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Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 07:28 PM

Star Wars: New Horizons
The Empire. A cruel, cold, and tyrannical force. Ever since the fall of the Jedi Order, and the end of the Republic, this parasite of a government swooped in to take control.

And how was this accomplished? By turning one of the strongest Jedi in existence to the Dark Side. But even as the Emperor crushed any resistance to assimilate them into his Empire, Rebels worked from the shadows.

As the Rebellion eventually attacked the Empire full on, war rages around as the Empire moves to assert its influence over the galaxy. Eventually, one of the Rebellion's leaders were discovered: Princess Leia. But even as the Imperial forces flew to intercept her, a strange transmission emitted from Vrogas Vas, one of the planets with an ancient Jedi Temple built on its surface. Naturally, the Empire investigates that as well, leading them to find a figure that could change the entire course of the war.

So who will you fight for? The Rebellion, the Jedi, the Light? Or will you choose the Empire, the Sith, the Darkness? Even one person can change the scale of a war... even if they weren't chosen by fate.

Garbage introduction, I know. I've never been great with these, but anyways...
This RP is basically going on right at the beginning of A New Hope, with OC characters doing more of the fighting and influencing the major events.

And if you want to RP as a canon character, just ask.

Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire)
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer)

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 07:38 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Name: Deymon Missklang
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Human
Personality: A quiet, slightly shy type of person. He prefers to not interact with others much, and is quite the collector of weaponry. He has actually a slight addiction to collecting, so note that.
Appearance: Natural white/silver colored hair, And tends to wear a mix of Mandalorian and old Clone armor, scavenged and upgraded. Follows a Silver/Blue color scheme. Is fair skinned, and has bright green eyes.
Side: Currently Neutral Freelancers, will eventually become Light Jedi.
Job: Scavanger/Jedi
Other: Uses an old but upgrade E-11 blaster rifle, a Vibro blade knife, and a scavenged green light saber with an ornate hilt.)

The Division October 5th, 2016 08:08 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Name: Nola Reploid
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Human
Personality: TBRP
Appearance: has dark hair and ivy green eyes, most of the time Nola can be seen wearing a light brown robe with a hood over his head
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Light
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer): Jedi
Other: N/A

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 08:09 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by The Division (Post 268)
Name: Nola Reploid
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Human
Personality: TBRP
Appearance: has dark hair and ivy green eyes, most of the time Nola can be seen wearing a light brown robe with a hood over his head
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Light
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer): Jedi
Other: N/A

(Alrightie. Once Jellie gets his form up, we can start if you want.)

Delta Reliant October 5th, 2016 08:12 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Name: (Lord) Legion Sapphire
Gender: Male.
Age: 22
Race: Human
Personality: Very dark, manipulative and generally a not nice person. Though he can be a nice person. But it emotionally damages him for a short time. Yes. He is that evil.
Appearance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CuC_jNtWYAAwNLD.jpg:large
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Dark/Empire. (Will change later...)
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer) Sith Lord.
Other: Don't judge his name. Thats a way to lose your head. He is a massively powerful force user that has mastered the dark side... and a few forgotten techniques. He knows the ancient technique of "Artifice"... aka lightsaber making.
(Hope i did gud!)

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 08:14 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by JellieDelly (Post 277)
Name: (Lord) Legion Sapphire
Gender: Male.
Age: 22
Race: Human
Personality: Very dark, manipulative and generally a not nice person. Though he can be a nice person. But it emotionally damages him for a short time. Yes. He is that evil.
Appearance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CuC_jNtWYAAwNLD.jpg:large
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Dark/Empire. (Will change later...)
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer) Sith Lord.
Other: Don't judge his name. Thats a way to lose your head. He is a massively powerful force user that has mastered the dark side... and a few forgotten techniques. He knows the ancient technique of "Artifice"... aka lightsaber making.
(Hope i did gud!)

(Yes youngling, you did well. I like it. Accepted. Do we want to start now?)

Delta Reliant October 5th, 2016 08:16 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Sentinel Steel (Post 281)
(Yes youngling, you did well. I like it. Accepted. Do we want to start now?)

(sure! Les do dis!)

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 08:19 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Alright. Let's go!)

On the gaseous surface of Vrogas Vas, a figure in blue and silver armor clambered out of his refurbished ARC-170 starfighter, putting on a helmet to filter out some of the more toxic gases that sometimes drifted in the atmosphere. He had found a Temple, something only found in tall tales.

Delta Reliant October 5th, 2016 08:29 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Sentinel Steel (Post 286)
Alright. Let's go!)

On the gaseous surface of Vrogas Vas, a figure in blue and silver armor clambered out of his refurbished ARC-170 starfighter, putting on a helmet to filter out some of the more toxic gases that sometimes drifted in the atmosphere. He hadn't found a Temple, something only found in tall tales.

(Just so ya know im a tiny bit rusty and im not fully acquaintance with this planet.)

Legion came out of Shade... or that was what his ship was called. He was wearing a dark cloak with his usual red-black-grey body armor under. He had a small gas mask on, since he knew his ability to hold his breath would be sufficient enough to get back to his ship incase anything... undesirable happened. He came to this planet on a reconnaissance mission for the empire... since there were rumors of some jedi structures being on this planet. Rumors, of course.

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 08:33 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by JellieDelly (Post 296)
(Just so ya know im a tiny bit rusty and im not fully acquaintance with this planet.)

Legion came out of Shade... or that was what his ship was called. He was wearing a dark cloak with his usual red-black-grey body armor under. He had a small gas mask on, since he knew his ability to hold his breath would be sufficient enough to get back to his ship incase anything... undesirable happened. He came to this planet on a reconnaissance mission for the empire... since there were rumors of some jedi structures being on this planet. Rumors, of course.

(It's fine, and this planet is literally barren except for the odd swamp and Jedi Temple. From what I've read, there isn't even any native wildlife.)

The structure was a well hidden one, with a shielding system and a stealth beacon. Powered by what, Deymon had no clue, but he had an idea of what, at least. He examined the edge of the cloaked field, wondering if he could just walk through it. Some force fields weren't the nicest thing to walk through.

The Division October 5th, 2016 08:37 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
At the same time a brown robed figure hoped out of the star fighter and stood besides the silver armored figure putting on his mask to filter out the gas was drifting around the atmosphere.

Nola Reploid, a young jedi knight of the order, gazed around the surface of the planet "Well this planet seems to have better days.." Nola said

Delta Reliant October 5th, 2016 08:41 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Sentinel Steel (Post 301)
(It's fine, and this planet is literally barren except for the odd swamp and Jedi Temple. From what I've read, there isn't even any native wildlife.)

The structure was a well hidden one, with a shielding system and a stealth beacon. Powered by what, Deymon had no clue, but he had an idea of what, at least. He examined the edge of the cloaked field, wondering if he could just walk through it. Some force fields weren't the nicest thing to walk through.

Legion reached into his pocket and grabbed a communications device... it was connected to his ship. He opened it and was replied with "What do you need sir!?" 'Androids... Ugh.' "Take the ship to orbit and begin scanning for anything anomalous. And power up the weapons. If you get attacked ill be stranded here. Don't. Screw. Up." "Understood sir!" At that moment the Shade took off into orbit and Legion moved through the horrid terrain. "If only i could burn this planet... but if there are Jedi artifacts we will need them..."

(The android will be a recurring character btw... XD)

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 08:59 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Deymon cocked an eyebrow underneath his mask, looking back at his companion. "Any idea what sort of tech is hiding the place? I'd rather not be vaporized by some Jedi voodoo." The freelancer remarked, checking to make sure his scavenged saber and knife were where they should be on his waist, and his rifle on his back.

Jappy October 5th, 2016 09:01 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
I think I'll make a forum later, but just hold me a spot if anything!))

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 09:07 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Jappy (Post 325)
I think I'll make a forum later, but just hold me a spot if anything!))


Hallowed Echo October 5th, 2016 09:18 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Name: Chaos
Gender: female
Age: 28
Race: Human (I don't really understand)
Personality: Cold, Dark, Distant.
Appearance: Black hair with red and light blue highlights, amber eyes and a black outfit with a mask covering her mouth.
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Light/ Rebellion.
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer): Bounty Hunter.
Other: Nope

Sentinel Steel October 5th, 2016 09:22 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Phoenix (Post 342)
Name: Chaos
Gender: female
Age: 28
Race: Human (I don't really understand)
Personality: Cold, Dark, Distant.
Appearance: Black hair with red and light blue highlights, amber eyes and a black outfit with a mask covering her mouth.
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Light/ Rebellion.
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer): Bounty Hunter.
Other: Nope

(Race wise, its like Humans, Wookiees, And the such. And before I accept it, I just want to ask two questions so I understand a bit better: Is she a bounty hunter hired by the Rebellion, and equipment if you don't mind.)

Hallowed Echo October 6th, 2016 06:52 AM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Yeah, she was hired by the Rebellion as a bounty hunter. And her equipment twin blasters)

Sentinel Steel October 6th, 2016 10:25 AM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
(@Phoenix Alright, thanks. Just please note that the Rebellion hasn't been in contact with Deymon and Nola yet.
@Jappy It's good.
@Everyone As of now I must say that no more Lightsiders will be accepted at this moment in time. Too many heroes and too few villains isn't a good thing. Though I'll allow for the Roleplaying of canon characters.)

Jappy October 6th, 2016 11:13 AM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Awesome, thank you! Now how to start..:whistle:))

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 01:23 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
(I apologize. i fell asleep.)

Legion walked through the barren land for a long period of time before his communicator chirped "What is it Android?" "well sir... i am detecting a few ships on the surface... and i can see one of them looks rather... jedi-y" 'for once he was useful!' "Keep me posted." Legion picked up his pace and made lightning blast from under his legs to push himself forward.

*Lionblaze//Falconpaw October 6th, 2016 01:35 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Name: Jacob
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality:Clever,Sly,Sneaky,Kind,Coldhearted to others he doesn't trust
Apeearance: Black hair with on blue eye and one Green eye
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Rebllion
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer):Jedi

Sentinel Steel October 6th, 2016 02:20 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by *Lionblaze//Falconpaw (Post 633)
Name: Jacob
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality:Clever,Sly,Sneaky,Kind,Coldhearted to others he doesn't trust
Apeearance: Black hair with on blue eye and one Green eye
Side(Light or Dark/Rebellion or Empire): Rebllion
Job(Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Freelancer):Jedi

(I'm sorry, but please look at my last post on page 2.)

Jappy October 6th, 2016 02:54 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Willow sighed as she jumped out of her clockpit land on the hard planet's surface. She didn't like patrols at all. There wasn't anything to but fly around a planet for a few cycles then return with little to no information. In her opinion it was just one giant way to waste time. Deciding she couldn't really do anything but just sit there, she climbed on top the nose of the X-Wing fighter, patting the surface with one leather covered hand. She looked up into the planet's sky and closed her eyes, rubbing her neck in hopes to loosen the link their. Defeat soon became evident and she settled to keep it at a angle in hopes that it would stretch out as she waited out the rest of the cycle. Maybe that way she could have a somewhat relaxing flight back in some way. The filtering helmet was unbearable as it was.

*Lionblaze//Falconpaw October 6th, 2016 02:57 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Sentinel Steel (Post 647)
(I'm sorry, but please look at my last post on page 2.)

How about I dark side and then choose rebillion is that okay cause Im not good at being bad)

Sentinel Steel October 6th, 2016 03:07 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by *Lionblaze//Falconpaw (Post 673)
How about I dark side and then choose rebillion is that okay cause Im not good at being bad)

(Sure. Post as you will then, but make sure to hang around Jellie's Sith guy.)

Sentinel Steel October 6th, 2016 03:08 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
I personally am waiting for Division to respond. XD)

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 03:14 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
(lol. and im waiting for you to respond XD)
(But ill probs go poke the x-wing person.)

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 03:16 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Jappy (Post 670)
Willow sighed as she jumped out of her clockpit land on the hard planet's surface. She didn't like patrols at all. There wasn't anything to but fly around a planet for a few cycles then return with little to no information. In her opinion it was just one giant way to waste time. Deciding she couldn't really do anything but just sit there, she climbed on top the nose of the X-Wing fighter, patting the surface with one leather covered hand. She looked up into the planet's sky and closed her eyes, rubbing her neck in hopes to loosen the link their. Defeat soon became evident and she settled to keep it at a angle in hopes that it would stretch out as she waited out the rest of the cycle. Maybe that way she could have a somewhat relaxing flight back in some way. The filtering helmet was unbearable as it was.


Legion could detect a presence and veered off towards it... 'They don't have any particularly... dark force energies... around them. So fair kill.' He took one lightsaber out... as he had two. And sped up considerably.

The Division October 6th, 2016 03:19 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
(Sorry, school work has been getting on me recently) "Well I was hoping you could tell me" Nolan responded with a smirk on his face. "You know I heard that there was a Jedi Temple that was located on this planet." Nola

Jappy October 6th, 2016 03:34 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Oh space balls. Is he in a fighter or ship? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be confused but it happens a bit?))

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 03:36 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Jappy (Post 718)
Oh space balls. Is he in a fighter or ship? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be confused but it happens a bit?))

(He's on foot... but he is a sith lord... be warned)

Jappy October 6th, 2016 03:52 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by JellieDelly (Post 721)
(He's on foot... but he is a sith lord... be warned)

((Greeeaaattt. :laughing:))
Willow decided to move back on her X-Wing, laying back slightly to rest get a better look at the sky. It had always called to her- she was a pilot after all. But the freedom to fly like a bird, away from trouble, away from problems- she blinked and took a deep breath. Whoa, too thoughtful, too much angst. Smirking at her own little joke, she sat up before her eyes caught something in the distance. Wh-was that a person, She stood up and automatically rested her hand over pistol on her hip.

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 04:08 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Jappy (Post 748)
((Greeeaaattt. :laughing:))
Willow decided to move back on her X-Wing, laying back slightly to rest get a better look at the sky. It had always called to her- she was a pilot after all. But the freedom to fly like a bird, away from trouble, away from problems- she blinked and took a deep breath. Whoa, too thoughtful, too much angst. Smirking at her own little joke, she sat up before her eyes caught something in the distance. Wh-was that a person, She stood up and automatically rested her hand over pistol on her hip.

(Don't worry... ill try and not... be to overpowered XD)

Legion suddenly dropped to the ground instead of using lightning to propel himself... as it would help him conserve energy incase he needed to use anything... to draining. He activated his red lightsaber and concentrated his view to see... An x-wing. 'Perfect.'

(Ill be nice and let her make the first move XD)

Jappy October 6th, 2016 04:16 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by JellieDelly (Post 767)
(Don't worry... ill try and not... be to overpowered XD)

Legion suddenly dropped to the ground instead of using lightning to propel himself... as it would help him conserve energy incase he needed to use anything... to draining. He activated his red lightsaber and concentrated his view to see... An x-wing. 'Perfect.'

(Ill be nice and let her make the first move XD)

Thank you for your up most mercy. XD))
Willow's green eyes finally understood that that person had been flying with lightening, and that yes that was defiantly a sith lord, before cursing and grabbing her pistol and started firing while she jumped off the wing and slid towards her clock pit. She knew it would do nothing against a sith lord, but she hoped to her stars it would buy her enough time as she opened up the clock pit of the X-Wing.

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 04:24 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Jappy (Post 784)
Thank you for your up most mercy. XD))
Willow's green eyes finally understood that that person had been flying with lightening, and that yes that was defiantly a sith lord, before cursing and grabbing her pistol and started firing while she jumped off the wing and slid towards her clock pit. She knew it would do nothing against a sith lord, but she hoped to her stars it would buy her enough time as she opened up the clock pit of the X-Wing.

Legion could see the clockpit open and smirked "You won't get away!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he made a force jump to get much closer. He was concentrating a lightning strike just incase he had to disable the starship.

(HINT: Running: Not an option. Dodging: The only option unless you be swordoflight user)

Jappy October 6th, 2016 04:40 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by JellieDelly (Post 799)
Legion could see the clockpit open and smirked "You won't get away!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he made a force jump to get much closer. He was concentrating a lightning strike just incase he had to disable the starship.

(HINT: Running: Not an option. Dodging: The only option unless you be swordoflight user)

Willow grimaced as he got closer, violently starting up the engine and thrusting up. She saw the lightening and she did not like where this was going. The twi'lek desperately push up on the controls, flicking on switches as she tried to get ready for the sith's lord assault- like she could get ready for sith's lord attack, she thought desperately as she started to fly. She could barrel left or right, but either way it could clip any one of her fours wings. "Well, I'll die if I just wait for him." She mumbled to herself, white knuckling the controls.

Sentinel Steel October 6th, 2016 04:49 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by The Division (Post 701)
(Sorry, school work has been getting on me recently) "Well I was hoping you could tell me" Nolan responded with a smirk on his face. "You know I heard that there was a Jedi Temple that was located on this planet." Nola

Deymon groaned audibly. "My instruments are picking up a cloaking generator aroundhere, but I don't know what will happen if I mess with... do you hear that?" His enhanced sensors were picking up laser fire. Oh boy...

Delta Reliant October 6th, 2016 04:49 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons

Originally Posted by Jappy (Post 837)
Willow grimaced as he got closer, violently starting up the engine and thrusting up. She saw the lightening and she did not like where this was going. The twi'lek desperately push up on the controls, flicking on switches as she tried to get ready for the sith's lord assault- like she could get ready for sith's lord attack, she thought desperately as she started to fly. She could barrel left or right, but either way it could clip any one of her fours wings. "Well, I'll die if I just wait for him." She mumbled to herself, white knuckling the controls.

Legion's smirk grew to a smile as he sensed the desperation coming from the twi'lek and felt totally in control. He leapt again but this time grabbed onto the X-wing with one hand. "So you think you're so smart? Trying to run away from the person with the metal melting blade... Genius." He striked his lightsaber into the X-wing and quickly jammed his hand in after, ignoring the pain. He grabbed onto an inner conduit and forced all the static energy from his lightning to short-circuit the entire system.

The Division October 6th, 2016 05:00 PM

Re: Star Wars: New Horizons
Nola heard some sort of strange noise coming from above almost like some sort of ship around here. Nola slowly looks up and from what he can see...well...Nola did see another star fighter up in the air, but it was not a pretty sight to see since smoke could be seen coming of the small ship and with a sith lord completely tearing off pieces of metal and circuit wires "Um, you may want to look up." Nola said

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