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The Cannibal November 9th, 2017 05:25 PM

New Beginnings

Without really even thinking about it too hard Icarius had followed his trainer. Followed her right out of the Syndicate with as much herbs as the both of them could carry because really, after attacking the clans, the Syndicate was no more. They had left, but the young tom isn't even sure if anyone who went on that attack came back home. It didn't matter to him, no, right now his head was almost totally blank, as if in shock. And maybe he was, everything was happening so fast he didn't really have much time to process any of it.
He didn't know where his mom was, or if she was alive, or if any of his siblings were okay, or where they were. All he knew was that he was with Shadow, a cat that he's grown close to and looks up to a great deal. Everything he knows for the most part was passed down from her and really, he's come to see her as a mother figure. Maybe that's why he followed after her, he didn't have anyone else to follow and as prideful as he was, he... He couldn't take care of himself. He didn't really know how to hunt or fight, all he really knew was herbs and to be truthful, that was still the bare basics. He hadn't been in training for that long.
But he wasn't worried. He believed in his trainer, he believed that she would have a plan, would know what to do. So he followed. This was their new beginning. A fresh start.

judas November 9th, 2017 06:19 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 419008)

Without really even thinking about it too hard Icarius had followed his trainer. Followed her right out of the Syndicate with as much herbs as the both of them could carry because really, after attacking the clans, the Syndicate was no more. They had left, but the young tom isn't even sure if anyone who went on that attack came back home. It didn't matter to him, no, right now his head was almost totally blank, as if in shock. And maybe he was, everything was happening so fast he didn't really have much time to process any of it.
He didn't know where his mom was, or if she was alive, or if any of his siblings were okay, or where they were. All he knew was that he was with Shadow, a cat that he's grown close to and looks up to a great deal. Everything he knows for the most part was passed down from her and really, he's come to see her as a mother figure. Maybe that's why he followed after her, he didn't have anyone else to follow and as prideful as he was, he... He couldn't take care of himself. He didn't really know how to hunt or fight, all he really knew was herbs and to be truthful, that was still the bare basics. He hadn't been in training for that long.
But he wasn't worried. He believed in his trainer, he believed that she would have a plan, would know what to do. So he followed. This was their new beginning. A fresh start.

Paws brushed the undergrowth as the cats left. Shadow's ears flicked around as the molly listened for any sign of trouble. Her tail flicked side to side, trying to think. They had eaten some traveling herbs before, and both had a small supply. Her nose sniffed around, hoping no cats from the clans were near. Her eyes were sharp, cutting through the forest as she looked around. "Over here," she mewed. Shadow let her trainee around, making sure to get as far away from their home. The clans would be expanding soon, and they shouldn't be there to see what will happen.

The Cannibal November 13th, 2017 05:31 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 419047)

Paws brushed the undergrowth as the cats left. Shadow's ears flicked around as the molly listened for any sign of trouble. Her tail flicked side to side, trying to think. They had eaten some traveling herbs before, and both had a small supply. Her nose sniffed around, hoping no cats from the clans were near. Her eyes were sharp, cutting through the forest as she looked around. "Over here," she mewed. Shadow let her trainee around, making sure to get as far away from their home. The clans would be expanding soon, and they shouldn't be there to see what will happen.

Ears perked up and tuned into the surroundings, he followed close behind her, the dull cloud that fogged his mind lifting the further away from home they went. He was more alert now, sinking back into reality and the situation they were in. His nose constantly pulled in scents even though he was hardly sure of what he was looking for; he didn't really know the scents of any other clans beside's Skyclan and the only predator's smell he's actually smelled is fox. Everything else would be new and he wasn't sure what to be looking out for. But Shadow was there for him. "So where are we going Shadow? You got a special hideout or something?" Purred out the tom as his grey paws pressed into the earth fairly quietly but not quite inaudible, his tail held high and curling at the end. This was all a big adventure, that's what he decided in his mind. A big adventure with new possibilities, no rules that he had to worry about, nothing. All he had to do was stick by Shadow and he would be okay.

judas November 13th, 2017 05:56 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 420999)
Ears perked up and tuned into the surroundings, he followed close behind her, the dull cloud that fogged his mind lifting the further away from home they went. He was more alert now, sinking back into reality and the situation they were in. His nose constantly pulled in scents even though he was hardly sure of what he was looking for; he didn't really know the scents of any other clans beside's Skyclan and the only predator's smell he's actually smelled is fox. Everything else would be new and he wasn't sure what to be looking out for. But Shadow was there for him. "So where are we going Shadow? You got a special hideout or something?" Purred out the tom as his grey paws pressed into the earth fairly quietly but not quite inaudible, his tail held high and curling at the end. This was all a big adventure, that's what he decided in his mind. A big adventure with new possibilities, no rules that he had to worry about, nothing. All he had to do was stick by Shadow and he would be okay.

"Um," She mewed. Tail waving behind her. Her eyes turned over to the tom. "We need to find a place to stay the night. And get out of this territory." She mewed. Shadow didn't want to demolish this tom's happiness. But it was bound to happen. She couldn't lie to him now, it would just mess things up.

The Cannibal November 13th, 2017 06:04 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 421026)

"Um," She mewed. Tail waving behind her. Her eyes turned over to the tom. "We need to find a place to stay the night. And get out of this territory." She mewed. Shadow didn't want to demolish this tom's happiness. But it was bound to happen. She couldn't lie to him now, it would just mess things up.

Tilting her head as she answered him, he would nod and think a moment. Where would he want to sleep tonight? Surely not out in the open, but did he really want to sleep in some hole under a tree with dirt and roots dangling above him? Most certainly not! And he didn't want to sleep in a fox's den either because they smelled absolutely horrid and he wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep if he had to sleep in a location such as that. Maybe they could find a good climbing tree and fall asleep in that, he wouldn't mind that one bit.
"Hey Shadow can you climb? Because it would be totally great if we could sleep in a tree! Just imagine that, and no one could sneak up on us, we'd be untouchable!" Grinning now, he would speed up to walk at her side, looking over at her with his bright blue eyes. "If not, then I guess we can sleep on the ground, I'll take the first watch so I can protect you! I've been wanting to try some fighting moves that I saw some of the other trainees learning! I would send them yowling home to their moms... That might wake you up, but hey, you'll be safe!"

judas November 13th, 2017 06:40 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 421039)
Tilting her head as she answered him, he would nod and think a moment. Where would he want to sleep tonight? Surely not out in the open, but did he really want to sleep in some hole under a tree with dirt and roots dangling above him? Most certainly not! And he didn't want to sleep in a fox's den either because they smelled absolutely horrid and he wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep if he had to sleep in a location such as that. Maybe they could find a good climbing tree and fall asleep in that, he wouldn't mind that one bit.
"Hey Shadow can you climb? Because it would be totally great if we could sleep in a tree! Just imagine that, and no one could sneak up on us, we'd be untouchable!" Grinning now, he would speed up to walk at her side, looking over at her with his bright blue eyes. "If not, then I guess we can sleep on the ground, I'll take the first watch so I can protect you! I've been wanting to try some fighting moves that I saw some of the other trainees learning! I would send them yowling home to their moms... That might wake you up, but hey, you'll be safe!"

She looked over at the tom. Smiling as she purred. "I can climb," Shadow mewed. Her ears perked up, holding in her laugh. Her ear flicked, and she looked at the tom. Her eyes sparkling as he spoke. "Well, we are out here. I can teach you a few things about hunting and fighting if you like." She purred. It wasn't often she said something like this.

The Cannibal November 13th, 2017 06:55 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 421089)

She looked over at the tom. Smiling as she purred. "I can climb," Shadow mewed. Her ears perked up, holding in her laugh. Her ear flicked, and she looked at the tom. Her eyes sparkling as he spoke. "Well, we are out here. I can teach you a few things about hunting and fighting if you like." She purred. It wasn't often she said something like this.

Hearing that she could climb seemed to brighten him up even more, because that made the idea of sleeping in a tree possible. Of course, even if she had said she couldn't climb, he wouldn't be disheartened at all; he wasn't the type of tom to get upset because another cat couldn't do something he wanted to do, he would just find something else to get excited over. He was pretty good at moving on with things, just like being harassed by his dead father because he wanted to be trained in the ways of a healer. He could move on.
"Wait really? Because that would be the best thing ever Shadow! I want to know how to fight, to hunt and to heal, then I'll be unstoppable!" He purred out in his excitement, almost seeming to bounce for a moment before racing ahead of her to dive into a small pile of pine needles and leaves. "This is going to be awesome, we can do whatever we want! We don't have to listen to a Commander, or anyone else! We make our own rules, our own dens and do what we want!" Laughing now, he would race back to her side with a few leaves clinging to his grey tabby fur.

judas November 21st, 2017 06:41 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 421111)
Hearing that she could climb seemed to brighten him up even more, because that made the idea of sleeping in a tree possible. Of course, even if she had said she couldn't climb, he wouldn't be disheartened at all; he wasn't the type of tom to get upset because another cat couldn't do something he wanted to do, he would just find something else to get excited over. He was pretty good at moving on with things, just like being harassed by his dead father because he wanted to be trained in the ways of a healer. He could move on.
"Wait really? Because that would be the best thing ever Shadow! I want to know how to fight, to hunt and to heal, then I'll be unstoppable!" He purred out in his excitement, almost seeming to bounce for a moment before racing ahead of her to dive into a small pile of pine needles and leaves. "This is going to be awesome, we can do whatever we want! We don't have to listen to a Commander, or anyone else! We make our own rules, our own dens and do what we want!" Laughing now, he would race back to her side with a few leaves clinging to his grey tabby fur.

{im really bad a replying sorry !}
Shadow let out another laugh, flicking her tail. Her eyes becoming tired as she yawned. "Yeah, no more idiotic plans or rules. We can go wherever whenever." She paused, walking quietly as she yawned. "If you want, we can go in a tree tonight. Maybe one with a hollow inside it."

The Cannibal November 25th, 2017 05:24 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 425474)

{im really bad a replying sorry !}
Shadow let out another laugh, flicking her tail. Her eyes becoming tired as she yawned. "Yeah, no more idiotic plans or rules. We can go wherever whenever." She paused, walking quietly as she yawned. "If you want, we can go in a tree tonight. Maybe one with a hollow inside it."

{It's alright, no rush! :D }
"Exactly! I think we should have done this a long time ago, what do you think? And if anyone tried to follow us, we could just.. Beat them up and keep moving! We can make an unstoppable team Shadow, the both of us!" Mewed out the young tom with as much excitement as one so young could muster. That was one thing that Icarius was good for, excitement, being over confident and being an optimist. As annoying as he could be at times, he was a good young tom, and he had a good heart. Honestly it was a shame that he was raised in the cut-throat Syndicate, he could have likely made a wonderful young warrior. But there was no helping one's birth circumstances. At least Shadow could guide him and teach him the ways of hunting and fighting without any judgement.
"I would love that! Do you think we should find one soon, you look pretty tired Shadow, I don't want to have to carry you!" A small chuckle escaped him before he quickly added, "But of course, if you need me to,
I will!
" Already his head was swiveling about, looking at surrounding trees to see if one might catch his attention, one that would suite their needs for the night because it was beginning to turn sundown now and soon enough they would need to stop. Unless Shadow planned to travel through the night, but the grey tabby doubted that.

judas November 25th, 2017 09:33 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 427883)
{It's alright, no rush! :D }
"Exactly! I think we should have done this a long time ago, what do you think? And if anyone tried to follow us, we could just.. Beat them up and keep moving! We can make an unstoppable team Shadow, the both of us!" Mewed out the young tom with as much excitement as one so young could muster. That was one thing that Icarius was good for, excitement, being over confident and being an optimist. As annoying as he could be at times, he was a good young tom, and he had a good heart. Honestly it was a shame that he was raised in the cut-throat Syndicate, he could have likely made a wonderful young warrior. But there was no helping one's birth circumstances. At least Shadow could guide him and teach him the ways of hunting and fighting without any judgement.
"I would love that! Do you think we should find one soon, you look pretty tired Shadow, I don't want to have to carry you!" A small chuckle escaped him before he quickly added, "But of course, if you need me to,
I will!
" Already his head was swiveling about, looking at surrounding trees to see if one might catch his attention, one that would suite their needs for the night because it was beginning to turn sundown now and soon enough they would need to stop. Unless Shadow planned to travel through the night, but the grey tabby doubted that.

The tom was right about one thing. She was tired, extremely tired. Shadow had stayed up night after night when cats began leaving. Including her friend Mercury. Who she had... some feelings for. Shadow yawned, flicking her tail as she looked up at the trees. She found one with a nice hollow in it. It would be getting cold soon. Shadow hoped their heat would be enough. "Up here!" She mewed. The tortoiseshell lowered herself down, looking up at a low branch. "All you do is focus, climb up the trunk and go from there. Watch." She mewed. Shadow unsheathe her claws, jumping as she gripped the bark. Her blue eyes looking at the branches as she climbed to the lowest one. "You try."

aleka! November 27th, 2017 07:03 PM

Re: New Beginnings
( that moment you realize you don't really know how to jumpi in )

Mercury sniffed the ground timidly, his tail flicking. This was quite... an unusual characteristic for the tom. He seemed to usually be stuck in his prideful ways most of the time, although it seemed this had kind of eased recently. Not to mention how the Egyptian Mau was quite exhausted. Before the Dusk Syndicate was even destroyed, his family had left, living in a group before the tom had left. There were two reasons for that: one, the place was running out of prey, and two, he had promised to meet with Shadow, before the night he and his sisters had left.
So, he had started going back in the direction of the Syndicate's abandoned camp, then left again, trying to track down the molly's scent, which was kind of hard since this wasn't the exact thing he was good at.
It took him a few more minutes, but he could scent the tortoiseshell, which was a stronger scent, causing the feline to brake into an excited sprint. He stopped short, seeing her climb the tree. He was to her back- so it would at least be a few more moments before she noticed him. What was he supposed to say exactly? He hadn't been planning out this grandiose speech for her exactly.

@Myik @Duskflight

The Cannibal November 30th, 2017 07:29 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 428078)

The tom was right about one thing. She was tired, extremely tired. Shadow had stayed up night after night when cats began leaving. Including her friend Mercury. Who she had... some feelings for. Shadow yawned, flicking her tail as she looked up at the trees. She found one with a nice hollow in it. It would be getting cold soon. Shadow hoped their heat would be enough. "Up here!" She mewed. The tortoiseshell lowered herself down, looking up at a low branch. "All you do is focus, climb up the trunk and go from there. Watch." She mewed. Shadow unsheathe her claws, jumping as she gripped the bark. Her blue eyes looking at the branches as she climbed to the lowest one. "You try."


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 429119)
( that moment you realize you don't really know how to jumpi in )

Mercury sniffed the ground timidly, his tail flicking. This was quite... an unusual characteristic for the tom. He seemed to usually be stuck in his prideful ways most of the time, although it seemed this had kind of eased recently. Not to mention how the Egyptian Mau was quite exhausted. Before the Dusk Syndicate was even destroyed, his family had left, living in a group before the tom had left. There were two reasons for that: one, the place was running out of prey, and two, he had promised to meet with Shadow, before the night he and his sisters had left.
So, he had started going back in the direction of the Syndicate's abandoned camp, then left again, trying to track down the molly's scent, which was kind of hard since this wasn't the exact thing he was good at.
It took him a few more minutes, but he could scent the tortoiseshell, which was a stronger scent, causing the feline to brake into an excited sprint. He stopped short, seeing her climb the tree. He was to her back- so it would at least be a few more moments before she noticed him. What was he supposed to say exactly? He hadn't been planning out this grandiose speech for her exactly.

@Myik @Duskflight

Icarius had his attention elsewhere at the moment, not even looking for specific trees anymore, just kind of taking in the area around them. It was still fairly forested, but not as much as the territory of the fallen Syndicate. There were bushes and other shrubs here and there, yellowing grass and plenty of leaves and pine needles on the ground. Those could probably be nice to sleep on, if we take them up into a tree! Wait no, I don't want to do that. We can probably take some leaves from the tree to make a nice comfy bedding!
Quickly shaking his head, his ears perked up as Shadow called out. The young tom's head turned just in time to see her crouch down and then climb up to one of the lower branches, explaining as she went. "You don't have to tell me Shadow, I've climbed like a ton of trees!"
That was a lie, he's never climbed a tree in his life. But he was quickly documenting what she said to try and put it to use so he didn't look bad when it was his turn to climb up. And he was about to begin his attempt when he heard a quiet patter of running paws and, well he didn't notice the scent right away, but he did smell them!
Bristling, Icarius made himself puff out and look at least a little bigger than he already was {which was fairly large for his age!}.
"Who are you!" With his back hunched up, he edged to the side, trying to get a look at who he smelled. In hindsight, it probably would have been best not to say anything and try to pin them first but.. He didn't really know that. Not yet anyways.

aleka! December 1st, 2017 09:05 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 430962)
Icarius had his attention elsewhere at the moment, not even looking for specific trees anymore, just kind of taking in the area around them. It was still fairly forested, but not as much as the territory of the fallen Syndicate. There were bushes and other shrubs here and there, yellowing grass and plenty of leaves and pine needles on the ground. Those could probably be nice to sleep on, if we take them up into a tree! Wait no, I don't want to do that. We can probably take some leaves from the tree to make a nice comfy bedding!
Quickly shaking his head, his ears perked up as Shadow called out. The young tom's head turned just in time to see her crouch down and then climb up to one of the lower branches, explaining as she went. "You don't have to tell me Shadow, I've climbed like a ton of trees!"
That was a lie, he's never climbed a tree in his life. But he was quickly documenting what she said to try and put it to use so he didn't look bad when it was his turn to climb up. And he was about to begin his attempt when he heard a quiet patter of running paws and, well he didn't notice the scent right away, but he did smell them!
Bristling, Icarius made himself puff out and look at least a little bigger than he already was {which was fairly large for his age!}.
"Who are you!" With his back hunched up, he edged to the side, trying to get a look at who he smelled. In hindsight, it probably would have been best not to say anything and try to pin them first but.. He didn't really know that. Not yet anyways.

Mercury bristled, arching his spine. He didn't really want to hurt the younger feline, not to mention he wasn't in the mood to fight at all. "I'm Merucry," He announced, willing his fur to flatten, but to no avail. A moment later, he tried to correct his posture, but all that changed was that his spine was slightly more lax, which most of been unnoticeable.
Since the younger tom was with Shadow, it was a fair guess that he was her trainee, though he didn't really remember her mentioning it, or maybe she
didn't after all. He kind of was faced with the problem of, what else was he supposed to say to him? The words, 'I'm, Mercury' seemed just bland in his opinion, and what exactly was he supposed to say in greeting? A part of his mind hoped that Shadow had told this rambunctious cat about him, but then, wouldn't he kind of make assumptions about seeing the pewter-blue Egyptian mau? He just didn't really know.

judas December 3rd, 2017 07:50 AM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 430962)
Icarius had his attention elsewhere at the moment, not even looking for specific trees anymore, just kind of taking in the area around them. It was still fairly forested, but not as much as the territory of the fallen Syndicate. There were bushes and other shrubs here and there, yellowing grass and plenty of leaves and pine needles on the ground. Those could probably be nice to sleep on, if we take them up into a tree! Wait no, I don't want to do that. We can probably take some leaves from the tree to make a nice comfy bedding!
Quickly shaking his head, his ears perked up as Shadow called out. The young tom's head turned just in time to see her crouch down and then climb up to one of the lower branches, explaining as she went. "You don't have to tell me Shadow, I've climbed like a ton of trees!"
That was a lie, he's never climbed a tree in his life. But he was quickly documenting what she said to try and put it to use so he didn't look bad when it was his turn to climb up. And he was about to begin his attempt when he heard a quiet patter of running paws and, well he didn't notice the scent right away, but he did smell them!
Bristling, Icarius made himself puff out and look at least a little bigger than he already was {which was fairly large for his age!}.
"Who are you!" With his back hunched up, he edged to the side, trying to get a look at who he smelled. In hindsight, it probably would have been best not to say anything and try to pin them first but.. He didn't really know that. Not yet anyways.


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 431496)

Mercury bristled, arching his spine. He didn't really want to hurt the younger feline, not to mention he wasn't in the mood to fight at all. "I'm Merucry," He announced, willing his fur to flatten, but to no avail. A moment later, he tried to correct his posture, but all that changed was that his spine was slightly more lax, which most of been unnoticeable.
Since the younger tom was with Shadow, it was a fair guess that he was her trainee, though he didn't really remember her mentioning it, or maybe she
didn't after all. He kind of was faced with the problem of, what else was he supposed to say to him? The words, 'I'm, Mercury' seemed just bland in his opinion, and what exactly was he supposed to say in greeting? A part of his mind hoped that Shadow had told this rambunctious cat about him, but then, wouldn't he kind of make assumptions about seeing the pewter-blue Egyptian mau? He just didn't really know.

She turned her head quickly, seeing the tom her trainee was hissing at. He seemed familiar, but, it couldn't be. Shadow was sure almost all the fighters and hunters died. That battle wasn't easy and she had seen no one when they left. It wasn't until he spoke she realized. Her eyes widened and her ears flicked up. "Mercury?!" The she cat jumped down, looking over at him.
"I thought you died!"

The Cannibal December 3rd, 2017 01:40 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 431496)

Mercury bristled, arching his spine. He didn't really want to hurt the younger feline, not to mention he wasn't in the mood to fight at all. "I'm Merucry," He announced, willing his fur to flatten, but to no avail. A moment later, he tried to correct his posture, but all that changed was that his spine was slightly more lax, which most of been unnoticeable.
Since the younger tom was with Shadow, it was a fair guess that he was her trainee, though he didn't really remember her mentioning it, or maybe she
didn't after all. He kind of was faced with the problem of, what else was he supposed to say to him? The words, 'I'm, Mercury' seemed just bland in his opinion, and what exactly was he supposed to say in greeting? A part of his mind hoped that Shadow had told this rambunctious cat about him, but then, wouldn't he kind of make assumptions about seeing the pewter-blue Egyptian mau? He just didn't really know.


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 432195)

She turned her head quickly, seeing the tom her trainee was hissing at. He seemed familiar, but, it couldn't be. Shadow was sure almost all the fighters and hunters died. That battle wasn't easy and she had seen no one when they left. It wasn't until he spoke she realized. Her eyes widened and her ears flicked up. "Mercury?!" The she cat jumped down, looking over at him.
"I thought you died!"

Now having a clear visual of the other cat, he saw the bristling fur and unsheathed his claws, bearing his teeth. Icarius had never fought another cat in his life, but at the moment that didn't matter. He was ready to take down this other tom if he had to, he had faith in his size. After all, when he wrestled with his siblings in the nursery, his size always helped him win!
He didn't acknowledge the fact that the other tom was still bigger than him, or maybe he did and just chose to ignore it, regardless, the grey tabby lashed his tail back and forth with a low growl. When the cat gave it's name, a look of confusion crossed his face. Is that supposed to make me back off? Does that mean he's friendly or something? What am I supposed to do if he tells me his name?! Well, Mercury's fur didn't lay flight and he didn't seem to relax at all so neither did Icarius, though he wasn't baring his teeth any more.
It was when Shadow leaped down, repeating the cats name did the young tom fully let his spine relax, though he couldn't quite get his fur to lay flat yet. Flicking his ear with an uncertain look, he padded up to Shadow's side, sheathing his claws now. "Who is he? Is he one of your friends?"
He tried to recall if his trainer had mentioned him, maybe she did when she informed him they were leaving and he was still half asleep. Maybe that's it. Or maybe she didn't. Lately, before the Syndicate broke up, all that was on his mind was herbs and trying to remember what he was being taught. Now it was just a big jumble that he was still trying to make sense of.

aleka! December 6th, 2017 04:22 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 432195)

She turned her head quickly, seeing the tom her trainee was hissing at. He seemed familiar, but, it couldn't be. Shadow was sure almost all the fighters and hunters died. That battle wasn't easy and she had seen no one when they left. It wasn't until he spoke she realized. Her eyes widened and her ears flicked up. "Mercury?!" The she cat jumped down, looking over at him.
"I thought you died!"


Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 432397)
Now having a clear visual of the other cat, he saw the bristling fur and unsheathed his claws, bearing his teeth. Icarius had never fought another cat in his life, but at the moment that didn't matter. He was ready to take down this other tom if he had to, he had faith in his size. After all, when he wrestled with his siblings in the nursery, his size always helped him win!
He didn't acknowledge the fact that the other tom was still bigger than him, or maybe he did and just chose to ignore it, regardless, the grey tabby lashed his tail back and forth with a low growl. When the cat gave it's name, a look of confusion crossed his face. Is that supposed to make me back off? Does that mean he's friendly or something? What am I supposed to do if he tells me his name?! Well, Mercury's fur didn't lay flight and he didn't seem to relax at all so neither did Icarius, though he wasn't baring his teeth any more.
It was when Shadow leaped down, repeating the cats name did the young tom fully let his spine relax, though he couldn't quite get his fur to lay flat yet. Flicking his ear with an uncertain look, he padded up to Shadow's side, sheathing his claws now. "Who is he? Is he one of your friends?"
He tried to recall if his trainer had mentioned him, maybe she did when she informed him they were leaving and he was still half asleep. Maybe that's it. Or maybe she didn't. Lately, before the Syndicate broke up, all that was on his mind was herbs and trying to remember what he was being taught. Now it was just a big jumble that he was still trying to make sense of.

Mercury slightly curled his muzzle at the scent of herbs, also announcing Shadow's arrival from the tree other than sight. He smiled awkwardly, flicking an ear as if too dismiss the thought. "Well, I kind of didn't die," He started, trotting forward to nervously touch his nose with her for a moment. Joy was bubbling under his pelt, he was kind of surprised that he wasn't floating off, with the feeling of floating.
He just felt so giddy about it, and he felt slightly just... silly thinking about it. The tom flicked his tail once, trying to suppress it. "Who are you exactly?" He suddenly asked the younger cat, though it sounded pretty rude, which was unintentional. He could see the herbs, and both smell the herbs on both on them, as well as see the scraps of green and other natural shades on their maw and paws.
He was now fully relaxed, and his sleek fur was well, sleek again. Really, the only thing that showed his slight agitation and stress was his slowly lashing tail. The destruction of the Dusk Syndicate was just all too stressful for the feline, who had lived there all his life, and that was all he had ever known.

judas December 6th, 2017 06:33 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 432397)
Now having a clear visual of the other cat, he saw the bristling fur and unsheathed his claws, bearing his teeth. Icarius had never fought another cat in his life, but at the moment that didn't matter. He was ready to take down this other tom if he had to, he had faith in his size. After all, when he wrestled with his siblings in the nursery, his size always helped him win!
He didn't acknowledge the fact that the other tom was still bigger than him, or maybe he did and just chose to ignore it, regardless, the grey tabby lashed his tail back and forth with a low growl. When the cat gave it's name, a look of confusion crossed his face. Is that supposed to make me back off? Does that mean he's friendly or something? What am I supposed to do if he tells me his name?! Well, Mercury's fur didn't lay flight and he didn't seem to relax at all so neither did Icarius, though he wasn't baring his teeth any more.
It was when Shadow leaped down, repeating the cats name did the young tom fully let his spine relax, though he couldn't quite get his fur to lay flat yet. Flicking his ear with an uncertain look, he padded up to Shadow's side, sheathing his claws now. "Who is he? Is he one of your friends?"
He tried to recall if his trainer had mentioned him, maybe she did when she informed him they were leaving and he was still half asleep. Maybe that's it. Or maybe she didn't. Lately, before the Syndicate broke up, all that was on his mind was herbs and trying to remember what he was being taught. Now it was just a big jumble that he was still trying to make sense of.


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 434627)

Mercury slightly curled his muzzle at the scent of herbs, also announcing Shadow's arrival from the tree other than sight. He smiled awkwardly, flicking an ear as if too dismiss the thought. "Well, I kind of didn't die," He started, trotting forward to nervously touch his nose with her for a moment. Joy was bubbling under his pelt, he was kind of surprised that he wasn't floating off, with the feeling of floating.
He just felt so giddy about it, and he felt slightly just... silly thinking about it. The tom flicked his tail once, trying to suppress it. "Who are you exactly?" He suddenly asked the younger cat, though it sounded pretty rude, which was unintentional. He could see the herbs, and both smell the herbs on both on them, as well as see the scraps of green and other natural shades on their maw and paws.
He was now fully relaxed, and his sleek fur was well, sleek again. Really, the only thing that showed his slight agitation and stress was his slowly lashing tail. The destruction of the Dusk Syndicate was just all too stressful for the feline, who had lived there all his life, and that was all he had ever known.

"ooking at Mercury and back at Icarius. She nuzzled him reassuringly before speaking. "He's one of my friends, he's no threat." She mewed,
looking back up. The tortie flicked her tail as her eyes looked over at the tom.
Further examining him, she noticed he didn't look to bad. He still had that handsome charm to his awkward actions. And Shadow felt a little warm under her fur. As she did when they first talked so long ago. "But I'm sure if he wasn't Icarius, you would have protected me." Shadow mewed.

The Cannibal December 8th, 2017 11:41 AM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 434627)

Mercury slightly curled his muzzle at the scent of herbs, also announcing Shadow's arrival from the tree other than sight. He smiled awkwardly, flicking an ear as if too dismiss the thought. "Well, I kind of didn't die," He started, trotting forward to nervously touch his nose with her for a moment. Joy was bubbling under his pelt, he was kind of surprised that he wasn't floating off, with the feeling of floating.
He just felt so giddy about it, and he felt slightly just... silly thinking about it. The tom flicked his tail once, trying to suppress it. "Who are you exactly?" He suddenly asked the younger cat, though it sounded pretty rude, which was unintentional. He could see the herbs, and both smell the herbs on both on them, as well as see the scraps of green and other natural shades on their maw and paws.
He was now fully relaxed, and his sleek fur was well, sleek again. Really, the only thing that showed his slight agitation and stress was his slowly lashing tail. The destruction of the Dusk Syndicate was just all too stressful for the feline, who had lived there all his life, and that was all he had ever known.


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 434752)

"ooking at Mercury and back at Icarius. She nuzzled him reassuringly before speaking. "He's one of my friends, he's no threat." She mewed,
looking back up. The tortie flicked her tail as her eyes looked over at the tom.
Further examining him, she noticed he didn't look to bad. He still had that handsome charm to his awkward actions. And Shadow felt a little warm under her fur. As she did when they first talked so long ago. "But I'm sure if he wasn't Icarius, you would have protected me." Shadow mewed.

Tail flicking slowly back in forth in his slight uneasiness, he tried to get himself to accept that Shadow knew this cat, but he wasn't sure about him yet. Maybe it's because he didn't really come off as friendly, or talkative, he seemed awkward in a way and that made Icarius unsure of his intentions even if his trainer knew him. He's learned that cats in the Syndicate couldn't always be trusted, they always loved to backstab and hurt others when they least expected it. Even if you thought of them as a friend.
But even the young tom couldn't help but relax as Shadow gave him a reassuring nuzzle, forcing him to stop flicking his tail about anxiously and sit down. I'll believe you Shadow. But the second he shows any bad intentions, he's not sticking around.
Ears perking up as the tom questioned him, in what most certainly came off as a rude tone, he stood back up and seemed to puff out his chest slightly.
"I'm Icarius! I'm her trainee, so if you want to get to her, you're going to have to go through me. I don't care if you're her friend, I don't know you."
Slowly sitting back down at his trainers side, he looked over as she mewed that she was sure he would have protected her if it came down to it, grinning brightly. "You bet I would've!"

aleka! December 13th, 2017 09:08 AM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 435528)
Tail flicking slowly back in forth in his slight uneasiness, he tried to get himself to accept that Shadow knew this cat, but he wasn't sure about him yet. Maybe it's because he didn't really come off as friendly, or talkative, he seemed awkward in a way and that made Icarius unsure of his intentions even if his trainer knew him. He's learned that cats in the Syndicate couldn't always be trusted, they always loved to backstab and hurt others when they least expected it. Even if you thought of them as a friend.
But even the young tom couldn't help but relax as Shadow gave him a reassuring nuzzle, forcing him to stop flicking his tail about anxiously and sit down. I'll believe you Shadow. But the second he shows any bad intentions, he's not sticking around.
Ears perking up as the tom questioned him, in what most certainly came off as a rude tone, he stood back up and seemed to puff out his chest slightly.
"I'm Icarius! I'm her trainee, so if you want to get to her, you're going to have to go through me. I don't care if you're her friend, I don't know you."
Slowly sitting back down at his trainers side, he looked over as she mewed that she was sure he would have protected her if it came down to it, grinning brightly. "You bet I would've!"


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 434752)

"ooking at Mercury and back at Icarius. She nuzzled him reassuringly before speaking. "He's one of my friends, he's no threat." She mewed,
looking back up. The tortie flicked her tail as her eyes looked over at the tom.
Further examining him, she noticed he didn't look to bad. He still had that handsome charm to his awkward actions. And Shadow felt a little warm under her fur. As she did when they first talked so long ago. "But I'm sure if he wasn't Icarius, you would have protected me." Shadow mewed.

Mercury frowned slightly at what Icarius said. He wasn't really upset or anything like that about what he had said... the Egyptian Mau just was kind of annoyed about the whole "and you'll have to get through me!" matter as a whole. Besides, this younger cat was younger than him, and was, well, used to be, training as a healer. The lean tom kind of had no doubt that if he wanted to, he really would have no problem "getting through him" which he wouldn't... obviously.
How great this was going then. Great. "Uh, hello Icaruis, I already introduced myself so..." He said, slightly hunching his shoulders. What was he supposed to say after all? He just kind of had to hope that either one of them would keep the slightly brief conversation going. He flicked an ear at an incoming thought. Sometimes you seem hopeless as a relatively normal cat.
Was he supposed to sit now, to make it seem to the others that he was more comfortable with the current situation? Since the other two weren't sitting, would they interpret it just him being weird? Why did Mercury have to be so awkward? Unlike him, it seemed a lot of cats had no problem just keeping a simple conversation flowing. Why couldn't he do it? Why did he just have to be so... weird sometimes?

judas December 13th, 2017 04:31 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 435528)
Tail flicking slowly back in forth in his slight uneasiness, he tried to get himself to accept that Shadow knew this cat, but he wasn't sure about him yet. Maybe it's because he didn't really come off as friendly, or talkative, he seemed awkward in a way and that made Icarius unsure of his intentions even if his trainer knew him. He's learned that cats in the Syndicate couldn't always be trusted, they always loved to backstab and hurt others when they least expected it. Even if you thought of them as a friend.
But even the young tom couldn't help but relax as Shadow gave him a reassuring nuzzle, forcing him to stop flicking his tail about anxiously and sit down. I'll believe you Shadow. But the second he shows any bad intentions, he's not sticking around.
Ears perking up as the tom questioned him, in what most certainly came off as a rude tone, he stood back up and seemed to puff out his chest slightly."I'm Icarius! I'm her trainee, so if you want to get to her, you're going to have to go through me. I don't care if you're her friend, I don't know you."Slowly sitting back down at his trainers side, he looked over as she mewed that she was sure he would have protected her if it came down to it, grinning brightly. "You bet I would've!"


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 438647)

Mercury frowned slightly at what Icarius said. He wasn't really upset or anything like that about what he had said... the Egyptian Mau just was kind of annoyed about the whole "and you'll have to get through me!" matter as a whole. Besides, this younger cat was younger than him, and was, well, used to be, training as a healer. The lean tom kind of had no doubt that if he wanted to, he really would have no problem "getting through him" which he wouldn't... obviously.
How great this was going then. Great. "Uh, hello Icaruis, I already introduced myself so..." He said, slightly hunching his shoulders. What was he supposed to say after all? He just kind of had to hope that either one of them would keep the slightly brief conversation going. He flicked an ear at an incoming thought. Sometimes you seem hopeless as a relatively normal cat.
Was he supposed to sit now, to make it seem to the others that he was more comfortable with the current situation? Since the other two weren't sitting, would they interpret it just him being weird? Why did Mercury have to be so awkward? Unlike him, it seemed a lot of cats had no problem just keeping a simple conversation flowing. Why couldn't he do it? Why did he just have to be so... weird sometimes?

The molly walked quickly over to the cat. Nuzzling him softly, He backed away with a large smile. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, but her emotion just bubbled out. "You should come with us!" She mewed,hardly thinking. The tortoiseshell mewed, eyes wide. What would her trainee think? Shadow half regretted speaking, she took a few steps back. "I-uh, if it's okay with Icarius, and you." Her whiskers twitched, and she tried to hold her expression. It was possible the happiest moment in her life. And she really hoped they would say yes. It would be like a family, knowing that she'll never have kittens without problems. This might have been the closest thing. Shadow smiled nervously as she bared her blue eyes at the tom.

The Cannibal December 13th, 2017 09:13 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 438647)

Mercury frowned slightly at what Icarius said. He wasn't really upset or anything like that about what he had said... the Egyptian Mau just was kind of annoyed about the whole "and you'll have to get through me!" matter as a whole. Besides, this younger cat was younger than him, and was, well, used to be, training as a healer. The lean tom kind of had no doubt that if he wanted to, he really would have no problem "getting through him" which he wouldn't... obviously.
How great this was going then. Great. "Uh, hello Icaruis, I already introduced myself so..." He said, slightly hunching his shoulders. What was he supposed to say after all? He just kind of had to hope that either one of them would keep the slightly brief conversation going. He flicked an ear at an incoming thought. Sometimes you seem hopeless as a relatively normal cat.
Was he supposed to sit now, to make it seem to the others that he was more comfortable with the current situation? Since the other two weren't sitting, would they interpret it just him being weird? Why did Mercury have to be so awkward? Unlike him, it seemed a lot of cats had no problem just keeping a simple conversation flowing. Why couldn't he do it? Why did he just have to be so... weird sometimes?


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 438871)

The molly walked quickly over to the cat. Nuzzling him softly, He backed away with a large smile. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, but her emotion just bubbled out. "You should come with us!" She mewed,hardly thinking. The tortoiseshell mewed, eyes wide. What would her trainee think? Shadow half regretted speaking, she took a few steps back. "I-uh, if it's okay with Icarius, and you." Her whiskers twitched, and she tried to hold her expression. It was possible the happiest moment in her life. And she really hoped they would say yes. It would be like a family, knowing that she'll never have kittens without problems. This might have been the closest thing. Shadow smiled nervously as she bared her blue eyes at the tom.

It wasn't uncommon for Icarius to get on another cats nerves with his personality and the way he went about things, but the thing about Icarius was... Well he didn't exactly care what other cats thought. He went to the beat of his own drum so to speak and did what he thought was best and what came naturally to him. He was attached to Shadow, she was more of a mother to him than his own biological mother had ever been. He was simply trying to protect the only cat that ever seemed to pay attention to him, guide him, and be there for him.
Flicking his tail with that uncertainty he continued to feel, he eventually did huff and seem to calm down as Shadow padded up to Mercury and nuzzled him. It really did seem like she knew him, and even cared for him deeply so maybe he was alright. "You're kind of awkward aren't you?" Chuckled out the younger tom now with a smile, not at all trying to seem mean by what he said, just pointing out something that was obvious, something he was relatively well known for doing. His blue eyes glanced to Shadow as she made the comment that the other tom should come with them. Looking back at Mercury, he sort of shrugged. "Only if you're cool! You have to be able to climb trees, and keep up with me and her! No slowing us down! We're an unstoppable force that does whatever we want!" And there he went puffing out his chest again with a big, bright grin of excitement and pride.

aleka! December 16th, 2017 07:23 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 438871)

The molly walked quickly over to the cat. Nuzzling him softly, He backed away with a large smile. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, but her emotion just bubbled out. "You should come with us!" She mewed,hardly thinking. The tortoiseshell mewed, eyes wide. What would her trainee think? Shadow half regretted speaking, she took a few steps back. "I-uh, if it's okay with Icarius, and you." Her whiskers twitched, and she tried to hold her expression. It was possible the happiest moment in her life. And she really hoped they would say yes. It would be like a family, knowing that she'll never have kittens without problems. This might have been the closest thing. Shadow smiled nervously as she bared her blue eyes at the tom.


Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 439094)
It wasn't uncommon for Icarius to get on another cats nerves with his personality and the way he went about things, but the thing about Icarius was... Well he didn't exactly care what other cats thought. He went to the beat of his own drum so to speak and did what he thought was best and what came naturally to him. He was attached to Shadow, she was more of a mother to him than his own biological mother had ever been. He was simply trying to protect the only cat that ever seemed to pay attention to him, guide him, and be there for him.
Flicking his tail with that uncertainty he continued to feel, he eventually did huff and seem to calm down as Shadow padded up to Mercury and nuzzled him. It really did seem like she knew him, and even cared for him deeply so maybe he was alright. "You're kind of awkward aren't you?" Chuckled out the younger tom now with a smile, not at all trying to seem mean by what he said, just pointing out something that was obvious, something he was relatively well known for doing. His blue eyes glanced to Shadow as she made the comment that the other tom should come with them. Looking back at Mercury, he sort of shrugged. "Only if you're cool! You have to be able to climb trees, and keep up with me and her! No slowing us down! We're an unstoppable force that does whatever we want!" And there he went puffing out his chest again with a big, bright grin of excitement and pride.

Mercury tried to keep a straight face. If Shadow's trainee said no, then would of completely ruined a whole day or two of tracking them, or attempting to, at least, so he could keep his promise to the tortoiseshell. He let a deep sigh of relief escape his throat when Icarius didn't send him away. He faintly smiled at his question. Well. It was true after all. He couldn't really refuse that. "Yeah." He said as a simple reply. Suddenly, his mind flicked back to Shadow's question. She had said if it's okay with Icarius and you. He thought with a subtle and sudden wince. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't really say anything about it now, it might make her feel like he wasn't exactly listening to her. Was he supposed to cover it back up with saying another thing to answer the younger tom's question? This conversation was going great.
I'll just see what happens... The green-eyed tom decided finally. Now, since he could answer Icarius' he at least should be able to cover the mistake up. He glanced at the tree. "Got to admit, I'm no squirrel at climbing trees." Mercury admitted with a flick of his ear. His slightly pale gaze scanned the tree. At least, his father had taught him the basics of tree-climbing, but he just kind of hated the view from on top of the tree, and about a third of the time, it felt like he was going to fall flat on his back. Honestly, why a tree of all things?

judas December 17th, 2017 04:22 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 439094)
It wasn't uncommon for Icarius to get on another cats nerves with his personality and the way he went about things, but the thing about Icarius was... Well he didn't exactly care what other cats thought. He went to the beat of his own drum so to speak and did what he thought was best and what came naturally to him. He was attached to Shadow, she was more of a mother to him than his own biological mother had ever been. He was simply trying to protect the only cat that ever seemed to pay attention to him, guide him, and be there for him.
Flicking his tail with that uncertainty he continued to feel, he eventually did huff and seem to calm down as Shadow padded up to Mercury and nuzzled him. It really did seem like she knew him, and even cared for him deeply so maybe he was alright. "You're kind of awkward aren't you?" Chuckled out the younger tom now with a smile, not at all trying to seem mean by what he said, just pointing out something that was obvious, something he was relatively well known for doing. His blue eyes glanced to Shadow as she made the comment that the other tom should come with them. Looking back at Mercury, he sort of shrugged. "Only if you're cool! You have to be able to climb trees, and keep up with me and her! No slowing us down! We're an unstoppable force that does whatever we want!" And there he went puffing out his chest again with a big, bright grin of excitement and pride.


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 440751)

Mercury tried to keep a straight face. If Shadow's trainee said no, then would of completely ruined a whole day or two of tracking them, or attempting to, at least, so he could keep his promise to the tortoiseshell. He let a deep sigh of relief escape his throat when Icarius didn't send him away. He faintly smiled at his question. Well. It was true after all. He couldn't really refuse that. "Yeah." He said as a simple reply. Suddenly, his mind flicked back to Shadow's question. She had said if it's okay with Icarius and you. He thought with a subtle and sudden wince. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't really say anything about it now, it might make her feel like he wasn't exactly listening to her. Was he supposed to cover it back up with saying another thing to answer the younger tom's question? This conversation was going great.
I'll just see what happens... The green-eyed tom decided finally. Now, since he could answer Icarius' he at least should be able to cover the mistake up. He glanced at the tree. "Got to admit, I'm no squirrel at climbing trees." Mercury admitted with a flick of his ear. His slightly pale gaze scanned the tree. At least, his father had taught him the basics of tree-climbing, but he just kind of hated the view from on top of the tree, and about a third of the time, it felt like he was going to fall flat on his back. Honestly, why a tree of all things?

Shadow smiled, flicking her tail. "It'll be fine, but just get used to it.
We'll be safer of the ground at night." She mewed. Her blue eyes glanced up at the tree. The tordie's tail flicked as she concentrated. It should be big enough for all of them to fit. She bunched up her legs, throughing herself on the tree.
She dug her claws in, scrambling to the branch before looking down. Taking a few deep breaths before looking down. "It's easy really."

The Cannibal December 25th, 2017 09:09 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 440751)

Mercury tried to keep a straight face. If Shadow's trainee said no, then would of completely ruined a whole day or two of tracking them, or attempting to, at least, so he could keep his promise to the tortoiseshell. He let a deep sigh of relief escape his throat when Icarius didn't send him away. He faintly smiled at his question. Well. It was true after all. He couldn't really refuse that. "Yeah." He said as a simple reply. Suddenly, his mind flicked back to Shadow's question. She had said if it's okay with Icarius and you. He thought with a subtle and sudden wince. What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't really say anything about it now, it might make her feel like he wasn't exactly listening to her. Was he supposed to cover it back up with saying another thing to answer the younger tom's question? This conversation was going great.
I'll just see what happens... The green-eyed tom decided finally. Now, since he could answer Icarius' he at least should be able to cover the mistake up. He glanced at the tree. "Got to admit, I'm no squirrel at climbing trees." Mercury admitted with a flick of his ear. His slightly pale gaze scanned the tree. At least, his father had taught him the basics of tree-climbing, but he just kind of hated the view from on top of the tree, and about a third of the time, it felt like he was going to fall flat on his back. Honestly, why a tree of all things?


Originally Posted by Myik (Post 441312)

Shadow smiled, flicking her tail. "It'll be fine, but just get used to it.
We'll be safer of the ground at night." She mewed. Her blue eyes glanced up at the tree. The tordie's tail flicked as she concentrated. It should be big enough for all of them to fit. She bunched up her legs, throughing herself on the tree.
She dug her claws in, scrambling to the branch before looking down. Taking a few deep breaths before looking down. "It's easy really."

The young grey tabby seemed dissatisfied with Mercury's answer, in regards to being able to climb trees, his mouth visibly frowning and his tail flicking back and forth in unhappiness. Even though he never climbed a tree in his life, he thought he was one of the best tree climbers there was, after all, how hard was it to climb a tree? Even Shadow said it was easy! Any cat should be able to do it, that's what he believed. "Exactly!" He mewed as soon as Shadow said it would be safer to stay off of the ground for the night, his tail rising up and a smug grin placed on his muzzle before he watched his trainer demonstrate how to get into the tree again, recalling the first time she did at as well. He thinks he has it down and is ready to jump up there to be with his trainer and show this other tom what he was made of. Now was the time to show off!
Lowering himself to the ground, he'd wriggle his rump, staring up at the tree branch that Shadow had settled on, peering down at them. Alright, she made that look easy so I should be able to do it too.. Launching himself at the base of the tree, he stayed there for a moment, eyes wide and claws sunk into the bark, but then his weight began to get to the better of him, causing him to let go and fall back to the ground. Shaking himself off, he'd play it off as if he meant to do that. Can't just stand there, gotta shimmy upwards! Lowering himself down again, he'd do the same wriggling of the rump before launching at the base of the tree and heaving upwards, right up until he reached Shadow's branch and settled onto it with a happy pant. "See? Easy as catching mice!"

aleka! December 27th, 2017 01:12 AM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 441312)

Shadow smiled, flicking her tail. "It'll be fine, but just get used to it.
We'll be safer of the ground at night." She mewed. Her blue eyes glanced up at the tree. The tordie's tail flicked as she concentrated. It should be big enough for all of them to fit. She bunched up her legs, throughing herself on the tree.
She dug her claws in, scrambling to the branch before looking down. Taking a few deep breaths before looking down. "It's easy really."


Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 445223)
The young grey tabby seemed dissatisfied with Mercury's answer, in regards to being able to climb trees, his mouth visibly frowning and his tail flicking back and forth in unhappiness. Even though he never climbed a tree in his life, he thought he was one of the best tree climbers there was, after all, how hard was it to climb a tree? Even Shadow said it was easy! Any cat should be able to do it, that's what he believed. "Exactly!" He mewed as soon as Shadow said it would be safer to stay off of the ground for the night, his tail rising up and a smug grin placed on his muzzle before he watched his trainer demonstrate how to get into the tree again, recalling the first time she did at as well. He thinks he has it down and is ready to jump up there to be with his trainer and show this other tom what he was made of. Now was the time to show off!
Lowering himself to the ground, he'd wriggle his rump, staring up at the tree branch that Shadow had settled on, peering down at them. Alright, she made that look easy so I should be able to do it too.. Launching himself at the base of the tree, he stayed there for a moment, eyes wide and claws sunk into the bark, but then his weight began to get to the better of him, causing him to let go and fall back to the ground. Shaking himself off, he'd play it off as if he meant to do that. Can't just stand there, gotta shimmy upwards! Lowering himself down again, he'd do the same wriggling of the rump before launching at the base of the tree and heaving upwards, right up until he reached Shadow's branch and settled onto it with a happy pant. "See? Easy as catching mice!"

Mercury flicked his tail. "Okay..." He mumbled, flexing his claws slightly. He turned his gaze to the tree. I can do this... He reassured himself, glancing at Icarius, with his smug face. It just truly bothered him that he was just being so just... smug about it. Great. He perked his ears for a moment, watching Shadow climb the tree. "I mean, we could just take cover in some undergrowth." He mumbled to himself, exhaling lightly.
Icarius just always seemed like that he wanted to show off, and he also kind of wanted to rub it in other's faces. He watched the gray tabby climb up the tree, kind of seemingly effortlessly. Next thing he knew, now it was the tom's turn.
He lowered himself to a crouch, his eyes narrowed as he stared it down. After a moment of wiggling his haunches, he leaped towards the base of the trunk, sinking his claws and clinging on, his body slightly flattened to the trunk. Manvuering his neck so he could glance upwards, he started to slowly heave himself upwards, and after a few moments, he dragged himself up to a sturdy and thick branch that was near the other two's branch.

judas December 27th, 2017 02:39 AM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 445223)
The young grey tabby seemed dissatisfied with Mercury's answer, in regards to being able to climb trees, his mouth visibly frowning and his tail flicking back and forth in unhappiness. Even though he never climbed a tree in his life, he thought he was one of the best tree climbers there was, after all, how hard was it to climb a tree? Even Shadow said it was easy! Any cat should be able to do it, that's what he believed. "Exactly!" He mewed as soon as Shadow said it would be safer to stay off of the ground for the night, his tail rising up and a smug grin placed on his muzzle before he watched his trainer demonstrate how to get into the tree again, recalling the first time she did at as well. He thinks he has it down and is ready to jump up there to be with his trainer and show this other tom what he was made of. Now was the time to show off!
Lowering himself to the ground, he'd wriggle his rump, staring up at the tree branch that Shadow had settled on, peering down at them. Alright, she made that look easy so I should be able to do it too.. Launching himself at the base of the tree, he stayed there for a moment, eyes wide and claws sunk into the bark, but then his weight began to get to the better of him, causing him to let go and fall back to the ground. Shaking himself off, he'd play it off as if he meant to do that. Can't just stand there, gotta shimmy upwards! Lowering himself down again, he'd do the same wriggling of the rump before launching at the base of the tree and heaving upwards, right up until he reached Shadow's branch and settled onto it with a happy pant. "See? Easy as catching mice!"


Originally Posted by Aleka (Post 446016)

Mercury flicked his tail. "Okay..." He mumbled, flexing his claws slightly. He turned his gaze to the tree. I can do this... He reassured himself, glancing at Icarius, with his smug face. It just truly bothered him that he was just being so just... smug about it. Great. He perked his ears for a moment, watching Shadow climb the tree. "I mean, we could just take cover in some undergrowth." He mumbled to himself, exhaling lightly.
Icarius just always seemed like that he wanted to show off, and he also kind of wanted to rub it in other's faces. He watched the gray tabby climb up the tree, kind of seemingly effortlessly. Next thing he knew, now it was the tom's turn.
He lowered himself to a crouch, his eyes narrowed as he stared it down. After a moment of wiggling his haunches, he leaped towards the base of the trunk, sinking his claws and clinging on, his body slightly flattened to the trunk. Manvuering his neck so he could glance upwards, he started to slowly heave himself upwards, and after a few moments, he dragged himself up to a sturdy and thick branch that was near the other two's branch.

Shadow smiled as the two toms jumped up on the branches. Her eyes glancing to Mercury as he followed her trainee. Her tail waved as she poked her head inside the hollow. It had a faint scent of owls, along with a few feathers. But it was dusty, and the nest that had been there was broken up and strung across the hollow. "Here we go! Now we don't get snow on us, and this place looks pretty warm." She shook her hind legs as she walked in. The molly dropped the moss she had in her grasp on the floor. Spreading it out along with the stray feathers. She shivered slightly, whisker's twitching as she flicked her ears. Tail waving as her blue eyes turned to the males. "We should get to sleep soon, I'll go down and get some prey if anyone's hungry."
edit; @Duskflight @Aleka

aleka! January 27th, 2018 04:32 PM

Re: New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 446026)

Shadow smiled as the two toms jumped up on the branches. Her eyes glancing to Mercury as he followed her trainee. Her tail waved as she poked her head inside the hollow. It had a faint scent of owls, along with a few feathers. But it was dusty, and the nest that had been there was broken up and strung across the hollow. "Here we go! Now we don't get snow on us, and this place looks pretty warm." She shook her hind legs as she walked in. The molly dropped the moss she had in her grasp on the floor. Spreading it out along with the stray feathers. She shivered slightly, whisker's twitching as she flicked her ears. Tail waving as her blue eyes turned to the males. "We should get to sleep soon, I'll go down and get some prey if anyone's hungry."
edit; @Duskflight @Aleka

After a few moments, he was able to balance. His flung his tail out, crouching lower. He could catch some scent of what had to be owls, causing his to shiver slightly. Mercury exhaled as he tried to maneuver himself into the hollow after her, his body still low. With the scent and feathers, if was slightly humid. "It does look pretty warm." He commented simply, nodding once to what the molly said. He laid a paw on a feather for a moment, sitting down and turning his eyes to Shadow, then the entrance where Icaruis would soon enter. He slightly perked up visibly whenever the other feline announced she was going to hunt prey. "I could go with you, if you want..." He offered, flashing her a smile. Wow, nice excuse to spend more time with her. He told himself snidely. Removing his paw from it's position on top of the banded feather.
@Duskflight @Myik

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