Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11012)

Shadow September 19th, 2017 10:33 PM

I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

You can't believe it! Your going home! After moving to [ insert foreign country ] for a high school/college project. Finally, after three years of missing your home town..your where coming home. Ten hours ago you have gotten off the plane and started driving. Your gps said home was ten minutes away...and just then the best song came on..to match the exact moment! So what did you do? You turned up the volume and sang..well more of nicely screamed along to it.

"I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming"

Suddenly you slam on the breaks. Eyes wide. You mutter the last part of the song as the radio shuts of. "Home?!" There before you..was a tank and what seemed like millions of military people surrounded you. They told you to get out of your car with your hands behind your back and no harm would happen to you. What is happening?!

{Timeskip brought to you by my laziness}

You sat in a room..much like the rooms officers use to interrogate suspects..except you had on one of those..insane suits..but why..? Suddenly a strict looking woman comes in with apparent sadness on her features. "You don't know about what happened to you...do you." It wasn't a question...it was more of a statement. You didn't get to even take a breath before she continued. "Here hun. Why don't you read this." What she was about to show you was going to shock you. She pushed forward a document about you..and of corse..you read it.

Name:_________ Date of birth:_____
Date paper published: Novermber Thirteenth 2033

Filed Report:

While in [ insert foreign country here ] _____ ____ was exposed to a highly dangerous chemical that mutates the human body and makes him/her a threat to the common folk of [ insert home country here ] therefore she/he should be taken from wherever he/she is and taken to a special place that they cause no harm to the common folk, A.S.A.P

You look up at the lady with horror. She shakes her head. "I'm so sorry..." Then you felt a sharp pain in your neck before falling asleep. Only to awaken what seemed to you to be a second later. You where on the ground..in what seemed to be a forest..but what was weird was off in the distance you saw a desert/lava kind of place..and off in the distance to the left you saw a swamp..no that wasn't a swamp.. that was an ocean! Mountains where ahead of you north.You looked ahead and you saw weird birds flying to tree houses..no..those..those birds where humans..with wigs?! Where where you?! A person came up to you and smiled. "Welcome to your new home."


You where once a normal human that now has powers. What kind of powers? I don't know. But you do. There are older people here..people that have been sent here by the government in this secret place for way long..too long. These people help teach the young new comers how to use their powers. And there are different places within this so called sanctuary called "The terrains" which fit your power skill. This place is kind of set up as a school..it has cafeterias..and classrooms to teach students..but the classrooms are barely used..only to teach the youngest and most complicated and most new person their powers.


For the Fire Related Powers:
Desert example #1 Desert example #2
Lava example #1 Lava example #2

Water and Wind/Air Related Powers:
Ocean example #1 Ocean example #2
Plain example #1 ( the slope goes down to the ocean ) Plain example #2

Snow or Ice Realated Powers:
Mountians example #1 Mountians example #2

Earth Or Animal Related Powers Or any other type of Powers:
Forest example #1 Forest example #2

Mess Hall/Cafeteria:
Yum Food

One Person Homes That Everyone Will Be Living In:
Made out of in breakable/unburnable material


•Emily F { @Foggy22 }
•Neve F { @Foggy22 }
•Dragonix F { @Scarwings }
•Asaki F { @Black Cat }
•Harper F { @Black Cat }
•Ember F { @Black Cat }
•Xenia F { @Black Cat }
•Oro F { @Shadow }
•Noah M { @Shadow }
•Richard M { @Shadow }
•Saur M { @DragonChaos }
•Māka'i F { @Hallowed Echo }

Some people inside the Sanctuary want to get out. They want to see the real world..either for the first time..or to see it again. A small group which is growing rapidly is forming. The group is going to try and find a way out of this place. By using their powers or not..it may hurt some normal people who watch them. But they won't stop till they get to see the outside. Are you one?


New or have been here a while?-
Was brought of born here?-
Are you apart of the secret group forming?-
Anything I missed?-


Name- Oro Dee
Personality-goofy,hard headed,smart alic,over confident, usually gets lost or gets into trouble,flirty, doesn't like to listen.
Looks-BOOP BOOP #2 BOOP #3
Power-Scroll down when you click on it also I'm adding that she can control fire
Pets?-Moe Olive
New or have been here a while?-New
Was brought of born here?-Brought here
Are you apart of the secret group forming?-she has no idea of of it but she is afraid to hurt the outsiders (normal humans) so she wouldn't go
Anything I missed?-idkkk
Other-Noah is her older brother

Name-Noah Dee
Personality-serious,strong,shy,VERY protective, patient, smart.
Looks-Blurp BLURP #2 (just imagine his glasses is on)
Power-Water Manipulation
Friends-not many but open
New or have been here a while?-New
Was brought of born here?-Brought
Are you apart of the secret group forming?-yes
Anything I missed?-idk
Other-Oro is his younger sister

Name-Richard ( Rick for short )
Personality-rather..goofy. Is completely random, some say he had gone insane for being here since he was one. Sometimes he talks in riddles just to confuse the heck out of newcomers. When really he is an intelligent,kind, caring, and bubbly adult. Though he has a dark side..he truely is insane..not enough to hurt anyone..well..anyone that isn't powered.but he hides that power. He is referred to the elder of the community.
Power- some say he was cursed with this power.. Scroll on down once ya click!
Pets?-Yep his name is Barboo
New or have been here a while?-a long time
Was brought or born here?-is basically born here since he was brought here at age one
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- yes he is the leader
Anything I missed?-idk
Other?-Props to anyone who knows who I baised this off of

Foggy22 September 19th, 2017 11:10 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
This sounds so interesting! I HAVE to sign up for this! @Shadow
Name- Emily but everyone calls her Em
Age- 12 years old
Gender- Female
Personality- Em is a very bookworm-ish person, and loves to read. You can usually find her in a library and reading a book. Although she is not the most social person, she likes to hang out with her 1-2 best friends, and do random stuff like play games. She is very logical, but loves to write fictional/fantasy stories. SHe is easily annoyed, and not easily impressed. She has a higher-than-average pain tolerance, and is not afraid to resort to violence to get what she wants, although she doesn't need to often. Sometimes when playing with people, she can get a bit too rough though.
Looks- Em has broad shoulders and is of a very stocky build, but let's just say she isn't the skinniest person in the world. She has short brown hair in a messy bob kind of hairstyle. She has blue/gray eyes and wears glasses, which at the front are the same colour as her hair and the rest is orange.
Power- Shapeshift into any type of animal, and sometimes into person, but requires immense concentration and must have seen the person in real life and from own eyes before.
Pets?- None
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- This girl is independant and will stay that way. She don't care about boys.
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here since she was 2
Was brought of born here?- Brought here
Are you a part of the secret group forming?- Maybe, not decided yet.
Anything I missed?- Nupe
Other- Usually morphs into a polar-bear as she loves the cold and hates Summer. She also loves Winter and snow and ice.
Questions- Nupe

SacredMadness September 20th, 2017 05:14 AM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Name- Dragonix Fyre
Age- 17 years old
Gender- Female
Personality- She can be caring but can be merciless when need be. Growing up with a rough backstory she guards her heart with a stone shell. She is extremely friendly but can be wary too. She is fierce and awesome with battle tactics. She is also stubborn and is over protective. She is strongly against abuse of animals. What ever you do to an animal she will not hesitate to do you ten times worse. She reads a lot and she hates the color pink with a passion. She is an extreme tomboy and not even Hades himself can get her to wear makeup at all. She has a low self esteem and tends to second guess herself often.
Looks- Her hair is brown and her eyes are and oceanic blue. She is naturally a bronze color, due to having mixed blood, and she also has blue, scaled, useful dragon wings and a 6ft long blue, scaled, mace-like tail https://goo.gl/mj3Nej
Power- She can fly, courtesy of her draconic attributes
Pets?- Dragon named Fury (https://goo.gl/cWFRSQ)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- She is open but she still in that 5th grade stage where she thinks they are great best friends and only once in a blue moon will one catch her eye
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- New!
Was brought of born here?- Brought here
Are you a part of the secret group forming?- Yes!
Anything I missed?- Noperoo
Other- Noperoo
Questions- Noperoo

Silhouettes September 20th, 2017 06:01 AM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
*Poke* Bring in Oro so Asaki can scream at her

Name- Asaki // Harper // Xenia
Age- 14 // 26 // 6
Gender- Female // Female // Female
Personality- Tbrp'd // Tbrp'd // Tbrp'd
Looks- Beep // Boop // Bump
Power- She can manipulate fire // Boop // Beep
Pets?- None // None // A kitten named Orchid
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open // Open // None
Friends- Open // Open // Open
New or have been here a while?- Newish // One of the first ones here // Been here
Was brought of born here?- Brought // Brought // Born
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- She'll probably be against it // Yup // Maybe
Anything I missed?- Nup
Other- Cousin to Harper//Cousin to Asaki// Nupe
Questions- Nup

Shadow September 20th, 2017 07:20 AM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Foggy22 (Post 388818)
This sounds so interesting! I HAVE to sign up for this! @Shadow
Name- Emily but everyone calls her Em
Age- 12 years old
Gender- Female
Personality- Em is a very bookworm-ish person, and loves to read. You can usually find her in a library and reading a book. Although she is not the most social person, she likes to hang out with her 1-2 best friends, and do random stuff like play games. She is very logical, but loves to write fictional/fantasy stories. SHe is easily annoyed, and not easily impressed. She has a higher-than-average pain tolerance, and is not afraid to resort to violence to get what she wants, although she doesn't need to often. Sometimes when playing with people, she can get a bit too rough though.
Looks- Em has broad shoulders and is of a very stocky build, but let's just say she isn't the skinniest person in the world. She has short brown hair in a messy bob kind of hairstyle. She has blue/gray eyes and wears glasses, which at the front are the same colour as her hair and the rest is orange.
Power- Shapeshift into any type of animal, and sometimes into person, but requires immense concentration and must have seen the person in real life and from own eyes before.
Pets?- None
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- This girl is independant and will stay that way. She don't care about boys.
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here since she was 2
Was brought of born here?- Brought here
Are you a part of the secret group forming?- Maybe, not decided yet.
Anything I missed?- Nupe
Other- Usually morphs into a polar-bear as she loves the cold and hates Summer. She also loves Winter and snow and ice.
Questions- Nupe


Originally Posted by Scarwings (Post 388856)
Name- Dragonix Fyre
Age- 17 years old
Gender- Female
Personality- She can be caring but can be merciless when need be. Growing up with a rough backstory she guards her heart with a stone shell. She is extremely friendly but can be wary too. She is fierce and awesome with battle tactics. She is also stubborn and is over protective. She is strongly against abuse of animals. What ever you do to an animal she will not hesitate to do you ten times worse. She reads a lot and she hates the color pink with a passion. She is an extreme tomboy and not even Hades himself can get her to wear makeup at all. She has a low self esteem and tends to second guess herself often.
Looks- Her hair is brown and her eyes are and oceanic blue. She is naturally a bronze color, due to having mixed blood, and she also has blue, scaled, useful dragon wings and a 6ft long blue, scaled, mace-like tail https://goo.gl/mj3Nej
Power- She can fly, courtesy of her draconic attributes
Pets?- Dragon named Fury (https://goo.gl/cWFRSQ)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- She is open but she still in that 5th grade stage where she thinks they are great best friends and only once in a blue moon will one catch her eye
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- New!
Was brought of born here?- Brought here
Are you a part of the secret group forming?- Yes!
Anything I missed?- Noperoo
Other- Noperoo
Questions- Noperoo


Originally Posted by Black Cat (Post 388863)
*Poke* Bring in Oro so Asaki can scream at her

Name- Asaki // Harper // Xenia
Age- 14 // 18 // 6
Gender- Female // Female // Female
Personality- Tbrp'd // Tbrp'd // Tbrp'd
Looks- Beep // Boop // Bump
Power- She can manipulate fire // Boop // Beep
Pets?- None // None // A kitten named Orchid
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open // Open // None
Friends- Open // Open // Open
New or have been here a while?- Newish // One of the first ones here // Been here
Was brought of born here?- Brought // Brought // Born
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- She'll probably be against it // Yup // Maybe
Anything I missed?- Nup
Other- Cousin to Harper//Cousin to Asaki// Nupe
Questions- Nup

@Foggy22 accepted! And thank you : D

@Scarwings accepted!!

@Black Cat of corse I will! Also accepted!


Name- Oro Dee
Personality-goofy,hard headed,smart alic,over confident, usually gets lost or gets into trouble,flirty, doesn't like to listen.
Looks-BOOP BOOP #2 BOOP #3
Power-Scroll down when you click on it also I'm adding that she can control fire
Pets?-Moe Olive
New or have been here a while?-New
Was brought of born here?-Brought here
Are you apart of the secret group forming?-she has no idea of of it but she is afraid to hurt the outsiders (normal humans) so she wouldn't go
Anything I missed?-idkkk
Other-Noah is her older brother

Name-Noah Dee
Personality-serious,strong,shy,VERY protective, patient, smart.
Looks-Blurp BLURP #2 (just imagine his glasses is on)
Power-Water Manipulation
Friends-not many but open
New or have been here a while?-New
Was brought of born here?-Brought
Are you apart of the secret group forming?-yes
Anything I missed?-idk
Other-Oro is his younger sister

Name-Richard ( Rick for short )
Personality-rather..goofy. Is completely random, some say he had gone insane for being here since he was one. Sometimes he talks in riddles just to confuse the heck out of newcomers. When really he is an intelligent,kind, caring, and bubbly adult. Though he has a dark side..he truely is insane..not enough to hurt anyone..well..anyone that isn't powered.but he hides that power. He is referred to the elder of the community.
Power- some say he was cursed with this power.. Scroll on down once ya click!
Pets?-Yep his name is Barboo
New or have been here a while?-a long time
Was brought or born here?-is basically born here since he was brought here at age one
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- yes he is the leader
Anything I missed?-idk
Other?-Props to anyone who knows who I baised this off of

Shadow September 20th, 2017 02:04 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

bobtail September 20th, 2017 02:19 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Ember Flare





Pyrokinesis/Fire Mimicry




New or have been here a while

Was brought or born here

Are you apart of the secret group forming?
Will become part of it

Anything I missed



DragonChaos September 20th, 2017 02:32 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Name- Saur Darastrix
Age- 15 years old
Gender- Male
Personality- TBRP?
Looks- https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a2/e4/c7/a...-manga-boy.jpg
Power- Mind Control, but requires concentration, no interruptions.
Pets?- A Kitsune named Phoenix
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here for 4.5yrs
Was brought of born here?- brought
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- Yesh
Anything I missed?- nup
Other- hai
Questions- nup

Shadow September 20th, 2017 03:17 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by DragonChaos (Post 388971)
Name- Saur Darastrix
Age- 15 years old
Gender- Male
Personality- TBRP?
Looks- https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a2/e4/c7/a...-manga-boy.jpg
Power- Mind Control, but requires concentration, no interruptions.
Pets?- A Kitsune named Phoenix
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here for 4.5yrs
Was brought of born here?- brought
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- Yesh
Anything I missed?- nup
Other- hai
Questions- nup

Accepted!!! And halloz.


Originally Posted by SamCats (Post 388968)
Ember Flare





Pyrokinesis/Fire Mimicry




New or have been here a while

Was brought or born here

Are you apart of the secret group forming?
Will become part of it

Anything I missed




Shadow September 20th, 2017 03:41 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

@Black Cat @DragonChaos @Foggy22
@Scarwings @Aleka

aleka! September 20th, 2017 03:45 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Name: South Xenisere
Age: 14 years
Gender: Male
Personality: TBRP'ed? Because I'm kind of in a rush right now
Looks: As a human, he's short, with such a ple shade of blond for hair it appears to be a silver shade. On his right ear he had a small earring that's a ring, and it's kore on the upper half of his ear than the normal place. His eyes are naturally a pale shade of chilling blue, and the features on his face are sharp and stern looking. In his other form, he's a short and lean silver furred wolf, and his thick pelt has a slightly blue-ish shine to it. His eyes stay the same, expect in this form he has large, feathered wings that rest on his shoulders. Her has slightly large antlers that are the shade of a pale ivory color, and usually have icicles hanging from them. He also still has his silver earring.
Power: He can freeze things basically, and also shift into his other form.
Pets?: None
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: hah no
Friends: He's still busy making them
New, or been here?: New
Brought of born here?: Brought about a week ago
Part of group forming?: No, he's strongly against it
Anything I missed?: Nope^^
Other: nopee
Questions: No

Shadow September 20th, 2017 03:47 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 389011)
Name: South Xenisere
Age: 14 years
Gender: Male
Personality: TBRP'ed? Because I'm kind of in a rush right now
Looks: As a human, he's short, with such a ple shade of blond for hair it appears to be a silver shade. On his right ear he had a small earring that's a ring, and it's kore on the upper half of his ear than the normal place. His eyes are naturally a pale shade of chilling blue, and the features on his face are sharp and stern looking. In his other form, he's a short and lean silver furred wolf, and his thick pelt has a slightly blue-ish shine to it. His eyes stay the same, expect in this form he has large, feathered wings that rest on his shoulders. Her has slightly large antlers that are the shade of a pale ivory color, and usually have icicles hanging from them. He also still has his silver earring.
Power: He can freeze things basically, and also shift into his other form.
Pets?: None
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: hah no
Friends: He's still busy making them
New, or been here?: New
Brought of born here?: Brought about a week ago
Part of group forming?: No, he's strongly against it
Anything I missed?: Nope^^
Other: nopee
Questions: No


Shadow September 20th, 2017 03:48 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 389004)


Hallowed Echo September 20th, 2017 04:05 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
1 Attachment(s)
Name- Māka'i Keli'i
Age- 17
Gender- Female
Personality- TBRP'D
Looks- Short white hair with bright green eyes. Wears a light purple and black flannel shirt with jeans, black hoodie, and boots. Her selkie form is dark grey with white spots
Power- Selkie
Pets?- Lysandre (attached looks)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here awhile
Was brought of born here?- Born
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- Yes
Anything I missed?- Nope
Other- Nope
Questions- Nope

Shadow September 20th, 2017 04:07 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Hallowed Echo (Post 389034)
Name- Māka'i Keli'i
Age- 17
Gender- Female
Personality- TBRP'D
Looks- Short white hair with bright green eyes. Wears a light purple and black flannel shirt with jeans, black hoodie, and boots. Her selkie form is dark grey with white spots
Power- Selkie
Pets?- Lysandre (attached looks)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here awhile
Was brought of born here?- Born
Are you apart of the secret group forming?- Yes
Anything I missed?- Nope
Other- Nope
Questions- Nope


Silhouettes September 20th, 2017 05:08 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
(all open)
Asaki moved the flame from hand to hand, from finger to finger. Boredom was clear in her gaze. She threw the small flare in the ground in rage, it quickly composting into a mid-sized fire in the burning land. She glanced from a distance to see the land full of trees and greenery. A small smile formed on her face at the thought of it being burned to ashes. And to see everyone there burn. Asaki quickly got up, running to the forest before bumping into someone, tumbling to the ground with them.

Harper pet an artic wolf, hair billowing in the cold wind. Not that she wasn't used to it. She was native, along with her cousin, Asaki, to Germany. It was obvious from her blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and accent. "Gott, bitte helfen Sie uns." She whispered quietly. She stood up, shooing the wolf away before blasting ice into the air, hoping someone would see it. She'd been alone too long in this place. Too long.

Xenia watched silently, twildling with her stuffed rabbit. She hadn't seen her parents since they were from the wind and water terrain. They left her here when she was three, and threatened to kill her if she followed. Xenia let out a sigh. Her mood reflected the area around her, and the patch around her wilted slowly until they were dead.

Shadow September 20th, 2017 05:56 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Oro sat on the sandy..hard..and hot floor. It didn't bother her much though. That's why they made each terrain for their special powers. Heck..Oro and all the other fire Related Powers could walk in lava! How cool was that?! Oro sighed. Though she had to go to Richard every once and a while for him to cast a chaos spell..which made things backwards..so her dogs could walk in the lava too. She looked up to the sky. She wondered how they ever got trapped in here...then she sighed. How big really was this place? Well..only one way to find out..and..she also wanted to go to the place where she also belonged..the plains. Right next to where her brother lives..which is right next to the ocean. She snapped her fingers and a fire wall formed around her..and when it was gone all that was left was a bird made out of fire..a Phoenix. She flew high into the sky and zoomed over the forest seeing the plains and oceans not long away. She would have to be careful though..in this form water can really hurt her. She landed somewhere in the forest..not wanting to go any closer to the water right now. She flew from tree to tree seeing if she could find any new comers.

[ Open. ] ( also this is her two phonix forms: Fire form Non-Fire form she is currently in non-fire form.)

Noah was swimming in the ocean. He was petting all the sea creatures that went by. He wondered where his sister was...probably off in the forest messing with people. The blonde man felt so relaxed underwater he didn't honestly care. No-he wasn't drowning-infract he could breath under water..he just..he was tierd. He had been up all night mapping this place. Him and Oro had only just come here not so long ago-so why not start to know your forever home. Your home. Until you die. He shivered. He remembered how his parents fought-and where accused of a military mans death...when it was really hi-no. No it wasn't him. Right? NO! He would not be the cause of three deaths. An angle fish came and nuzzled him. Ah. That was better. Peace and quiet.

[ Open ]

Richard chuckled to himself. He had came up with a new riddle! 'Welcome welcome my new friend! For your end is not yet opened. Here we live in peace and harmony, yet some say we live in agony. Welcome to your forever home! Where this place will hold your tomb!' Ah. Great. He closed his riddle book and put down his pen. The man smiled and got up from his chair. "Ah what an smart man you are Richard!" he stretched before opening his door. He then stepped out. He would look to see if any new arrivals have came in the time he was in his little cave. His Richard Cave of corse. He then snapped his fingers-appearing farther into the forest and he looked around.

[ Open ]

Silhouettes September 20th, 2017 06:17 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 389150)

Richard chuckled to himself. He had came up with a new riddle! 'Welcome welcome my new friend! For your end is not yet opened. Here we live in peace and harmony, yet some say we live in agony. Welcome to your forever home! Where this place will hold your tomb!' Ah. Great. He closed his riddle book and put down his pen. The man smiled and got up from his chair. "Ah what an smart man you are Richard!" he stretched before opening his door. He then stepped out. He would look to see if any new arrivals have came in the time he was in his little cave. His Richard Cave of corse. He then snapped his fingers-appearing farther into the forest and he looked around.

[ Open ]

(I'll leave Oro open for now before butting in)
Xenia practically jumped ten feet in the air as she saw Richard. The wilted grass around her quickly vasnished, leaving her sitting criss-crossed on dirt. The six year old girl blinked at the man, holding her rabbit closely to her. "Are you that scary doom-man people talk about?" she asked. Her voice was tiny and a squeak, eyes round in fear at the words others falsely warned her about.

Foggy22 September 20th, 2017 06:32 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
(@Shadow Is my character allowed to travel into other regions, seeing as she can shape shift into any animal? Like for example if she morphs into a polar bear or an arctic animal can she go to the ice place?)

Foggy22 September 20th, 2017 06:46 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Black Cat (Post 389089)
(all open)
Asaki moved the flame from hand to hand, from finger to finger. Boredom was clear in her gaze. She threw the small flare in the ground in rage, it quickly composting into a mid-sized fire in the burning land. She glanced from a distance to see the land full of trees and greenery. A small smile formed on her face at the thought of it being burned to ashes. And to see everyone there burn. Asaki quickly got up, running to the forest before bumping into someone, tumbling to the ground with them.

Em gave a startled yelp, and tumbled to the ground. When she got up again, she was in the form of a big grizzly bear, and gave a mighty roar. Then, looking at who had bumped into her, she tilted her head in confusion. She turned back into her human form, wearing dark blue baggy pants and a lighter blue shirt. She picked up her glasses, which she had dropped when she morphed into the grizzly, and put them on. "Are you okay?" she asked, then added with a snort. "Watch out where you're going next time." She offered her hand to help the other girl up, and said, "I'm Emily, but you can call me Em."

Shadow September 20th, 2017 07:04 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Black Cat (Post 389176)
(I'll leave Oro open for now before butting in)
Xenia practically jumped ten feet in the air as she saw Richard. The wilted grass around her quickly vasnished, leaving her sitting criss-crossed on dirt. The six year old girl blinked at the man, holding her rabbit closely to her. "Are you that scary doom-man people talk about?" she asked. Her voice was tiny and a squeak, eyes round in fear at the words others falsely warned her about.


Originally Posted by Foggy22 (Post 389199)
(@Shadow Is my character allowed to travel into other regions, seeing as she can shape shift into any animal? Like for example if she morphs into a polar bear or an arctic animal can she go to the ice place?)

Yes yes of corse!)

Richard looked down at the girl in the forest. "Me? A scary doom-man? No no my dear!" he laughed. "But that does seem like a rather good name that fits me...being the king of chaos I get many names!" He smirked nicely at the girl. Sure-over the thirty-seven years of being here and he was he only one that had chaos powers-he gave himself that name. And so did everyone else. He smiled and snapped his fingers. The little girls bunny was now in his hands as he snapped his fingers again and he was sitting next to her criss-cross playing the her rabbit. "Well my dear this is rather a cute toy-where'd ya get it?" he asked seeming to not care about how scared she still looked. (Does no one get who he is supposed to be..?)

Foggy22 September 20th, 2017 07:30 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 389241)
Yes yes of corse!)

Okay, thank you!

SacredMadness September 20th, 2017 08:12 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Dragonix Fyre looked around the place in astonishment. Her blue mace-like tail swayed side to side as she walked. She flipped her dragon wings a couple times before hovering in the air to get a better look.

bobtail September 21st, 2017 10:40 AM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
Ember groaned and pressed one hand to her head, half-opening one eye and squinting up at the ceiling; not that she could see one. The girl gasped and sat up suddenly when she realised that she had no idea where she was. She looked around frantically and felt a slight bit of relief when she saw Raven curled up beside her. That relief quickly vanished when she noticed that she was surrounded by lava. She was on a tiny island of rock in the middle of a river of hot, molten lava. Her purple eyes widened in shock and she jumped to her feet, disturbing Raven, who looked up with confused green eyes.

The heat is here was unbearable, it was past boiling point, it was... it was... unnoticeable? Ember frowned, confused, and crouched down. Her natural curiosity had already killed her caution, so she reached out one hand and held it close to the surface of the lava. Still no heat. After a moment of hesitation she plunged her hand into the molten liquid, expecting it to disappear into flame. But... still nothing! It was warm, sure, but she couldn't feel any of the pain that was supposed to come with lava. Getting frustrated, she pulled her hand back and stumbled in shock.

Her hand was on fire. No, it was fire! Ember gaped soundlessly, horrified at what she was seeing. And yet... somehow, it made sense. Still confused and lacking her memory, the purple-eyed girl stood and took a deep breath. She focused on herself and Raven, trying to imagine them as... well, as not themselves. She imagined them as fire; pure, raging, fire, burning hot flame. She felt herself grow smaller and then suddenly larger before finally returning to what she thought of as normal. Her purple eyes opened and she realised that she was on the other side of the river with Raven curled up in her arms. How did I do that? Blinking in confusion, Ember turned to stare out at the landscape around her, gulping fearfully before starting in some random direction.

(Oro maybe?)

Shadow September 21st, 2017 05:26 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 389241)
Yes yes of corse!)

Richard looked down at the girl in the forest. "Me? A scary doom-man? No no my dear!" he laughed. "But that does seem like a rather good name that fits me...being the king of chaos I get many names!" He smirked nicely at the girl. Sure-over the thirty-seven years of being here and he was he only one that had chaos powers-he gave himself that name. And so did everyone else. He smiled and snapped his fingers. The little girls bunny was now in his hands as he snapped his fingers again and he was sitting next to her criss-cross playing the her rabbit. "Well my dear this is rather a cute toy-where'd ya get it?" he asked seeming to not care about how scared she still looked. (Does no one get who he is supposed to be..?)

Le boop @Black Cat

aleka! September 21st, 2017 05:28 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
South was sitting in the middle of a shallow pile of snow. But the teenager wasn't shivering the slightest, the cold had never really bothered him that much, but now he felt completely fine. His eyes slightly closed as he held his earring up, making the silver hoop catch a white-ish blue glint. He sighed in slight boredom, clipping it back on the hole in his ear.


Foggy22 September 21st, 2017 11:28 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
@Shadow I'm going to make another person! Because why not!
Name- Neve
Age- 15
Gender- Female
Personality- Neve is outspoken, and is not afraid to tell you what she thinks. She is very smart, and quick-witted. She has a fiery temper, and isn't one to trust quickly. Her trust and respect must be earned, but once it is, she becomes a very different person. Instead of being cold, impatient and harsh, she is kinde, still a little harsh, but not in a bad way. She loves winter, and loves to go outside with her wolf.
Looks- Neve has short, dark brown hair, in a pixie-cut hairstyle. She has frosty, light blue eyes, and is very pale skinned. She usually wears the colour light blue, like seriously light blue, or white. She is on the shorter side, but if anyone dares say anything about her size, she will freeze them, or set her pet wolf on them.
Power- Can control ice and snow, and can communicate with arctic animals.
Pets?- Winter (female)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here since she was about 5
Was brought of born here?- brought
Are you a part of the secret group forming?- Yes
Anything I missed?- I don't think so
Other- Nope
Questions- Nope

Shadow September 22nd, 2017 06:57 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]

Originally Posted by Foggy22 (Post 389911)
@Shadow I'm going to make another person! Because why not!
Name- Neve
Age- 15
Gender- Female
Personality- Neve is outspoken, and is not afraid to tell you what she thinks. She is very smart, and quick-witted. She has a fiery temper, and isn't one to trust quickly. Her trust and respect must be earned, but once it is, she becomes a very different person. Instead of being cold, impatient and harsh, she is kinde, still a little harsh, but not in a bad way. She loves winter, and loves to go outside with her wolf.
Looks- Neve has short, dark brown hair, in a pixie-cut hairstyle. She has frosty, light blue eyes, and is very pale skinned. She usually wears the colour light blue, like seriously light blue, or white. She is on the shorter side, but if anyone dares say anything about her size, she will freeze them, or set her pet wolf on them.
Power- Can control ice and snow, and can communicate with arctic animals.
Pets?- Winter (female)
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Open
Friends- Open
New or have been here a while?- Been here since she was about 5
Was brought of born here?- brought
Are you a part of the secret group forming?- Yes
Anything I missed?- I don't think so
Other- Nope
Questions- Nope


Foggy22 September 29th, 2017 11:04 PM

Re: I'm coming...home? [ Power Roleplay!! ]
I am NOT letting this thread die! Helpful bump.
@Scarwings @Black Cat @Shadow @DragonChaos @Hallowed Echo

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