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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:34 PM

ThunderClan Territory

Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:35 PM

ThunderClan Training Cave

Ever October 5th, 2016 11:35 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Echofrost felt a warmth spreading through her as she watched relief spread across the canvas of the cat before her. She was happy to be able to help him with his situation, even happier that she was the first to know about it and that he trusted her greatly. When he purred his thanks and leaned forward and licked her cheek her nerves tingled in delight. His touch left a lingering warmth on her face and she found herself purring at the feeling. If he could see her blush, it was on his ears, which she could feel flaring with heat. She felt embarrassed, giddy at the feeling he gave her. It hadn't been an immediate thing, they had known each other since they were freshly made apprentice, started their close bond then. it had been an affection that had slowly developed over time and now that she was a warrior, she knew she wanted it to be more. Everything about the tom was perfection in her eyes, he was her best friend, the only thing she held more important than herself. She didn't want to express her feelings, she didn't know how to express them. Though she didn't want him to think that she believed they were destined to be only friends and see him run off with another shecat. Her paws shuffled and she turned her sea spray eyes towards them, her tail flicking nervously. She felt her chest flutter with a nervousness that she had never experienced in her life. She'd always been so confident, it was what made her personality and feisty attitude so real. But here in the situation she felt impossibly uncomfortable and small. Everything she hoped for in her future depended on this moment, how he would react to what she had to say. Her stomach turned uncomfortably, making her feel sick. A deep breath and she was decided, she had to get this out. She lifted her head, puffed out her chest and tried to exude confidence as she told him her thoughts. "Ratsting, I want to be more than friends." Her voice wasn't as strong as her body position, it was soft and filled with emotion. Her eyes reflected the endless affection she had for the tom as they wavered between his two eyes, trying to decipher what he was thinking. "You're my best friend, the most important thing in my life. I really would like it to be something more though, I- I- I am beginning to like you as something different from a friend." She tried to explain. She didn't want to drop the love bomb yet, she knew it was there but she wanted to see what he thought before she let it out, save her from humiliation if he didn't feel the same way.

Dizerel October 5th, 2016 09:36 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Lightningpaw trotted through the thunderclan territory, headed back to the camp after a long day of training. It had been a few more months since any major incedents had happened, and he was now almost 14 moons! He wasnt sure when he would become a warrior, however, since his powers alotted him to practice on his own, he didnt have an actual mentor to watch him, so no one could tell the leader when it was time for him to become a warrior.

Owl October 5th, 2016 09:37 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
[For Melody~]

Eaglepaw smiled at her softly. He then grinned as he leaned his paw toward the little stream. Jabbing his paw into the cool, clear liquid, he pulled his paw back and flicked it at Quailpaw playfully. The russet tom watched as the water droplets dotted her face and chest with a rumbling purr. "Gotcha." He mewed playfully.

Captain October 5th, 2016 09:46 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Autumnpaw padded out into the dense forest territory from the camp’s entrance, her paws brushing across the cold, soft blades of grass underneath them. She could feel her claws sheathing and unsheathing as she walked, her emotions and train of thought getting to her in not the healthiest way. Everything seemed different and quiet, with only the sound of her weakened breath now and then Neither sound nor scent disturbed her, not even Lightningpaw’s. The young american bobtail shook her head and broke out into a run, flying through the undergrowth, leaping over rocks and the occasional tree log. The pounding of a headache echoed in her skull and it made her screech to a halt, her paws sinking slightly in the cold, smooth pebbles along side a calming riverbank. Autumnpaw placed herself at the edge of the water, her short tail flicking behind her as her stared at the reflection staring back at her in the water’s surface, a light breeze ruffled through her light brown pelt.

Dizerel October 5th, 2016 09:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Lightningpaw sensed that Autumnpaw was somewhere nearby, but he didnt react to it. She might just be passing through to do something, and even if she did need him, she would be coming to him. He continued on his way to the camp, when a squirrel caught his eye. He still sucked at hunting, but he might as well try. Crouching down,he approached the squirrel, soon after getting within leaping distance. He pounced, but wasnt quick enough as the squirrel heard him and ran off,making him fall flat on his stomache. "Mouse dung..." he muttered to himself as he continued back to the camp.

Random Melody October 5th, 2016 10:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Owl (Post 361)
[For Melody~]

Eaglepaw smiled at her softly. He then grinned as he leaned his paw toward the little stream. Jabbing his paw into the cool, clear liquid, he pulled his paw back and flicked it at Quailpaw playfully. The russet tom watched as the water droplets dotted her face and chest with a rumbling purr. "Gotcha." He mewed playfully.

Quailpaw smiled back, watching as Eaglepaw dipped his paw into the water. The grey and white she-cat was confused at first, then her eyes went wide as he splashed the water at her. For a moment she just laid there in shock, whiskers quivering as water dripped from them. Then she let out a soft laugh. "Oh yeah?" That said, she leaned her own paw into the water, flicking some back at the Tom. "Ha!" She purred, grinning.

stormblaze October 6th, 2016 04:21 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Poppyleaf walked beside her patrol. the forest was full of the sounds of prey, birds in the trees and mice in the leaflitter. poppyleaf smelt mouse. "wait, i hear something, i think it's a mouse!" she whispered to the patrol. creeping forward she hered her prey scuffeling among the dry leaves. poppyleaf crouched aiming for the moving leaves and sprang! killing her prey with one bite to the neck. "weldone!" stoneclaw her mate said to her. the warm creature in her jaws smelled so good, she wanted to eat it there and then." feed the clan first though." said her mate, breaking her thoughts. almost as though he could sence what she was thinking.

Empress Of Evil October 6th, 2016 07:22 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
(For Random Melody)
Stormpaw bounded cheerfully into the teritory. He didn't really seem to be bothering to be quiet. Stormpaw suddenly realised he was being too noisy and he skidded to a halt, banging his head on a tree in the process. Youch!, he thought. The stormy coloured apprentice turned his head around to check his siamese friend was following.

Random Melody October 6th, 2016 07:24 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Empress Of Evil (Post 511)
(For Random Melody)
Stormpaw bounded cheerfully into the teritory. He didn't really seem to be bothering to be quiet. Stormpaw suddenly realised he was being too noisy and he skidded to a halt, banging his head on a tree in the process. Youch!, he thought. The stormy coloured apprentice turned his head around to check his siamese friend was following.

Snowpaw chuckled as she bounded after him, her steps light to avoid making too much noise. She stopped sharply as Stormpaw did, her eyes widening as he hit his head on the tree. "Yikes." She mewed, trotting to his side. "You alright?" She asked, flicking her tail over the gray Tom's ears with a concerned look in her ice blue eyes.

Empress Of Evil October 6th, 2016 07:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Stormpaw stood there for a moment, dazed. When he was finally able to process what Snowpaw had asked him, Stormpaw gave a firm nod of his head. "I'm fine, just a tad bit dazed but i'll be alright" Stormpaw said. He was used to getting hurt and crashing into things. He was always distracted which made him clumsy so I guess you could say thats the price he pays for being such a daydreamer.

Random Melody October 6th, 2016 07:39 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Snowpaw raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Alright," She meowed, shaking her fur out. "Well then," She looked around, her blue eyes lit with excitement. "We're hunting, correct?"

Sleet October 6th, 2016 06:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ever (Post 159)
Echofrost felt a warmth spreading through her as she watched relief spread across the canvas of the cat before her. She was happy to be able to help him with his situation, even happier that she was the first to know about it and that he trusted her greatly. When he purred his thanks and leaned forward and licked her cheek her nerves tingled in delight. His touch left a lingering warmth on her face and she found herself purring at the feeling. If he could see her blush, it was on his ears, which she could feel flaring with heat. She felt embarrassed, giddy at the feeling he gave her. It hadn't been an immediate thing, they had known each other since they were freshly made apprentice, started their close bond then. it had been an affection that had slowly developed over time and now that she was a warrior, she knew she wanted it to be more. Everything about the tom was perfection in her eyes, he was her best friend, the only thing she held more important than herself. She didn't want to express her feelings, she didn't know how to express them. Though she didn't want him to think that she believed they were destined to be only friends and see him run off with another shecat. Her paws shuffled and she turned her sea spray eyes towards them, her tail flicking nervously. She felt her chest flutter with a nervousness that she had never experienced in her life. She'd always been so confident, it was what made her personality and feisty attitude so real. But here in the situation she felt impossibly uncomfortable and small. Everything she hoped for in her future depended on this moment, how he would react to what she had to say. Her stomach turned uncomfortably, making her feel sick. A deep breath and she was decided, she had to get this out. She lifted her head, puffed out her chest and tried to exude confidence as she told him her thoughts. "Ratsting, I want to be more than friends." Her voice wasn't as strong as her body position, it was soft and filled with emotion. Her eyes reflected the endless affection she had for the tom as they wavered between his two eyes, trying to decipher what he was thinking. "You're my best friend, the most important thing in my life. I really would like it to be something more though, I- I- I am beginning to like you as something different from a friend." She tried to explain. She didn't want to drop the love bomb yet, she knew it was there but she wanted to see what he thought before she let it out, save her from humiliation if he didn't feel the same way.

Ratsting pulled back, and looked curiously at Echofrost. She seemed nervous and uncomfortable, quite unlike her usual confidant demeanor.
His green eyes opened wider with every word she spoke. He stood silent for a few moments in mild shock once she finished. Echo really did like him more then a friend. Well, that made it much easier for him, as he was about to tell her the same thing. His mind flew back to their first meeting. They were newly made apprentices, hunting together in the Territory. They didn't really know what to think of each other at the time. But over the many moons they grew closer, learning more about each other, and becoming closer friends. However, the past couple moons Ratsting had started to realize that he had more feelings then just friendship for the feisty shecat. He had gotten the feeling that lately she might feel the same way about him, but that was different from actually hearing her say it herself.
The warrior realized he had been silent for a rather long stretch of time, and cleared his throat, though still not exactly sure what to say. His stomach had butterflies, and he hoped his voice wouldn't squeak. "Echo..." He swallowed, and continued. "I- I feel the same way." He mewed softly. "Over the past couple moons I've noticed that my feelings of friendship have evolved into...more-then-just-friend feelings." His green eyes flickered to the ground, then back up at the cat in front of him, not sure how much he should say. "You are also the most importent cat in my life, and I could never say how much I care about you." He hesitated there, waiting for her response.

Captain October 6th, 2016 07:29 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Dizerel (Post 379)
Lightningpaw sensed that Autumnpaw was somewhere nearby, but he didnt react to it. She might just be passing through to do something, and even if she did need him, she would be coming to him. He continued on his way to the camp, when a squirrel caught his eye. He still sucked at hunting, but he might as well try. Crouching down,he approached the squirrel, soon after getting within leaping distance. He pounced, but wasnt quick enough as the squirrel heard him and ran off,making him fall flat on his stomache. "Mouse dung..." he muttered to himself as he continued back to the camp.

Autumnpaw shook her head, her ears flattening against her head as she looked up towards the clouds, seeming to ask Starclan for answers to her questions that lurked within her train of thought. The small she-cat looked down at the reflection in the clear, glass-like water and she attempted to give a smile, but all she could see was his smile with his handsome features and brawny figure. He was in her mind yet again, like an annoying flea on the back on her head. She jumped to her paws, turning swiftly and dashing back into the forest, her trail focused mainly on his scent. She needed to see him. It seemed like moons since you’ve talked with him.
The young, gawky apprentice seemed to fly through the undergrowth, her paws brushing across the cold blades of green grass. Once she could see his familiar outline in the distance, she crouched and crawled through some bushes towards him, tackling him abruptly into the smooth forest floor, uttering an amused purr. “Hello there, Lightningpaw! Miss me?” She said, her tone happy, but unusually quiet.

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 08:04 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Robin-chan (Post 1194)
Autumnpaw shook her head, her ears flattening against her head as she looked up towards the clouds, seeming to ask Starclan for answers to her questions that lurked within her train of thought. The small she-cat looked down at the reflection in the clear, glass-like water and she attempted to give a smile, but all she could see was his smile with his handsome features and brawny figure. He was in her mind yet again, like an annoying flea on the back on her head. She jumped to her paws, turning swiftly and dashing back into the forest, her trail focused mainly on his scent. She needed to see him. It seemed like moons since you’ve talked with him.
The young, gawky apprentice seemed to fly through the undergrowth, her paws brushing across the cold blades of green grass. Once she could see his familiar outline in the distance, she crouched and crawled through some bushes towards him, tackling him abruptly into the smooth forest floor, uttering an amused purr. “Hello there, Lightningpaw! Miss me?” She said, her tone happy, but unusually quiet.

Lightningpaw wasnt very aware of Autumnpaw approaching him as he got angry at himself yet again for missing an easy catch. It wasnt until Autumnpaw was only a few tail lengths from him that he heard her and turned just in time to get tackled to the ground. "WOAH!" he said in surprise, hitting his shoulder on a sharp rock, giving him a nasty cut that was obscured under him. "Argh... I did miss you, but id prefer it if i didnt get knocked to the ground every time we met" he said, shaking Autumnpaw off of him and trying to stand up, but wincing as soon as he put his weight on the leg that got cut, which now was very visible and leaking blood down his leg which got soaked into his already ginger fur.

HwangHarin October 6th, 2016 08:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Fireclaw patted into the territory and flickered her tail and crouched down smelling the ground, and flickered her ears and stalked forward.

Captain October 6th, 2016 08:15 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Dizerel (Post 1273)
Lightningpaw wasnt very aware of Autumnpaw approaching him as he got angry at himself yet again for missing an easy catch. It wasnt until Autumnpaw was only a few tail lengths from him that he heard her and turned just in time to get tackled to the ground. "WOAH!" he said in surprise, hitting his shoulder on a sharp rock, giving him a nasty cut that was obscured under him. "Argh... I did miss you, but id prefer it if i didnt get knocked to the ground every time we met" he said, shaking Autumnpaw off of him and trying to stand up, but wincing as soon as he put his weight on the leg that got cut, which now was very visible and leaking blood down his leg which got soaked into his already ginger fur.

Autumnpaw eyes widened in slight terror when she caused him to get hurt and the small apprentice’s ears flattened, backing away from him. She whimpered, seeing the blood-soaked wound on his leg. I caused him to become injured. The apprentice thought, holding back from tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. I did this. Autumnpaw didn’t say anything, not really finding the right words. Saying an apology won’t mean anything at this point, words didn’t heal wounds. She was tempted to run off again in shame, but instead she walked closer to him, sniffing the bleeding wound gently. The skinny american bobtail looked up at him with a saddened gaze, her short tail drooping. The long-furred she-cat drew her sharp tongue across the wound, cleaning the salty, dark red blood out of his silky ginger fur. She said the she was sorry over and over and over again mentally as she nursed his cut, saying nothing out loud.

Ever October 6th, 2016 08:16 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Sleet (Post 1078)
Ratsting pulled back, and looked curiously at Echofrost. She seemed nervous and uncomfortable, quite unlike her usual confidant demeanor.
His green eyes opened wider with every word she spoke. He stood silent for a few moments in mild shock once she finished. Echo really did like him more then a friend. Well, that made it much easier for him, as he was about to tell her the same thing. His mind flew back to their first meeting. They were newly made apprentices, hunting together in the Territory. They didn't really know what to think of each other at the time. But over the many moons they grew closer, learning more about each other, and becoming closer friends. However, the past couple moons Ratsting had started to realize that he had more feelings then just friendship for the feisty shecat. He had gotten the feeling that lately she might feel the same way about him, but that was different from actually hearing her say it herself.
The warrior realized he had been silent for a rather long stretch of time, and cleared his throat, though still not exactly sure what to say. His stomach had butterflies, and he hoped his voice wouldn't squeak. "Echo..." He swallowed, and continued. "I- I feel the same way." He mewed softly. "Over the past couple moons I've noticed that my feelings of friendship have evolved into...more-then-just-friend feelings." His green eyes flickered to the ground, then back up at the cat in front of him, not sure how much he should say. "You are also the most importent cat in my life, and I could never say how much I care about you." He hesitated there, waiting for her response.

As the silence stretched on, her nerves became more and more intense. For a quick moment she panicked. Did he not like her back that way? She could already feel herself crumpling at the though of that. Her eyes bore into his, wide with worry and anticipation. Finally his maw parted and her name came out, soft and wavering. His words were nervous and assuring all at the same time. He was in the same boat as her, unsure of how to express this unexplored and unknown sentiment. Neither of the two cats would ever be described as overly affectionate, they much preferred to be hard on each other and harder on others. Though a whole new side of them came out when they were around each other lately, her affectionate voice and his softer less teasing ways. They brought out the best in each other. Echofrost pushed Ratsting beyond his limits, she had ever since the day they met when she teased him into climbing the highest tree in the territory. Ratsing did the same for her, and he gave her something to channel all of her excess attitude into, into being almost overprotective of him. She didn't know what to say back when he had finished speaking, she couldn't even remember how to breathe as she stared deep into his muddy green eyes. It seemed so surreal that he shared her feelings, that things were suddenly drastically different now that the words had been spoken. Her eyes sparkled with an affection stronger than she had ever felt, glossy with tears from the overwhelming emotion. The bengal mix couldn't think of anything except wanting to be near him, closer to him in that moment, for no words could express her joy. So instead she shuffled forward, slipping her head under his chin and resting it against his shoulder. Her purr was strong and loud as she leaned up against his strong body. It was so different from the skinny frame of his apprenticeship many moons ago. How much they had changed since then. Only one though rang through her mind however as she leaned against him and wished for the moment to never break: I love you.

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 08:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"Im fine really. It was just an accident" Lightningpaw said, realising that Autumnpaw had blamed herself for this. "See?" he said, lifting himself up and walking around. This cause him extreme pain and wanted to make him cry out, but he held it for her sake.

Captain October 6th, 2016 08:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Autumnpaw shook her head vigorously, knowing that he was not alright. She walked up to him and lifted herself up on her back paws to touch noses with the tall, muscular tom-cat that stood before her. It was an act of apology, but more of affection. She wished that she could say so many things, but the clan wouldn’t allow such until they were warriors. Her claws dug into the soft ground underneath her as she scolded her harshly for everything that she had done to put more stress on his life. The american bobtail proceeded to push him lightly onto the forest floor, wanting him not to walk on his injured leg. She pressed up against him, burying her muzzle into his warm, soft neck fur, a few tiny tears slipping down her face, though they weren’t that noticeable. Autumnpaw loved him, but he would never understand what went through her mind every day. All the emotion and cruelty that she put on herself. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything still, not knowing the right thing to say.

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 08:53 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"Its fine, really" Lightningpaw said as Autumnpaw tended to him. He really couldnt stand to see her like this, so he cuddled up next to her and began licking the top of her head to soothe her. "You know..." he started, speaking in between licks. "Im gonna be sad when we become warriors and wont be as free since your gonna be spending a lot more time in the nursery" he said.

Captain October 6th, 2016 09:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Autumnpaw could feel her heartbeat pick up pace at his words and she smiled, her muzzle feeling warm with a blush. “It won’t be long until our warrior ceremony..” She mentioned, her tone soft and sweet-like, “Do you really care that much about me, Lightningpaw?” The american bobtail looked up at him with a certain sparkle in her dark green-hued eyes. This made her feel incredible, just being here with him, alone and with nobody to bother them whatsoever. The young apprentice wanted to say three meaningful words, but held her tongue until the time was right to do so. Her small paw rested on top of his, feeling warm and as if it belonged there.

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 09:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Lightningpaw rested there with Autumnpaw for a while, letting her sweet scent wash over him. Eventually he had to get up, though' since if he didnt at least get some cobwebs to stop the bleeding, he might suffer some damage long term. "We should probably do something about this cut" Lightningpaw said

Captain October 6th, 2016 09:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Autumnpaw gave a slight sigh, realizing that this sweet alone time would have to end now, just like all the others. She didn’t complain though, he was hurt and needed attention before it got infected. “Well, either we could go to Zerosight or I could go and see if I can find some cobwebs. I saw some next to a log near the steam farther that way.” The young she-cat flicked her head towards the way she came. “What would you like to do?” She looked at him with meaning and emotion within her gaze, a light breeze ruffling through her fur.

HwangHarin October 6th, 2016 09:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Icefang went out of camp and flickered her tail at Gazeshadow's muzzle. " Your following me?" She meowed

Ghostly Cristalline October 6th, 2016 09:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"You don't want me to? " asked Gazeshadow. He began to shuffle his paws.

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 09:24 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Robin-chan (Post 1421)
Autumnpaw gave a slight sigh, realizing that this sweet alone time would have to end now, just like all the others. She didn’t complain though, he was hurt and needed attention before it got infected. “Well, either we could go to Zerosight or I could go and see if I can find some cobwebs. I saw some next to a log near the steam farther that way.” The young she-cat flicked her head towards the way she came. “What would you like to do?” She looked at him with meaning and emotion within her gaze, a light breeze ruffling through her fur.

"I guess go get some cobwebs. Zerosight is usually busy, so id hate to bother him with something as plain as this. Warriors get scratched up all the time, right?" Lightningpaw said, needing to take it easy on the leg that got cut.

HwangHarin October 6th, 2016 09:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
" No, its fine." She said and gazing into the bramble seeing red fur. She grinned

Ghostly Cristalline October 6th, 2016 09:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"What's wrong? " he meowed.

Captain October 6th, 2016 09:34 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Autumnpaw was quiet for a moment. “Yeah, but it’s not all the time that the one that cares about you most causes it.” She muttered under her breath, still going after herself for this entirely. The american bobtail stood up, pressing her forehead to his for a second or two before dashing off into the forest, going down the path that she had gone earlier, the scent of the stream locked in her senses. The small she-cat sniffed around the area beside the water, catching sight of a log halfway laying on the bank of the river. Autumnpaw smiled in triumph once she spotted a thick patch of fresh spider webs at the base of the crumpled log. She pawed apart the spider webs, balling them up into a pile and picking them up in her mouth. The taste was weird and sticky, but she proceeded to head back to her beloved friend. Come to think if it, what was she to Lightningpaw? What should she call them now? We’re they still best friends of something more now? Autumnpaw’s whiskers twitched as she dismissed the confusing thought. She trotted up to him, her muzzle warm with embarrassment by how shy and giddy she was around him. “”Here, hold still now. This might sting.” She said, her voice muffled by the patch of webs on her muzzle. The american bobtail pressed the bandage-like material against Lightningpaw’s wound gently as it began to soak up the blood. She pressed it against the wound with one paw before going back to her spot, lying down beside him in the grass.

HwangHarin October 6th, 2016 09:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
" Fireclaw, I know your in there." Icefang meowed, and a red and brown shecat came out of the bramble

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 09:41 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"Thank you" Lightningpaw said, the cobwebs soaking up the blood from his wound and releibing the stiff wet feeling from it. He lay there for a while, not sure what to do.

Captain October 6th, 2016 09:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Autumnpaw nodded to him. “No problem. I’m sorry for injuring you.” She remarked quietly, resting her head on her paws and looking at some flowers that grew in the grass a few pawsteps away from them. “I wish that I could do something good for once in my life.”

Dizerel October 6th, 2016 10:07 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
"What do you mean something good for once? You are one of the clans greatest hunters, you protect us, and your also my best friend" lightningpaw said, concern in his voice.

Captain October 6th, 2016 10:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
She looked at him, her ears flattened. “I always seem to mess certain things up.. It was my fault for you having these powers in the first place, just because I couldn’t take an actual hit in a fight.” Autumnpaw whimpered, “I’m not good for this clan. I’m weaker than a mouse.”

Empress Of Evil October 7th, 2016 05:37 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
[ QUOTE=Random Melody;517]
Snowpaw raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Alright," She meowed, shaking her fur out. "Well then," She looked around, her blue eyes lit with excitement. "We're hunting, correct?"

Stormpaw nodded. He straightened up and sniffed the air. He felt a cool gentle breeze blowing past and he took in the time to smell for scents of prey. He smelt a faint scent of vole but he thought it was too stale. He looked at Snowpaw and said "I can't smell anything. Can you?"

Random Melody October 7th, 2016 05:49 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Snowpaw opened her mouth to taste the air, then shook her head slightly as an answer. "No." She pricked he ears up. She smelled a stale fox-scent as well as the vole, but no fresh scents of prey.

Ghostly Cristalline October 7th, 2016 10:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
[ QUOTE=Aashka;1456]" Fireclaw, I know your in there." Icefang meowed, and a red and brown shecat came out of the bramble[/QUOTE]

Gazeshadow watched the she-cat come out of hiding.

HwangHarin October 7th, 2016 10:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Icefang and Fireclaw sat down. " Hi Sister." Fireclaw meowed. " Whose this?" She said looking at Gazeshadow

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