things out than fight over something. Despite this, he is willing to defend Thunderclan with tooth and claw as well as give his life for it. Acelet also has a softer side, and he's extremely friendly towards almost everyone he meets - but can have trouble with cats outside of Thunderclan. He doesn't like to have enemies and loves to be around other cats. He's even friendlier towards his family, and does truly care for them... even more than he cares for Thunderclan. Though he never knew his father, he does love his mother and she's a role model for him and he is similar to her. Like her, he likes to speak his mind - but he does know when to hold his tongue. He is also curious like her, and tends to love listening to stories. He is extremely determined to finish what he starts and doesn't like to leave things undone. Due to Acelet being endlessly loyal to Thunderclan, he tends to be close-minded when it came to outsiders, even other loners like he use to be, and is prepared to fight anyone that even approaches the Thunderclan territory even if they aren't a threat in anyway. This prevents him from befriending cats in other clans and doesn't like to mingle at gathering - in fact, he prefers not to attend gatherings. though this does put a damper on his personality and limits the amount of people he tries to befriend, it doesn't change the fact that he truly is a very friendly and kind tom, and would like to befriend many of his clanmates. Acelet is a great fighter and good hunter, and will always try to become better so he can be the best warrior for his clan and make sure that nobody ever messes with them. Since he is this loyal, he can also be manipulated into doing nearly anything as long as he is told that it's for the best for Thunderclan and he is protecting his beloved clan. Once he become loyal to someone, he finds it difficult to turn on that loyalty, no matter who they are and what they did. This involved his family, friends and role model if he trusts them and if loyal.
Appearance- | ref | Due to his preferred rugged look, Acelet's fur is a bit mattered and it's appearance that he doesn't groom it as often as he does. Like other Siamese cats, he has the tan base coat with the dark brown points that cover his legs, face, tail and ears. He is a tall and very muscular tom since he is constantly trying to get better to become a warrior worthy of Thunderclan. Acelet's eyes are a dull green, and depending on the lighting they could have a flash of blue as well.

(i added a bit more)

dionysus October 12th, 2016 05:58 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 6329)
Adelaide is a kittypet. She always has been. She was born to an award-winning siamese show cat. Her twoleg was a breeder and shower. Since Adelaide was the closest of her litter to her mother's looks, she stayed at the breeder's house when the rest of her siblings were sold.

As Adelaide grew up, she was put through show training by her twoleg and personal training on how to be a proper she-cat by her abusive mother. Her mother was careful not to leave any marks that showed, but Adelaide still had a few hidden scars from her mother. She was taught to sit still and not ask questions and not do anything that might get her fur dirty. It truly was a boring lifestyle.

One day, she was placed in a cat show. It was a horrid experience for the poor molly with all those other cats and twolegs staring at her and poking her. She won the show and a rich person took a liking to her. He offered her owner a very very large sum of money for her offspring. Though the breeder hadn't been intending to breed her until after she was retired from cat shows, he was a greedy man and agreed.

The buyer supplied his own award-winning siamese tom to be the sire and soon Adelaide was having kits against her will. Eventually, she had the kits and grew ill. Adelaide heard that her kits were to be taken from her to give to the buyer, and, despite her illness, gathered them up and escaped. She left her entire life behind to keep them, though she hadn't wanted them, because once they were there she loved them dearly.

The she-cat traveled for along time, getting sicker and sicker. Eventually she made it to ThunderClan. Having never heard about the clans, she was scared, but Adelaide knew she was dying and couldn't leave her kits to fend for themselves in the forest. The molly stumbled through the entrance into camp and collapsed, begging them to take in her kits. A queen offered to nurse them and the medicine cat took Adelaide, who had fallen unconscious. The medicine cat eventually managed to nurse Adelaide back to health and she was reunited with her kits. Deciding a large group of wild cats was the safest place for her kits, Adelaide asked for them to stay. She also knew, however, that she couldn't leave her kits and decided to stay with them and join the clan.

Adelaide became a queen in the clan and took care of her kits while also learning how to be a warrior. She met a kind ThunderClan tom who was kind and helped her. They fell in love. Eventually, she was given her warrior name, Cloudysky, and became mates with the ThunderClan toms. Her kits went on to become apprentices and eventually warriors and Adelaide and her mate had more kits and lived happily ever after.

Adelaide's Character Page

This plot is going to start with her taking her kits and leaving her house. Then we will timeskip to her stumbling into ThunderClan.

Roles Needed
(Most Needed, Really Wanted, Wanted)

Tom 1 (Purebred siamese) (Father to the kits)

Kits (I'm thinking 4, but I will accept 5 if I really like another kit. They will have French names to start out with. Please give their kit/warrior name. You can supply the French name too if you wish, otherwise I will supply it since it will only be a part of the Role Play until they are accepted into the Clan.

ThunderClan tom

Queen (The ThunderClan queen who watches the kits while Adelaide is in the medicine den. She may also need to bring the kits to be checked up on and to visit Adelaide with Zero's permission.)

Kitty pet friends

ThunderClan friends

RP Sample: (Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before)

I will accept links

I just added another role that I forgot originally. I need a ThunderClan queen to watch the kits. The description can be found above.

Caligo Everton October 12th, 2016 09:33 AM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
hi. so when will you be deciding?
:squee: :squee:

dionysus October 12th, 2016 01:20 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
I intend to pick around 6 EST.

Caligo Everton October 12th, 2016 03:40 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Ivy October 12th, 2016 04:43 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

dionysus October 12th, 2016 04:45 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
I know I said I'd choose today at 6:00 EST. But I won't be able to get on, therefore I am pushing it back. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Caligo Everton October 12th, 2016 07:24 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
Um ok

Crow October 12th, 2016 07:30 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
//sees 'thunderclan queen' and 'kits'
//shoves mistfeather at

RedHead October 12th, 2016 08:06 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Amadour (Means “lover”)
Future; Dustedkit | Dustedpaw | Dustedmask (Dusted-For his brown markings on his pale cream coat)


However old the kits are


Future; Thunderclan

Amadour’s name doesn’t describe him at all. He is a rowdy, loud, all around rambunctious kitten. He hates to clean his fur, and gets angry when cleaning it takes up his playtime. Amadour loves to just run right into things, never ever thinking of what might happen to him. The young kit has no impulse control, and his mind just tells him to go go go. The young tom is quite attractive though, and is often told by many, cats older and younger than him. Amadour doesn’t care much for looks though, and hates to spend his time cleaning anything. He’s the type of cat that will make big messes, but never wants to clean them up. Amadour is dedicated in what he does though, and always finishes something he starts. He knows he gets in trouble a lot, and is prepared to take the blame for it. Often his punishment is cleaning, and even though he hates it, Amadour is a pretty good sport. He’s always positive and happy, when he’s in a good mood at least. Amadour is also very adaptable, and can change easily, depending on the situation he faces. This is good for how many times this little kit has gotten himself into a big mess. Amadour is also firm in what he believes in, and won’t let any other cat move him to think a different way. He is very strong-minded and stubborn, so often this kit doesn’t listen to others advice. This can be a bit unfortunate at times, but Amadour is still learning.
Although he is pretty much happy most of the time, every cat has their bad times. Amadour’s are especially bad. When he is angered, he can be very sudden and abrupt. You can never really predict what will make this tom mad, as he kind of ahs a late reaction to things that make him mad. He gets very closed off and brittle as well, not wanting to talk to anyone about his problems. He keeps them balled up inside of him, and is actually a bit afraid to let them out, for fear of what they might do to others. Amadour is kind of selfless in this way, putting others before himself.

1 2 3

RP Sample
(Unnecessary if I have RPed with you before)
You know me ;)

dionysus October 12th, 2016 08:35 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
The time has come to announce the chosen ones!
Let me preface this first by saying that every single application I got was fantastic and this was probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make on this site. To those who didn't get their desired roles, I apologize and invite you to PM me at anytime to role play with other characters :)

Alrightie, let's get to it.

Corbeau - Ivy
Valentìne - Duskflight
Emelie - Frisk
Acelet - Hexict
Amadour - Draping

ThunderClan Queen:
Mistfeather - Crow

Apollo - Gusty

Violeteye - Ivy

I've decided not to choose the ThunderClan tom because I want to make sure her future mate is very compatible. Since It isn't needed until later in the plot, I will be choosing later.

Once again, I apologize to those who didn't get their desired roles. I love you all for applying and you are all amazing, intelligent, creative people.

Hexict October 12th, 2016 08:38 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 9414)
The time has come to announce the chosen ones!
Let me preface this first by saying that every single application I got was fantastic and this was probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make on this site. To those who didn't get their desired roles, I apologize and invite you to PM me at anytime to role play with other characters :)

Alrightie, let's get to it.

Corbeau - Ivy
Valentìne - Duskflight
Emelie - Frisk
Acelet - Hexict
Amadour - Draping

ThunderClan Queen:
Mistfeather - Crow

Apollo - Gusty

I've decided not to choose the ThunderClan tom because I want to make sure her future mate is very compatible. Since It isn't needed until later in the plot, I will be choosing later.

Once again, I apologize to those who didn't get their desired roles. I love you all for applying and you are all amazing, intelligent, creative people.

Thank you! :spinning: (seriously thought i wasn't going to get it)

Fel October 12th, 2016 08:52 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision
;0 tysm!! when does the roleplay start, because i'm excited to rp winter!

dionysus October 12th, 2016 08:56 PM

Re: Adelaide's Decision

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 9446)
;0 tysm!! when does the roleplay start, because i'm excited to rp winter!

We can begin tomorrow :) I'll send a PM to everyone involved to let you guys know when and where your characters come in. Adelaide and the kits start out at her house, escaping then we timeskip a quarter moon until they enter TC

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