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BEAR. April 3rd, 2020 03:49 AM


RiverClan Announcement [#liontalks]

"RiverClan, we have an emergency on our paws!"

Lionstar hadn't waited to go to the Streamstone, taking a stance in the center of the clearing.

"Coyotes have taken WindClan territory. We discovered the strong scent of coyote at the border and did a wellness check on their camp..

"To my knowledge, WindClan has fallen. I do not know where their Clan is, if there is anyone left-- but I do know the desolation those mongrels have left in their wake. Bodies strewn about, trails of blood-- and their camp is claimed as the coyotes'. I was unable to get an accurate count of what resided in their camp, but I believe there may be as many as eight of those mutts.. perhaps even more in the territory itself.

"I have no reason to not believe these coyotes will become a threat to us. They have tasted cat blood and have already closed in on our borders. We have already lost several Clan-mates to this menace, and I will not stand by like fish out of water while our Clan may be threatened.

"I will not demand you accompany me, but I ask you as Clan-mates willing to defend not only our Clan, but those less fortunate. WindClan has been given the short end of the stick too many times, and if any survivors remain I believe they should have the right to their home they have struggled to keep for so long.

"If you stand with me, follow me. I am departing immediately to face the coyotes and take the fight once more to WindClan camp. If enough of us band together, we may be lucky yet to avoid much conflict: they prey on the weak, but a full force of strong warriors may be enough to scare them into thinking twice before they dare step on Clan land again."

Lionstar stopped his speech, already making his way toward the camp entrance. "My only requirement to going remains this: I do not want anyone who has not had battle training. I understand some apprentices have not yet made it to that point in their training, and I do not want any unnecessary sacrifices. Stay home, guard camp."

And he was gone, through the exit and the territory. Across the border, into the plains and toward WindClan's camp.

Whether or not he was joined by others was not his choice but the choice of his Clan, and he would fight 'til his last breath if it meant they had a chance of driving off this damned threat.

Bursting into WindClan's clearing, he lunged directly at the nearest sleeping coyote with an angry hiss. "Attack!"




Abyssopelagic April 3rd, 2020 04:07 AM

Halfstone rushed to join Lionstar's patrol as soon as the leader began leaving, quickly catching up with him as he full on sprinted, slowing back down to keep a steady pace behind him. What happened to Windclan was horrible and those flea bags needed to be knocked down a peg. Or just knocked down.
He briefly looked over his shoulder to see if anyone else was joining the patrol. Surely they would.

As they reached the clearing and Lionstar flung himself at the first coyote he saw, Halfstone barreled towards the beasts, jaws snapping out to catch a leg or tail, a furious growl in his throat.

Arie April 3rd, 2020 04:25 AM

Snailriver felt torn as he watched the leader rush off. At one side he was worried if there wouldn't be anyone left back at the camp and protecting the vulnerable queens and elders. The untrained apprentices would not do much good if a large predator managed to break through to camp. Yet he could not let his leader just rush off towards the coyotes alone. So with a heavy sigh he stood up on his paws and began trudging towards where the Windclan camp was located, breaking into a run and then into a full out pelt as he tried to keep up with the others that had not had to deal with his mental dilemma. As he rounded the hills he watched the coyotes and the other cats already engaged and crouched before approaching it. His white fur would stick out anyway against the moor and he knew he himself was literally a walking target board. But he did attack the nearest coyote, his claws unsheathed as he began flaying into the one he'd managed to grab. He knew that if he somehow managed to get himself or another cat up on its back and to it's spine it would die or at least be wounded enough to flee. So he kept fighting, hoping someone would come help him out.
{Open for anyone who wants to help Snail}

wolfie April 3rd, 2020 05:53 AM

Wormbite's pelt blended into the depths of the night-- only his cloudy eyes reflected the light from the moonshine. His heart was hammering in his chest as the patrol approached Windclan's clearing. All the tom could pray was that the guards at camp would be enough protection while they were gone. That causalities would be minimum. That he wouldn't be along them. Every training session flashing in his head.

Wormbite crashed through the entrance, his claws unsheathed. He could hear the sounds of the coyotes raspy breathing, yips would follow and they became alert. While they were still dazed in confusion, Wormbite took the chance to jump onto one of the coyote's backs. Claws trailing down the coyote's side slightly, he underestimated how tall the coyote would be. So when the coyote stood up, Wormbite's grasp slipped slightly. He dug his claws in, biting down on it's flesh to keep his grip. The coyote would spin around, jaws snapping at the tom. He just needed to hold on until it fled.

Greenleap April 3rd, 2020 06:26 AM

Greenpaw was very excited at first! But her excitement melted away as she had not had battle training yet. She wanted to go too!

dino. April 3rd, 2020 07:17 AM


[ @Arie ]
Goosepaw practically flew to join Lionstar's ranks in a possible race against time. This time he would not fall short of breath before he even got to scene.
He burst into WindClan camp, the smell of canine, heather, and blood instantly flooding his nose. It brought back a wave of memories, but he was snapped out of it when a huge coyote clamped it jaws shut next to his ear. He ducked, pedaling forward, looking around the clearing for any cat that might need his help.
His eyes fell on Snailriver. The warrior seemed to be trying to scramble onto a coyote's back, but it didn't seem to be working out so well. He turned on the fly, hind paws spraying loose soil behind him as he made for Snailriver's coyote. As he neared, he bunched his legs beneath him and made a flying leap, coming down next to the giant predator. "Snailriver, I've got your back!" he shouted over the noise of the battle. He aimed a swipe at the coyote's face, striking it just below the eye, and it snapped at his ear. He barely managed to dodge, heart pounding as he watched and heard the sharp fangs clack together inches from his face. Goospaw could only hope to distract the canine long enough for Snailriver to do whatever he needed to do.

Splashy April 3rd, 2020 08:16 AM

+ @BILL. +
With no moments hesitation, Rainsplash raced after his leader, blood roaring in his ears. he would fight with his leader at the second they called for supporters. He would always follow Lionstar, to his last breath in the forest.
Rainsplash bursted into the Windclan camp, roaring like a lion before leaping on the coyote his leader was attacking, fiercely digging his claws into the enemy. He dug his teeth into the coyote's neck, but only caught fur, and quickly ripped it off. The coyote let out a furious roar of anger before shaking Rainsplash off.

Leucos April 3rd, 2020 08:20 AM

@x ghostie
[ Mind??]
With BrambleBlaze back home guarding camp, it was Sootpaw:s time to shine! He was so amped up right now . As he heard the words attack, sootpaw ran in "Be gone you filthy mongrels!" he yelled as he unsheathed his claws. sporting his friend, Wormbite on a coyotes back automatically made him want to help . Hissing he dashed toward the very beast and aimed to bite it's neck, hard.

Mango April 3rd, 2020 09:04 AM

Salmonsong narrowed her eyes as she approached a coyote before making an attack at its eye, glancing around hoping someone would help her on this coyote

chaton April 3rd, 2020 09:14 AM

- Open -

Leafbreeze lurked around, looking for a lone coyote that she could at least attempt to take on. She had no care for anything these mutts have done to WindClan, but she wished not for this to become an issue within her own clan. Eventually bumping into a coyote on its own, the silver molly swiped at the beast's chest, aiming to at least inflict some damage if she was to be injured herself. Though her hit landed, it hadn't done as much as she had hoped, the shock of which gave the coyote a good chance to retaliate the attack. Taking a nasty blow to the shoulder, the molly winced as she staggered back. I don't think doing this on my own is possible... I'll need some help.

Spiderfrost April 3rd, 2020 09:32 AM

Brightwhisker hadn't needed to be offered more than once to help regain Windclan territory for the displaced cats. He thought of his friend, Wolftail, taking refuge in Thunderclan and pushed himself to join his clan mates at the edge of the ravaged moor.

Dawncloud hadn't needed to be vocal about joining the fight. It was simple, Windclan needed help, their clan will be there to provide until they are recovered. It was times of crisis like these that the warrior believed all the clan should pull together in the aid of another.

She looked upon her clan mates around her and slowed her steps so as not to make too much noise to alert the wild beasts.

Terrestrial April 3rd, 2020 09:32 AM

Without one thought the molly ripped out of the camp following her leader, her paws furiously flew across the moorland as the WindClan camp came into view. Her baby blue eyes blazing as she burst into the camp and threw herself at the nearest coyote, hissing and spitting her fur stood on end with fear, but she was brave and swift, she could do this!


The tom jumped to his paws and ran out after Lionstar, Minnowflight matched his pace only a little behind the big golden tom. Minnowflight ripped into the camp to come face-to-face with a coyote, it's laws snapped near his face but the tome dodged in time, Minnowflight ran behind the big heathen and sprang up unsheathing his claws, he missed his lading but managed to hit the coyotes side with his fore-paw.

teddy. April 3rd, 2020 09:47 AM

Bumblebelly had been in Riverclan for what, a day? He already stood besides them in battle, a battle that would benefit another clan; not just their own. It felt odd, almost satisfying to know that this battle was going to be fueled by an alliance between Riverclan - his new clan - and Windclan! it fueled him with a beautiful amount of energy. He charged in besides his clan mates, claws digging into the dirt to help push himself further. The large maine coon charged full speed ahead, balling head first into the side of a coyote only a few tail lengths bigger than him. With hackles raised, ears back and tail on full display, Bumblebelly let out a mighty howl of battle! And so, the dangerous dance between cats and coyotes began.


Koistreams heart began to race as he headed into the fight. He bounced from feline to canine, doing minimal damage on the coyotes but with his fur stood on end and snarls leaving his snout, he was scary and that was enough for him. It wasn't like he could take a coyote down on his own anyway.

RedFlame2 April 3rd, 2020 09:47 AM

Without a second thought, Silverfrost followed Lionstar out of camp and into Windclan territory. She was afraid of the coyotes, but what they had done to Windclan was unthinkable. She didn't want Riverclan to find the same fate. She searched for a coyote to pick off when they arrived at Windclan's camp, zeroing in on one and racing towards it. With a yowl, she leaped onto it's back and dug her claws in, tearing out clumps of fur as it shook her around.

Spiderfrost April 3rd, 2020 10:01 AM


Brightwhiskers first sight on the battle feild was a tom that had only just recently joined Riverclan, he was much larger than him. Where Brightwhisker was short, slim and sleek, this cat--Bumblebelly if he recalled--was all muscle and size. The lynx point warrior watch them head butt a coyote, taking his chance, to keep the mutt from focusing on his new clan mate that was already so willing to jump into a battle with them, he charge forth and leaped for a leg, sinking his teeth into a meaty part to get the beast off balance.

FuzzyRatto April 3rd, 2020 10:12 AM

Lightstreak rammed her shoulder into a coyote's legs, hoping to topple it over. It stumbled a bit, but was ready in seconds. Lightstreak forced her fur to stand on end, and dove under the coyote. She hissed and swiped at it's belly.


Mossflame sighed. I guess I've got to go fight coyotes now. He didn't want to be thought of as lazy. "Alright, then, here I go." He followed his leader reluctantly. He looked around the WindClan camp, and headed for a coyote. He swiped at it, but it didn't really do much. Aw, nuts, he thought. Then, he got an idea. he ran to the nearest hard thing, and stood still. He let the coyote run toward him, and jumped away at the last second. His tail got squished by the coyote, but the coyote was hurt.

teddy. April 3rd, 2020 10:13 AM

Watching as the coyotes head swung around to bite at Brightwhisker, Bumblebelly took his chance! Another snarl and he leaped forward, his claws and teeth digging into the side of the coyotes exposed neck. His claws didn't penetrate deep enough to do any major damage but he certainly had a strong grip. Bumblebelly sank his teeth into the coyotes fleshy ear, piercing the soft skin with ease.


The Cannibal April 3rd, 2020 10:25 AM

Cobaltshade wouldn't miss this opportunity, this was for a good cause. They were driving out a menace to not only them, but the other clans. Surely if any Windclan cats survived, they would be thankful, perhaps even indebted to Riverclan. The other clans too really, since Riverclan was driving them out now, they wouldn't have the chance of attacking the other clans. It was also a good chance to show Riverclan's power. All in all, a good decision by Lionstar.
Following him as well as her clanmates that chose to come along, out of the camp, the steeled herself for the massacre she would see. The blood, the bodies, and the horrible canines that brought all of it. As they eventually raced in the clearing of the Windclan camp where the majority of the coyotes seemed to reside, Cobaltshade took count of who was fighting who. Who needed help.
There was a silver molly, er, Leafbreeze if she remembered right, who was taking on a coyote by herself. She had already received a blow from the beast and was getting ready to receive another, stunned by the first blow. Hissing softly, the blue-gray she-cat dove between fights, racing around until she went slamming right into the coyote's side, sending it stumbling.
"Let's work on disorienting it!" She yowled to the other she-cat, controlling her breathing as the coyote quickly gathered itself once more. "I'll attack from the front, you work on the rear," she managed to get out before the coyote leaped at her with open jaws. Diving to the side, the female warrior struck out, clawing the coyote across its right eye, drawing blood.

Spiderfrost April 3rd, 2020 10:32 AM

Brightwhisker unlatched himself wordlessly at the sound of a snarl. As Bubmlebelly attacked it's neck and ear.

"Can you keep its head lowered?" he asked as he bunched his legs to jump up onto the coyotes back to help assault it's head. He leaped up and dug claws into coarse fur, a feral growl bubbling up as he used one of his front paws to pull him closer to the coyotes head.

Dawncloud ran under one the the mangy mutts and had to leap up to latch precariously on its neck to bite at it. The she-cat huffed though when she realized she hadn't gotten a good enough grip to get to skin. However, before she could attempt to readjust, the coyote dislodged her, sending her with a yowl, skidded across the moorland grasses.

teddy. April 3rd, 2020 10:42 AM

"N--" Before Bumblebelly could finish his words, the coyote began to violently trash about, snarling and whimpering in its desperate attempt to try and break free of the two cats. The noises and movement were alerting other canines to the two cats. Bumblebelly yanked at the coyotes ear, ripping half of it off as the taste of coppery blood filled his mouth. "LET GO!" he howled but didn't himself, not until he new Brightwhisker was safely off the dog-like thing.


MEAT ANGELS April 3rd, 2020 10:44 AM

Ravenmist leaped onto the back of a coyote, dodging it's flailing paws and biting down hard on it's ear. She quickly moved away from it's counter attack, leaping of it's back and dashing towards her friend. "Dawncloud! Need any help?" She dodged under the belly of the coyote Dawncloud was attack, scraping her claws along it's flesh.

Splashy April 3rd, 2020 10:49 AM

+ @BILL. @FuzzyRatto +

Rainsplash made a thump when he was thrown, landing by Lightstreak. He staggered up, his front right paw twisted slightly but would heal as long as he didn't use it. He set his paw back on the ground and winced as it shocked his nerves awfully.

Spiderfrost April 3rd, 2020 10:55 AM

Brightwhisker cursed as he lost balance, sliding off to the side of the coyote due to a claw that was snagged in its pelt. Blue eyes flashed with a hint of fear before they narrowed.

"Bumblebelly, get your body away from it's mouth!" He yowled as he yanked his leg in attempts to un-snag his paw, cursing himself for acting too rashly, but going to make darn sure his new clan mate got out of immediate danger.
Dawncloud stood up and shook the surprise right out of herself as her pelt fluffed up.

"Fine." She growled simply, eyes narrowed in on the mutt that knocked her down. she turned to Ravenmist, "Lets get the legs, maybe we can cripple it?"

teddy. April 3rd, 2020 11:35 AM

Bumblebelly fell to the floor with a loud thud, groaning. He scampered to his feet quickly but the coyote was gone, running out of the clearing with its tail between its legs. Bumblebelly couldn't help but grin. He felt alive. "I appreciate the help!" He hummed to the stranger cat but dived straight back into battle, this wasn't over after all.


CheetahPelt April 3rd, 2020 11:37 AM

Otterstone's eyes widened as she listened to Lionstar. A grin flashed across her face and she sprinted to the medicine den, "Omenshade! Grab anything you can!" She dove into the herb crevice, sweeping up anything she could, clasping it in her jaws. "FAST" she slid out of the medicine den, running as quickly as she could on three legs.

Names of herbs and their uses ran through her head Marigold, Tansy, dandelion.
In her jaws she clasped the head of a poppy flower, a few stalks of goldenrod and a large bundle of dandelion flowers.

As she skidded into the attack field she stood and watched, crouched low, close to the ground and tail swishing back and forth. Her paws itched for battle.

Otterstone placed her herbs in a small pile beside her, sorting them into their three catagories. She winced when she realized how little she had actually brought. Hopefully Omenshade would bring more. She could fish around for cobwebs for bleeding.

Not important right now.

The tortiseshell she cat turned back to the battle, watching for any cat that looked like they needed help. She wouldn't go directly into battle, it was important for her to stay open for any cat that got hurt, but if there was a cat struggling, she would jump in to aid there attacks.

@Kitty Mama

Spiderfrost April 3rd, 2020 11:43 AM

With a final tug as the jostling from the coyotes escape helped free his claw, the warrior tumbled to the ground as well. He shook the fall off and turned to grin at Bumblebelly.

"I'll have your back!" he promised as he stayed hot on the larger warriors heels. "By the way new guy, names Brightwhisker!"

Katwhisperer April 3rd, 2020 11:53 AM

Emberfang raced after his leader and the other large group of cats that followed him. "I will protect my clan at all costs!" he thought fiercely. He saw Silverfrost [ @RedFlame2 ] attacking a coyote. Emberfang raced across into Windclan camp and tackled the coyote with all of his might sending it stumbling back, unbalanced. Whilst still unbalanced and confused, he slashed its muzzle. The coyote lunged at him and bit his leg, and threw him against the ground. Dazed, Emberfang got up and threw himself at the beast, scratching, and hissing. The coyote was injured, but the coyote attacked him once more, biting his already bitten leg, and slashing his belly. The coyote picked him up once more and threw him against the ground. Then everything went black.

[ Emberfang isn't dead, but he is severely injured, open to anyone who wants to help Emberfang. ] {The coyote is severely injured as well.}

Dust April 3rd, 2020 11:58 AM

[Open for a battle partner for poor Pebble]

Pebblepaw's ears roared with blood as the adrenaline pumped through his veins like mad. A fight? With coyotes? Battle-training? He had that! Was he meant to fight? He had to. This was for his clan... to help WindClan... to prove his worth! The apprentice hadn't even realized his paws were pounding against the earth until the yowls and barks of the coyotes rang out, followed by the cries and shrieks of his clan-mates. Even with his size and weight, it had been the fastest he'd gone in a long time!

Everything felt like it was in slow motion as he studied the chaos around him. Really, Pebblepaw was searching to see if he could find his mentors pelt in the crowd of cats. He swallowed hard. Mouth agape, Pebblepaw forced himself to continue forward, panting heavily. Stars, he was stressed. This was terrifying. Sure, the thought of going into battle made his belly tickle with pride and excitement but actually being here? The coyotes were huge.. their sharp and jowls slobbering with the sight of a mobilized feline feast.

As a large coyote backed it's way into Pebblepaw's path, the apprentice immediately went on the defensive. Firehawk's words screamed in his brain. Keeping his tail tucked underneath him, the apprentice let his back arch and fur rise along his spine as a guttural hiss left his throat. Swiping at the coyotes back legs, the dog was obviously surprised as it yelped and immediately turned to snap at Pebble. Letting out a yowl of surprise, Pebblepaw stumbled backwards, letting out a screech of a warning hiss.

teddy. April 3rd, 2020 12:01 PM

"Brightwhisker! I'll remember that name." Bumblebelly couldn't help but laugh. "I'm Bumblebelly--" A coyote smashed into his side with a snarl, throwing Bumblebelly to the ground. He was about to snap his claws at the large cats neck but luckily Bumblebellys thick fur saved him from the worst of the bite. He yowled in pain.


Cloudsky April 3rd, 2020 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dust (Post 656837)
[Open for a battle partner for poor Pebble]

Pebblepaw's ears roared with blood as the adrenaline pumped through his veins like mad. A fight? With coyotes? Battle-training? He had that! Was he meant to fight? He had to. This was for his clan... to help WindClan... to prove his worth! The apprentice hadn't even realized his paws were pounding against the earth until the yowls and barks of the coyotes rang out, followed by the cries and shrieks of his clan-mates. Even with his size and weight, it had been the fastest he'd gone in a long time!

Everything felt like it was in slow motion as he studied the chaos around him. Really, Pebblepaw was searching to see if he could find his mentors pelt in the crowd of cats. He swallowed hard. Mouth agape, Pebblepaw forced himself to continue forward, panting heavily. Stars, he was stressed. This was terrifying. Sure, the thought of going into battle made his belly tickle with pride and excitement but actually being here? The coyotes were huge.. their sharp and jowls slobbering with the sight of a mobilized feline feast.

As a large coyote backed it's way into Pebblepaw's path, the apprentice immediately went on the defensive. Firehawk's words screamed in his brain. Keeping his tail tucked underneath him, the apprentice let his back arch and fur rise along his spine as a guttural hiss left his throat. Swiping at the coyotes back legs, the dog was obviously surprised as it yelped and immediately turned to snap at Pebble. Letting out a yowl of surprise, Pebblepaw stumbled backwards, letting out a screech of a warning hiss.

Fallenstorm ran with the the rest of her clanmates, finding herself in the midst of battle. She had fought rats and other cats, but never coyotes... She tried her best, though, looking for someone to help. She then noticed a apprentice, fighting a coyote all on his own!
Great Starclan, what is that apprentice thinking! She thought as she rushed towards the coyote, tackling it's side and biting with all her might. It let out yelps of pain, going in circles and aiming to bite her. She fell off, but not without scratching the mutt's muzzle as it went for her. She was dizzy, but kept scratching and kicking as the beast fell atop her, biting her tail of which she used to protect her neck from a killing bite.
"Aim for the head, Pebblepaw!" She yowled as the coyote aimed to end her life.

Wings April 3rd, 2020 12:17 PM

(Open if your cat needs help!)
At the sound of Lionstar's call Owlflight pelted out of camp near the front of the group. While running on the moor, he thoughts went to Willowpaw. He was back in camp as they had not gotten the chance to do a battle training session. They had to drive the coyotes out, they just had too. Owlflight wouldn't be able to handle it if Willowpaw had died. Pushing those thoughts back, the tabby tom shot into the Windclan camp snarling. Using he back legs, Owlflight leaped onto the back of one of the coyotes raking its sides and piercing the beast's scruff. The coyote though, reached and dragged the tom off of its back ripping the cat's flesh in the process. Then, pinning the tom reached for the prey's throat barely missing as the warrior rolled out and pushed for the dog's throat, sinking his teeth into the fresh while ripping the dog's chest. Backing up swiftly he saw the dog fall to the ground and bleed out painfully. Then, looking around he looked for any cat in need of help.


Bounding out of camp, rage growing inside, Mothdusk pelted through the territory and onto the moor following from the back of the group. She camp to the camp clearing, seeing that many cats had already started fighting. She spotted Leafbreeze starting to lose her fight and sprinted over, leaping onto the beast's side, raking it.

tye April 3rd, 2020 12:32 PM

Lionstar, have you lost your mind?
Is what he's been thinking the whole time as they ran up into Windclan territory. Impossible. It's impossible to win a fight against coyotes! Badgers, foxes, stoats, cats, but wild dog pack? Ha... well, it's not like he has a choice. There's no way he can stand idle as the yellow tom charged forward into a blood frenzy battle. Breathing heavy, eyes ticking at every cat followed by the rhythm of their paw stomps, they picked up the pace until his clanmates started gliding through the tall grass. An explosion of yowls and snarls muddled together, felines split apart to face their opponent and that's when he'd clear view of the blood trenched moor.

Greenfur cussed out loud thinking what he'd got himself into. Whipping back and forth catching glimpses of everyone's own battle against death- he heard blood-curdling screech close by. From the sound, a cat must be either dead or badly injured. To the rescue rushing right between what seems to be Emberfang and a badly injured coyote, he jumped right in front blocking him away from the crazy beast. "I got you covered," he growled, focusing on the coyote. In a frozen second between a standoff, black and green glaring eyes clashed and it struck first, lashing its narrow snout at his neck. The warrior quickly stumbled back and before the coyote can rear back himself, he lashed his paw right onto its muzzle. Unsheathed claws pressured down against the coyote's disgusting maw, he really wanted it to feel what's it like to mess with Riverclan. "Take that, filth!" snarling wildly, claws penetrated deep ripping flesh and for the coyote to pull back only drag his claw deeper in before letting go. Screaming in pain, belting out a chilling howl the white warrior stood his ground, back arched high and bristled out to make himself twice as large. He matched the dog's yowl with his roaring mixture of yowls and snarls until it finally whimpered in defeat. The ugly ran off with its tail between its leg disappearing behind the shrubs.

"Emberfang," he dashed over to check on him. Greenfur called out his name a few times but it was useless, the warrior's knocked out cold. Looking right and left to see any other coyotes coming, he grabbed his scruff, pulling the cat away from danger into the tall grass.


Katwhisperer April 3rd, 2020 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by vermin (Post 656848)
Lionstar, have you lost your mind?
Is what he's been thinking the whole time as they ran up into Windclan territory. Impossible. It's impossible to win a fight against coyotes! Badgers, foxes, stoats, cats, but wild dog pack? Ha... well, it's not like he has a choice. There's no way he can stand idle as the yellow tom charged forward into a blood frenzy battle. Breathing heavy, eyes ticking at every cat followed by the rhythm of their paw stomps, they picked up the pace until his clanmates started gliding through the tall grass. An explosion of yowls and snarls muddled together, felines split apart to face their opponent and that's when he'd clear view of the blood trenched moor.

Greenfur cussed out loud thinking what he'd got himself into. Whipping back and forth catching glimpses of everyone's own battle against death- he heard blood-curdling screech close by. From the sound, a cat must be either dead or badly injured. To the rescue rushing right between what seems to be Emberfang and a badly injured coyote, he jumped right in front blocking him away from the crazy beast. "I got you covered," he growled, focusing on the coyote. In a frozen second between a standoff, black and green glaring eyes clashed and it struck first, lashing its narrow snout at his neck. The warrior quickly stumbled back and before the coyote can rear back himself, he lashed his paw right onto its muzzle. Unsheathed claws pressured down against the coyote's disgusting maw, he really wanted it to feel what's it like to mess with Riverclan. "Take that, filth!" snarling wildly, claws penetrated deep ripping flesh and for the coyote to pull back only drag his claw deeper in before letting go. Screaming in pain, belting out a chilling howl the white warrior stood his ground, back arched high and bristled out to make himself twice as large. He matched the dog's yowl with his roaring mixture of yowls and snarls until it finally whimpered in defeat. The ugly ran off with its tail between its leg disappearing behind the shrubs.

"Emberfang," he dashed over to check on him. Greenfur called out his name a few times but it was useless, the warrior's knocked out cold. Looking right and left to see any other coyotes coming, he grabbed his scruff, pulling the cat away from danger into the tall grass.


Emberfang awoke, in pain, and saw Greenfur [ @vermin ] by him. "N-need... m-m-medicine c-ca-" Emberfang's vision went black again.

[ Emberfang is bleeding out, from his belly, has a dislocated and bitten left hind leg, and various wounds elsewhere. He really needs medical attention, and fast, or else he will certainly die. ]

Spiderfrost April 3rd, 2020 12:44 PM

(I'm cool with Bright ending up injured, just not murdered to death)

The attack came completely out of nowhere and tripped him up. He stumbled to his side with the breath knocked out of him when a large paw hit him to get to Bumblebelly. By the time the other tom was on the ground yowling sharply in pain Brightwhisker was shaking himself off and running into the action. Hiissing, he dug his claws into the ground before making a running leap at the side of the coyotes head. The pale furred warrior dug claws into the closest eye he could reach for, spitting and hissing to get it off the other. His back legs dangled under him, unable to get a solid foothold, he was left with his hind legs scrabbling for purchase on whatever surface he could get to on the offending wild dog thing.

ameko April 3rd, 2020 12:49 PM

Adrenaline was going to be the only thing that could get Fennelnose through this. The last time they had fought against wild dogs was, well.. never. And there weren't many that could say any different. They ran alongside their Clan, limbs trembling with exertion. As they skidded into the clearing, the sight that welcomed them had them frozen. So much gore.

The only thing that snapped them out of their daze was a coyote that had stumbled into their vision. With a throaty growl, Fennelnose lunged for it, swiping to rake their claws along its side. They only barely made their mark-- it noticed them before they noticed it. Jaws snapping around their tail, the coyote threw the cream-furred warrior like a stuffed animal.

All the wind was knocked out of them when they hit the ground. Fennelnose coughed and spasmed, saliva dripping down their maw. They gasped. No air. They couldn't-- couldn't breathe. Their vision was growing starry. The coyote, with its horrifying snarling and barking, was advancing toward them. Was this how they were going to die?

[ OPEN / @Wings if you wanted to help? ^^ ]

FuzzyRatto April 3rd, 2020 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Splashy (Post 656815)
+ @BILL. @FuzzyRatto +

Rainsplash made a thump when he was thrown, landing by Lightstreak. He staggered up, his front right paw twisted slightly but would heal as long as he didn't use it. He set his paw back on the ground and winced as it shocked his nerves awfully.

Lightstreak looked up at Rainsplash, than back at the coyote she was fighting. She moved away from Rainsplash, and glanced at him again. "You okay, there? You need help?" She ran at the coyote again, this time at it's hind legs. She risked another glance back. "That paw doesn't look so good. I can try to help clear a path for you, if you want to leave."


Mossflame was having too much fun trying to use his little tactic again. The coyote didn't seem to be falling for it again, though, so he stepped away and decided to go for just another swipe.

Arie April 3rd, 2020 12:51 PM

-- @Slushie - {Wont keep this longer than necessary}

Snailriver nodded and together he and the apprentice - Goosepaw - managed to further hurt the coyote, but the cowardly creature fled before they managed to full damage to it. He sighed but he rushed further into the tumult of the other coyotes but did keep a close eye on the apprentice. Despite that Goosepaw was not his, there was still an obligation to keep the apprentices safe. "Follow me please, Goosepaw," he yelled over the sounds of battle before rushing forward to attack yet another coyote. He was just hoping to scare them off now, with the mass amount of cats it would not do any good to kill the creatures as they weren't any good source of food anyhow, not even for Windclan.

Splashy April 3rd, 2020 12:53 PM

+ @FuzzyRatto +

"I believe I can fight a bit more" He meowed, turning and leaping awkwardly at the coyote Lightstreak was fighting, straining his front paw a bit, letting out low hisses of pain even when the coyote hadn't injured him.

tye April 3rd, 2020 12:55 PM

He didn't have to say another word. Greenfur was on it. Quick. The large white tom grabbed his scruff, gently and quickly dragged him to where he'd spotted the two medicine cats last. Releasing his grip, throwing back his head back to see if they were there was an instant relief. "Otterstone!" he called out then resume tugging Emberfang in front of the three-legged she-cat. "He's bleeding out fast," puffing out his words, panting. A switch flipped on within himself, ready to fight the next dog punk.
@Katwhisperer @CheetahPelt

[Any cat that needs help, Greenfur is ready to fight!]

teddy. April 3rd, 2020 12:55 PM

Bumblebelly stumbled up onto his paws, the black and orange fur of his neck beginning to soak in in the blood that came from his bite wound. Luckily the damn thing had missed any mayor part of the neck, simply biting into the fluff and loose skin of Bumblebellys scruff. He blinked, shaking his body as a few droplets of blood splattered off. Back into battle he charged, perhaps they could keep this tag duo up for the remainder of Bumblebellys time in the clearing? One does major damage whilst the other attacks. He lept up onto the coyotes back, struggling to get a grip back his stained claws dug into the back of the beast. 'Brightwhisker run!"


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