Warrior Cats Online

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-   -   What are you thankful for? (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12623)

Dust November 23rd, 2017 09:19 AM

What are you thankful for?
Hey everyone!
So if you didn't already know today is ~Thankgiving~ for the United States, but everyone is welcome to share on this thread! <3 Ok so, Go ahead n list down what you're thankful for, it can be just about anything you want : )

I'll start off n go ahead n say that I'm incredibly thankful I found this site. I've met a lot of really awesome people and I'm super thankful that I've made friends w/ most of them!! You each get a personalized message B) <3

s/o to:

Truthfully, you were the first person on the site I felt comfortable interacting and roleplaying with. You're an amazing writer!! I couldn't have been more thankful that we met and that I was about to settle into the community better with your help <3 We haven't talked much, but make sure to give yourself a break and take care of yourself. Keep your spirits up and always keep a hold onto your own life!!! <3 Thankful that we met and became friends!

You are so creative and talented! I know we haven't been friends for a super long time, but I always enjoy talking to you and being able to roleplay with you! Keep fightin' the good gay fight and make sure to give yourself a break on here and in real-life you butt. You deserve all the love and affection in the world because you have an amazing heart. I know I can always come to you if I need to talk and I want you to know that you can always come to me if you have any issues! Thankful for an amazing friend!

Sus! You need to make a discord so we can talk more often ( > : ( ) since cbox is gone, but talking to you is always fun and I know I can come to you when I need adulting advice ;w; ! Even though we're the same age, I look up to like your the mom friend and I want you to know I'm incredibly thankful that we've met and that you've been allowed to experience so many opportunities on-site and off! Keep doing your best and never let anyone tell you that you aren't awesome! Thankful to have met you!

This is so over due, but I want you to know that I'm incredibly thankful to have met you even if we aren't super close. Your company is always enjoyable and you're such a good person to be around! You're intelligent, thoughtful, and talented so don't doubt yourself so much!! ;w; If you ever feel the need to talk just yell at me, I'm always around, so don't hesitate <3 Thankful that we hang out and talk!!

Of course, an honorable mention!! I know we aren't close, but Charmer, you are so sweet and kind; you have such a good heart! Roleplaying with you is a blast and I look forward to doing more in the future. Thank you for continuing to make the site such an awesome place to be and always keep your head up!

SuspiciousMindz November 23rd, 2017 11:07 AM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Awww <3 ily Dust. I'm thankful to have met you too and be your friend. We need to start talking again! I've so much news to tell you!

lio November 23rd, 2017 11:33 AM

Re: What are you thankful for?
okay so i'm thankful for all of my friends. they've helped me through some pretty rough times and allowed me to pick myself up off the ground, sometimes even grabbing my hand and dragging me to my feet.

i'm thankful for my kitty luna. we've only had her fot a few months, but they've certainly been brighter with her around. of course, she doesn't replace my old cat bella, who i am very thankful for being with us until it was time for her to rest in an eternal sleep. i love my hamster suki and my turtle tyrion, too. all of my pets bring me happiness.

she doesn't get on here very much anymore, but i'm thankful for @hearken. she's been my friend for a little while now and i love her to death. i can't even begin to describe how much i love that she's in my life. have a happy thanksgiving, dork.

i'm thankful for my parents. although they get on my nerves at times, i still love 'em and i'm glad they brought me into this world. even if it's a little crappy at times.

i'm thankful for every single hardworking author out there bringing us the joy of books so we have stories to read.

and, i'm thankful for all of you guys. it's nearly impossible to put into words about how much i love this site. tomorrow is my two year anniversary, actual. i can't believe how far this site has come.

also, i'm thankful for my mum's cooking, haha.

honorable mentions;
@hearken; @Duststorm; @meraki; @starfall; @Agnate; @PokeCat;

aahh sorry if i forgot anyone, you're all important !!!!

wickedvirtues November 23rd, 2017 11:41 AM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for
My parents
My sibling
My pets
My friends
And these beeps:
@Ryder @Constellation @Mystical

BEAR. November 23rd, 2017 11:46 AM

Re: What are you thankful for?
@Rose Queen :heartbounce:

Fawn November 23rd, 2017 11:54 AM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Mad King (Post 426569)
@Rose Queen :heartbounce:

thankful for you as well ;v; i'm so proud of what you've accomplished lately and can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. thanks for being on this journey with me :lovesquee:

Charmer November 23rd, 2017 12:35 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Awwwwwe @Dustorm thank you! I love RPing with you and think you’re just such a wonderful person!

I’m also thankful for @woly who is just an insanely good writer with a massive heart.

For @AbsurdJinx who I’m just now getting to know a little more but I can already tell is a big old sweetheart.

For @Okapi who is such and enthusiastic and creative writer.

For @blue jellie , my fam who makes my day each time I see she’s messaged me.

For @Flameleaf one of the first folks I RPed with on here with my very first character and made me feel so welcome.

There’s dozens more! I’m so thankful to be a part of this site. You all are wonderful!

red_inactive November 23rd, 2017 01:02 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for my s'mores poptart @Sasukewolf (madness) for always being a good friend and bringing life to the party!

I'm thankful for my WCO mother @Random Melody for always putting up with my neediness.

I'm thankful for @Star because she's an amazing friend.

Honestly I'm glad I found this site; that's what I'm thankful for.

Okay, enough sappiness, time to go roleplay again.

AbsurdJinx November 23rd, 2017 01:03 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
@Charmer dont call me big & old xD

Mango November 23rd, 2017 01:07 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Mine is kinda pathetic.
I’m greatful for a roof over my head, water, food (good or not), having a good private school (despite the fact I dislike going to school), having friends, WI-FI, WCO as an entirety (I don’t have the time to mention everyone on WCO lol) and these members of WCO: @~rattlesnake~ @Charmer @Ryder @.:Blue Wishes:. @BluBunnie @Undercover @Cherish Cat @Fern @Random Melchester or @Random Melody (IDK which you are now) @Duskflight @Jingle @Mad King @fenic! @AbsurdJinx @Rose Queen @Beau
And the ppl who helped me become myself(some who are gone) @Cloudy @Nighty @Lichen @Crow @Zero to Hero @Gusty @woly @Shadomaru @Duckie @Fallowstar @Deceptionstar @seasalt @Flameleaf @Shoes @Insert_Username_Here (IK some of them left WCO still...). @And everyone one else here!

@~rattlesnake~ Thank you for being a friend to me. When Wheatfur had an apprentice finder, you remembered to mention me to let me know it started.

@Charmer you are willing to assist me in plots that require Shinefang and are a kind person all around.

@Ryder When I returned from my hiatus you were one of the first ppl willing to RP with me, and that means a lot to me.

@.:Blue Wishes:. You are kind and are a smart person.

@BluBunnie you are kind, caring, and make me feel important on WCO.

@Random Melody you make me tear up (no it’s not a crush it’s your personality) you let my character kill Snowstar, you welcomed me when I returned from my hiatus way back before WCO became WCO. You’ve always been a friend to me *sniffles* I’m stopping because I’m tearing up.

@Duskflight you always have been my local buddy, (lez pretend we found out without breaking rules) you are kind and hard-working and I hope your at the college of your dreams now.

@Undercover You are the person who brightens my day. You are active and are the best roleplay partner in Shadowclan I could ask for.

@Hawkstar You always welcome me into your fanclans and it’s so kind.

@Fern You help with out Goldenstep X Lynxsky family tree and are active it means alot to me...

@Jingle You give me meme gifs, (click the spoiler to see it) you pranked me on that video call *blows nose from crying so hard* by not telling me your camera was on...oh well, you only saw my ear...and me in a swimsuit. *laughs until I cry* Well...love dirt or whoever you love. You are the reason I am me.

@Mad King You use to toment me by making my profile pink for fun, you keep me inline with my behavior, and are an awesome staff member. Even though I have a fear of PM’s now

@Rose Queen You always have been there, I might have feared you for most of my time here, but I learned to care for you...discovered your not a robot, and shipped you with Mad King.

@fenic! You are so corny (humor wise) and are such a good Mini-Mod and I’ve always thought you’d go far in your WCO life, and I was right. Having Russetstar and being a mini-mod. I couldn’t be more proud unless you became site owner (BTW when are you doing RC ceremonies)

@AbsurdJinx You are a close friend to me and help me know what’s wrong and right. I couldn’t stand WCO without you!

@Beau You invite me in your plot between Halfgaze and Passionblaze (which we never did) and are a thoughtful person.
@Crybaby (At the Disco) You are amazing and beautiful and such a good RPer!

I’m taking a sobbing break before continuing lol.

@Cloudy When I was a new member of WCO you took it apon yourself to help tutor me through PM to help me become a better roleplayer

@Ocean You were so kind and caring. How could I forgot you. I miss you so much. I hope you one day visit WCO and see this message awaiting you.

@Nighty You helped me practice adding detail to characters for applications and calmed me when I applied for an HR (which I’m yet to get) and I’m ever so greatful for everything.

@Lichen Wow. I’m tearing up already on you. You brought the sunshine into my world. I was a low unknown member of WCO when you found me and made me feel special and important. You are the reason I’m active on WCO and well, popular. *has a crying fit* I hope all is well for you.

@Crow You were the nicest staff member ever, when you were a staffle. You cared for us and understood we were human and made mistakes. You forgave. I couldn’t be more thankful. You roleplay well and I admire your roleplaying ability, I look up to it.

@Zero to Hero Zerosight has always made me all sappy. So, thank you for creating Zerosight. Then, thank you for creating Surgestorm so Yellowpaw can think she’s discovered the meaning of life and fall in love with Surge (who’s waaaay to old her) You as a human are nice and caring, your friendly and welcoming to others. You are so amazing, I don’t know what I’d do in a WCO universe without you. Also, I’m impressed you were the last to go from two HR’s to 1 HR. And you’ve had Surgestorm longer than any HR’s been on the leaderboard, perhaps longer! And I think real life time Surgestorm has been alive longer than any of the other HRs. ILY in a friendship way (not in another way)

@Gusty You and Halite are special to me and dear to my heart. (Halite perhaps more irl, but still...) You helped me through my early days of WCO and *tears up* always are here for me.

@woly You probably are suprised I put you in the list, but when you originally joined and we insulted the daydream out of eachother, it helped me learn how to insult ppl who bully me irl. And when we made-up through a PM I felt you were a smart, responsible person who I can look-up to.

@Shadomaru You always have been nice, such as inviting me to your wedding with Random or applying to my finders before they were very detailed or agreeing to RP with me.

@Mystery You are kind and friendly, how could I live in a world without you?!

@vos You were so amazing. Almondstar/fall will always be in my heart. PLS ONE DAY ACCEPT MY REQUEST FOR INSTAGRAM!

@Duckie Thank you for banning my account, IK this sounds insane, but it’s true. It braced me for the years to come. I may have spent the day after being banned beating my head against my bed sobbing, but I felt it taught me a valuable lesson, thank you.

@Fallowstar Thank you for serving WCO. Thank you for teaching me not to steal other characters names and for existing.

@Deceptionstar Thank you for creating WCO. Thank you for being nice. Thank you for stalling on Deceptionstar (the character)’s death until I could join WCO In his death I loved how he was drinking beer and stuff...Mad King tightened the belt on the rules here.

@seasalt Tawny~ You have been an amazing friend for the chatbox in the General board. IDK how I’d chat on WCO without you.

@Flameleaf Thank you for letting my friend try Roleplaying with you on my account once. Thank you for applying to (literally almost every finder I have) and thank you for being on WCO.

@Shoes Thank-you for becoming Socks to Shoes (lol) *cries harder* You’ve influenced my life so much.

@Insert_User_Here Thank you for existing and being nice...

@Role Thank you for applying me for RPOTM and being a RP partner

@Doodle thank you for being on WCO with me.

@thelittlestdragon thank you for helping me grow interest in the the non-clan stuff...

@Alicewolfheart thank you for being in my WCO family and letting the Chameleon kill your human character.

(I’m crying to much I’m forcing myself to stop) @Charmer Thanks for putting me on your thankful list *sobs myself to death*

R.I.P Okapi died of crying

Galaxy Of Wisdom November 23rd, 2017 01:08 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 426595)
I'm thankful for my s'mores poptart @Sasukewolf (madness) for always being a good friend and bringing life to the party!

I'm thankful for my WCO mother @Random Melody for always putting up with my neediness.

I'm thankful for @Star because she's an amazing friend.

Honestly I'm glad I found this site; that's what I'm thankful for.

Okay, enough sappiness, time to go roleplay again.

Aww ;^; :inlove::waaah: I’m thankful for having a awesome strawberry poptart like you as a friend!! You’re amazing!

Darky November 23rd, 2017 01:13 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
. @Cheshire cat who I roleplay with everyday
@Crybaby (At the Disco) @Tigress @Phoenix Flames @Shadow @Sasukewolf (madness) who cared for me and talked to me during the hard time I'm having trying to recover from a car crash and being stuck in a wheelchair.

Leucos November 23rd, 2017 01:24 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for
@Alicewolfheart since she is basically my RP buddy! And I would be bored as heck without her. @Sasukewolf (madness) because this person is awesome at creating dark and twisted rp's and is half of my inspiration for the insane ones I create
@ScarredSecrets because she's one of my buddys! Or I think.
@Role who is a buddy ^^
And this site because it's the BOMB!

ShiningFern November 23rd, 2017 01:51 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for the site as a whole, and all the awesome people who make this site the great environment it is.

I am especially thankful to some people I RP with a lot, and these are just some of those great, wonderful people.
@RedHead @Constellation @Mystical
@Okapi @AbsurdJinx
@Doodle @Shoes

And my dog and cat. Totally thankful for them. even when they jump on my keyboard or spill my drink on me

dionysus November 23rd, 2017 02:11 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426599)

@Beau You invite me in your plot between Halfgaze and Passionblaze (which we never did) and are a thoughtful person.

Aw! I'm thankful for you too! I wish we had gotten to that plot, it would have been fun :)

Mango November 23rd, 2017 02:14 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Beau (Post 426640)
Aw! I'm thankful for you too! I wish we had gotten to that plot, it would have been fun :)

IKR...yet again Lobsterbreathe is getting into enough trouble taking a life from Snowstar...

Socks November 23rd, 2017 02:18 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for this whole website, but here are a few.

@Charmer because I like talking to you and you're great. You're honestly like a mom friend and I think that's awesome.

@Rubinaito because I love roleplaying with you and you're super smart to me and I think you're just amazing.

@Random Melody because even though we don't really talk that much I think you're great and we like some of the same stuff I like just silently reading your roleplays.

@Constellation because I love to read all your roleplays and your characters are amazing.

@juniper because I think you were the first person to really talk to me here and you're great.

@Okapi and @Fern You guys are amazing I love roleplaying with you!

And then there are my secret crushes on a few of people here but I'm not gonna mention them because I'm awkward but, yeah.

There are lots more but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
(Look I typed with so much emotion I missed so many mistakes in my writing.)

NightWarrior4Life November 23rd, 2017 02:19 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426599)
Mine is kinda pathetic.
I’m greatful for a roof over my head, water, food (good or not), having a good private school (despite the fact I dislike going to school), having friends, WI-FI, WCO as an entirety (I don’t have the time to mention everyone on WCO lol) and these members of WCO: @~rattlesnake~ @Charmer @Ryder @.:Blue Wishes:. @BluBunnie @Undercover @Hawkstar @Fern @Random Melchester or @Random Melody (IDK which you are now) @Duskflight @Jingle @Mad King @fenic! @AbsurdJinx @Rose Queen @Beau
And the ppl who helped me become myself(some who are gone) @Cloudy @Nighty @Lichen @Crow @Zero to Hero @Gusty @woly @Shadomaru @Duckie @Fallowstar @Deceptionstar @seasalt @Flameleaf @Shoes @Insert_Username_Here (IK some of them left WCO still...). @And everyone one else here!

@~rattlesnake~ Thank you for being a friend to me. When Wheatfur had an apprentice finder, you remembered to mention me to let me know it started.

@Charmer you are willing to assist me in plots that require Shinefang and are a kind person all around.

@Ryder When I returned from my hiatus you were one of the first ppl willing to RP with me, and that means a lot to me.

@.:Blue Wishes:. You are kind and are a smart person.

@BluBunnie you are kind, caring, and make me feel important on WCO.

@Random Melody you make me tear up (no it’s not a crush it’s your personality) you let my character kill Snowstar, you welcomed me when I returned from my hiatus way back before WCO became WCO. You’ve always been a friend to me *sniffles* I’m stopping because I’m tearing up.

@Duskflight you always have been my local buddy, (lez pretend we found out without breaking rules) you are kind and hard-working and I hope your at the college of your dreams now.

@Undercover You are the person who brightens my day. You are active and are the best roleplay partner in Shadowclan I could ask for.

@Hawkstar You always welcome me into your fanclans and it’s so kind.

@Fern You help with out Goldenstep X Lynxsky family tree and are active it means alot to me...

@Jingle You give me meme gifs, (click the spoiler to see it) you pranked me on that video call *blows nose from crying so hard* by not telling me your camera was on...oh well, you only saw my ear...and me in a swimsuit. *laughs until I cry* Well...love dirt or whoever you love. You are the reason I am me.

@Mad King You use to toment me by making my profile pink for fun, you keep me inline with my behavior, and are an awesome staff member. Even though I have a fear of PM’s now

@Rose Queen You always have been there, I might have feared you for most of my time here, but I learned to care for you...discovered your not a robot, and shipped you with Mad King.

@fenic! You are so corny (humor wise) and are such a good Mini-Mod and I’ve always thought you’d go far in your WCO life, and I was right. Having Russetstar and being a mini-mod. I couldn’t be more proud unless you became site owner (BTW when are you doing RC ceremonies)

@AbsurdJinx You are a close friend to me and help me know what’s wrong and right. I couldn’t stand WCO without you!

@Beau You invite me in your plot between Halfgaze and Passionblaze (which we never did) and are a thoughtful person.

I’m taking a sobbing break before continuing lol.

@Cloudy When I was a new member of WCO you took it apon yourself to help tutor me through PM to help me become a better roleplayer

@Ocean You were so kind and caring. How could I forgot you. I miss you so much. I hope you one day visit WCO and see this message awaiting you.

@Nighty You helped me practice adding detail to characters for applications and calmed me when I applied for an HR (which I’m yet to get) and I’m ever so greatful for everything.

@Lichen Wow. I’m tearing up already on you. You brought the sunshine into my world. I was a low unknown member of WCO when you found me and made me feel special and important. You are the reason I’m active on WCO and well, popular. *has a crying fit* I hope all is well for you.

@Crow You were the nicest staff member ever, when you were a staffle. You cared for us and understood we were human and made mistakes. You forgave. I couldn’t be more thankful. You roleplay well and I admire your roleplaying ability, I look up to it.

@Zero to Hero Zerosight has always made me all sappy. So, thank you for creating Zerosight. Then, thank you for creating Surgestorm so Yellowpaw can think she’s discovered the meaning of life and fall in love with Surge (who’s waaaay to old her) You as a human are nice and caring, your friendly and welcoming to others. You are so amazing, I don’t know what I’d do in a WCO universe without you. Also, I’m impressed you were the last to go from two HR’s to 1 HR. And you’ve had Surgestorm longer than any HR’s been on the leaderboard, perhaps longer! And I think real life time Surgestorm has been alive longer than any of the other HRs. ILY in a friendship way (not in another way)

@Gusty You and Halite are special to me and dear to my heart. (Halite perhaps more irl, but still...) You helped me through my early days of WCO and *tears up* always are here for me.

@woly You probably are suprised I put you in the list, but when you originally joined and we insulted the daydream out of eachother, it helped me learn how to insult ppl who bully me irl. And when we made-up through a PM I felt you were a smart, responsible person who I can look-up to.

@Shadomaru You always have been nice, such as inviting me to your wedding with Random or applying to my finders before they were very detailed or agreeing to RP with me.

@Mystery You are kind and friendly, how could I live in a world without you?!

@vos You were so amazing. Almondstar/fall will always be in my heart. PLS ONE DAY ACCEPT MY REQUEST FOR INSTAGRAM!

@Duckie Thank you for banning my account, IK this sounds insane, but it’s true. It braced me for the years to come. I may have spent the day after being banned beating my head against my bed sobbing, but I felt it taught me a valuable lesson, thank you.

@Fallowstar Thank you for serving WCO. Thank you for teaching me not to steal other characters names and for existing.

@Deceptionstar Thank you for creating WCO. Thank you for being nice. Thank you for stalling on Deceptionstar (the character)’s death until I could join WCO In his death I loved how he was drinking beer and stuff...Mad King tightened the belt on the rules here.

@seasalt Tawny~ You have been an amazing friend for the chatbox in the General board. IDK how I’d chat on WCO without you.

@Flameleaf Thank you for letting my friend try Roleplaying with you on my account once. Thank you for applying to (literally almost every finder I have) and thank you for being on WCO.

@Shoes Thank-you for becoming Socks to Shoes (lol) *cries harder* You’ve influenced my life so much.

@Insert_User_Here Thank you for existing and being nice...

@Role Thank you for applying me for RPOTM and being a RP partner

@Doodle thank you for being on WCO with me.

@thelittlestdragon thank you for helping me grow interest in the the non-clan stuff...

@Alicewolfheart thank you for being in my WCO family and letting the Chameleon kill your human character.

(I’m crying to much I’m forcing myself to stop) @Charmer Thanks for putting me on your thankful list *sobs myself to death*

R.I.P Okapi died of crying

When a person you were thankful for and we're going to mention mentions and is thankful for pretty much everyone except you lol jk I'm not mad at all *cough* where am I? *cough*

NightWarrior4Life November 23rd, 2017 02:20 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Omg I feel like malificent right now! Everyone is mentioning eachother here and I don't get one?! Honestly you guys...

But lol jk I'm not jealous at all

Tundra November 23rd, 2017 02:21 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
@Charmer thank you!

For @Leo the Loke and @Charmer who are amazing friends!

For @Panic! for being there for me!

For @Myik who made me feel welcome and helped me out when I first joined!

For @Merrypotatoes who was one of the first people who rp’d with me!

For @Myst for helping me feel better when I was feeling down.

For @Okapi for rping with me and putting me on their thankful list!

Mango November 23rd, 2017 02:21 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 426647)
When a person you were thankful for and we're going to mention mentions and is thankful for pretty much everyone except you lol jk I'm not mad at all *cough* where am I? *cough*

I couldn’t remember your username.

@NightWarrior4Life I am thankful that you are available in the chatbox almost 24/7 and your so sweet. Gah! I’m going to cry again! You make WCO a better place!

Mango November 23rd, 2017 02:27 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Flameleaf (Post 426650)
@Charmer thank you!

For @Leo the Loke and @Charmer who are amazing friends!

For @Panic! for being there for me!

For @Myik who made me feel welcome and helped me out when I first joined!

For @Merrypotatoes who was one of the first people who rp’d with me!

For @Myst for helping me feel better when I was feeling down.

For @Okapi for rping with me and putting me on their thankful list!


Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 426648)
Omg I feel like malificent right now! Everyone is mentioning eachother here and I don't get one?! Honestly you guys...

But lol jk I'm not jealous at all


Originally Posted by Shoes (Post 426646)
I'm thankful for this whole website, but here are a few.

@Charmer because I like talking to you and you're great. You're honestly like a mom friend and I think that's awesome.

@Rubinaito because I love roleplaying with you and you're super smart to me and I think you're just amazing.

@Random Melody because even though we don't really talk that much I think you're great and we like some of the same stuff I like just silently reading your roleplays.

@Constellation because I love to read all your roleplays and your characters are amazing.

@juniper because I think you were the first person to really talk to me here and you're great.

@Okapi and @Fern You guys are amazing I love roleplaying with you!

There are lots more but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
(Look I typed with so much emotion I missed so many mistakes in my writing.)

That’s so sweet Flameleaf, Shoes, and Nightwarrrior4Life I did add one for you because I was sick of sobbing so I cut it short.

NightWarrior4Life November 23rd, 2017 02:32 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426651)
I couldn’t remember your username.

@NightWarrior4Life I am thankful that you are available in the chatbox almost 24/7 and your so sweet. Gah! I’m going to cry again! You make WCO a better place!

Thanks appreciate it!

@Okapi I am thankful for you because you've been like a best friend to me. We joke together, rant together, cause trouble together...we're partners in crime and I've enjoyed every moment with you on WCO

Mango November 23rd, 2017 02:35 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 426662)
Thanks appreciate it!

@Okapi I am thankful for you because you've been like a best friend to me. We joke together, rant together, cause trouble together...we're partners in crime and I've enjoyed every moment with you on WCO

*tears up* You are my online BFF and my partner of crime....Never leave WCO or I’ll haunt you in your sleep....

meraki November 23rd, 2017 02:40 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
i have to say, im thankful for a lot of things. im thankful for my family, my friends, my house, my food, my pets; my whole life, really.

i’m thankful for every single one of you. im not going to give individual shoutouts or tag users and whatnot, because i wouldn’t ever want to make anyone feel excluded because i love every single one of you. even if i’ve never chatted with you or roleplayed with you, i still care deeply about you and your well being. i think everyone on here deserves a high five and pat on the back simply for being their amazing self. you are beautiful and imperfect but that just makes you like 500 times better.

like i said, im thankful for every single one of you. for the users who make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel even an ounce better about myself. you guys are fantastic and awesome; there aren’t enough words to describe how simply wonderful you all are. so take a moment to think about all your virtues rather than your flaws; i can tell every one of you that you’ve got plenty of wonderful things about you. please not only be thankful for others, but also be thankful for yourself. your body deserves your thanks just as much as anyone else does because it does a lot to keep you alive.

like always, self care is a number one, so take some time to relax over the holidays. do things you enjoy, watch movies you like.
im thankful for your very existence.

Dust November 23rd, 2017 02:48 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Share the love!

Fallpotato November 23rd, 2017 02:52 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
@Shadow for showing me around

@Myik for sticking with me through hard times

@Flameleaf for helping me help others

judas November 23rd, 2017 03:09 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I feel loved
@Duskflight for being my friend <3 I never really felt like people knew me until I started roleplaying with them
@Merrypotatoes for being 10/10 and letting me vent
@Madking for making WCO and being a very cool admin
My dog for eating half my plate bcs I was full, thank you Riemmy
@Celestial for making Onionpaw and being very sweet <3 @Sasukewolf (madness) for being my friend and putting up with my pointlessness
I dont feel like fixing my mentions so ha

Mango November 23rd, 2017 03:12 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Forgot a chunk of ya’ll

@meraki Thank you for being so caring to everyone and being so kind and caring! *Works to hold back tears*

@Araki Thanks for being awesome and existing!

@Queenie Thanks for RPing with me and making me happy! *feels my eyes start watering*

@Doodle Thanks for RPing with me and being a kind, compassionate user on WCO.

@Swiftheart Thanks for RPing with me and being nice and friendly!

@Teggy You are so kind and friendly and your sweet messages on my VM page you ocassionally leave are so touching.

*starts crying* I made it so far before crying

@dyce You may be new and stuff, but you still make me feel important and special on WCO.

@Agnate I know we use to have our feuds and all, but still you are special to me.

@blue jellie Your an oldie like me...

*Starts flat out balling out of control*

@Brooklyn Trees You always were nice to me, even on the old site when I was annoying. I can hardly find my words, I’m getting choked up, you mean the world to me.

*dies of crying*
Took a quick break to calm my tears

@Celestial You are so sweet. And I love Passionblaze....Gah I don’t know how to explain everything I feel about you (not bad) *feels my heart swelling*

@Dovekit12 You are so nice and friendly. I couldn’t imagine a universe without you.

@Empress Of Evil You are an amazing petite-moderator (play with words) you are in my top 100 (lol it’s a way off saying I don’t pick a fav.) *starts tearing up*

@Ennard You are...* wipes tears* amazing, *hiccups* smart, *inhales to control my emotions* beautiful, *tears up more* compassinate, *sniffles* and an amazing Roleplayer. The list would go on, but I’m tearing up enough it’s hard to read what I’m typing.

@Ever You helped me become a good RPer. Th-Thankyou. *Realizes I’m stammering and starts crying for real*

@Floa Your art is amazing and you are so nice...

*wipes tears* Dun worry guys...I’ll live, I think?

@JaxenAmethyst Your someone I can talk to, argue with, chat with ect. Thanks

@Koalabear360 You are so kind and nice and “innocent” (forgive me on that). I find you adorable and I believe you have a bright future ahead of you.

*starts hard-core crying*

@Leo the Loke You have been one my BFFs forever Hollydawn, Boba Fett....

*dies crying*
I took a breather I gotz this *acts confident going into something I’ve failed at doing 100 times now, writing emotional letters*

@littledragon0625 Thank you for introducing me into fanclans and non-warrior RP. I can’t find the words for that.

*Screams for succeeding*

@mapledash Thank you for being my friend and I remember you have brown hair and are a guy named after a MLP.... *feels my chest swell up*

*Breathe Oka, only 155 more notes to write...you gots this*

@Mauve You are new yes, but you hold a special place in my heart. *blows nose*

@Masked Bandits You are humorus and deserve the world.

@Mousy You. Created. The. Game. Called. Murder. In. Winkclan. What. More. Can. I. Say. But. THANKYOUSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOMUCHO!
*tears up and screams*

@Myik Your awesome and deserve a bright future!

@Myst You are so sweet and kind!

@Rainbowmist You are so gentle and polite!

*You gotz this Oka, only 9 oldies you can do this*

@PeaFlower You are so nice for applying to my finders and being in Dragonclan with me....

*SCREAMS to get an adreniline rush, short term. Obviously*

@PokeCat You are an awesome user and deserve to live forever...without pain ofcourse!

*feels blood flowing in my veins and my heart pounding*

@Raven & Co Thank you for RPing with my for many moons/months.

*freaks because the adreniline rush is fading*

@Serendipity I love your username first off, second you helped me with my first steps such as making a two sentence RP or my first week without getting banned/referal on WCO.

@Skye You joined at the same time as me. You were my newbie partner, we helped eachother through staffles and RP.

@Snake You are nice and polite

*braces myself for tears*

@starfall You have Fallenstream who loves Hollowkit (or opposite) and you are so kind as a human.

@~Breadsticks~ You are awesome.

@~Truely Blue~ You are kind!

I DIDN’T CRY! *starts crying*

Static November 23rd, 2017 03:17 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for alot of people,So I'm just going to name a few.
Thanks @NightWarrior4Life for understanding that people make mistakes,and its ok,and for helping me develop such a amazing charecter on the website!

Thanks @GyreHaze for alwase being open to ideas and helping me find out with things I couldn't do on my own and being one of my first close friends on wco and for all of the pet alpackas :)
(That's right,I didn't forget this post when we first became friends.First page of my visitor messages XD)

Thank @RosePelt145 for being so understanding and for helping me when I needed it(which was quit alot XD)

Thanks @Chesirecat and @Akari for alwase being there to RP with me when I'm a long potato

And thanks everyone else for creating wco and constantly helping me when I need it!

Captain November 23rd, 2017 03:17 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Huh. So I suppose people are listing off what they are thankful for, eh?
Well, I already did that on Twitter, so why not do it here too? Let us begin.
  • I am grateful for the many months that I have had with this community, despite meeting some terrible people in the process, I have met many more amazing people in the process and I hope that all of those people know how much they mean to me, even though I am not the greatest at expressing my gratitude most of the time.
  • I am thankful for @Rose Queen and @Mad King for always being kind to me ever since I have joined WCO and I have always appreciated their hard work that they have put forth on this website that I have seen as my second home and internet family. Thank you to both of you for your kindness and friendliness towards me through and through.
  • I am thankful for @woly who was the first real friend that I made when I joined this community over a year ago. I know that the two of us have gone through rough times together, but we both have gotten through it. She’s been a very good friend and someone who I can rely on and trust always when I need someone to talk to. Thank you, Kate.
  • I am thankful for @starfall who was also a very good friend to me in my earlier times in WCO when I did not have many friends. Like woly, they are important and awesome to me and I thank you for all that you have done for me, Star.
  • I am grateful for @Fawn and @Constellation and @Crybaby (At the Disco) who have always made me feel important, no matter what. You three are my closest friends and I will always love you like you are my own family. Thank you for all the roleplays and fun memories that we have shared together from the moment that we met.
  • Thank you to @Okapi and @ScarredSecrets and @Doodle and @Undercover who have helped me with giving my characters more development and being my dear roleplaying friends for as long as I can remember. I know that we aren’t very close, but I appreciate all that you have done and I am happy to call you my friend.
  • I am thankful for my mother, who has always been supportive and proud of me, even though I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed or the strongest kid in gym class. She has always comforted me when I am stressed and helped me through the bad times when I did not know where I was going in life. Thank you, mom, for everything.
  • I am also thankful for all my characters, both my warrior cat and OCs, that have gotten me through the difficult times. They have given me happiness and made me feel so much emotion through my life. They have given me love and adventure, unlike anything I could ever imagine. I love all of you, being your creator, no matter what.
  • Last, but certainly not least, to all of the members of WCO who have shone me a good time and roleplayed or even just talked with me. You have impacted my life more than you realize and I am glad to have met so many great and unique personalities throughout my time here and I hope to make even more memories with WCO soon enough.

I believe that is everything and everyone, but who knows? I probably forgot something, knowing how forgetful I am at times, but oh well - Happy Thanksgiving to all on WCO!

Queenie November 23rd, 2017 03:29 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426685)
Forgot a chunk of ya’ll

@meraki Thank you for being so caring to everyone and being so kind and caring! *Works to hold back tears*

@Araki Thanks for being awesome and existing!

@Queenie Thanks for RPing with me and making me happy! *feels my eyes start watering*

@Doodle Thanks for RPing with me and being a kind, compassionate user on WCO.

@Swiftheart Thanks for RPing with me and being nice and friendly!

@Teggy You are so kind and friendly and your sweet messages on my VM page you ocassionally leave are so touching.

*starts crying* I made it so far before crying

@dyce You may be new and stuff, but you still make me feel important and special on WCO.

@Agnate I know we use to have our feuds and all, but still you are special to me.

@blue jellie Your an oldie like me...

*Starts flat out balling out of control*

@Brooklyn Trees You always were nice to me, even on the old site when I was annoying. I can hardly find my words, I’m getting choked up, you mean the world to me.

*dies of crying*
Took a quick break to calm my tears

@Celestial You are so sweet. And I love Passionblaze....Gah I don’t know how to explain everything I feel about you (not bad) *feels my heart swelling*

@Dovekit12 You are so nice and friendly. I couldn’t imagine a universe without you.

@Empress Of Evil You are an amazing petite-moderator (play with words) you are in my top 100 (lol it’s a way off saying I don’t pick a fav.) *starts tearing up*

@Ennard You are...* wipes tears* amazing, *hiccups* smart, *inhales to control my emotions* beautiful, *tears up more* compassinate, *sniffles* and an amazing Roleplayer. The list would go on, but I’m tearing up enough it’s hard to read what I’m typing.

@Ever You helped me become a good RPer. Th-Thankyou. *Realizes I’m stammering and starts crying for real*

@Floa Your art is amazing and you are so nice...

*wipes tears* Dun worry guys...I’ll live, I think?

@JaxenAmethyst Your someone I can talk to, argue with, chat with ect. Thanks

@Koalabear360 You are so kind and nice and “innocent” (forgive me on that). I find you adorable and I believe you have a bright future ahead of you.

*starts hard-core crying*

@Leo the Loke You have been one my BFFs forever Hollydawn, Boba Fett....

*dies crying*
I took a breather I gotz this *acts confident going into something I’ve failed at doing 100 times now, writing emotional letters*

@littledragon0625 Thank you for introducing me into fanclans and non-warrior RP. I can’t find the words for that.

*Screams for succeeding*

@mapledash Thank you for being my friend and I remember you have brown hair and are a guy named after a MLP.... *feels my chest swell up*

*Breathe Oka, only 155 more notes to write...you gots this*

@Mauve You are new yes, but you hold a special place in my heart. *blows nose*

@Masked Bandits You are humorus and deserve the world.

@Mousy You. Created. The. Game. Called. Murder. In. Winkclan. What. More. Can. I. Say. But. THANKYOUSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOMUCHO!
*tears up and screams*

@Myik Your awesome and deserve a bright future!

@Myst You are so sweet and kind!

@Rainbowmist You are so gentle and polite!

*You gotz this Oka, only 9 oldies you can do this*

@PeaFlower You are so nice for applying to my finders and being in Dragonclan with me....

*SCREAMS to get an adreniline rush, short term. Obviously*

@PokeCat You are an awesome user and deserve to live forever...without pain ofcourse!

*feels blood flowing in my veins and my heart pounding*

@Raven & Co Thank you for RPing with my for many moons/months.

*freaks because the adreniline rush is fading*

@Serendipity I love your username first off, second you helped me with my first steps such as making a two sentence RP or my first week without getting banned/referal on WCO.

@Skye You joined at the same time as me. You were my newbie partner, we helped eachother through staffles and RP.

@Snake You are nice and polite

*braces myself for tears*

@starfall You have Fallenstream who loves Hollowkit (or opposite) and you are so kind as a human.

@~Breadsticks~ You are awesome.

@~Truely Blue~ You are kind!

I DIDN’T CRY! *starts crying*

Casually named the entire site

Mango November 23rd, 2017 03:31 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 426701)
Casually named the entire site

LOL, so true though...I got almost everyone in my three separate mentions.

ameko November 23rd, 2017 03:32 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
i'm thankful for my family, for my friends, for my pets, and for the internet. i would never have become the person that i am without all of you. you guys have helped me from a self-conscious, awkward pathos to a more outgoing, friendly hearken (even though i don't show it on wco).

but i am eternally thankful for @tinyalienboy and i love him to pieces. i'm so happy we met on this site, almost two years ago, and even though we've had our share of bumps in the road, we always recovered.
he has helped me come so far as a person and grow to accept and love myself, and i am forever grateful.
thank you, & happy thanksgiving. <3

Akari November 23rd, 2017 03:39 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426685)
Forgot a chunk of ya’ll

@meraki Thank you for being so caring to everyone and being so kind and caring! *Works to hold back tears*

@Araki Thanks for being awesome and existing!

@Queenie Thanks for RPing with me and making me happy! *feels my eyes start watering*

@Doodle Thanks for RPing with me and being a kind, compassionate user on WCO.

@Swiftheart Thanks for RPing with me and being nice and friendly!

@Teggy You are so kind and friendly and your sweet messages on my VM page you ocassionally leave are so touching.

*starts crying* I made it so far before crying

I'm Dying of Laughter now. You Put 'Araki' Instead of 'Akari'.
Alright, Whooo. Time to do this.
I am thankful for @Role for being there when I Used to do All-nighters, and was a Lonely potato.
I am also Thankful for @Swiftheart for being there during the day, and being an amazing RP Buddy.
I Am thankful that this site exists, Because without this site I Would have no Life.

~3 Down...Lets see, Who else to add....~

I am Thankful for @Ennard, for always being there, and I mean Litterly, your always online, and your an amazing RP Partner.
I am Also thankful for @NightWarrior4Life, For Bringing back The Chatbox. Really, That's Huge right there.
I am Thankfull for @Okapi , Who Helped me when I First Arrived at this site.

~I...I Think that's all...For now...~

lio November 23rd, 2017 03:52 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by hearken (Post 426705)
i'm thankful for my family, for my friends, for my pets, and for the internet. i would never have become the person that i am without all of you. you guys have helped me from a self-conscious, awkward pathos to a more outgoing, friendly hearken (even though i don't show it on wco).

but i am eternally thankful for @tinyalienboy and i love him to pieces. i'm so happy we met on this site, almost two years ago, and even though we've had our share of bumps in the road, we always recovered.
he has helped me come so far as a person and grow to accept and love myself, and i am forever grateful.
thank you, & happy thanksgiving. <3

ahhhh my cheeks hurt from smiling omg
okay i love you so much that it's like literally impossible to explain and i'm getting a headache just trying to
i hope we can meet soon :( i wanna jus t hug you and cuddle and look at memes and instagram and other stuff instead of being twENTY HOURS AWAY FROM EACH OTHER
i also wanna show you all the history of gettysburg and take a stroll through the battlefield and if possible look at the moonlit sky together and my heart is hurting now heck
you are honestly the best person ever like??? if i had to choose between meeting you or meeting all of my favorite celebrities i would always choose you, my no hetero bro™
i talk about you so much at school that like a couple of my friends get annoyed haha
hajjksk wow idk what else to say besides that you are a wonderful human being and that i'm glad this site brought us together aahhhhh i love you and i can't say it enough <33333333 !!

hearken/pathos/path/pathie/all your other names deserves all the love and affection the world has to offer mkay bye

Undercover November 23rd, 2017 04:04 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I'm so greatful for all my friends and family. I'm thankful for WCO and every single roleplayer in its amazingly awesome community. Just some of the people I am thankful for are @Role , @Trickster~ , @Okapi , and @Merrypotatoes . And last but not least, I am super thankful for the Creator for giving me with so many amazing people and blessings in my life. You have all made a huge impact on my character, whether you know it or not.

lio November 23rd, 2017 04:16 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 426704)
LOL, so true though...I got almost everyone in my three separate mentions.

//s a s h a y s up to you
//drags hearken w me
yOu dIdnT mEnTiOn me oR mY nO heTerO bRo™ i aM oFfEndeD

not really lol do what you want bro //shrug

PeaFlower November 23rd, 2017 04:24 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
I uh ... I feel even more awkward than usual doing this ... man this is sooo cheesy ^^"
I really don't know how I'm gonna do that. Gosh. I can't think of anything ...


I am thankful for @Mad King and @Rose Queen for keeping alive that website that I had trouble finding amongst the other rp sites, that were all either closed or inactive, when I was going through some stuff and desperately needed to cling to something from my past/childhood to feel something positive again. (Which just so happened to be warrior cats roleplaying. Uh.), so, yeah, thank you for that.

I am thankful for @Okapi , primarly for existing, secondly for being an active member and being a good rp partner in Dragonclan, and hopefully other rps in the future.

I am thankful for @littledragon0625 , for creating the Dragonclan rp and unknowingly helping me get a little bit out of my shell, and being a cool rp partner with a lot of imagination. (I still have a long way to go to stop feeling so awkward and unsure, but thanks !)

I am thankful for @Ennard for being there to roleplay (I really like Teddy's Residence), and posting so many finders .... (To which I rarely apply because my cats are still not re-done, or I just feel like I don't deserve to have one of my characters take the role ... I usually read all of them though ...)

I am thankful for @Mad-Hatter , for being a nice rp partner and a nice person in general, or so I think ;p

I am thankful for both @julean and @mompaws accepting me in a rp that could have just been between the two of them ... and for being kind and sensible people (especially mompaws for the sensible thing) (by the way, sorry for not posting on the rp, I've had a post prepared for days but wonder wether or not I should be posting something)

I am grateful for @NightWarrior4Life being the first person to apply for my first (and only) finder. (I know you maybe forgot about it, but I read you have writer's block, so hey, it's okay.)

I am grateful for @Mauve coming onto this site and perhaps unknowingly making me motivated to start rping actual warriors in the main clans. Hope our rps will be fun.

I am thankful for @Swiftheart joining the Dragonclan rp and adding to the fun ^^, though I don't know you very well for now.

Also shoutout to @Celestial (your finders always leave me awstruck), @FadingEchoes (I am impressed by your activity, and I like Essie and Romeo's story), @Shadomaru (We have only rpd a little, but hey, I can mention you too ^^") , @Cheshire cat (Rowanclan is a cool idea ^^) , @ScarredSecrets (You seem nice and I wonder if we'll rp together one day), @Redwood Sienna (Hope we'll have fun rping in Dragonclan) , @Sasukewolf (madness) (you don't know me, and I don't know you, but how do you come up with all your stuff ? It's crazy !) and many others that I can't remember because my brain tends to shut off when I'm listing things.

And thanks to all the peeps on the website, old and new, who keep it alive. :waaah:

Also I'm using this opportunity to say that even though I don't post much, I'm always lurking around in the shadows, when I'm logged in, but also when I'm not.
And on that note I also want to say ... I'm sorry I don't post much, and participate much in site things ... this is just the way I am. I can't change it now, it's too late.

Weelll ... that wasn't so bad as it was extremely embarassing (I feel kinda foolish ...) I'm considering not posting this but I'll make the effort for all the peeps I mentioned. ;w;

wren November 23rd, 2017 04:41 PM

Re: What are you thankful for?
Really? Awe thanks so much honey <3

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