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FadingEchoes October 14th, 2017 05:09 PM

Essie's Abode
Essie stretched, her long limbs flexing as she trotted out to the corner of her garden. With her yellow eyes glinting she sat down, watching with great interest as the world happened around her.
( @Constellation )

Brilliance October 14th, 2017 05:26 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Romeo swiftly slid from under the giant machinery. It was a good thing his body was small enough to surpass that predator. Unlike many cats, Romeo wasn't afraid of them. They couldn't do anything really. Maybe, run a small creature over, but he seen how they worked. When twolegs were eaten by them, when in reality they controlled those big tough things. Romeo kicked back his hind legs, in a way of telling the monster that he won the fight. With that being done, he continued on his path. There was no set destination. He left his two daughters with his good friend. Who he hoped would look after them. His girls were sweet ones and meant the world to him.
Twolegs walked around, too busy to even notice he was there. The Tom flicked his tail and rolled his eyes. Some things never changed when it came to those long legged beasts. Many were nice...and many had issues. Romeo had not desire to leave his twolegs, and occasionally he missed them, but being out in this open, where his love would be able to spread like a wildfire. There was no other place he'd rather be.
Easily, he slipped through a small tunnel in the ground. The fence above him, but his body was flexible enough to fit into the opening. He turned back to look at the work. “Must be the work of a dog.” He dismissed, finding himself in another’s yard. Ah, the yard was bigger than his old one. And, a lot prettier. The nest wasn't so bad either. Whatever cat lived here must had the lavish things in life. Romeo blinked his green gaze and he found himself walking gracefully through the place. Once his eyes landed on the pretty flowers, he trotted up to them and whiffed them in. My, my, my...he was already loving this place.


FadingEchoes October 14th, 2017 06:29 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie's ears flicked as an amused look came across her face. The she then stood walking slowly over to the tom, her light steps barely making a sound as she glided towards him. "Need something?" She purred, her rich voice resonating through the air. She had seen him come into her garden and become enthralled in the flowers her silly housefolk worked so busily at day after day. This one isn't so bad, She thought, I'll have to tell Taurus about him. As the thoughts raced through her mind she sat, her long tail twitching before curling around her paws as she waited for his response.

Brilliance October 14th, 2017 07:04 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Romeo was too transfixed on the wondrous flowers. Their gorgeous appearance and their enticing smell. This...this was heaven. He was too fixated that he didn't even notice the other she cat. Her voice made him flick his ears, but he didn't dare turn to her. His green gaze stayed on the flowers. Back when he was with his two legs, they loved planting. Flowers, plants, anything they could get their paws on. “These flowers are truly a beauty like no other. So, pretty! Like a summer’s day. Not even the winter could cast this beauty away.” His voice was deep and soothing, leaning his snout down to sniff at the beauties. To think, He was ignoring this Molly when he was trespassing through her yard. How rude he was being! Romeo perked his ears, and slowly he slid his eyes upward, his eyes checking over a leopard printed Molly. Romeo blinked his eyes. A tom like him had his fair share of relationships...that ended drastically, but he was so easily infatuated that sometimes it might appear more as lust than love.
Licking his jaws, in a swift motion, he ripped one of the flowers from their stationary, and displayed it to the Molly in front of him. “These flowers may be beautiful, but it seems as if my eyes found something more stunning.” A beauty so stunning, that she blinded him like the sun. He gently dropped the flower at her paws. “The name’s Romeo. And, what is your name, hm?” His whiskers twitched. “Rose? Flower? Tulip? Lily? Lotus?” He figured her name would be something sweet, as a flower.


FadingEchoes October 14th, 2017 08:35 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie's whiskers twitched in amusement as he spoke with such florid language, "Essie." She said, then realizing that may not be enough explanation she added, "My name that is. It's Essie." She paused awkwardly, What in the world is wrong with me? She wondered with an imperceptible shake of her head, usually toms couldn't fluster her like this. "And you?" She inquired, her head tilting to the side with curiosity. "Something great with the way you speak." She meowed, grinning as her normal calm flirtatious facade returned. @Constellation

Brilliance October 14th, 2017 10:17 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
The black Tom’s gaze light up in recognition. Not, that he knew her at all. It was his first time landing his eyes on such a rose. “A rose named...Essie.” He cooed, and tilting his head up towards the sky. “My, the heavens must really like me. I didn't think it was my lucky day.” Most cats were territorial about their yard, but this rose seemed to not have minded that he made himself home here. He was simply passing through until he seen a nice flower bed, and felt he needed to smell the flowers. By all means, Romeo was not an aggressive cat. Every Molly he's been with could prove that he's a lover and not a fighter. The Tom jumped his way across the floral bed to end up beside the pretty Molly. “Forgive me for coming into this humble abode. I didn't mean to trespass in any way. But, to be honest, if I hadn't, would I not have met such a dream that only my imagination could create?” The smooth one. He was. He believed. Romeo wasn't even trying his hardest because he didn't need to. If he seen something pretty, he wouldn't lie and disregard it. The most aesthetic things needed to be appreciated.
Romeo gave the she cat a baffled look. Did...did that mean she liked the way he spoke? Maybe so. Romeo didn't really find his voice anything special. And, most times his vocabulary confused many! He was a Tom with a way of words. True poetry that others hardly grasped the concept of. The sudden thought occurred that if he played his cards right with this Molly, then he might not be going home that night! The devious Tom, he really was. So, he nodded his head, providing a sweet smile towards his company. “I have been told that I had an uncanny way with words, heh.” Now, he was sitting down, allowing his muscles to relax. He didn't think he was leaving anytime soon. Maybe, she didn't want him to leave. Flicking his tail, the Tom allowed his gaze to remain steady on the Molly next to him. The problem was...he used to live among this block. Maybe a few houses down, and he knew every cat on the block. Well, all the mollies. So, why haven't he met this one yet? He meowed, “Tell me, Essie - have you recently occupied this garden? I've never seen you before.” He gave her a curious glance, checking her over once more as if she were eye candy. Shaking his head vigorously, Romeo gave a short deep chuckle. The key was to remain friends with her. He was a Tom that liked to love, but he had too many relationships that ended...badly. Two mollies who had his kits. And, one of them, unknown to him, had his kits as well. All he knew was that he was raising his two daughters. Romeo knew he was constantly rushing things. Expecting that the next Molly that passed, must be his one. In a few moons later, she's gone from his grasp.


FadingEchoes October 15th, 2017 09:34 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
(Sorry I haven't been on all day,)
Essie's whiskers twitched in pleasure, as they always did when she got attention from toms, "Yes, my housefolk recently got this nest. And you? Do you live on this street? Or are you just passing through to sweep in on any unsuspecting molly?" She purred, her smooth voice rippling past her whiskers.
Essie had so far had no kits, although she was in no way opposed to the possibility, no toms had thus far proven themselves worth her attention. While she was a fan of toms she found that most of them had little depth, though she was constantly cautiously optimistic. @Constellation

Brilliance October 17th, 2017 02:00 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
“Ah, I used to.” Romeo gave a bright smile. His mind recalling the pleasurable times he had living on this block. He could remember napping on the window sill of his home, and whenever his twoleg lady would fix the most satisfying of bakery goods. It was the life every cat craved, but freedom. Off the leash. Was far more better. “I don't call this place my home any longer. The stars are my home. I sleep under them.” He stated, flicking one of his ears back. Now, sleeping under a bright, star filled sky was the best thing ever. Because when you were under the stars, you made wishes. And sometimes those wishes came true.
That's what he told Topanga and Jasmina. Just make a wish, and they will come true. “Me? Sweeping in on unsuspecting mollies?” What a funny comment! Romeo purred loudly and deeply, shaking his head at the she cat. Now, the Tom may have a reputation around here...but apart of him doubted the others would remember him. “I would never find myself wilting a flower. It's - it's - it's unimaginable!” He exasperated, his eyes bucking at the mere thought of ever harming a pretty Molly. Essie was most likely just toying with him. And here he was...being his dramatic self. Romeo let out a huff and shook his head at himself. “They did magnificent on the place, I do admit. It must be...cozy.” He smiled, his eyes travelling to the collar around her neck. The only symbol that would constantly remind one that they belonged to another. She was probably chipped too. So, whenever she did run off, her housefolk would be able to find her in a blink of an eye. Romeo brushed the thoughts away, turning his gaze to stare around the spunky yard. Yup...her housefolk did a well good job of sprucing the place up. The Tom jumped onto the top of the fence, planting his paws firmly down to not fall. Flicking his tail, he gave a sly look towards the she cat. “Then, you have such a harmonious view. If I lived here, this would be a work of art that I could get used to!” No matter what phase the sky was in, Romeo admired it greatly. Every color that painted the winds, he found himself relaxed at the scenery. Her nest wasn't the grandest he's been through, like the mansions on snob hill, but still...it was nice. “To bad it's all hidden by this unpleasant man made sculpture,” referring to the fence he sat on. Romeo remembered the wooden gate he had in his old yard. Personally, the black Tom didn't enjoy the feeling of being confined behind gates. But, perhaps a feline like Essie liked the feeling of protection they held. “You like your housefolk, don't you? They spoil you well here?” He asked, giving her a curious look, then stared at the nest she called home.

FadingEchoes October 17th, 2017 09:15 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
"The stars here are beautiful." She agreed, thinking of how she sat at the windowsill each night, gazing out at the wild world in longing. She knew her housefolk only kept her in at night because they were afraid she'd be injured. She laughed softly, housefolk could be rather foolish at times.
"My housefolk certainly are fond of the place, they constantly come out to care for their flowers." She said, pausing thoughtfully before continuing, "The fence isn't so bad, it's easy to climb, and gives me a good point to get into the trees easily, and it keeps any stray dogs from coming in. Although my housefolk are under the silly notion that it keeps me here." Essie said with a grin, "I try to maintain the facade, as they let me come outside because of it."
She then stretched, her finely cared for claws sinking into the dirt, "Not too badly," She said, referring to how much the silly housefolk spoiled her, "Just the right amount I suppose." She mewed, her voice growing higher now, as it always did as she developed feelings for a tom.

FadingEchoes October 20th, 2017 06:31 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Bump @Constellation

Brilliance October 21st, 2017 06:14 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
The black Tom flicked an ear back, a sly smile forming on his maw as he tilted his head up to the sky. It wasn't night time, but he could imagine how bright the sky got at night. The moon envied the stars. The stars served the moon. Romeo found the night a peaceful brininging. Aside from the brilliant lights, he was able to camouflage through the night because of his jet black pelt color. "The higher power gave us a magnificent gift. One through the night. If dazzibgly stars that shine so bright, I'm surprised we don't go blind." His tail propels behind him as he sat on that coarse fence. In a way, he was telling Essie that she didn't need to tell him twice that the stars were beautiful every night. He knew that wherever he went, they were absolutely stunning. No other could compete...unless it was a dazzingly Molly equaled in beauty. Possibly, challenging the stars with her breathtakingly unique pelt color?
Romeo seen so many beautiful mollies. He had the honor of taking in one of them as his mate, which he had known her as Crescent. She was the love of his life - as he found himself believing. But, she had left him. She broke off their relationship, leaving the Tom heartbroken for a small moment. Romeo shook his head, ridding the thoughts of the pretty silver pelted feline before turning his attention back onto this new gem.
Jumping down from his spot on the fence, he circled her once more, ever so slowly running his tail tip alongside of her. "Caring for flowers isn't an easy task." He stopped, admiring the flower bed across from him. They were in mint condition, glowing and flaunting their beauty like no other. "A dead flower is a funeral of a smile." He frowned. Whenever Romeo passed flower beds, he needed to admire them. He had to sniff them, talk to them, and appreciate them. Flowers were nature, and nature was wonderful. When Essie spoke about the fence, Romeo threw her a smile, half lidding his gaze. "Is that so?" He perked his ears, giving off a deep chuckle. "It seems to me that you're a sneaky lady." Personally, Romeo didn't think any fence could keep a cat confined. They were smart mammals, they would always find another way out. Fortunately for Romeo, it had always been easy to escape the grasp of his own housefolk. Sometimes he missed them, other times he loved his freedom more than anything. "I don't think I could ever. You have the heart of a saint. My freedom is my life. It is a depressing sight to sit and watch life pass you by. Every the same. But, being out here, I meet new adventures. My soul became fierce and happy." His green eyes shone, which happens every time he was passionate about speaking. Every cat needed a break most times, and the outside world gave that. Their ancestors had been wild, not domesticated, so why should they? Romeo watched as the lovely Molly sunk her claws into the dirt, and he repeated her actions, rolling his broad shoulders to relax them. "Well, I'd say a madam as delicate as you deserve nothing but the finest of what life offers." He hoped her housefolk were treating her well. Sometimes twolegs had a weird way of showing their affection... "And, I would love to someday take you out on lovely walk," the black Tom bowed his head towards her, his green eyes illuminating his desired object of affection. Romeo didn't see himself as flirting, as he was much to gentlemanly for that. This was a...favor. Ah, yes, a favor! She didn't want to be stuck in this yard all day, did she? Besides, if he wanted to get anywhere with her, he had to take his time to get to know her. With this tom, chivalry was never out of style.


FadingEchoes October 21st, 2017 06:28 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie nodded, a tad sadly, "I suppose I've never known true freedom." She admitted, "It's not all bad though, my housefolk let me roam, and give me a place to rest my head. And they feed me quite well. Although I hope it doesn't show." She said with a smirk.
The spotted molly purred in amusement, "I'd be happy to go on a walk with you. How about later tonight?" She inquired. Essie had a tendency to move too fast when it came to toms, this was something she knew, but she saw no problem with that, if two cats felt a connection, who was to stop them from exploring it fully? Although she had so far lost interest in every tom that had come along, she was feeling more, not less, sure of this one with every passing second. "In the evening," She continued, knowing it would appeal to his prosaic side, "When the sun sets, turning the skies into a symphony of color." She mewed, her tail caressing his shoulder gently. @Constellation

Brilliance October 21st, 2017 07:12 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Such a sad thing that he ever heard. A feline who never known true freedom. Romeo was positive that if she got a hint of it, she wouldn't want to let it go. If was like being a bird that wasn't able to fly. That wasn't able to use their wings to caress the sky. "Accompanying me, you'll see that there is more than meets the eye." Says the Tom who roamed around frequently. That seen more sunsets and sunrises in different wonderful places. That encountered more trouble than he liked to admit, but that spread love into some of the most of unwilling hearts. "You'll see sights that melt your heart away. That blinds your sight, that replaces your soul with your eyes. You'll see the worl of true beauty, and birds singing a song that no other voice can preach." His eyes travelled her form, taking in her figure. She wasn't as big as most heavyset kittypets were. "Ah, do not worry, rose. You look very breathtaking." That was the truth. She was very beautiful in his gaze. And, it made the tom's gaze sparkle even more when she took him up on his offer. "Later tonight sounds perfect." He purred, a more sightful smile crossing his features. To add on, she continued, even as to caressing his shoulder with her tail. It made Romeo twitch his whiskers, and the poetic Tom felt a glowing spark inside his chest. "A symphony of colors? When the sky hits that asethically scenery? Like artwork itself? But, you standing next to it, you'll put the sky to shame." How long would he have to wait until tonight before he could take her out? This adventurous Tom felt that he knew all the good spots - the romantic spots. He was sure Essie would appreciate such kindness coming from him. Apart of him felt that if was a higher power giving him another chance. "Tonight I'll whisk you away. No promises if I'll ever bring you back. So, I hope you don't have a curfew." Obviously, he was joking. Romeo held much respect for all mollies, and he wouldn't just steal her away without bringing her back home. He felt that one night with him would make her think differently about her usual routine in life.


FadingEchoes October 21st, 2017 07:23 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
She smiled, sidling up next to him so that their fur was just brushing together she mewed to him, "You certainly have a way with words." She admired. Her fur got hot as he extensively complimented her. She was a beautiful molly, and had received many compliments, though never like Romeo so freely gave out. He seemed unable to contain his admiration for her beauty. Which Essie thought was definitely something to look for in a tom. The molly purred in anticipation, "Whisked away?" She meowed slowly, batting her eyes at him as her yellow gaze held his green one, "Sounds good to me." She purred into his ear, she lead a rather boring life, the constant feeding and care of her housefolk was nice, but had no spontaneity. This tom was the first exciting thing to happen to her, and she would cherish every moment spent with him.


Brilliance October 21st, 2017 09:11 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Now, she was next to him. Personally, Romeo never minded physical touch. Especially when it appeared around a pretty Molly such as the one in his company. Romeo sat casually, albiet lifting his posture to appear straighter. He looked down at Essie, holding her gaze. "A way with my vocabulary? Ay, I never noticed!" It wasn't the first time he heard that compliment. Whenever he did meet a Molly, they were rather charmed by his use of quotes. Romeo, himself never paid much attention to what he said. Vaguely, he reminisce the times his hairless two leg sat at a wooden object, doodling and uttering words of love. Romeo laid at his feet late nights, ears always perked, and gradually he picked up on this sense of comfort. "Ah, yes - whisked away." He purred, finding himself in a new odd world. That familiar odd world of unwanted feelings, yet desirous thoughts. "We'll follow the setting sun until our stars arise. I'll lead you onto a new path. And, I promise you'll forget about your old life." Now, he was simply teasing her. Attracting her attention like a bee to a flower. "By all means, I wish never to take you away from a family that you are enamored with." He said lowly, deeply. Nor, did he want her to feel pressured. He felt that the two of them would become great friends, and if the stars allowed it - something more. Romeo could be a rather patient Tom. When she purred in his ear, the Tom felt fragile chills running down his spine, and his tail twitched nervously. "So," he cleared his throat, getting to his paws. "I'll be stealing you when the sun kisses us goodbye and the moon is set on keeping us company for the night? I'll be hoping that you wouldn't change your mind on me, Rose...you'll be missing a taste of the finest things in life." Well, as find as a stray cat could achieve. His sleek fur bristled slightly, feeling an odd discomfort, but he brushed it quickly away to remain attentive to a new friend...or date. Or, whatever this was happening between them.


FadingEchoes October 21st, 2017 09:18 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie blinked slowly as she listened to him speak, she felt like she could listen to him talk forever, "Change my mind? I wouldn't dream of it." She said softly, purring continuously. She hesitated slightly, as if unsure of something, she then stretched her neck forward, giving him a soft lick on the cheek. She then stood, stretching once more and feeling her muscles ripple underneath her silky pelt, "I'll see you at sunset Romeo." She meowed, her voice deeper now, a sign she was beginning to experience something she had never before, perhaps this was what the tom meant when he spoke of new paths, perhaps he meant love.

Brilliance October 22nd, 2017 11:11 AM

Re: Essie's Abode
This Tom should had known that his behavior was inappropriate. Complimenting such painted art that he forgot to ask her if she held a significant other close to her heart! His maw opened to ask, but she started speaking, so Romeo closed his mouth to hear the music escape from her own. He reciprocated her purr, withdrawing it slightly when he felt a wet substance upon his cheek. Well, didn't that answer his question about her marital status! Every part of his body sprouted up from that little kiss. His green eyes grew oversized, and his claws sunk into a sheathed state, as his heart beat a calm level of clarity. If it was one thing Romeo knew, this she cat must had liked him. Did she hear his heart? Hm, maybe he needed to do something about that. "O the sweetest sin!" He purred, his eyes focused on her as she stretched. The sweetest sin of a tender kiss. That meant no harm, but made feelings tingle from within. "Won't you give me my sin again?" Sweetly urged, he wished for another kiss. But, the Rose already bidded him a quick goodbye, stating she would see him at sunset. So, Romeo was out of luck, but left in such a saccharine state of bliss. Yes - of course, she will see him at sunset. He will take her out, and the both of them will have a pleasurable time, surely. Romeo didn't want to intrude further on her schedule, and gently caressing his tail along her side, "Sunset I'll be here. No minute more, no minute less. I'll wait out in the front forever, if I have to. A fool, I may sound, but you have to understand - I'm entangled in this wondrous feeling, that I hope you won't take advantage of." That's what most others did. The mean mollies that just wanted to use the Tom for a good time. Romeo was not a fighter. He was a lover. He gave her a friendly, soft smile before sauntering his way towards the fence. Leaping, he curled hisntail inwardly, placing his claws firmly on the gate. He slid his optics to the corner to stare at her once more. "Take care, rose. Until next time our hearts cross paths." Tonight, in fact. To think, the day was supposed to be of a normal one. And, now he scored himself a date with a stunning Molly. Romeo felt he was doing something right for the stars to grant him a chance at love, or the Molly was as desperate as he was to lock down on that outstanding emotion of love. Whatever it may be, Romeo knew it would he worth it.
And, so he jumped out her yard, and hummed his sweet hymns of love and poetry.

[We can leave this here. Or, you can start a time skip.]

FadingEchoes October 22nd, 2017 01:51 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie dipped her head in farewell, dashing away to her nest and sliding through the kitty door. She meowed to her housefolk, trotting over to her bowl and purring as her housefolk obeyed in giving her food. She then took a thorough bath and went to sleep, the handsome tom inhabiting her dreams.
(We can time skip.)
Later that evening, Essie sat on the windowsill, purring as she thought on the earlier events, As the sun began to set, she stood, slipping out of her kitty door gracefully. She trotted out to her garden, sitting patiently as she waited for the handsome tom to arrive. She licked her paw carefully, drawing it slowly over her head in a hurried, final attempt to fix herself.
(Sorry it's so short, writer's block.)

Brilliance October 23rd, 2017 02:35 AM

Re: Essie's Abode
After the Tom left her humble abode, he found himself aimlessly following the sky. With his head locked on the retreating sun, and putting his complete trust in his paws to not lead him to trouble. This was ordinary for Romeo. A Tom who hardly paid any attention to his surroundings, but also the Tom who spilled his easy obtained heart just to fill out what he was missing. On the plus side, Essie wanted to see him again.on the same day. In a bit of time. What a surprise! What an accomplishment! What an achievement! So, later that day, lacking the finest of objects to get him nicely spruced up, Romeo stared at his reflection in a puddle. He managed to get himself that rugged handsome look that grown on him ever since he became a feral cat. His right ear was shredded, and he had a couple scratches aligning his body, and he hoped Essie didn't mind that. To Romeo, she was a she cat that deserved the riches in life. She deserved the entire universe...something he couldn't give her. But, maybe another housecat that could.
"No, no, Romeo. Don't you dare back out now." He reprimanded himself, staring at his reflection sternly as it mocked him back. He brought his head up, and flicked his tail at the water in frustration before he got up to walk away. Eddie's home wasn't that far from the stray alleyway he was in. Once he found himself a couple houses down, he confidently jumped up onto the fence, his gaze searching around for the spotted she cat. Once he laid them on her, a purr erupted from his throat - loudly. "My, my, my. You're putting the stars to shame." He uttered, breathlessly. Even in the night, the Molly tended to glow. Romeo was convinced she carried her own aira around her that made others, including himself, deply attached. Jumping down from the fence to trot to her side, he leaned in to give her a few quick sniffs, inhaling in her scent. Did she smell as good as she looked? Obviously, she had. Because now, he was whiffing her, and couldn't pull himself away. "I'd like to believe you set yourself to divinity for me - but, who am I in your eye except for a mere peasant? I am fascinated! Deeply fond of you. Please, let us stroll through this light filled sky, perhaps tails intertwined?" Circling around her, brushing up against her until he was back at her side, and gently guiding his tail to meet the end point of hers to curl them together. Of course, he would never pressure her, and of he was coming on too strong, which wouldn't surprise Romeo since he held such an admiration for the emotion of love, bit he wanted her to feel comfortable around him. So, guiding her to the exit, he refused to let her soft tail go.


FadingEchoes October 23rd, 2017 10:04 AM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie meowed a greeting when Romeo appeared, her fur growing hot as he purred. She listened to him speaking so eloquently once more, once again becoming lost in his prosaic speech. The Molly let go a purr of pleasure and surprise as their tails intertwined, surprising even herself at the eagerness that erupted from deep within her, spreading a warmness like that of a fire throughout her entire body. Essie stood, keeping her tail entwined with his as he lead her out of her garden, she would follow him to the ends of the earth if need be. "So where are you whisking me away to?" She meowed to him her bright yellow eyes becoming lost in his deep emerald ones. "Somewhere wonderful I hope." She purred, her face right inches from his. She inhaled his warm scent, a wild and beautiful smell that inhabited her nostrils, intriguing her greatly.

Brilliance October 23rd, 2017 12:24 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
The problem with Romeo was that he knew he fell too fast
Too quick. Too hard. In the end, hewould think his heart was dancing of glee. Of happiness at finally finding...the one. Then, he would have someone to cuddle with, and dote over. Someone to be there for his two girls, because Topanga and Jasmina needed a lady figure in their life. Yet, each chance he did fall in love. Ultimately got his heart broken in the process. Those other times should had been lessons learned. Romeo felt that there was someone for everyone. Including him, so with every piece of his heart that fell off like a petal of a wilting flower,he was growing closer to "Mrs. Forever". The only question was - how many times he had to go through with this? Perhaps, his " love game" was a little too strong and quick. Becuase he knew he fell hard, and fast. With Essie, he allowed himself to believe with his entire ruptured heart that maybe - just maybe, she could be the one. If not, he'll journey until the end of his life to find his other half. To answer her question, Romeo simply let out an audible purr. "Where I'm taking you, mi'lady - you might not even want to come back to this place." He softly chuckled. "Somewhere of the most blandest of places, but you within it, I know it'll be more than wonderful." Every place might as well be as boring as the color grey. Romeo was putting Essie on top. On a pedestal for all to admire and fawn over. Any place he could take her, and she would make the place a lot more enjoyable. Though Romeo planned ahead. Having this been his former neighborhood, the Tom still knew where everything laid. From the junkyard with those lousy dogs, to the vined house that looked abandoned, but was just covered in greenery a few ways away. So, Romeo knew that within this small neighborhood, a party would be thrown. A small little road party with latern bright lights, and loud joyous music. Pretty decorations and plenty of nice entrees. Stray cats shouldn't make their appearance at a twoleg concoction, but this place was so grand, so exquisite that Romeo wanted Essie to have a marvelous time enjoying the scenery. He knew the best place to watch it all. And, the perfect way to steal food for them both to enjoy. For Romeo did not receive his name out of vain. He truly was the ever-loving-infamous Romeo Montague - just in cat form. Although to Romeo, he never knew why he received his name, just believing that his former housefolk liked it. "Ah, let us move. They'll be starting soon. Tonight, you shall see fire light up the sky." The pretty fireworks that twolegs done late at night to end the festive event. He wanted Essie to enjoy every part of tonight.


FadingEchoes October 23rd, 2017 12:39 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie watched the tom as he spoke, passion dancing in his eyes. Perhaps this one was one she could stay with. In the past toms usually tried to get Essie to sleep with them as soon as possible, a fact that disgusted the Molly, while she was certainly not against getting, well close, before becoming mates, the Molly still felt that two cats should have a connection before doing so, rather than just jumping in and out without even catching each other's name. But this tom, while being captured by her beauty, also seemed to be genuinely interested in her personality, her interests, and in giving her the time of her life, something Essie would hold him to. Yes, this tom was definitely different from others. "Sounds amazing." She purred into his ear as they walked together. The Molly gently nuzzled his neck, "How far away is it?" She inquired, although she felt as though they could go on walking together forever, their tails entwined, with her listening to him speak until he had nothing more to say, which would probably take until the end of time itself.

Brilliance October 23rd, 2017 09:46 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
As they walked, Romeo kept his attention on her. It was the most gentlemanly thing for him to do. His many moons of being around these delicate flowers, Romeo knew she cats liked to be heard and catered to. They wanted a listening ear, and Romeo provided that. He led her out safely from within her garden, and walked along the pavements of the sidewalk. The hairless creatures might as well walked past them because they done little to bother them. Upon hearing her voice in his ear, the black Tom gently touched his own muzzle to her ear. "It'll be the sweetest memory dancing in your mind." His voice grew husky, a sudden confidence growing into him. Romeo knew how to play his cards right, he knew how to charm the ladies - without even trying. Being himself was all it took to find love. He told himself he wouldn't rush this process, get another lie. Love had no limitations. Attractions held no limitations. At her next question, Romeo squeezed her tail lightly. "Questions, questions. Just allow your beating heart to guide you." It wasn't that far. Just up the block. The party was already set, and music was making its appeal into Romeo's ears.
A known alleyway was his destination. He nudged her towards the other way. "Follow me." He whispered softly to her, and pawed his way into the dark alley. The sun was already going out fast, and the moon was replacing it. Two lidded garbage cans were the perfect spot to see the latern lights and the wonderful festival itself. "Right here." He says, puffing out his chest. Untangling himself from the she cat, he jumped onto the tin can, his bottom cushioned by an old couch pillow. He flicked his tail next to him. "May I warm you with the feel of your pelt against my own?" So far, so good. He hoped she would like it. He lacked the riches in life, and if he had them, he would give her the finest. Yet, in the wild, being a stray cat, he worked with his surroundings. Though he vowed that tonight would be the sweetest memory that ever occurred to her. "Are you famished, Rose? What is your ideal taste of pleasure?" He purred. A date without fold? What type of gentlemen was he to not offer her some food? Whatever she wanted, he would make possible. Even if he had to go to the ends of the earth for such requests.

FadingEchoes October 23rd, 2017 09:58 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie leaped up next to him, purring with pleasure as she pressed her fur into his. With a sudden flash of worry she hastily shook her head, not wanting him to leave her side, "No, no, I'm fine." She meowed quickly, "Maybe on the way back to my nest." She said, leaving the implication that he would be going home with her out in the open. She entwined her tail with his once again, burying her muzzle into his neck as she listened to the wonderful music. "You certainly know how to treat a molly." She murmured into his fur, the warmth she had felt earlier now feeling like a fire. After a few moments of silence, she sighed with pleasure, "Tell me about yourself Romeo," She pleaded, she knew hardly anything of this tom that had so easily entrapped her with his eloquence and she desperately wanted to know more about him, his interests, his family, how he had gained such a florid tongue.

Brilliance October 23rd, 2017 10:48 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
When she turned down that she didn't want any food, a part of Romeo wondered if that was good. What of she starved? Wasnt the best part of a date the entree? Wait..was this even a date? Considering this to be Romeo, the hopless romantic, he obviously portrayed this as a date. As she pressed into his fur, on instinct, the Tom curled his tail around her, enveloping her into a sweet embrace. The scene in front of them shown dancing and laughing and the sweet aroma of exquisite cuisine. Upon her implication, Romeo felt the tip of hisbears grow hot. The color red would had danced across his face if he were a hairless critter. A hidden smile from her. And his vision locked on the picture in front of them. If what she said was inviting, Romeo braced himself for a lucky night.
Romeo dearly enjoyed her endearment. His emotions were powered by love and affection. Her compliment made his mind flash back to the past of his many past relationships. All ended with his heart being broken. Yeah, he did know how to treat a Molly. He knew how to make her feel like she was the only thing that mattered. He knew how to open her heart to love and happiness. He knew this...without intentionally knowing it. But, no Molly really knew how to love him. Because if they had, he wouldn't be an aimless lover that found every Molly fascinating beyond limitations. When a soft silence settled between them, Romeo took his time to nose his snout gently through her pelt, getting intoxicated by the sweetest scent. The Tom hardly heard a speak another word, his ears filled with loving music, and his mind imagining a future with the she cat beside him. He found this a bit wrong - having to meet her earlier that day, and now believing she would be his forever. Her question made the Tom stare at her with sullen green eyes. "I lived on this block before. With an old twoleg who held a passion for poetry and writing. Yet, he was ice on a sunny day. No company, just an empty heart beating. He recently died, so I set myself off to follow my stars." His words were sad, but he remembered his happiest moments in the care of that grand man. "I'm a travelling heart, soul, and mind, searching for a love that surpass greater than mine. My heart have been shattered too many times to count, but I'm constantly giving love a chance because it is the previous feeling of all." He paused for a moment. Romeo didn't really have any secrets to withhold from the gorgeous Molly. He knew he didn't live a grand life. It was quite simple. Normal. "I'm very passionate. And, hopeful. I dream a lot. I have two lovely daughters that are within my care, and I have done some honest mistakes. I don't regret them, but I rather grew more intelligent because of them. Trust me, I am no saint. But I hold a lot of candor," He paused, turning his gaze to look down at her to trap himself into her yellow eyes. "This is supposed to be of the most blossoming of moments for us, and I'm bittering it because I'm discussing past faults. Forgive me, rose. I don't want to taint this beautiful occasion for the both of us." He let out a short laugh, keeping his attention on her. Flicking an ear back, Romeo did not find himself very interesting to get to know. "I'm far more interested in the charm of you. Please, allow me to know a few of your pleasures." Perhaps, they could get to know each other a lot tonight. It gives them a chance to talk and become good friends. Though, internally, Romeo felt he would get to know her extremely well later that night.

FadingEchoes October 25th, 2017 07:01 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
(Dang he's so smooth.)
Essie sighed with happiness as he embraced her, thoughts running through her mind as she imagined a future with the Tom. Romeo used to be a housecat, and Essie cautiously wondered if he would mind moving in with her and her housefolk. He hadn't reacted much to her implications, but Essie secretly thought he was pleased. While she by no means was arrogant, she knew that most toms considered her beautiful, and wouldn't hesitate to join her for some evening activities. Although this tom was different than most, he couldn't be that different. Essie's ears flicked in shock as she learned that his heart had been broken before, "I certainly have no intentions of doing that." She promised, nuzzling him gently. She grinned as he inquired about her life, this Tom kept surprising her with his gentleness and interest in her personality rather than her appearance, "Well, there isn't a whole lot to tell." She said slowly, a hint of bitterness giving her voice an edge, "I've always longed for a life of excitement." She added, "I've always lived at the nest where I live now. The occasional tom may catch my eye, but they've so far been shallow and uninteresting once I get to know them." She paused for a second her eyes staring off into the distance as she recollected, "I'm definitely not having that problem with you though." She purred, snuggling even closer to him.

Brilliance October 25th, 2017 09:44 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
For Romeo being a house cat wasn't entirely bad. In fact, it was something pleasuring. It was nice. Welcoming. He had a warm bed. He hate lots of wet poultry food. To be honest, Romeo believed he was only adopted because his old twoleg was extremely lonely. The robust man could had found love...couldn't he? The young Romeo would had thought it wasn't that hard. Love could be found in some of the strangest of places. But, based on his experience, Romeo brushed those thoughts away. Love was, indeed, hard to find but loneliness always threw a party to invite you to.
Aforementioned, Romeo was pleased with his basic life of being a housecat. Yet, the thrill of being free was tangible. Why would a cat wish to be confined behind curtains? "Well, I certainly would be surprised if you were a venus fly trap instead of a rose." He purred. He didn't know what intentions Essie held, but he allowed himself to believe they were good intentions. Even if She cats were very delicate, and honeysuckle - not all held good intentions. In fact, some he crossed held bad intentions. The worst intentions imagined. But, since Romeo was pretty much an open minded feline, and used little trust to put into another, the tom agreed with his companion. Lightly he used his tail to rub against her, in a way of soothing her upon her nuzzle.
Romeo awaited patiently for her to tell him more about herself. After all, this was what their outing was all about. Getting to know one another. Making a new friend. Two souls connecting while the sky smiled from above them. "Oh, blasphemy!" He gasped. It was crazy to think she didn't have a lot to tell. It was insane that she thought her life was bland. To Romeo, she looked like she could tell an entire story of clawing at a fish and he would had never grown bored of hearing it. "As long as your smile keeps appearing as that sun arises, then your life is as epic as you want it to be." He said, calmly. Then, listened to her as she talked abit. About her nest, and the fact that she didn't stray too far from her home. "Your life craves adventures." He nodded. He detected the note of envy in her tone, but dismissed it soon as she spoke once again. "Ah, so you're a heartbreaker?" He asked, his whiskers twitching. It was odd to think that he was a helpless romantic, and she got easily bored with every tom she crossed. So far, she wasn't showing those signs to him, and therefore that must had been a good sign. It made Romeo feel a tadbit uncomfortable as he knew fully well that he never had any control over his heart. The molly snuggled up closer to him. He felt her pelt clinging to his own, and Romeo simply soaked in the moment. She reassured him that she wasn't getting bored of him...yet. "Not a problem now, you say? Well, I'd imagine since you only met me earlier today. Though, thank you for warning this heart of mine. " At least she was being honest. That she got bored easily. It had knocked Romeo off guard upon hearing those words, but he was already in too deep than he intended to be. "I promise I wouldn't hold any hard emotionss if you choose to do so. My heart is as large and accepting as the ocean. My love runs as deep as the ocean. If possible - a lot deeper than that." As quick as he fell in love, the quick HD managed to forgive those who broke his heart. After all, the Tom was in love with the idea of being in love. He wanted someone to capture his heart and put a lock on it. Throw away the key. And, keep him as close as could be. Romeo provided Essie a small chuckle, flicking his green eyes towards the night hued sky. "I like to imagine this blossoming rose have plenty of talents. Do you take on hobbies that go far beyond my imagination of the creativity of you?" He asked. He needed to know more. Fully get to know this she cat. All night if he must. Romeo knew that he would never keep her out past curfew. Her housefolk would be worried, wouldn't they?


FadingEchoes October 25th, 2017 10:25 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie let loose a mrrow of amusement, "A heartbreaker? Well, the toms whose company I have refused, didn't have much of hearts." She said slowly, her left ear flicking in annoyance as she recalled the various toms. Essie had a flash of alarm as she realized she may have disinterested the Tom as she spoke of her readiness to be lured by toms-and her propensity to lose interest so quickly. She turned to look into his deep green eyes, "I don't think I could ever be uninterested in you." She assured him, giving him another lick on the cheek. A tinge of sadness edged her amber eyes as she heard of the she-cats that played with his emotions. Shallower toms, yes, she could play with them as she like, but she could never see herself hurting this kind caring Tom, not when he so easily trusted her. She purred, "No I don't have many hobbies." She told him, "I catch the occasional sparrow or two, when they roost near my nest. Other than that, I play with my housefolk so they don't get bored, and meet the surrounding housecats." She said, thinking fondly of her Taurus. "And you? I'm sure you have many intriguing interests."

Brilliance October 29th, 2017 01:51 AM

Re: Essie's Abode
Romeo found it as amusing as his company about the thoughts of Heartbreakers. Romeo had met his fair share of most of them. With extraordinary beauty that could never be topped. The she cats that gave his lonely heart a skip of a beat, igniting it to live once more. He could not speak for the Toms that Essie mentioned. He couldn't predict what she been through in earlier relationships, so he did not comment on such. Instead, he told her, "The littlest of hearts just have no desire of inflating emotion. But, emotion is what makes us embrace life. Whether a broken heart, or the heart with fleeting interest." He blinked his eyes, wondering why he said such a phrase. Was he losing his game? No, no...definitely not. Romeo still had his long time charm that always brought luck on his side through gloomiest of days. If it weren't for his luck, he wouldn't have met the pretty gem that was he had his tail wrapped around. Her words, made the Tom chuckle softly. She even added some physical affection that made Romeo eyes glow a bright green. "Aren't you passionate with saccharine, Rose!" He let out a low rumble from deep within his chest. He took her word, sealed it within his heart, and tossed the key away. If what she said was true, then heartbreak was long gone away. Maybe...he could even see into the future. A future with her. Which had to be a long shot in his opinion. A rash relationship, ended rapidly. So, why discourage his chances? Romeo reminded himself to slow his roll, when oppositely she was the one pulling him in like a fisherman. He was her catch, eating her bait. If the world was honest, Romeo was the one finding himself first in love at sight. From pure physical attraction, but decided to get to know these fellow felines to truly see if their heart was as equal - if so, even more beautiful than their physical appeal. "A hunter, you are?" He asked, his ears perking with pure interest. The lies that escaped her pretty maw. A doll such as her must had been very talented. She must had a lot of hidden skills than the hobbies she listed. "Oh, my! You must be alienated from this world. Because this poor soul of mine is never successful much with the birds." Those flying critters...always able to escape his grasp so very easily. Romeo gave a light shake of his head, muttering swears to himself, then turned his attention back to the molly. "Ah, my interests are...more acquired," he shifted slightly, bringing one of his paws behind one of the paws of Essie, in a way of entwining the two. He didn't know how to explain what he liked, or what his interests consisted of because...most likely. It would.confuse this dear wonder - or worse. Uninterest her. Make her realize that this was an entire mistake. "I'm fond with the movements of travels. I can never place myself in a repetition." Why live in one place...when you could explore the ends of the earth? When you could embrace the true magic of what this world appears to give? "Just between the spirits of us, I'm uninteresting as the sound of remote silence." He uttered, more so leaning to joke with her but instead his voice held a serious tone at the inflicted self insult. "You leave me curious, Rose. So, I must ask - do you like to follow the stars? Have you ever ventured into this robust garden we call the earth - our home?" He knew she mostly stayed to herself. Within her own garden. She was missing out on the life of what their ancestors lived. Not every cat enjoyed the feeling of fending for themselves, and perhaps Essie was one of those cats. She loved go remain domesticated, but Romeo was far from the confined life of a peasant cat. As for his interests, there was plenty more, but Romeo preferred to spending time with her so she could get a hint of them herself, rather than telling her outright about them. To put.bluntly, Romeo was more confused about his character as others were of his sense of communication.


FadingEchoes October 30th, 2017 10:59 AM

Re: Essie's Abode
She shrugged indifferently, "The birds that frequent my nest are rather easy prey." Essie said, her tail tip twitching as she thought of the past prey she had captured. She listened with great interest as he recalled his travels, "I must say travel does intrigue me." She admitted. Her yellow gaze fell upon him as he commented on how he thought himself uninteresting, "I think you're very interesting." She said earnestly, her eyes ablaze with passion. Her ears twitched as he inquired about her, "Well, I haven't yet." She said, "Though I've always fancied myself going off on great adventures, seeing the wide open spaces, and all else life has to offer." She said wistfully, "Yes... I'd love to. But I'm afraid I can't leave my housefolk, they've cared far too much for me to simply abandon them. For very long anyway." Essie said with great conviction. "I'd have to be tempted with something greater than simply travel to leave them." She said intensely, "Perhaps if I had the correct traveling partner." She purred, shuffling her paws.

FadingEchoes November 13th, 2017 10:10 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Bump for @Constellation

Brilliance November 21st, 2017 09:40 PM

Re: Essie's Abode

The black tom felt his whiskers dance with mere excitement. This Essie was something else...not like many others, yet she were. Romeo was pretty open minded when it came to different cats he met. He solely believe that everyone was different; unique in their own way. Essie was no exception. She was a million pieces of artwork intricately woven from the great gods - gods? Or, what was that little bit of heaven that he caught on with his earlier suitors? When late at nights and he had been curious, when his former mate would mention the beauty of the stars...her ancestors. The sudden thought flickered into his mind, and he slowly brought his head up to the purple-ish sky. The lights streaked across the sky, dotted and sparkling. ''Better to have some jewels than not at all, rose.'' He bowed his head, a lopsided grin forming on his muzzle. ''I am absolutely devastating at hunting. You wouldn't even believe I was a cat!'' He chuckled. He had claws, they were sharp, they were perfect to hook onto an enemy's guts and yank them out with a good tug...being Romeo, he wasn't naive. By all means, he was pretty intelligent. He made mistakes, his brain didn't comprehend solutions as fast as others. That was okay...right? That didn't make him completely oblivious, right? Maybe, a bit slow...as in physically. A bit too fast falling in love, and a bit too slow when it came to moving on. ''Oh, yes,'' He replied, his voice a feathery deep. Reminiscing about his mingled travels. The exotic lands, the lush fields, and the lavish beauty that surrounded him wherever his paws set home. ''Travelling is a true talent at its finest. If you got paws, then you can walk the mile.'' He commented, with a nod of his head. And, after this, where would he go next? Who else was he to encounter? Who else would intrigue his life? ''Do you really think you can beat watching every sunrise and every sunset as you awake in the beauty of this luxurious earth? And, what about the stars?'' He swiftly turned his gaze to look down at the coffee colored feline beside him. Like a cliched love story, Romeo found this beauty's eyes enticing as the feline herself. ''Perhaps, I wouldn't need the stars...with your eyes as my map.'' It was the moment, she said she thought he was interesting. He could tell she meant it, just based on the way she was staring at him. Just the way the passion from her eyes were contagious and emitted into his own gaze. Her next words brought a bright Cheshire like smile on the tom's face; was she saying what he think she was saying? Was she going to venture out with him? Acknowledge the dangers, but savor the adventures? Was she going to wake up at sunrise with him, and fall asleep next to him at Sunset? Was she...the one? Oh, the tom hoped. He was tired of the many...many...interests that held his heart. Which was still beating fervently after every heart break and shattered pieces. Still powerful and passionate as ever. Then, the next words following her previous ones, made his ears slightly pin back, and he pulled himself away from her to turn his head and gaze at the scene ahead of him. ''It must be wonderful...to have a family and all.'' He gave a light shrug, a smile tugging at his maw. He knew what it was like, how hard it was to leave such a loving family. It was traitorous! How selfish did he sound for wishing she would leave and travel with him? Especially a she cat he only met that day. Maybe, that was what was wrong with him. Thinking with his heart instead of his head. So pulled on the possibility of accomplishing life's main goal: love. Then, the rose spoke again. Was her voice...teasing him? That purr didn't sound like it had angelic intentions behind it. The black tom reciprocated his companion's purr. ''It'll be horrid of me to ask you to do such motives - trust me, that is not my intentions. You are a loyal feline, with a pure heart of the rarest gold.'' He heaved a great sigh, a dreamy one as he lashed his tail around to show his sincerity of words. ''I don't think it's anything wrong with finding a home within me. I could be your second home,'' He turned once again towards her. Was that flirting? Maybe, if he didn't add the purring, then it wouldn't be flirting. But, he never noticed when he flirted anyway. He spoke from the heart, as a true gentlemen should. ''I'll show you skylines that'll make your heart combust, grass so green, you'd never want to leave, I'll bring you to a flower field where you'll be the most blooming rose there. I could show you places...and, take you to heaven on earth.'' He could imagine himself whisking her away for the entire day, unnoticed by her family, but bring her home in time to enjoy dinner with her loved ones. Perhaps, maybe - just maybe - he was exaggerating. Or...he was telling the truth. Because, a broken promise may be words, but they were words sworn over the heart, the soul, and the mind. And, he'd be darned if he didn't mean what he said.


FadingEchoes December 5th, 2017 08:05 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie laughed gently as he berated himself on his level of skills in the area of hunting. The molly cuddled closer to him, her eyes ablaze with passion as she listened to him describe his travels. Essie's fur suddenly grew hot as he spoke of her eyes, which started sparkling even greater. "I do love my family." She said proudly, a loud purr emitting from her, "Although I'd love to grow it." She meowed to him. She purred in enjoyment as he described such places to her, and the molly found herself believing every word of it. "It sounds amazing." She said honestly, nuzzling his ear gently. "I'd be happy to go with you anytime." She promised.

Brilliance December 9th, 2017 09:31 PM

Re: Essie's Abode

Aside from the amazing, grip of emotion that love and romance catered to his heart, Romeo was fascinated by different places. He was traveler. His heart never found comfort being left alone in one place. What was so great about that? So, he had described his travels to the pretty feline beside him. He had told her about the wonders of the large trees, almost touching the sky with their majestic leaves. He told her about the sparkling waterfall of an aqua color that left him amazed; speechless beyond words. He told her of the great golden sand that provided the dark royal blue of the ocean anfriend. As he told her most about his journies, he hoped that she would reconsider. Just reconsider and come with him. They could be nomads together, they could be each other's home! But that fire extinguished quickly as much as it had ignited. She did love her family...and, who was he to try and take that away from her? Nobody. He was nobody. When she mentioned that she would love to grow it, Romeo gave the molly a sideways glance. "Hm? Whatever do you mean by growing it? Is your twoleg molly carrying a little miracle?" His voice was soft, pleasing in a manner as a gentle smile etched onto his maw. Babies were a delightful addition to any family, indeed. He didn't take Essie as being a familial feline, but that thought suddenly interested the Tom even greater.
Especially after hearing her sincere words, he turned to look at her, smiling greatly, but before he could say something; fire lit the sky. This made his eyes look up, becoming entranced at the different colors. The loudness could had been toned down, but the colors created artwork. The sky was the canvas, and these sparks were the brushes. Unconsciously, he wrapped his tail around his company, squeezing her lightly in his grasp as if she would disappear forever if he hadn't.
"This is what I wanted your eyes to catch..." he muttered, his mind paying more attention to the colored sky. Others around them danced and cheered, but they were hidden from their view, two cats enjoying the show as much as the twolegs. "The work of the Sparks. It happens every year around this time. I always find them amazing." He quickly glanced at Essie, smiling, then turning his gaze back on the sky. "Say, how about after this show I'll fetch you something to eat. Or, would you prefer this knight to escort his princess back home?" It was nothing wrong with flirting. Innocent flirting at least - she cats loved that type of attention. Besides, it didn't seem shameful to do it on Essie, since Romeo found her to be rather...enthralled with him already. He couldn't complain about such. He did love the attention of a Molly's fascination. The show was almost over, and he thought best if they should get back. If he had his way, she wouldn't be going home tonight. At all.


FadingEchoes December 9th, 2017 09:54 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie's eyes sparkled as she listened to him describe his travels, the sparkling waterfall, the beautiful collision when sand met ocean, the enormous trees that seemed to grow as tall as the skies. The molly considered, for a moment, leaving her beloved housefolk to join this marvelous tom on his everlasting journey. But only for a moment, she then thought of the beautiful couple who had always taken such wonderful care of her., who had raised her since she was small, cared for her whenever she fell ill. It was then, when she knew, in her heart of hearts, that she could never leave them indefinitely. She would be overjoyed to go on small excursions with Romeo, him whisking her away to all these miraculous sites, then returning home, hopefully taking him with her, to give him a warm bed, and food that would be so easily given. Her housefolk would undoubtedly receive him with open arms.
Essie released a meow of amusement, "My housefolk?" She said with slight disappointment and great surprise and amusement, "No... No... They may have a little miracle of their own. But I had something else in mind." She murmured in his ear. At the sudden flash of light and canon of sound, the molly jumped slightly, her eyes growing wide in surprise. But the colorful she-cat then settled down next to him, letting him embrace her as she snuggled closer to him. "I'm glad you brought me here, Romeo." She said earnestly, her eyes gazing at the magnificent site, "It's truly beautiful." Essie said, watching the blasts of bright colors.
The molly turned her gaze back to Romeo's green gaze, "Oh how about you escort me home? After all, you've given me such a wonderful time, it's only polite for me to return the favor." Essie said, "My housefolk will provide all the food we need." She meowed.

Brilliance December 9th, 2017 11:35 PM

Re: Essie's Abode

Romeo gave a lick at his jaw. Though Essie had turned down his treat of fetching her something to eat, that didn't stop the grumbling in his own stomach. He was hoping for a good meal, but Essie promised that her housefolk would provide them with all the food they needed. Now, that...that was a deal he couldn't pass up. First, a beautiful day with this gorgeous molly, and now a gorgeous night? What could be better than that? Romeo knew he was pushing the buttons, but it seemed as if Essie took control, and that she didn't mind him being in her company. In fact, it was her idea to invite him to her house for the remaining of the day. And, what gentlemen would he had been if he turned down such offer? A terrible, horrible one in his opinion. "Whatever the beauty wants," he purred, deeply. And, once the show was over, the Tom got up from his spot, stretching out his limbs from being numb for too long. He didn't understand what Essie meant by growing her family. She had something else in mind? Whatever could that be? That shouldn't take much of his thoughts, so it was brushed aside. What mattered most was getting her home, and gulping down some nice food (since he hadn't ate anything at all that day). "No need to return such favors. It was an honor taking you out," the black tom puffed out his chest in a prideful manner. "I'd like to do it again sometime, if you ever pleased," he purred, innocently. Just as she had a brilliant time, so had he. He wasn't...a professional at keeping relationships, but he hoped he can build something that would last with this molly. At least a place where his heart can settle without being cast on the road again. Maybe he'd take her into the forest for a stroll, or maybe he'd take her down to the nearest shore side to cuddle, relax...possibly watch the stars? Ah, the possibilities were endless, but currently; only tonight mattered. And, he would follow her to her house folks place. Hopefully...they wouldn't mind his company.

FadingEchoes December 10th, 2017 04:42 PM

Re: Essie's Abode

Originally Posted by Constellation (Post 436673)

Romeo gave a lick at his jaw. Though Essie had turned down his treat of fetching her something to eat, that didn't stop the grumbling in his own stomach. He was hoping for a good meal, but Essie promised that her housefolk would provide them with all the food they needed. Now, that...that was a deal he couldn't pass up. First, a beautiful day with this gorgeous molly, and now a gorgeous night? What could be better than that? Romeo knew he was pushing the buttons, but it seemed as if Essie took control, and that she didn't mind him being in her company. In fact, it was her idea to invite him to her house for the remaining of the day. And, what gentlemen would he had been if he turned down such offer? A terrible, horrible one in his opinion. "Whatever the beauty wants," he purred, deeply. And, once the show was over, the Tom got up from his spot, stretching out his limbs from being numb for too long. He didn't understand what Essie meant by growing her family. She had something else in mind? Whatever could that be? That shouldn't take much of his thoughts, so it was brushed aside. What mattered most was getting her home, and gulping down some nice food (since he hadn't ate anything at all that day). "No need to return such favors. It was an honor taking you out," the black tom puffed out his chest in a prideful manner. "I'd like to do it again sometime, if you ever pleased," he purred, innocently. Just as she had a brilliant time, so had he. He wasn't...a professional at keeping relationships, but he hoped he can build something that would last with this molly. At least a place where his heart can settle without being cast on the road again. Maybe he'd take her into the forest for a stroll, or maybe he'd take her down to the nearest shore side to cuddle, relax...possibly watch the stars? Ah, the possibilities were endless, but currently; only tonight mattered. And, he would follow her to her house folks place. Hopefully...they wouldn't mind his company.

Essie purred in happiness as she stood, stretching her sore limbs made stiff by being in close confines for such a time. The molly sighed joyfully as he once more called her beautiful, "Ah, my beauty is simply an ornament to such handsomeness that accompanies me." She meowed softly, her eyes running quickly over his handsome physique before returning to her favorite feature, his eyes. "It was an honor to go out with you." She returned, licking his cheek once more, "I'd be happy to do it anytime." Essie added, her soft yellow eyes ablaze as she walked back to her home with such a tom.
When they had arrived, she lead him to the opening on her house, letting out a loud meow and scratching at the door. She then turned to Romeo, "Don't worry, they'll love you. Almost as much as I do." She dared say, hoping he wouldn't be put off by such openness, but she was quite sure Romeo was not that type of tom.

Brilliance December 10th, 2017 10:48 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
If the black tom knew any better, he would say that he was rubbing off on Essie. He didn't think such work of a aesthetic portrait would obtain a usage of poetry. As words of Saccharine had been his muse, he felt a heat of sensation course through his body upon the Molly's gaze checking his physique. To him, it appeared she was trying to deem him worthy of her company for the night. "Oh, but might I be the fool; the beast who has the pleasure of escorting a beauty through this world's nature?" For Romeo cared little about how he looked, but he cared much more how he presented himself. Mollies were more appealed by a Tom who was considerate...very sweet, and a little charming, may they be. Romeo believed he possessed the abilities of all this; he was a lover (and, a great lover he was), he was considerate, and he was quite charming. He was the number tom at the top of every Molly's list, was he not? Possibly, he had been a lot gullible when it came to giving out his heart and affections freely, no questions asked to certain mollies who, in the end, stomped and shattered it. He found the pieces, patched them up, and gave them to another molly - who only caused havoc on it again. It was a never ending circle, one he found himself glued in with no way out. He didn't want to believe Essie would do the same thing, and as she gave his cheek a lick, the thought about her tormenting his heart vanished as quickly as it came.
He followed her home. He didn't mind dropping her off and seeing her tomorrow, but she offered him to stay a little while. And, who was he to deny such a request coming from the fascinating feline? As they entered her yard once more, Romeo awaited to be invited inside her humble abode. He wondered what spicy scent would waft into his nose. Each nest had a different toxin to it that either drew you in or farther away from it. Since Romeo was attached to this molly, he believed her home would smell as sweetly as she did. Romeo would prefer to keep himself discreet. Not every Molly's family was...open to the idea of Romeo escorting their lovely girls around the alleyways. But, the words that rolled of Essie's maw brought Romeo into a short state of shock. Surely, those words were toying with his head? As she...loved him? Maybe, she was using that word in a more "friendly" term. You could love your friends...right? The quote floated in his mind, making the black ruggish tom throw out a smirk. Loved...him? Yeah! That sounded about right. What molly wouldn't love him? Though Romeo was far from being conceited, he was a lover. And, his heart was putty. It was easy to hold, and fragile than anything on earth. "I like the sound of that." He purred, the sound in his throat vibrating deeply. "I'll stay as long as you want my company, but I'll have to vanish before dawn." He touched her ear with his muzzle lightly to warn her about his departure before the time came. He still had his own kits he needed to check up on, and leaving them with a Tom who...didn't have enough patience with his girls? Wasn't a good idea. Then again, it shouldn't be surprised if Romeo found a place where his heart could be comforted for the night, that they would see him the next day. It wasn't routinely for him, yet it was expected.


FadingEchoes December 12th, 2017 10:29 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Essie flicked her ears in amusement as he spoke. "I don't think you're a fool." She meowed slowly, her eyes ablaze with passion, as she conversed with him. Suddenly the entrance to her home swung open to reveal one of her housefolk, a female, a bit on the short side. The housefolk let out a squeal of happiness at seeing Essie, then she looked to Romeo, hesitating a few seconds before letting loose yet another squeal. Essie purred happily, giving his warning a nod of acknowledgment, grateful for the headsup, as she was well aware, most toms would sneak away in the night. She then strode forward to nudge her housefolk's ankle affectionately. She purred, taking a deep breathe as she realized that this would be the final moment where she could send him away, just waiting to simply see him the following morning, but she then thought back to the prior events of the night, the way the skies lit up so magically, the way she had felt so comfortable with him immediately."Come on in Romeo." She finally purred, her gaze meeting his as she spoke the words. The housefolk called something out to it's partner, then fetched some food for the both of them.


Brilliance December 14th, 2017 10:59 PM

Re: Essie's Abode
Romeo didn't know why he was so...uncertain currently. He should be used to this! Or, maybe he just wasn't used to meeting his flirty endeavors housefolk. He came through the night, and kissed them goodbye at dawn. So, to be allowed into this...humble abode, with much respect towards the taller creatures, Romeo threw an apprehensive smile towards his companion. He has flinched at the squeak of the twoleg molly before he heard Essie's soothing voice, so he padded after her. "...I'm just not used to this." He muttered. She invited him inside her home, and he didn't want to turn down that offer. Romeo didn't want to appear rude or for the molly to think he didn't enjoy her company. By all means, her comfort was what he needed after his unfortunate partnership with a darling molly he came to love diminished...and, he hadn't seen her since. Shaking his head to rid his thoughts of Crescentmoon, his green irises stayed lock on Essie until she became a picture stuck in his mind. Each step his paw made as he welcomed that warm glow that every large nest held - he would know this. He would remember this. He used to live with two legs! He used to feel the same exact way how Essie felt about her own housefolk. "Your subjects....they seem...very golden!" He complimented, briskly. Indeed, they did look nice. They even provided the two with food, which Romeo wasn't complaining about. The Tom was hungry! And, the thought about hunting brushed away from his mind because he was given a platter. "I haven't had such cruisine since living with my old silverheart..." it was almost saddened that his poetic old twoleg tom moved to the greater and beyond. Romeo didn't like to think that the old man was dead, but he was. After many lonely days sleeping on top that engraved stone...it still was unpleasant. Oh, stop it, Romeo, lad! You're with beautiful company. You oughta behave yourself and enjoy this night. Romeo chided himself, then threw s smile towards his companion. "Ah, so, does it bother you to show me around your fancy?" The house was warm. It was big. It was nice. A lot bigger than the cabin home he lived in.


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