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-   -   The forgotten king (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13136)

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 13th, 2017 01:04 PM

The forgotten king
For years, they have only been 3 clans underneath the stars eyes, yet in history a clan forgotten, and feared was known. A clan banished for a king that ruled with hate and power, using the shadows as his eyes, the darkness as his ears and the warriors of darkness as his ever faithful servants.
The clans fought together as one to bring this kingdom down, to end a reign of bloodshed and hate to death. The leader has fallen, the clan was banished. Chased out like dogs. But the queen? The one who stayed by the king and felt love for the beast what became of she?
Well it’s a secret, something that has never been asked or told due to the fact that is against the code of warriors.
She stayed with the clan of dragons and became the mate of the dragon king, lying about the kits real father slowly darkness was born into the clans. Up until now they have just been kits, normal warriors and elders of the clan. Not a hint of the king in them but now.
For moons after the deaths of the king and queen and many fallen warriors of the darkness including the first dragon Kings passing, Five kits have been born, born with the eyes of darkness, red eyes glowing with power, pelts almost as black as night and unbelievable smarts of battle, stealth, hunting and so much more. These five kits were born apart from each other, two in dragon kingdom, two in the fox kingdom and one in the wolf kingdom.
These kits, born with the power of darkness, shadows and great demonic ways have been awoken, with the dreams of a fallen king and queen aside them and the constant singing of rising power and revenge.
One has already proved his worth, by becoming the leader of wolf clan, And gaining the nine lives of a leader. His name once loved and cheered now will become feared. Endstar has become the first sign of upcoming darkness now his kin must step up to the call. But can this be stopped? Can the warriors of wolf, fox and dragon stop this? Can love turn their hearts? Can happiness help them become better? Will starclan push the darkness away to make sure these cats don’t become hated and feared like the dark king wants?
What can you do? What can be done?
Will darkness finally win or fail?
This is all up to you.

King of the wolf kingdom: Endstar ( https://pre00.deviantart.net/100f/th...co-daxl95x.png )
King or queen of the fox kingdom: open
King or queen of the dragon kingdom: open
Deputies of the kingdoms : 2 open. Duskstorm of the fox kingdom
Healers of the kingdoms: 6 open. 2 for each kingdom
Warriors of the kingdoms: unlimited
Trainees of the kingdoms: unlimited
Bearers of the kingdoms: unlimited ( like queens with kits and stuff)
Children of the kingdoms: unlimited ( kits and stuff)

Roles for the plot
The kits of darkness: 4 open
Endstar of the wolf kingdom.

Fallen queen and king of darkness: queen open, the king is named Fangstar ( must be dead and only visits the kits in dreams showing them to path of darkness will provide a new plot for the soon)

Roles for endstar
2 mates: 1 open ( male open) Snowstorm,
Kits: 3 open
The one who betrays him: closed I will pick this one when we start rping
The fallen mate: open ( her death caused his darken path, can visit him in his dreams however it’s not required)

Any role you want for plot?
Love interest

Y’all interested: @.:Blue Wishes:. @Celestial @Rubinaito @Teggy

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 13th, 2017 01:41 PM

Re: The forgotten king
Bumps :3

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 13th, 2017 02:19 PM

Re: The forgotten king
Forgot to add you don't have to be all black or with full red eyes to be a dark one as long as you have one red eye and some black on your pelt than you're cool ;3

Fuzzy December 13th, 2017 03:00 PM

Re: The forgotten king
Name Fangstar.
Age 69 moons.
Looks Sold black tom with a white left paw and blood red eyes.
Gender Male.
Personality Evil, manipulative, angered easily and still mad about being kills.
Kingdom? Darkness.
Role Forgotten king?
Any role you want for plot? For got king.
Sexuality Straight.
Power to control ones mind, though since he died it's not as easy.
Family His five kits and mate.
Love interest Forgotten queen.
Other He's dead.
Questions. Nope.

Name Duskstorm.
Age Same as Endstar.
Looks Sold black long furred tom with blue eyes.
Gender Male.
Personality Loyal, outspoken, blunt, bold, a rebel, brave and a born leader.
Kingdom? Fox.
Role Deputy.
Power to control darkness.
Sexuality Straight.
Family a Sister in Wolf Kingdom.
Love interest Open.
Other I bast him and his sister off of Yin and Yang.
Questions Nope.

Name Snowstorm.
Age about 4 moons younger then the fallen Queens kits.
Looks Sold white long furred molly with yellow eyes.
Gender Female.
Personality Submissive, quite, protective over her kits, follows orders without question and kind.
Kingdom? Wolf.
Role Endstat's mate.
Sexuality Straight.
Power to control snow and ice.
Family A brother in Fox Kingdom.
Love interest Endstar.
Other She has kits with EndStar right?
Questions If no to the other question can they?
@Sasukewolf (madness)

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 13th, 2017 03:16 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 438813)
Name Fangstar.
Age 69 moons.
Looks Sold black tom with a white left paw and blood red eyes.
Gender Male.
Personality Evil, manipulative, angered easily and still mad about being kills.
Kingdom? Darkness.
Role Forgotten king?
Any role you want for plot? For got king.
Sexuality Straight.
Family His five kits and mate.
Love interest Forgotten queen.
Other He's dead.
Questions. Nope.

Name Duskstorm.
Age Same as Endstar.
Looks Sold black long furred tom with blue eyes.
Gender Male.
Personality Loyal, outspoken, blunt, bold, a rebel, brave and a born leader.
Kingdom? Fox.
Role Deputy.
Sexuality Straight.
Family a Sister in Wolf Kingdom.
Love interest Open.
Other I bast him and his sister off of Yin and Yang.
Questions Nope.

Name Snowstorm.
Age about 4 moons younger then the fallen Queens kits.
Looks Sold white long furred molly with yellow eyes.
Gender Female.
Personality Submissive, quite, protective over her kits, follows orders without question and kind.
Kingdom? Wolf.
Role Endstat's mate.
Sexuality Straight.
Family A brother in Fox Kingdom.
Love interest Endstar.
Other She has kits with EndStar right?
Questions If no to the other question can they?
@Sasukewolf (madness)

Accepted!! Yes :3 forgot about powers mind adding that XD

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 13th, 2017 11:26 PM

Re: The forgotten king
Bump :3

Fuzzy December 14th, 2017 12:08 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 438825)
Accepted!! Yes :3 forgot about powers mind adding that XD

XD it okay. I'll add it.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 14th, 2017 12:10 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 439164)
XD it okay. I'll add it.

Wanna start once you’re done? :3

Fuzzy December 14th, 2017 12:32 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 439165)
Wanna start once you’re done? :3

Done! And sure! I'll start. And I'm making Snowstorm newly expecting kits so she can tell Endstar.)

The beautiful white molly, no other then Snowstorm, Endstar's female mate. Laid in the clearing of Wolf kingdom's camp. With her blue eyes closed and limbs outstretched she rest in the sun. She had just figured out she was expecting Endstar's kits and a made a purr rumble in her chest. She had always wanted kits and she loved her mate deeply. Though she hadn't to him yet she hoped he'd be as happy as her. As she laid there she wondered how many kits she'd have if they'd all be toms all the fun stuff queens wondered.

(Sorry it's short.)

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 14th, 2017 12:42 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 439167)
Done! And sure! I'll start. And I'm making Snowstorm newly expecting kits so she can tell Endstar.)

The beautiful white molly, no other then Snowstorm, Endstar's female mate. Laid in the clearing of Wolf kingdom's camp. With her blue eyes closed and limbs outstretched she rest in the sun. She had just figured out she was expecting Endstar's kits and a made a purr rumble in her chest. She had always wanted kits and she loved her mate deeply. Though she hadn't to him yet she hoped he'd be as happy as her. As she laid there she wondered how many kits she'd have if they'd all be toms all the fun stuff queens wondered.

(Sorry it's short.)

It’s okay! And okay!! :3)
A soft purr came from behind her as Endstar a handsome tall almost powerful looking black tom with mixed colored eyes one blood red and the other sky blue. He had a few scars here and there but it wasn’t enough to make him too scary. He began to stand over his beautiful mate purring happily at the sound of her purr “ what’s gotten you so happy On this beautiful day? “ he says as he nuzzles her cheek playfully purring happily “ I hope it’s fun~” he says in a dark husky voice which was warm and loving. He truly loved his mates dearly and will do anything for them no matter how much the cost is. He will do it in their names.

Fuzzy December 14th, 2017 01:02 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 439168)
It’s okay! And okay!! :3)
A soft purr came from behind her as Endstar a handsome tall almost powerful looking black tom with mixed colored eyes one blood red and the other sky blue. He had a few scars here and there but it wasn’t enough to make him too scary. He began to stand over his beautiful mate purring happily at the sound of her purr “ what’s gotten you so happy On this beautiful day? “ he says as he nuzzles her cheek playfully purring happily “ I hope it’s fun~” he says in a dark husky voice which was warm and loving. He truly loved his mates dearly and will do anything for them no matter how much the cost is. He will do it in their names.

Snowstorm's purr sounded a bit louder as her mate nuzzled her. Opening her pretty blue eyes she looked up at the tall tom. "It is." She promised. "Endstar, I'm expecting your kits." She purred filled with love and joy. This white molly was so happy to be having kits with her loving mate. In a short two moons she'd be having them, little Endstars and Snowstorms. She couldn't express how happy she was in words. So, she just Nuzzled him, breathing in his sent she loved so much.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 14th, 2017 01:07 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 439170)
Snowstorm's purr sounded a bit louder as her mate nuzzled her. Opening her pretty blue eyes she looked up at the tall tom. "It is." She promised. "Endstar, I'm expecting your kits." She purred filled with love and joy. This white molly was so happy to be having kits with her loving mate. In a short two moons she'd be having them, little Endstars and Snowstorms. She couldn't express how happy she was in words. So, she just Nuzzled him, breathing in his sent she loved so much.

His eyes widened a bit than a very loud and excited purr came from him. “ really?! I’m going to be a father!?” He says purring happily and he almost sounded like a happy kit as he begins to nuzzle her head happily “ I’ll make them so proud!! They’ll be the best warriors and they’ll have you’re beautiful looks and my handsome personality~” he purrs playfully as he begins to lay down by her licking her head taking in her sweet scent happily “ I’m going to be a father...” He purrs happily “ I’m so happy right now! The clan might start thinking of me as a kit now” He says playfully @Fuzzyfeline

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 14th, 2017 09:08 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Fuzzy December 14th, 2017 11:25 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 439171)
His eyes widened a bit than a very loud and excited purr came from him. “ really?! I’m going to be a father!?” He says purring happily and he almost sounded like a happy kit as he begins to nuzzle her head happily “ I’ll make them so proud!! They’ll be the best warriors and they’ll have you’re beautiful looks and my handsome personality~” he purrs playfully as he begins to lay down by her licking her head taking in her sweet scent happily “ I’m going to be a father...” He purrs happily “ I’m so happy right now! The clan might start thinking of me as a kit now” He says playfully @Fuzzyfeline

Woops sorry!)

Snowstorm purred with happiness and amusement. "Yes they will." She giggled. Agreeing that the Clan would think Endstar was like a happy kit because he was so over joyed about becoming a father. "I bet they will have your personality." She purred. "They'll be perfect!" She added nuzzling her mate back. How luck could they get? They were happy it was peaceful and she was expecting kits. How could life get any better.

(Not sure what to put. :P)

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 14th, 2017 11:32 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 439826)
Woops sorry!)

Snowstorm purred with happiness and amusement. "Yes they will." She giggled. Agreeing that the Clan would think Endstar was like a happy kit because he was so over joyed about becoming a father. "I bet they will have your personality." She purred. "They'll be perfect!" She added nuzzling her mate back. How luck could they get? They were happy it was peaceful and she was expecting kits. How could life get any better.

(Not sure what to put. :P)

Let’s bring in some evil stuff! Let the king come when Endstar sleeps :3)
He purrs happily licking her cheek a bit “ I love you! Thank you so much!” He says purring happily as he begins to stand up “ come my love. Let’s rest tomorrow we shall announce to the clan!” He purrs happily

Know any other peeps who like join this fun stuffs :3?

Fuzzy December 15th, 2017 03:02 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 439833)
Let’s bring in some evil stuff! Let the king come when Endstar sleeps :3)
He purrs happily licking her cheek a bit “ I love you! Thank you so much!” He says purring happily as he begins to stand up “ come my love. Let’s rest tomorrow we shall announce to the clan!” He purrs happily

Know any other peeps who like join this fun stuffs :3?

@Megan @Okapi @Silverfrost @Echofall any of you want to join?)

Snowstorm followed her mate to there den, she was pressed up agents him. "I should thank you." She purred. "Your the only reason I can have kits with you." She added a bit excited to be able to tell the Clan tomorrow. When they got to there den Snowstorm cerled up beside her beloved mate and was soon asleep.

Once Endstar was asleep the black and white tom known as Fangstar visited his suns dreams. "Hello my son." He greeted as his sdon appeared.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 15th, 2017 03:05 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 440090)
@Megan @Okapi @Silverfrost @Echofall any of you want to join?)

Snowstorm followed her mate to there den, she was pressed up agents him. "I should thank you." She purred. "Your the only reason I can have kits with you." She added a bit excited to be able to tell the Clan tomorrow. When they got to there den Snowstorm cerled up beside her beloved mate and was soon asleep.

Once Endstar was asleep the black and white tom known as Fangstar visited his suns dreams. "Hello my son." He greeted as his sdon appeared.

Endstar smiles “ no you’re the reason I have to ability to have these kits. I love you “ He says as he soon falls asleep beside her.

Now he wakes up in a world he knows so well. He purrs softly as he begins to get up “ hello father. Did you hear, my mate is having kits! Now my plan can finally go into action. Shall I take off the mask stop the act or... do you have something to say about it?” He asks playfully however now ... his voice was a bit dark almost.. bloodthirsty even

Tazzy December 15th, 2017 04:33 PM

Re: The forgotten king
Sure I'll join if you'll have me~

Name: Squirrelstar
Age: 25 moons
Looks: http://www.theultimatecatwebsite.com...68660_orig.jpg
Gender: Female
Personality: Can be a bit naive at times, Gentle listens to everyone and tries to be fair
Kingdom? Fox kingdom
Role: Queen of fox kingdom? if not she can be Squirrelheart
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: She can see bits of what will happen in the future in water. She can also cause storms when upset.
Family: She has a sister in wolf kingdom
Love interest: N/A
Other: nope
Questions: nope

Name: Icebreeze
Age: 25 moons
Looks: http://fullhdwall.com/wp-content/upl...ngora-Cat.jpeg
Gender: Female
Personality: Introverted, Talks to those shes close to or if someone talks to her, brave she-cat will fight when she needs to
Kingdom? wolf kingdom
Role: warrior of the kingdom
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: can control water and she can also turn water to ice/icicles
Family: Sister in Fox kingdom
Love interest: N/A
Other: nope~
Question: nope~

Fuzzy December 15th, 2017 05:04 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 440091)
Endstar smiles “ no you’re the reason I have to ability to have these kits. I love you “ He says as he soon falls asleep beside her.

Now he wakes up in a world he knows so well. He purrs softly as he begins to get up “ hello father. Did you hear, my mate is having kits! Now my plan can finally go into action. Shall I take off the mask stop the act or... do you have something to say about it?” He asks playfully however now ... his voice was a bit dark almost.. bloodthirsty even

Fangstar gave a nod his red eyes glowing but not from happiness. "Is your whole Kingdom behind you?" He asked. Standing up he came closer examining his son. "Put it up a while longer till your sure you have enough cats to take over. Then and only then will you be ready to start." He informed his son. "And kits, that's a good thing. We will need them, if you are to go on with the plan. But you must win over your Kingdom before your kit are born." He added circling his son. "I will not tolerate failure." He added narrowing his eyes. This tom was not one to be massed with. He'd claw your thoat out in a heartbeat.

Echofall December 15th, 2017 06:12 PM

Re: The forgotten king
Mind having a fifth?

Name: Wolfgaze
Age: 32 moons
Looks: A gray she-cat with patches of black on her back that resembles a wolf's pelt. Her eyes are a hard amber.
Gender: Female
Personality: tbrp?
Kingdom?: Wolf Kingdom
Role: Warrior of Wolf Kingdom
Any role you want for plot?: ...no
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: None. She was born without them.
Family: Birdsong, Whisperpelt
Love interest: none
Other: none
Questions: noonnee

Name: Birdsong
Age: 32 moons
Looks: A black she-cat with a white underbelly. Her eyes are a soft amber.
Gender: Female
Personality: tbrp?
Kingdom?: Fox Kingdom
Role: Warrior for the Fox Kingdom
Any role you want for plot?: If ya decide ya wanna, then fine
Sexuality: Straight as a line
Powers: She can control little fire, but it depends on her mood.
Family: Whisperpelt, Wolfgaze
Love interest: none
Other: Hai
Questions: none

Name: Whisperpelt
Age: 32 Moons
Looks: A white tom with black paws. His eyes are light amber.
Gender: Male
Personality: tbrp?
Kingdom?: Kingdom of Dragons
Role: Healer of the Kingdom of Dragons
Any role you want for plot?: If you want
Sexuality: Straight as a circle
Powers: Even if this doesn't count as one, he has enhanced hearing and sense of smell.
Family: Wolfgaze, Birdsong
Love interest: none
Other: He's a blind tom

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 15th, 2017 11:20 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Echofall (Post 440284)
Mind having a fifth?

Name: Wolfgaze
Age: 32 moons
Looks: A gray she-cat with patches of black on her back that resembles a wolf's pelt. Her eyes are a hard amber.
Gender: Female
Personality: tbrp?
Kingdom?: Wolf Kingdom
Role: Warrior of Wolf Kingdom
Any role you want for plot?: ...no
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: None. She was born without them.
Family: Birdsong, Whisperpelt
Love interest: none
Other: none
Questions: noonnee

Name: Birdsong
Age: 32 moons
Looks: A black she-cat with a white underbelly. Her eyes are a soft amber.
Gender: Female
Personality: tbrp?
Kingdom?: Fox Kingdom
Role: Warrior for the Fox Kingdom
Any role you want for plot?: If ya decide ya wanna, then fine
Sexuality: Straight as a line
Powers: She can control little fire, but it depends on her mood.
Family: Whisperpelt, Wolfgaze
Love interest: none
Other: Hai
Questions: none

Name: Whisperpelt
Age: 32 Moons
Looks: A white tom with black paws. His eyes are light amber.
Gender: Male
Personality: tbrp?
Kingdom?: Kingdom of Dragons
Role: Healer of the Kingdom of Dragons
Any role you want for plot?: If you want
Sexuality: Straight as a circle
Powers: Even if this doesn't count as one, he has enhanced hearing and sense of smell.
Family: Wolfgaze, Birdsong
Love interest: none
Other: He's a blind tom

Accepted!! XD

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 15th, 2017 11:21 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 440170)
Sure I'll join if you'll have me~

Name: Squirrelstar
Age: 25 moons
Looks: http://www.theultimatecatwebsite.com...68660_orig.jpg
Gender: Female
Personality: Can be a bit naive at times, Gentle listens to everyone and tries to be fair
Kingdom? Fox kingdom
Role: Queen of fox kingdom? if not she can be Squirrelheart
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: She can see bits of what will happen in the future in water. She can also cause storms when upset.
Family: She has a sister in wolf kingdom
Love interest: N/A
Other: nope
Questions: nope

Name: Icebreeze
Age: 25 moons
Looks: http://fullhdwall.com/wp-content/upl...ngora-Cat.jpeg
Gender: Female
Personality: Introverted, Talks to those shes close to or if someone talks to her, brave she-cat will fight when she needs to
Kingdom? wolf kingdom
Role: warrior of the kingdom
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: can control water and she can also turn water to ice/icicles
Family: Sister in Fox kingdom
Love interest: N/A
Other: nope~
Question: nope~


Galaxy Of Wisdom December 15th, 2017 11:25 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 440195)
Fangstar gave a nod his red eyes glowing but not from happiness. "Is your whole Kingdom behind you?" He asked. Standing up he came closer examining his son. "Put it up a while longer till your sure you have enough cats to take over. Then and only then will you be ready to start." He informed his son. "And kits, that's a good thing. We will need them, if you are to go on with the plan. But you must win over your Kingdom before your kit are born." He added circling his son. "I will not tolerate failure." He added narrowing his eyes. This tom was not one to be massed with. He'd claw your thoat out in a heartbeat.

He laughs darkly, his eyes glowing dangerously. “ father... I’m not a fool like you. The kingdom trusts me relays on me. They see me as the good king, the best king they ever had. Kits look up to me. Elders speak stories of my acts.... and they don’t know a thing about the death of the deputy. They still think dragon kingdom did it. “ he laughs softly “ oh how wrong they are. “ he says as he stands up his red eye glowing dangerously and madly as he simply smiles darkly at his father “ I will not fail like you have father. You’re plan was of use to me but with new kits on the way. I will act on my own grounds. “ he says with a soft purr “ but don’t worry I will make you proud “

Tazzy December 15th, 2017 11:28 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 440390)

Great! Tanks youz~

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 15th, 2017 11:31 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 440394)
Great! Tanks youz~

XD yay! Need a love interest or a peep to rp with? :3 )

Fuzzy December 16th, 2017 03:38 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 440392)
He laughs darkly, his eyes glowing dangerously. “ father... I’m not a fool like you. The kingdom trusts me relays on me. They see me as the good king, the best king they ever had. Kits look up to me. Elders speak stories of my acts.... and they don’t know a thing about the death of the deputy. They still think dragon kingdom did it. “ he laughs softly “ oh how wrong they are. “ he says as he stands up his red eye glowing dangerously and madly as he simply smiles darkly at his father “ I will not fail like you have father. You’re plan was of use to me but with new kits on the way. I will act on my own grounds. “ he says with a soft purr “ but don’t worry I will make you proud “


Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 440394)
Great! Tanks youz~

(I got Duskstorm in Fox kingdom if you need a love interest for Squirrelstar.)

Fangstar hissed at his son his tail lashing. "If you think I'm such a fool why do you bother come back here every night?" He asked with a growl. "Get on with your plan but don't bother look to me for help tell you have suffered a lesson." He spat his eyes narrowed.

(My Computer is acting up so I can't type as long posts. Sorry!)

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 16th, 2017 07:15 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 440653)
(I got Duskstorm in Fox kingdom if you need a love interest for Squirrelstar.)

Fangstar hissed at his son his tail lashing. "If you think I'm such a fool why do you bother come back here every night?" He asked with a growl. "Get on with your plan but don't bother look to me for help tell you have suffered a lesson." He spat his eyes narrowed.

(My Computer is acting up so I can't type as long posts. Sorry!)

He laughs softly “ because I need you. You do have one use to me dead. I need you to.. take over the dark forest. So you can reclaim your place in the world. As the undead” he says with a soft purr

Tazzy December 17th, 2017 06:07 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 440653)
(I got Duskstorm in Fox kingdom if you need a love interest for Squirrelstar.)

Fangstar hissed at his son his tail lashing. "If you think I'm such a fool why do you bother come back here every night?" He asked with a growl. "Get on with your plan but don't bother look to me for help tell you have suffered a lesson." He spat his eyes narrowed.

(My Computer is acting up so I can't type as long posts. Sorry!)

Sorry i havent been able to get on tell now and yea he can be her love interest)

Tazzy December 17th, 2017 06:08 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 440396)
XD yay! Need a love interest or a peep to rp with? :3 )

Sure for Icebreeze:P)

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 17th, 2017 12:17 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 440980)
Sure for Icebreeze:P)

Sure thing!

Tazzy December 17th, 2017 01:06 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 441123)
Sure thing!


Icebreeze was out hunting. She had caught a rabbit and a squirrel. Well time to take these back, she thought picking them up and returning to camp.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 17th, 2017 01:13 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 441148)

Icebreeze was out hunting. She had caught a rabbit and a squirrel. Well time to take these back, she thought picking them up and returning to camp.

A handsome sliver furred tom with blue eyes begins to walk out of camp, the warrior named sliverfur sees Icebreeze and he purrs softly “ hello there.”

Tazzy December 17th, 2017 01:27 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 441151)
A handsome sliver furred tom with blue eyes begins to walk out of camp, the warrior named sliverfur sees Icebreeze and he purrs softly “ hello there.”

Icebreeze put down her prey. "Hey" she purred.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 17th, 2017 01:37 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 441161)
Icebreeze put down her prey. "Hey" she purred.

He purrs happily “ need help with those?” He asks calmly as he steps up to her

Tazzy December 17th, 2017 01:43 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 441170)
He purrs happily “ need help with those?” He asks calmly as he steps up to her

"Sure!" She replied nudging the squirrel towards him "Thanks" she purred giving his cheek a quick lick.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 17th, 2017 01:46 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 441176)
"Sure!" She replied nudging the squirrel towards him "Thanks" she purred giving his cheek a quick lick.

He purrs happily as he begins to pick up the squirrel and begins to nuzzle his nose against her head “ love you”

Tazzy December 17th, 2017 04:23 PM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 441183)
He purrs happily as he begins to pick up the squirrel and begins to nuzzle his nose against her head “ love you”

Purring, she rubbed her cheek against his "love you too"

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 18th, 2017 12:08 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 441313)
Purring, she rubbed her cheek against his "love you too"

Purrs happily as he begins to walk his tail low but wagged a bit playfully “ come on love. I wish to spread some time with you of course if you don’t mind?”

Tazzy December 18th, 2017 12:24 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Sasukewolf (madness) (Post 441634)
Purrs happily as he begins to walk his tail low but wagged a bit playfully “ come on love. I wish to spread some time with you of course if you don’t mind?”

She thought he'd never ask. "Of course I don't mind silly. I always love spending time with you" She purred playfully flicking her tail over his ear.

Galaxy Of Wisdom December 18th, 2017 12:29 AM

Re: The forgotten king

Originally Posted by Silverfrost (Post 441644)
She thought he'd never ask. "Of course I don't mind silly. I always love spending time with you" She purred playfully flicking her tail over his ear.

He purrs happily as he flicked his ear a bit already heading back to camp once there. He puts the prey down on the pile and looks at his love. “ now then.. what would you like to do?”

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