Warrior Cats Online

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Dust September 26th, 2019 07:05 PM

ShadowClan Raid!

Darkened clouds cover the moon, the forest beneath it pitch black and eerily quiet. There's no sound... except for the distant crunching of leaves and ashen dirt beneath foreign paws. As they slip their way into the ShadowClan camp, a chorus of screeches and yowls can be heard. It's time to fight for your side.

Dusk Syndicate rogues have launched their raid on the ShadowClan camp.

gemini September 26th, 2019 08:23 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
no, no not again. she could feel something in the air something bad. her ears perked up and shifted nervously scanning for anything off in the distance or right in front of her nose. moonlily could feel her fur prickle and stick up on as something in the air just felt wrong so so wrong. her blue eyes reflected the still camp as she just waited for something to happen.
(OPEN) shc

BEAR. September 26th, 2019 09:20 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
Barreling in with the rest of the rogues, Wolverine bared his teeth as he hissed at the Clan cats. Filthy pieces of crowfood, they didn't deserve this territory, and he was ready to prove that to them. One corpse at a time.

His gazed scanned the clearing before it came to rest on another tom, and he was on the move-- immediately going to lunge for the tom's throat.

[closed between us for now, but i'll need a cat to kill wolverine later on ;o!]

Madelaine September 26th, 2019 10:00 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
[Open;Don't kill any of them. Want someone to go after both Demontail and Citrusflower and injure Demontail only]

Demontail a rogue had been in the camp when he heard the attack. His first instincts was to get his sister and her newborn kit Tinykit. The tom came up to the side of his sister Frostedflame who held onto her kit for dear life. He got them out of camp safely and made them run as far as they could before he ran back to camp to help out the other cats. Demontail felt a cat run into him, a familiar scent. He saw Citrusflower fighting for her life. She almost gave him a blow when she realized it was him. "I'm here to help.", he whispered.

Dirtfur September 26th, 2019 11:01 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
(Open; want Redpaw to get injured, but want Leaftail to get more than injured)

After a long apprentice training with Redpaw, Leaftail sat down next to the fresh-kill pile, taking two plump mice and walking towards the young apprentice of hers. She released her paw, letting the two mice hit the dried grass of the clearing. Without speaking to each other, they both biting down onto the mice. It was a very nice day unlike the others ever since the ShadowClan has lost a leader and their deputy; but that was just Leaftail’s opinion and thoughts.

After a gulp, the golden brown molly pricked her ears, a sound of yowling of cats was heard. An attack had struck ShadowClan! Leaftail risen from the ground beckoning Redpaw to follow her. She isn’t letting any attackers harm her apprentice!

The Flying Pizza September 26th, 2019 11:15 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
(Open, I need someone to do a lot of damage to Jaggedvine and no killing..)

Jaggedvine heard the commotion and joined in. "I hate this.." he mumbled as he started to fight with his fellow Clanmates.

Starfall September 27th, 2019 01:05 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 612047)
(Open; want Redpaw to get injured, but want Leaftail to get more than injured)

After a long apprentice training with Redpaw, Leaftail sat down next to the fresh-kill pile, taking two plump mice and walking towards the young apprentice of hers. She released her paw, letting the two mice hit the dried grass of the clearing. Without speaking to each other, they both biting down onto the mice. It was a very nice day unlike the others ever since the ShadowClan has lost a leader and their deputy; but that was just Leaftail’s opinion and thoughts.

After a gulp, the golden brown molly pricked her ears, a sound of yowling of cats was heard. An attack had struck ShadowClan! Leaftail risen from the ground beckoning Redpaw to follow her. She isn’t letting any attackers harm her apprentice!

The pair strode in side by side, the shorter one's bobbed tail flicking back and fourth as he surveyed the ruins of what was titled the "Shadowclan Camp." He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "This is what the Great Clans look like? Nothing but rubbish and ash. How sad." he hummed out.

The other, a few centemeters taller than the shorter ginger, arched an eye brow and snickered. "Yes well, it'll make it much easier to take over, no?" he hummed back.

"I don't want to help rule over a pile of ashes, what's the point? Don't be silly Phoenix." the ginger huffed. Though, after looking around, it seemed as though there were still quite a few felines fighting for this...burnt down land.

"I'm not wrong Griffin. There's still plenty to take control over. I'm sure the others feel the same way." the russet, ginger calico warbled. His paws tingled as he saw all the chaos. Normally he was the one starting it, he'd have to give props to whoever started the fire. Though thinking about it, it was probably some Upwalkers. "let's get busy, yes?"

Mango September 27th, 2019 07:53 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Hybrid stalked into the camp growling. He finally would get revenge on the clans. They destroyed the Dusk Syndicate and now he was going to destroy them. His bright orange fur was long and silky, he looked somewhat like a fox. He had his claws unsheathed and he was ready to kill some clancats. He wanted to kill every single kit and make the parents watch. That was the only way to get even. He launched himself at an apprentice standing near the nursery.

Butternutsun awoke to howls and fighting. She bounded out of the warrior’s den her fur messy her eyes wide as she stared at the fighting. Before heading into the fight looking for an adult around her age. She hated fighting younger cats.

Soaringpaw was awoken to fighting and groggily left the apprentice den not really aware of the fighting. She glanced around extremely confused.

mochi September 27th, 2019 09:36 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 612068)

Hybrid stalked into the camp growling. He finally would get revenge on the clans. They destroyed the Dusk Syndicate and now he was going to destroy them. His bright orange fur was long and silky, he looked somewhat like a fox. He had his claws unsheathed and he was ready to kill some clancats. He wanted to kill every single kit and make the parents watch. That was the only way to get even. He launched himself at an apprentice standing near the nursery.

Wide yellow eyes took in the moon-lit clearing, fear prickling her skin like a thousand ants as feral cats rushed into the camp. She cowered, trying to make her already small form even smaller while she watched the unknown cats yowl and hiss and spit as they pounced on her clanmates as they left their dens, startled awake by the racket. She herself had already been out in the clearing, woken sometime earlier from another apprentice's snoring. She'd only wanted to catch some more sleep in the peace and quiet outside the apprentice den. Though by the looks of it, she wouldn't be getting any more sleep tonight.

Rabbitpaw remained crouched by the nursery walls, her body wracked with tremors as hot, blood-boiling fear pumped through her veins. Her heart beat painfully against her ribs, making her eyesight both hazy and incredibly sharp at the same time in the dim light. Normally she was so confident and daring, ready to rush off for an adventure or an exciting hunt. But tonight terror kept her paws rooted to the ground.

Bright orange fur glinted fiercely in the corner of her eyes, causing another bout of fear to bloom in her belly as the image of a fox invading and terrorizing the camp crossed her mind. But as she gave the fiery pelted creature a closer look she realized it was only a cat. A large, feral cat that noticed her crouched by the nursery and pounced, long gleaming claws outstretched to tear her throat to ribbons.

For a brief moment, everything seemed to slow. Everything except her mind, which moved almost too fast for her to comprehend. She needed to move, to get away, to run. She couldn't fight this cat. However, the nursery was at her back, and the warriors were still waking up and she was the only one currently between this tom and the kits and queens.

In a split second decision - made more by action than by thought - she launched herself straight for the rogue, her head lowered and her eyes squeezed shut as she braced herself to headbutt this cat in the face.

Undertaker September 27th, 2019 09:56 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
[Open - can injury but not kill]
Seven exotic cats stroll through the camp, at their head, a small charcoal pelted bangle she-cat with pale eyes. The manipulative feline kept to the back, watching the blood and carnage with open glee. Lust didn't bother hiding her unhinged grin as she gave a nod, allowing the rest of her family to have their fun without any restriction. Lust was merely here after hearing the yowling and smelling blood, a lot of death should be involved here which would be so much fun.


Originally Posted by Bliss Girl (Post 612033)
[Open;Don't kill any of them. Want someone to go after both Demontail and Citrusflower and injure Demontail only]

Demontail a rogue had been in the camp when he heard the attack. His first instincts was to get his sister and her newborn kit Tinykit. The tom came up to the side of his sister Frostedflame who held onto her kit for dear life. He got them out of camp safely and made them run as far as they could before he ran back to camp to help out the other cats. Demontail felt a cat run into him, a familiar scent. He saw Citrusflower fighting for her life. She almost gave him a blow when she realized it was him. "I'm here to help.", he whispered.

[ can injury Pride and can kill Sloth]
Near identical cats stepped away from the other five as soon as Lust gave them the order to let loose. One cat, the she-cat, looked like a masterpiece, lovely if not for the arrogant sneer on her maw. The tom, a slightly lighter pelt compared to his sister, looked extremely unkempt and mildly underfed. Whereas she moved with confidence as she veered around brawling cats, looking for someone worth her precious time, the other moved sluggishly and might have walked in the mild of brawling cats had he not been following his sister. Pride stopped when she noticed Demontail, he looked like someone worth her time. Pride knew he'd feel honored that she, Pride, would be the one to end his miserable life.
"Take the she-cat, she looks easy." Pride ordered Sloth as she bunched up her muscles and leaped at Demontail without warning.
Sloth was much slower than his sister as he stalked up to Citrusflower. He didn't have the energy to just jump on her as Pride had done, instead, he waited for her to make a move, his emerald eyes, though dull shone with an unusually high amount of intelligence.

[Open - Can injury Greed who is larger than the average cat so will probably need a partner fight to win against him.]
The tall rogue slipped away from the others as soon as his mother gave the order. The greedy tom had no interest in any of these plain furballs as his unsteady eyes roamed pelts and eyes. He wanted something as exotic as him to add to his collection. Greed wanted everything in life, everything he desired, but he was meticulous and picky only the best things that represented his desired. His fell on one cat that stood out to him, an almost friendly smile on his maw as he placed his himself in this cat's path. "You have the most lovely eyes, may I have one?" He asked, tail swaying back and forth.

[Open for one more cat - @Moonraven - can injury Wrath, should probably partner up to fight her.]
Finally some fun! The ragdoll with the crazy blue eyes had all but sprinted into the camp as soon as Lust let them off their leashes. There was really no style or planning with Wrath, she hit hard and she hit fast and that was all that matter. She sort of just jumped the first cat she set eyes on, a pretty Russian blue she-cat, Wrath didn't get to kill clan cats all that often. She wondered how red she could turn Snowfrost before she died? The ragdoll aimed to bowl over the smaller cat over, hooking her fangs into the muscle and bone near the chest. Wrath bit down on anything she could get a hold of, clearly wanting to see if she could break a bone or two.

[Open for one more cat - @Moonraven - can injury Gluttony, should probably partner up to fight him he's rather big]
The towering tom found Wrath as amusing as ever. She was quick and as hot-blooded as ever. The largest of his family moved after her as she bolted ahead. Why she couldn't wait was understandable, she's been a bomb since yesterday. The long-legged Sin kept a few lengths behind her as the Ragdoll took off without warning. As she went for a she-cat, he took on the second cat. Yet unlike Wrath who seemed to be in a playful mood, Gluttony merely wrapped his enormous mouth around unsuspecting clan cat's neck and snapped it with one powerful bite.
He let the body drop to the ground limp and unmoving, as much as he'd like devour his prey he should probably go help Wrath. She had a habit of biting off more then she could chew. Gluttony peered around finding Wrath playing with some of the more alive clan cats, his interest quickly settled on a small apprentice, she looked tasty. He could probably eat her in one go.

[Open - can kill Envy, but he fights dirty]
A young tom who's pelt looked as if it had been dipped in milk chocolate, made his way further to the side of the camp, avoiding fightings. The Havana brown didn't like getting into straight-up fights like the other could, nope that was to much trouble. He liked sneak attacks, jumping when a back was turned or exploiting weakness, he was a tom with no honor and no limit when it came to winning. His eyes focused on a particular battle between a small cat and some other rogue from the smell of it. As they brawled, the scent of milk and the mewls of kits caught his attention, so that what was in that den. A demented grin overtook his face as he carefully skirted around the two fighting cats, stealing kits and killing Queens sounded like a fun and easy activity to him.

tye September 27th, 2019 02:41 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
"No, no, no," she muttered repeatedly, orange eyes wide at what's taken place. Since crossing with Riverclan messing around with their borders with Chillynight everything was just going left. Wrong. Horrible. Shadowclan is truly in the dark, slowly drowning in the depths of nothing for now they no longer have a leader nor deputy to lead. Ever since then her heart jerked fiercely in guilt feeling has though she's kind of the reason of what lead to her leader's death. The dark grey apprentice fur bristled out as rogues invade camp, their eyes glint in rage and hatred. Revenge. She barely know the history of the clans' old enemies, only from elder stories. All this time she thought they all had bees in their brain spatting utter nonsense. Oh how she wished they were just crazy in the head from old age.
Now they are back.
Fear poured into her veins as her body turned rigid yet she dashed out in the clearing ready to protect her clanmates. Yowls, hissing and screeches echoed in the air that rung her ears making the grey feline more afraid than ever. Fox dung, unable to control her shaky limbs..it was a pathetic display. Training day and night alone, this is the perfect time show what she's made of! Remembering Chilly's broken promise sparked a flame in her once again. I can't trust no cat, only myself. A few deep breathes the apprentice took action weaving past the warriors, her head sharply looked left and right until brown fur caught her eye. The vile scent of them was like throwing more coal into a now raging flame. "Rogue filth!" she shouted, running up to the brown tom in a hissing rage. "Get out of Shadowclan or die," in a menacing snarl, her body tense up with claws unsheathed ready to strike at his face. A second quick thinking of what's going on, she noticed what he was going to do. Her lips peeled back showing her yellow fangs as it gnash together unable to speak on how cowardly their enemies are. Without another word a booming screech shot out from the deep within her small body and the next thing her claws came flying straight for the rogue's face.

@Undertaker [if it's alright with ya]

In a blink of an eye a small calico dashed out from the apprentice den. With her sharp hearing she knew something was terribly wrong. Well, more wrong than usual in her clan. Cats also followed her lead running out to the clearing to take in of what's going on followed by with an attack on the enemies. Blackpaw stood around with head high unable to detect any fear in her deep, dark brown eyes. Though, her tail gave away on how she felt with a tail lashing. Her heart felt like it was flipping, paws beat like a heart ready to fight and eyes finally shown fierceness. It was more anger than fright and more elation than all put together in one.


pidgeon September 27th, 2019 02:58 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
(Open - Owl can get injured, but don't kill her)
@Bliss Girl @Dirtfur @Starfall

Owlfeather's stomach dropped when she heard the yowling. In a panicked flurry of paws, she skidded as fast as she could into the clearing, taking in the horrifying sight. She was filled with fear, but that was quickly changed to ice-cold anger when things finally came together in her mind.

"I knew it! She yowled. The loners had warned her of this, and she had dismissed them. She couldn't belive that the Dusk Syndicate would return. It couldn't be possible. Yet here she was, in a clearing filled with yowling, stinking, unfamiliar cats. She turned to see her daughter, Citrusflower, under attack. What savages! Who would attack a helpless blind queen? She dove in to the fray and slashed her sharp claws down the pelt of her daughter's attacker, sending the enemy cat darting for cover. Her claws had nearly met Demontail's flesh before she recognized him.
Although her daughter's former mate still unsettled her, if he was here to help, he could use it as a chance to prove himself.

"If you're so inclined to help her, then get her out of here, now!" The old tortoiseshell she-cat growled fiercely. This was no place for the blind molly to be. She pushed aside her discontent with the tom and trusted him with her daughter's life. After all, Citrusflower hadn't rejected his help.

She then turned to see Leaftail and Redpaw caught in a tangle of cats. She had only just been on patrol with the two, and was quite fond of the young pair of cats. She knew they lacked experience, and they were outnumbered. With unsheathed claws scuffing the dirt as she ran, she made her way frantically to their side. She fluffed up her fur at the enemy cats, making eye contact with the one who looked to be most in-charge of the clique.

This time, she wasted no time with petty talking; she would not make that mistake again. It was time to fight. Feeling the familiar adrenaline of her many moons of battle experience, she sprung into action. She leapt forward and nipped at the russet calico's leg, reaching one paw around to claw at his side while the bite had him distracted.
"You will not have my clan!" She hissed through clenched teeth. She would fight mercilessly to defend her home. She would do whatever it took, even if that meant her own life.

Madelaine September 27th, 2019 03:03 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 612073)

[ can injury Pride and can kill Sloth]
Near identical cats stepped away from the other five as soon as Lust gave them the order to let loose. One cat, the she-cat, looked like a masterpiece, lovely if not for the arrogant sneer on her maw. The tom, a slightly lighter pelt compared to his sister, looked extremely unkempt and mildly underfed. Whereas she moved with confidence as she veered around brawling cats, looking for someone worth her precious time, the other moved sluggishly and might have walked in the mild of brawling cats had he not been following his sister. Pride stopped when she noticed Demontail, he looked like someone worth her time. Pride knew he'd feel honored that she, Pride, would be the one to end his miserable life.
"Take the she-cat, she looks easy." Pride ordered Sloth as she bunched up her muscles and leaped at Demontail without warning.
Sloth was much slower than his sister as he stalked up to Citrusflower. He didn't have the energy to just jump on her as Pride had done, instead, he waited for her to make a move, his emerald eyes, though dull shone with an unusually high amount of intelligence.

Demontail felt a cat jump on top of him and he began to squim. The larger black cat managed to get the other cat off of him, giving the tom a slice on the muzzle with a growl. Citrusflower scented a cat nearby, the eyeless cat gave out a yowl, creeping low to the ground. Demontail heard and ran to his ex and slammed Sloth to the ground. "You heartless cats! Picking on the weak. I know your every moves, since i too am a rogue. I know everything your fox-hearted cats know!", he spat out, shielding Citrusflower. He wouldn't dare let them put a claw on her.

pidgeon September 27th, 2019 03:05 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 612068)

Hybrid stalked into the camp growling. He finally would get revenge on the clans. They destroyed the Dusk Syndicate and now he was going to destroy them. His bright orange fur was long and silky, he looked somewhat like a fox. He had his claws unsheathed and he was ready to kill some clancats. He wanted to kill every single kit and make the parents watch. That was the only way to get even. He launched himself at an apprentice standing near the nursery.

@Venus @little-life-light

"You disgusting coward!" Iceheart's gruff yowl pierced the air as the huge she-cat launched herself at the enemy cat. Her pounce landed her squarely on top of his shoulders, using her weight to pin him to the ground. "Going after kits and apprentices? You are the lowest form of filth in this StarClan-forsaken land!" Her gleaming fangs were less than a mouse-length from his throat.

She wouldn't kill him, not yet. She wanted to enjoy this. The adrenaline coursing through her battle-starved veins, the feeling of flesh tearing beneath her claws. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss this. The chance to defend her clan with tooth and claw. Muscles rippled under her black pelt as she fought to hold the stranger down. She did have the size advantage, but when it came to speed, she was lacking. Her best strategies were using her heavy weight and long claws to her advantage.

She looked to the two apprentices near the nursery, that had been the original target of the mangy fox-heart's attack. She recognized Rabbitpaw, and her own apprentice, Badgerpaw. Her orange eyes softened almost too quickly to notice, trying not to show that she was grateful they were safe.

"Well, Badgerpaw? What are you waiting for? Here's your chance for some real experience." The fierceness returned to her eyes as she looked expectantly at the young she-cat, her own claws still locked into the enemy's shoulders as she pinned him down. Now would be the moment that the ruthless black cat really learned what kind of cat her apprentice was. She could prove herself a coward, or she could prove herself a warrior. She cared little about the fact that this was the little molly's first battle; all she thought about was her desire for her to prove herself worthy.

RedHead September 27th, 2019 04:54 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

[OPEN-can be injured but not killed]
Valiance leaped into the clearing, the scent of battle filling her nose. It riled her up, the tang of blood and the sounds of cats viciously clawing at one another. She wasn’t sure what had caused this clan to slope down on a decline, but now here they were. And she was ready for a take over. The clans had separated the Dusk Syndicate, the group she’d lived in all her life, and now was her payback time. She ran around the throng of cats, golden eyes searching for a victim she could launch herself at.


[OPEN- can be injured, but it will be hard to do so as he’s a huge cat]

The tomcat let his icy eyes sweep across the clearing, looking for any of his clanmates he could possibly help. Or any Dusk Syndicate rogues and wanna-bes that he could destroy. Shadowclan was in a low place right now, and he was determined to protect it with all of his might. Even if they were currently leaderless. He’d had returning thoughts of simply leaving the clan, he didn’t believe he needed to be there anymore. But he was staying here, for the sake of his clanmates and his few close friends.

Moonraven September 27th, 2019 04:59 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 612073)

[Open for one more cat - @Moonraven - can injury Wrath, should probably partner up to fight her.]
Finally some fun! The ragdoll with the crazy blue eyes had all but sprinted into the camp as soon as Lust let them off their leashes. There was really no style or planning with Wrath, she hit hard and she hit fast and that was all that matter. She sort of just jumped the first cat she set eyes on, a pretty Russian blue she-cat, Wrath didn't get to kill clan cats all that often. She wondered how red she could turn Snowfrost before she died? The ragdoll aimed to bowl over the smaller cat over, hooking her fangs into the muscle and bone near the chest. Wrath bit down on anything she could get a hold of, clearly wanting to see if she could break a bone or two.

[Open for one more cat - @Moonraven - can injury Gluttony, should probably partner up to fight him he's rather big]
The towering tom found Wrath as amusing as ever. She was quick and as hot-blooded as ever. The largest of his family moved after her as she bolted ahead. Why she couldn't wait was understandable, she's been a bomb since yesterday. The long-legged Sin kept a few lengths behind her as the Ragdoll took off without warning. As she went for a she-cat, he took on the second cat. Yet unlike Wrath who seemed to be in a playful mood, Gluttony merely wrapped his enormous mouth around unsuspecting clan cat's neck and snapped it with one powerful bite.
He let the body drop to the ground limp and unmoving, as much as he'd like devour his prey he should probably go help Wrath. She had a habit of biting off more then she could chew. Gluttony peered around finding Wrath playing with some of the more alive clan cats, his interest quickly settled on a small apprentice, she looked tasty. He could probably eat her in one go.

[Open for assistance | can injury though not kill | @Undertaker]
The slender Russian blue had been looking around for her apprentice when a multitude of cats started pouring to camp and fighting. As fur and blood started flying, Snowfrost did her best to stay out of any battles more concerned about finding Rabbitpaw. She was sure Rabbitpaw could handle herself, but that didn't stop that dreadful feeling from building deep within her chest. She wouldn't interfere in her fight but would like to keep an eye on the apprentice. This attack was pure chaos and the outcome of it worried her like nothing else.

She spotted the familiar pelt of Redpaw and caught sight of Leaftail at his side. Although concerned for her clanmates, while recalling some of Redpaw's mistakes during that training match with Rabbitpaw, Snowfrost didn't intervene. She spotted the pure-white pelt of a maine coon not too far away, knowing Whiteshadow's mild fondness of Redpaw she assumed he'd at least keep an eye on the pair. Demontail and Citrusflower, that blind queen, looked as if they could use some assistance, but Owlfeather was already watching out for Citrusflower at least. Snowfrost's pale azure orbs finally spotted the Scottish fold she had been searching for near the nursery with a rogue but founded herself distracted before she could dart over to the apprentice.

She saw someone approach out of her peripheral vision, but at the speed she was running around in search of her apprentice, Snowfrost was unable to slam on the breaks as swiftly as she would of like. She felt razor-sharp claws sink in deep through fur, muscle, and flesh, the momentum and weight carried her straight off her paws as the breath was knocked out of her lungs. A pain-filled yowl tore through her maw as she felt the long incisors plunge into her chest. The pain was near blinding, but Snowfrost endured while focusing on getting the cat off her.

The yowl twisted into a threatening snarl as she reached up with her fronts paws, wrapping them around the ragdoll's neck forcing the rogue to at least arch her spine, and pushed up into the rogue's soft belly using her hind legs with a tremendous amount strength so that the rogue's back legs were no longer on the ground and her own spine was arched, Snowfrost rolled them over if they were a living wheel, to claim her place on top. Once certain the ragdoll was caught off guard, loosening her grip on Snowfrost, the warrior quickly shook her off and put some distance between them with a violent hiss. She could feel blood leaking down the puncture wound in her chest and the claw marks along her flank, but it was not life-threatening and could be put to the back of her mind as she eyed the rogue with a frightening amount of calmness and steely determination. Snowfrost was lacking in brute strength and size, but no longer pinned down and certain where her enemy stood, Snowfrost had no doubt she'd win this fight. This fox-hearted cat was blocking her from getting to her apprentice and that just wouldn't do.

"Move, you're in my way!"


[Open | can injury though not kill]
Whiteshadow had been working on cleaning his pelt, mind turning to the odd tom they had met in the training clearing. He was mildly annoyed at not have noticing him sooner, Snowfrost had naturally taken control of the situation recalling that he was not big on words, but it still bothered him that he hadn't noticed that cat before paw. The maine coon is drawn out of thoughts when the first cry claims his attention. He is on his big paws in a heartbeat, thick muscles bunched with tension as more cries and hisses cut through the air and the heavy metallic scent wafted. He darted into the sea of fighting cats, not looking for any cat in particular.

He spots Demontail, Owlfeather, and the blind she-cat, Citrusflower. What as she doing out here? The russian blue steals his attention momentarily as she bolts past him in a mad dash. He noticed that her scottish fold was nowhere near her which explained her odd haste. As Redpaw came to mind, he found the apprentice and his mentor already being confronted, he had a strong urge to assist them rather worry about both cats, then he recalled he hadn't seen his daughter anywhere. He was torn for a moment between finding his kin or helping his clanmates when felt a startling amount of weight at his left flank, knocking him off his paws. He gave a low grunt as he was tumbled to the ground, however, quickly used size to knock the cat off and roll to his paws lips curled over his fangs as yellow eyes burned into his attacker.


[Open for assistance |can injury, have plans to blind her, though not kill| @Undertaker]
Elfinpaw had left the apprentice den as soon as she heard the commotion going on outside. The paralyzing hurt spread through her body like icy, liquid metal. She clenched her teeth as she hesitantly took each step. Eflinpaw noticed her paws tremble. Her legs twitched, fighting the impulse to whirl around and sprint back inside the den. She didn't have much training in fighting, but she doubted she could live with herself is she just hid while her clan was fighting with their lives. So the tiny apprentice carefully made her way into the thick, making sure not to get in any cats way as she tried to figure out the best way to help without being a burden.

She froze right in the middle of brawling cats as her eyes found him. He was unnaturally large, or perhaps it was just his legs that made him seem big, with sickly yellow eyes, a dirty tawny pelt of black spot and big ears, was that blood around his maw? Eyes widened, breaths ragged and harsh. Her entire body trembled at the sight of this cat as he set through beady eyes on her and licked his maw. Elfinpaw really wanted to go back to her den now, that serval was like a monster in a dream, but if she was going to die she was going to do it fighting for this clan.

So she dug her claws into the unforgive earth and lifted her lips over her teeth as she hissed at the big cat. She loved this clan and everyone in it, so she just had to fight. Elfinpaw lunged forwards, going for a paw. It wasn't like she was big enough to reach anything else here.

panchiko September 27th, 2019 05:44 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
duskblossom could sense something was just not right when she heard commotion a little ways away. she began sprinting towards the sounds of slashes and grunts, the wind rustling her groomed gray fur. duskblossom ran with the determination of a loyal warrior, heading straight into the abyss of fighting beyond without knowing what she was getting herself into. that was when she halted. she had finally noticed the cats fighting in groups, the familiar shadowclan warriors using their well-earned energy to combat unrecognized cats. duskblossom's whiskers twitched as she came to the realization of what was going on in front of her. tempted to jump right into the battle head-on and help one of the clanmates that were struggling, she almost started to do so when she realized that it was a bad idea plunging in headfirst. she stood, hesitant, waiting for someone to attack. it was an idea that made her feel useless, but duskblossom didn't know who to help; she couldn't decide, as she'd met some of these shadowclan cats personally and didn't want to pick between them. that being said, her not doing anything would probably result in someone dying because no one helped them. duskblossom struggled with the decision when she felt the air move beside her, a sure sign of an oncoming cat.

//open, looking for someone to fight w. no killing, just injuries.//

Mango September 27th, 2019 06:28 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by little-life-light (Post 612071)
Bright orange fur glinted fiercely in the corner of her eyes, causing another bout of fear to bloom in her belly as the image of a fox invading and terrorizing the camp crossed her mind. But as she gave the fiery pelted creature a closer look she realized it was only a cat. A large, feral cat that noticed her crouched by the nursery and pounced, long gleaming claws outstretched to tear her throat to ribbons.

For a brief moment, everything seemed to slow. Everything except her mind, which moved almost too fast for her to comprehend. She needed to move, to get away, to run. She couldn't fight this cat. However, the nursery was at her back, and the warriors were still waking up and she was the only one currently between this tom and the kits and queens.

In a split second decision - made more by action than by thought - she launched herself straight for the rogue, her head lowered and her eyes squeezed shut as she braced herself to headbutt this cat in the face.


Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 612087)
@Venus @little-life-light

"You disgusting coward!" Iceheart's gruff yowl pierced the air as the huge she-cat launched herself at the enemy cat. Her pounce landed her squarely on top of his shoulders, using her weight to pin him to the ground. "Going after kits and apprentices? You are the lowest form of filth in this StarClan-forsaken land!" Her gleaming fangs were less than a mouse-length from his throat.

She wouldn't kill him, not yet. She wanted to enjoy this. The adrenaline coursing through her battle-starved veins, the feeling of flesh tearing beneath her claws. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss this. The chance to defend her clan with tooth and claw. Muscles rippled under her black pelt as she fought to hold the stranger down. She did have the size advantage, but when it came to speed, she was lacking. Her best strategies were using her heavy weight and long claws to her advantage.

She looked to the two apprentices near the nursery, that had been the original target of the mangy fox-heart's attack. She recognized Rabbitpaw, and her own apprentice, Badgerpaw. Her orange eyes softened almost too quickly to notice, trying not to show that she was grateful they were safe.

"Well, Badgerpaw? What are you waiting for? Here's your chance for some real experience." The fierceness returned to her eyes as she looked expectantly at the young she-cat, her own claws still locked into the enemy's shoulders as she pinned him down. Now would be the moment that the ruthless black cat really learned what kind of cat her apprentice was. She could prove herself a coward, or she could prove herself a warrior. She cared little about the fact that this was the little molly's first battle; all she thought about was her desire for her to prove herself worthy.

Hybrid ignored the rude warrior and launched himself at the apprentice teeth bared as he went flying towards the apprentice in attempt to bodyslam her to the ground.

Dirtfur September 27th, 2019 06:55 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
The warily red Selkirk rex took a couple or more glimpses around the camp, every cat battling and losing their fur and blood from the wicked rogues and sinful Dusk Syndicate cats. He spotted Demontail protecting his ex as if he was a knight in shining armour; the next thing the red tomcat saw was a black maine coon fighting off a bright orangey fox-like cat. The actions by these cats gave Redpaw a hope to fight for his clan. The only cats he hadn't spotted was Owlfeather, a senior that she went hunting with the young tomcat and his mentor; Rabbitpaw who he battled with in the training grounds; Snowfrost and Whiteshadow, both warriors who watched the she-cat apprentice and the red apprentice fought. What he was worried about the most was his part-time mentor, Whiteshadow. Thanks to not looking forward, he bumped into Leaftail. What’s the hold up?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________
The golden brown Ocicat bit down on a distracted rogue’s shoulder and shook them hard enough and throw them aside. “ShadowClan is our home, and we’re not letting you rogues like you take it away from us!” she hissed. Leaftail has no time to search around the camp for her friends, she must take care of Redpaw first! The thoughts that only weakened her was an image of an unmoving red fur. The image made Leaftail agitated, bumping into a short ginger rogue. The she-cat looked up to see two tomcats. No way to get passed them, she thought. When she thought it was over, Owlfeather came to the rescue! Seeing the senior warrior leaping towards the russet, ginger calico, Leaftail dashed at the short tomcat’s left shoulder. The golden brown mentor glances on her right, proud to see Redpaw gripping the taller cat by his sides.

mochi September 27th, 2019 08:10 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 612087)
@Venus @little-life-light

"You disgusting coward!" Iceheart's gruff yowl pierced the air as the huge she-cat launched herself at the enemy cat. Her pounce landed her squarely on top of his shoulders, using her weight to pin him to the ground. "Going after kits and apprentices? You are the lowest form of filth in this StarClan-forsaken land!" Her gleaming fangs were less than a mouse-length from his throat.

She wouldn't kill him, not yet. She wanted to enjoy this. The adrenaline coursing through her battle-starved veins, the feeling of flesh tearing beneath her claws. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss this. The chance to defend her clan with tooth and claw. Muscles rippled under her black pelt as she fought to hold the stranger down. She did have the size advantage, but when it came to speed, she was lacking. Her best strategies were using her heavy weight and long claws to her advantage.

She looked to the two apprentices near the nursery, that had been the original target of the mangy fox-heart's attack. She recognized Rabbitpaw, and her own apprentice, Badgerpaw. Her orange eyes softened almost too quickly to notice, trying not to show that she was grateful they were safe.

"Well, Badgerpaw? What are you waiting for? Here's your chance for some real experience." The fierceness returned to her eyes as she looked expectantly at the young she-cat, her own claws still locked into the enemy's shoulders as she pinned him down. Now would be the moment that the ruthless black cat really learned what kind of cat her apprentice was. She could prove herself a coward, or she could prove herself a warrior. She cared little about the fact that this was the little molly's first battle; all she thought about was her desire for her to prove herself worthy.


Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 612113)
Hybrid ignored the rude warrior and launched himself at the apprentice teeth bared as he went flying towards the apprentice in attempt to bodyslam her to the ground.

The small apprentice was thrown back from the impact of an enormous warrior leaping on top of the fox-pelted rogue and pinning him down - her own headbutt seeming miniscule when comparing damage. She skidded over the dirt a bit, her claws digging into the ground to remain upright and stable. As she looked back up at the ginger tom pressed against the ground by the large she-cat - whom she recognized to be the intimidating warrior, Iceheart -, relief bloomed in her chest. She wouldn’t have to take on the unknown cat all by herself. Her eyes flicked to another apprentice nearby - Badgerpaw, the warrior dubbed - as the older she-cat spoke to her. She’d almost not noticed the apprentice in all the chaos and dim light.

Rabbitpaw blinked and shook her head fiercely. She shouldn’t dwell too long in her thoughts. She needed to find Snowfrost. She’d be safe with her mentor. Iceheart could handle this rogue.

But just as she turned to go search for her mentor in the writhing crowd, the fox-furred tom cat somehow managed to get out from under Iceheart, and her only warning was the large shadow that suddenly covered her body before a large, heavy weight slammed down on top of her. A screech ripped through her throat as claws tore through the skin and muscle of her shoulder, sending pain shooting through every inch of her body. She struggled under the weight, breaths quick and ragged from the agonizing pain rippling through her pelt. Her slim form made it somewhat easy for her to slip out from under the rogue, and her back claws sliced across his nose as she escaped from his grasp and leaped away.

She panted, crouched once more against the nursery wall, closer this time to the other apprentice, Badgerpaw. Her entire body was wracked with pain, and her whole pelt was fluffed out except for her front left leg, which was coated with blood dripping down from the deep wound on her shoulder. It hurt. It hurt really, really bad. But she couldn’t let herself dwell on it, or she might get body slammed again. So she remained, eyes wide and locked on the rogue. Hoping beyond hope Iceheart or some other warrior would be able to pin him again.

Undertaker September 28th, 2019 02:03 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Vermin (Post 612084)
A few deep breathes the apprentice took action weaving past the warriors, her head sharply looked left and right until brown fur caught her eye. The vile scent of them was like throwing more coal into a now raging flame. "Rogue filth!" she shouted, running up to the brown tom in a hissing rage. "Get out of Shadowclan or die," in a menacing snarl, her body tense up with claws unsheathed ready to strike at his face. A second quick thinking of what's going on, she noticed what he was going to do. Her lips peeled back showing her yellow fangs as it gnash together unable to speak on how cowardly their enemies are. Without another word a booming screech shot out from the deep within her small body and the next thing her claws came flying straight for the rogue's face.

@Undertaker [if it's alright with ya]

[Yup, that's fine with me]
Envy was in the midst of walking straight into the nursery when a loud voice catches his attention. He twisted around, claws unsheathed, as his emerald eyes fell on some she-cat. He lashed his tail back and forth, furious that his plans had been interrupted. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with scum. The Havana brown allowed the fur on his back to bristle as he avoids claws coming at his face. Her words fueled his temper, Envy hated being insulted, among all seven members in his little family, Envy had dealt with criticism the worse. In his blind rage, he launched himself forward, taking the claws to his face without even flinching. He felt hot, wet, blood leaking down the bridge of his nose and along his cheek, the blow missed his eyes. He didn't care, however, he was going to kill this cat. As he went to knock her off her feet, his fangs went to sink into whatever he could reach preferable her throat!


Originally Posted by Bliss Girl (Post 612086)

Demontail felt a cat jump on top of him and he began to squim. The larger black cat managed to get the other cat off of him, giving the tom a slice on the muzzle with a growl. Citrusflower scented a cat nearby, the eyeless cat gave out a yowl, creeping low to the ground. Demontail heard and ran to his ex and slammed Sloth to the ground. "You heartless cats! Picking on the weak. I know your every moves, since i too am a rogue. I know everything your fox-hearted cats know!", he spat out, shielding Citrusflower. He wouldn't dare let them put a claw on her.

Pride nailed the landing with light grace as she was thrown from the tom's back. She whipped around, a large frown that turned into a loud snarl at the sight of her brother getting pinned by that insolent piece of garbage. She didn't know who he thought he was, but no one messed with Sloth but her. Pride was so tempted to go after the one the tom seemed so intent on protecting, but her concern for her younger brother and rage. "You don't know anything about us, you piece of fox-dung." Pride snarled at the tom, moving swiftly to place herself in between Sloth and him as her brother recovered. Pride crouched down before darting forward keeping low to the ground, she outstretched her front paw as if going for his head, and then took a sharp turn, darting around Demontail's body to grab his hind leg and pulled hard to knock him off balance.


Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 612104)
[Open for assistance | can injury though not kill | @Undertaker]
The slender Russian blue had been looking around for her apprentice when a multitude of cats started pouring to camp and fighting. As fur and blood started flying, Snowfrost did her best to stay out of any battles more concerned about finding Rabbitpaw. She was sure Rabbitpaw could handle herself, but that didn't stop that dreadful feeling from building deep within her chest. She wouldn't interfere in her fight but would like to keep an eye on the apprentice. This attack was pure chaos and the outcome of it worried her like nothing else.

She spotted the familiar pelt of Redpaw and caught sight of Leaftail at his side. Although concerned for her clanmates, while recalling some of Redpaw's mistakes during that training match with Rabbitpaw, Snowfrost didn't intervene. She spotted the pure-white pelt of a maine coon not too far away, knowing Whiteshadow's mild fondness of Redpaw she assumed he'd at least keep an eye on the pair. Demontail and Citrusflower, that blind queen, looked as if they could use some assistance, but Owlfeather was already watching out for Citrusflower at least. Snowfrost's pale azure orbs finally spotted the Scottish fold she had been searching for near the nursery with a rogue but founded herself distracted before she could dart over to the apprentice.

She saw someone approach out of her peripheral vision, but at the speed she was running around in search of her apprentice, Snowfrost was unable to slam on the breaks as swiftly as she would of like. She felt razor-sharp claws sink in deep through fur, muscle, and flesh, the momentum and weight carried her straight off her paws as the breath was knocked out of her lungs. A pain-filled yowl tore through her maw as she felt the long incisors plunge into her chest. The pain was near blinding, but Snowfrost endured while focusing on getting the cat off her.

The yowl twisted into a threatening snarl as she reached up with her fronts paws, wrapping them around the ragdoll's neck forcing the rogue to at least arch her spine, and pushed up into the rogue's soft belly using her hind legs with a tremendous amount strength so that the rogue's back legs were no longer on the ground and her own spine was arched, Snowfrost rolled them over if they were a living wheel, to claim her place on top. Once certain the ragdoll was caught off guard, loosening her grip on Snowfrost, the warrior quickly shook her off and put some distance between them with a violent hiss. She could feel blood leaking down the puncture wound in her chest and the claw marks along her flank, but it was not life-threatening and could be put to the back of her mind as she eyed the rogue with a frightening amount of calmness and steely determination. Snowfrost was lacking in brute strength and size, but no longer pinned down and certain where her enemy stood, Snowfrost had no doubt she'd win this fight. This fox-hearted cat was blocking her from getting to her apprentice and that just wouldn't do.

"Move, you're in my way!"


[Open | can injury though not kill]
Whiteshadow had been working on cleaning his pelt, mind turning to the odd tom they had met in the training clearing. He was mildly annoyed at not have noticing him sooner, Snowfrost had naturally taken control of the situation recalling that he was not big on words, but it still bothered him that he hadn't noticed that cat before paw. The maine coon is drawn out of thoughts when the first cry claims his attention. He is on his big paws in a heartbeat, thick muscles bunched with tension as more cries and hisses cut through the air and the heavy metallic scent wafted. He darted into the sea of fighting cats, not looking for any cat in particular.

He spots Demontail, Owlfeather, and the blind she-cat, Citrusflower. What as she doing out here? The russian blue steals his attention momentarily as she bolts past him in a mad dash. He noticed that her scottish fold was nowhere near her which explained her odd haste. As Redpaw came to mind, he found the apprentice and his mentor already being confronted, he had a strong urge to assist them rather worry about both cats, then he recalled he hadn't seen his daughter anywhere. He was torn for a moment between finding his kin or helping his clanmates when felt a startling amount of weight at his left flank, knocking him off his paws. He gave a low grunt as he was tumbled to the ground, however, quickly used size to knock the cat off and roll to his paws lips curled over his fangs as yellow eyes burned into his attacker.


[Open for assistance |can injury, have plans to blind her, though not kill| @Undertaker]
Elfinpaw had left the apprentice den as soon as she heard the commotion going on outside. The paralyzing hurt spread through her body like icy, liquid metal. She clenched her teeth as she hesitantly took each step. Eflinpaw noticed her paws tremble. Her legs twitched, fighting the impulse to whirl around and sprint back inside the den. She didn't have much training in fighting, but she doubted she could live with herself is she just hid while her clan was fighting with their lives. So the tiny apprentice carefully made her way into the thick, making sure not to get in any cats way as she tried to figure out the best way to help without being a burden.

She froze right in the middle of brawling cats as her eyes found him. He was unnaturally large, or perhaps it was just his legs that made him seem big, with sickly yellow eyes, a dirty tawny pelt of black spot and big ears, was that blood around his maw? Eyes widened, breaths ragged and harsh. Her entire body trembled at the sight of this cat as he set through beady eyes on her and licked his maw. Elfinpaw really wanted to go back to her den now, that serval was like a monster in a dream, but if she was going to die she was going to do it fighting for this clan.

So she dug her claws into the unforgive earth and lifted her lips over her teeth as she hissed at the big cat. She loved this clan and everyone in it, so she just had to fight. Elfinpaw lunged forwards, going for a paw. It wasn't like she was big enough to reach anything else here.

Wrath grinned as she heard the she-cat yowling, this was getting her blood flowing. The ragdoll clamped down hard and dare let go. She was expecting to feel claws churning her exposed belly, but it never came. Confusion had her eyes widening when the cat actually manages to flip them over. She relaxed her hold on her as her balance is slightly thrown off, annoyed with herself when the warrior tears herself away. Instead of attack she just puts distances between them. Wrath is back on her feet, that insane smile is back on her maw instantaneously. The pain, the blood, the screaming, this was quite a thrill for her. Normally their targets were weak and spineless, no fun in killing something that doesn't fight back. But these guys! THESE Clan cats knew how to have fun!
"Aw, don't ya wanna play with me?" Wrath cackled, licking her maw. She didn't know where this cat wanted to go and didn't really care, she was going to kill her or die trying. Wrath was pumped, her blood was flow, any pain was just another trigger for her adrenaline to kick in. This adrenaline junky seemed to have a terrifying amount of it. "Fight me! You're way too much fun to just let go." Wrath gave no warning as she launched herself at the she-cat, she wanted to tear up that pretty face of hers.
The tongueless tom could smell so many enticing and mouth-watering scents in the camp of fighting cats, but most of his attention was on the small apprentice that had stopped about a tail length away from him. He faintly wondered if she was a kit at first, but no one would be stupid enough to leave their kit roaming around in this storm. He supposes he could pretend she was a kit, it's been a while since he got to eat one of them. He could smell her fear from where he stood, he took a small step forward when it looked like she was going to bolt. Oh, he hoped she did. He loved running after prey, there was nothing more enjoyable than that. The amused glint in the serval's disturbing yellow eyes died for a moment as he saw the fear turn into something else. Those eyes of hers were rather nice, he was certain his son would like them, perhaps he'd fetch them for him. As the kit sized apprentice took to biting his front leg, Gluttony hissed in irritation, using a massive paw he swats the small cat, sending her flying.

Aroogi September 28th, 2019 05:14 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
Cascadespirit gazed around, tail fluffed out and eyes widened in fear. His nostrils flared. His clan, his camp, was being attacked! He growled a challenge to any rogues nearby, hoping one would hear him.

"Come at me you mangy furballs!" He hissed.
(Open for interaction!)

Starfall September 28th, 2019 07:32 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Dirtfur (Post 612118)

The golden brown Ocicat bit down on a distracted rogue’s shoulder and shook them hard enough and throw them aside. “ShadowClan is our home, and we’re not letting you rogues like you take it away from us!” she hissed. Leaftail has no time to search around the camp for her friends, she must take care of Redpaw first! The thoughts that only weakened her was an image of an unmoving red fur. The image made Leaftail agitated, bumping into a short ginger rogue. The she-cat looked up to see two tomcats. No way to get passed them, she thought. When she thought it was over, Owlfeather came to the rescue! Seeing the senior warrior leaping towards the russet, ginger calico, Leaftail dashed at the short tomcat’s left shoulder. The golden brown mentor glances on her right, proud to see Redpaw gripping the taller cat by his sides.


Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 612085)
(Open - Owl can get injured, but don't kill her)
@Bliss Girl @Dirtfur @Starfall

Owlfeather's stomach dropped when she heard the yowling. In a panicked flurry of paws, she skidded as fast as she could into the clearing, taking in the horrifying sight. She was filled with fear, but that was quickly changed to ice-cold anger when things finally came together in her mind.

"I knew it! She yowled. The loners had warned her of this, and she had dismissed them. She couldn't belive that the Dusk Syndicate would return. It couldn't be possible. Yet here she was, in a clearing filled with yowling, stinking, unfamiliar cats. She turned to see her daughter, Citrusflower, under attack. What savages! Who would attack a helpless blind queen? She dove in to the fray and slashed her sharp claws down the pelt of her daughter's attacker, sending the enemy cat darting for cover. Her claws had nearly met Demontail's flesh before she recognized him.
Although her daughter's former mate still unsettled her, if he was here to help, he could use it as a chance to prove himself.

"If you're so inclined to help her, then get her out of here, now!" The old tortoiseshell she-cat growled fiercely. This was no place for the blind molly to be. She pushed aside her discontent with the tom and trusted him with her daughter's life. After all, Citrusflower hadn't rejected his help.

She then turned to see Leaftail and Redpaw caught in a tangle of cats. She had only just been on patrol with the two, and was quite fond of the young pair of cats. She knew they lacked experience, and they were outnumbered. With unsheathed claws scuffing the dirt as she ran, she made her way frantically to their side. She fluffed up her fur at the enemy cats, making eye contact with the one who looked to be most in-charge of the clique.

This time, she wasted no time with petty talking; she would not make that mistake again. It was time to fight. Feeling the familiar adrenaline of her many moons of battle experience, she sprung into action. She leapt forward and nipped at the russet calico's leg, reaching one paw around to claw at his side while the bite had him distracted.
"You will not have my clan!" She hissed through clenched teeth. She would fight mercilessly to defend her home. She would do whatever it took, even if that meant her own life.

Griffin let out a startled yip as he felt something bump into his side, making him teeter to the side slightly before regaining his composure and glaring daggers at his brother for laughing. "Is this how you usually greet your guests?" he asked the warrior.

Phoenix let out an 'oh' as a much older clan cat came barreling towards him. She looked angry, to say the least, which caused the tom to chuckle. As she leaped forwards, nipping him in the process, he let out a much louder laugh, and managed to narrowly miss the scratching. He almost fell over though, it wasn't a nip like he had thought, it was a pretty decent bite. "We don't want your clan, silly it doesn't look like that system is working out too well for you...hmm, wait brother, what is it we want, again exactly?" the ginger russet tom asked, swiveling his head to the side.

"Eternal loyalty? Or whatever it is that makes you cats live so long. We heard rumors about these great clan cats dying, but being reborn. We want that. But, I suppose...having you and your friends bowing down to us would be nice as well." the ginger quipped. However the loner finished his sentence rather quickly as Leaftail pinned him down. Letting out a hiss as claws dug into his shoulders. "how rUDE!" he grunted, attempting to kick the molly off using his hind legs.

lone September 29th, 2019 10:47 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
Obsidian certainly hadn't planned to get caught up in all of this. It might have been a mistake, but he'd belonged to the Dusk Syndicate once. He felt he owed them some fraction of loyalty, and if this was what they wanted... he'd find a way to handle it. Relax. This is all you have to do. Perhaps he felt guilty for the way he'd left things before, but at least once this was done, he would be done. This was the last thing he'd ever do associated with the Dusk Syndicate, and he thought it was a good way to leave things. He wasn't as focused on the attack as other cats; but he'd never been as bloodthirsty as them, either. He was used to surviving. This was the opposite of a survivor's move, and possibly the dumbest thing he had ever done. Would Calia have been proud of him for this? Absolutely not. Still, he'd live through it anyways.

(open for injuries; not too severe)

* * *

Being blind, Mistyeyes didn't have a lot of room for mistakes. The slightest misstep could cost her respect, or worse, her life. She'd grown up used to being careful. She'd grown up at a disadvantage, and she'd learned how to live with it. It didn't mean she liked being blind, but at least she could function. Battles were the hardest part. Mistyeyes could feel her heart thumping out a painful beat against her chest, her breathing growing quicker and shorter as she listened for attackers approaching. Survive this, and you'll be fine. It was a lie she tod herself time and time again, hoping that one of these days, she would believe it. If she could survive the next battle, the next day, she would be fine. Relax. She didn't panic often. She had no reason to; she could take care of herself. She had learned how to take care of herself. Battles were another thing altogether, where everything was unpredictable and if she failed, she would die. She wasn't ready to die... not yet.

(open for severe injuries; no fatal ones though)

* * *

Not this again. The last battle Smokestorm had been involved in, he'd been much younger. He still had vivid memories of the death surrounding it, and the last thing he wanted was for something like that to happen again. Rogues were dangerous. He'd known that since he was young, and although he'd been told "be careful, or a rogue could get you!" in a playful manner when he was a kit, he knew there was truth to it. Smokestorm had thought this was over when the Dusk Syndicate had disbanded, its members scattering to places only StarClan could see. Apparently, they hadn't spread out far enough. We can do this. He'd survived worse, hadn't he? He'd survive this too, and hopefully, this time, they'd get rid of the rogues for good. Smokestorm took on a defensive stance, his mind racing with every small battle move he'd ever learned, trying to get a grip on the nightmare that was quickly becoming reality.

(open for injuries; semi-severe, none fatal)

The Flying Pizza September 29th, 2019 11:24 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
(OPEN since I'm just bored right now lol. Can injure Greythrush but not too deep.)

Greythrush had heard the commotion and started to fight. He was exhausted but he wouldn't stop fighting for his Clan or Clanmates.

pidgeon September 29th, 2019 11:41 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 612231)

Griffin let out a startled yip as he felt something bump into his side, making him teeter to the side slightly before regaining his composure and glaring daggers at his brother for laughing. "Is this how you usually greet your guests?" he asked the warrior.

Phoenix let out an 'oh' as a much older clan cat came barreling towards him. She looked angry, to say the least, which caused the tom to chuckle. As she leaped forwards, nipping him in the process, he let out a much louder laugh, and managed to narrowly miss the scratching. He almost fell over though, it wasn't a nip like he had thought, it was a pretty decent bite. "We don't want your clan, silly it doesn't look like that system is working out too well for you...hmm, wait brother, what is it we want, again exactly?" the ginger russet tom asked, swiveling his head to the side.

"Eternal loyalty? Or whatever it is that makes you cats live so long. We heard rumors about these great clan cats dying, but being reborn. We want that. But, I suppose...having you and your friends bowing down to us would be nice as well." the ginger quipped. However the loner finished his sentence rather quickly as Leaftail pinned him down. Letting out a hiss as claws dug into his shoulders. "how rUDE!" he grunted, attempting to kick the molly off using his hind legs.


"You're fools if you think StarClan will honor you. You have to earn the right for those nine lives! They aren't just given to any cat!" Owlfeather bared her teeth again and aimed a swipe at the tom's nose.
Their blatant disregard for clan traditions was appalling; not that she would expect anything more from a band of wily rogues. Her clan was already struggling with so much, and now this? Lizard-brained outsiders thinking that they could just waltz in and absorb all the perks of clan life? It was an insult to ShadowClan as a whole, and she wanted these fox-hearts out.

While Leaftail had him pinned down, she aimed a few quick blows at his muzzle. She gave Redpaw a look of encouragement and then darted to the pinned tom's friend, striding past in a blink, one paw outstretched, hoping to land a scratch along his flank. She didn't want to listen to any of the nonsense these cats were spouting. They had to show them that ShadowClan remained strong, and that they could not be overthrown so easily.

Doom September 29th, 2019 12:35 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 612087)
@Venus @little-life-light

"You disgusting coward!" Iceheart's gruff yowl pierced the air as the huge she-cat launched herself at the enemy cat. Her pounce landed her squarely on top of his shoulders, using her weight to pin him to the ground. "Going after kits and apprentices? You are the lowest form of filth in this StarClan-forsaken land!" Her gleaming fangs were less than a mouse-length from his throat.

She wouldn't kill him, not yet. She wanted to enjoy this. The adrenaline coursing through her battle-starved veins, the feeling of flesh tearing beneath her claws. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss this. The chance to defend her clan with tooth and claw. Muscles rippled under her black pelt as she fought to hold the stranger down. She did have the size advantage, but when it came to speed, she was lacking. Her best strategies were using her heavy weight and long claws to her advantage.

She looked to the two apprentices near the nursery, that had been the original target of the mangy fox-heart's attack. She recognized Rabbitpaw, and her own apprentice, Badgerpaw. Her orange eyes softened almost too quickly to notice, trying not to show that she was grateful they were safe.

"Well, Badgerpaw? What are you waiting for? Here's your chance for some real experience." The fierceness returned to her eyes as she looked expectantly at the young she-cat, her own claws still locked into the enemy's shoulders as she pinned him down. Now would be the moment that the ruthless black cat really learned what kind of cat her apprentice was. She could prove herself a coward, or she could prove herself a warrior. She cared little about the fact that this was the little molly's first battle; all she thought about was her desire for her to prove herself worthy.

[OPEN - looking for some severe scars, but nothing fatal!]

Badgerpaw had been frozen in fear by the nursery, watching death itself approach her. Her eyes widened as she couldn't help but embrace the moment, helpless and scared. She had very little combat experience, and had never seen war in the flesh, so how could she defend herself here? The small tuxedo flinched as a sharp paw came barreling at her, but at the last second, it curved its way back towards the ginger opponent. Her eyes brightened at the familiar dark pelt in front of her. “I-Iceheart!” Of course, her mentor was here to save her once more.

Swallowing her nerves, Badgerpaw nodded at her mentor’s statement, her eyes locked on Iceheart’s claws that dug deep into her opponent’s shoulders. The fur along her own shoulders bristled fearfully. “Okay...o-okay, Iceheart! I'll do my best...!” Trying to unglue her gaze, Badgerpaw scanned the blood-shedded clearing. Great StarClan, fighting is awful!

She tried to scrape up every bit of combat training she remembered, then with hesitance, she rushed blindly into the hustle of everything.

pidgeon September 29th, 2019 01:02 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
@Okapi @little-life-light @Venus

Iceheart watched her apprentice dart away into the throng of fighting cats. She had meant for Badgerpaw to attack the trapped warrior that the black cat had tackled, but she didn't dwell on that mistake for long. There were more pressing matters at hand. She yowled with fury as the ginger warrior squirmed out of her grasp and lunged on top of Rabbitpaw.

Her lack of speed failed her, and she didn't reach the smaller cat quickly enough as she got pummeled by the heartless rogue. The warrior let out a screech and threw herself at the fox-colored cat, raking her claws across his flank and forcing his attention back to her. She hoped she would give Rabbitpaw a chance to escape by distracting him.

"You will not ignore me," She growled fiercely, her fangs bared as her huge form loomed over him. I am your opponent now! Face me, coward! Unless you are too weak to fight a real warrior." She could not believe the disgraceful cowardice that Hybrid was displaying. Ignoring a real challenge in favor of attacking young cats? He must have absolutely no battle prowess, if he didn't think he could take her on.

Mango September 29th, 2019 01:09 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 612337)
@Okapi @little-life-light @Venus

Iceheart watched her apprentice dart away into the throng of fighting cats. She had meant for Badgerpaw to attack the trapped warrior that the black cat had tackled, but she didn't dwell on that mistake for long. There were more pressing matters at hand. She yowled with fury as the ginger warrior squirmed out of her grasp and lunged on top of Rabbitpaw.

Her lack of speed failed her, and she didn't reach the smaller cat quickly enough as she got pummeled by the heartless rogue. The warrior let out a screech and threw herself at the fox-colored cat, raking her claws across his flank and forcing his attention back to her. She hoped she would give Rabbitpaw a chance to escape by distracting him.

"You will not ignore me," She growled fiercely, her fangs bared as her huge form loomed over him. I am your opponent now! Face me, coward! Unless you are too weak to fight a real warrior." She could not believe the disgraceful cowardice that Hybrid was displaying. Ignoring a real challenge in favor of attacking young cats? He must have absolutely no battle prowess, if he didn't think he could take her on.

@little-life-light @Venus
He growled,” I’m not trying to waste my breathe on warriors, a few dead warriors won’t damage your clan, but if I kill every single kit and apprentice, you will be crippled for moons!” He hissed before aiming another blow at Rabbitpaw targeting the apprentice’s neck.

tye September 29th, 2019 03:02 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 612140)
[Yup, that's fine with me]
Envy was in the midst of walking straight into the nursery when a loud voice catches his attention. He twisted around, claws unsheathed, as his emerald eyes fell on some she-cat. He lashed his tail back and forth, furious that his plans had been interrupted. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with scum. The Havana brown allowed the fur on his back to bristle as he avoids claws coming at his face. Her words fueled his temper, Envy hated being insulted, among all seven members in his little family, Envy had dealt with criticism the worse. In his blind rage, he launched himself forward, taking the claws to his face without even flinching. He felt hot, wet, blood leaking down the bridge of his nose and along his cheek, the blow missed his eyes. He didn't care, however, he was going to kill this cat. As he went to knock her off her feet, his fangs went to sink into whatever he could reach preferable her throat!

Grizzlypaw eyes widen like orange twin moons to see him boldly launching forward into her claws not caring of the scathe inflicted on his wildly raged face. She let out a sharp yelp, unable to back up quick enough to dodge his attack and ended up falling down. Pain soared from her jaws as she clumsily landed face, she wanted to screech in what she was feeling and that was anger overflowing, drowning out her fears. How dare a stinking rogue knock her down so easily?! "Fox dung!" she hissed, swatting at his face before fangs sink into her flesh. The rogue's facial expression slowly started to blur out, was she going to simply faint from fear? Pathetic. Breathing heavily her eyes flashed around to see his front legs, unconsciously, she bucked out her hind legs to buckle down his limbs to fall down so she can take the upper paw. Grizzlypaw scrambled up to her paws then strike right behind his neck to disable his movements. Her claws sunk deep into his flesh clinging on like a tick so he'll have hell of a time to get her off. "If you..don't leave," voice muffled, deepening her fangs at every second. "I'll kill you here and now." Amongst fighting this tom an irritating, ominous, cold voice kept speaking in her mind that slowly got louder. It sounded like mumbles yet the word that rung out clearly was: 'kill him, kill him now.' Each chant made everything more tempting. If this rogue runs off, who knows if he'll come back again to attack his clan being more strong and cunning than before?

Madelaine September 29th, 2019 05:14 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 612140)

Pride nailed the landing with light grace as she was thrown from the tom's back. She whipped around, a large frown that turned into a loud snarl at the sight of her brother getting pinned by that insolent piece of garbage. She didn't know who he thought he was, but no one messed with Sloth but her. Pride was so tempted to go after the one the tom seemed so intent on protecting, but her concern for her younger brother and rage. "You don't know anything about us, you piece of fox-dung." Pride snarled at the tom, moving swiftly to place herself in between Sloth and him as her brother recovered. Pride crouched down before darting forward keeping low to the ground, she outstretched her front paw as if going for his head, and then took a sharp turn, darting around Demontail's body to grab his hind leg and pulled hard to knock him off balance.

Demontail let out a growl and nudged Citrusflower to flee, but she stayed cowered underneath him. His eyes turned to slits when he heard the cat speak. "Your right. I don't know anything about you, but i know that I live with loyalty and you live like savagaes.", he snapped. The loner felt the cat knock him off balance, but he quickly got up with a snarl. He gave her a bunch of blows on the chest and swung himself around and pinned her to the ground. Citrusflower heard Sloth behind her and manged to get up she nipped the cat on the neck not to hard just hard enough to draw blood.

mochi September 29th, 2019 07:35 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
@Okapi @CasperCreates @Venus

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 612101)
[OPEN- can be injured, but it will be hard to do so as he’s a huge cat]

The tomcat let his icy eyes sweep across the clearing, looking for any of his clanmates he could possibly help. Or any Dusk Syndicate rogues and wanna-bes that he could destroy. Shadowclan was in a low place right now, and he was determined to protect it with all of his might. Even if they were currently leaderless. He’d had returning thoughts of simply leaving the clan, he didn’t believe he needed to be there anymore. But he was staying here, for the sake of his clanmates and his few close friends.



The sharp, piercing pain that had wracked her body slowly faded into a dull ache that throbbed with every heartbeat as she crouched by the nursery, her bloodied leg tucked against her side and hidden against the wall. She watched with wide eyes as the black and white apprentice rushed off into the fray after Iceheart's words. She must be Iceheart's apprentice, Rabbitpaw thought, attention turning back on the large she-cat who had once more pinned the ginger tom. She needed to find Snowfrost. She wasn't any good cooped up here against the nursery wall, doing nothing but getting in Iceheart's way.


Yellow eyes flashed as she pushed off the ground with her three good legs, using Iceheart's words as a distraction so she could get away and find her mentor. There was a scuffling sound behind her and she glanced over her shoulder in time to see the rogue's claws reaching for her throat. She gasped, her paws stuttering underneath her as she tried to avoid the tom's claws by rearing her head back. His claws missed her vulnerable neck by a hair, slicing up her cheek and over her right eye instead. The cut was shallow, her eyelid keeping the claws from digging into her fragile irises, but an extensive amount of blood poured from the wound and into her eye, blinding her and filling her nose with the thick, cloying scent. She didn't let that stop her however, and pushed the fierce, biting pain to the back of her mind as she sprinted off into the crowd.

Snowfrost was all the scottish fold could think off as she dashed through the throng of fighting cats, awkwardly dodging swiped paws and bared fangs on three legs as she searched for her mentor with her one good eye. Little did she know she was only putting more distance between herself and the senior warrior in her hunt, and so far she had gotten lucky by not getting attacked herself. But that luck had to run out at some point.

A huge, black-furred leg suddenly appeared out of the dark in front of her, and she couldn't slow down or avoid it quick enough. The grey-and-white apprentice slammed her face into the leg, tumbling backwards in a flurry of limbs as she tried to get back up on her paws. Blood was all she could smell, and her right eye was caked shut in the dark red liquid. She couldn't identify the humongous cat in front of her in the dim lighting, and immediately assumed the worst. The young apprentice hissed menacingly, arching her spine and fluffing out her pelt, trying to look as intimidating as possible - which wasn't very much considering her small stature and injured leg.

Dirtfur September 29th, 2019 08:08 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 612297)

"You're fools if you think StarClan will honor you. You have to earn the right for those nine lives! They aren't just given to any cat!" Owlfeather bared her teeth again and aimed a swipe at the tom's nose.
Their blatant disregard for clan traditions was appalling; not that she would expect anything more from a band of wily rogues. Her clan was already struggling with so much, and now this? Lizard-brained outsiders thinking that they could just waltz in and absorb all the perks of clan life? It was an insult to ShadowClan as a whole, and she wanted these fox-hearts out.

While Leaftail had him pinned down, she aimed a few quick blows at his muzzle. She gave Redpaw a look of encouragement and then darted to the pinned tom's friend, striding past in a blink, one paw outstretched, hoping to land a scratch along his flank. She didn't want to listen to any of the nonsense these cats were spouting. They had to show them that ShadowClan remained strong, and that they could not be overthrown so easily.

The rough hindkicks gave the Ocicat a two or three bloody scratches on her golden brown pelt, getting Leaftail off of Griffin’s shoulder. Eternal loyalty? Die then reborn? Living longer? Are these two wanting to become leaders or something? Whatever they want, Leaftail is not kneeling to the two rogues just because they want extra lives! “ShadowClan will not bow down to you fox-hearted rogues, and we never will!” the young molly growled, and saw Owlfeather helping her. She was concerned about the old warrior’s decision to leave the small Redpaw with Phoenix; but her instincts controlled her body, jumping at Griffin again. Her jaw opened ready for biting into the tomcat's ginger pelt.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________
Redpaw let go of Phoenix’s pelt, spatting out ginger fur. He saw Owlfeather’s supportful glints on her amber eyes. Can the tiny apprentice tackled a tall, grown rogue? Probably not, he answered, but is worth a try! The red selkirk rex slid under the tall ginger; then bunched his muscles and jumped at Phoenix, claws ready to scratch the rogue’s ear. StarClan give me hope, he prayed quietly.

Snail-paw September 30th, 2019 05:09 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
(Open can be injured but nothing severe (( she is quite big and fluffy )) )

Boulderheart shoved her way through the mass of teeth and claw, barely missing a kick meant for someone else. She spun around trying to figure out what to do in the overwhelming sounds and smells of the battle. She tried to make her way through to the nursery but struggled and nearly gave up.

Moonraven September 30th, 2019 10:17 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 612140)

Wrath grinned as she heard the she-cat yowling, this was getting her blood flowing. The ragdoll clamped down hard and dare let go. She was expecting to feel claws churning her exposed belly, but it never came. Confusion had her eyes widening when the cat actually manages to flip them over. She relaxed her hold on her as her balance is slightly thrown off, annoyed with herself when the warrior tears herself away. Instead of attack she just puts distances between them. Wrath is back on her feet, that insane smile is back on her maw instantaneously. The pain, the blood, the screaming, this was quite a thrill for her. Normally their targets were weak and spineless, no fun in killing something that doesn't fight back. But these guys! THESE Clan cats knew how to have fun!
"Aw, don't ya wanna play with me?" Wrath cackled, licking her maw. She didn't know where this cat wanted to go and didn't really care, she was going to kill her or die trying. Wrath was pumped, her blood was flow, any pain was just another trigger for her adrenaline to kick in. This adrenaline junky seemed to have a terrifying amount of it. "Fight me! You're way too much fun to just let go." Wrath gave no warning as she launched herself at the she-cat, she wanted to tear up that pretty face of hers.
The tongueless tom could smell so many enticing and mouth-watering scents in the camp of fighting cats, but most of his attention was on the small apprentice that had stopped about a tail length away from him. He faintly wondered if she was a kit at first, but no one would be stupid enough to leave their kit roaming around in this storm. He supposes he could pretend she was a kit, it's been a while since he got to eat one of them. He could smell her fear from where he stood, he took a small step forward when it looked like she was going to bolt. Oh, he hoped she did. He loved running after prey, there was nothing more enjoyable than that. The amused glint in the serval's disturbing yellow eyes died for a moment as he saw the fear turn into something else. Those eyes of hers were rather nice, he was certain his son would like them, perhaps he'd fetch them for him. As the kit sized apprentice took to biting his front leg, Gluttony hissed in irritation, using a massive paw he swats the small cat, sending her flying.

Snowfrost found this opponent rather tedious. The slender feline glanced over the rogue's shoulder, rich blue eyes searching for the familiar pelt of her apprentice with avid concern. She wanted to merely bypass this fight all together to ensure that Rabbitpaw was still at least breathing, yet, she didn't dare give her back to this rogue. Wrath had this look to her, edgy, creepy, crazy. Snowfrost had no doubt in her mind that if she merely 'ran' from this fight, the cat would give chase and even if Snowfrost did find Rabbitpaw she honestly did not want to bring trouble with her. So the Russian blue dug her claws into the earth and curled her lips. She forced her mind to settle and her heart to calm its rapid beats. The faster she concentrated, found a weakness, a flaw, the quicker she could be done with this and find her apprentice.

Snowfrost had to push Rabbitpaw from her head, for the time being, there was a reason Snowfrost did her best to not be overly emotional it often cost her just like it had earlier. The senior warrior narrowed her gaze at the rogue, optics watching her legs over the eyes, ears hearing words but ignoring them. As soon as she saw the muscle bunch and the cat spring, Snowfrost lowered herself so close to the ground her belly touched and glided on nimble paws forward allowing the rogue to fly over her.

She pivoted at the last second, twisting around with astonishing speed and went to leap onto the she-cat's unprotected back. Her claws dug into and sliced whatever they could reach, as her teeth went for the left ear. It wouldn't have been hard to go for the side of her neck, but Snowfrost honestly didn't want to kill this crazy life-threatening cat, she hated death and killing, it made her feel like she was no better than this dreadful rogue. If she could avoid killing or taking a life, Snowfrost would do her absolute best too.


Elfinpaw didn't think she was doing much damage at all to this monstrous cat, as her size, her fangs weren't all that impressive. Perhaps she should be using her claws maybe? As the thought came to mind, her attention had been on damaging the tom, she didn't even see the paw that came flying at her. She felt it connect her frail body, a shrill wailing noise came from somewhere that sounded rather alarming to her ears. It wasn't until she felt gravity pull herself back to the ground, where she landed and rolled rather painful, did she figure out that the noise had come from her as it had stopped when she shut her maw. The petite apprentice laid there on her side, limbs tangled, and head pounding.

She was disorientated, her ears kept twitched rapidly as her senses slowly righted themselves. Pain, hot and blistering, brought wet tears to her eyes as she blinked them away. Oh, great starclan did battling hurt! As something metallic and vaguely well-known pooled into her mouth, she parted her maw to let the bright crimson liquid leak out of it. Her eyes widened to startling saucers at the sight of the blood, her tongue she had bitten it rather hard during the impact.

The sight of her own blood shook something deep inside her causing a violent tremble to shake her body. She inhaled a large breath, gasping at the searing agony that stabbed furiously at her side. Something was wrong with her lungs. Everything hurt like nothing she's ever felt before, still, Elfinpaw rolled to her belly with tearstained eyes, she grits her teeth while letting out a low growl, begging her legs to stand up. She was sure her clanmates were dealing with wounds worse than her, she couldn't just let them down. She had to give her all and fight for her home just like everyone else.

pidgeon October 1st, 2019 09:19 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 612283)
Obsidian certainly hadn't planned to get caught up in all of this. It might have been a mistake, but he'd belonged to the Dusk Syndicate once. He felt he owed them some fraction of loyalty, and if this was what they wanted... he'd find a way to handle it. Relax. This is all you have to do. Perhaps he felt guilty for the way he'd left things before, but at least once this was done, he would be done. This was the last thing he'd ever do associated with the Dusk Syndicate, and he thought it was a good way to leave things. He wasn't as focused on the attack as other cats; but he'd never been as bloodthirsty as them, either. He was used to surviving. This was the opposite of a survivor's move, and possibly the dumbest thing he had ever done. Would Calia have been proud of him for this? Absolutely not. Still, he'd live through it anyways.

Iceheart growled as she caught sight of the tom prowling around the battlefield. The huge, black she-cat lashed her tail and circled around him, her fangs bared to reveal teeth already stained with the blood of a different Dusk Syndicate cat. She could sense this tom's apprehension, and it called to her as if he had just asked her to attack him. He was like an anxious piece of prey, without the good sense to turn tail and run. He was hers.

"I took down your pal just fine," She hissed maliciously. "It's your turn, now!" Without another moment's hesitation, she leapt upon Obsidian, using her dense weight to pin him down just as she had done to Hybrid. She dug her hind claws into his back and nipped at his shoulders with sharp teeth. She wanted these mangy rogues out of her clan. She would shred every last one of them!

Sum October 1st, 2019 02:52 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!
A yowl woke Fairthorn from her slumber. She blinked blearily and passed a paw over her eyes, attempting to adjust her vision to the pitch-black of the warriors' den. It must be cloudy, she thought heavily. She lay there for a moment, still breathing the deep breaths of sleep, wondering if the sound had simply been a dream. Her eyelids had just closed again when the sound of another pain-filled yowl wracked its way through her bones up to the tips of her thick, black fur. Well, something's wrong. Immediately, she shot to her feet and sped to the entrance of the den, frantically taking in the dark clearing.

"Great StarClan.." she breathed, eyes narrowing. Cats were fighting each other, and.. a strange scent mingled in the air. It didn't belong to the other Clanners. No, this was different. Something she'd been catching whiffs of for days now, on the pelts of those freeloading loners. Now it was so strong it stung her nose. Anger swelled inside her, burning her chest. What were those crowfood thinking? That they could overthrow ShadowClan? She wasn't sure what their reasons were or who exactly they were, but that could be figured out later. Right now, ShadowClan needed her help! Unsheathing her claws, she stepped out of the den and prepared to fight.


jaybird1346 October 1st, 2019 03:41 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Spotmarsh wasn't one to back down from a fight, and this one was no exception. Despite the fact that this was her first real battle- to her, border skirmishes barely counted- she felt no fear as she flung herself into the thick of claws and flying fur. For the first few heartbeats, she was blinded by adrenaline and lashed out at any cat who didn't smell of ShadowClan. But, soon enough, she realized that this wasn't doing much good, and that she was mostly just getting in the way. She leaped away from the throng of battling cats and her piercing green eyes scanned the outskirts for a worthy opponent.

Dust October 1st, 2019 08:21 PM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by BILL. (Post 612031)
Barreling in with the rest of the rogues, Wolverine bared his teeth as he hissed at the Clan cats. Filthy pieces of crowfood, they didn't deserve this territory, and he was ready to prove that to them. One corpse at a time.

His gazed scanned the clearing before it came to rest on another tom, and he was on the move-- immediately going to lunge for the tom's throat.

[closed between us for now, but i'll need a cat to kill wolverine later on ;o!]

( Sorry this is so late ;-; If you're still up for it )

It was inevitable... Acornfall could have seen this coming a mile away. Once the first scream had reached his ears, the senior warrior was up and tripping over himself to get into the clearing. It was absolute chaos.... He must have been too busy watching in horror because it wasn't until the stranger was directly in front of him, lunging for his throat, that Acornfall flinched and reared backwards. The warrior had moved just in time to prevent his opponent from latching straight on, though the others attack had grazed along his throat. It felt like razors had pinched at his skin, managing to draw warm blood from beneath his pelt. As the warrior re-balanced himself, he lashed a single paw forward with a screech.

A guttural hiss left his throat exposing his fangs and tongue. Every hair was on end. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins. He kept himself relatively low to the ground, ready to move as fast as he could once Wolverine attacked. Acornfall's eyes blazed with hatred as he tried to lock the other in a threatening stare. He wasn't interested in sharing words of treachery or spite, only spilling blood.

Undertaker October 2nd, 2019 09:24 AM

Re: ShadowClan Raid!

Originally Posted by Vermin (Post 612396)
Grizzlypaw eyes widen like orange twin moons to see him boldly launching forward into her claws not caring of the scathe inflicted on his wildly raged face. She let out a sharp yelp, unable to back up quick enough to dodge his attack and ended up falling down. Pain soared from her jaws as she clumsily landed face, she wanted to screech in what she was feeling and that was anger overflowing, drowning out her fears. How dare a stinking rogue knock her down so easily?! "Fox dung!" she hissed, swatting at his face before fangs sink into her flesh. The rogue's facial expression slowly started to blur out, was she going to simply faint from fear? Pathetic. Breathing heavily her eyes flashed around to see his front legs, unconsciously, she bucked out her hind legs to buckle down his limbs to fall down so she can take the upper paw. Grizzlypaw scrambled up to her paws then strike right behind his neck to disable his movements. Her claws sunk deep into his flesh clinging on like a tick so he'll have hell of a time to get her off. "If you..don't leave," voice muffled, deepening her fangs at every second. "I'll kill you here and now." Amongst fighting this tom an irritating, ominous, cold voice kept speaking in her mind that slowly got louder. It sounded like mumbles yet the word that rung out clearly was: 'kill him, kill him now.' Each chant made everything more tempting. If this rogue runs off, who knows if he'll come back again to attack his clan being more strong and cunning than before?

Envy felt a light burning sensation across his face where the claws had gotten him rather good for such a puny cat. The havana brown was going to pay her back for that. She went down far easier then he had been expected, he assumed this wasn't one of the great warriors clans spoke highly about., disappointing. As her body started to go limp, the havana was momentarily lost, considering he didn't taste as much blood as he would have liked, he didn't kill her. He flinched, feeling one of forelegs knocked out from underneath him, he kept his balance barely but had to let go of apprentice in order to keep his face from connecting to the ground. He let out a low aggravated growl as he felt more pain behind his neck. "Then kill me or shut up." Envy hissed with a crooked smile, the threat of death didn't alarm or bother him as it would a normal cat. He went into every battle, every raid, expecting death, he welcomed him it. Irked with the gnat that refused to release him, Envy twisted to slam the apprentice down on the ground, his weight wasn't massive but would be enough to knock the apprentice off. Once freed, he untangled himself from the she-cat, inklings of red blood leaking from his new wounds. The tom paid no heed to his injuries as he threw himself back into the fray, this time going for the cat's front leg.


Originally Posted by Skeleton Bliss Girl (Post 612423)

Demontail let out a growl and nudged Citrusflower to flee, but she stayed cowered underneath him. His eyes turned to slits when he heard the cat speak. "Your right. I don't know anything about you, but i know that I live with loyalty and you live like savagaes.", he snapped. The loner felt the cat knock him off balance, but he quickly got up with a snarl. He gave her a bunch of blows on the chest and swung himself around and pinned her to the ground. Citrusflower heard Sloth behind her and manged to get up she nipped the cat on the neck not to hard just hard enough to draw blood.

Pride jumped back to avoid the blows to the chest, having to let go of the tail, wasn't expecting the tom to barrel into her. She let out a frustrating rumble in the back of her throat at being called Savages, this mousebrain was preaching about something he just didn't understand. Just because he was a rogue once suddenly meant he had knowledge on every rogue and loner out there, such arrogance. As Pride found herself stuck on the ground on her back, she arches up to bit into whatever her fangs could find, which happened to be the tom's shoulder, while using her hind legs to batter with long curved claws at the tom's soft belly, she was going to make him bleed, if she couldn't kill him she was going to leave scar and make sure the ground was soaked in his blood as a reminder of what 'savages' could do. Sloth hadn't predicted the molly would hear him, the slender tom winced at the nip to the neck, unconsciously he swung at her with his forepaw without much effort, more concerned about his neck then the battle in front of him.


Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 612471)
Snowfrost found this opponent rather tedious. The slender feline glanced over the rogue's shoulder, rich blue eyes searching for the familiar pelt of her apprentice with avid concern. She wanted to merely bypass this fight all together to ensure that Rabbitpaw was still at least breathing, yet, she didn't dare give her back to this rogue. Wrath had this look to her, edgy, creepy, crazy. Snowfrost had no doubt in her mind that if she merely 'ran' from this fight, the cat would give chase and even if Snowfrost did find Rabbitpaw she honestly did not want to bring trouble with her. So the Russian blue dug her claws into the earth and curled her lips. She forced her mind to settle and her heart to calm its rapid beats. The faster she concentrated, found a weakness, a flaw, the quicker she could be done with this and find her apprentice.

Snowfrost had to push Rabbitpaw from her head, for the time being, there was a reason Snowfrost did her best to not be overly emotional it often cost her just like it had earlier. The senior warrior narrowed her gaze at the rogue, optics watching her legs over the eyes, ears hearing words but ignoring them. As soon as she saw the muscle bunch and the cat spring, Snowfrost lowered herself so close to the ground her belly touched and glided on nimble paws forward allowing the rogue to fly over her.

She pivoted at the last second, twisting around with astonishing speed and went to leap onto the she-cat's unprotected back. Her claws dug into and sliced whatever they could reach, as her teeth went for the left ear. It wouldn't have been hard to go for the side of her neck, but Snowfrost honestly didn't want to kill this crazy life-threatening cat, she hated death and killing, it made her feel like she was no better than this dreadful rogue. If she could avoid killing or taking a life, Snowfrost would do her absolute best too.


Elfinpaw didn't think she was doing much damage at all to this monstrous cat, as her size, her fangs weren't all that impressive. Perhaps she should be using her claws maybe? As the thought came to mind, her attention had been on damaging the tom, she didn't even see the paw that came flying at her. She felt it connect her frail body, a shrill wailing noise came from somewhere that sounded rather alarming to her ears. It wasn't until she felt gravity pull herself back to the ground, where she landed and rolled rather painful, did she figure out that the noise had come from her as it had stopped when she shut her maw. The petite apprentice laid there on her side, limbs tangled, and head pounding.

She was disorientated, her ears kept twitched rapidly as her senses slowly righted themselves. Pain, hot and blistering, brought wet tears to her eyes as she blinked them away. Oh, great starclan did battling hurt! As something metallic and vaguely well-known pooled into her mouth, she parted her maw to let the bright crimson liquid leak out of it. Her eyes widened to startling saucers at the sight of the blood, her tongue she had bitten it rather hard during the impact.

The sight of her own blood shook something deep inside her causing a violent tremble to shake her body. She inhaled a large breath, gasping at the searing agony that stabbed furiously at her side. Something was wrong with her lungs. Everything hurt like nothing she's ever felt before, still, Elfinpaw rolled to her belly with tearstained eyes, she grits her teeth while letting out a low growl, begging her legs to stand up. She was sure her clanmates were dealing with wounds worse than her, she couldn't just let them down. She had to give her all and fight for her home just like everyone else.

Wrath was a little shocked when her paws hit nothing but air, as well as irritated. She preferred head-on battles, cats wrestling and brawling in the dirt, clawing and tearing at whatever they could get. In brute strength against the smaller cat, Wrath was sure she'd win. At the same time, she was somewhat glad that the warrior avoids the attack, she didn't want her fun to be over too fast. Her paws hit the ground and she moves to turn with every intention to lunge at the senior warrior, yet an additional weight on her back catches her off guard. It hurts as claws grip score down her back and fangs rip at her ear. There is pain, but that twisted thrill refuses to leave her as grins manically at the pain and blood that begins to fall to the earth. She lets the cat tear and bit at her however she waits for a few seconds before rearing on her back legs and falling backward to smash the molly below her.

[Open - clan cats are free to interception Gluttony and Elfinpaw]

Gluttony had used a bit more force than he had initially intended to use when hitting the apprentice. He probably should have taken her size into consideration. This really wasn't much of a fight, it was almost more like him playing with a mouse. The serval slowly padded over to the struggling apprentice, mouth-watering at the smells and blood she spat out of her maw. He really did just want to devour her, but he was still a cat and like a cat, he liked to play with his meal before eating. He was still impressed with the fact that she got up after taking such a blow, he supposed she deserved a few more moments of life. He raised a paw, slamming it down on the apprentice to hold her down on her back. His own sickly yellow eyes staring into the ones filled with such determination. He took a seat on the ground, drowning out the cries and calls of the other cats in battle as he sat and just stared. He raised his other free paw, settling all his weight on his haunches, as he slowly allowed his claws to pop out. If he had a tongue and could speak he would of warned the she-cat that this was going to be painful. He didn't have a tongue though, so he merely slowly lowered his claws to her face and began to meticulously rack them over her eyes and lids.

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